View Full Version : 3rd Ed 3.5 Using Grapple defensively

2023-01-08, 09:14 AM
So, I am not too familiar with grapple rules

Is it possible to grapple an ally and then on their turn they move the both of us?

Move: You can move half your speed (bringing all others engaged in the grapple with you) by winning an opposed grapple check. This requires a standard action, and you must beat all the other individual check results to move the grapple.

I'm not reading the book, Im using this srd site. https://srd.dndtools.org/

And im about to fall asleep.

Also, is it possible to shield the person you are grappling... to take a melee hit for them?

Any addition comments, thoughts, alternate tactics, or feedback relevant to this would be appreciated.

2023-01-08, 01:52 PM
It's possible, but very risky. When you're engaged in a grapple (whether attacking or defending), you lose your Dex bonus to AC. This makes you vulnerable to a Sneak Attack if your opponent happens to be a Rogue; and obviously decreases your AC generally, making you easier to hit.

The rules for attacking into a Grapple is kind of hidden in the "Combat Modifier (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm)" section. If the attacker is melee, and attacking into a grapple they're not part of, they can hit either one of you, and whichever one they choose, loses their Dex to AC. For Ranged attacks, the attacker rolls randomly to see who the attack would strike, and that target loses Dex to AC. (Note that if the attacker has the Improved Precise Shot feat, they get to choose which person in the grapple they hit).

There are some abilities that allow a character to just take a hit for somebody else (I believe there are some Knight class abilities, and some maneuvers from Tome of Battle, and possibly something Paladin-related). But if you have access to those, it would be much better to just use those without being in a grapple.

2023-01-08, 03:23 PM
Is it possible to grapple an ally and then on their turn they move the both of us?

It's possible, but very risky. When you're engaged in a grapple (whether attacking or defending), you lose your Dex bonus to AC. This makes you vulnerable to a Sneak Attack if your opponent happens to be a Rogue; and obviously decreases your AC generally, making you easier to hit.
Improved Grab (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#improvedGrab) can fix it:

The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a -20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the creature does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can use its remaining attacks against other opponents.

A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature’s descriptive text).

When a creature gets a hold after an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag the opponent’s weight.
One of easier ways to get Improved Grab is the Scaled Horror PrC (Savage Species), which also removes the "only against opponents at least one size category smaller" restriction

Also, is it possible to shield the person you are grappling... to take a melee hit for them?
There are some ways...

Bodyguard - variant of Fighter class (Dragon #310) have option to grant their Shield AC bonus or/and Dodge AC bonus from Combat Expertise to adjacent creature

Devoted Defender PrC (Sword and Fist): Harm's Way allow to switch places with your charge, Defensive Strike allow to make AoO when your charge attacked in melee, and Deflect Attack allow 1/round to deflect melee attack to your charge via Reflex save (DC 20)

Constant Guardian feat (Drow of the Underdark): -2 to your attack, +2 AC to an ally
Dutiful Guardian feat (Drow of the Underdark): switch places with an ally who is attacked (as immediate action)

Protective Parry feat (Dragon #301) allow to attempt to parry attack which was aimed at somebody else (within your reach)

Body Guard feat (Dragon #339) allow you to make saving throws instead of other characters - within 5' of you

2023-01-08, 04:34 PM
Also, is it possible to shield the person you are grappling... to take a melee hit for them?

There are some ways...

Bodyguard - variant of Fighter class (Dragon #310) have option to grant their Shield AC bonus or/and Dodge AC bonus from Combat Expertise to adjacent creature

Devoted Defender PrC (Sword and Fist): Harm's Way allow to switch places with your charge, Defensive Strike allow to make AoO when your charge attacked in melee, and Deflect Attack allow 1/round to deflect melee attack to your charge via Reflex save (DC 20)

Constant Guardian feat (Drow of the Underdark): -2 to your attack, +2 AC to an ally
Dutiful Guardian feat (Drow of the Underdark): switch places with an ally who is attacked (as immediate action)

Protective Parry feat (Dragon #301) allow to attempt to parry attack which was aimed at somebody else (within your reach)

Body Guard feat (Dragon #339) allow you to make saving throws instead of other characters - within 5' of you

I'm asking specifically with regards to using grapple, only the last two are actually relevant.

2023-01-08, 05:09 PM
I'm asking specifically with regards to using grapple, only the last two are actually relevant.
:smallconfused: What's you mean - "only the last two"?
Sure, switching places is pointless if you are both in the same square - but what's your problem with the other examples?