View Full Version : Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (OoC)

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2023-07-28, 03:57 AM
In before Less starts a forest fire. :smalltongue:

Lord Ruby34
2023-07-29, 07:14 PM
In before Less starts a forest fire. :smalltongue:

Nonsense. It'll be a brush fire. Very tame.

Also, is Less assumed to have his pack? If not, I'll have him grab that too.

2023-07-29, 08:22 PM
Also, is Less assumed to have his pack? If not, I'll have him grab that too.

Yes you have it. I’m not so unkind as to expect you to leave the entirety of your inventory behind to burn just because you’re setting fire to your transportation. :smallwink:

Lord Ruby34
2023-07-29, 09:22 PM
Yes you have it. I’m not so unkind as to expect you to leave the entirety of your inventory behind to burn just because you’re setting fire to your transportation. :smallwink:

Very kind. :smallbiggrin:

2023-07-30, 07:04 AM
Yes you have it. I’m not so unkind as to expect you to leave the entirety of your inventory behind to burn just because you’re setting fire to your transportation. :smallwink:

This isn't to say you should trust in the DM's mercy, however. I'm 90% sure that Mina would have teleported directly back to the pokemon center if Mark hadn't spoken up, as punishment for not thinking things through as we noped the heck out.

... HMMMM... you know. Maybe we should cover our bases. Maybe someone in samurai armor, I'm not naming names or saying who, but someone who has a defining character trait of "is always wearing samurai armor around like a dork" should make sure they are in position to guard/ intercept attacks against Mina's Natu. You know. Just in case some demon hedgehog was sent ahead of the taskmaster to hunt other teleporting psychic types.


2023-07-31, 07:42 PM
XP for the jeep group! :D Yell if anything looks off!

Note to self: evolve Natu once things quiet down.

2023-07-31, 08:17 PM
Whoo! XP for everyone! And both groups (well, groups might be stretching it when one's just Pinklady) wrapping up their battling at the same time, nice :smallsmile:

Lord Ruby34
2023-07-31, 08:32 PM
Whoo! XP for everyone! And both groups (well, groups might be stretching it when one's just Pinklady) wrapping up their battling at the same time, nice :smallsmile:

I'm just happy Less and Akio managed not to die!

Also, Poor Connie getting left out of the EXP train after ripping apart 25+ Pokemon. :smalltongue: (It's okay, she really doesn't need it.)

EDIT: Dropping Fury Swipes

2023-08-01, 07:40 AM
Also, Poor Connie getting left out of the EXP train after ripping apart 25+ Pokemon. :smalltongue: (It's okay, she really doesn't need it.)

I feel this response is relevant. (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0439.html) :smalltongue: :smallwink:

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-01, 04:16 PM
I feel this response is relevant. (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0439.html) :smalltongue: :smallwink:

You know, I never thought I would ever empathize with Belkar in that particular scene, but I'm really feeling it now. :smalltongue:

2023-08-01, 05:41 PM
You know, I never thought I would ever empathize with Belkar in that particular scene, but I'm really feeling it now. :smalltongue:

The bright side is, part of her disobedience is because she's higher level than the rest of your team. If she leveled up, it would just be harder to close that gap.

2023-08-01, 06:08 PM
You know, I never thought I would ever empathize with Belkar in that particular scene, but I'm really feeling it now. :smalltongue:

Tattersail and Marick share your pain. :smalltongue:

2023-08-01, 09:12 PM
The former having it means Mark shares it too :smalltongue:

2023-08-02, 07:08 AM
The former having it means Mark shares it too :smalltongue:

And she'll never let it go, either! Mark will be 60, sitting on his porch watching the grandkids run around with his dogs, and Tattersail will come around demanding poffins and reminding him how he let her ribs get broken that one time when he considers saying no.

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-03, 11:40 PM
I can't believe Team Rocket sailed halfway around the world to grab Matt. That's absolutely the kind of nonsense se they would do.

I also like the out to bring Matt back if Gorman ever reappears.

2023-08-04, 06:37 AM
I can't believe Team Rocket sailed halfway around the world to grab Matt. That's absolutely the kind of nonsense se they would do.

Lol not quite that far, I’ve been working under the assumption that Helnith is spitting distance from the Orange Archipelago, which is south of Kanto/Johto.


That said, has there ever been an actual map of the entire Pokémon world??? All I’ve found are comparisons with real-world locations. :smallconfused:

I also like the out to bring Matt back if Gorman ever reappears.

Thank you, I hope I found a good balance between that and ‘no he’s not coming back’ and ‘no you can’t go rescue him’ in character.

2023-08-04, 07:28 AM
... Please tell me the submarine was a giant, pedal powered Magikarp. Show Rocket tech was so silly and dumb (well, the tech given to Jesse and James, those loveable buffoons,) and I loved it.

2023-08-04, 07:45 AM
... Please tell me the submarine was a giant, pedal powered Magikarp. Show Rocket tech was so silly and dumb (well, the tech given to Jesse and James, those loveable buffoons,) and I loved it.

That would have been conducive to running into Darrin. “Hey guys, are we out of Helnith waters yet? Put up the periscope, see if you can see any of the Orange Islands yet.” *angry skull-faced Shadow dragon attacks periscope* “AHHHH! Pedal faster! PEDAL FASTER!”

Okay here is how it's going to work: this is Matt's inventory as of when he dropped the game -

2 Potion
2 Full Heal
Old Rod
Remeyo Weed (Herb; cures Poison) (on Poliwag)
2 Burn Heal
Heart Scale - PINKLADY
Hard Stone (Held Item)
Small tent
2 Fresh Water - AKIO
Leaf Stone
Safety Goggles (Held Item) - AKIO
Incubator (Mystery Egg 1 (estimated hatch time: Day 29 - Day 30)) - MARK
Sacred Talisman - MINA
2 Paralyze Heal
2 Antidote
20 Smoke (Red)
5 Dry Poffin (+51 Dry, +26 Feel) - PINKLADY
Revival Herb
2 Tropical Fruit
Energy Root
Newspaper (Day 24)
Relax Scent
Sneak Scent
Sticky Scent
Bright Scent
Time Flute (3 charges) - MARK
Dragon Gem
Mystery Egg 2 (estimated hatch time: Day 33) - LESS
Tea (Heals 50 HP, cures Attract and Confusion)
Water Stone
Thick Club
Crumpled up ball of aluminum foil
Chipped Pot (with receipt) - MINA
Wide Brimmed Hat w/ bug netting
Part of a belt with the buckle still attached
Cloudy Crystal
6 Great Ball - LESS
10 Pokéball
Ultra Ball
Glitter Ball
Net Ball
SM 07 – Attract
SM 80 – Thief
SM 80 – Thief
Charti Berry
2 Watmel Berry
2 Unown Tile W
Unown Tile O

Each of you may choose two line items from the list - so for example if you tell me you want the Pokéballs you do get all ten. (Also I hope none of you had your heart set on the Remeyo weed. :smalltongue: His Pokémon were taken with him and by extension so was anything they were holding at the time.)

2023-08-04, 04:10 PM
If I were to claim the incubator, would I get the second mystery egg as well or just the one in it? Because dibs on that incubator and the necessary Time Flute.

2023-08-04, 04:23 PM
If I were to claim the incubator, would I get the second mystery egg as well or just the one in it?

Just the one in it.

Because dibs on that incubator and the necessary Time Flute.

Noted. :smallsmile:

2023-08-04, 04:42 PM
Just the one in it.

Alas, poor Mystery Egg 2, we hardly knew ye. :smallfrown:

2023-08-04, 07:53 PM
Hmm... tough choice! I think I'll go for the 5 Dry Poffins and the Heart Scale.

2023-08-04, 08:17 PM
Hmm... tough choice! I think I'll go for the 5 Dry Poffins and the Heart Scale.

Noted! And I switched the labels to character names.

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-04, 11:10 PM
I'll take Mystery Egg 2, a Theif SM, the revival herb, and any unclaimed Pokeballs and healing items (everyone else should feel free to pick through them first.).

2023-08-04, 11:11 PM
I'll take Mystery Egg 2, a Theif SM, the revival herb, and any unclaimed Pokeballs and healing items (everyone else should feel free to pick through them first.).

I said two line items.

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-04, 11:22 PM
I said two line items.

Ah, see, the problem is that I can't read. (It's been a long day. My apologies.) I'll take the second Mystery Egg and the Great Balls.

2023-08-05, 05:22 AM
Ah, see, the problem is that I can't read. (It's been a long day. My apologies.) I'll take the second Mystery Egg and the Great Balls.

Ah, Mystery Egg 2, we shall know ye well.

2023-08-05, 10:06 AM
Ah, see, the problem is that I can't read. (It's been a long day. My apologies.) I'll take the second Mystery Egg and the Great Balls.

No worries, it happens. :smallsmile: And noted!

Feathersnow, you're up! What would you like off the list?

2023-08-05, 10:30 AM
The Goggles and the water, I guess

2023-08-05, 10:58 AM
The Goggles and the water, I guess

Noted! :smallsmile:

I'll get Mina's selections down in a bit.


And I'll grab the Sacred Talisman and Chipped Pot for Mina.

2023-08-06, 05:08 AM
... That chipped pot is going to be important somehow and I dread to discover how.

2023-08-07, 12:06 PM
Well, I've gone through the work necessary to find all the shirts Mark has worn so that I can say which one he's wearing... Gonna say the Kiss Me I'm Johtan is the one covered in ashes.

Also, something I just thought of, if Kanto/ Johto are supposed to be Japan and the Orange Islands are meant to be the Peloponnesian islands... does that make Helnith the pokemon Australia proxxy? :smalltongue:

2023-08-07, 05:30 PM
Also, something I just thought of, if Kanto/ Johto are supposed to be Japan and the Orange Islands are meant to be the Peloponnesian islands... does that make Helnith the pokemon Australia proxxy? :smalltongue:

If it is the original DM never filled me in on that. With the cloaks I figured it was supposed to be medieval/fantasy inspired, though I did purposely set up the plains around Rieva/Ceris/Skybreak to be an African savannah expy, hence the presence of Rhyhorn (rhino), Shinx (lion), Girafarig (giraffe), Twiggin (antelope)...my only regret is that Blitzle is after Gen IV, alas!

2023-08-07, 06:21 PM
... I'm going to read Ranger Wain with a Crocodile Hunter accent and you cannot stop me. :smalltongue:

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-07, 09:23 PM
... That chipped pot is going to be important somehow and I dread to discover how.

No one has ever looked in the pot. There could be anything there, even nothing!

2023-08-08, 07:52 AM
No one has ever looked in the pot. There could be anything there, even nothing!

Imagine if we found nothing. By Arceus, that would be the most terrifying thing to find! Pot of the void right there, it doesn't even contain air.

Edit: EVERYONE gets to pamper the doggo with people food. He's gonna get fat. :smalltongue:

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-10, 07:54 AM
Imagine if we found nothing. By Arceus, that would be the most terrifying thing to find! Pot of the void right there, it doesn't even contain air.

Edit: EVERYONE gets to pamper the doggo with people food. He's gonna get fat. :smalltongue:

Right to the special dimension. Zwoop.

Less is gonna have to roll Buck out the door. :p

2023-08-10, 08:24 AM
I knew we should have brought the wheelbarrow with us when we teleported away from the Shrine of Light. :smalltongue:

2023-08-11, 03:32 PM
Loosing that tag and the flute was a big blow.

I’m still mildly shocked you lot left the former on the table. 🙃

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-11, 03:39 PM
I’m still mildly shocked you lot left the former on the table. 🙃

What do you mean, after we deshadow the Pokemon from last night, we're done. Never going to need to deshadow a Pokemon ever again, it just won't happen.

(Or maybe I missed the tag. :smalltongue:)

2023-08-11, 05:38 PM
I’m still mildly shocked you lot left the former on the table. 🙃

I thought someone else would grab it after I snagged that flute! :smallsigh:

2023-08-12, 10:30 AM
I am ill currently, but trying to keep up with the game. I will try to post today, sorry for being the slow member of the party to post.

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-12, 11:39 AM
I am ill currently, but trying to keep up with the game. I will try to post today, sorry for being the slow member of the party to post.

No hard feelings here. Real life always comes before a game. If you need to take some time to rest, rest.

2023-08-12, 04:13 PM
I am ill currently, but trying to keep up with the game. I will try to post today, sorry for being the slow member of the party to post.

Perfectly understandable. Hope you feel better soon!


"I might be able to solve that problem too, actually." Less said, offhandedly. "I know that Siltis is ways away, but Georgia had a garden that's been left fallow for a few years. If you can make your way to my house and you're willing to do some weeding the soil should be good for most plants."

Feel free to shoot this down as DM. I figure it makes sense but it's not really something we've earned in game.

Depends. How many spots were you thinking? If the number isn’t outrageous I’m inclined to say it’s fine, as any Berries would still have to be planted and harvested at regular intervals, they still need time to grow, and the Berries then still need to be turned into Poffin (or if they’re used as-is, are still single-use items in most cases), it wouldn’t be an instant-win button.

2023-08-14, 11:51 AM
So, I know that Kareeah could just spawn an infinite horde of mooks and people we've met and turned into DMPC's, but... well, it seems like we're going to have a few "downtime" days, and we lost two players. Is there interest in re-opening the recruitment thread to pull some new victims volunteers in while introductions are easy, or are we feeling okay on the People the DM has to Deal With front?

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-14, 12:08 PM
Depends. How many spots were you thinking? If the number isn’t outrageous I’m inclined to say it’s fine, as any Berries would still have to be planted and harvested at regular intervals, they still need time to grow, and the Berries then still need to be turned into Poffin (or if they’re used as-is, are still single-use items in most cases), it wouldn’t be an instant-win button.

Whatever number you think is reasonable. I intentionally didn't define the size of the garden.

Re; people. I think we have a really consistent group, which is very rare. But if you are interested in more people I might know someone.

2023-08-14, 03:36 PM
So, I know that Kareeah could just spawn an infinite horde of mooks and people we've met and turned into DMPC's, but... well, it seems like we're going to have a few "downtime" days, and we lost two players. Is there interest in re-opening the recruitment thread to pull some new victims volunteers in while introductions are easy, or are we feeling okay on the People the DM has to Deal With front?

I think we have a good number right now, recall we were one over my max ‘goal’ of people before we lost two, and even if we weren’t with the school season starting I don’t want to accidentally net someone who has lots of time now but zero time in about a month when everyone’s been introduced and is ready to go beat on Bandra.

Whatever number you think is reasonable. I intentionally didn't define the size of the garden.

Hmm, in that case let’s go with 10 but with the following caveats:

3 slots are usable with some minimal weeding and cleanup, say an hour or two for the lot.
3 slots are badly overgrown, and will require more intensive work to be cleared for use, say 4-6 hours per slot.
4 slots need some specialized equipment or work - fast-growing shrubs with roots tangled up with the sprinkler system and the foundation of the house maybe, I’m open for suggestions here.

Does that work? Any suggestions or refinements?

2023-08-14, 05:49 PM
I think we have a good number right now, recall we were one over my max ‘goal’ of people before we lost two, and even if we weren’t with the school season starting I don’t want to accidentally net someone who has lots of time now but zero time in about a month when everyone’s been introduced and is ready to go beat on Bandra.

Y'know, that's entirely fair. Will make any anniversary pictures that I commission a bit cheaper too. Y'know, when we inevitable hit 20 years and finally finish Quibir. :smalltongue:

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-14, 09:28 PM
Hmm, in that case let’s go with 10 but with the following caveats:

3 slots are usable with some minimal weeding and cleanup, say an hour or two for the lot.
3 slots are badly overgrown, and will require more intensive work to be cleared for use, say 4-6 hours per slot.
4 slots need some specialized equipment or work - fast-growing shrubs with roots tangled up with the sprinkler system and the foundation of the house maybe, I’m open for suggestions here.

Does that work? Any suggestions or refinements?

The first 6 sound reasonable. For the last one I'd probably just add note that some grass or ground type Pokemon with the right moves might make the weeding a little bit more doable.

Y'know, that's entirely fair. Will make any anniversary pictures that I commission a bit cheaper too. Y'know, when we inevitable hit 20 years and finally finish Quibir. :smalltongue:

Just gotta make sure we keep out teams out of the hospital for the next few in game days. We can probably get through by the end of 2024. :smalltongue:

2023-08-14, 09:59 PM
Guys. Guys, guys, guys. And girls. Hear me out here: Indoor pots. Transition Less into a plant dad and get him a dozen pots with which to grow all the fruit.

2023-08-14, 10:33 PM
Could also be teleported, too, probably! Never need to take your eyes off your precious berry plants ever again!

Now I've got berries on my mind, I wonder if Pinklady's background would make her great or terrible at growing them... on one hand, living the forest life... on the other hand, it's not like she was tending wild berries, forest itself did well enough growing them. :smalltongue:

2023-08-15, 05:50 AM
The first 6 sound reasonable. For the last one I'd probably just add note that some grass or ground type Pokemon with the right moves might make the weeding a little bit more doable.


Guys. Guys, guys, guys. And girls. Hear me out here: Indoor pots. Transition Less into a plant dad and get him a dozen pots with which to grow all the fruit.

I’ll allow it. The only reason Mina hasn’t suggested it herself is that up until this point, no one in the group had access to any kind of permanent base (or any interest in Berries :smalltongue:).

Now I've got berries on my mind, I wonder if Pinklady's background would make her great or terrible at growing them... on one hand, living the forest life... on the other hand, it's not like she was tending wild berries, forest itself did well enough growing them. :smalltongue:

I’ll leave that up to you, but I see no reason why she shouldn’t be extra good at finding wild ones. :smallsmile:

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-15, 07:22 AM
Guys. Guys, guys, guys. And girls. Hear me out here: Indoor pots. Transition Less into a plant dad and get him a dozen pots with which to grow all the fruit.

Ooh, someone should suggest that to Less. I don't think he's actually seen one of the planters yet.

Also, downside to having anything that could be considered a permanent base: it can be attacked much more easily than a wandering group.

2023-08-15, 10:01 AM
... Heck, Less ninja'd me! Because... it took me a few hours to actually wake up in the middle of writing my last post... >.>

Added a response to his last suggestion. Weh.

2023-08-15, 10:55 AM
Ooh, someone should suggest that to Less. I don't think he's actually seen one of the planters yet.

Mina has six of them hanging off of her pack, he’ll have seen them.

2023-08-15, 11:38 AM
Oh, I can carry up to six.

... With the grunt money added in, I think I might buy three of them in that case. :P

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-17, 12:30 PM

“Huh? Oh yes, she could do that! She’s a really nice lady, she did say she would only raise Fossils that weren’t broken up, because she said some people over in Galar did that and the Pokemon were all messed up and she said that was cruel. But yours is not broken up, so you could ask her to raise it if you wanted! Her name is Lily and she lives in Landsedge.”

Those poor Galar fossils, they really look like they've suffered. They're my least favorite pokemon, but the "corrected" fan versions are so good.

Also, I've started a new job with a long commute, so the hours I can post in have decreased. I should still be able to post almost every day.

2023-08-17, 04:27 PM
Those poor Galar fossils, they really look like they've suffered.

I concur, and the worst part is there doesn't even seem to be a reason for it beyond 'We can't be bothered to check and make sure all these pieces belong to the same critter!'

Also, I've started a new job with a long commute, so the hours I can post in have decreased. I should still be able to post almost every day.

No problem. Honestly I've been a bit worried I've been driving you guys too far and too fast.

Congrats on the new job though! :D Hope it goes well.

2023-08-17, 06:17 PM
I concur, and the worst part is there doesn't even seem to be a reason for it beyond 'We can't be bothered to check and make sure all these pieces belong to the same critter!'

The out-of-world reason for it was that the British Museum is somewhat infamous for doing exactly that with dinosaurs IRL... well, without the "bringing the mixed-up fossils back to life" part, of course. :smalltongue:

In-universe there is no reason for this beyond dumb laziness. Poor Galar fossil 'mon. u-u

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-17, 07:07 PM
I concur, and the worst part is there doesn't even seem to be a reason for it beyond 'We can't be bothered to check and make sure all these pieces belong to the same critter!'

The out-of-world reason for it was that the British Museum is somewhat infamous for doing exactly that with dinosaurs IRL... well, without the "bringing the mixed-up fossils back to life" part, of course. :smalltongue:

In-universe there is no reason for this beyond dumb laziness. Poor Galar fossil 'mon. u-u

Exactly. Those researchers should feel ashamed.

No problem. Honestly I've been a bit worried I've been driving you guys too far and too fast.

Ha, don't worry about that. I really like the pace we've going at. It feels like we're making a little progress every IRL day. That's really nice for a play-by-post.

Congrats on the new job though! :D Hope it goes well.

Thanks! I'm not sure about it yet, but it's nice to doing something with my time. Unfortunately, there's not any time to make a long post on the clock.

2023-08-20, 12:58 PM
Y'know, that's entirely fair. Will make any anniversary pictures that I commission a bit cheaper too. Y'know, when we inevitable hit 20 years and finally finish Quibir. :smalltongue:

By coincidence, the same day you said this, I had actually ordered a commish for Pinklady.... today, it finished! :smallbiggrin:


Commish made by @dreampachi on Twitter!

(If you saw my description of Pinklady awhile back, you'll notice a decent handful of differences from the prior description - when I commish singular characters, I like to change around some of the details a bit. Nice to shake things up a bit, I find. :smallsmile: (Plus it helps keep me from getting nitpicky or micromanage-y :smalltongue: ) )

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-20, 02:22 PM
That's awesome, and very cute! I like the chibi/anime style for Pinklady. Very fitting for her character.

2023-08-20, 03:30 PM
Very nice! :smallsmile:


I feel like I'm missing something, so if you notice anything off let me know!

2023-08-21, 08:05 AM
By coincidence, the same day you said this, I had actually ordered a commish for Pinklady.... today, it finished! :smallbiggrin:

Dawww, that's great!

... Now I need to get Mark drawn. But I have another 1.5k in car repairs. :smallsigh: Weeeeeeeh

2023-08-21, 12:21 PM
I am really glad how it came out - I didn't even realise how good a fit the particular artist I commissioned was for her character until it was done. Definitely glad I went with who I did. :smallbiggrin:

Aw man, Gnomes, best wishes for saving up for that repair! What's the issue that needs to be repaired? That's a pretty hefty amount :smalleek:

2023-08-21, 05:31 PM
The issue is three issues. 1) Front left drive shaft is a bit warped (so the ride is a bit bumpy, and the wheel is wearing out a little bit more than the others, least serious and least expensive issue to fix.) 2) Half of the brake lights are burnt out (the most expensive repair, since they are LED's built into the trunk and the way that the car is designed requires the trunk to get partially disassembled for them to be replaced, but they're the redundant lights so it's not immediately an issue.) 3) The system that controls car's ability to startup and regulates electricity throughout it while it's running is 2/3's of the way dead.

Getting that last one replaced next week because if I don't then I won't have a caaaaaaaar. :smallfrown:

2023-08-21, 07:42 PM
Sorry to hear about your car trouble Gnomes. :smallfrown: I hope there aren't any further complications!

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-22, 10:13 PM
Sorry to hear about your car trouble Gnomes. :smallfrown: I hope there aren't any further complications!

Agreed! I've probably got to bring my own car in for repairs soon. One of the windows is currently stuck in the up position and is making a horrible rattling noise.

2023-08-29, 12:29 PM
Wonder if Less is going to be on his own with Wain for long enough to start gossiping about the non-Matt kids? Check out their hobbies... or criminal records.

"Yeah, that Mark kid? Watch out for him. He's a jaywalker. You can never trust what's going on in such a deviant and twisted mind." :smalltongue:

... Actually, no one has checked out Mina's criminal record, have they? She keeps looking in on everyone else, but no one in the current party took the time to return the favor! We're such trusting fools. We've been had, ladies and gents. We've been tricked. Backstabbed. Quite possibly bamboozled.

2023-08-29, 09:06 PM
... Actually, no one has checked out Mina's criminal record, have they? She keeps looking in on everyone else, but no one in the current party took the time to return the favor! We're such trusting fools. We've been had, ladies and gents. We've been tricked. Backstabbed. Quite possibly bamboozled.

Criminal record? Well let’s see, she’s got multiple counts of assault and battery with a Pokémon, at least one of attempted murder, several counts of theft, one of arson…

…oh wait you meant before the game started. Never mind. :smalltongue:

2023-08-29, 09:55 PM
Criminal record? Well let’s see, she’s got multiple counts of assault and battery with a Pokémon, at least one of attempted murder, several counts of theft, one of arson…

…oh wait you meant before the game started. Never mind. :smalltongue:

Look, being at war changes things as far as beating people up, and Misty deserved a bit of light life-threatening throttling, so who can really judge her for that? Certainly not Mark!

Lord Ruby34
2023-08-31, 08:02 PM
Criminal record? Well let’s see, she’s got multiple counts of assault and battery with a Pokémon, at least one of attempted murder, several counts of theft, one of arson…

…oh wait you meant before the game started. Never mind. :smalltongue:

You know, I think you could make a solid argument that Less has done all those things as well.

Also, sorry for the short posts the last few days. I've been on the road and posting on my phone when I got a chance. That'll be happening again in a few weeks, because I'm getting married on September 17th! And then I'll be one my honeymoon for about a week after that.

2023-08-31, 08:27 PM
Dawwwwwwwwwww, congrats! Might I offer you a chompy fish as a wedding gift? :smalltongue:

2023-08-31, 09:23 PM
Also, sorry for the short posts the last few days. I've been on the road and posting on my phone when I got a chance. That'll be happening again in a few weeks, because I'm getting married on September 17th! And then I'll be one my honeymoon for about a week after that.

😄 Congrats!!! I hope everything goes well!

I’ll have relatives visiting around that time so odds are you won’t even be missing much game-wise. 😉

2023-09-01, 06:29 AM
You know, I think you could make a solid argument that Less has done all those things as well.

Also, sorry for the short posts the last few days. I've been on the road and posting on my phone when I got a chance. That'll be happening again in a few weeks, because I'm getting married on September 17th! And then I'll be one my honeymoon for about a week after that.

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-01, 03:20 PM
Thanks guys! I'm pretty pumped!

Sorry I couldn't take your fish!

2023-09-01, 05:23 PM
Sorry I couldn't take your fish!

Alas. We'll have to marry off EssCee or Feathersnow to give one of them the wedding fish. :smalltongue:

2023-09-01, 09:31 PM
Congrats, Ruby, absolutely wonderful news!!! :smallbiggrin:

Hah, by the time I'd get the fish, it'd have long since become super strong... patience'll pay off! :smalltongue:

2023-09-05, 08:34 AM
Y'know... I never thought I' end up making a backstory for Mark's father, yet here I am. Knowing that:
He was an electrical engineer with a minor in mineral sciences (so he made better batteries, circuitry and stuff)
That Captain Max was his buddy from the military (Drake and Markus were his secretaries, Zelgius and Alan his direct subordinates, and Jason was a friend of the Lorend twins)
That he remarried when Mark was 2
That he owned a house in Johto but was only home maybe three months out of the year because his job just sent him to various centers and offices throughout Hoenn, Unova and Kalos
His ship sank with no survivors while coming back to Johto from Hoenn
And that the money that Mark inherited from him was put into a trust fund until Mark was 16, and that Mark's spent basically all of it on his new arm (the starting money he had when he was introduced into the game was all he had left)

And yet, do I know his father's name? No. No I do not know Mark's dead father's name. Why would I? Clearly it will never come up, that would be so much work to make.

*Head-desks repeatedly because why does his brain work like this?*

2023-09-06, 07:57 PM
And yet, do I know his father's name? No. No I do not know Mark's dead father's name. Why would I? Clearly it will never come up, that would be so much work to make.

*Head-desks repeatedly because why does his brain work like this?*

I know how you feel, this is part of why so many NPC character names are shout-outs.

2023-09-06, 10:39 PM
John Wain being the most well-known of those references, yeah.

... Also, I was really into Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn back in the day (and still am), which is why my first character's name was Zelgius. Because I was a nerdy little weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb. :smallbiggrin:

2023-09-06, 11:00 PM
I just used a list of "Samurai names" on Google, lol.

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-07, 12:13 AM
John Wain being the most well-known of those references, yeah.

... Also, I was really into Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn back in the day (and still am), which is why my first character's name was Zelgius. Because I was a nerdy little weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb. :smallbiggrin:

God, I loved that game. That and Fe9 are still the best games in the series.

2023-09-07, 01:26 AM
Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are just such good stories, even if Radiant Dawn is a brutally difficult game to actually play. Poor Dawn Brigade babies. They needed 3-4 more chapters worth of experience to keep up with the A-team Greil Mercs.

... Michaia's teasing of Sothe's man crush on Ike is probably still my favorite bit of banter in any video game, ever. "Ike, 'hero' of the Mad King's War, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children..."

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-07, 12:50 PM
Every time I play I have to bench most of the dawn brigade immediately to make sure that the others get enough EXP. Which means that Leo, Aron, and Laura basically always end up immediately riding the bench. (Not to mention the late joiners like Meg and Fiona.)

The story is so good in these games. I just wish Radiant Dawn had any other support system than the one that they used. Or that some of the characters had actual availability.

EDIT: As far as names go I end up thinking way too long. My fiance helped me with Less's, which made it easier. The last name is all me though. He's not a Pokemon Professor, but as a teacher I figured he still gets a tree themed last name.

2023-09-07, 10:39 PM
UGH, FIONA, MY BELOATHED. If she had more than two chapters where you could use her in part 1 (one of which she doesn't even start under your control for the first half), or she started at level 15 with the stats to match, she could be great, but alas. She's just genuinely one of, if not the worst, characters in FE history because she gets NO experience.

The only good Leo I've ever seen was in JelloApocalypse's "Crappy Archers" run, where he only attacked with Ike (so Ike can get to end game and win eventually, but only until Ike hit the level cap) and units that could attack with a bow (or crossbow, eventually, but they weren't allowed to attack with other weapons), which he did just to see if he could get it done. He won. God it was suffering, especially the Dawn Brigade Manor assault levels, but he did it. Fiona just got Bonus EXP'd to a Silver Knight so he could have nearly a full team for end game. Nolan similarly got master seal + bexp'd into a Warrior so he could use crossbows.

Laura and Aron can be decent (especially if you use healer abuse with Michaia sacrifices so that she and Laura can farm the same character), but yeah, the Dawn Babies are mostly carried by Sothe, Nolan and Deadward until you can pick up Jill. Oh. And Naila, if you just want to use the STRONGEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME and never gain experience on any of your other Dawn Brigade members.

... I don't have strong opinions about this game that I will take any excuse to share. Definitely not. It's certainly not one of my favorite games of all time and I well know its flaws and love it despite them. Give me a remake with real support convos, Intelligent Systems. Bring back the original writers to make them. Reeeee

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-08, 07:34 AM
The only good Leo I've ever seen was in JelloApocalypse's "Crappy Archers" run, where he only attacked with Ike (so Ike can get to end game and win eventually, but only until Ike hit the level cap) and units that could attack with a bow (or crossbow, eventually, but they weren't allowed to attack with other weapons), which he did just to see if he could get it done. He won. God it was suffering, especially the Dawn Brigade Manor assault levels, but he did it. Fiona just got Bonus EXP'd to a Silver Knight so he could have nearly a full team for end game. Nolan similarly got master seal + bexp'd into a Warrior so he could use crossbows.

I'll have to watch that at some point, it sounds like a hoot. I've literally never successfully used Leo. The npc Archers that fight alongside you are better.

Laura and Aron can be decent (especially if you use healer abuse with Michaia sacrifices so that she and Laura can farm the same character), but yeah, the Dawn Babies are mostly carried by Sothe, Nolan and Deadward until you can pick up Jill. Oh. And Naila, if you just want to use the STRONGEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME and never gain experience on any of your other Dawn Brigade members.

Volug is also serviceable once he arrives, and Zihark can replace a bad Edward (or a non-existent one if you didn't traun him). The real travesty is the mages though. Michaih is slow as molasses, Illyana is awful and leaves anyway, and Tormod has some of the worst availability in the entire game. So enjoy using axes the entire time, because those chapters are often the Nolan and Jill show.

The Crimeian Knights also got shafted, just not as badly.

... I don't have strong opinions about this game that I will take any excuse to share. Definitely not. It's certainly not one of my favorite games of all time and I well know its flaws and love it despite them. Give me a remake with real support convos, Intelligent Systems. Bring back the original writers to make them. Reeeee

All I can say is agreed.

2023-09-08, 08:27 AM
Michaih is slow as molasses,

So, fun fact, if you use all the healing items and have a few hours to abuse battle saves, you can get Michaia to level 11 (ab)using Sacrifice spam and herbs on the first level, and if you restart to ensure her speed goes up with each of her levels, she can double pretty much everything for the rest of act 1, and keeps respectable speed with just her regular growth to not get doubled by anything but Swordmasters/ peg knights for the rest of the game.

... This is something I learned from Jello's first recorded run, where he was just doing a Hard playthrough of both PoR and RD on-stream and he decided to do that before starting the Radiant Dawn part of the playthrough. He was narrating the game with a bunch of his voice actor friends because he wanted to show them his favorite game, and he wanted to have the most kick-ass Maiden of Dawn possible for that.

If you're interested in something to put on in the background long-term, then here, have the playlist links. I had fun with them. Not only are they excellently voice-acted by people who know what they're doing, but I got plenty of memes to reference out of them, such as, "Shade always procs" and "Interesting Maneuver." :smalltongue:
Path of Radiance playthrough (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGS6y5QCDCs&list=PLjneAxn7bEepnpM1ovTRF_YrQHC2fUTE3&pp=iAQB)
Radiant Dawn Playthrough (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWOXQpr_k2w&list=PLjneAxn7bEepf_lzkpyNALYvEqDtH6xrv)
THE CURSED ARCHER RUN (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh9IZGqx02M&list=PLjneAxn7bEeqbai6dkAfwrc1pzkz_ifgq)

2023-09-08, 10:37 PM
Whoops! Seems like deciding to take on both classes and a job at the same time have slowed down my posting more than I expected. :smalltongue: Should have more chances to post over the weekend, though! (And the job's short enough that I'll be able to get full posting speed back at the end of the month.)

Here's a silly but meaningful way I think this game's managed to affect me - an ingame day ago, when Stef thanked Pinklady on sight about stuff from earlier that day, I felt a sort of "huh, that felt completely natural, not weird or forced" - and since then, I've found myself a bit more able to thank folks. Before, I thought it'd come off as weird or offputting to thank someone for something way after the thing to thank them for happened, but a simple interaction in a fictional world turned that idea on its head! :smallsmile:

2023-09-10, 02:09 PM
Here's a silly but meaningful way I think this game's managed to affect me - an ingame day ago, when Stef thanked Pinklady on sight about stuff from earlier that day, I felt a sort of "huh, that felt completely natural, not weird or forced" - and since then, I've found myself a bit more able to thank folks. Before, I thought it'd come off as weird or offputting to thank someone for something way after the thing to thank them for happened, but a simple interaction in a fictional world turned that idea on its head! :smallsmile:

I’m glad it’s been helpful! :smallsmile:


Fair warning guys, as mentioned earlier I have relatives visiting later this week so expect updates to be spotty for the next several days.

2023-09-11, 08:49 PM
“…and did you want me to see if Xatu can do anything about your face?”

Pictured: Mina just barging into an intimate conversation to critique someone's face. :smalltongue:

Also, someone take my fish. :smallannoyed: Actually, having a third water type for a water trainer battle would be kinda nice, tbf, but that's beside the point

2023-09-11, 09:16 PM
Pictured: Mina just barging into an intimate conversation to critique someone's face. :smalltongue:

That is a fairly typical level of tact for Mina. :smallbiggrin:

Also, someone take my fish. :smallannoyed: Actually, having a third water type for a water trainer battle would be kinda nice, tbf, but that's beside the point

I could ask why you bothered to catch it if you didn’t want it, but instead I will point out that you could offer it up as a trade to an NPC for something you do want.

2023-09-11, 09:55 PM
I could ask why you bothered to catch it if you didn’t want it, but instead I will point out that you could offer it up as a trade to an NPC for something you do want.

Well, 1) Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have given me an abiding love of how you can GO FAST with this fish, and similarly the visceral fear that a Sharpedo charging at you in Sword/ Shield has left its mark. Also 2) I have too many pokeballs, and Sharpedo is cool and seems like a pretty good option for a ridable water type. I know that any water type is technically able to be ridden, but a corphish/ crawdaunt isn't going to go very fast or keep your head above water very well, and Sharpedo is a good pokemon to ride if you need to swim away REALLY, REALLY FAST. Mark and Mina keep talking about wanting to find escape routes that don't rely on teleportation, and riding a pokemon that can get you a mile away from bad guys in under two minutes feels like it fits the description.

... So if no one wants it, then I'll keep it as a backup fish. If Mark is surfing on his own, he's gonna put on sunglasses and sail around in style on the back of his motorboat shark, be completely uncatchable by anything except jets, other Sharpedo and some forms of sports boat. :smallcool:

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-11, 10:19 PM
So, fun fact, if you use all the healing items and have a few hours to abuse battle saves, you can get Michaia to level 11 (ab)using Sacrifice spam and herbs on the first level, and if you restart to ensure her speed goes up with each of her levels, she can double pretty much everything for the rest of act 1, and keeps respectable speed with just her regular growth to not get doubled by anything but Swordmasters/ peg knights for the rest of the game.

... This is something I learned from Jello's first recorded run, where he was just doing a Hard playthrough of both PoR and RD on-stream and he decided to do that before starting the Radiant Dawn part of the playthrough. He was narrating the game with a bunch of his voice actor friends because he wanted to show them his favorite game, and he wanted to have the most kick-ass Maiden of Dawn possible for that.

If you're interested in something to put on in the background long-term, then here, have the playlist links. I had fun with them. Not only are they excellently voice-acted by people who know what they're doing, but I got plenty of memes to reference out of them, such as, "Shade always procs" and "Interesting Maneuver." :smalltongue:
Path of Radiance playthrough (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGS6y5QCDCs&list=PLjneAxn7bEepnpM1ovTRF_YrQHC2fUTE3&pp=iAQB)
Radiant Dawn Playthrough (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWOXQpr_k2w&list=PLjneAxn7bEepf_lzkpyNALYvEqDtH6xrv)
THE CURSED ARCHER RUN (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh9IZGqx02M&list=PLjneAxn7bEeqbai6dkAfwrc1pzkz_ifgq)

Oooh, I've added that to my list of things to watch.

That is a fairly typical level of tact for Mina. :smallbiggrin:

I've always appreciated her consistent characterization.

Here's a silly but meaningful way I think this game's managed to affect me - an ingame day ago, when Stef thanked Pinklady on sight about stuff from earlier that day, I felt a sort of "huh, that felt completely natural, not weird or forced" - and since then, I've found myself a bit more able to thank folks. Before, I thought it'd come off as weird or offputting to thank someone for something way after the thing to thank them for happened, but a simple interaction in a fictional world turned that idea on its head! :smallsmile:

RPGs are one of my favorite things for just that reason. Sometimes they can change your life, in little ways or small ones.

Also, I realized I'd been neglecting this thread. There's a very simple reason for that, and it's called Baldur's Gate III. That game is amazing and you should all go play it immediately if you have any interest in DnD themed games at all.

2023-09-16, 07:02 AM
Mark, Akio:

((Let me know if you need input from me.))

Just waiting on Akio on my end, not much else for me to add right now.

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-18, 09:45 AM
Officially married as of yesterday. I'm headed out for a week of celebration, so that will likely be my last big post for a bit.

2023-09-18, 02:55 PM
Officially married as of yesterday. I'm headed out for a week of celebration, so that will likely be my last big post for a bit.

Congratulations! 🎉😄

My game posting will probably pick up tomorrow or Wednesday.

2023-09-18, 06:33 PM
Officially married as of yesterday. I'm headed out for a week of celebration, so that will likely be my last big post for a bit.

Congrats! Hope your honeymoon/ wedding week treats both of you well. Dibs on any leftover wedding cake!

Edit: Mark arm lore time.

... In before his hand just explodes on contact with the litwick.

2023-09-23, 01:36 PM
Sorry for the late response - job's just got one week left, so I should be much better about posting then!

And congrats, Ruby, hope it's been a great time!

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-25, 07:25 PM
Congratulations! 🎉😄

My game posting will probably pick up tomorrow or Wednesday.

Congrats! Hope your honeymoon/ wedding week treats both of you well. Dibs on any leftover wedding cake!

Edit: Mark arm lore time.

... In before his hand just explodes on contact with the litwick.

Sorry for the late response - job's just got one week left, so I should be much better about posting then!

And congrats, Ruby, hope it's been a great time!

Thanks everyone! My wife and I had a great time, and just flew back home today.

Unfortunately our guests ate all the cake, so no leftover wedding cake for anyone.

2023-09-26, 10:52 AM
Welcome back! You're just in time for things to begin going poorly, which will be Mark's fault somehow. ((That somehow being how he has his worst possible team comp for this particular situation))

Lord Ruby34
2023-09-30, 08:35 AM
Welcome back! You're just in time for things to begin going poorly, which will be Mark's fault somehow. ((That somehow being how he has his worst possible team comp for this particular situation))

It should be fine Akio and Eto seem to have it handled. I'm sure no one will blame you for the injured Chansey.

Also, fun fact. Crawdaunt can learn Liquidation, but Corphish cannot. Which is why Princess had to evolve being going to see the move tutor. Finally, my master plan to teach Princess a physical water type move has reach fruition. Now she'll be moderately less stoppable than she was before.

2023-09-30, 05:27 PM
I meant to post this earlier: I’m tweaking the Rage mechanics, so now instead of a Rage Gauge the Pokémon lose double the amount of their Shadow Gauge while in a Rage (so by default, 4% while Raging vs. 2% when not). But it’s not set in stone just yet, so let me know if you think this is better or worse.

Now she'll be moderately less stoppable than she was before.

I like that phrase, I'll have to remember it. :smallbiggrin:

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-03, 07:44 AM
I like that phrase, I'll have to remember it. :smallbiggrin:


Sorry for any formatting issues, I'm posting on mobile. I'll do my best to fix them when I get home.

2023-10-06, 07:41 PM
Is there any list somewhere for the learnsets of your Helnith-exclusive Pokémon (in my case, Cosmas's available movepool up to level 19 + tutoring)? Checked the sheets for such but couldn't find it, not sure if I'm just not looking in the right place!

2023-10-07, 06:41 PM
Is there any list somewhere for the learnsets of your Helnith-exclusive Pokémon (in my case, Cosmas's available movepool up to level 19 + tutoring)? Checked the sheets for such but couldn't find it, not sure if I'm just not looking in the right place!

Here you go:

From level-up:

Tail Whip
Faint Attack

Tutor Moves:

After You
Ally Switch
Aqua Tail
Beginner's Luck*
Body Slam
Dark Pulse
Dream Eater
Expanding Force
Fury Cutter
Gordian Knot*
Heal Bell
Helping Hand
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Icy Wind
Iron Tail
Knock Off
Magic Coat
Meteor Beam
Psych Up
Shock Wave
Signal Beam
Skill Swap
Sleep Talk
Stomping Tantrum
Sucker Punch
Swords Dance
Throat Chop
Thunder Wave
Triple Axel
Wonder Room
Zen Headbutt

The Dungeon Master reserves the right to expand the list later. (In-universe, the old monk will occasionally have moments of epiphany while meditating – for example when a new Generation comes out. :smalltongue:)

And since this is a homebrew Pokémon, if there’s something you think should be on the list that isn’t or shouldn’t be that is (EX: if I accidentally left in some Legendary’s signature move), let me know.

2023-10-07, 07:30 PM
Wow, that's quite a list! I'm gonna need a bigger boat some more Heart Scales... Thank you!

2023-10-07, 07:37 PM
Wow, that's quite a list! I'm gonna need a bigger boat some more Heart Scales... Thank you!

I should probably give you a summary of the Helnith-specific moves too; you already know Bash is a Spectral damaging move, Beginner's Luck does Normal damage and has higher power for less evolved Pokémon, Gordian Knot is a trapping move and Tangle will remove trapping effects from the user and place them on the target.

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-09, 12:45 PM
I think I just figured out something extremely important.

What sights are seen by my gazing eye? Something startling in it's shattered beauty, not broken but cracked. A spire, with vines of growing green, gathering on the side of the building like old computer code. The sun sets, spilling upon the ground it's last golden ray. What is, is. I wonder, what could be trapped? Trapped in that tower, or even kept outside? But such things are not for me to know, my prison is that of reality.

2023-10-09, 05:04 PM
I think I just figured out something extremely important.

What sights are seen by my gazing eye? Something startling in it's shattered beauty, not broken but cracked. A spire, with vines of growing green, gathering on the side of the building like old computer code. The sun sets, spilling upon the ground it's last golden ray. What is, is. I wonder, what could be trapped? Trapped in that tower, or even kept outside? But such things are not for me to know, my prison is that of reality.

I am unfamiliar with the source material, but a few pages in I'm already reminded of something else I saw on YouTube.

"Hello, citizens of Autodale! You are pretty. Your neighbours, friends and family are also pretty. But sadly, not everyone is pretty. Some are ugly ...We, here at Autodale, do not want "uglies.""

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-10, 05:45 PM
Ooh, I'd be interested in learning more.

2023-10-10, 06:39 PM
Ooh, I'd be interested in learning more.

Link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Vh_w_Qb1A&list=PLZ5VEKOKH8PCjZJYvjlinBtjjmKV_-dk1). It's a short series, and fair warning there are a few parts with blood and IIRC some exposed organs (still-beating heart).

2023-10-13, 09:34 AM
So Studio Bones, the people behind the animation of My Hero Academia, made a music video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoZ0Zwab6Oc) for pokemon. This thing is gorgeous. I wish we'd get a more serious pokemon anime that's animated like this, gawd dang.

2023-10-13, 12:22 PM
So Studio Bones, the people behind the animation of My Hero Academia, made a music video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoZ0Zwab6Oc) for pokemon. This thing is gorgeous. I wish we'd get a more serious pokemon anime that's animated like this, gawd dang.

I didn't understand a word of the song and I've still got the tune stuck in my head. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, here are the stat blocks for the new attacks:

Type: Normal (Physical)
Power: Varies, see text
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 (max. 8)

Power is based on the evolutionary stage of the Pokemon:

60 for Pokemon that don't evolve or last stage Pokemon (EX: Articuno, Charizard, Lucario)
80 for second of three stage or first of 2-stage Pokemon (EX: Charmeleon, Riolu)
100 for unevolved Pokemon in three tier evolution chains (EX: Whismur, Charmander)

Type: Dark (Status)
Power: --
Accuracy: --%
PP: 20 (max 32)

Raises user's Attack 1-2 levels (50% chance each), 30% chance to Confuse self.

Type: Spectral (Special)
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (max 16)

Damages multiple targets--friend and foe (ala Earthquake, Discharge). 20% Burn chance. Raises Shadow Gauge of target(s) by 4-6%.

Type: Normal (Physical)
Power: 50
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 40 (max 64)

Deals damage, 50% chance the user retrieves a random held item expended during the battle (only if the user isn't currently holding anything).

Type: Spectral (Status)
Power: --
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 (max 8)

Traps all participants currently in battle.

Type: Psychic (Status)
Power: --
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (max 16)

Swaps trapping effects (Fire Spin, Mean Look, etc...) from the user to the target. Fails if the target is already trapped.

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-13, 03:51 PM
So Studio Bones, the people behind the animation of My Hero Academia, made a music video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoZ0Zwab6Oc) for pokemon. This thing is gorgeous. I wish we'd get a more serious pokemon anime that's animated like this, gawd dang.

If the series was animated like that then I would watch more if it! That animation was gorgeous.

I didn't understand a word of the song and I've still got the tune stuck in my head. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, here are the stat blocks for the new attacks:

Type: Normal (Physical)
Power: Varies, see text
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 (max. 8)

Power is based on the evolutionary stage of the Pokemon:

60 for Pokemon that don't evolve or last stage Pokemon (EX: Articuno, Charizard, Lucario)
80 for second of three stage or first of 2-stage Pokemon (EX: Charmeleon, Riolu)
100 for unevolved Pokemon in three tier evolution chains (EX: Whismur, Charmander)

Type: Dark (Status)
Power: --
Accuracy: --%
PP: 20 (max 32)

Raises user's Attack 1-2 levels (50% chance each), 30% chance to Confuse self.

Type: Spectral (Special)
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (max 16)

Damages multiple targets--friend and foe (ala Earthquake, Discharge). 20% Burn chance. Raises Shadow Gauge of target(s) by 4-6%.

Type: Normal (Physical)
Power: 50
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 40 (max 64)

Deals damage, 50% chance the user retrieves a random held item expended during the battle (only if the user isn't currently holding anything).

Type: Spectral (Status)
Power: --
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 (max 8)

Traps all participants currently in battle.

Type: Psychic (Status)
Power: --
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (max 16)

Swaps trapping effects (Fire Spin, Mean Look, etc...) from the user to the target. Fails if the target is already trapped.

Ooh, a Spectral attack that hits Teammates... that's probably too dangerous to tutor. Don't want to accidentally shadow the party.

Gordian Knot though ... does the trapping effect stay if the user switches out? Also, did Alexander the Great exist in Pokémon world? The implications are staggering.

2023-10-13, 06:38 PM
Gordian Knot though ... does the trapping effect stay if the user switches out?

You’d need a Shed Shell or equivalent workaround to switch the user out in the first place. Gordian Knot traps ALL participants, that includes the user.

That said, standard for moves like that is no, but I’m considering it and might do the same for Spider Web, since it doesn’t make much sense to me that the webbing just evaporates when the originator is recalled. 🤪 Plus that will make it a little more distinct from Mean Look and Block. Buuut there is something to be said for standardization too. Thoughts?

Also, did Alexander the Great exist in Pokémon world? The implications are staggering.

If not I’m sure there was a knockoff equivalent. 🙃

2023-10-16, 10:58 PM
That said, standard for moves like that is no, but I’m considering it and might do the same for Spider Web, since it doesn’t make much sense to me that the webbing just evaporates when the originator is recalled. 🤪 Plus that will make it a little more distinct from Mean Look and Block. Buuut there is something to be said for standardization too. Thoughts?

I think standardizing it so that trapping abilities go away with the pokemon generating it are recalled, but trapping moves stick around, would be a decent compromise for this? Or you could keep it on a case-by-case basis, though it's more work and we all know you already do too much of that. :smalltongue:

2023-10-17, 06:26 PM
Gnomes your Berry planters should be up to date, let me know if I missed anything.

I think standardizing it so that trapping abilities go away with the pokemon generating it are recalled, but trapping moves stick around, would be a decent compromise for this? Or you could keep it on a case-by-case basis, though it's more work and we all know you already do too much of that. :smalltongue:

Something I thought about after I posted was that if the moves (or Abilities) don't go away with the Pokémon that causes them, then if say...the next Taskmaster...were to inflict Gordian Knot on you lot (or have a bunch of mooks with Mean Look), you basically have to win the fight or die. Thus I'm leaning towards leaving them as-is so they go away with the originator so we don't run into that. It's not set in stone ATM though.

2023-10-17, 08:00 PM
You know, the officer fights are spooky and high stakes enough without the win or die aspects, so fair.

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-19, 07:37 AM
Agreed. Especially because I have a feeling Less might get in over his head a few m9re times. :p

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-23, 10:19 PM
Forgive the double post.

Does Less know the typing of the Moghog? (If not, does he have time to scan it before calling for a move?)

2023-10-24, 05:44 PM
Does Less know the typing of the Moghog?

No, but Less can guess. :smallwink:

I will say that he remembers Emilia had considered one of these for her primary battling team, but ultimately passed on the idea because they are usually solitary and aggressive - not ideal for a trainer frequently in the public eye.

(If not, does he have time to scan it before calling for a move?)

No, I’m going to say it takes a round if you want an in-depth scan.

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-24, 06:41 PM
No, I’m going to say it takes a round if you want an in-depth scan.

Grumble grumble entirely reasonable limitations grumble grumble. :smalltongue:

2023-10-26, 09:29 AM
Hey y'all, nothing much to add on my end just yet and I've been sick the last couple of days, but I also have a thing or two to announce!

So, Mark is getting art. Got a WIP for him and everything, and I was planning to get some group art for the game from the same artist. I was thinking of keeping it secret as a sort of gift for the next anniversary of the game, but figured I should get more detailed descriptions from people who want their characters to be involved in it, and also see which of the ideas I was thinking about that people were actually interested in.

So the rough ideas I had at the moment were these... if you have something you'd like to see, feel free to suggest it!

1) Everyone in the jeep as it hops over the crest of a hill. Less would be driving and is wearing sunglasses and totally calm. Either Mina or Pinklady is riding shotgun and also wearing sunglasses, just as chill. Akio is riding in the trunk, standing up, holding the headrests and having the time of his life. Mark and Mina or Pinklady (whoever isn't up front with Less) are in the back seats, and Mark is clinging to the door for dear life as he drives around with these mad fools. Connie, Tarr and Mina's Xatu are flying overhead in this one.

2) The whole group just napping in the pokemon center lobby, Less with Buck resting in his lap, Mark being fussed over by Tattersail and Pinklady laying on Whirlywhirly's back. Mina is, of course, bandaged with a Chansey beside her, because her being uninjured is only a temporary thing. :smalltongue:

3) "Swimsuit edition", with the group riding pokemon out on the waves. Mark, Mina and Pinklady on Fisher, and Less and Akio on the back of Ronin, who is also a Lapras (the ditto's a copy of Fisher, except with the iconic ditto face). Everyone is wearing swimsuits, of course, since they're out on the water.

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-26, 09:17 PM
Oh wow. All those ideas are amazing. Truly awesome. I'm not sure I can express how much of a surge of joy seeing this post just gave me. I particularity like the jeep idea (and am going to have to have Less pick up shades now), but my wife has told me to advocate for the beach edition. But truly any of those would be wild.

I think there's a few descriptions of Less earlier in the thread, but my favorite is the image I posted early this year of Doc Holiday, but gone mostly gray. It's how I imagine him in my head.

2023-10-27, 03:36 PM
I like the jeep too. Hope you’re feeling better!

Speaking of announcements, I’m going to post it here so you guys can hold me to it: my goal for November is to upgrade the Battle tab and character tabs, so they do things like auto-fill the move lists (since I’ve obviously been doing a bad job keeping those up to date), Pokémon base stats and whatever else I can manage by the end of the month.

2023-10-27, 06:47 PM
I feel like the jeep or pokemon center would be best for a "first picture," no good anime starts with the filler beach episode, after all. :smalltongue: Ruby, could you send me that picture again? And Kareeah, could you send me a description of Mina? Feathersnow, is there anything in particular you want for Akio other than the samurai armor? Thankfully, we already have a picture for for Pinklady, so we're good on that end. Congrats, essCee, on being the only one to have done their homework. :smallbiggrin:

Also, I think we can keep going with the Mina meetup, just so we don't stop story progression.

2023-10-27, 10:08 PM
I feel like the jeep or pokemon center would be best for a "first picture," no good anime starts with the filler beach episode, after all. :smalltongue: Ruby, could you send me that picture again? And Kareeah, could you send me a description of Mina? Feathersnow, is there anything in particular you want for Akio other than the samurai armor? Thankfully, we already have a picture for for Pinklady, so we're good on that end. Congrats, essCee, on being the only one to have done their homework. :smallbiggrin:


Black-haired girl on the right. And I really need to move my art off Photobucket. :smallyuk:

Also, I think we can keep going with the Mina meetup, just so we don't stop story progression.

Sure thing, I’ll include it with the next update.

2023-10-28, 07:19 AM
Ahhhh, yes. The 12 years old art. Back from the ancient times, before I needed to work a job or pay taxes. And of all the people there, only Mina is still around. Oof.

Personally, I've found that imgur is actually a decent place to upload art and things. Doesn't paste a giant banner in the middle of the art, at least. :smalltongue:

2023-10-28, 10:15 AM
I feel like the jeep or pokemon center would be best for a "first picture," no good anime starts with the filler beach episode, after all. :smalltongue: Ruby, could you send me that picture again? And Kareeah, could you send me a description of Mina? Feathersnow, is there anything in particular you want for Akio other than the samurai armor? Thankfully, we already have a picture for for Pinklady, so we're good on that end. Congrats, essCee, on being the only one to have done their homework. :smallbiggrin:

Also, I think we can keep going with the Mina meetup, just so we don't stop story progression.

I can't think of any notes. Dark hair, average height.

2023-10-28, 10:54 AM
Well-wishes with your health, Gnomes!

Love all of those group photo ideas - sounds like the Jeep one is winning out, which I wholeheartedly support. :smallbiggrin: Glad things are set on my end with the already-existing Pinklady piece, don't hesitate to mention if there's any sort of clarification or additional input you'd need from me!

Lord Ruby34
2023-10-28, 12:18 PM
Found the picture. It was buried in the IC thread.


Add about 30 years, and change out of the cowboy gear. Though Less does have that outfit in a closet somewhere . . .

2023-11-07, 06:07 AM
Ahhhhhhh crud, forgot to say I was putting the Macho Brace on cosmas before training him. Could we add that onto there? >.> If not, I'm stating now that I'm putting it on Carvanha before training that fish, so that I don't heckin' forget it again. :smallmad:

Found the picture. It was buried in the IC thread.


Add about 30 years, and change out of the cowboy gear. Though Less does have that outfit in a closet somewhere . . .

So, I was thinking about how to describe Less, and... well, with white in the hair and mustache, a professor's suit and sunglasses, I think... he might look kinda like*...


So what I'm saying is, we need to make sure Less never gets near a robotics production factory, and he can't be left alone with Mark's arm. :smalltongue:

*That's Doctor Wily, for those of you who haven't played or heard of Megaman.

2023-11-07, 07:10 AM
Ahhhhhhh crud, forgot to say I was putting the Macho Brace on cosmas before training him. Could we add that onto there? >.> If not, I'm stating now that I'm putting it on Carvanha before training that fish, so that I don't heckin' forget it again. :smallmad:

You mean the Power Weight, since we only have the one Macho Brace ATM and it can’t be in two places at once? Sure, but just this once.

EDIT: And updated the post.

2023-11-07, 08:34 AM
You mean the Power Weight, since we only have the one Macho Brace ATM and it can’t be in two places at once? Sure, but just this once.

EDIT: And updated the post.

Yes. Yes that is what I meant. I definitely wasn't trying to clone the macho brace. I am neither devious nor clever enough to come up with a plot like that.

And thank you! <3

2023-11-08, 12:03 AM
For the tournament stuff, is it like the games where you have the same Pokemon as your lead throughout a battle tower, or can we choose our lead per-battle?

If we can choose, I'd rather go without healing (maybe have a single post of Pinklady and Less deciding on that and planning their leads?
If we can't, I'd rather go with the healing, even with the penalty.

2023-11-08, 06:26 AM
I knew I remembered a post with all the custom moves and new pokemon, but couldn't find it in the OoC thread for the longest time... because all of that was back in the references thread on Heroes Community. Is it possible to get the new 'mon/ moves ported over here, or onto a google doc or something if there's just too many words to fit them into the first post?

Lord Ruby34
2023-11-08, 08:15 AM
For the tournament stuff, is it like the games where you have the same Pokemon as your lead throughout a battle tower, or can we choose our lead per-battle?

If we can choose, I'd rather go without healing (maybe have a single post of Pinklady and Less deciding on that and planning their leads?
If we can't, I'd rather go with the healing, even with the penalty.

Whoops, didn't see this before posting. I was worried about Blast Bolt, but Pinklady can definitely convince Less to continue on.

So, I was thinking about how to describe Less, and... well, with white in the hair and mustache, a professor's suit and sunglasses, I think... he might look kinda like*...


So what I'm saying is, we need to make sure Less never gets near a robotics production factory, and he can't be left alone with Mark's arm. :smalltongue:

Yes. Less has been a secret technological genius this whole time, capable of great feats of science, using all those wires, and metal, and uh . . . doo-hickes. Dang kids and their constant innovation. Makes it hard for an evil scientist to keep up with what's hip, yo.

2023-11-08, 06:31 PM
For the tournament stuff, is it like the games where you have the same Pokemon as your lead throughout a battle tower, or can we choose our lead per-battle?

Choose lead per battle.

I knew I remembered a post with all the custom moves and new pokemon, but couldn't find it in the OoC thread for the longest time... because all of that was back in the references thread on Heroes Community. Is it possible to get the new 'mon/ moves ported over here, or onto a google doc or something if there's just too many words to fit them into the first post?

Sure, but Battle and Character tabs are going to be upgraded first (those get used more).


I assume we can't use TM's or change held items in the middle of challenge?

Correct, no changing Held Items or SM uses (or any other item uses like Potions, for that matter) during the challenge, that will get you disqualified.

Lord Ruby34
2023-11-09, 12:44 PM
Correct, no changing Held Items or SM uses (or any other item uses like Potions, for that matter) during the challenge, that will get you disqualified.

Makes sense.

If Less leaves the battle tower without actually using this SM, can someone smack me? I've forgotten four times now.

2023-11-14, 05:32 PM
Feathersnow you've been quiet, are you stuck or dealing with RL stuff?

2023-11-17, 01:55 AM
As a note, Mark is calling Pinklady at, like... 6:30 pm, so the match you guys are in should be done by then. :smalltongue:

2023-11-18, 01:58 AM
Whoops, I'm so used to just reading the section for the battle, didn't realise until just before I was settling in to bed that there'd be a timesplit moment because of Mark's call. :smalltongue: Edited in!

2023-11-18, 09:55 PM
Memo to myself, double-check the spelling for Pokémon when posting. :smallyuk:

2023-11-19, 06:31 AM
It's time to make Less a PLANT DAD!!! :smalltongue:

Lord Ruby34
2023-11-19, 08:14 AM
It's time to make Less a PLANT DAD!!! :smalltongue:

He's already a real dad and a Pokemon dad. Give the poor man a break! :smalltongue:

2023-11-19, 09:01 AM
Less shall be a man of many hats. Especially if he owns many hats at his house and brings a few of them with him when he swaps out his wardrobe. :smalltongue:

Also, Mark might be holding a little bit of a grudge. Waking up before 6 is an ungodly thing, and thus worthy of condemnation and continued disgruntlement. :smallmad:

Lord Ruby34
2023-11-21, 10:13 PM
Less shall be a man of many hats. Especially if he owns many hats at his house and brings a few of them with him when he swaps out his wardrobe. :smalltongue:

Also, Mark might be holding a little bit of a grudge. Waking up before 6 is an ungodly thing, and thus worthy of condemnation and continued disgruntlement. :smallmad:

Stop warning people about my plans, Gnomes. :smalltongue:

It's okay. I'm sure Mark will find a way to get even eventually.

2023-11-21, 10:29 PM
Hi. I'm really sorry I've been AWOL. I've had... problems. Catching up presently.

2023-11-23, 01:44 AM
Stop warning people about my plans, Gnomes. :smalltongue:

I shan't. I am the Nostradumbass. I shall foresee your terrible dad jokes and say them first. :smalltongue:

Edit: Assuming Mark had a little time to cook because Mina didn't just teleport directly on top of Less and Pinklady, grab them by the collars and yeet them directly into the kitchen. Even if it would seem like her favorite method of gathering people in the same place. :smalltongue:

2023-11-23, 09:15 AM
Happy Thanksgiving you lot! 😄🦃🌽🥔

2023-11-23, 09:27 AM
Happy turkey/ham/chicken day, neeeeeerds! Gave me an extra day at work, so I'm celebrating by getting paid. :smallbiggrin:

Lord Ruby34
2023-11-23, 09:50 AM
I shan't. I am the Nostradumbass. I shall foresee your terrible dad jokes and say them first. :smalltongue:

Edit: Assuming Mark had a little time to cook because Mina didn't just teleport directly on top of Less and Pinklady, grab them by the collars and yeet them directly into the kitchen. Even if it would seem like her favorite method of gathering people in the same place. :smalltongue:

Rude. Now I might have to forswear the hats, just to make a point.

Happy Thanksgiving you lot! 😄🦃🌽🥔

Happy turkey/ham/chicken day, neeeeeerds! Gave me an extra day at work, so I'm celebrating by getting paid. :smallbiggrin:

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans! Happy random Thursday to anyone who doesn't celebrate!

2023-11-23, 01:35 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to anyone celebrating!!

2023-11-28, 07:33 PM
He's here. The lad is FINALLY HERE!!!


Lord Ruby34
2023-11-28, 08:38 PM
He's here. The lad is FINALLY HERE!!!


That's awesome Gnomes! 10/10, no notes, excellent boy.

I like the little thought bubble Tattersail.

2023-11-28, 09:12 PM
I love the shirt! :smallbiggrin:

2023-11-28, 10:28 PM
So awesome!! I had no idea one of Mark's mons had such a glitzy Pokéball, and it's always cool to see art with balls besides just the standard Pokéballs. :smalltongue:

Also, unrelatedly, I recently decided to pick up Let's Go Eevee... and one of the fights had a similar nightmare as Less and Pinklady's current battle, but with the opposing Pokémon spamming (even using it multiple times in a row despite the fail chance!) Protect after Poisoning both my mons! The opponent in this fight using Substitute feels downright merciful in comparison...

Btw, it has been a great deal of fun actually needing to tangle with actual strategies here! And really highlights the need to get Pinklady's team some improvements of its own...

Lord Ruby34
2023-11-28, 11:19 PM
So awesome!! I had no idea one of Mark's mons had such a glitzy Pokéball, and it's always cool to see art with balls besides just the standard Pokéballs. :smalltongue:

Also, unrelatedly, I recently decided to pick up Let's Go Eevee... and one of the fights had a similar nightmare as Less and Pinklady's current battle, but with the opposing Pokémon spamming (even using it multiple times in a row despite the fail chance!) Protect after Poisoning both my mons! The opponent in this fight using Substitute feels downright merciful in comparison...

Btw, it has been a great deal of fun actually needing to tangle with actual strategies here! And really highlights the need to get Pinklady's team some improvements of its own...

Same. I'm not surprised that swagger gambit didn't pay off, but I really was worried about that Koffing just hitting self-destruct and ending the match.

2023-11-29, 12:31 AM
That's awesome Gnomes! 10/10, no notes, excellent boy.

I like the little thought bubble Tattersail.

I've asked for a cutout of that screaming 'sail to make her a Discord emoji. :smalltongue:

I love the shirt! :smallbiggrin:

It's the one he's been wearing this whole IC day! :smalltongue:

Y'know, on reflection, I actually don't think that he owns a shirt without a meme on it... Gonna have to get his other shirts in other pictures.

So awesome!! I had no idea one of Mark's mons had such a glitzy Pokéball, and it's always cool to see art with balls besides just the standard Pokéballs. :smalltongue:

It's one of the contest pokeballs that are unique to this game! The bedazzling makes the pokemon inside extra sparkly. :smalltongue:

Edit: The cut-out is done. Have some emoji to add to your Discord servers or what have you, nerds. :smallbiggrin:



2023-11-29, 04:24 PM
Sorry, I kind of lost the thread
Of action and am still trying to catch up.

2023-11-29, 08:10 PM
Sorry, I kind of lost the thread
Of action and am still trying to catch up.

No problem, Akio is currently in Rieva having been returned there via Teleport with Mark and Mina. Mark and Mina spent a few hours training, now everyone is having dinner (and yes, dinner is waffles, pancakes, and other breakfast foods). It's about 4PM for you, you're about two hours behind the main group. So not even very much time to fill. :smallsmile: Did you want to do anything specific with the intervening time?

Lord Ruby34
2023-12-05, 07:26 PM
I can't remember if I've asked this previously, but how long from Reiva to Skybreak on Arcanine-back?

2023-12-06, 02:57 AM
Found the post that answers that - TLDR 10-15 minutes, included the rest for context.
(On page 12, though I use the "lower page numbers = newer posts" setting on the forum, so that will not just be different if you have it on the default but will also eventually change as more is posted. Should always remain about an 11-page difference from here though :smalltongue: )

Hmm, I was originally just going to make riding a Pokémon be double the normal walking speed, but let me check the Arcanine entry…

Oh my. (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Arcanine_(Pok%C3%A9mon)#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries_2) “This fleet-footed Pokémon is said to run over 6,200 miles in a single day and night. The fire that blazes wildly within its body is its source of power.”

6,200 miles / 24 hours in a day = 258 1/3 miles per hour unless my math is off.

…for DM sanity reasons I’m going to rule that that’s the absolute top speed, maxed out with no passengers.

For normal travel let’s say he can go about as fast as a car without serious risk of losing his rider(s). So 10-15 minutes, give or take? Assuming you're taking a straight shot across country. Sticking to the roads would be longer.

2023-12-06, 07:05 AM
Here is the link for the post. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?652728-Adventures-in-Helnith-Assault-on-the-Town-of-Ash-(OoC)&p=25780515&highlight=Rider%28s%29#post25780515)

Tangent, but I love the thread search feature.

2023-12-06, 10:12 AM
... Oh my god, we have a thread search feature. I've been manually digging through the threads this entire time. :smallfurious:

Well. Time to enjoy playing this game on a website that isn't 30 years old, and has actually gotten updated for user convenience. Going forward. In the future. :smallsigh:

Lord Ruby34
2023-12-06, 12:18 PM
... Oh my god, we have a thread search feature. I've been manually digging through the threads this entire time. :smallfurious:

Same. I was using control F, but that was still taking forever.


Also, thanks essCee, and KI!

2023-12-06, 06:31 PM
Woop, KI, the plaster job was being picked up the day after tomorrow (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25906252&postcount=1135) and Mark was going to visit the gym and Sesh on the same day, after Tattersail was healed.

2023-12-06, 07:05 PM
Woop, KI, the plaster job was being picked up the day after tomorrow (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25906252&postcount=1135) and Mark was going to visit the gym and Sesh on the same day, after Tattersail was healed.

We schedule it for the day after tomorrow yes, but we still need to sign up for the thing first, and also that was before Less was detouring to Skybreak independently - Mina's protest was that there wasn't time to do that and take Less up to Siltis, since Less is stopping by Skybreak too that matters a lot less. If you still want to put off the Gym visit until Tattersail is better you can, of course. This is why we all sit down to hammer these things out!

2023-12-12, 11:16 AM
I like how the sacred talismans and heart scales are infinitely needed. It's a nice touch. :smalltongue:

2023-12-12, 05:35 PM
I like how the sacred talismans and heart scales are infinitely needed. It's a nice touch. :smalltongue:

Glad you like it! :smallsmile: The ASCII code is Alt+236 for the ∞ sign.


FYI - Christmas shenanigans begin for me this week, starting Tuesday I will have limited availability through most of the rest of the end of the year.

2023-12-18, 01:22 AM
Got it - merry Christmas, KI, and happy holidays all! :smallbiggrin:

2023-12-20, 07:33 PM
Sorry, I kind of lost the thread
Of action and am still trying to catch up.

Feathersnow I know things are rough for you right now but if I don’t get an IC post from you by the end of the year I’m going to assume you’ve dropped the game.

Just double checking, but the 'dex has comprehensive movelist info, correct? The same sort of and amount of info you'd be able to find out by going to one of our websites like pokemondb or serebii?

Basically yes, so for example you could look up Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff on Serebii or Bulbapedia and use the movelists there to plan out what attacks you want for Leapsy.

There will be exceptions for Pokémon that can’t be or haven’t been studied enough to compile that information - like most Legendary Pokémon, individual Pokémon who got their movesets mutated by Shadowing, and some Helnith Pokémon species that are harder to research because they live in hard to reach places like the Spectral Dimension.

The spotty information on the Helnith Pokémon is at least in part due to the disappearance of Professor Hickory, though the war naturally hasn’t helped.

2023-12-21, 07:49 PM
Well now, this is a neat development in prosthetics. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipw_2A2T_wg) Mark's arm is looking a lot more sci and a lot less fi, nowadays.

Also, starting tomorrow I'm going to be going through heck week, so might not be able to post as often as I normally do. Fortunately, it seems like I'm not the only one so I'm not holding anyone up. So just in case I don't get a chance to post it; Merry Crimblo to all who celebrate, happy holidays to those who don't, and a happy new year!

2023-12-24, 08:32 AM
Well now, this is a neat development in prosthetics. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipw_2A2T_wg) Mark's arm is looking a lot more sci and a lot less fi, nowadays.

Oh wow that’s amazing!

And yes Merry Christmas you lot, in case I’m too tied up to say so tomorrow! 🎄

Lord Ruby34
2023-12-24, 08:59 AM
Oh wow that’s amazing!

And yes Merry Christmas you lot, in case I’m too tied up to say so tomorrow! 🎄


And Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! I hope everyone gets at least a few days a cheery relaxation.

2023-12-24, 11:05 AM
Oh wow that’s amazing!

The most amazing parts to me are the fact that it can feel, like, almost as much as I described Mark's arm, and that it costs ~10k, or about as much as a used car. Something as frankly miraculous as that is just... You'd think it would be at least 100k, way more than a normal person could afford, but that's reasonable to pay off in a few years. Science is amazing.

And, while I work today and am celebrating with the family on Tuesday...


Lord Ruby34
2023-12-31, 01:02 PM
Was Less able to find any full matches from the battle tower in his search? (Even if they weren't super helpful?)

EDIT: Also, it feels good to be back! How was everyone's Holiday?

2023-12-31, 03:40 PM
Was Less able to find any full matches from the battle tower in his search? (Even if they weren't super helpful?)

You mean Trainer Hill? (There’s at least one actual Battle Tower as part of the Battle Frontier, it’s in Kanto.) No, not in the time you had to search. Remember you’ve got a large, well-funded organization guarding the footage from an obscure region most people haven’t even heard of.

EDIT: Also, it feels good to be back! How was everyone's Holiday?

Decent here, how was yours?

2023-12-31, 04:24 PM
My holiday was... not great. But "new year, new you!"

And, tonight, I have to sell liquor on one of the busiest drinking holidays before I get that new me.

2023-12-31, 04:34 PM
My holiday was... not great. But "new year, new you!"

And, tonight, I have to sell liquor on one of the busiest drinking holidays before I get that new me.

Oh yikes, good luck! 😱 Good to see you though! 🥳

EDIT: Happy New Year!

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-01, 09:50 AM
You mean Trainer Hill? (There’s at least one actual Battle Tower as part of the Battle Frontier, it’s in Kanto.) No, not in the time you had to search. Remember you’ve got a large, well-funded organization guarding the footage from an obscure region most people haven’t even heard of.

Makes sense. I assumed that there would be some battles on prominent display.

Decent here, how was yours?

Lovely, not not nearly long enough. (I basically just got the 25th and today off.)

Happy New Years, everyone!

2024-01-01, 11:50 AM
Happy New Years, all! I'm going to need to fix my sleep schedule at this point. Ugh.

2024-01-01, 02:51 PM
Welcome back, everyone, and happy new years!

(Last post of mine in the RP ended with falling asleep, so nothing new from me until next post, now everyone else is sleeping too now.)

2024-01-03, 07:45 PM
Sorry for the delay guys; next IC post is up.


I've been adding notes to the attack list for which moves are multitarget for Battle and Character Tab purposes, and it came to my attention that Poison Gas becomes multitarget in Gen V. As you know we usually use the Gen IV implementations, but we already homebrewed Sing to be multitarget and Poison Gas has the same accuracy, so I'm considering buffing Poison Gas to be multitarget also and just keeping the Gen IV stats otherwise. Thoughts on this?

2024-01-05, 11:09 PM
Makes sense, both in terms of "makes sense within the world" and "makes sense balance-wise", to me for it to be multihit - for the first, gases sure do spread, and for the latter, non-deep poison isn't all that strong anyways, plus as you mentioned it had poor accuracy anyways in Gen IV, so I think it's a reasonable buff.

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-05, 11:20 PM
Makes sense, both in terms of "makes sense within the world" and "makes sense balance-wise", to me for it to be multihit - for the first, gases sure do spread, and for the latter, non-deep poison isn't all that strong anyways, plus as you mentioned it had poor accuracy anyways in Gen IV, so I think it's a reasonable buff.

Agreed with all of this.

2024-01-06, 06:41 AM
Sounds good to me! *He said. Because 1/3 of his team can't be poisoned under normal circumstances.*

2024-01-06, 06:08 PM
Then let the record show, Poison Gas is now a multi-target move. :smallsmile:

2024-01-09, 08:51 AM
So here's a video roasting each US state by assigning it a pokemon based on its worst traits. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWvzF9DOgUc) Being from Minnesota, I'm proud that the worst thing about my state is that we're cold and so inoffensive that we're downright boring, so we got a boring, inoffensive ice type derg. The dig about being Central Canada without healthcare hurt though.

I mean, it's fair.

But also ow.

I don't even get to go to Tim Hortons to eat some pick-me-up food... because we can't afford to let people eat poutine, because of the lack of healthcare. :smallfrown: (Also, the only Tim Hortons near me shut down like, three years ago.)

2024-01-09, 12:43 PM
(Also, the only Tim Hortons near me shut down like, three years ago.)

But you did have one at one point? *is jealous* I miss Tim Hortons, their iced coffee slushie things are the best. Paneras come close, but tend to be too sweet.

2024-01-10, 03:08 AM
But you did have one at one point? *is jealous* I miss Tim Hortons, their iced coffee slushie things are the best. Paneras come close, but tend to be too sweet.

It was built the year I went to college, and then shut down two years after I started at my current job... and I never ended up going to it. :smallfrown: Curse my wasting those six years, I never got to experience putinnnnne. :smallsigh:

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-10, 05:54 PM
So here's a video roasting each US state by assigning it a pokemon based on its worst traits. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWvzF9DOgUc) Being from Minnesota, I'm proud that the worst thing about my state is that we're cold and so inoffensive that we're downright boring, so we got a boring, inoffensive ice type derg. The dig about being Central Canada without healthcare hurt though.

I think this settles it, Less definitely needs to get a Primeape.

. . . but that was also a very accurate summation.

2024-01-10, 06:02 PM
I think this settles it, Less definitely needs to get a Primeape.

There are Mankey in Helnith. :smallwink:

2024-01-11, 03:36 PM
Lord Ruby, want to interject? Wanted to check before going ahead and continuing, but also didn't want to just silently wait for if you would jump in :smalltongue:

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-13, 02:08 PM
Please don't wait up for me. I'll post when I can, but I've been pretty busy lately and that seems to be continuing. Also, the forum seems to be having some issues, so posting has been a little more difficult for that reason too.

2024-01-13, 02:51 PM
My character slept in, but I have also had trouble with the forums

2024-01-13, 03:40 PM
Also having forum issues here. No worries, I wasn’t expecting everyone to bolt out of the gate right after New Year’s. :smallsmile:


Akio gets up. aAfter a short prayer, he texts the group. Wait up!

Everyone else can respond back as well, just remember that this is two hours in the future for the rest of you.

2024-01-24, 05:23 PM
Akitsu, my mistake. I got them confused. :(

2024-01-24, 08:06 PM
Akitsu, my mistake. I got them confused. :(

That’s fine, I just didn’t want to assume. You might have been sending your Stunky out instead for reasons inscrutable to me. Stranger things have happened! 😉

2024-01-25, 01:56 AM
Sooooo artist is starting to draw things. Will share updates when I get them, so y'all can comment on characters or what have you as we go along. :smallredface:

2024-01-25, 08:40 AM
Sooooo artist is starting to draw things. Will share updates when I get them, so y'all can comment on characters or what have you as we go along. :smallredface:

Awesome! 😄

On a quasi-related subject, aside from attack descriptions and multi-target counts, is there anything you guys want to see in the 2.0 versions of the character sheets?

2024-01-25, 10:59 AM
No burning desires for the character sheets on my end. Still hoping for the custom moves and the custom 'mon to be moved to this site/ a linked document just for ease of accessibility, but that's not pressing and can come later.

2024-01-25, 01:27 PM
Looking forward to it, Gnomes! :smallbiggrin:

As for the character sheets... will the type of targeting (hits multiple including allies, just hitting multiple foes, hit one opponent, "hit" self, etc.) be part of the description? If there's a way to fit it into being some sort of separate column, that might be handy for quick reference.

2024-01-25, 01:32 PM
Character sheets!! Nice. I've been going off a notepad file i created when I applied.

Looking forward to the art, also.

2024-01-25, 06:10 PM
Character sheets!! Nice. I've been going off a notepad file i created when I applied.

Looking forward to the art, also.

FYI the 1.0 version is in the Character Stats link in my sig, feel free to take a look and let me know if you want something added.

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-26, 06:51 PM
Sooooo artist is starting to draw things. Will share updates when I get them, so y'all can comment on characters or what have you as we go along. :smallredface:

Ooh, I'm excited!

Awesome! 😄

On a quasi-related subject, aside from attack descriptions and multi-target counts, is there anything you guys want to see in the 2.0 versions of the character sheets?

If each Pokemon could have a brief section of where and when the Pokemon joined the team, I think that would be pretty cool. It's not a super high priority though.

No burning desires for the character sheets on my end. Still hoping for the custom moves and the custom 'mon to be moved to this site/ a linked document just for ease of accessibility, but that's not pressing and can come later.


Also, apologies. I just couldn't get 30 minutes together where I could focus on posting in the past week. Work has been crazy.

2024-01-27, 07:00 AM
About time someone figured it out. 🥳 That said:

Hurriedly, Less sent a message to the group. I cracked it. Meet me at the Ranger Station. Less.

I’m ruling that all the trial and error breaking the code took a few hours so this text will arrive around the same time as Akio’s. EssCee, Gnomes, you two still have time to work on your stuff until then.

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-27, 09:07 AM
I think I just figured out something extremely important.

What sights are seen by my gazing eye? Something startling in it's shattered beauty, not broken but cracked. A spire, with vines of growing green, gathering on the side of the building like old computer code. The sun sets, spilling upon the ground it's last golden ray. What is, is. I wonder, what could be trapped? Trapped in that tower, or even kept outside? But such things are not for me to know, my prison is that of reality.

For the record, I cracked it at the time of that post. Spoiler is no long DM locked.

About time someone figured it out. 🥳 That said:

I’m ruling that all the trial and error breaking the code took a few hours so this text will arrive around the same time as Akio’s. EssCee, Gnomes, you two still have time to work on your stuff until then.

Fair! I forgot last night, but can Less also call Wain and have him meet up? I can edit my post as appropriate.

2024-01-27, 01:24 PM
For the record, I cracked it at the time of that post. Spoiler is no long DM locked.

For context I’ve been sitting on that code for over a decade now. I wasn’t trying to disparage you.

Fair! I forgot last night, but can Less also call Wain and have him meet up? I can edit my post as appropriate.

You can try to call him yes. That’ll give you something to do while everyone else does their errands too.

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-27, 04:39 PM
For context I’ve been sitting on that code for over a decade now. I wasn’t trying to disparage you.

You can try to call him yes. That’ll give you something to do while everyone else does their errands too.

I didn't think you were! (Tone is hard in the internet. :p)


2024-01-27, 08:20 PM
I didn't think you were! (Tone is hard in the internet. :p)

I'd rather apologize when it's not necessary than not apologize when it is. :smallsmile:

Also quick clarification, was Akio included in the group text Less sent? (I ask because he's not in town with the rest of us and would be getting the text about now if he was, and I want to make note of it in his next IC post if necessary.)

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-28, 09:26 AM
I'd rather apologize when it's not necessary than not apologize when it is. :smallsmile:

Also quick clarification, was Akio included in the group text Less sent? (I ask because he's not in town with the rest of us and would be getting the text about now if he was, and I want to make note of it in his next IC post if necessary.)

Sure! If we meet up Akio can join by video call!

2024-01-29, 07:53 PM
... Pinklady picked up a janitor job and is suddenly in a horror story. This is how killer ghosts begin, breaking stuff and messing with the lights, and when it's dark... GET OUT OF THERE, GIRL!

2024-01-29, 07:56 PM
I'm unclear if I'm in a call, running off suddenly, or helping the bug boy?

2024-01-30, 03:18 PM
I'm unclear if I'm in a call, running off suddenly, or helping the bug boy?

My understanding is you were going to help the bug boy find himself a Trapinch, for which I need to know how long you intend to search. You also received a text from Less.

2024-01-30, 03:22 PM
My understanding is you were going to help the bug boy find himself a Trapinch, for which I need to know how long you intend to search. You also received a text from Less.

I was thinking about two hours, or until I catch up with the time of the group.

2024-01-30, 05:58 PM
I was thinking about two hours, or until I catch up with the time of the group.

You're actually ahead of everyone but Less, owing to sleeping in. But there's nothing stopping you from taking a call while you search, does that work?

2024-01-31, 06:53 AM
Hey all, got a full sketch update for you! :smallbiggrin:

Character guide:
-Driver: Less
-Riding Shotgun: Pinklady
-Left Passenger: Mina
-Right Passenger: Mark
-Dork in the Trunk: Samurai armor Akio

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040028150110883960/1202181666395914290/Comm_Gnomes34.jpg?ex=65cc85ec&is=65ba10ec&hm=6d792519d2b4ee5897b0260193d30d1de419db820a8a22d 9e9e71a668f241500&

Let me know if anything seems off!

2024-01-31, 01:29 PM
You're actually ahead of everyone but Less, owing to sleeping in. But there's nothing stopping you from taking a call while you search, does that work?

Oh. D'oh! I don't know how I got confused. I'll take the call.

2024-01-31, 04:46 PM
Hey all, got a full sketch update for you! :smallbiggrin:

Looking good! :smallcool:

Oh. D'oh! I don't know how I got confused. I'll take the call.

No problem, as long as we're all clear now I'll get your update sorted.

Lord Ruby34
2024-01-31, 07:57 PM
Hey all, got a full sketch update for you! :smallbiggrin:

Holy mother of something I'm not allowed to say on this forum! That looks so cool!

2024-01-31, 11:08 PM
Comm sketch is so awesome!! Even more pumped now to see the end result! :smallbiggrin:

2024-02-01, 11:35 AM
It took me five tries to post that IC message. Whatever is happening to the server, it's murdering the server even more than usual.

2024-02-13, 05:07 AM
Akio will only interfere or assist David if Buster is in danger of getting hurt.

2024-02-13, 10:16 AM
So wait... is Pinklady fighting an Electric/Fire DANGER NOODLE/ LUCK DRAGON?! :D

2024-02-13, 05:39 PM
So wait... is Pinklady fighting an Electric/Fire DANGER NOODLE/ LUCK DRAGON?! :D


Mark waved back to Less, but didn't interrupt his conversation just now. First, he checked the time to see if he had enough to finish training that half-level he'd given Carvanha last night...

Less' meetup is at about 9 AM. Pinklady is about an hour behind.

2024-02-13, 07:24 PM

Soooooo I'm going to need 12 of those................ For science. Not because I like Neon Ghost Snakes or anything.

Less' meetup is at about 9 AM. Pinklady is about an hour behind.

So, if I'm training that fish from 28-29, then I could train that fish up the last half-level... but that's only if Less doesn't talk to Mark. Alas. Guess I'll keep waiting.

Lord Ruby34
2024-02-13, 11:40 PM
Soooooo I'm going to need 12 of those................ For science. Not because I like Neon Ghost Snakes or anything.

So, if I'm training that fish from 28-29, then I could train that fish up the last half-level... but that's only if Less doesn't talk to Mark. Alas. Guess I'll keep waiting.

Yeah. Mark is getting bothered. :smalltongue:

2024-02-15, 05:39 AM
Yeah. Mark is getting bothered. :smalltongue:

Less is so needy, gawsh. :smallsigh:

Oh also, cleaned up lines update:

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040028150110883960/1207604801572048896/Comm_Gnomes34.jpg?ex=65e0409c&is=65cdcb9c&hm=9cdb7bb1e738bc11f1dcfc7193241685f574478c392440c 0604190bac4f78d23&

We figured zooming it in a bit made the picture a bit more full (and gives it an 80's/90's action movie vibe), so enjoy the extra details on these nerd's dorky faces. :smallcool:

2024-02-15, 12:38 PM
Oh also, cleaned up lines update:

Lookin’ good! :smallcool:

I like that the birds also have glasses. :smallbiggrin:

2024-02-15, 07:34 PM
Lookin’ good! :smallcool:

I like that the birds also have glasses. :smallbiggrin:

They are also far too cool to look at explosions. :smalltongue:

2024-02-17, 10:09 AM
I am considering changing Growth (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Growth_(move)) to its Gen V implementation, so it would bump up Attack and Special Attack (and double boosts in Sunshine). Thoughts?

2024-02-17, 10:22 AM
Sounds like a good change re:Growth! (Plus I'm a sucker for weather-related stuff heheh)

Thank you for the update, Gnomes! :smallbiggrin:

(Also, apologies for being a bit absent of late - got a new job recently and, as it goes surprisingly often with this, it ended up messing with my energy to post here more than I expected... i think i'm getting more into the groove of it now though!)

Lord Ruby34
2024-02-18, 02:44 PM
Less is so needy, gawsh. :smallsigh:

Oh also, cleaned up lines update:

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040028150110883960/1207604801572048896/Comm_Gnomes34.jpg?ex=65e0409c&is=65cdcb9c&hm=9cdb7bb1e738bc11f1dcfc7193241685f574478c392440c 0604190bac4f78d23&

We figured zooming it in a bit made the picture a bit more full (and gives it an 80's/90's action movie vibe), so enjoy the extra details on these nerd's dorky faces. :smallcool:

That looks so freaking cool. I love it. 11/10. Is that the final version, or is there a plan to do coloring?

I am considering changing Growth (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Growth_(move)) to its Gen V implementation, so it would bump up Attack and Special Attack (and double boosts in Sunshine). Thoughts?

I'm fine with that. I think it makes the move a bit more viable.

. . . Can I also petition for Knock off to get it's Gen VI+ implementation? :smalltongue: Poor Princess needs some help.

2024-02-18, 06:12 PM
I am considering changing Growth (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Growth_(move)) to its Gen V implementation, so it would bump up Attack and Special Attack (and double boosts in Sunshine). Thoughts?

Sounds like a good idea to me! Even if it will end up biting us in the butt more than it helps us. :smalltongue:

That looks so freaking cool. I love it. 11/10. Is that the final version, or is there a plan to do coloring?

There will be color, so this one isn't quite done.

2024-02-20, 05:42 PM
All right then, I will update Growth. :smallsmile:

I'm fine with that. I think it makes the move a bit more viable.

. . . Can I also petition for Knock off to get it's Gen VI+ implementation? :smalltongue: Poor Princess needs some help.

I'll consider it. Although I'll probably axe the bit about wild Pokémon not being able to Knock Off items, for consistency. Does anyone else have any feedback they would like to give for Knock Off?

2024-02-22, 03:30 PM
re:knocking out the Surumsinge... ironically, it's because Pinklady led with Leer, in large part because she was trying to parley a bit - if I'm not mistaken an unboosted Superpower wouldn't have taken it out! :smalltongue: Not like she had a ton of Pokéballs left anyhow :)

(Also, regarding my job, I'm finally getting into the groove of it, so posts from me should be more frequent now!)

Edit: I've got nothing to weigh in re: Knock Off! Things are gonna get a bit rougher for anything weak to Dark, heh.

2024-02-24, 07:47 AM
The changes to knock off are fine for me. (Tattersail hates it but she's just a whiner.)

But also importantly, PICTURE IS COLORED!


And yes, Pinklady's sunglasses have pink frames.

Also, when describing Mina to the artist, I told her, quote, "General Vibe: Not emo or goth, but also wouldn't look out-of-place in a Hot Topic. Perhaps might give off "Christ dude, I just work at this gas station" vibes." Not sure why I wrote that in the midst of my sleep madness, when writing up the initial storyboard for the artist, but it just felt right.

Happy (9 day belated) Birthday Helnith!!!

Lord Ruby34
2024-02-24, 05:04 PM
Happy Birthday Helnith!!!

Honestly, the fact that this game has been so long running is one of the coolest things I've seen on the internet. The commitment to shared storytelling is something truly special.

The art is also awesome, I love that poor Mark is the only one without sunglasses. The poor boy is looking very frazzled.

As far as Knock Off, the suggestion was only half serious, but I think it makes sense. Knock off being a good move of course makes it even easier to use against us . . .

Also, just to note I was waiting for one more post from KI before posting. I couldn't tell if Less had seen Pinklady yet or not, and I didn't want to jump too far ahead accidentally.

2024-02-24, 05:31 PM
Proud to be a part of this! Love the art on Akio!

2024-02-24, 07:31 PM
Happy Birthday Helnith!!!

Honestly, the fact that this game has been so long running is one of the coolest things I've seen on the internet. The commitment to shared storytelling is something truly special.

I'd say I hope we can keep it going for another fifteen years, but honestly I'd rather we can keep near the current pace and finish before we get to that point.

Also, just to note I was waiting for one more post from KI before posting. I couldn't tell if Less had seen Pinklady yet or not, and I didn't want to jump too far ahead accidentally.

You've got it then, although Mina isn't going to get caught up until tomorrow.


Missed the color update! I love the look of Akio's armor, and nice touch with the license plate! :smallbiggrin:

2024-02-25, 12:31 AM
Picture is so amazing!! :smallbiggrin: Happy birthday, Helnith, and to many years and good times ahead!

2024-02-25, 09:05 PM
FYI if those of you who haven't already signed up for Bounty Hunting don't want to, you don't have to, you'll just have to continue keeping a close eye on what you carry through the Skybreak checkpoint.

2024-03-04, 08:14 AM
Be me, two days ago: Okay, so we're starting to make a new plan to invade the spectral dimension. This is probably dumb and yet... it's the new plan. Don't want Less to Leroy himself in there and then explode, after all. Gotta keep grandpa alive long enough to be in the 16th anniversary pic. Should probably keep the plan more of an outline, though, because the GM is a sadist who sprinkles her wine with my tears a lovely person who I'm certain would never do anything to me that I don't deserve.

After today's update: Ahhhhhhhh, yes, the first Kareeah complication. So it begins. *Prepares Mark for anything, be it rending of garments, gnashing of teeth, shocking revelations or, the most devastating of all, a long series of incredibly minor yet insanely annoying inconveniences.*

2024-03-04, 04:47 PM
Should probably keep the plan more of an outline, though, because the GM is a sadist who sprinkles her wine with my tears a lovely person who I'm certain would never do anything to me that I don't deserve.

I would never! Who adds salt to a good wine?!!

The tears go on the steak.

After today's update: Ahhhhhhhh, yes, the first Kareeah complication. So it begins. *Prepares Mark for anything, be it rending of garments, gnashing of teeth, shocking revelations or, the most devastating of all, a long series of incredibly minor yet insanely annoying inconveniences.*

I mean, it's not impossible that you'd get booted out because you tried to bribe her and then publicly lectured her on how she was doing her job wrong...but Less already did that to someone else. :smalltongue:

More seriously, I did hint at this but I think it was to Matt. Less may or may not have picked up during his previous visits to Skybreak:

Cassilda works with Elder Solan a lot on the city's defense, and is at least nominally in charge of the battle-ready portion of it.

2024-03-04, 06:48 PM
I mean, it's not impossible that you'd get booted out because you tried to bribe her and then publicly lectured her on how she was doing her job wrong...but Less already did that to someone else. :smalltongue:

Wait, what? Mark hasn't even talked to her! This is falsehoods! Slander! :smallmad: We're saving that for Sesh if he decides to be difficult, not the obnoxiously reclusive gym leader. :smalltongue:

Lord Ruby34
2024-03-04, 07:48 PM
I mean, it's not impossible that you'd get booted out because you tried to bribe her and then publicly lectured her on how she was doing her job wrong...but Less already did that to someone else. :smalltongue:

To be fair to Less, he was right. :smalltongue:

Cassilda works with Elder Solan a lot on the city's defense, and is at least nominally in charge of the battle-ready portion of it.

Got it. Question:

When Emilia was rising up through the league, did she have to beat Cassilda? If so, did she tell Less anything about the woman/her gym?

2024-03-05, 06:54 PM
When Emilia was rising up through the league, did she have to beat Cassilda? If so, did she tell Less anything about the woman/her gym?

Cassilda wasn’t Gym Leader when Emilia went on her League challenge, her father was. (Cassilda took over after he was killed early in the war.) Emilia did get a Badge from the Skybreak Gym, however. From this Less will remember she mentioned there was a meditation garden, and that the Gym Leader did – something – that filled the battlefield with Spectral energies. Being sixteen and mostly concerned with winning her Badge, however, she was scanty on the details otherwise.

Also, for future reference, while she did get the Badge she didn’t strictly speaking have to. League regulations require eight Badges to participate in regional conferences, which for Helnith is the Forge of Heaven Conference. But as in the anime, most regions including Helnith have more than eight Gyms. The Gyms in the larger cities tend to have Gym Leaders with more powerful Pokémon (more people => more challengers => more experience for the Pokémon). She hit Skybreak anyway, there having been some discussion at the time (if you don’t want it to be with Less than it would have been with Georgia) about how she could avoid the tough battles now, but wouldn’t be able to avoid them at the Conference and any subsequent battles, and that some of the people she’d face would have beaten the tough Gyms and did she really want to face those people without overcoming the same challenges they had?

Fair warning guys, I’m having some comp issues at the moment, I think the CPU died on me. I can still post but it’s going to be slower until that gets fixed/replaced.

2024-03-10, 07:57 AM
Fair warning guys, I’m having some comp issues at the moment, I think the CPU died on me. I can still post but it’s going to be slower until that gets fixed/replaced.

Oh no, not the computer! D:

I think you might have missed my first response, though. (I responded to the last update/ the gym trainer, and then again to Less so that we could just trade without needing to worry about waiting another full update cycle before we could throw our rods at each other. :smalltongue:)