View Full Version : Pathfinder 1e Path of war Prestige class maneuvers/stances

2022-12-07, 12:34 AM
Just a quick question. Is a Pc able to learn prestige class specific stances/maneuvers without taking levels in said prestige class?

It doesn't seem like there is anything stopping someone from taking them as long as they meet the prerequisites.

2022-12-07, 02:57 PM
Looking it up, a lot of the time such things are just class features- Like giving a stance with no inherent level.

But sometimes the stance or maneuver is given both a level and discipline.

I'd guess that rules as intended, no.

Rules as written, I'd say there's nothing stopping it.

Logically, though, those maneuvers or stances would be proprietary knowledge of the prestige classes in question. If they were common knowledge than they wouldn't class features in the first place, after all.

So if I were the DM and this came up, I'd require the use of the Independent Study rules of Path of War, that reverse engineering these stances or maneuvers would require the same effort and investment as inventing a maneuver or stance whole cloth.

I am not aware of any such rule covering this being written anywhere or being addressed with a word of god clarification in a faq anywhere or anything.