View Full Version : tournament in the triple ringed city(help jousting rules 3rd edition/3.5

2022-11-24, 01:42 AM
so i just ran a modified sunless citadel(updated for 3.5 and house rules added)
now that the players have a ton of loot and have cleared out the sunless citadel they want to own the castle as their own. so i set up a quest line:

travel 6-12 days to the royal capital -> seek out how to buy property->find out that you need a deed of ownership;which can be purchased for 5,000 gold and a 15% tax of all earnings each year, and a requirement to protect the near by town->then find out you can only buy a deed of ownership if you have proven yourself to the kingdom-> find a local tournament is being held with the grand prize being a favor from the king->win tournament ->make deals with various crafting guilds to renovate the sunless citadel and/or improve the castle to meet the player's needs->reoccurring bad guy attacks their new castle to test his enemy's strength and to let players use the new castle stuff.(players do not know this)

the players want to get the right to buy the deed so they have entered the tournament.
the players are a 5th level human barbarian,a 5th level sorcerer transforming into a dragon(has wings,breath weapon scales and a tail),and a 5th level cleric of pelor focusing on hunting undead(sun and healing domains) also the only character that rolled nobility as their background and rolled to have 4 generations of nobility.

the tournament is single player meaning the players can all try to compete against the other party members as well as npcs. i made it a point system with the champions of each event getting up to 5pts/day with a bonus 15 points if you are champion of all events of a particular ring.the inner ring is only for nobles and the points are higher at 10pts/day with a bonus 25pts/day if you are the champion of all 3 of your inner ring events and all middle ring events.if you participate in the inner ring you can only do three(3) of those events per day and you can never participate in any event from the outer ring.
the grand prize goes to the person with the highest total score after 7 days.


drinking contest held at tavern
ax throwing contest run by blacksmith that sells the axes in the middle ring but makes them in the outer ring
mixed martial arts with a custom stamina system
wrestling on a weight sensitive platform using the new stamina system
test of might- arm wrestling contest pretty simple strength check to win


ARCHERY CONTEST, both distance and accuracy
PIT FIGHT- gladiator duel with blunted weapons
THE GAUNTLET - a series of rooms all trapped. the goal is to get through all the rooms as fast as possible while taking as little damage as possible.its run by the thief's guild pretending to be the adventurer's guild that guides people through dungeons for a share of the loot.these traps are lethal on purpose as the thief's guild steals all the belongings off the dead.
RADIANT LIGHT'S FOOT RACE-a nod to a book series i liked called the 7th tower by garth nix; this is an obstacle course made out of light constructs the participants are given a sunstone to alter the light constructs to make it easier this one looks like it might be lots of fun
performance contest-participants make perform checks and either pocket 100% of it or give it to the bardic college who then counts it and returns 50% to the participant. the other half is taken as entry fee.the total including the entry fee is logged and whom ever has the highest amount of money earned is the winner.
THIEVES' LABYRINTH- this one is based off of when a thief was caught stealing the crown jewels because he got lost in the king's hedge maze.participants all enter at the same time from various entry points then race to the center to grab the flag first one to bring the flag to the check point wins that day's race and gets the points.i found one of those mazes that have multiple entrances but only one way to get out so it will be a challenge. also i plan on turning on fog of war so that they only know about the part of the map near them.
THREE DRAGON ANTE CONTEST(this is an actual card game similar to poker i have a set i have been wanting to use and we will just be playing that game so dice cant control this event)
ENDURANCE SWIMMING CONTEST- this is a 1 mile swim in total. swim 1/2 mile to the island then swim back then run up hill in the sand to the finish line this uses my new stamina system and is a basic race.
STORY TELLER'S ILLUSION-the entry fee is quite high for this event. as part of the event they put on a ring that lets them sense the magic that permeates the area and then make spell craft checks to shape that magic with spell casters adding their casting attribute's modifier to their spell craft check.this allows non proficient characters to use spell craft. the ring can not damage anyone in any way or do anything that might require a saving throw. it does create sounds,smells,tastes,visuals,and feelings like hot or cold. the participants all tell a story about their greatest adventure using the ring to add to the effects.the tavern owner(place that is hosting the actual contest) and a middle ring's magic shop owner(sponsoring the event with $ and prizes) each get 1 vote for which person was the best.the tavern owner made a deal to bring more money to both businesses with the magic shop owner.each participant has a coin jug/basket/jar with their name on it. if the customer likes their story they put money into the jar for that participant.at the end of the day the money is counted. then the person who had the most money brought in gets 1 vote from the customers.the 3 votes(customers,tavern owner,and magic shop owner) are tallied.and that person wins that day's contest.if there is any kind of tie they award the win to the participant with the next highest amount of money brought in the champions of that day get to keep the ring.
FORGER'S DELIGHT this option is similar to the tv show forged in fire.i am having the participants create a weapon or shield.the best quality,as judged by the royal blacksmith is the winner.i made it take 1 day / 3 successful craft/profession checks. and i made it take 1 craft or profession check per 100 gold point value of the item they are trying to create. they have 7 days to create a decent weapon.


JOUSTING i need better rules as they are right now it is just roll attack roll until some one is knocked out or knocked off the horse.
MAGICIAN'S DUEL-i can't remember the name of the book but i liked the concept.the duelist enter a set area then purposely fail a will save so the duel magic can take effect. as the duel magic envelopes the participant a clear aura surrounds them.the duelists then fight how ever they want not worrying about being lethal.when a participant takes damage the clear aura changes based on the type of damage and what percent of damage they are at.example you cut just above their eyes normally blood would run into their eyes but instead the aura turns red and starts blocking sight unless the "wound" is treated.the magic basically turns all damage and negative side effects into changes to the aura so you can train a person with out fear of losing a life.when a person is at 75% max hp the aura darkens but doesnt impede any more than mentioned above. when a person is at 50% max hp the aura darkens to a dark grey
when a person is at 0% max hp the aura turns black and they are eliminated from the duel.
SUMMONER'S CHESS i saw this concept in complete warrior thought it could be fun, but i altered it a bit.participants choose 1 of 5 different staffs(might color code them or something idk) each staff comes with at least 2 summoning spells and 3 other spells.participants then roll initiatives. on your first turn you must summon at least 1 creature. on future turns you must choose to summon a new creature,use 1 of your non summoning spells, move a creature,or attack a creature.the person with the most creatures on the field at the end of the time limit wins the match. each day a bracket will be decided for a new mini tournament.
horse racing contest-participants use custom stamina system and ride skill checks to race their horse(must provide your own mount must be a horse). might split this into small and medium cause smaller creatures ride smaller animals.
SEEK AND DESTROY- this is something i saw in the fairy tail anime i liked this game. the participants are put in a massive arena with numerous mirror image clones inside the arena +1 point if you hit the real version then target is teleported at random and all the clones are reset. if you hit a clone -1 point and you are teleported at random and all the clones are reset.after a set time which ever participant has the most points is the champion of this event for that day.

i have almost everything for the tournament ready but i can not find any rules on jousting other than complete warrior. any one know any other books with jousting rules the complete warrior felt lacking.

TL:DR i need help with rules for jousting for 3rd or 3.5 edition that are not from the complete warrior
the rest is just campaign context