View Full Version : Magnificence! [Setting]

2007-12-01, 04:25 PM
Hello all, even though I've never played a roleplaying game (not including nethack) I've somehow been forced into being GM for some friends. I only have the core books to work with so I made up a world for them...all in one night, my mind is melting I tell you! :smile:
I can't believe how much I wrote, it's way to much for you guys to read, so just pick a bit and comment on it please, then go back and read some more if you like the idea. I appologise in advance if it makes no sense at all, this world was built on a train of thought! :wink:

The City of Magnificence

General notes:

• Humans of the Western continent have an affinity to a totem animal, they created clans built on the principles their animal represents.
• Humans of the Northern continent are part of an old crumbling empire.
• Humans of the South and East are not known to most.
• Much of the world is uncharted.
• Dwarves are spread thinly across the globe, found in mountains. They are most common in the south however.
• Elves have faded from the world long ago.
• Goblins are a myriad of chaotic races and subraces, a common goblin could have a brother that walks on all fours and a sister that has the Outsider type.
• Dragons exist outside of time; they can find holes through to the world by tempting wizards to open portals for them. What is considered a dragon varies between cultures.
• On that note, there is little knowledge on monsters at all.
• Many gods exist, covering everything from the sun to chocolate.
• Magic is taught in collages, but is still a deep meaningful art. Teachers have a connection to their pupils that runs deep.

Brief Ganger History

• War of True Hunger 0KH – 20KH
What came before this for the barbarians of the Western lands is long forgotten. The war was a full scale battle between every clan for food and water sources as a great all consuming famine struck. Though a distant memory, bonds, oaths and rivalries formed in those early days still linger. Many clans were wiped out completely in this time, their descendants lost to the winds.
• Age of Reprisal 20KH – 433KH
Clan Bear, Elephant and Owl climbed to power after the war and with joint effort carved out an empire within the savannah and marsh further south. There efforts were hampered by Clan Lion that felt Elephant had betrayed them, for reasons still unknown today.
Clan Crab and Barracuda allied and forced out several clans from their region, only for the Barracuda to turn on them and through many fierce battles, lose, Barracuda took to the waves and were never seen again.
Clan Robin stood its ground against pillagers of other clans and built the first great walled city. The city's rule was harsh but fair and over time clanless and exiled people joined under their banner.
Clan Gecko dabbled with the arcane arts and summoned a dragon, the beast devoured many and was killed by a clever trap built by the elders of the Clan Stoat, Gecko have been indebt ever since.
A band of dwarves appear from mountains and spread discontent among all people. They were heartless mercenaries that fought for the highest bidder. It is thought they caused many of the battles between the people.
Goblin raiders stalked the land, foul beasts began to roam and attack anyone in their presence. The attacks were always short lived and without known meaning. The goblins would often steal children, their fate unknown.
In strict contrast to their peers, a new clan, Swan, walked the land as diplomats and lorekeeprs that aided those still suffering from disease and hunger.
Many more blood feuds began within this long age, Reprisal was a terrible part of human history.
• War of Young Blood 433KH – 457KH
Thundering forth from the nameless city, the legendary Bloody Monarch sent his armies to destroy mankind. Many men and women died fighting, leaving their young to fend for themselves. In desperation and genius a boy named Esward who held no clan taught many of the remaining people to tame and ride the wild stallions and lead them on a successful campaign against the dark armies and built a semi-nomadic empire along the woodland and plains the horses lived upon. Clan Horse was born.
It was during this war that Clan Lion was destroyed when they were manipulated by Clan Stoat into attacking the armies head on to give Clan Horse more time. They do not regret this action.
Robin, with its walled city left this war unscathed, perhaps its ranks even grew as people took shelter within it.
• Unity of Clans 457KH – 499KH
Though Esward had beaten back the Monarch, the West folk were all but shattered, living in hovels and isolated villages. Esward travelled with his most loyal brethren with the goal of joining everyone as all-clans-within-one or "Ganger". He was for the most part successful and with them all his empire grew.
However the Elephant stayed within the ruins of their savannah home, sure they could return it to its former glory.
Likewise the Robin joined in spirit, but did not leave their walled abode.
• The Just Campaign 499KH – 421KH
The Bloody Monarch sent his armies forth again, the people were ready and the elderly Esward's and his seven powerful daughters lead the people towards the white towers that the goblins poured from. Along the way the dwarves were brought together as a single unit to fight and slowly reclaimed their honour and the Ganger became thought of as equals.
As they won more and more battles the Ganger gained many allies, such as the famous nameless magi from the Northern country to the cunning All-Fingers the Goblin and many other powerful and interesting individuals.
The last battle took place in the Monarchs throne room, where he and Esward's daughters slew each other.
• City Renewed 421KH – 665KH
After the war was over everyone agreed that there would be a Council, everyone would have a Speaker to talk on their clan, philosophy and religions sect behalf. All were equal under Magnificence.

Brief Dwarven History

• Fall of Innsvankenchen 110KH – 111KH
Innsvankenchen shut itself out from the world, they had not heard from others of their kin from over three hundred years. King Uaff was the leader that caused this, a insane warlord that none dare oppose for his arcane might, under his rule the dwarves dug and dug into their mountain to appease their leader's greed. His advisor was a seer and warned that a beast was trapped under the mountain and that this would lead to freeing it. Uaff ignored him and fate took its course, the beast took the fortress for itself with ease, Uaff's skull was said to hang from a chain around the monster's neck.
• Years of the Cloak 111KH – 183KH
Tiristun was a wanted thief within the fortress, surviving for centuries in the mines, a symbol of hope during the tyranny. She lead the dwarves down from the mountain to the desert below, taught them the art of moving in the shadows and how to steal silently from the barbarians to keep themselves fed. Her followers would ask daily when they would take the fortress back and reclaim their honour, the answer was "later", but it never came to pass.
• Era of Honourless Battle 183KH – 460KH
Lokask, son of Uaff's advisor and Tiristun's attendant, perhaps more than that, called Tiristun "Goblinfriend" and revolted upon her rule and lead the dwarves further into the plains just as the Age of Reprisal was at it's peak and however he is often blamed for it's length. He motivated his people to battle and bartered with the clansmen for their sword-arm in their petty wars. His son Lokahelm took his place upon his death in battle and was a grim leader, using his small army as pawns in a game, it is said his only delight was manipulating wars to get those he had planned onto the thrones of their clans.
A lowly soldier broke Lokasks neck during a feast and took the title of King over the dwarves. Thram had no goal and was overwhelmed by his position, often using force to quell his subjects. In his later years his son's were said to be the power behind the throne. After living a long life and surviving many battlers Thram died a sudden death at a feast, his ale poisoned.
• Glory Time & the Rise of Hostbrom 460KH – 665KH
The Great Twinned Kings, Dourman and Cobsung, born of the dull-witted Thram, none would of guessed they would be so keen of mind and sharp of wit. They stopped the mercenary work of the dwarves and gifted them with pride in dwarven-kind again. The twins are brilliant tacticians and diplomats, said to far more clever than the Stoat could ever dream of being, but they also love their kind and live only to improve them and build them a safe haven. They allied with Clan Horse and took the underground of the city for themselves.
Beneath Magnificence the twins still rule, they have eyes and ears all over the city and having lived within the city since its conception, what dark secrets do they know?

2007-12-01, 04:27 PM
The Over City

The city is an enigma, a puzzle.
Whitest marble towers reach towards the passing clouds, intricately designed paved streets show scenes from a distant past unheard of, arcane insignia hold bridges aloft over crystal clear waterways and all buildings, from the grandest tower to the lowliest home are filled with warmth from beneath the floors and beautiful, glowing mosaics cover the ceilings. The architecture too was created by minds far ahead of the people of both Ganger and Dwarf alike, twisting spires, carved circular windows holding amber window panes, domed entrance halls to the sleek, regal towers, great bronze pillars that mark the stars above and archways make the urban landscape appear almost natural, as if it rose from the earth as one, single whole. Arcane magic was, most historians are sure, a major part of its inception; the tallest and thinnest towers seem to defy the winds and man staircases, bridges, roofs and balcony seem to hold themselves aloft with the aid of chains of joints. The most prominent arcane in the city Floating Pyramid, a building that hovers just above the ground and is the current residence of the Sceptic’s Guild.

It wasn’t until the Just Campaign that anybody knew the Bloody Monarch did not construct the immense location. All thought it was rightfully his, it appears that just as the Ganger took it, so did he long, long ago. What became of its citizens is a mystery to all, it is assumed they had a form like a man for the doors and holdings within. The Council are slowly making progress in unravelling the cities wonders and history, but those with a keen mind and a strong arm are hard to come by, they are always on the look out for those willing to delve into the secrets of the city.

The most famous landmark in Magnificence is the Beacon Blue, the symbol of triumph and harmony of clansmen. As wide as it is tall, the sapphire palace was once the keep of the Bloody Monarch, but is now the workplace of the Council and the many local speakers and foreign diplomats. Unlike the rest of the city, the style of the building is sharp, imposing and perhaps the only thing the Bloody Monarch had built in uncountable years he caused fear through the land. Everything about the Beacon is heavy; the first door is cast iron and large enough to fit a elephant through comfortable, a testimonial to the terrifying size of the Monarch and from their the thick shadows within give the place a aura of weight, every step echoes, every object forged from iron. Within the heart of the Beacon, in the Throne Room the Council go about their business of keeping the city running, a task that gets more challenging every day, behind them as they quarrel still stands the gigantic, ominous, black throne of the Monarch, a constant reminder of what tyranny brings. Every night the peak of the Beacon shines a dim light that circles the outer edge of the city, showering it in a very faint blue, what was once a terrible means to spread fear in slaves is now a sign that the Council and the city guard are watching for criminals

A few areas of the city were ruined before and during the Just Campaign and have been rebuilt to the best of the people’s abilities. In contrast to the pure shimmering whiteness of the rest of the city, the only stone to be found of similar quality was a hard red stone within the southern canyons and as such these minor buildings of Magnificence stand out. However they are not treated as unworthy places, in fact “Redboroughs” as they are known to be filled with wealthy patriots, retired soldiers and rich supply of travellers at the inns and casinos. The tops of these towers are often flat, a contrast to the thinning points of the others, small herb gardens are often to be found here giving the Redboroughs a aroma that can’t be matched.

Magnificence is divided into districts in which are run by a Ganger clan who oversee a particular civil service and work for the good of the city as a whole, though the city guard that is up of people of all clans and races patrols each district without impunity. Within each district are large parks that house the clans specially bred animals that serve as symbols of clan honour and power.
The Horse district tightly encircles the Beacon Blue; they are unofficially in charge of the Council and prepare its meeting. This is the district of law and order, of judges and jails, taxation and control. The streets are a rush of busy people dressed in finery stiffly marching from embassy to courthouse to office block. The clan’s famous horses now pound the streets rode by the highest ranking city guard, ready to deal with justice all over the city. It is also famous for the Arched Gymnasium, a place of physical training and countless sports that can be bet upon, both legally and otherwise.
The Bear district covers the west of the city and is a place of contemplation, whether within the Temple of All or the Sceptic’s Guild, this district is full of free thinkers. It also has an active theatre and many of the city’s touts and bards live and work here. A few of the sacred bears the clan is named for are said to live inside the districts park, but the sightings are rare.
The Owl and Swan district, often called the Avian district, takes up the north of the city and is the home of alchemy, invention and considered the most important my the populace, the greatest hospital known to the Western land. Many foreign workers flock, so to speak, to this district as it is the home of the city’s postmen and Scout Guild, jobs that only skill is diligence and a quick step. The presence of the birds is felt by the residence, swans sail across the districts ponds by day while owls of all shapes and sizes hoot through the night.
The Crab district is in eastwards and the city garrison, plain and simple. It also houses the cities largest bank and vault, for obvious reasons.
The Stoat & Gecko district, sometimes called the Creeping district covers the south of the city and has the greatest colleges known to man; they don’t just teach the fine arts and skills of the scribe, but to those that show competence, magic. Many a pupil has fought for the attention of their Headmaster, all of whom are erudite masters of the arcane that may take a child to the Court of the Magi for training

2007-12-01, 04:28 PM
The Under City

The city does not end with what a traveller might see, for under the city is another named Dignity, or Hostbrom in its native tongue. The first layer of the city was the home of the goblin slaves of the Monarch and is a multitude of wet, narrow tunnels that fling in different direction wildly. Most tunnels lead to another, with but a few leading to a burrow and others leading into the ancient sewer system and back out to another tunnel. Fungus clings to the walls, trinkets and crude implements lay scattered, the smell of death still lingers with bones pushed hard into the ground and steep drops are not unheard off. To this day many traps still lurk for the unwary.

Beneath this however are smoothed, masterfully and proudly crafted stone halls refined with silver upon every object therein from their ample mineshafts. Spreading evenly below the city are the dwarves, no expense was spared and even the most plains-loving man would e hard pressed to find the city enclosing. With the added merit of digging ones home, the dwarves can afford to built expansive places of work, their industrial efforts take up vast areas of cave, safe in the knowledge they can built the feast halls and bedrooms of the people underneath them. Luck favours the twin kings, the dwarves have recently found an underground waterway and are beginning to farm beside it with care and diligence, safe in the knowledge they have taken every precaution to stop flooding. They have brilliant relations with those above, but seldom talk with them, preferring to have their needs made clear at Council meetings, however they trade every harvest and take great care to come to the surface in their best armour and are polite in their dealings of silver and dwarf craft items in return for food and cloth. To the south of the city are the dry, rocky canyons and it is here that Dignity are currently investigating as a place to extend there city to, to have a place outside the city to call their own, many creatures and secrets reside here and many dwarves are on mission there to learn all they can about it.

2007-12-01, 04:30 PM
The Waytowns

Beyond the white walls of Magnificence are the Waytowns, those that came after the barbarians, often from the north islands where the jobs are few and the noble upper-class control everything from religion to agriculture. They are just trying to make a living through hard labour and surprising to themselves as much as the barbarians they are a resource that is sorely needed, while the Ganger accustomed to democracy and high living, they were never skilled farmers or fishers and a devoted Waytownie can make a good profit from selling his goods. They hope to one day be a part of the city and often take the lowest jobs for the lowest pay if they do not grow crops outside the city, but they keep smiling and take what they can to build a future for their children, Waytown members are often the most patriot people around and instil in their children a need to be a part of the city. The Waytowns surround the city completely so it is often difficult to know when one ends and another begins however there are a notable few:

Grasping at the southern walls is Candour, a collection of eccentrically shaped wooden huts, any guest can tell that these houses are under constant improvement, with two story huts leaning away from the winds, long extensions and mock Magnificence architecture such has red stone miniaturised towers placed on the huts, crude orange windows and above all each house waves the flag of the Ganger. Each hut has a large garden which the owner cares for between labours within the city, the produce is sold at harvest to feed the city populace and slowly but surely larger farms are beginning to rise as the people of this Waytown find their cultivation skills wanted. Candour, built by men and women seeking a new home as their nation falls into corruption, is the rising star of the Waytowns and even has a seat within the Council, the Candour folk are after one thing; a place within the city as citizens and are more than willing to test their mettle for that right. The people are competitive with each other, if one where to add a porch every single one would, pride in ones house is a priority and the people often bring there children into these games of one-upmanship, forcing them to become better educated and more athletic than their young rivals. It’s becoming quite a busy place; it already has a few bars and trinket shops besides the farms, it’s not unheard of for a Candourish fellow to work in the city, on the farm and own a shop.

Built on a cliff covered in tall grasses and thick, thorny bushes Brink is officially, as official as any are, a Waytown. But that is not the case, when the city was founded the barbarians were held to their word by the pirate queen and to this day any pirate under the queen’s banner can safety stay within the town without fear of charges and as such is accused of being the underlining cause of criminal acts within all the other Waytowns. Brink sits lazy on the edge of the Wandering Cliff; several houses have already gone over and crashed into the waves. The houses themselves are bright and cheerful with simple, swirling sea paintings adorning the outer walls, nautical memorabilia hung on the fences and each door painted to suit the owner, their large gardens cared for, competition held between Brink folk for the best roses is fiercer than many may guess. The people don’t trouble themselves with the city politics and rarely squabble between themselves, knowing that each has their own way and as long as they leave them alone, everything’s fine. Brink seems to exist solely to trouble the young city and to wave a skull and cross-bones flag of narcissism. At a glance the motto of Brink could be “Live for today”, but it’s deeper than that, it stems from the pirates, its “You will die, enjoy it, take it, have it, and then die.”

Some distance east of the city is Vigour, one of the smallest Waytowns, built on dry scrubland. It has garnered the interest of the city for its skilled craftsmen. Each house is efficiently built from the surrounding clay with warm, thatched roofs, every house is of a similar size and the roads of Vigour are wide and built for merchants. Vigour was designed for the city to come to it, not the other way around. Most of people within it are from the clans that didn’t side with Esward all those years ago, the Bat, the Crocodile, the Robin and all manner of hardy folk. They are a focused people that aren’t afraid to haggle with the city merchants for their masterfully crafted rings and heavy armours. They wear their heritage with pride and young boys of the Waytown must undergo rituals to become men and members of Wish, especially women, often go on spiritual and social hunting trips that may last up to three weeks. They pay homage to the city like all the other Waytowns, but Vigour has grand dreams of its own.

Mourn, perhaps more than Brink, is not a Waytown. It continues to persist because Mourn’s founder, a goblin known as All-fingers Daniel, served as a spy against the Bloody Monarch and was faithful to the end, though he lost both his eyes in the final clash for the city. From a distance the place seems like a set of empty, barren hills with the occasional whisp of smoke rising from the ground, but the closer one gets, the louder it becomes until you find yourself standing on not just rolling hills, but burrows overflowing with goblins and all manner of outcasts and bandits. There is no distinct leader of Mourn, but the strongest and smartest have the most stuff, and that’s all that matters. It wasn’t always this way, in fact at its conception the goblins that turned to Ganger were hardened military veterans with the will to carve a new way of life for themselves and their children, but goblins die young and within two generation the shackles of the Monarch that once held sway faded and the goblins became the savages their blood willed them to be. Though wild, like the goblins before them they fear authority and try their best to keep the fights and thievery within Mourn, but woe to a traveller that walks through Mourn. Rarely found in the city, goblins can be found wandering aimlessly around the Temple of All because their pantheon is so vast that they make, surprisingly, decent go-betweens for the clergy. No one knows how deep the burrows go, many assume they are shallow pits dug into the hills… but a few paranoid dwarves think they want back into Dignity, which they constantly deny.

2007-12-01, 04:33 PM
So far so good.

You clearly have an idea as to what the world is meant to feel like, which is one of the most important things to have in a campaign setting. So long as you maintain this sort of energy, everything should be fine.

There is nothing quite like leading a group of players through your campaign world and watching them grow to love it as their own.

2007-12-01, 04:53 PM
Clansmen as player characters:
As a human, with a few exceptions. They are vaguely more powerful than the average person. Most humans, even within the clans, use the basic stats of a human, these are paragons of the clans.

The Clans of the City

Heroic Clan Horse
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving horses.
Gain the feat, Iron Will
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Ranger being favoured.

They are often tanned, with flowing curled hair ranging from chestnut to deepest black and often have emerald eyes. However their heritage is mixed and some have darker skin or a few have hazel or light brown eyes. A few even show other traits. Though not a natural skill, most learn to ride and use a bow. The Horse respects his elders and knows his history, he knows that unity is strength.

Wise Clan Bear
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving bears.
Gain the feat, Endurance
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Monk being favoured.

Their skin has shades between darkest to lightest chocolate with thick, straight black hair and the eyes of a every Bear are small and black. Older Bears often grow thick beards that they leave to grow as it will. Many are of a large size with large hands and wide shoulders. A life of thought means most Bears are wise beyond thier years and a young Bear must fight for his beliefs, meaning many grow to be quite intimidating.

Watchful Clan Owl
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving owls.
Gain the feat, Alertness
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Rogue being favoured.

Large, looming eyes are the first thing anyone notices, often piercing blue or silver. Their skin is often pale with freckles or purely, ghost white and their hair is blonde, curly and often cut short. The eyebrows of a Owl are noticably long, joining with their hairline. Elderly Owls are often frail and lose their blonde hair, leaving their long eyebrows intact and looking even longer. Owls make brilliant scouts and thieves, and their history is filled with cunning Owl taking from the other clans, its this that make most Owls look to the future and take a active part in the urban life. They have cultivated a good place for themselves and a mindful of newcomers to the city and often take up the mantle of city guard.

Gentle Clan Swan
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving swans.
Gain the feat, Great Fortiture
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Cleric being favoured.

Most Swans are beautiful, naturally thin with slender necks and long fingers. Their skin is usually peach and full of life, their eyes are soft blues and browns and their hair is almost always bright blonde or even white. Swans are a caring lot, their heart firmly set on continuing the city life and are diplomatic in their dealings with others.

Keen Clan Stoat
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving small mammals.
Gain the feat, Dodge
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Sorcerer being favoured.

Stoats are often shorter and narrower than most, with long legs and thin arms. Stoats come in many colours, often their skin is a patchwork of ruddy tan and ashen with shiny brown hair, however they sometimes grow moustaches which are always a bright white. Stoats revel in their history as fast talkers and wild men and often try to emulate their ancestors while enjoying the things the city brings. Rank is often shown by wearing the most expensive and beautiful robes of as many colours as they can find.

Calm Clan Gecko
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving lizards.
Gain the feat, Magical Aptitude
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Wizard being favoured.

Pallid, slimey looking skin, yellowing eyes and without exeption bald, Geckos are often thought of as sullen. Some are born with webbed fingers and toes, a sign greatly admired among themselves. Geckos are masters of the arcane, and are constantly stuggling against the Stoat that gain the Art though birthrite rather than knowledge, but a select few of the younger generation appear to be casting the Art in ways the Stoat seem incapable off.

Strong Clan Crab
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving crabs.
Gain the feat, Power Attack
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Fighter being favoured.

Barrel chested and stout, but with nimble movements the Crab were once masters of guerrilla warfare but have turned to many persuits since then. With reding skin, flat nose, pale green eyes and wavey ginger hair, the Crab are hard for the uknowledgeable to distinguish. They often gain tattoos as they gain rank within the clan and a good tattoo artist is prized. As they grow old, their skin tightens and it is said a old Crab is a tough foe. They are patriotic and kind, but never humble.

Those not of Ganger

Stately Clan Elephant
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving elephants.
Gain the feat, Power Attack
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Druid being favoured.

Powerful Build: The physical stature of Elephants lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger.

Whenever a Elephant is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the half-giant is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him.

A Elephant is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A Elephant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
(note: Taken from the internet, I have to look over how this plays out, no Elephant players for a while I think.)

Tall and weighty with black skin and large hooked noses, the Elephant is a regal sight. Their eyes come in many shades and are adorned with thick eyelashes. Piercing is common and each one within an area of the body shows a skill of the Elephant and is claimed to channel nature’s power though them. An elderly Elephant is wrinkled with large wet eyes that are said to invoke emotion in the hardiest warrior. The Elephants strive to endure the elements, wars and all manner of obstacles with their heads held high and are ready to defend their homeland to the last man. The leaders of the clan are often women with experiance both as soldiers and in raising children, they believe this is as close to perfect as a leader can get, as such many aspiring leaders take husands early in life so later years can be spend soley on leading the people.

Savage Clan Crocodile
Medium sized
Base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
3 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
2 extra skill points to on Handle Animal bonus involving crocdiles.
Gain the feat, Alertness
Favored Class: Any. With Barbarian and Cleric being favoured.

Almost albino, they have little colour to them at all. Their colour comes from their personality, most Crocodiles are scheming tricksters that live by a thousand unwritten laws. They are above all patient. All Crocodiles rituality scar themselves, a famed warrior for example would have seven cuts along each side of his face. They often wear black leather cloaks and wide brimmed hats in the city, but in their river homes they are said to hunt nude. Many Crocodiles keep to the ways there people have always lived, and most learn the skill of weilding a spear and fishing.

Walled Clan Robin

Lost Clan Barracuda

Dead Clan Lion

Shattered Clan Bat

Hidden Clan Tarantula

Tainted Clan Fox

2007-12-01, 04:56 PM
So far so good.

You clearly have an idea as to what the world is meant to feel like, which is one of the most important things to have in a campaign setting. So long as you maintain this sort of energy, everything should be fine.

There is nothing quite like leading a group of players through your campaign world and watching them grow to love it as their own.

Thankss for the comment Somebloke, I beginning to think it could be a okay place to adventure in, at least as good as first edition DnD, and peope still play in old Greyhawk I hear.

Have you made a world for some players too? Do you have a thread for it?

2007-12-01, 05:14 PM
Thankss for the comment Somebloke, I beginning to think it could be a okay place to adventure in, at least as good as first edition DnD, and peope still play in old Greyhawk I hear.

Have you made a world for some players too? Do you have a thread for it?

Absolutely. I'm going through something like revision #4 (I've run it a few times before) and every time it gets a little closer to what I originally wanted. Lots of houserules though- I've got a few of them on the thread under 'The Complete Low Magic."

As for your Clansmen ideas, they are a little bit more powerful- this is probably going to be a bit unbalancing at low levels. You should probably drop the extra feat at 1st level and just go with the specific clan feat.

2007-12-01, 05:24 PM
Absolutely. I'm going through something like revision #4 (I've run it a few times before) and every time it gets a little closer to what I originally wanted. Lots of houserules though- I've got a few of them on the thread under 'The Complete Low Magic."

As for your Clansmen ideas, they are a little bit more powerful- this is probably going to be a bit unbalancing at low levels. You should probably drop the extra feat at 1st level and just go with the specific clan feat.

Do'h, I should of said, the feat they gain replaces the extra feat a human usually gains.:smallwink:

2007-12-01, 06:50 PM
Guilds and Sects

Guilds are part business, part philosophy. Being a member of a guild is a full time job, the lowliest to the highest are expected to pull their weight. Most Guilds gain members at a steady rate, but only those of a similar mindset and a useful skill stay for long, Guilds don't want hangers-on. Starting a Guild is a serious thing, the Council itself reviews and elects Guilds and illegally set up Guilds are struck down by the true Guilds as quickly as they can.

Sceptic's League

Embodying the need to understand, the doubters question everything and everyone. In this new age of reason superstition must be cast out and replaced with cold, hard logic.

They are not fool’s however, and things that are considered facts in Magnificence such as the existence of magic has not passed them by and in fact they are allied with the Academy of the Magi.

It is said the founder of the group was a veteran of the War of Young Blood and after the final battle with the Bloody Monarch he sat upon a boulder outside of the city for forty days and nights, now called Philosopher’s Rock, and contemplated the meaning of life. He killed himself after writing the book still cherished by the guild, The Pattern; the book itself is filled with notes and reviews of the natural world and various ideas on how magical beasts live, suggesting many are just animals and others are pure myth.

The current base is within the Floating Pyramid in the Bear district.

The Pontiffs

Leaping Flame Band

Academy of the Magi

The White Hats

Sects are religious movements, many are rivals for worshipers but also because some even worship the same deities, but they do so under different names of think of them differently. They are happy to have casual members, but those that enter the clergy will have to spread the faith and show through action how much better they are than the others. High clerics of any faith are showmen these days.

Hmm, I've hit a snag on Sects. Anyone help in designing them?

My ideas are,
A sun goddess and moon god that love each other but rarely get to meet up. Think summer, magic, stars and community. CG

A seperate Sect believe the sun and moon are at war are and unfeeling elementals. Think famine, droughts, hunting and war LE

The general nature goddess is replaced by a religion dedicated to thousands and thousands of spirits. Examples: Prince Monkey, Woman of the Nagia River, Mushroom Lady of the Mountain, Wheat Child, Spirit of Doors ect. TN, but with a bit of everything. Goblins are casual worshipers of these guys and many have goblin-like features.

A Ocean God is a genderless horror, much like the Kraken and outerspace monsters. NE clerics, but the god is of animal intelligence or of a alien intelligence at best.

The Stranger god, a Sect feared by all the others the Stranger tells his clerics this is but one of hundred of worlds. The Stranger is a god banished from its original world. CN?

2007-12-01, 06:53 PM
Legendary Heores and Dastardly Foes!

Ancient Artifacts and Inspired Inventions

2007-12-02, 08:50 AM
When the Ganger first formed, one of the first topics was the Gods. Each clan had a pantheon of their own, but as they became closer as a people their Gods metaphorically met each other, melted together if their portfolios covered the same areas, fought each other and bred together until only the strongest survived. As others join the city, more gods have been added, though their rank may have fallen, leaving them as household spirits or servants of Magnificence's Gods.

Portfoilo: rulership, laws, heroes, archers, ethics, tactics, clouds, rain, storms, judgement
Domains: Nobility, Strength, Glory, Community, Weather, Liberation
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Favoured Weapons: Composite Longbow

Frayatlan lead a battle to her father's keep, the others were devoured by the God, but she alone was still a match for the elderly God and she blinded him with arrows from her bow made from the rib of Fate itself. Then she cut out his stomach releasing her fellows and took the Crown of Heaven for herself.
She is just, wise and true to her word, but no kinder than her father. She does hold heroes in high reguard and if the mood takes her she will grant them small boons.

Portfoilo: fools, jewels, poor bandits, docters, witches, medicine, flame, volcanoes, summer, riddles, smiths, forges
Domains: Trickery, Magic, Fire, Healing
Alignment: Neutral Good
Favoured Weapons: Short Sword

Foe to Kuelrom since the beginning of time, as Kuelrom created the first sword, he forged the first shield. He convinced his daughter to turn on him, unaware just how strong she was and with the death of his rival he has now moved his efforts away from tricks and too his other hobbies, such as healing.
Bumbati is the on-off lover of Frayatlan and it is thought the skies clear whenever he visits his Queen's adobe. His clerics are often picked for their good deeds and are known to be great healers as well as prancksters.

Portfoilo: messengers, scribes, travel, nomads, mirth, revelry, music, tall tales, history, dreams, rest
Domains: Dream, Travel, Good, Earth
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Favoured Weapons: Rapier

Portfoilo: wind, crafts, invention, alchemists, autumn, agriculture, farmers, hermits, mountain paths
Domains: Knowledge, Air, Creation, Mind
Alignment: Lawful Good
Favoured Weapons: Unarmed strike

Portfoilo: death, illness, the elderly, cemeteries, winter
Domains: Repose, Chaos, Darkness, Cold
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Favoured Weapons: Punching dagger

Portfoilo: murder, horror, vengeance, death, pain, night,
Domains: Animal, Destruction, Inquisition, Strength
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Favoured Weapons: Greatclub

Portfoilo: the spirits of the dead, the underworld, ore, mining, ruins,
Domains: Death, Law, Evil, Decay
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Favoured Weapons: Mace

Portfoilo:the blind, rulership, tempests
Domains: Storm, Tyranny, Courage, War
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Favoured Weapons: Longsword

Portfoilo: both good and bad luck, gambling, spring,
Domains: Luck, Oracle
Alignment: True Neutral
Favoured Weapons: Falchion

2007-12-02, 09:22 AM
looks godd, any chance of getting some flavor for the clans outside the city?

2007-12-02, 09:25 AM
looks godd, any chance of getting some flavor for the clans outside the city?

In time I hope to add them in, but I'm still putting together the city (or as much as I need to flesh out).

Of whatever you read, what did you like? :smallwink:
Are the clans outside the city something you think the players will want to find out about?:smalleek:

2007-12-02, 09:59 AM
Cockerel I'll have to make a better designed thread some time, for now I'm just thinking away.

I'm replacing the Motherly Earth Goddess most settings have with thousands of spirits, elemental and dead heroes and the like that represent different parts of nature. They also have much more pin-pointed portfolios, in this post I'll write down my ideas for them, feel free to toss some ideas out there. Some may even gain stats of their own and fight the party if they ever reach the dizzy peaks of epic level.

No single spirit can gain a person power, so a cleric or druid of nature will be blessed by a group of them which the cleric may choose at character creation. Many spirits are a odds at any given time and a cleric of nature may be more trouble than its worth.
However, some great clerics have been known to join the rabble of spirits when they die.

Big Mushroom Lady
Portfoilo: mountain villages, edible mushrooms, cotton, widows who's husband died at war, orphans, mourning, bonfires
Domain: Community
A woman so strong of will she did not die and can still be seen walking the same mountain path she always has. She awaits her husbands return.

Baboon Prince
Portfoilo: baboons, needless anger, deformity, alcohol, drums, wild dancing, tin, wrestling
Domain: Destruction
He lead the last of his clansmen to their deaths long before known history, he used their deaths so attain divinity. He cares only for the ruthless and strong.

Wheat Child
Portfoilo: harvest, farms, barns, working children, chickens, dawn, slings, friendship
Domain: Plant
Riding a giant cockerel, no know his history and he never tells. He protects farms and those travelling with farm goods to sell. He is an active spirit and many farmers recall the afternoon they played with a nameless child.



Fuum Bango
2007-12-02, 01:03 PM
I, the great Fuum Bango, approve of this. I love the Waytowns, a nice read too.

The little spirity gods are cool too.

2007-12-03, 12:58 PM
I, the great Fuum Bango, approve of this. I love the Waytowns, a nice read too.

The little spirity gods are cool too.

:smallwink: Thanks for the comment! Could you elaberate on what you like about the Waytowns?

Fuum Bango
2007-12-06, 11:44 AM
Hmmm, I guess I just think they're a easy place to take the plot for the DM and the players.
Goblins are plotting a rebelion! My character is from a distant land, he was brought up in Candour and wants to be the best.
I'm rubbish with words, I just like 'em!

Fuum Bango
2007-12-06, 11:56 AM
One more thing, have you started playing this with your friends yet? :smallsmile:

2007-12-06, 12:53 PM
One more thing, have you started playing this with your friends yet? :smallsmile:

I have, its been a lot more fun than I thought it would be, the players are level three, the current party consists of;

Faust the Ranger, a human of the Horse Clan that hero-worships Kaseb the clan founder.
Jan-jin the Cleric, a hard working human from a far off land and preacher of the "true" god.
Claggin the Rogue, a dwarf that is honorbound and just, he scots the above world for his twin kings.
Okuma the Sorcerer/Barbarian, a human of the Bear Clan and meditator with a long fuse, but a big bang.
Tinbeard the Rogue, a dwarf exile from Brink, very weird little man.

2007-12-06, 12:57 PM
^"he scots the above world for his twin kings." Heh, I mean scouts. He speaks in a Scottish voice though. :smallsmile:

Right, never again shall I double post, just thought it was funny.

Fuum Bango
2007-12-12, 01:15 PM
Updte, update, update the thread!