View Full Version : Wild Leap (1st level Psionic Power, Athas Pathfinder), can we optimise this?

2022-12-05, 03:50 PM
So I am doing time mage stuff and I stumbled on this 1st level Psionic Power Wild Leap on the Athas Wiki. (psion 1 and psychic warrior 1)

For a swift action, one makes two acrobatic checks for two different jumps treating the air as a solid between jump 1 and 2 (similar to the Castlevania double jump, though I bet we can reflavor this as Spider-Man webslinging, or Attack on Titan 3D Maneuvering) and you get a +5 competence bonus to these two acrobatic checks.

Augment, for every 4 pp (thus effectively boosting the power by two spell levels) the +5 increases by another +5.


Seems fabulous in a practical optimisation kind of way for a Psionic Wand / Dorje for a good swift action movement mode for 750 gp / 50 charges (half if you craft.)

How can we optimise this? Feel free to drop down any 3.5, Pathfinder, and popular 3rd Party like Dreamscarred, Spheres, etc.


The list so far.

2022-12-05, 04:11 PM
I mean, the reading of Battle Jump feat that assumes the charge is a free action would benefit greatly from this power since you can then charge twice as a single swift action. With that said, I don't think I necessarily subscribe to that reading.