View Full Version : [Guide] Bases creatures that makes a good skeleton (or My Friend Skully Handbook)

2022-12-18, 12:24 PM
Hi folks !

I recently did a quick search on the net, and could not find any clear list about that topic : What base creature makes a good skeleton ?

I found some debate about "Special Attack like stun or pounce, does a skeleton keep it ?" but not about good base creature. So i'll do this.

Skeleton Standard

About that, I'll in this subject keep to the RAW for the skeleton template :

Creating A Skeleton
"Skeleton" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Size and Type
The creature’s type changes to undead. It retains any subtype except for alignment subtypes (such as good) and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Hit Dice
Drop any Hit Dice gained from class levels (to a minimum of 1) and raise remaining Hit Dice to d12s. If the creature has more than 20 Hit Dice, it can’t be made into a skeleton by the animate dead spell.

A skeleton retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature, except for attacks that can’t work without flesh. A creature with hands gains one claw attack per hand; the skeleton can strike with each of its claw attacks at its full attack bonus. A skeleton’s base attack bonus is equal to ½ its Hit Dice.
=> Meaning no tentacle cause no bones in it. Also I don't count claws attack in general, cause of lazyness. But they are here if needed (or if already on the base creature, for comparison)

Special Attacks
A skeleton retains none of the base creature’s special attacks. => No Pounce, Stun or the like. Feel free to enable it at your table though, but then this list isn't "totally" accurate.

Special Qualities
A skeleton loses most special qualities of the base creature. It retains any extraordinary special qualities that improve its melee or ranged attacks. A skeleton gains the following special qualities.

What makes a good skully ?

The major way to create a skeleton is animate dead, at a 25gp/HD cost.
Spoiler : A good skully is always worth the investment. 20HD is 500gp. It's low, really low. The real tricky part is gaining the raw material...

So why do you want to make a skeleton ? There are much use for them :
- Activating trap (in this case just take a worthless 1HD for 25gp, that's it)
- Big hitpoint sack (undead have indeed some hitpoints... In this case, the bigger and most annoying is the better).
- Annoying mook (being harassed by halfling skeletons can be seriously annoying)
- Utility (be it for burrowing a passage, or to fly with it. Specific skeletons can do this)
- High-Dexterity ranged (need good dex and little size... but this become harder as HD augment, and ranged damages tend to scale bad)
- Big Stupid Fighter. And they can be good at it. There is nothing more stupid than an unintelligent undead, period.

=> I'll list some good ranged options at low level, and some utilitary skeleton. But as you got more HD, the clear role for your skully buddy is BSF and Hitpoint Sack.

Some reference for the BSF role

In order to evaluate the to-hit and dmg of a skeleton, we can take for basis a standard fighter with normal progression, from level 1 to 20.
1 : Atq +5, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +4/+2/+6, Additionnal Damages : +0 (Base Fighter, 18 Str)
2 : Atq +7, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +4/+2/+6, Additionnal Damages : +0 (Gain masterwork weapon)
3 : Atq +8, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +4/+2/+6, Additionnal Damages : +0
4 : Atq +9, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +4/+2/+6, Additionnal Damages : +0 (Gain first str point)
5 : Atq +10, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +4/+2/+6, Additionnal Damages : +0
6 : Atq +11/+6, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +4/+2/+6, Additionnal Damages : +1 (Gain weapon +1)
7 : Atq +12/+7, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +4/+2/+6, Additionnal Damages : +1
8 : Atq +15/+10, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +6/+3/+9, Additionnal Damages : +1 (Gain second str point. Gain magic item +2 Str)
9 : Atq +16/+11, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +6/+3/+9, Additionnal Damages : +1
10 : Atq +17/+12, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +6/+3/+9, Additionnal Damages : +1
11 : Atq +19/+14/+9, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +6/+3/+9, Additionnal Damages : +2 (Gain weapon +2)
12 : Atq +20/+15/+10, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +6/+3/+9, Additionnal Damages : +2 (Gain third str point)
13 : Atq +21/+16/+11, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +6/+3/+9, Additionnal Damages : +2
14 : Atq +24/+19/+14, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +7/+3/+10, Additionnal Damages : +3 (Gain weapon +3. Gain magic item +4 Str)
15 : Atq +25/+20/+15, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +7/+3/+10, Additionnal Damages : +3
16 : Atq +28/+23/+18/+13, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +8/+4/+12, Additionnal Damages : +4 (Gain fourth str point. Gain weapon +4)
17 : Atq +30/+25/+20/+15, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +9/+4/+13, Additionnal Damages : +4 (Gain magic item +6 Str)
18 : Atq +32/+27/+22/+17, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +9/+4/+13, Additionnal Damages : +5 (Gain weapon +5)
19 : Atq +33/+28/+23/+18, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +9/+4/+13, Additionnal Damages : +5
20 : Atq +34/+29/+24/+19, Bonus str simple/secondary/two-handed : +9/+4/+13, Additionnal Damages : +5

Obviously, if you want to keep your BSF around, you can give him some minor investment at high level (if he can wear it, ofc) :
- Masterwork weapon (300 gp) for +1 atq.
- Weapon +1 (2000 gp) for +1 atq and dmg.
- Magic item Str +2 (4000 gp) for +1 atq and dmg.
- Weapon +2 (8000 gp) for +2 atq and dmg.
- Magic item Str +4 (16000 gp) for +2 atq and dmg (+3 dmg two-handed)
- Weapon +3 (18000 gp) for +3 atq and dmg.

We can clearly see there that :
- Best "Standard Big-Guy" is approximately as strong as lvl 10 or 11 Fighter (only attack and dmg wise. They often do more dmg and atq, so we can push to lvl 13 Fighter)
- Best "Non Standard Big-Guy" is approximately as strong as lvl 13 or 15 Fighter (only attack and dmg wise. They often do more dmg and touch similarly on average)
- Best "Ferocious Big-Beast" is approximately as strong as lvl 13 or 15 Fighter (only attack and dmg wise. They often do more dmg and touch similary on average)
- Best "Multi-Attack Creature" is approximately as strong as lvl 14 or 15 Fighter (they do lot more attacks than fighter... but atq scale pretty bad :/)
- Best "Dragon Creature" is approximately as strong as lvl 14 or 15 Fighter... unless it is Skeletal Dragon. Then it can contest lvl 16 to 19 Fighter. Skeletal Dragon Dread Linnorm is a beast)

Remember Fighters got a plethora of magic items and feats, whereas skeleton are dumb and poor. So this estimation is just what it is.

The List !

Because i'm lazy, I'll not list the skeletons under 10HD (or only if they are truly exceptional). Also, I'll not list all the dragons, only some of them, cause yeah, lazy.

To explain, for each creature, I'll list the BASE CREATURE CR, the HD, the SIZE, the SPEED (without armor), the BASE CREATURE STR, the BASE CREATURE DEX, the special qualities kept, and the attacks AND AC after being made into skeleton.

So, whithout further ado, here is the non-exhaustive but long list of base creatures that make good skeletons, and why.

BSF : Mono or two-attack beasts

These things are in general subpar to others BSF in this list, but I'll list some of them cause they really stand out for their HD.

Carnage Demon (CR 4, 3HD, Medium, 30ft speed, Str 20, Dex 10, 2 slams +6 at 1d4+5 each, AC 13)
Bluespawn Stormlizard (CR 6, 6HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 9, Gore +10 at 2d6+12, AC 11)
Remorhaz (CR 7, 7HD, Huge, 30ft speed (20ft burrow), Str 26, Dex 13, Bite +9 at 2d8+12, AC 13)
Abyssal Drake (CR 9, 10HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 29, Dex 12, Sting +12 at 1d6+9 and bite +7 at 2d6+4, or 2 claws +12 at 2d4+9 each, AC 13)
Guulvorg (CR 13, 14HD, Huge, 60ft speed, Str 28, Dex 18, Bite +14 at 2d6+9, and tail +9 at 4d8+13, AC 16) => If lose Quick Tail(Ex), then just let tail be primary attack.
Hound of the Hunt (CR 18, 20HD, Large, 90ft speed (90ft fly perfect), Str 45, Dex 32, Bite +26 at 2d6+25, AC 23) => Listed here, but yeah you'll never get it.

BSF : Standard Big Guy

Let's Begin with Big Guys. What do i call a Big Guy ?
- Tall (Large or Larger) Humanoid shape, beetween 10 and 20 HD (Btw under 10HD, Ogre, Ogre Skullcrusher, Ken-Kuni, Bog and Fensir can be good).
- They only have 2 attacks as a skeleton. But weapons are enabled.
- They are mostly brutal with high Str, and they are Big. Nice.
- Of note : They have Hands, so they gain claws attack which does better damages than slam attack in general (if they have slam attack).
- They mostly have the reach intended for their size.
- And about rock catching/rock throwing... it's special attack so not listed.

=> To be quick, they are good for melee and beatstick.

Ettin (CR 6, 10HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 23, Dex 8, 2 morningstar +10 with superior two-weapon fighting (Ex) at 2d6+6 each, AC 11)
Yagnoloth (CR 10, 10HD, Large, 50ft speed, Str 30, Dex 14, Large Longsword +14 at 2d6+10, and Claw +14 at 1d6+10, AC 14) => Keep Muscular Arm (Ex)
Jungle Giant (CR 8, 11HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 21, Dex 28, Longspear +9 at 2d6+7 or Masterwork Javelin +16 at 1d8+5, AC 21) => one attack, but rly high dex and AC
Fensir, Rakka (CR 8, 12HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 8, 2 slams +12 at 2d6+8 each, AC 11)
Giant, Lesser Dusk (CR 9, 12HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 34, Dex 11, Large Greatclub +17/+12 at 2d8+18, or 2 claws +17 at 1d6+12 each and bite +12 at 1d6+6, AC 12)
Hill Giant (CR 7, 12HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 25, Dex 8, Greatclub +12/+7 at 2d8+10, or 2 slams +12 at 1d4+8 each, AC 11)
Maur (CR 11, 12HD, Large, 40ft speed (10ft burrow), Str 25, Dex 10, keep Oversized Weapon (Ex), Huge Warhammer +12/+7 at 2d8+10, AC 12)
Cyclops, Lesser (CR 8, 13HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 9, Huge Longspear +13/+8 at 2d6+12, AC 11)
Giant, Firbolg (CR 12, 13HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 36, Dex 13, Huge Greatsword +18/+13 at 2d8+19, AC 13)
Giant, Forest (CR 11, 13HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 33, Dex 12, Greatclub +15/+10 at 4d8+16 or Mighty composite Longbow (+4 str bonus) +6 at 2d8+4, AC 13)
Giant, Sun (CR 12, 13HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 37, Dex 14, Gargantuan Longspear +17/+12 at 2d8+19, AC 14) => keep fire subtype
Giant, Frost (CR 9, 14HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 29, Dex 9, Greataxe +15/+10 at 3d6+13, or 2 slams +15 at 1d4+9 each, AC 11) => keep frost subtype
Giant, Fog (CR 8, 14HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 29, Dex 10, Greatclub +14/+9 at 2d8+13, AC 12)
Giant, Stone (CR 8, 14HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 15, Greatclub +14/+9 at 2d8+12, or 2 slams +14 at 1d4+8 each, AC 14)
Fomorian (CR 11, 15HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 34, Dex 12, Heavy Flail +17/+12 at 4d6+18, or 2 slams +17 at 1d8+12 each, AC 13)
Craa'Ghoran (CR 10, 15HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 31, Dex 10, 2 claws +15 at 3d8+10 each, AC 12)
Giant, Fire (CR 10, 15HD, Large, 30ft Speed, Str 31, Dex 9, Greatsword +16/+11 at 3d6+15, or 2 slams +16 at 1d4+10 each, AC 11) => keep fire subtype
Giant, Sand (CR 10, 15HD, Large, 40ft Speed (10ft burrow), Str 27, Dex 21, Scimitar +14/+9 at 1d8+8, AC 17)
Cyclops, Greater (CR 11, 16HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 33, Dex 13, Gargantuan Longspear +17/+12 at 2d8+16, AC 13)
Giant, Cloud (CR 11, 17HD, Huge, 50ft speed, Str 35, Dex 13, keep Oversized Weapon (Ex), So Gargantuan Morningstar +18/+13 at 4d6+18, or 2 slams +18 at 1d6+12 each, AC 13)
Giant, Greater Dusk (CR 14, 18HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 48, Dex 9, Huge Greatclub +26/+21 at 3d8+28, or 2 claws +26 at 1d8+19 each and bite +21 at 1d8+9, AC 11)
Giant, Shadow (CR 18, 18HD, Huge, 50ft speed, Str 36, Dex 17, Huge MorningStar +20/+15 at 2d8+13 or Huge Mighty Composite Shortbow (+4 Str) +11 at 2d6+4, AC 15)
Giant, Storm (CR 13, 19HD, Huge, 50ft speed (40ft swim), Str 39, Dex 14, Greatsword +21/+16 at 4d6+21, or 2 slams +21 at 1d6+14 each, AC 14)
Balor (CR 20, 20HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 35, Dex 25, Large Greatsword +21/+16 at 3d6+18, or 2 slams +21 at 1d10+12 each, AC 19) => gave him a Large Greatsword instead of Greatsword and Whip. Less strong than Storm Giant.
Titan (CR21, 20HD, Huge, 60ft speed, Str 43, Dex 12, Gargantuan +3 Adamantine Warhammer +24/+19 at 4d6+27, or +3 Javelin +13 at 2d6+19, or 2 slams +24 at 1d8+16 each, AC 13)

We can clearly see some creatures that are top-tier (Titan, Storm Giant, Greater Dusk Giant, Cloud Giant) where Shadow Giant and Balor aren't as good as we could think (which not mean they are bad).
There are some bangers that clearly destroy their HD power, like :
- Lesser Dusk Giant (almost Cyclops, Greater),
- Fomorian (Almost Cloud Giant !),
- Frost Giant (Better damages and better atq than others 14HD things, almost as good as Fire Giant),
- Sun Giant (Almost Shadow Giant for pure melee !),
- Forest Giant (Better than Fire Giant),
- Firbolg (Almost Shadow Giant for pure melee !)
- Yagnoloth (Better than Cyclope, Lesser and almost as good as Frost Giant).

As of note, Sand Giant is cleary weak but has the second best AC of all, with 17. Meh.

BSF : Non-Standard Big Guys

What do I call a non-standard Big Guy ?
- It's exactly like a big guy (humanoid shape and so)
- But has more attacks because of secondary attack. Precisely 3 attacks. And the more the merrier.

=> To resume, they are often better than big guy. And trolls with weapons are good soup (all giant can use martial and simple weapon, skeleton keep proficiencies... yah trolls good).

Troll, Bladerager (CR 8, 6HD, Large, 20ft speed, Str 28, Dex 16, 2 claws +11 at 2d6+9 each, and bite +6 at 2d6+4, AC 15)
Giant, Phaerlin (CR 3, 8HD, Huge, 20ft speed, Str 21, Dex 9, 2 claws +7 at 2d4+5 each, and bite +2 at 1d8+2, AC 11)
Troll, Wasteland (CR 7, 8HD, Large, 30ft speed, Str 25, Dex 11, Greatclub +10 at 2d8+10 or 2 claws +10 at 1d6+7 each, and bite +5 at 1d8+3, AC 12)
Troll, Cave (CR 8, 9HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 29, Dex 13, 2 claws +12 at 2d6+9 each, and bite +7 at 1d8+4, AC 13)
Troll, Crystalline (CR 7, 10HD, Large, 30ft speed, Str 23, Dex 14, 2 claws +10 at 1d6+6 each, and bite +5 at 1d6+3, AC 14)
Bluespawn Godslayer (CR 10, 12HD, Huge, 30ft speed, Str 30, Dex 6, +2 bastard sword +16/+11 at 3d8+12, and bite +9 at 2d6+5, AC 10) => technically deal additionaly 2d6 electricity per hit.
Oni, Go-Zu (CR9, 12HD, Large, 20ft speed, Str 25, Dex 10, Huge Greatsword +12/+7 at 2d8+10, and gore +7 at 1d8+3, AC 12)
Troll, War (CR 12, 12HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 31, Dex 16, Masterwork Greatsword +16/+11 at 3d6+15 or 2 claws +15 at 1d8+10 each, and bite +10 at 1d6+5. Or masterwork composite longbow +11/+6 (+10 str bonus) at 2d6+10, AC 15)
Mountain Troll (CR 10, 15HD, Huge, 30ft speed, Str 35, Dex 12, Greatclub +17/+12 at 3d8+18 or 2 claws +17 at 1d8+12 each, and bite +12 at 1d8+6, AC 13) => Could argue stability (Ex) can be kept.
Malebranche (CR 14, 16HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 30, Dex 9, Ranseur +16/+11 at 3d6+15 or 2 claws +16 at ???+10 each, and gore +11 at 2d6+5, AC 11)
Sorrowsworn (CR 17, 18HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 29, Dex 17, Glaive +17/+12 at 2d8+13 or 2 claws +17 at 1d6+9 each, and bite +12 at 1d8+4, AC 15)
Giant, Ocean (CR 19, 18HD, Huge, 40ft speed (80ft swim), Str 39, Dex 15, Two-Handed Trident +21/+16 at 4d6+21 or 2 slams +21 at 1d6+14 each, and Tail slap +16 at 1d10+7, AC 14)

Ocean Giant, Mountain Troll, Malebranche, Godslayer and War Troll are clearly the beasts here. Also, note how powerful are the Wasteland and Cave Troll for 8 and 9 HD, compared to Standard Big Guys.

Of note are some creatures that have a total of 4 attacks and more. They all are good (or not bad) options (the more the merrier we said) :

Bulezau (CR 9, 10HD, Large, 30ft speed, Str 22, Dex 14, Huge +1 Ranseur +11 at 3d6+9 or 2 claws +10 at 1d6+6 each, and gore +5 at 2d6+3, and tail +5 at 1d8+3, AC ) => Keep Wield Oversized Weapon (Ex)
Athach (CR 8, 12HD, Huge, 50ft speed, Str 27, Dex 12, MorningStar +12/+7 at 2d6+8, and 2 claws +7 at 1d8+4 each, AC 13) => can also bite, is a bit tricky without multiweapon fighting
Cornugon (CR 16, 15HD, Large, 20ft speed, Str 31, Dex 25, Spiked Chain +16/+11 at 2d6+15 or 2 claws +16 at 2d6+10 each, and bite +11 at 2d8+5, and tail +11 at 2d6+5, AC 19)
Marilith (CR 17, 16HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 29, Dex 19, Longsword +16/+11 at 2d6+9, and 5 slams +11 at 1d8+4, and tail slap +11 at 4d6+4, AC 16) => More efficient to just go 6 slams for full str and atq on it, I think.
Troll, Fell (CR 14, 16HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 32, Dex 11, 2 claws +17 at 2d4+11 each, and 2 bites +12 at 2d6+5 each, AC 12) => can probably replace claws with one 2H Weapon or 1H Weap+Secondary claw.
Myrmyxicus (CR 21, 18HD, Huge, 20ft speed (60ft swim), Str 33, Dex 15, Huge Scythe +18/+13 at 2d6+11, and 3 claws +13 at 1d8+5, and bite +13 at 2d8+5, and tail +13 at 1d8+5, AC 14) => Complex thing. Could bite and tail be secondary to scythe and limbs ? I think yes. Also I've not the dmg from limbs without scythe, so I took claws from skully.

BSF : Ferocious Big Beasts

These ferocious big beasts are some creatures of note that makes a good skully... because 3 attacks and great strength for comparative HD.
- They have mostly Large or Larger size
- They often do "decent damages", although a lil' less than Big Guys.
- They generally are "good" to hit (or not lesser than Big Guys)
- They use no weapon.

Bluespawn Ambusher (CR 4, 4HD, Medium, 20ft speed (20ft burrow), Str 19, Dex 10, 2 claws +6 at 1d8+4 each, and gore +1 at 1d6+2, AC 13) => can burrow stone.
Unicorn (CR 3, 4HD, Large, 60ft speed, Str 20, Dex 17, Horn +10 at 1d8+8, and 2 hooves +2 at 1d4+2 each, AC 15) => Keep +3 magic horn, if not removed.
Nabassu, Juvenile (CR 5, 5HD, Medium, 40ft speed, Str 22, Dex 14, Bite +8 at 1d8+6, and 2 claws +3 at 1d4+3 each, AC 15)
Owlbear (CR 4, 5HD, Large, 30ft speed, Str 21, Dex 12, 2 claws +6 at 1d6+5 each, and Bite +1 at 1d8+2, AC 13)
Achaierai (CR 5, 6HD, Large, 50ft speed, Str 19, Dex 13, 2 claws +6 at 2d6+4 each, and Bite +1 at 4d6+2, AC 13)
Gambol (CR 5, 8HD, Large, 30ft speed (15ft climb), Str 23, Dex 18, Bite +9 at 2d8+6, and 2 claws +4 at 1d4+3, AC 16)
Hellcat (CR 7, 8HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 23, Dex 21, 2 claws +9 at 1d8+6 each, and bite +4 at 2d8+3, AC 17)
Umber Hulk (CR 7, 8HD, Large, 20ft speed (20ft burrow), Str 23, Dex 13, 2 claws +9 at 2d4+6 each, and bite +4 at 2d8+3, AC 13) => really good for tunneling too. And also in solid rock, at 5ft speed.
Bulette (CR 7, 9HD, Huge, 40ft speed (10ft burrow), Str 27, Dex 15, bite +10 at 2d8+8, and 2 claws +5 at 2d6+4 each, AC 14)
Gathra (CR 10, 9HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 9, Gore +11 at 1d10+8, and 2 hooves +6 at 1d6+4 each, AC 11)
Jarilith (CR 13, 10HD, Large, 60ft speed, Str 35, Dex 29, 2 claws +16 at 2d6+12 each, and bite +11 at 2d8+6, AC 21) => Keeps Augmented Critical (Ex). Extremely strong, for only 10HD.
Elephant (CR 7, 11HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 30, Dex 10, Slam +13 at 2d6+10 and 2 Stamps +8 at 2d6+5 each, or gore +13 at 2d8+15, AC 12)
Dire Bear (CR 7, 12HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 31, Dex 13, 2 claws +15 at 2d4+10 each and bite +10 at 2d8+5, AC 13)
Megatherium (CR 8, 13HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 13, 2 claws +12 at 2d4+8 each and bite +7 at 2d6+4, AC 13) => Totally eclipsed by Dire Bear.
Forest Sloth (CR 11, 14HD, Large, 40ft speed (60 ft climb, 40ft brachiation), Str 25, Dex 20, 2 claws +13 at 2d4+7 each and bite +8 at 2d8+3, AC 17) => Totally eclipsed by Dire Bear. But AC 17... meh.
Mammoth, Wooly (CR 9, 14HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 34, Dex 8, Slam +17 at 2d6+12 and 2 Stamps +12 at 2d6+6 each, or gore +17 at 2d10+18, AC 11)
Ironclad Mauler (CR 9, 15HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 33, Dex 13, 2 claws +17 at 1d8+11 each, and bite +12 at 3d6+5, AC 13)
Kastighur (CR 11, 15HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 8, Gore +13 at 2d6+8, and 2 slams +8 at 1d8+4 each, AC) => subpar, but more potent than non-listed creatures
Mastodon (CR 9, 15HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 32, Dex 11, Slam +16 at 1d10+11 and 2 Stamps +11 at 2d6+5 each, or gore +16 at 2d8+16, AC 12)
Mastodon, Grizzly (CR 13, 15HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 35, Dex 10, Slam +17 at 2d6+12 and 2 Stamps +12 at 2d6+6 each, or gore +17 at 4d8+12, AC 12)
Wastrilith (CR 17, 15HD, Huge, 30ft speed (80ft swim), Str 29, Dex 18, Bite +14 at 2d6+9, and 2 claws +9 at each 2d4+4, AC 16) => subpar, but more potent than non-listed creatures
Dire Tiger (CR 8, 16HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 15, 2 claws +15 at 1d6+8 and bite +10 at 1d8+4, AC 14)
Indricothere (CR 9, 16HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 33, Dex 10, Head butt +17 at 2d6+11 and 2 stamps +12 at 2d6+5 each, AC 12)
Julajimus (CR 12, 16HD, Huge, 50ft speed, Str 28, Dex 15, Bite +15 at 3d10+9, and 2 claws +10 at 3d8+4 each, AC 14)
Astral Dreadnought (CR 17, 18HD, Huge, Fly 180ft poor, Str 42, Dex 7, 2 claws +23 at 2d6+16 each, and bite +18 at 2d8+8, AC 10)
Dire Polar Bear (CR 11, 18HD, Huge, 50ft speed (20ft swim), Str 39, Dex 11, 2 claws +21 at 2d6+14 each and bite +16 at 3d8+7, AC 12)
Stegosaurus (CR 7, 18HD, Gargantuan, 40ft speed, Str 27, Dex 7, 2 slams +13 at 2d6+8 each and tail slap +8 at 4d6+12, AC 11) => Clearly weak for his HD.
Dire Elephant (CR 10, 20HD, Gargantuan, 30ft speed, Str 40, Dex 11, Slam +21 at 2d8+15 and 2 Stamps +16 at 2d8+7 each, or gore +21 at 4d6+22, AC 13)
Malastor (CR 16, 20HD, Gargantuan, 50ft speed (50ft burrow), Str 30, Dex 14, Bite +16 at 3d8+10, and 2 claws +11 at 3d6+5 each, AC 15)
Marruspawn Abomination (CR 19, 20HD, Medium, 60ft speed, Str 35, Dex 18, Claw +22/+17 at 2d8+12, and bite +17 at 4d6+6, AC 17)
Spinosaurus (CR 13, 20HD, Gargantuan, 40ft speed, Str 36, Dex 13, Bite +19 at 2d8+13 and 2 claws +14 at 2d6+6 each, AC 14)
Umber Hulk, Truly Horrid (CR 14, 20HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft burrow), Str 36, Dex 10, 2 claws +21 at 2d6+13 each, and bite +16 at 4d6+6, AC 12)

BSF : Multi-Attack Creature

So yeah, remember the whole "the more the merrier" thing ? Theses things here do that. To be there they :
- Have 4 or more attacks (it goes up to 12)
- Are not using weapons.
- Are Large or Larger (no good multi-attack with no weapon option at inferior size)

Which include they have a little bit more difficulty to hit with their attacks than other categories for same HD.
There are some exceptions (Thessalhydra, Tlalusk, Ghour, Glabrezu, Stitched Devil, Blue Slaad and Girallon I see you there)

Sahuagin, 4-armed (CR 3, 2HD, Medium, 30ft speed (60ft swim), Str 14, Dex 13, 2 tridents +3 at 1d8+3 each or 4 claws +3 at 1d4+2 each, and bite -2 at 1d4+1. Or 2 heavy crossbow +3 at 1d10 each, AC 15)
Formian Warrior (CR 3, 4HD, Medium, 40ft speed, Str 17, Dex 16, Sting +5 at 2d4+3, and 2 claws +0 at 1d6+1 each, and bite +0 at 1d4+1, AC 16) => not sure if can be made as skeleton
Hydra, 5-headed (CR 4, 5HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 17, Dex 12, 5 bites +3 at 1d10+3 each, AC 13)
Hydra, 6-headed (CR 5, 6HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 17, Dex 12, 6 bites +4 at 1d10+3 each, AC 13)
Girallon (CR 6, 7HD, Large, 40ft speed (40 ft climb), Str 22, Dex 17, 4 claws +8 at 1d4+6 each, and bite +3 at 1d8+3, AC 15)
Hydra, 7-headed (CR 6, 7HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 19, Dex 12, 7 bites +5 at 1d10+4 each, AC 13)
Rukanyr (CR 9, 7HD, Large, 40ft speed (20ft climb), Str 21, Dex 7, Slam +7 at 3d6+5, and 6 claws +2 at 1d6+2 each, and 3 bites +2 at 1d8+2 each, AC 10) => remember it can be advanced. Huge Rukanyr, with 29 Str and 15HD, is nothing to scoff at.
Hydra, 8-headed (CR 7, 8HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 19, Dex 12, 8 bites +6 at 1d10+4 each, AC 13)
Slaad, blue (CR 8, 8HD, Large, 30ft speed, Str 23, Dex 15, 4 claws +9 at 2d6+6 each, and bite +4 at 2d8+3, AC 14)
Stitched Devil (CR 9, 8HD, Large, 30ft speed (20ft climb), Str 24, Dex 15, Bite +10 at 1d8+7, and 4 claws +5 at 1d6+3, AC 14)
Chimera (CR 7, 9HD, Large, 30ft speed, Str 19, Dex 13, Bite +7 at 2d6+4, and Bite +7 at 1d8+4, and Gore +7 at 1d8+4, and 2 claws +2 at 1d6+2 each, AC 13)
Hydra, 9-headed (CR 8, 9HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 21, Dex 12, 9 bites +7 at 1d10+5 each, AC 13)
Stonesinger (CR 7, 9HD, Large, 30 ft speed (20 ft burrow and climb), Str 20, Dex 10, Bite +8 at 1d8+5, and 6 claws +3 at 1d6+2 each, AC 12)
Avolakia (CR 10, 10HD, Large, 20ft speed, Str 19, Dex 16, Bite +8 at 2d6+4, and 8 claws +3 at 1d4+2 each, AC 15)
Hydra, 10-headed (CR 9, 10HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 21, Dex 12, 10 bites +8 at 1d10+5 each, AC 13)
Leskylor, Three-Headed (CR 10, 10HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 22, Dex 11, 2 claws +10 at 1d8+6 each, and 3 bite +5 at 2d6+3 each, AC 12)
Vrock (CR 9, 10HD, Large, 30ft speed, Str 23, Dex 15, 2 claws +10 at 2d6+6 each, and bite +5 at 1d8+3, and 2 talons +5 at 1d6+3 each, AC 14)
Hydra, 11-headed (CR 10, 11HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 23, Dex 12, 11 bites +9 at 1d10+6 each, AC 13)
Chwidencha (CR 9, 12HD, Large, 30ft speed (30ft burrow), Str 22, Dex 17, 4 leg rakes +11 at 1d6+6 each, AC 15)
Ghour (CR 12, 12HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 32, Dex 8, 2 horns +15 at 1d8+11 each, and 2 claws +10 at 2d6+5 each, AC 11)
Glabrezu (CR 13, 12HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 31, Dex 10, 2 pincers +14 at 2d8+10 each, and 2 claws +9 at 1d6+5 each, and bite +9 at 1d8+5, AC 12)
Hydra, 12-headed (CR 11, 12HD, Huge, 20ft speed (20ft swim), Str 23, Dex 12, 12 bites +10 at 2d8+6 each, AC 13)
Gaspar (CR 10, 14HD, Huge, 60ft speed, Str 27, Dex 14, Gore +13 at 2d8+8, and 4 lesser gore +8 at 2d6+4 each, and 2 hooves +8 at 1d6+4 each, AC 14)
Earth Glider (CR 12, 15HD, Large, 20ft speed (50 ft burrow), Str 28, Dex 14, Gore +15 at 2d10+9, and bite +10 at 2d8+4, and 2 wing buffets +10 at 1d6+4, and tail slap +10 at 2d6+4, AC 14) => Burrow speed can arguably be lost, as it seems to come from Earth Glide.
Nighmare Beast (CR 15, 15HD, Huge, 30ft speed, Str 28, Dex 13, 2 tusks +14 at 4d6+9 each, and 2 claws +9 at 2d4+4 each, and bite +9 at 4d6+4, AC 13) => Keep Augmented Critical (Ex)
Anzu (CR 15, 16HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 28, Dex 21, Bite +15 at 2d6+9, and 4 wings +10 at 1d8+4, and talons +10 at 1d8+4, AC 17) => subpar but notable
Tlalusk (CR 11, 16HD, Huge, 60ft speed, Str 30, Dex 11, 2 hooves +16 at 1d8+10 each, and bite +11 at 2d6+5, and gore +11 at 2d6+5, AC 12)
Pit Fiend (CR 20, 18HD, Large, 40ft speed, Str 37, Dex 27, 2 claws +21 at 2d8+13 each, and 2 wings +16 at 2d6+6 each, and bite +16 at 4d6+6, and tail slap +16 at 2d8+6, AC 20)
Thessalhydra (CR 15, 18HD, Huge, 30ft speed, Str 36, Dex 10, Bite +20 at 4d6+13, and 8 bites +15 at 1d6+6 each, and tail pincer +15 at 2d6+6, AC 12) => could be argued 4d6 acid dmg on primary bite (additonally)
Chilblain (CR 18, 20HD, Large, 30ft speed (60ft fly ?), Str 28, Dex 17, Tail slap +18 at 4d6+9, and 4 claws +13 at 1d8+4 each, AC 15)

=> Thessalhydra is clearly monstruous.
=> Hydra are mostly the go-to option whenever they appear. Exceptions of note are the 7HD Girallon and 12HD Ghour and Glabrezu, that have far more chance to-hit than hydra of their HD, for what it takes. The Ghour and Glabrezu are almost subpar with only 4 and 5 attack.
=> All 14HD+ option are correct... but yeah Thessalhydra kick them all (Pit Fiend could be argued too for his consistency in wacking things hard).

Of note : Xerfilstyx is a good base creature, but has sludge-like legs... so no skeleton possible :/

BSF : Dragon Creature

I'll list here only a few notable (mostly on the high HD part), that make good "base skully".
But keep in mind that if you use "Skeletal Dragon" from Draconomicon, then a lot more Dragons goes there... and the ones in there become more powerful.

Ibranlin (CR 5, 10HD, Gargantuan, 20ft speed (20ft climb), Str 35, Dex 11, Bite +13 at 4d6+12, and 4 claws +8 at 2d8+6 each, AC 13) => Fire subtype
Green Dragon, Adult (CR 13, 20HD, Huge, 40ft speed (40ft swim), Str 27, Dex 10, Bite +16 at 2d8+8, and 2 claws +11 at 2d6+4 each, and 2 wings +11 at 1d8+4 each, and tail slap +11 at 2d6+12, AC 12)
Styx Dragon, Adult (CR 12, 20HD, Huge, 60ft speed (20ft burrow, 60ft swim), Str 27, Dex 10, Bite +16 at 2d8+8, and 2 claws +11 at 2d6+4 each, and 2 wings +11 at 1d8+4 each, and tail slap +11 at 2d6+12, AC 12)
Red Dragon, Young Adult (CR 13, 19HD, Huge, 40ft speed, Str 31, Dex 10, Bite +18 at 2d8+10, and 2 claws +13 at 2d6+5 each, and 2 wings +13 at 1d8+5 each, and tail slap +13 at 2d6+15, AC 12)
Pyroclastic Dragon, Young Adult (CR 12, 19HD, Huge, 60ft speed (40ft climb, 45ft burrow), Str 31, Dex 10, Bite +18 at 2d8+10, and 2 claws +13 at 2d6+5 each, and 2 wings +13 at 1d8+5 each, and tail slap +13 at 2d6+15, AC 12)
Tarterian Dragon, Young Adult (CR 13, 20HD, Huge, 60ft speed, Str 31, Dex 10, Bite +19 at 2d8+10, and 2 claws +14 at 2d6+5 each, and 2 wings +14 at 1d8+5 each, and tail slap +14 at 2d6+15, AC 12)
Gold Dragon, Young Adult (CR 14, 20HD, Huge, 60ft speed (60ft swim), Str 31, Dex 10, Bite +19 at 2d8+10, and 2 claws +14 at 2d6+5 each, and 2 wings +14 at 1d8+5 each, and tail slap +14 at 2d6+15, AC 12)
Linnorm, Dread (CR 25, 20HD, Colossal, 50ft speed (30ft swim), Str 40, Dex 8, 2 bites +17 at 4d8+15 each, and 2 claws +12 at 4d6+7 each, and tail slap +12 at 4d6+22, AC 12)

For kick recap, Skeletal Dragon changes (from base skeleton) include :
- No HD cap (welcome to big HD skully, and stupidly fat and powerful skeleton)
- Bonus hitpoints equal to HD number
- Speed stay the same (but loss swim speed :<)
- Creature BAB or Base Saves stay the same.
- Better Natural Armor bonus than standard skeleton for Huge size.
- Cannot make crush attacks (as standard)
- Retains special attacks (Ex), like frightful presence, improved grab and the likes.
- Retains special qualities (Ex), like immunity or blindsense, but not subtypes (although it keeps immunities associated with subtype)
- Keep Charisma Score (in addition to Strength and Dex). No bonus to dex.
=> All other things are the same.

So the Skeletal Dragon make already correct Dragon skully into warmachine. Well it's Dungeon and DRAGONS afer all.

What about dexterity ranged ?

As I've previously said, this role is also a "niche" where you can use the skeleton. But it's not as efficient as BSF, and tend to be weaker and weaker as HD are improving.
I'll nonetheless list some options, for the sake of "completion" :

Elf (CR 1/2, 1HD, Medium, 30ft speed, Str 10, Dex 12, Longsword +0 at 1d8, or Longbow +2 at 1d8, AC 14) => Keep Bow, Longsword and rapier profiency.
Elf, Wood (CR 1/2, 1HD, Medium, 30ft speed, Str 12, Dex 12, Longsword +1 at 1d8+1, or Composite Longbow (str +1) +2 at 1d8+1, AC 14) => Keep Bow, Longsword and rapier profiency.
Halfling (CR 1/2, 1HD, Small, 20ft speed, Str 8, Dex 12, Sling +4 at 1d3-1, AC 14) => Keep racial bonus to throwing weapon (Ex). Proficient with simple weapons. So sling abuser.
Nixie (CR 1, 1HD, Small, 20ft speed (30ft swim), Str 7, Dex 16, Light crossbow +5 at 1d6, AC 16)
Greenspawn Sneak (CR 2, 2HD, Small, 30ft speed, Str 11, Dex 16, Light crossbow +6 at 1d6, AC 16)
Gadacro (CR 3, 4HD, Small, 20ft speed, Str 7, Dex 18, Light crossbow +8 at 1d6, AC 17)
Shaedling (CR 2, 4HD, Medium, 30ft speed, Str 10, Dex 18, Light crossbow +7 at 1d8, AC 17)
Bralani (CR 6, 6HD, Medium, 40ft speed (100ft fly perfect), Str 18, Dex 18, Scimitar +7 at 1d6+4, or slam +7 at 1d6+4, or Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 str) +9 at 1d8+4, AC 17)
Djinni (CR 5, 7HD, Large, 20ft speed (60ft fly perfect), Str 18, Dex 19, Large Scimitar +6 at 1d8+4, or 2 slams +6 at 1d8+4 each, or Large Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 str) +8 at 2d6+4, AC 16)
Erinyes (CR 8, 9HD, Medium, 30ft speed, Str 21, Dex 21, Longsword +9 at 1d8+5, or Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 str) +11 at 1d8+5, AC 18)
Arrow Demon (CR 7, 10HD, Medium, 40ft speed, Str 21, Dex 19, 4 claws +10 at 1d6+5 each, or Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 str) +11 at 1d8+5)
Djinni, Noble (CR 8, 10HD, Large, 20ft speed (60ft fly perfect), Str 23, Dex 19, Large Scimitar +10 at 1d8+6, or 2 slams +10 at 1d8+6 each, or Large Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 str) +10 at 2d6+5, AC 17)
Efreeti (CR 5, 10HD, Large, 20ft speed (40ft fly perfect), Str 23, Dex 17, Large Scimitar +10 at 1d8+6, or 2 slams +10 at 1d8+6 each, or Large Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 str) +9 at 2d6+5, AC 15) => keep immunity to fire
Cuprilach (CR 12, 12HD, Medium, 40ft speed (20ft climb), Str 19, Dex 24, Rapier +10/+5 at 1d6+4, or Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 str) +15/+10 at 1d8+4, AC 20)
Kelvezu (CR 18, 12HD, Medium, 30ft speed (60ft fly good), Str 21, Dex 31, Scimitar +11/+6 at 1d6+5, or Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 str) +18/+13 at 1d8+5, AC 23)
Oculus Demon (CR 13, 15HD, Medium, 30ft speed, Str 23, Dex 28, Longsword +13/+8 at 1d8+6 and claw +8 at 1d6+3, or Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 str) +18/+13 at 1d8+5, AC 22)
Tulani (CR 18, 18HD, Medium, 40ft speed (90ft fly perfect), Str 20, Dex 22, Longsword +14/+9 at 1d8+5, or Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 str) +17/+12 at 1d8+5, AC 19) => subpar

What about utilitary/useful skeleton ?

Some creatures keep nice abilities as a Skeleton. Unicorn and her +3 Horn, Umber Hulk and its burrowing ability, or Perfect Fly speed. But some more are listed here :

Ankheg (CR 3, 3HD, Large, 30ft speed (20ft burrow), Str 21, Dex 10, Bite at 2d6+7, AC 12) => Should keep Acid (Ex) for 1d6 acid dmg on Bite. Cheap and good for making tunnels. But could be argued there is no skull. In this case, just use Umberhulk or Bluespawn Ambusher for example.
Horse, Light War (CR 1, 3HD, Large, 60ft speed, Str 16, Dex 13, 2 hooves +3 at 1d6+3 each, and bite -2 at 1d3+1, AC 13) => Almost Same as the horse, but untiring undead.
Centaur (CR 3, 4HD, Large, 50ft speed, Str 18, Dex 14, Longsword +5 at 2d6+6 and 2 hooves +0 at 1d6+2 each, or Composite Longbow +3 (+4str) at 2d6+4, AC 14) => Also Charge with lance at double dmg. Extra versatile, can be mounted.
Horse, Heavy War (CR 2, 4HD, Large, 50ft speed, Str 18, Dex 13, 2 hooves +5 at 1d6+4 each, and bite +0 at 1d4+2, AC 13) => Same as the horse, but untiring undead.
Ogre Mage (CR 8, 5HD, Large, 40ft speed (40ft fly good), Str 21, Dex 10, Large Greatsword +6 at 2d8+7, or Large Composite Longbow (str +5) +2 at 2d6+5, AC 12) => Large giant with good fly. Can carry you. And decent ability to combat.
Nightmare (CR 5, 6HD, Large, 40ft speed (90ft fly good), Str 18, Dex 15, 2 hooves +6 at 1d8+4 each, and bite +1 at 1d8+2, AC 14) => Now your horse fly.
Ghaele (CR 13, 10HD, Medium, 50ft speed (150ft fly perfect), Str 25, Dex 12, Greatsword +12 at 2d6+10, AC 14) => Good medium high-speed flying warrior. Advance it to 12HD and it's a beast.
Nightmare, Cauchemar (CR 11, 15HD, Huge, 40ft speed (90ft fly good), Str 31, Dex 14, 2 hooves +15 at 2d6+10 each, and bite +10 at 2d6+5, AC 14) => BIG mount, and can do a proper BSF too.

Of Note : Mephit are considered as having Magical Weapon for their natural attacks when checking if it overcome a DR.

Some other practical things

There are some more things that can be useful about skeletons.

Getting corpses

It's the most difficult part to do when making a skeleton : finding the corpse. For this, the best way for most people is to search and kill the thing. But there are other ways.

As of note, a corpse is defined as an object. So Polymorph any object (lvl 8 wiz spell) will let you turn any corpse into any other type of corpse of your choosing (you must know what corpse you want, ofc. Knowledge check ?).

Also, stone to flesh explicitly creates a corpse when cast on a statue. And there are means to craft a statue :
- Craft check (but gosh it's long and costly)
- Casting fabricate (lvl 5 wiz spell) upon a wall of stone or a good ol' rock (but you obviously need to know what you want to fabricate)

Awaken Undead

Awaken Undead is a lvl 7 Evil Wizard spell. What it does is, for a mere 250 XP, awakening all mindless undead in a circle with radius of 25ft + 5ft/2 lvl.
What does awakening do ?
- Give 1d6+4 Int to the undead (cannot be higher than typical int for the living creature. Dog has 2 int, Orc can go as far as 8 Int, ...)
- This enable the undead to gain feats and skills (probably to negociate with your DM, but should be what skills and feat it has when alive)
- Regain armor and weapon proficiencies they had (for a human warrior, or for giants and heavy armors)
- Regain any extraordinary racial abilities they had in life (poison, scent...)
- Gain +2 will to resist control undead
- Turn resistance is set to +2 (or they retain old turn resistance if better)

This spell enable some skeleton that were almost useless to become pure beasts, and some strong skeletons to become even stronger.
See the whole Sneak Attack, Stunning Blow, Rend, Pounce, Scent, Poison and other things ? It's back. Yup.

Some funny awakened skeletons (in addition to the previous list) could be : Remorhaz, Dire Tortoise, Dwarf and other critters, Fleshraker Dinosaur, Kuo-Toa Leviathan, Reth Dekala, Valkyrie, All Pouncing Cats, All rending troll-machine...
For example, the War Troll, Arrow Demon, Jarilith, Marilith, Mountain Troll, Pit Fiend, Cave Troll, Kelvezu, ... all these become far more deadly when awakened. And your giants can finally catch and throw big rocks !

About spells, feats, classes and items

Some spells and items can be used to improve skeletons at their creation (or during combat).
Obviously, some spell (mind-spell, need to be alive spell, need to not be undead spell) won't work, but the others do and skeleton like them as any other.
There are some specfic spells that do negative energy dmg... well it heals undead, so skeletons like it.
Some others items and spells just boost undead or are pratcical : Deadwalker's Ring, Desecrate, Undead Lieutenant, Undead Torch, Plague of Undead...

There are also very good classes options and feats, but they are already well detailed here : https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?444597-The-Necromancer-Handbook

About giving skeletons some investment

As it was said at the beginning, skeletons are in fact good as BSF and a lil' at Archery role. Awakened ones get even better at that.
So it's not a bad idea to invest a little to equip your favorite undead with leather armor or padded armor and a good masterwork or magical weapon. Even passive magic stuff that needs no brain.
And if your skeleton is awakened, it becomes mandatory. You don't awaken a useless lad, so give some goodies to him, cause you don't let a useful lad naked.

About Bone Creatures

There is also one template that exists in Book of Vile Darkness. The Bone Creature template.
To be simple, it's all awakened skeletons are and even better :
The bone creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
- Retain all types and subtypes if applicable.
- d12 HD
- winged creatures can fly, like with the fly spell, but they keep their original speed
- natural armor bonus equivalent to skeletons (a lil' better for Large and Huge size)
- exactly same as the skeletons for natural attacks
- keep all special qualities. All of them.
- Gain darkvision with a range of 60ft.
- Gain undead traits, immunity to cold, and have RD 5/bludgeoning
- Keep saves of base creature (modified by ability score adjustements)
- Lose Con, gain +4 Dex, all the rest STAY THE SAME.
- Keep skills points and feats, and gain Weapon Finesse for free.
=> There is nothing specific about special attacks, classes level, spells... so they keep them all. And the template indicate so in it's intro.

This template is "keep the creature but make it bones". That's it. It makes it even stronger, in a sense. But it's 3.0.
Btw, Bone Creature can only be created with "Create Undead" or "Create Greater Undead", as undead of their equivalent Hit Dice.

And that's it,

Hope it'll be useful to some people,
