View Full Version : 3rd Ed List of creatures with the pseudonatural creature template (non-epic)

2022-12-06, 12:33 AM
I am looking for a list of officially published creatures with the non-epic pseudonatural creature template applied. Dragon and Dungeon Magazine is fine.

Some answer might be "any creature can have the template", but what I am looking for is evidence that any particular base creature with the template exists in the multiverse for purposes of planar binding, rather than begging the question about it.

2022-12-06, 01:16 AM
Um ... how about the Pseudonatural Hippogriff which is the sample creature for the template in Lords of Madness? :smallsmile:

2022-12-06, 02:02 AM
Since a Zceryll binder can summon them‚ it means any creature on the Summon Monster list exists as pseudonatural.

2022-12-06, 02:27 AM
Since a Zceryll binder can summon them‚ it means any creature on the Summon Monster list exists as pseudonatural.

Summon Alien: You can summon any creature from the summon monster list that a sorcerer of your level could summon. Any creature you summon with this ability gains the pseudonatural template. Thus, at 10th level you could summon any creature from the summon monster I-V list. When you reach 14th level, you can summon any creature from the summon monster I-VII list. You can only summon creatures that can be affected by the pseudonatural template. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Unfortunately, this is the Conjuration (Summoning) school, and there is a good chance that these creatures are just being created whole cloth on a temporary basis, rather than being an actual creature that you call with planar binding.

2022-12-06, 05:33 AM
Unfortunately, this is the Conjuration (Summoning) school, and there is a good chance that these creatures are just being created whole cloth on a temporary basis, rather than being an actual creature that you call with planar binding.

"A summoning spell instantly brings a creature or object to a place you designate. When the spell ends or is dispelled, a summoned creature is instantly sent back to where it came from [...] A summoned creature also goes away if it is killed[...]. It is not really dead. It takes 24 hours for the creature to reform, during which time it can’t be summoned again. "

Summoned creatures are definitely real creatures, whose essence you summon from another plane.

2022-12-06, 07:16 AM
What I managed to find...

"And Madness Followed" adventure (Dungeon #134):
Transformed Villager - Pseudonatural Human Commoner 1
Wallace Kohl - Male Pseudonatural Human Warrior 5
Mob of Madness - Mob of 48 Medium Pseudonatural Human Commoners
Carcosan Bat - Pseudonatural Dire Bat

The Last Breaths of Ashenport (https://web.archive.org/web/20090226115918/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/duad/20071207):
Althanis, Cult of Dagon Leader - Male Pseudonatural Human Cleric 7
Fish-Men of Dagon - Male or Female Pseudonatural Modified Kuo-Toa Rogue 1
Tendrils of Dagon - Pseudonatural Modified Advanced Squid
Tooth of Dagon - Male Pseudonatural Modified Kuo-Toa Warlock 3

Blighted Bloodfire (Monster Manual IV) - Entropic Pseudonatural Bloodfire Ooze

Pseudonatural Toad Familiars:
Crindlap ("Quadripartite" adventure, Dungeon #99)
Snek (Complete Arcane)

If 3rd-party sources are OK, then Ravenloft Gazetteer: Volume II has the Green Maiden - Advanced Pseudonatural Nymph

According to sidebar in Fiend Folio, Kaorti with Alienist PrC got Pseudonatural Creature template from the Alien Transcendence (instead Outsider type - which they already have anyway)

2022-12-06, 11:23 AM
"Wallace Kohl, I summon thee!"

"Again? (Swears in tentacle noises)"

2022-12-06, 05:48 PM
In the Exemplars of Evil, among the crew of "Much Kill" caravel there are Pseudonatural Goblins, Pseudonatural Hobgoblins, and Crunglutch the Second Mate (Male Pseudonatural Bugbear)

Also, how about the Half-Farspawn template?