View Full Version : Do you like large scale shooters?

2007-12-01, 10:36 PM
A sub-genre I don't see very often is the Large Scale FPS. Smaller shooters are games where (in campaign mode) you control a single guy, sometimes with AI backup, that moves through a usually linear stage and in multiplayer fight a group of people in a generally small stage that focuses on close quarters and lots of cover and choke points. These games are done ad infinitum.

However, I don't see their much grander cousin, the large scale shooter, very often. By large scale shooter, I mean very large stages, multiple classes of characters, open ended missions, huge teams with lots of bots, and a scale that resembles a real time stratigy game more than a traditional FPS. I love this type of game, but they're all but nonexistant! The only really good reprosentitves I can think of are Star Wars Battlefront 2 and the Battlefield series. I haven't played Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, but that looks like a really good large scale shooter too, so I guess the head count of the subgenre is 3. I'm currently creating a highly stratigic large scale shooter, but with lack of this kind of game, I'm worried that it might not be popular. Do people not like this kind of game or do developers just prefer to focus on smaller shooters?

2007-12-01, 10:56 PM
It's hard to do. Either you need an amazing AI, scripted events, or massive multiplayer ability. Obviously scripted events are the easiest to make. Also, in a massive battle people feel less like a hero. But no, it is fun, but it's just very, very difficult.

2007-12-01, 11:07 PM
Hard to do as in difficult for developers to create, or difficult for players to play?

2007-12-02, 01:02 AM
You could increase the game count by a couple:
Enemy Territory (the original) and Warhawk.
There's also the HL2 mod, Empires (which is a little ambitious for its engine) and the UT-mod-turned-game, Red Orchestra.

Things also get a little wider if you include games that emphasize close quarters combat.

2007-12-02, 07:32 AM
This exact subgenre is why I sarted playing Tabula Rasa, you should seriously check it out if you want that kind of experience. It's very fulfilling.

2007-12-02, 07:43 AM
I played Red Orchestra and it is fantastic. Probably the most realistic and large-feeling shooter I've ever played.

2007-12-02, 11:07 AM
Is the label "large scale shooter" just another term for MMOFPS?

2007-12-02, 12:02 PM
Is the label "large scale shooter" just another term for MMOFPS?

It's a first person shooter that uses large battlefield/warfare design rather than the solo-hero design.

It can be MMO, but, not always.

2007-12-02, 01:17 PM
You might add Planetside to the list, if you're allowing MMOFPS's. Farcry, is another one that might make it.

I've found that the really big shooters like that all tend to be multiplayer, and not nearly as much fun. Most people tend to prefer the upclose, vicious gameplay of Halo 1/2/3 and the short battles.

Personally, I like a chance to pick out a spot, and plink at targets as they approach. I keep hoping to find a game that combines both ground combat, and some cool vehicles. Battlefield series not withstanding.

A Rainy Knight
2007-12-02, 01:58 PM
Large scale shooters would probably be among my favorite genres, although it greatly depends on having an balanced AI that makes the battle feel realistic. For example, in Star Wars Battlefront, the way that my side's AI always seems to rely on me to win the battle single-handedly takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. Also, there shouldn't be any one class that's overpoweringly strong. (I'm looking at you, droidekas.)

2007-12-02, 02:46 PM
It's a first person shooter that uses large battlefield/warfare design rather than the solo-hero design.What about Medal of Honour - solo game that takes place in a war zone?

2007-12-02, 08:42 PM
Far Cry doesn't count, it's a solo hero type game. It's just really big.

2007-12-03, 02:01 AM
Tribes and Tribes 2 probably qualify, as some maps scale in at 2 or more square kilometers. Plus the 64 player limit.

I really enjoy games like that. I prefer feeling like just another grunt, rather than the "hey look at me I'm better than you, now excuse me while I dodge sniper bullets and dual wield double-barreled rocket launchers" guy.

2007-12-05, 09:59 AM
I'm going to go a little old school here and mention the Mechwarrior 2 games. I loved those because you controlled the mech but you also had buddies that you could sick on an enemy thats being difficult.


2007-12-05, 01:07 PM
Savage, people, Savage. FPS + RTS = awesome multiplayer game.

2007-12-05, 05:40 PM
Planetside takes the cake for large scale. You can't beat 100+ people per side when it comes to getting all epic typed. Battlefield 2 is also amazing.

Crispy Dave
2007-12-05, 08:21 PM
A sub-genre I don't see very often is the Large Scale FPS. Smaller shooters are games where (in campaign mode) you control a single guy, sometimes with AI backup, that moves through a usually linear stage and in multiplayer fight a group of people in a generally small stage that focuses on close quarters and lots of cover and choke points. These games are done ad infinitum.

However, I don't see their much grander cousin, the large scale shooter, very often. By large scale shooter, I mean very large stages, multiple classes of characters, open ended missions, huge teams with lots of bots, and a scale that resembles a real time stratigy game more than a traditional FPS. I love this type of game, but they're all but nonexistant! The only really good reprosentitves I can think of are Star Wars Battlefront 2 and the Battlefield series. I haven't played Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, but that looks like a really good large scale shooter too, so I guess the head count of the subgenre is 3. I'm currently creating a highly stratigic large scale shooter, but with lack of this kind of game, I'm worried that it might not be popular. Do people not like this kind of game or do developers just prefer to focus on smaller shooters?

so ok im guising your a game programmer or designer i would say that the success of a large scale shooter is based on balance not to much strategy's and not to much close up slaughter

2007-12-06, 05:40 AM
I just want to give Operation Flashpoint (2001) and all its successors a honourable mention. They had some problems, and at times the player seemed all but insignificant in the scope of the missions, but it was one of the first massive tactical shooters I've ever seen.

It was also the first game that I know of that tried to make the player use the iron sights on weapons for aiming, making for very interesting long-range firefights. Typically you see somebody running between positions at long range, open fire rapidly against them at long range, see the weapon jolt for every shot while you tried to keep the sights at least vagely aligened on the enemy, and then you usually had no idea if you hit anything.

2007-12-06, 07:52 AM
I just want to give Operation Flashpoint (2001) and all its successors a honourable mention. They had some problems, and at times the player seemed all but insignificant in the scope of the missions, but it was one of the first massive tactical shooters I've ever seen.

It was also the first game that I know of that tried to make the player use the iron sights on weapons for aiming, making for very interesting long-range firefights. Typically you see somebody running between positions at long range, open fire rapidly against them at long range, see the weapon jolt for every shot while you tried to keep the sights at least vagely aligened on the enemy, and then you usually had no idea if you hit anything.

Yeah, Operation Flashpoint is seriously a wonderful game. If you wanted, you could run across the entire island. The problem was, all except the mission areas were empty, but the scale was often large and you got radiomessages from teams that were supposedly fighting far away. I'm eagerly waiting for the sequel and ArmA was nice too.

2007-12-06, 11:02 AM
Call of Duty- the original game- always gave me the impression I was in the middle of a gigantic fight. Think the opening of Stalingrad, pouring off those boats, seeing people getting shredded left, right, and center.

2007-12-06, 12:12 PM
I always thought the play system in Star Wars Battlefront would adapt wonderfully to the Star Craft world. You could spawn as a marine or firebat, and then hop into a siege tank or goliath. Gobs of fun.