View Full Version : Kobold Head of Security

2023-01-06, 08:21 PM

Three men make camp as the light of the day starts to sink towards the horizon. It had been quite a journey for them, but the promised rewards, though only rumored, were worth the trip for their greedy souls.

Not particularly friendly with one another, they each converted their cloaks into tents in silence after consuming rations and water. Having already been stabbed once for an off-colored joke about the snow elf's mother, the gnome looked particularly sour as a concerted effort was made to not carry on with his usual (what he thought was) witty banter. Comedy is divine, but keeping one's head, and payday, were obviously more important to him. After his tent was up, the tibbit man immediately assumed housecat form and took full advantage of his inability to speak common, thereby avoiding first watch - the elf normally took first and second watch anyway, not needing to rest like a 'normal person'.

Each had greedy thoughts of treasure as the night finally came. Tomorrow, they would delve to seek the dragon's hoard.

Feel free to begin with the party arriving at your dungeon's entrance. :)

2023-01-07, 12:44 AM
As the three make their way up the mountain to the supposed treasure they were told about the heat begins to rise. They knew it would be hot here, so close to a volcano, and thus had prepared for it. However it is hard for one born in the artic cold to ever truly be comfortable in such a warm and humid place as this. Passing through the jungle the party finds the trail easily enough, after all at one point the place they were going had once been a highly prized diamond mine to the town below, they see multiple warning signs to turn back and leave. Treasure does funny things to people however, as does greed and so soon the three find themselves at the entrance to the mine. It is pitch black inside as the three see the rails in the center of the cave opening. Rubble and broken picks seem to line most of the floor, however the timber at the entrance seems to be stable.

Gartellius and Witz can see thankfully into the small cave opening with ease from the light outside, however it is clear that without some form of light they bring with them it appears to be pitch black within, something that doesn’t seem to bother Vance at all as he easily switches to his darkvision and looks around the room, stepping keenly over the rubble and pointing to the next section of the tunnel which each of you can hear some shuffling coming from

It was a typical day for Galta, nothing ever happened in the mines ever since they had upgraded their security system. The town had learned better than to try and reclaim the mine and so Galta was about to go and begin researching new traps when his mental alarms went off within his head. "Intruders! How dare those pesky monkeys come back to Galta masters home. Galta must get rid of quickly. Do not want master to be bothered with pests." Galta, the former Kobold, who had awakened his draconic blood thanks to his master said as he teleported to the second room of the Dungeon and looked to his guards and pointed to the entrance before he went about setting up a trap in front of them and disappearing deeper into the cavern to wait and see if his trap did the trick.

DC 30 to notice and disable said trap, otherwise I will be needing a Ref save DC [roll0] 41 (due to Expert trapsmith you make the roll then add Int to it again)

2023-01-09, 06:19 PM
As they approach the entrance, Gartellius manifests his Mind Blade in the shape of an Elven Courtblade. Holding it aloft easily, it lights the immediate area, and he nods to Vance. "Your up." Vance rolls his eyes. As if I don't know my job, you arrogant bastard, Vance thought to himself as he takes the lead and starts scanning for traps, ears twitching and Hand Crossbow held in his off hand. Witz, obviously bored standing behind both men, picks his nose and seems to be muttering off-colored insults quietly, seeming to attempt adapting common ones for various races and monsters.

After inspecting the area, Vance shrugs. "Looks clear." Brandishing their respective weapons, they enter.

Vance Searches For Traps: [roll0]
Gartellius Spot Check: [roll1]
Gartellius Listen Check: [roll2]

Note: The others won't be making Spot or Listen checks, as Gartellius is the only one with decent instincts/training in that regard. Same for only Vance making Search checks.

2023-01-09, 11:48 PM
As the group makes their way into the mine, Gartellius mind blade illuminates the way as you walk out of the small open room into a narrow corridor. As Vance makes his way down the narrow corridor the sound of the scampering feet gets louder as he can now clearly hear a group of four creatures talking in some other language. Looking in the direction of the noise Vance easily spots 4 kobolds holding spears and wearing the most basic of leather armor. They seem to be pointing at the glow coming from your direction before moving out of your field of vision. Both the left and right hand path seem to go up 15ft before taking a sharp turn in their respective directions. You know four kobolds have gone right, but are unaware of what is down the left corridor.

Vance only understands what the four Kobolds were saying of course, whether he chooses to inform the others that the kobolds were speaking draconic and were asking each other what the strange light was and that they should go tell their boss before they vanished from sight.

As he finishes his trap for the intruders the four kobold scouts come running back to his position, being careful to avoid the trap he just set. “We saw a strange glowly light, would not have noticed if not for the fact no light allowed in caves. What we do Galta?” the four kobolds ask their leader who looks at their immediate area as well as the trap he just set. “Retreat back to the the section of mine with the iron in it. Once there get ready to attack the moment you see someone, not a moment before, do you understand?” Galta says to them quietly, making sure his voice should only be able to be heard by those with him before he himself vanishes along the northern tunnel to spread the warning to the others. Using a simple cantrip behind him to hopefully slow down any pursuers.

I am using the map I sent you earlier, as a reminder this (https://imgur.com/eDVBRxZ) is it. I am trusting you not to metagame.

Galta's first trap is set in N20 (That would be where the kobolds fled to tell him about the light)
The Kobolds have now moved to P21 that started in J20.
Galta on his turn cast Create Trap on Wall section Q20 it creates a spear trap with the presure plate that sets it off in spot J20 meaning the first person to step on that location would set it off unless they notice it with a search DC 20, and a disable device DC 20.
Spear Trap attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
IF crit [roll2] Damage + [roll3]

Galta then spends his remaining 15ft. of movement getting to N19 so that he may warn the other groups.

2023-01-12, 10:09 PM
Grimacing, Vance speak quietly, giving Gartellius a meaningful look before nodding to Witz as he speaks. "Kobolds."

Gartellius sighs heavily, before pointing at Witz with his mind blade. "If you go chasing them down by yourself, I will happily let you die." Shrugging, Vance just nods. "Same,"

Witz gets a manic look in his eyes and starts stroking his sword creepily before finally taking notice of the glowing sword made of solid psychic energy and the deadpan expression of both his companions. "Ugh...fine. But I'm going to be killing things today. If you don't leave me any of those scaly bastards..." he trails of menecingly, all trace of his earlier nonchalance and disintrest gone. Sneering, he bats the mind blade away with his own blade and glares at the tibbit. "Well get on with it, there are kobolds waiting to die in there and I'm eager to make them."

Rolling his eyes, Vance smirks and deliberately takes the left path, not mentioning which way the kobolds went, all to spite the idiot gnome. Hopefully they'll get the creepy bastard from behind , he thought. Going slowly, he searches the left path for traps as he leads. Keeping his sword swept behind him so as to keep the light from ruining Vance's darkvision as he checks their path for traps (and to keep the sword between himself and the crazy gnome), Gartellius follows and leaves Witz to bring up the rear, just behind him.

Vance Search (for Traps) Check: [roll0]

Moving down the left path with the Mountebank in front, Mind Blade in the middle, and Jester bringing up the rear. If they make it out of the hallway, they'll fan out, but otherwise they'll stay in those positions as they navigate any narrow tunnels until they come across something noteworthy.

2023-01-16, 02:23 PM
As the three of you take the left path you notice little veins of iron ore here and there along the path, reminding you that this was at one point a mine and that to less experienced adventurers this would no doubt appear as just that. Taking no chances after having heard kobolds however Vance searches for traps as the three make their way down the path finding none as they enter a large room supported by wooden beams every 5ft. against the walls and ceiling. Two statues made of the volcanic rock flank the two sides of the cave depicting a dragon.

As the group walks forward Vance and the others hear a slow roaring sound before the two statues send forth a stream of fire from each of their mouths.

Search DC was 21 for a CR 2
[roll0] Fire damage Reflex DC 11 for half, anyone in the room would be hit how the traps are spaced.

After the trap goes off the room seems to go back to its normal state, the wood looking slightly charred but nothing to serious.

Elsewhere in the dungeon Galta makes his way deeper into the mine, passing the old mining cap that the miners at one point set up that the kobolds kept using as a perfect place to ambush unsuspecting intruders, he made his way to the leader of this level to inform them of the situation.

Galta is in G 18 now as he used a double move action to get in and warn the 1st level adept.

2023-01-19, 03:09 PM
All cursing at the burst of fire, Witz starts cursing in Gnomish about filthy kobolds and their gods-forsaken trapmaking, even as Gartellius stares daggers at Vance, who snorts and shrugs. "I said it looks clear." Muttering darkly, Gartellius hisses through clenched teeth, "And how does it look now?" Glancing around, Vance hesitates and shrugs noncommittally. "It looks...clear?" Staring at the pulsing vein in Gartellius' forehead at that statement, he quickly continues, "But I'll um...check for more traps and such. Yeah."

Quickly checking the room, Vance makes good on his statement as Wiz finds and smash out a small fire at the edge of his hat, slashing at the air in frustrated rage at those 'damned lizards' as he waits for Vance's search.

Vance's Reflex Save: [roll0]
Gartellius' Reflex Save: [roll1]
Witz's Reflex Save: [roll2]

Vance's Search Check: [roll3]

2023-01-21, 07:19 PM
As Vance searchs for more traps, he notes the trap that just hit them is about to go off again if someone were to step in the center of the room again. This leaves of course two options, disarm it, or make sure no one is standing there so it doesn’t trigger the sensor. Or one could simply stand atop the statue he notices as he is searching around as it doesn’t appear the tops of the statues are hit by the flames, thus he could keep himself safe while he tries to disarm one of them. It is of course up to him if he chooses to warn the others and allow them to fight over the second safe spot in the room. Vance just happens to look up and also notice small holes in the ceiling, barely bigger than Witzs fist, but with Kobolds it may be worth noting to the others.

Keep in mind Vance was looking for the trap that he had a rough idea of where it was so while he was easily able to find it, that doesn't mean disarm it, nor does it mean he searched the entire room. As looking for the trap, and how to make it safe/turn it off/not trigger it, is different than searching the entire room for say a secret passage. However I will not progress Galta's time as logically it wouldn't take him that long to find said trap.

As the gnome and others are set on fire four pairs of eyes look out from above the group snickering at the puny gnome and his comrades for trying to invade their home. And begin discussing in hushed whispers the best way to kill the group.

Please state which square each person is standing in as next round it will matter. As Kobolds will be randomly attacking from one of the holes, but as their are four of them, thats 4/9 spots being hit a turn.
B19, B20, B21
C19, C20,C21
D19, D20, D21

2023-01-25, 08:31 AM
Sighing, Vance glances at the others. "Please move back into the tunnel. This thing resets." Pointing out the problimatic trigger spot, he continues, " Do not step there. I'll try to disarm it." Pointing up at the holes, he also notes, "Also, keep an eye on those holes while I do, yeah?" Pulling out his thieves' tools, he doesn't mention the 'safe spots', but does choose to occupy one of them as he begins to tinker.

Seeing the tibbit pull out tools and not wanting to be around if he fails at his job (again), the two others simply mutter and attempt to flee back into the tunnel quickly, with Witz already moving before Vance had even finished talking. When the trap guy says move, you move, especially if they are bad at their job.

Vance steps from C20 to C19 (atop the Statue) to attempt disarming the trap.
Witz Steps from D20 to head for F20
Gartellius follows Wity from D21 to E20
This leaves Vance in the room with Gartellius where the hallway meets the room with Witz just behind him. firmly in the hallway.

Vance Disarm Check: [roll0]

Just in case...
Vance Balance Check: [roll1]
Vance Reflex Save: [roll2]
Gartellius Reflex Save: [roll3]
Witz Reflex Save: [roll4]

2023-02-02, 01:26 AM
As Vance disables the trap with ease the others watch as spears shoot out of three of the holes in the top ceiling they were told to watch out for at the end of the room before watching a small rock be dropped where Vance had been standing moments earlier. The spears recede back into the ceiling, however the rock remains holding the pressure plate down that Vance had already disabled. The sounds of people talking in draconic can be heard in the ceiling at this point.

Did we hit them? (Voice 1)
I don't know stupid, did you hear anyone scream? (Voice 2)
Who are you calling stupid, stupid, at least I didn't drop a rock. (Voice 1)
Hurry up and stop talking, if you didn't hear anyone it means you didn't hit anyone. Plus the spears are still clean idiots. (Voice 3)

As Galta explains to the leader of this level's defenses that they have an intruder he leaves and closes the secret door to the room he just went into as he goes to collect more of his troops to begin to repel the enemies.

Galta goes up to I11 and is collecting those guards to bring them back with him to repel the intruders now that they will have the numbers, this will take him time though.