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2023-01-08, 07:17 PM
The three of you find yourselves in a bed chamber. Unlike the rest of the halls, this one is fully intact. The crystals that light it stay lit; the drapes, made of gossamer-thin silk, are gently waving in the breeze of the door's motion; and the figure on the bed, asleep, but apparently no worse for the time that has passed.

Then... Her eyes opened.

What will you do?

Your mind is a bit foggy. The exact details of what happened just before going to sleep elude you-and your rest is, for the most part, dreamless.

But then you start to stir. A faint light, drawing you out of your slumber.

Your eyes open, and you see two massive men accompanied by a smaller woman-probably around average height, but looking quite a bit less than that next to her two friends.

What will you do?

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?652849-Royal-Awakening-OOC)

2023-01-08, 07:24 PM
Tilda is holding her torch in one hand, and her staff in the other.
Before the Princess awakened, she looked to her two Giant-Kin friends.
"One of us should kiss her, right? I volunteer." Then the Princess awoke on her own.
She clears her throat to get the princess’s attention.
"Ah, hello, lass. I’m Tilda. What are you… do you know where you are?"

2023-01-08, 07:35 PM
Fleggr grumbled as he sorted through his pack of things,
You should ask before you go planting one on someone. It's common courtesy, Tilda.

He hefts an overly large waterskin from his things and a tin cup from his bag, the mug looking dainty in his oversized mitts. He fills it with water and sets it near the strangers resting place, upon a bedside table.
Do you think they know what's going on around here? This looks like their house.

He sets down his things and begins to inspect the surrounding room, awaiting an answer to Tilda's question.

2023-01-08, 07:40 PM
The room is absolutely filled to the brim with runes, symbols, and other hieroglyphs etched into the walls. Anyone with the faintest glimmer of magical knowledge can gather that they kept her safe, for however long she's been here. Though only someone with an archmage's intellect could hope to try deciphering them.

The only thing of note besides the furniture is a metallic mannequin in the corner. It's crumpled up against the wall, like a person who fell asleep waiting.

2023-01-08, 08:02 PM
Alexandria wakes up holding her beautiful redhead.

I.... where am I? I should be in my royal bedchambers........ I don't recognize you? Who are you?

The mannequin, at Alexandria's rousing spins to life.

2023-01-08, 08:14 PM
The metallic mannequin comes to, standing up to her full height of 5'. She darts in between the newly awake woman and the three adventurers. "Stay back, princess!" she says. "I'll keep you safe!"

2023-01-08, 08:15 PM
Ymir stood silent by the door, slackjawed. Of all the things he had imagined was up here... Tales and stories that him and his two companions had talked about for months now. Finaly agreeing to take the journey up the mountain and in to it. He had climbed the mountain before of course but never took this path and now they found this. He had been so elated at the discovery of the first chambers, only to be disapointed when all of the things they found turned to dust and were not even in a state to learn anything from. He had thought that this would be the only thing this journey would be, dissapointing.

But now he found himself stunned at what they saw in the chamber. It made no sense to him that after what they saw in the previous rooms suddenly everything was prestine...The finery beyond anything he has ever seen, strange foreign designs and archetecture. The arcane runes and sigil still active to protect what was in this room...who was in this room...

Then he saw her, the lady laying in the bed and simply resting...The number of questions that filled his mind were hard to count and if the shock of his discovery had not already stunned him the sight of the woman would have. He did not even notice his two companions as they began discussing and interacting with her. Only after they went up to the bed and his brother started moving about the rest of the chamber did Ymir collect himself enough to speak.

"...Hey. At least let the lady fully wake up before we intrude her chambers, approach her bed and bombard her with questions." He said to his companions, although stumbling slightly over his words.

2023-01-08, 08:18 PM
They do not seem hostile. Alexandria says to the mannqeuin.

But who are you? She asks, groping nearby for her glasses not seeming to realize they are on her face.

2023-01-08, 08:24 PM
"The bedchambers of the royals… hey!" Tilda backs up a step.
"I don’t know what that is. I live in Mountainhome… well really kind of on the outskirts. We found you here alone in this abandoned tower."

2023-01-08, 08:25 PM
Fleggr snickers to himself with a bit of glee as he turns from admiring an old tapestry,
I got some water on the table there for ya' miss,

He gestures at the tin mug he'd set next to the princess's bed,
That's a mighty fine puppet you've got there, how does it move without strings?

A step and a half takes Fleggr to the center of the room, standing in front of the mechanical mannequin. He crouches quickly, sitting on his heels, as he begins to inspect the machine. His eyes rove over it with all the urgency of a starving man seeing a roast bird. He pulls a pair of small lenses from a belt pouch and clamps them to his nose. As he adjusts his pince-nez and begins to examine the machines limbs, he reaches for one of it's wrists,
It called you princess, but I don't rightly recall any kingdoms making much of a fuss about ol' Bihucha. Is this something of a holiday lodge?

2023-01-08, 08:37 PM
"You stand before Princess Alexandria, of the Isjul empire! You would be wise to show respect," the construct says. She glances back. "Princess, they're on your face already."

2023-01-08, 08:43 PM
Ymir jerks as the pile of metal in the shape of a person springs to life. Out of instinct reaching for the hilt of his weapon before he catches himself and does the wiser choice and does not go for it. Then the strange being addresses the lady as princess and he gets even more questions. But before he has time to introduce himself he sees his brother squat down and inspect this new individual. He grimaces with frustration at him as Ymir speaks, starting to walk over to him. "My name is Ymir Jotunson. Like my friend says we are from mountainhome. And this-" He says as he slaps his brother upside the head for him to snap out of what he was doing. "What the hell are you doing!?" He whispers with a hiss at him through clenched teeth.

"Is my brother...Fleggr Jotunson..."

2023-01-08, 08:54 PM
Fleggr snickers to himself with a bit of glee as he turns from admiring an old tapestry,
I got some water on the table there for ya' miss,

He gestures at the tin mug he'd set next to the princess's bed,
That's a mighty fine puppet you've got there, how does it move without strings?

A step and a half takes Fleggr to the center of the room, standing in front of the mechanical mannequin. He crouches quickly, sitting on his heels, as he begins to inspect the machine. His eyes rove over it with all the urgency of a starving man seeing a roast bird. He pulls a pair of small lenses from a belt pouch and clamps them to his nose. As he adjusts his pince-nez and begins to examine the machines limbs, he reaches for one of it's wrists,
It called you princess, but I don't rightly recall any kingdoms making much of a fuss about ol' Bihucha. Is this something of a holiday lodge?

Raw arcane energy flows through the paired joints allowing them to contract and extend at will. Alexandria explains happily.

2023-01-08, 09:32 PM
"Maybe we can take you back to town, look at some maps and books, try to find your home?"

2023-01-08, 09:41 PM
"Maybe we can take you back to town, look at some maps and books, try to find your home?"

I.... I should be home......How long was I unconscious for? She holds her head pained.

2023-01-08, 09:45 PM
"We don’t know," Tilda shrugs. "Does your construct keep track? But… there’s no kingdom here."

2023-01-08, 09:57 PM
The defender shakes her head when asked about the time. One of you lists the current date, 1098 of the Kami's Age.

Alexandria does not recognize that dating system at all.

2023-01-08, 10:01 PM
One thousand of what age? Alexandria gasps.

2023-01-08, 10:05 PM
"Kami. It's what the benevolent spirits are," Tilda explains. "Probably a cultural diff'rence. Mayhap we can find your home, though. Will you follow us to town? I uh... might be able to convince Ma and Da to let you stay with us, and Da has a lot of books about strange places and creatures."

2023-01-08, 10:21 PM
As Ymir's hand connects with Fleggr's head, he lets out a short 'op!' and fumbles his tiny glasses in his overstuffed mitts as they fall off his face. Op, op, op, caught 'em.
What am I doing? What are YOU doing?

He stows his lenses back on his belt and stands, lumbering over to his bag and fumbling around again,
I guess I should be apologizing. Tilda's right, we can get you down to town and figure some more things out from there. Have you got the proper clothes, a coat and some boots at least?

He pulls a thick cloak from his bag and holds it in the general direction of the princess, over his shoulder,
Wear this, we'll get back to town right quick and set you up somewhere decent. I'll make us up a nice bit of food and we can crack into some of whatevers lying around the spook's place.

Fleggr shoulders his pack and knocks a shoulder into his brother,
And perhaps this one can ask around town, Im sure someone a bit more well travelled could have an idea how a foreigner made it all the way up the mountain just to take a nap.

2023-01-08, 10:32 PM
One of the Mountainhome residents takes the lead, and brings Alexandria and Marie out. Marie takes a moment to grab a strange stick with some metal bits, giving it to Alexandria, and they follow.

Those two from a bygone era look at the crumbled remnants of their past. You can see the emotions flickering across their face as they see how little remains. Outside, the sun is shining, though it's going to be nightfall by the time you arrive at Mountainhome proper. The trek home isn't particularly difficult, for those more experienced in mountainous regions. Marie handles herself pretty well as well. Alexandria... Struggles. Her outfit doesn't help matters much either, but with the assistance of the three natives, she makes it without any injuries.

The sun sets on Bihucha as you arrive. Mountainhome is well-lit, for the moment, with a lot of folk still milling about and drinking at Mave's Mountain Mess. The Mess is a small building, mostly a kitchen and a home, while the bulk of the eating and drinking goes on outside it, on one of the many tables set up there. But you don't go down quite that far, instead stopping at the Ward household. Ymir knocks, and Thomas opens the door. "Mr. Jotunson," he says, nodding a little. "Good to see you and your brother. What brings you here today? Weren't you exploring Bihucha again?"

Tilda steps forward and gives her dad a quick hug, reciprocated gladly by her father. "Hey little one. Why are you all back so early? And-" he adds, spotting Alexandria and Marie, "who are they?"

2023-01-08, 10:39 PM
"Da, this is Alexandria and her weird metal friend. Alexandria is the Princess of uh... Icicle. No, Isjul. We found her in a weird tower." She looks around. "Ma's gathering, I guess?"
"I told Alexandria about the Spook's Library. Have you ever heard of her home, Da?"

2023-01-08, 10:47 PM
Alexxandria curtseies. A pleasure to meet you.

2023-01-08, 10:53 PM
Thomas starts to shake his head, but stops. "No, Alice was somehow convinced by Mave to partake in some kind of sporting event down in the village proper. But Isjul, you say... It rings a bell, just a bit. But it's history-ancient history at that."

He looks at Alexandria's and Marie's curtsies, and just kinda... Stands there, awkwardly. After a moment or two, he asks "Library, you said? I don't think we'd have anything on Isjul. Feel free to look, but last time I heard anything about it was from an archaeologist in Cashmere. Martin Binford. Gnomish man. I think you met him once, little one-he got you that fancy rock you loved as a kid."

The nearest big city on Kamigawa. Rather metropolitan. Several days travel south of Bihucha.

2023-01-08, 11:04 PM
"Ancient!?" Tilda repeats. "Da, that means she's been asleep for... hundreds of years! Da, I... I woke her up. Me and me friends, anyhap. That makes her my responsibility."
Tilda chuckles. "Listen to me, Da, talking to YOU about responsibility. Point is, I have to take her to Martin. Help her find out what happened to her home and if she still has one." She glances sadly at Alexandria. "Please, Da. You got to let me go."

2023-01-08, 11:10 PM
He's quiet a moment. "You're nineteen, little one. And you're not wrong. But..." he looks at Tilda, right in the eye. "You're also excited. Hungry for something new. So, I'll tell you this. We'll make some space for your new friend to sleep here for the night-or, if she'd prefer, I know the Jotunson household has plenty of spare rooms, what with all the family they've got there. Come the morning, we'll work out the best way forward. And if that way is you going off without me... Well, I knew it had to happen some day. Just didn't know how prepared I'd be."

With that, he looks to Alexandria. "We've got a good couch. Won't hurt your back too bad, if you sleep on it right. Though it might be a little snug with two people," he looks to Marie.

She replies "I don't need sleep."

"Ah. Well, good. I think."

2023-01-08, 11:13 PM
"She's a princess, Da. She's used to nice beds. You can sleep in the apprentice's room... er, my room. I'll stay on the couch lass... er, your highness." She tries to copy the curtsy.
"And Da... thank you." She jumps forth and hugs him. "I'll make a special breakfast tomorrow as thanks, promise."

2023-01-08, 11:24 PM
"She's a princess, Da. She's used to nice beds. You can sleep in the apprentice's room... er, my room. I'll stay on the couch lass... er, your highness." She tries to copy the curtsy.
"And Da... thank you." She jumps forth and hugs him. "I'll make a special breakfast tomorrow as thanks, promise."

I've slept in worse on my military campaigns, it's important for the common soldier to see that we're all in this together.

2023-01-08, 11:27 PM
As everyone gets ready to go Ymir nods in agreement "Yes...Whatever is happened to you the runes in your room speak of someone taking great effort to protect you...Everything besides this room has aged to dust. Even metal armors have turned to brittle scrap...And none of it seems remotley familiar to what we have. I too am interested to understand what has happened here." He then gets shoulder bumped by his brother to which he instinctively replies with a strike to his shoulder, a chortle escaping his throat.

As they travel Ymir seems conflicted he ponders on everything they found and what it could all mean. He figured he would find some anwsers not more questions. But his frustation is mixed with curiosity over this supposed princess. He takes every oppertunity to help the newcomer seeing her difficulties to wander the treck... He wonders if he should ask the Grandfather for some anwsers on this whole mystery...

Once they arrive to the wards home on the outskirts he knocks and smiles at Thomas as he opens. However he didnt greet him as bombastic as he normaly would, simply stepping asside to let his daughter hug him.

He listens silently to their conversation and then added. "It's far to late to seek this archeologist out. Perhaps we should take the evening to rest and get the lady oriented on where she is...In the meantime me and my brother could go seek the Staff for counsel he might know something...If anyone knows what was here before Mountainhome was built it would be him. Tho his knowledge is more local to this perticular part of the land..."

2023-01-08, 11:29 PM
"Nonetheless I insist, Milady." Tilda giggles.
"I can show you all my notes!"

2023-01-08, 11:57 PM
"Well, never let it be said I raised a rude daughter," Thomas says with a smile. "I'll start on some dinner, and I guess you two can come back here in the morning to figure out what the plan is," he addresses the brothers.

The two giantblooded men head to their family home, while Tilda excitedly shows off her little room to Alexandria and Marie. The princess, despite having awoken from the longest nap of her life, is starting to feel tired, and not long after Thomas's meal is eaten, she retires to Tilda's room and is fast asleep.

At the Jotunson home, it's loud and bustling. There's a half-dozen small children running about, with older siblings getting things in order-or at least trying to. When Ymir and Fleggr come in, there's a burst of excitement, with the young kids scrambling and launching into questions.

"What did you find?"
"Is there treasure there?"
"Was there a bear? Or a wolf pack?"
"Did you die?"
"Tell us about it!"

But before you get a chance to answer, your father comes in and rumbles out a stern "Enough." The kids all quiet down. "They will answer your questions in the morning-after we've all had a good night's rest. Nightly chores. Now."

There's a brief flurry of activity, with the younger kids getting dressed in sleeping clothes, the middle ones tending the fire and any other miscellaneous late-night tasks, and the rest of the family being grateful at Einar for quieting things down a bit. He turns to face you, cocking an eyebrow. "Did anything happen?"

You nod, and ask if you can talk to grandfather.

"Not tonight-he's got a ritual going on. He felt something, and wants to make sure we'll be safe. But he should be done and rested by morning. Now, I did tell the family to go to bed-and you're family. So get your butts moving," he says with a broad, if slightly concerned, smile.

The Next Day
Hrimnir accompanies the Ymir and Fleggr to the spook house, where Tilda has awoken early to prepare a bountiful breakfast. The Jotunsons arrive in time for a glorious, hearty morning meal. Alice and Thomas seem a little subdued, much more so than normal, while Hrimnir is a little surprised to see the two lady newcomers. "You went to the mountains and found a lass that looks like that? I might have to make the trek again," he jokes. "What's your names, young ladies?"

Below, there are spoilers with skills. Sometimes, this will be formatted as [ABILITY SCORE] ([SKILL PROFICIENCY]) DC X, other times just as [SKILL] DC X. As an example, below are Insight DC X checks-those are rolled with Wisdom. The other format will be used if something is different from usual. For instance, Charisma (Investigation) DC 12 might be if you're shmoozing for info in a bar. In that case, roll a Charisma check, adding proficiency if you have proficiency in Investigation (or twice that with Expertise).
Before opening any spoilers, either declare Passive (if applicable-it generally will be, but use common sense) or roll your check. (Advantage adds 5, Disadvantage subtracts 5, from Passive totals.)
There will usually be higher DCs within the initial spoilers-so just because you can match the first one with a Passive check doesn't mean you'll get everything.

Alice and Thomas are worried for their daughter.

That's why they're subdued more than usual.

That's really it. I mean, other stuff EXISTS in their lives, but that's their main feelings right now.
Hrimnir is really enjoying this meal.

He also is enjoying seeing new faces-the fact that they're pretty helps too.

And, at least for now, he's interested in seeing if these newcomers might be just the ladies for his grandkids. Not that they NEED to settle down yet or anything, but he's always supportive of his family embiggening.

2023-01-09, 12:32 AM
First insight [roll0]
Second insight [roll1]

2023-01-09, 12:33 AM
Alexandria smiles politely. My name is Princess Alexandria von Dragonstongue. She introduces herself.

2023-01-09, 12:40 AM
"Well met. I am Hrimnir, Staff of the Jotunsons," he replies, holding a hand out to shake. "I'd wonder what a princess like yourself is doing here, but my grandsons tell me you're from within the mountain."

2023-01-09, 12:43 AM
Ymir nods towards Thomas, giving him a firm pat on his shoulder. "Tomorow then. Have a good night." He says firmly, nodding towards Tildas mother as well. Then giving Tilda a light jab on her arm. "You too Tilda. Dont chew your guests ears out too much." He chuckles before he turns his attention to the princess, looks at her silently for a moment. "Good night...Prinsess." He says almost like its a question, but he lowers his head in a small nod out of respect. Then he leaves letting his brother make his own goodbyes and in a brisk pace hurries home.

When he arrives home Ymir is well prepared for the children charging his way. In one practiced movement he picks up two of them one in each arm and jostles them with a laugh. But he slows down when the stern voice of his father rings through the hall. He smiles widely at his father, although he looks at the two children, gives them an apolagetic look then lets them both down to do the chores.

At the prompt order to go to rest he is about to object but then feels the weariness in his body. And so simply pulls his hand through his hair and walks towards the table. "Yes sir. But im bringing a drink with me." He meets his fathers smile with his own, grabbing a cup and filling it to the brim by one of the kegs by the wall. Starting to gulp it down loudly as he walks the rest of the way to his room.

In the morning Ymir spends his morning entertaining the kids with all their questions, wildly overblowing everything they did. And tossing the kids about the room as he demonstrates how a huge bear attacked his brother and how he heroicaly saved his life.

When the Staff arrived tho he quickly turned his attention away from the kids. Respectfully addresing their eldest. "I am honored to have you accompany us, Honored Staff." He says.

On the way to their destination however, Ymir would ask. "Father mentioned you sensed something yesterday...What did you divine through your ritual?"

Ymir Exhanged some brief plesantries when they arrived and of course joined the meal. But let the Staff speak without interuption as he waited for the Ladies to introduce themselves.

2023-01-09, 07:24 AM
Tilda makes sure to serve extra bacon for her Da, and sits down next to her Ma. She hold her hand for awhile.

"Don’t worry, Master Jotunson. I’ll look after your boys. And Da, I’ll have another book written for the Spooks’ Library when I come back, that’s a promise."

In the back of her head, Tilda wondered slightly if she’d come back at all. Her Da’s first apprentice, Jenny, was killed by a sea hag. She and her mother had had to convince him for years to take his daughter on as an apprentice. Being a Spook is a dangerous life, one that had claimed many apprentices before Tom under the old Spook.
But she knew she would come back. Most Spooks were seventh sons of seventh sons, but Tilda was something far more unique. She would prove it to her Ma and Da.
She brings out the family pet – a one-eared cat named Kretch – for the leftover bacon.

2023-01-09, 11:46 AM
With breakfast in bellies, the family clears the table, then takes a seat back down. "Right," Thomas says. "We need a plan."

Alice and Hrimnir nod, with Alice saying "Martin lives in Cashmere, if he hasn't moved since last you saw him. That would be a simple place to start-and Cashmere isn't far or dangerous."

"With that said," Hrimnir rumbles out, "I never did answer your question before, Ymir. I spent the last night in a ritual, communing with ancestors of the family," he informs those who weren't at the Jotunson household last night. "I had a gut feeling that something might be amiss. Now, as some of you might not know, the ancestor spirits aren't stuck here-they can range, in a limited fashion, throughout the world. And they can speak to Kami, so they're a much better source of information than you might expect."

Alice resists the temptation to roll her eyes. "We know, Hrimnir. Though I suppose our newcomers might not."

Marie nods, and Hrimnir continues. "There's trouble in Kamigawa. Something is moving-its not controlling Kamis, so to speak, but it's... Disrupting them. Like some kind of static in their souls. None have vanished, as far as I can tell, but something strange is going on. It's not centered in Cashmere-the epicenter, according to the ancestors, is all the way in Rallingway."

Capital of the current largest kingdom of Kamigawa.

Thomas says "That's... That's something we'll have to look into. It's far, but we're used to travel. Little one, you focus on finding Martin and learning what we can do to help Alexandria."

"Oh, and a gift for your travels," Hrimnir says, retrieving a small, rune-inscribed rock from his pockets. "My boys might recognize this. It's a Sending Stone. The other part of the pair is in my room."

Sending stones come in pairs, with each smooth stone carved to match the other so the pairing is easily recognized. While you touch one stone, you can use an action to cast the Sending spell from it. The target is the bearer of the other stone. If no creature bears the other stone, you know that fact as soon as you use the stone and don't cast the spell.

Once Sending is cast through the stones, they can't be used again until the next dawn. If one of the stones in a pair is destroyed, the other one becomes nonmagical.

2023-01-09, 12:53 PM
"I'll go get an empty book!" Tilda giddily runs up to the shelf of all the Spooks' apprentice books. She traces the names on the spines with a giddy smile.
John Gregory, her father's teacher and master, was the first to have his apprentice journal on the shelf.
Judd Brinscall, who sailed far away to take over as a Spook in the marshlands after Bill Arkwright's death. The very first, Benjamin Roberts. Then the last three. Billy Bradley, a very short volume that wasn't all the way full. Thomas Ward, whose apprentice volume was still there, though he had written five more since becoming the Spook proper that were kept with the full-fledged books.
Then Jenny Calder. Even shorter than Billy's, Jenny was her father's first apprentice. Tilda is proud to of the fact that her Da was the first Spook to ever take on a female apprentice. Since then, Judd had followed suit according to his letters... but so far her Da is the only one to take on two in a row.
Tilda takes up the blank volume next to Jenny's. She knows why the journals were so important: So few Spooks made it. So keeping their learning more permanent than their lives, to be passed on, was paramount. And yet she feels a sort of joy and triumph in finally picking up her volume. Carrying on an old tradition.

She heads back downstairs, backpack slung over her shoulder, staff in one hand, and journal tucked away in her pack.
"Don't worry Alexandria. You're in good hands." She gives her parents a good-bye hug and kiss. "I love you both so much. I'll be back."

2023-01-09, 01:35 PM
As the crew approached town, Fleggr began to withdraw into himself. His smile faded and his brow set a little sterner as he departed from the Spook's hut in the evening, seeing the princess settled. And eventually, as his siblings and father assailed his brother with questions, he did his best to creep to privacy and set his mind at ease. A gentle night of quiet contemplation and carefully unpacking and repacking his belongings. A deliberate choice to pack an extra set of flatware and grab some mittens and a hat for their new traveling companion. He wasn't sure why, but Fleggr had the sneaking suspicion they'd be gone for a lot longer on their next trip.

As morning came and the two young men escorted their grandfather to Tilda and Alexandria, his stern look had set firmly back on his brow. Not at all unfamiliar to those that may see him around Mountainhome. He sits quietly through breakfast, makes every effort to appear invisible as Hrimnir and Alice address dark portents and other such witchcraft. As he finally feels the conversation approach what might be an end, he stands near the door of Tilda's childhood home, drumming two fingers against his thigh and glancing between the crowd preparing themselves and the door out into the world. Mentally, he'd already stepped over the threshold, now to gently prod the others into following.

Yes, well, we'll be sure to keep in touch grandfather. I'm sure the trek will be long, what with the princess unused to these kinds of marches. So we ought to set out.
He speaks from the side of his mouth and glances away from who he's speaking to, a bit of sharp contrast from the enthusiasm with which he met the mechanical assistant or the jovial rough housing shared with his brother. Anyone with half a mind to pay attention can tell that Fleggr is uncomfortable speaking up and eager to get moving.

2023-01-09, 01:48 PM
Thomas and Alice hug their daughter. Alice asks Hrimnir to stay a little longer, just to talk about odds and ends. Hrimnir nods, and reminds his grandkids to take a map from the Jotunson home.

You gather up your supplies, and acquire a few extras for Alexandria and Marie.

I won't be tracking rations, arrows, etc. etc., unless they're much more valuable than normal. So your one loaf of special super bread, or an arrow of slaying? Those get tracked. Normal projectiles and rations? I do not care, unless you somehow end up in a spot where it'd be ridiculous to forage on your own.

While you gather supplies in the Jotunson household, Alexandria and Marie get a lot of questions and comments, being newcomers.

"Why are you so shiny?"
"You're pretty!"
"Are you that girl that they met in Cashmere? Why are there two of you?"
"Where are you going? Can I come with?"

Einar is out, so it's up to Ymir and Fleggr to keep order, which they do reasonably well. Enough so that Alexandria and Marie can get their stuff and go, at least. And, with your supplies gathered, you're off for Cashmere!

The first leg of the trek is simply getting to the base of Bihucha, where there's a road that leads to Cashmere.

Random encounter checks!

It'll be three days of travel, so I'll do two checks per day.


2023-01-09, 05:36 PM
Ymir would listen intently to the words of the staff. His discovery over the imbalance of the kami raising a brow and a thoughtful mumble...Railingway was quite a bit further but it seemed like they were being sent to find this archeologist in Cashmere anyway. Ymir wanted to find out more about this mystery as well however, if the Kami felt concerned, them Ymir wished to see why. "Perhaps once we have found out whatever we can from the archeologist about our princesses supposed ancient kingdom we could head onwards to Railingway and meet up?" He looks at Thomas as he says this. "It sounds like you are intending to go there yes?"

Then the Staff presented the stone and Ymir nods towards the staff as he takes it. "Thank you, honored Staff. We will send word of what we learn from Cashmere." And at this point Tilda has gone off to fetch her book while his brother has already gone for the door, obviously eager to get going. Ymir himself stands and walks over to his brother, responding to his comment about the princess while giving him a light kick on his shin. "I share your excitement to leave brother! Don't fret for the speed of our journey. Worst case scenario should the princesses feet tire I'll carry her on my back hah!" He says pointing over his shoulder towards Alexandria, giving her a playful wink.

They they leave the wards home and go to theirs. Ymir will do just like last time pick up two of the kids as they came barreling forward. "Hahah! Step aside for the princess and her noble warriors!" He herds them away and asside giving the others space, quickly explaining. "Me and Fleggr are going on a journey to help this beatiful princess to find her lost kingdom and we must make haste! So run along and help your mothers. I promise you will hear it all when we get back and we record our deeds in our annals." Assuming the kids does like he says he packs his things and readies his arms.

He comes back clad in the well used chainmail he had before when they first arrived, a fresh fur cloak and his weapons, a large sword and hammer the most obvious. And then the large pack with a tent and other useful supplies. All the things would probably seem far to much for a regular sized individual but to him seemed like a rather light packing in comparison. And none of it seemed to weigh him down even allitle. The princess could very easily, probably sit ontop of his backpack if she wanted.

---------------On the road---------------

Shortly after they set out on the path down the mountain, Ymir would move to walk next to Alexandria as he inquired. "So now that I have a proper oppertunity...You are a princess of a supposed ancient empire which none but few seems to know about...And we found you in a room filled with a lifetimes worth of runecraft. Tell me, what DO you remember? Is there anything you know besides your name and the name of your kingdom? Any memories at all before waking up in that bedchamber?

2023-01-10, 10:05 PM
Oh plenty of memories, about as many as anyone. I had two siblings, a brother and a sister. Alexandria starts.

I was the eldest, given the title of crown princess which would mean I was expected to marry some foreign noble for a military alliance, we lived in turbulent times.

2023-01-10, 10:30 PM
Tilda keeps her distance from the crowds as they gather around. She's used to people being afraid of her. Not only does she wear the pointy shoes of the Pendle Witches, she's also closely associated with the Spook that people appreciated, but didn't think of as good company.
So she feels a twinge of jealousy when the new girl is crowded around, and her looks are complimented. Of course it's true, but... well, Tilda knows that the place of the Spook is to be unappreciated and undesired, situated neatly between the creatures of the Dark and the folk.

So it's a relief when they leave the town behind and start a hike. With her quick speed and eagerness, Tilda leads the way.
"Princess, you keep these strong gentlemen on either side of you. My Da hasn't cleared the whole mountain of ghosts or boggarts and such – mostly peaceful, but ye can never be sure, and that's a fact."

2023-01-10, 10:59 PM
Oh plenty of memories, about as many as anyone. I had two siblings, a brother and a sister. Alexandria starts.

I was the eldest, given the title of crown princess which would mean I was expected to marry some foreign noble for a military alliance, we lived in turbulent times.

He quirks a brow while rubbing his hands through his beard. "That...Is not much to go on. What can you tell me of the kingdom itself, where it is, how it looks like, culture, traditions, allies, enemies? Tell me everything you can think of and remember...Cause nothing i have heard so far makes think your kingdom is actually real. And what is the last thing you remember happening to you personaly?" Ymir seemed sceptical but genuinely curious.

2023-01-10, 11:09 PM
He quirks a brow while rubbing his hands through his beard. "That...Is not much to go on. What can you tell me of the kingdom itself, where it is, how it looks like, culture, traditions, allies, enemies? Tell me everything you can think of and remember...Cause nothing i have heard so far makes think your kingdom is actually real. And what is the last thing you remember happening to you personaly?" Ymir seemed sceptical but genuinely curious.

I.... literally do not recognize the land mass Alexandria ***** her head concerned. She starts to tell you a tale of her kingdom, a far more technologically advanced place then the day and age. It seems however that allies were few and far between, for the fires of war raged everywhere.

As for the last thing I remember. I was heading to sleep. We were to plan a siege on the capital of Irionclad in the morning. We had driven them back and liberated the Prismatic coast.

2023-01-11, 10:23 AM
Ymir listens to her about her country. But through the entire story he becomes more and more sceptical about what he is hearing. "So...You dont recognize anything on our maps or the year...Nor do I recognise anything of what you have told me. Strange weapons and technology, names of places and other kingdoms..." he grumbles, scratching the back of his head.

"So there are a couple of anwsers then that it could be as far as I can guess. You are lying, but you dont seem the sort. You are extremely far away from home. You have been asleep for an incredibly long time. Or perhaps your memories are dreams which you might have had during your slumber...Part of me wishes the lie to be the anwser. For if it isn't, you have my condolences for your situation..."

2023-01-11, 10:55 AM
"It would be irresponsible to speculate about any of this. We've got a girl, we've got a trail, we ought to get the girl down the trail. Maybe she's a witch or an angel or maybe she's not even real. Or maybe she's just a girl that needs some capable hands to help her out. Regardless, we've still got to keep an eye out for bears and stay warm at night.
Fleggr seemed to be narrowing in, his anxious discomfort has shifted to quiet focus as they make their way down the mountain, and again to mildly irritated as his brother and the princess talk circles around eachother.

He trots up to Tilda as she leads them and offers a bag of trail mix to share,
I suppose you or your parents would've already thought of it, but is there some witchcraft to be done to divine the princess' origins? Though I guess that would be too easy...

As Fleggr talks about Alexandria like she isn't there and grumbles like a grumpy old man, it's not entirely clear what exactly has stuck itself in his craw, but he's not been exactly patient nor terribly pleasant since they found the mysterious woman and set out with her.

2023-01-11, 11:21 AM
"Uh, Ma never told me about a spell that could give us that kind of information... I'm sure it exists, either in some hidden tome or to be used by a powerful priest or mage... but it's nothing I'd know how to do. And nothing I think we could afford, either."
Tilda shrugs. "If I didn't think they'd kill and eat us, I'd recommend trekking to the Pendle Witches and asking them what they think. Their diviners might be of help, but they'd more likely want to make necklaces out of our bones."

Off the top of my head I think only Legend Lore would do this, and there might just not be anyone in the entire setting who can cast it. At least no one without either better or more evil things to do.

2023-01-11, 12:38 PM
You continue your travels. The first day of the journey is quiet-you pass by a few other travelers, heading in the opposite direction, but not at the right time to take camp with them. They seemed nice enough, at least.

The second day of the journey dawns, uneventfully. But after some time, you get the feeling of being watched. While you'd normally break for a meal, you keep walking, trying to figure out what's lurking.

There's a massive wolf, seemingly now disdainful of sneaking, making its way towards you. Its footfalls are wreathed in ice.

Three more wolves are with it, much more cautious and normal-sized.

2023-01-11, 01:19 PM
Tilda holds up a hand. "A wolf," she calls back. "Princess, keep your distance. We'll handle this."
She called upon the blood of Old Nick, her mother's father, and Bony Lizzie, her mother's mother, running through her, then leaving her and pooling around her staff, her own blood coating her staff and freezing it with an ethereal, nether cold.

"Heck, I bet I could take on this wolf myself!" And she sprints forward, staff raised and nostrils flaring.

Using Symbiotic Entity and moving 40 feet nearer the wolf!

2023-01-11, 01:27 PM
The wolf is [roll0] times 10 feet away when you choose to engage.

Will edit this post when I see the results.

Tilda charges when the wolf is at its furthest away. The wolf, not very well-hidden, roars a challenge back, glimmers of snow whirling in its breath, and charges forward 50'.

The Large wolf is 150' away now.
Tilda is 40' towards it.

Imma roll init in the OOC thread, so we've an order.

2023-01-12, 03:22 AM
Ymir disregarded his brothers comments about his conversation with Alexandria, giving him a dismissive wave in response. If Alexandria entertained the conversation it would continue with smaller topics until they camped the first night of their journey.

On the second day however, just like his brother he would change his mood to an icy cold focus. The sensation of being watched creeping in on all of them. He would take his large maul which seemed to glow as a large rune emblazoned on the head of the weapon glowed like embers in a fire. The rune itself fittingly being the rune of "fire" in the giant tongue. Then Tilda raised her hand and called out the presence of the wolf and he spotted the large white wolf. But before he could speak of suggest a course of action, Tilda channeled her powers and went head first in to a charge. He would chastise her for rushing in headlong when they were still so far away but he didn't necessarily care for the stealthy approach either.

Instead he glanced back towards Alexandria, who he had stepped in front of the second the wolves presence became known and quickly said. "Stay at least within 30 feet of me if you can." Then he turned to his brother. "Dibs on its hide, brother." He grinned. He then took steps forward towards the wolf. As he did he seemed to grow even larger, each step becoming louder as his weight increased and soon he stood twice his previous size. Matching the size of the massive wolf charging at them.

Not only that his hand would then be cloaked with flame as his now booming voice bellowed the word of flame in the tounge of the fire giants. Launching 2 bolts of flame towards the charging beast.

For my turn before initiative.
Move: 30ft closer to the large wolf, ending up 120ft away from it. Keeping fleggr and Alexandria within 30ft of me.
Bonus: Giant's might (rune knight feature) Growing to large size.
Action: Throwing a fire bolt at the Large wolf.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If crit add: [roll2]

Turn on my initiative count.
Move: I stay were I am, keeping Alexandria and fleggr within 30ft
Bonus: None
Action: Another Firebolt at the large wolf
Attack roll: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
If crit add: [roll5]

I will use my cloud rune to redirect the attack towards another enemy within 30ft of me. If there is not another enemy within sight 30ft of me then you can ignore this.
I will use shield giving me +5 ac for a total of 21
I will use my goliath feature reducing the damage by [roll6]

2023-01-12, 01:08 PM
The wolf sidesteps the blasts of flame, letting them hit the ground and sending small gouts of heated dirt into the air.

2023-01-12, 08:40 PM
Fleggr scoffs at his brothers lackluster flames and laughs at his own jab as he draws a fibrous bundle from his things,
If you plan to burn it's fur off you can keep it, you braggart. There's far better ways to skin a pup!

He sprints off quickly to a roadside tree, bounds up to the thicker boughs, and pulls himself into hiding amongst the thicker branches and leaves. Though most could not see him, the unstoppable eye of narrative of course know that he's prepared a weighty net to surprise the beast if it approaches too closely. His face has lit up with the same interest and giddyness that we haven't seen since the discovery of the Princess' ancient resting place and magnificent, mechanical maid.

Copied from OOC for convenience:

Move 30 ft to Tree closer to Wolf, Athletics check to climb STR+Prof+Expertise: (d20+9)[23]
Bonus to Hide, Stealth check DEX+Prof: (d20+4)[24]
Action to Prepare to throw Net STR+Prof, Disadvantage from Long Range, Advantage from Hidden: (d20+4)[16]

2023-01-12, 10:33 PM
Alexandria moves forward 30 feet and from as far as her musket can reach opens fire on the big wolf.

Attack at disadv
[roll0] [roll1]

Marie will make a double move towards the wolf.

2023-01-13, 12:38 PM
The wolf takes a nasty blow to its shoulder from Alexandria's boomstick, but charges on.

Tilda continues moving for the giant wolf, heedless of any danger, and the wolf in turn closes the distance to her. It darts to her side, and attempts to chomp down on her.

[roll0] Hit
[roll1] Piercing Damage
[roll2] Strength Save for Tilda, DC 14

Its fangs sink into her leg and knock her over, leaving her prone on the ground.

2023-01-13, 07:43 PM
"Ghhhkhr!" Tilda grunted as she fell. The blood from her wounds ran up her leg and impaled into the wolf's neck as a stream of relatiating plasma.

Halo of Spores, when a creature moves within 10 feet of me or starts its turn there it can make a CON save (DC 14) to avoid [roll0] necrotic damage.

2023-01-14, 12:44 AM
Alexandria will move up another 30 feet before firing her weapon at long range.

[roll0] [roll1]
Dmg [roll2]

Marie moves up another 60 feet.

2023-01-14, 04:53 AM
Ymir laughed at his brothers reply and watched him run towards a nearby tree and promptly vanish in the leaves. "BAHA! Of course thats why I do it!" He then watches as the Princess moves up beside him and fires this strange weapon of hers. And just like she spoke previously of the weaponry it seems to be quite effective. "That is quite the armament you have there!" He bellows in approval.

But then he sees Tilda run even further ahead of them only to get promptly assaulted and knocked prone by the massive wolf. And he grits is teeth in frustration and worry, yelling out. "TILDA! DAMMIT AT LEAST LET IT COME A BIT CLOSER! WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER!"

He then runs forward as well while shouting back towards where he saw his brother climb up in the tree. "GET YOUR ASS DOWN FROM THE TREE YOU OVER SIZED SQUIRREL! NO POINT HIDING AND WAITING FOR IT NOW!" Ymirs eyes then lit up with a blue glow as with a single word booming through the woods, summoned arcane power. Causing Ymirs large body to vanish in a cloud of mist and ice only to immediately appear again closer to Tilda and the large Beast.

As he ran he started to glance around the treeline as well, with Tilda on the ground he started to wonder if there would be any more predators which would take advantage of her predicament. But then also channel another gout of flame in his hand, throwing it like a lance of fire at the wolf. "PICK ON SOMETHING YOUR OWN SIZE!" He shouted, trying to get the beasts attention.

Move: 30ft closer, putting me 30ft infront of Fleggr and Alexandria then unless im wrong 60ft from the wolf and tilda.
Bonus: Misty step 30ft forward, ending up 60ft away from fleggr and alexandria, 30ft from wolf and Tilda.
Free: Perception check for other wolves:
Action: Firebolt at the big wolf.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If crit add: [roll] 1d10 (rolled 6 so total of 11 damage)

Will use cloud rune feature to redirect the attack to another enemy within 30ft of me that I can see.Will use my cloud rune to redirect the attack to another enemy within 30ft of me.Will use shield to give myself 21 ACGoliath feature [roll3]

2023-01-14, 11:52 AM
-34 on big wolf.

With Tilda prone, another wolf leaps from the trees along the path, aiming to chomp down on the "hapless" woman.

[roll0] Hit
[roll1] Advantage
[roll2] Piercing
And a DC 11 Strength save that I won't roll because Tilda's already prone.

Tilda is up next!

2023-01-14, 12:01 PM
Tilda, with a painful grunt, stands even under the wolves' assault. She smells her own blood, then the wolves'. Her stomach... rumbles?
Oh, that's a bad sign.

Leading with her Spook's Staff, Tilda strikes out at the larger wolf with it, then follows up by raking her claws of blood across its flesh, draining its blood into her pool with each blow.
Maybe I don't mention this part to Da.

[roll0] to hit; [roll1] bludgeoning and [roll2] necrotic damage.
[roll3] to hit; [roll4] bludgeoning and [roll5] necrotic damage.
[roll6] to hit; [roll7] bludgeoning and [roll8] necrotic damage.

2023-01-14, 12:28 PM
Another wolf bays from the treeline, leaping into action against Tilda.

[roll0] Hit
[roll1] Advantage, Pack Tactics
[roll2] Piercing
[roll3] Strength Save, DC 11, to avoid Prone again.

Regardless of the above, the big wolf will Disengage.

But, Ymir's rune activates, and sends the wolf's fangs into the larger one. What might prove to be a fatal action for the smaller wolf ends up being the same for the larger one-it drops to the ground, bleeding out.

The wolf showed unusual intelligence and frost, not to mention size. It's likely a winter wolf-an intelligent, malicious, and domineering beast.

They're not known for their bravery-while frost giants will sometimes keep them as guards, it's very much a "You do what I say or else" situation.

The other wolves quickly disperse, their leader dying.

2023-01-14, 11:51 PM
Tilda's stomach rumbled harder as the wolf collapsed at her feet. She felt her nostrils flare and she knelt at the wolf's side, feeling her teeth stretch a bit like her mother's could when she went feral. She bit down on the wolf's wounds and started drinking, lapping up the blood greedily as if it would replace her own loss of her life fluid.

2023-01-15, 12:06 AM
Fleggr trots up to Tilda and the wolf's corpse, sliding it away from her mouth after she'd drained for a few moments, without much ceremony, a tad rude maybe,
You'd do well to not take directly from the tap, so to speak. Wolves will come back to their prey a few times, so there could be all sorts of nasty bugs and what not slipping around in its guts. It's important to clean it properly, else you might get sick.

As he drags it towards a hearty tree, he comments on their strategy with the same sort of direct and tactless air,
A bit sloppy today, we'll need to communicate a bit better if anything much scarier comes our way. I'm not used to all these other people to consider, my apologies for the more passive performance, but this is where I am more than capable.

He kneels now and removes his knives from a roll in his pack, he diligently strings the wolf up on a sturdy branch and begins to drain the blood into a pan beneath it.
Predators like this don't tend to taste exceptional, but if it's this fresh it should actually be fairly palatable with the right preparation. If we're not terribly rushed we could settle down for a short break and I could cook up some of the meat. Meat is just what the body needs after such a perilous scrap, Tilda.

Fleggr continues to chatter on with his thoughts on nutrition and seasoning, cutting the fur away in one piece, dismantling the meat along it's primal cuts, and sifting through the offal for the bits good to eat and the bits that are most certainly not.

I'm not sure if you know this princess, but the foul taste of wild game mainly comes from the curdled blood. A properly drained animal will taste as good as anything from one of your fancy castle dinners with just a little care and proper herbs.

Butchering a beast of the mountain has Fleggr as chipper as anything.

2023-01-15, 12:15 AM
Tilda seems to snap out of her feral state as the wolf is pulled away from her.
"Oh. What... oh, gosh," she looks down at herself soaked in a mix of her own and wolf's blood. She sits back and stares ahead while her giant-kin friends work on the wolf, staying quiet aside from her pants of exhaustion.

2023-01-15, 01:09 PM
Marie, seeing her fighting services unneeded, looks back to the princess and makes sure she's okay.

You spend some time cleaning the carcass, with at least one person keeping an eye out in case the wolves return. When all is said and done, you've got a white pelt with only some bloodstains, and a nice chunk of meat to feast on.

Fleggr takes charge of the cooking, and finds the meat a little odd. It's incredibly tough to heat, like it's clinging to the cold that it had before. But, with some time spent above the fire, it eventually gives way, and starts to sizzle comfortably. Soon enough, he's serving it out on the travel plates that were brought, with a side of some nuts and dried fruits from the rations.

Marie keeps watch while you enjoy the meal-Fleggr did an excellent job on the wolf meat. To Alexandria's palate, it's a little plain, lacking in the herbs and spices she had at home-more akin to the meals she had while on tour with the troops than a meal at home.

2023-01-15, 01:22 PM
Ymir, still large from channeling the powers of his blood with just a couple of steps closed the distance between himself and Tilda. He always knew Tilda was strange, he never cared about any superstition around her or her family either. But this worried him over Tildas well being.

He helped his brother to pick up the wolf while he was still large so Fleggr wouldnt need to drag it over to the tree. He didnt anwser any of his brothers comments either, simply letting him get to work on the wolf. Ymir turned back and as he went up to Tilda kneeling on the road his size became normal again and he grabs her by her shoulders and barks at her like an older brother scolding his sister. "What in the ancestors name was that!? You could have gotten yourself killed!" He stares deep in to her eyes with an equaly concerned and angry expression on his face.

2023-01-15, 01:42 PM
Tilda reels back from the bark in shock. She looks at the ground.
"I didn't... I didn't know there were more..." She wipes some blood from her mouth.
"Or that that would happen."

She sulks back to the camp and sits down, obviously disturbed by the events.
"S... sorry."

2023-01-15, 02:02 PM
He lets her go to sit down as they make up camp. Helping to set it all up and for food to get prepared. But once he has his bowl of food he takes another and moves to sit next to Tilda, reaching it over to her. "Here, eat." He says almost like its a command.

But after a while, letting Tilda finish her food he will finaly ask. "Now...Is there anything you'd care to explain about your behavior? And I am not talking about you charging ahead without us this time...We have rites and cermons using the blood of animals. But that was not it." He inquired with no small amount of frustration to his tone. Ymir tended to get angry when he was concerned. Something both Flegger and Tilda was well aware of.

2023-01-15, 02:06 PM
Tilda eats mechanically and sits mostly still.

Hit dice [roll0] plus my cooking [roll1] thank you Fleggr

She keeps looking at the ground. "I didn't... think that would happen. Ma told me it might, but I didn't think it would... that's um... from the ancestry in me that's of the Dark. Old Nick's blood." She looks apologetic. "It won't happen again."

2023-01-15, 02:18 PM
Tilda eats mechanically and sits mostly still.

Hit dice [roll0] plus my cooking [roll1] thank you Fleggr

She keeps looking at the ground. "I didn't... think that would happen. Ma told me it might, but I didn't think it would... that's um... from the ancestry in me that's of the Dark. Old Nick's blood." She looks apologetic. "It won't happen again."

He sneers at her apologetic look. "Don't apolagize. Tell me if its dangerous for you. And what I need to do to stop or help you when it happens again."

2023-01-15, 02:19 PM
Hardly the strangest thing we've seen this week. Just wait till we can cook the ick out of it and you can have as much blood as you'd like.

Fleggr tends the coals and watches them crackle with quiet interest.
You know Ymir's only angry because he's scared. If you run to where we can't reach, there will be nobody to catch you when you fall. He's not too keen on letting things slip through his fingers if he can help it. My brother is greedy like that.

He chews his food diligently, eyes straight ahead. He's not terribly comfortable or competent when it comes to talking about feelings, but he hopes the group can get their feelings across to each other without so much fuss. He's awkward, but he cares about these two more than almost anyone else.

2023-01-15, 02:31 PM
Tilda shakes her head quickly at the offer of blood. "No, no, I don't... want to feed that side of me. I don't know... pull me away, like you did this time. I didn't mean to scare you, I just... I thought I was more like my Da. I want to be the next Spook... not the next monster."

2023-01-15, 03:17 PM
He stares daggers at his brothers analysis of his mood. But simply snorted in response. But not objecting it either...

He then listens to Tildas reply and with that would seem to relax a bit. Flicking her on the forehead with his finger. "Good. Then that's what I'll do..." He sighs. "As for being a monster Tilda...Many people outside our village would consider our family monsters too. So its gonna take a hell of alot more for me to start calling you that."

Then after a breif pause. "The food was half decent Fleggr. Thank you." He said towards his brother.

Then to the Princess he also turned to and said. "Hope none of this has deterred your desire to let us accompany you." He chuckles.

2023-01-16, 12:39 AM
He stares daggers at his brothers analysis of his mood. But simply snorted in response. But not objecting it either...

He then listens to Tildas reply and with that would seem to relax a bit. Flicking her on the forehead with his finger. "Good. Then that's what I'll do..." He sighs. "As for being a monster Tilda...Many people outside our village would consider our family monsters too. So its gonna take a hell of alot more for me to start calling you that."

Then after a breif pause. "The food was half decent Fleggr. Thank you." He said towards his brother.

Then to the Princess he also turned to and said. "Hope none of this has deterred your desire to let us accompany you." He chuckles.

Not at all, you seem a quite interesting and capable group. Thank you for your work in helping me skin the pelts.

2023-01-16, 01:28 AM
The remaining rest time is uneventful. The pelt is a little larger than makes for easy storage, but with some scrunching, you fit it in Ymir's pack, leaving some of his miscellaneous gear to be distributed amongst the other packs.

Day two of travel, after your fight with the wolves, is peaceful.
The third and final day sees sigfnicantly busier roads, as you close in on Cashmere.

You enter the city proper from the east side, and find yourselves immersed in a marketplace. There's stalls and tents and a few proper storefronts, but the noise is a nonstop babble of deals and prices.

"Salts and spices, best you'll find in Juntor!"
"Gems, geodes, jewelry; no better prices!"
"Get your clothes fitted here! Tailors and seamstresses!"
"We'll buy it! Whatever it is, we do not care!"

While the place is busy, it seems friendly enough. Kids run alongside their parents, eager to spend some coin earned with chores or from holidays.

2023-01-16, 03:18 PM
Alexandria starts trying to ask random people for help.

2023-01-16, 03:38 PM
Marie stays near her ward while she starts asking people, basically at random, if they know anything of one Martin Binford. She quickly stops asking the stallkeepers, as they usually ask for something in exchange, but the people shopping are much more willing to talk without looking for coin.

The first group she talks to is a family, with three kids looking around for something to purchase. "Martin? Doesn't he run the stall down the alley?" the father says.
"That's Martin Hemway, not Binford. I'm afraid we don't know of anyone by that name. Good luck, though!"

The second pair is two young adults, or possibly older teens. Both boys. "Nah, never heard of him!" one of them says, while the other mutters something indistinct and otherwise stays quiet.

The third group is another family, one kid, one father, and a grandma. The eldest thinks a moment, but shakes her head. "Sorry, miss. I don't know."

As you start to talk to a solitary individual, the quiet boy from before approaches again. "Um, excuse me..." he says, blushing. He turns to leave, but his friend stops him.
"Come on, man, just do it!" he says.
The quieter one turns back to Alexandria, and says "I just, uh, wanted to say you're really pretty. And I, uh, was wondering if you, um, maybe... You know... Get a drink, or something? Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt, but..."

The solitary person-an air genasi woman-chuckles a little. "Looks like someone has an admirer. You were asking about Martin Binford? He contributes to a research group I'm part of-I can try to arrange a meeting, if you aren't busy, of course."

The air genasi woman is tall, certainly taller than Tilda and almost as tall as Alexandria. Her skin is a ghostly blue, and she wears a thick cloak that billows of its own accord. It mostly conceals her form, but occasional peeks from the movements of her garb reveal a shapely, well-toned figure.
The two boys are only a little taller than Tilda, one of them (the one who's been encouraging his buddy) a muscular young man, with wavy blond hair and piercing blue eyes. His skin has the faintest hint of green to it-perhaps orcish heritage, sometime deep in the past. The other one is slightly taller and much lankier, with ruddy brown hair and brown eyes.

2023-01-16, 04:07 PM
Tilda is mostly just focused on not openly gaping at the air genasi woman who might be the most beautiful sight she's ever seen.
"H-hi I'm Tilda!" She says and holds out a hand.

2023-01-16, 05:57 PM
"Mistral Flux," she replies, taking Tilda's hand in a firm shake.

2023-01-16, 05:57 PM
"You have strong hands," Tilda says and hides her face. "Sorry."

2023-01-16, 06:14 PM
Fleggr covers his eyes and turns away, second hand embarrasment burning on his face as Tilda tries to talk to a woman and flubs it almost immediately.

He takes a few deep breaths and lightly slaps his cheeks to regain some semblance of composure and shake off the chuckles, then speaks up,
Thank you kindly Miss Flux, it would be a generous favor. We've some historical inquiries and were referred to Martin Binford by a mutual friend.

2023-01-16, 06:23 PM
She raises an eyebrow. "Personal history, or something else? I'll set up the meeting, but I do hope you'll satisfy my curiosity in turn."

2023-01-16, 07:49 PM
"We're hoping he knows where Alexandria is from. She woke up and it seems like it's been ages and ages since the last time she was out and about," Tilda explains.
"Y-you're very pretty," she adds.

2023-01-16, 09:43 PM
As you start to talk to a solitary individual, the quiet boy from before approaches again. "Um, excuse me..." he says, blushing. He turns to leave, but his friend stops him.
"Come on, man, just do it!" he says.
The quieter one turns back to Alexandria, and says "I just, uh, wanted to say you're really pretty. And I, uh, was wondering if you, um, maybe... You know... Get a drink, or something? Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt, but..."

Oh my apologies, but first I need to see the state of my kingdom before I enter into discussions of a marriage alliance. I wouldn't want you to feel cheated in the future. Alexandria takes a step back.

2023-01-16, 10:06 PM
"Uh..." the young man lets out.

His comrade punches him lightly on the shoulder. "Swing and a miss, my guy. But hey-you gave an honest try. Have a good one, all you!"

Mistral watches them head off, the lanky one blushing fiercely and the muscular one laughing a little. "Well, that was... Eventful," she says with an airy laugh. "Follow me, if you would. And introduce yourselves-I know Tilda now, but what about the rest of you?"

You introduce yourselves, with the Jotunsons giving plain introductions. Marie takes care of Alexandria's introduction, saying "This is Princess Alexandria von Dragonstongue, the heir apparent to the Isjul Empire. When we find out more about what's happened to it, at least. And I am her faithful servant and bodyguard, Marie."

"Intriguing... I know Martin's done work with that, but it's not something I've ever studied," she replies, leading you all into some quieter streets of the city. "We'll check to see if he's in attendance at the curator's-one dwarf by the name of Orin Stoutheart. Mr. Stoutheart has quite the collection, and is quite knowledgeable on many matters of ancient history. He works with people from all over, and acquires artifacts for his own pleasure. His home is near the merchants' district-not the street market we were in, but where the big holdings are. Which... Darn it!" she says. "I was going to pick up some salt, and you completely distracted me! Ah, whatever-I can do without."

The buildings you're passing by now are steadily growing in size, both vertically and horizontally, until you arrive at a sturdy stone structure. It's a little shorter than its neighbors, but quite wide. Mistral knocks, and a well-dressed dwarf opens the door. "Ms. Flux? We were not expecting you today," he says.

"I ran into some folk who were interested in meeting with Martin-can you check with Orin and see if he's in?" Mistral asks.

The servant nods, and closes the door. There's a minute or two of waiting, and then the door opens, revealing an impressively rotund dwarf and a gnome half his size. Both wear spectacles. "Mistral! You bring guests, I see," Orin says.

She nods. "May we come in?"

Orin nods. "Just take your shoes off at the door-thank you, thank you-and join me for tea." He leads you to a large foyer, with the servant from before settling a teapot into a holder. "Seven cups, please, and snacks as well. I'm partial to pastries myself, but if you'd prefer meats or cheeses, I can provide."

2023-01-16, 10:13 PM
Tilda takes off her pointy shoes and steps in. "Ah, when on the job, Da tends to try not to eat much, just some cheese if he has to, to stay sharp."
She thinks about pastries.
"I'll have some pastries, please."

2023-01-16, 10:22 PM
Fleggr sets his pack on the ground, fiddling around briefly to set his massive bag and similarly massive shoes in a neat and square set, out of the way of everything. He steps next to Tilda and tries his best to discreetly pass her a small bag of salt. He's not exactly sure what kinds of things impress women, but she said she needed salt; so if Tilda gives her salt, that oughta score some points. At least, it'd score some points with him.

I appreciate a man that knows good food, I'll take whatever you recommend. It's rare we get out to places like this, I'd be eager to try the treats from the big city.
He glances around the room, not particularly keen to look anyone in the eye. This is a lot of new people rather quickly, but at least they seem nice.

Sleight of Hand to pass a bag of salt to Tilda. Wingman Fleggr, swooping in: [roll0]

2023-01-16, 10:26 PM
Hello, Orin Stoutheart. It is a pleasure to greet you on this day. Alexandria replies.

2023-01-16, 10:30 PM
The servant brings a tray loaded with goodies and a few small plates to distribute amongst the host and guests.

Orin smiles at Alexandria. "A pleasure to meet you as well!"

"I heard you were interested in talking to me?" Martin asks. "What's this in relation to?"

2023-01-16, 10:33 PM
"What's in here?" Tilda asks, and opens up the pouch. "Oh!" She swiftly closes it again and holds it at arm's length.
"Excuse me, Mistral. I have some salt for you." Tilda passes her the pouch and smiles at her.
"Oh... Martin! We were hoping to discuss the Isjul Empire, please. My Da, Thomas Ward, told me you'd know all about it."

2023-01-16, 10:38 PM
Yes, any info would be of great interest to me. Alexandria says with a formal bow.

2023-01-17, 12:36 PM
Mistral takes the bag. "Hm-unexpected, but appreciated. Thank you Tilda."

"The Isjul empire," Martin says, tapping his finger against his chin. "It's ancient-and possibly extraplanar in origin. I've managed to locate a few maps from that era, and none of them match current maps-obviously cities and such will change, but the very lands themself aren't the same. But from what I can tell, they were incredibly advanced-magic unlike that anyone has access to in this modern age. They had constructs-not the rudimentary kind you might see at a powerful mage's lair, but far more developed. Evidence indicates that their capital was somewhere above Bichucha-and yes, I do mean above."

Orin looks over to Martin. "I don't suppose you've managed to acquire any artifacts from this era?"

He shakes his head. "Afraid not, Orin. Records, maps, signs of its existence... But Isjul artifacts were, as far as I can tell, fragile. Durable when supported by the magics of the time, but vulnerable to wear and tear without it. And it was so long ago..."

2023-01-17, 01:08 PM
"So… if we did want to learn more about it, where would we go? And ah… does the name ‘Alexandria’ mean anything to you, sir?"

2023-01-17, 01:23 PM
"Well, they were all over," Martin replies. "You could find remnants or records virtually anywhere... If you know where to look, and no one else has found it, and the records survived... Some of the best information I've gotten is actually records from other, less ancient civilizations who had performed their own research. Now, there are supposedly some kind of preservation chambers? I don't know the exact terms they used, but something designed to last against anything time could throw at it. If I could find one of those, it'd be a marvel beyond anything else! But alas, I've not."

2023-01-18, 09:39 AM
Not at all, you seem a quite interesting and capable group. Thank you for your work in helping me skin the pelts.

He scoffs with a grin. "Helping you skin the pelts? That honor is my brothers. Sounds like you think you will have it tho?...I'd like to kindly point out the kill was mine." He laughs.

Arriving to town.

As they arrive at the city Ymir seemed very much intrigued at most of everything around them. He made brief stops by the vendors, browsing but kindly declining any offers off purchase. Perhaps something he might do later once their tasks was done. He was quick to socialize with the people and speak to any merchants that he recognized having visited Mountainhome. But did notice out of the corner of his eye Alexandria asking around. And then intently watches as the young boy tries his best to romance the princess. He laughs a first but ponders a bit on Alexandrias response. He wonders why she continues to speak like her empire is still around...He prays the truth wont come crashing down on her too hard later...

He moves over as then the air genasi woman approaches the group. He leans down to the boy as he moves past them and whispers. "Better luck next time. I'll let you know if there is an opportunity later." He grins with a wink before letting them run along.

Sadly he still has time to witness Tilda embarrass herself even more than the boy did greeting the woman. He struggled immensely to not roll his eyes. But does not interrupt. Letting the others converse with her and introducing himself when she asked.

Entering the house of the dwarf curator, listening to Ms. flux speak on their behalf. When prompted to take of his shoes, he grumbled slightly. And with a sigh started to unstrap the wraps around his shins and began the process of taking off his shoes. Which took a bit of time. Not to mention putting away his weapons and pack at the door. "Your funeral." he thought to himself as his shoes came off. Considering he had yet to take a bath at the inn...One could imagine the smell having trudged for a couple days.

"I'll take a bit of everything. I'm not picky." He answered when promoted about what to eat and drink. And at the tray of things arriving he took a couple of the items and spared no time putting it in to his mouth. Sipping the hot drink as the conversation started.

He listened intently at Martin speaking of the Isjul Empire and...Like he expected it all but confirmed his theory of Alexandria being asleep for an incredibly long time. Especially when it was mentioned about the preservation chambers...So thats what their new companion had been placed in to. He looked over to Alexandria out of the corner of his eye, gauging her reaction to all this.

"Well..." He finally spoke, downing the last of his drink. "There is one of these chambers within our sacred mountain of Bihucha. Im sure perhaps Orin here might have visited Mountainhome." He paused. "Hence why we are here. Like our elvish companion here has already introduced herself to Ms. Flux...Us other three found her sleeping inside the chamber. And she says she was the princess of this empire." He gestures in Alexandrias direction. "If you Martin would like to see this chamber you would need to speak with our chief in mountainhome. Get permissions from the mining masters and others to make sure you get there safely and don't do anything more than you come for. The mountain has religious significance as well I hope you understand." He rubs his beard. "Although the runes that seemed to be protecting the chamber was already fading by the time we entered it...Meaning there is risk the chamber too could have fallen in to ruin in our absence. So keep that in mind."

"The question is what our princess wants to do now when we have found out there isn't much left of her home..." He looks to Alexandria. "I'm sorry." He adds.

He then picks up the stone and starts to move back in to the hallway. "I'll speak with the Staff, let him know of our progress. And ask if we should continue towards Rallingway and see what was going on there with the Kami."

Going to the other room then he mumbles the Giant words to activated the runestone then speaks in to it.

"We have spoken with Martin. Should we continue to Rallingway and help Thomas? Anything new on what troubles the Kami?"

2023-01-18, 10:03 AM
Tilda eats some pastries and explains a bit more Mistral. "We were trying to get her home. I guess..." She looks sadly at Alexandria. "It's gone. I'm very sorry, Highness."

2023-01-18, 10:40 AM
Alexandria starts breaking down sobbing. Everyone.....every...... they're all dead?

2023-01-18, 11:38 AM
Tilda hugs her. "I am so sorry, Alexandria. I'm sorry you had to wake up and see your whole world taken away."

2023-01-18, 01:24 PM
Marie adds to the hugs. She isn't crying-but that's not a function she was built with.

Martin's eyes, when the chamber is mentioned, light up, and he's prepared to ask a thousand questions. But stops himself when he sees how Alexandria is affected. "I..." he says, trying to find the best words to say.
Mistral looks away, her expression somber.
Orin stands up. "This won't do. Not at all-I won't have someone feeling this way in my home!" he declares. "Miss-no, Princess Alexandria! I do not know what I can do-time spares itself for none-but you have my word, that you will have my help finding your place in this new world."

A short distance away, Ymir's grandfather replies after a few moments. "Good. Do what you think is best-we are safe here. Thomas and Alice have left already."

2023-01-18, 01:43 PM
It occurs to me that if one chamber that could last so l9ng was created for the princess, there's no reason to think that others don't exist. Maybe we could look?
Fleggr winces at his suggestion, self-concious of putting his neck out on a long shot like this.

You haven't had any luck up to this point, but maybe with a reference point we could find something trackable.
Fleggr slips on his glasses and begins to bounce his leg.

Nobody could accomplish something so severe without leaving a trail, and you can follow a trail as long as you have the skills to find it.

2023-01-18, 01:44 PM
Marie adds to the hugs. She isn't crying-but that's not a function she was built with.

Martin's eyes, when the chamber is mentioned, light up, and he's prepared to ask a thousand questions. But stops himself when he sees how Alexandria is affected. "I..." he says, trying to find the best words to say.
Mistral looks away, her expression somber.
Orin stands up. "This won't do. Not at all-I won't have someone feeling this way in my home!" he declares. "Miss-no, Princess Alexandria! I do not know what I can do-time spares itself for none-but you have my word, that you will have my help finding your place in this new world."

A short distance away, Ymir's grandfather replies after a few moments. "Good. Do what you think is best-we are safe here. Thomas and Alice have left already."

Who...whose the liege lord here. Most likely even if it's the distant past my kingdom will be considered a threat by those in power. Alexandria forces her mind to the practical to give herself something to focus on besides crying.

2023-01-18, 01:48 PM
"It's certainly possible," Martin says. "I would want to examine what you found at Bihucha-that might help give clues as to finding others. Possibly. I'd need someone with magical expertise, though..." he glances at Mistral.

She nods. "You flatter me-I'd hardly call myself an expert. But I can go with-this is quite the discovery."

Orin gives a small smile. "I'll pay for the expedition-I'm certain good things will come of it."

Who...whose the liege lord here. Most likely even if it's the distant past my kingdom will be considered a threat by those in power. Alexandria forces her mind to the practical to give herself something to focus on besides crying.

"Cashmere is part of Juntor-Juntor being ruled by Gideon Hearthfire. His emissary here is a relative of his... Cousin? Niece? I'm not sure, but she's younger than he is. Cassandra Hearthfire," Orin answers. "Considering that most people haven't heard of Isjul, I doubt you'd be considered a threat-but it might be a good idea to speak with someone nonetheless."

2023-01-18, 01:56 PM
What is this Cassandra like? Alexandria asks.

And um.... Would studying either of these help your discoveries? The technological level even here is far lower then in the empire. Alexandria presents her musket and Marie.

2023-01-18, 02:01 PM
Ymir comes back, hearing a bit of the conversation as he enters again. Looking at Alexandria with a expression of pity. "Orin is right. If it is as ancient as martin says nobody is gonna consider you a threat. Why would they? Your realm is long gone and its not like you have anything to threaten their lordship over anything."

He looks to Orin. "I dont see the point of talking to them about this. Best reaction we will get is they will shrug their shoulders and say they dont recognize it. Worst they will laugh at her for saying she is a princess of an empire that might as well be a fairytale for them."

2023-01-18, 02:02 PM
Martin, Mistral, and Orin all take a look at the musket. "What does it do?" Mistral asks.

"It fires projectiles-there's a lot of detail behind that, but it's a weapon. And I am a construct."

Martin's eyes go wide. "You... But you move so seamlessly! And... Well, it explains your skin color, but I thought... Gods above, you're a marvel! How do you work?" he asks breathlessly. After a moment, he adds "Er... I'm sorry if that's too forward. It's just, well... Exciting."

Orin answers Alexandria's question about Cassandra. "She's a bit insular. Mostly sticks to her social circles and rarely ventures out. In practice, the city is run on its own-we have some taxes to pay to the Juntor, but we're mostly independent. I've seen her a few times-we don't run in the same circles, but similar ones."

Ymir comes back, hearing a bit of the conversation as he enters again. Looking at Alexandria with a expression of pity. "Orin is right. If it is as ancient as martin says nobody is gonna consider you a threat. Why would they? Your realm is long gone and its not like you have anything to threaten their lordship over anything."

He looks to Orin. "I dont see the point of talking to them about this. Best reaction we will get is they will shrug their shoulders and say they dont recognize it. Worst they will laugh at her for saying she is a princess of an empire that might as well be a fairytale for them."

"Perhaps you're right-most people aren't as involved in history as I am," Orin responds.

2023-01-18, 02:07 PM
Martin's eyes go wide. "You... But you move so seamlessly! And... Well, it explains your skin color, but I thought... Gods above, you're a marvel! How do you work?" he asks breathlessly. After a moment, he adds "Er... I'm sorry if that's too forward. It's just, well... Exciting."

Alexandria starts going on about the arcane runes placed at Marie's joints, and the enchantments lain on the metals that make Marie work.

In the distant past, bastard or forgotten lordings were used by the rulers enemies to dispose them

2023-01-18, 02:26 PM
Alexandria starts going on about the arcane runes placed at Marie's joints, and the enchantments lain on the metals that make Marie work.

In the distant past, bastard or forgotten lordings were used by the rulers enemies to dispose them

Ymir shakes his head. "Yes. They do that now too. But no point in using you to depose anyone. Your title, land, kingdom and so on isnt recognized anymore. Im sorry."

2023-01-18, 02:28 PM
"I don't think there's been much of that lately," Tilda says. "We've been pretty stable politically speaking. But uh... if you want to keep it secret that you're a princess, we can," she agrees.
"I'd like to go with you back to the tower, see if I can help figure out where the others are. Maybe some other people are alive."

2023-01-18, 02:31 PM
"You'd be welcome to join," Martin says. "I've been in the area before, but I'm sure having someone who's actually from there would be nice."

I would like to NOT split the party, not that widely, so if we can get a general consensus on where to go, that'd be greatly appreciated. :)

2023-01-18, 02:42 PM
Ymir adds. "There is a more immediate issue we might want to check out...The Kami are troubled, and it only happened to start when we found Alexandria...Might be connected or might not be but still... Tilda, your parents have already gone for Rallingway to investigate. With any luck we could meet up with them and see what is going on there."

"If I can make the suggestion we will let Orin and Martin go back on their own and find out what they can from the chamber back home. Then we go to Rallingway to see what is going on there. Once that is done, assuming nothing happens we can stay in touch with Martin and Orin via the stone the staff gave us."

He looks to Alexandria then. "Don't get me wrong. I'd be happy to help you find something from your past. But I'd first like to focus what is happening to our world in the present. I'm giving you the offer to continue on with us should the others agree to my plan. Or go with Martin back to your chamber."

2023-01-18, 02:54 PM
Ymir adds. "There is a more immediate issue we might want to check out...The Kami are troubled, and it only happened to start when we found Alexandria...Might be connected or might not be but still... Tilda, your parents have already gone for Rallingway to investigate. With any luck we could meet up with them and see what is going on there."

"If I can make the suggestion we will let Orin and Martin go back on their own and find out what they can from the chamber back home. Then we go to Rallingway to see what is going on there. Once that is done, assuming nothing happens we can stay in touch with Martin and Orin via the stone the staff gave us."

He looks to Alexandria then. "Don't get me wrong. I'd be happy to help you find something from your past. But I'd first like to focus what is happening to our world in the present. I'm giving you the offer to continue on with us should the others agree to my plan. Or go with Martin back to your chamber."

I... feel like that chamber as too many memories without you all. Alexandria explains.

2023-01-18, 04:00 PM
There's some more discussion, getting the details hashed out. You agree to go with Martin and Mistral, on Orin's funds. "It's not much," he says as he hands Mistral a coinpurse, "but it should cover an expenses. Keep a record of what you use it on, if possible, but I trust you to be honest with me."

"Thank you," she replies. "May we use your stable?"

"Of course, of course," Orin waves a hand. "I'll have the horses and carriage readied."

You finish munching down on the snacks and drinking the tea while your transport is prepared. Martin sticks close to Marie, observing her, and occasionally asking a question or two. He keeps himself appraised of the mood, though, and is careful to not upset the ancient ones.

Soon enough, the carriage is ready to set out! It's rather luxurious-with padding and storage and even an built-in icebox. You get your gear and shoes back, and set out. One of you mentions that you ran into an aggressive wolfpack on the way here, so a vigil should be kept.

Mistral tends to the horses, if none of you volunteer to help. The first day of travel starts mid-afternoon, getting you about a third of the way there (now that you have mounts) before you settle in for the night.
The next day is largely uneventful, though it does start drizzling around noon, and you arrive to Mountainhome about four in the evening. Ymir and Fleggr direct the carriage to Mave's Mountain Mess, where Mave takes a few silver coins in exchange for taking care of the horses and keeping the carriage safe.

Martin and Mistral are eager to get going up Bihucha and investigating, but with the inclement weather, traveling through the night would be a bad idea. So, you take a break in the Jotunson household, as it's significantly larger than the spookhouse.

Most of the kids are out doing chores, and Einar is hunting when you arrive. But Hrimnir is home, speaking with Ymir and Fleggr's mother.

"I worry, you know," you hear from her as you enter. "I hope they're okay, and-oh!" she says, and rushes over to envelope her boys in a hug. "I was just talking about you! You're home much sooner than I thought. And you have even more guests!"

"We won't be long," Martin says. "Just going to wait for the weather to subside and do some investigation on Bihucha. But, uh, I am Martin Binford-it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Jotunson."
"Mistral Flux," she says, "and a pleasure as well."

2023-01-18, 04:25 PM
Tilda absolutely volunteers to help Mistral tend to the horses. She tries to tell Mistral all about her life as the daughter of the Bihucha Spook and his witch wife.
"Generally, the next Spook is the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, like my Da, since they have certain protections against the Dark. Ma insisted to Da that with both of our blood in me, I'd be able to handle it though. And she told 'im she weren't gonna..." Tilda frowns and tries to speak more properly. "She told him she wasn't going to bear six more kids. So he started trainin'... training me when I was thirteen."

When they arrive at the Jotuns' house, Tilda waves. "Hi, Frigga! Uh I bet I could persuade the cat to make some room at Da's, if this's too many guests." She smiles to her.

2023-01-18, 11:27 PM
Mistral listens when Tilda speaks of her life, nodding and asking a few questions when appropriate.

At The Jotunson Household
"Oh please!" Frigga replies. "We've practically enough space to house an army if it came to it. Alexandria, Marie, good to see you again," she adds, shaking their hands in turn. "Though, as with my blood, I didn't expect it to be so soon."

2023-01-20, 12:00 PM
We've come to perform a more through examining of my awakening chamber.

2023-01-20, 12:36 PM
You spend the night at the Jotunson house. Tired from the trip, you're in bed before most of the kids get home.

Come the morning, there's ample breakfast for you to partake in, with the kids chowing down. Einar's watchful eyes ensure you aren't pestered too badly. The weather is clear enough by the time breakfast is over, so you set up to scale Bihucha.

Around four in the afternoon is when you arrive. You could make the trip faster if you didn't have the less experienced mountaineers with you, but the little extra time shouldn't matter. You show Martin and Mistral the cave that led to Alexandria's chamber, and when they enter the time capsule properly, you see their jaws go slack. "Gods above..." Martin mutters.

"Yeah..." Mistral says. "This is... Amazing."

After a few moments of them staring, they get it together. Martin nods. "Alright-there were no traps or anything, right?" You affirm that it's safe. "Then we only need to be careful not to disrupt the history here. This is a treasure trove!"

"I can still feel it thrumming with power," Mistral says. "It's faint, faded... But it's there. The things we can learn from this, it's mind-boggling."

They start to move into the chamber, slowly, carefully, investigating every nook and cranny. Their conversation quickly turns to arcane and technical details. Alexandria understands some of the magic talk, but by and large they might as well be speaking a foreign language for all you comprehend.

Marie asks, after some time, "The chamber Princess Alexandria and I were in was best preserved. Would you like to see that?"

"Yes!" they answer in unison. You take them there, and Mistral pauses at the entrance. She says "I can feel more power here-it's not active, so to speak, but it's not as diminished as the other chambers."

Martin lets Mistral take the fore, while he turns to Alexandria. "Miss Alexandria, tell me something. I've been seeing references to something without a given name. But, if what I'm seeing is accurate, I have the name from other civilizations. Does 'Atamathon' mean anything to you?"

You heard the name once. No idea what it is.

It was a secret project-not one you were supposed to know about. But it was a weapon of some sort.

Atamathon was a wargolem. Well, not really a wargolem. The wargolem. A massive construct of fearsome power-made using forbidden magic.

2023-01-20, 07:46 PM
"You can sense power?" Tilda asks Mistral. "That’s really cool, where did you learn that if I may ask?"

2023-01-20, 10:50 PM
"It's something that took years of practice," Mistral tells you. "I've been working with magic in one fashion or another since I was... Gods above, was it that long? Four years old, I think, is when my mother gave me a wand. That was... One heck of a birthday."

2023-01-20, 10:55 PM
"Old Nick, yer amazing. I... I know I've been a bit off, an' I'm sorry about that. How about b'fore we leave for our next destination, I take you to the Spooks' House and cook you something? Just you me and Kratch – that's the cat."
Tilda's been rehearsing, it doesn't come out perfectly but... better than before.

2023-01-20, 10:58 PM
Mistral shakes her head, but with a smile. "I can't imagine I'll be leaving this place for days. There's so much here! But maybe after that?"

2023-01-21, 07:26 AM
But… there’s only one bed here and it might put you to sleep for a thousand years"Ah… Okay," Tilda says, smiling. "I’ll be honest, it all just looks like old stuff to me."

2023-01-21, 01:03 PM
Investigation [roll0]

2023-01-21, 01:04 PM
No, I've heard the name once
But I can't recall what it was in reference too... I don't think it was an enemy nation.

2023-01-21, 01:07 PM
Mistral nods at Tilda's words. "It's fascinating, isn't it?"

Over by Alexandria, "Hm," Martin lets out. "It was something Isjul, but what it is I'm still trying to find out."

If no one has anything more to add, I'll skip ahead some time and investigating from the archaeologists.

2023-01-21, 11:52 PM
You're not sure exactly when you expected results, but you were kinda hoping it wouldn't take as long as it does. While Mistral and Martin are positively enraptured, you're kinda left to tag along.

But, on day two, with the two researchers having spent the entire time within Bihucha, Martin seems to achieve a breakthrough of some kind. He huddles with Mistral. "Is it possible?" he asks.

"In theory?" she replies. "Maybe. I'd lean towards no, with what I know... But then again, I'm learning a lot here."

"What would it take?" he says.

"Years, at a minimum. Probably closer to decades," she says.

He thinks. "That doesn't add up-if you look at my notes here, they would've started it too late to matter-and they should've known that, right?"

She nods. "Yes. Unless..."

Martin looks at her. "Unless... What?"

Mistral says "Remember Makku? Like that."

Makku was an ancient civilization. You're not even 100% sure-but context helps reinforce that.

They were not a nice civilization. Warlike, brutal, the works.

They were big proponents of sacrifices. Huge on that.

2023-01-22, 12:16 AM
"Yes, of course," Tilda says. "And just so we're all talking about the same thing....?"
She holds out a breakfast roll to Mistral. "Brought you something from breakfast, by the way."

2023-01-22, 12:28 PM
Martin takes a deep breath, and looks at Alexandria. He pauses a moment, then talks. "We think we've found out what Atamathon is. It was some kind of war machine-a golem, of course, but one that was bigger, tougher, stronger, deadlier..."

"And," Mistral says, "unless I'm very mistaken, there was no way for it to have been completed in time to do anything. Not without... Well, not without the kind of practices Makku had. Sacrifices. Living, sentient beings, being used as fuel for it."

2023-01-22, 07:41 PM
That's rough to hear.
Fleggr plays cat's cradle lazily, finding that he perhaps overestimated how interesting an adventure could be had at an archaeological excavation.

Though, and I'm not an academic type really, so maybe I'm way off base. But, it sounds far-fetched. I mean, what is it getting at? Some sort of people eating machine? Like what, the maid? Or the princess? We spent a good deal of time exploring the mountain before we stumbled along these two, and nothing else we found seemed like much of anything at all.

He pockets his string and glances at Tilda and Ymir,
At least, nothing like a war machine. Am I wrong?

2023-01-22, 11:26 PM
"It's not here," Martin says. "But the fact that there's records of it-you found it embedded in, uh, what was it, Mistral?"

Mistral says "Embedded in the quintessential runic matrix."

"That. That would imply that Atamathon, among other things, might have been preserved just as the princess was."

2023-01-22, 11:50 PM
After some arguing it had been decided that they would follow the archeologist back to Bichua rather than going to check on rallingway...Something Ymir wasnt exactly keen on but relented eventually.

When they returned home he greeted his mother warmly and spent a moment of time with the staff and unlike when he spoke with the children, accurately retold their adventures for him to record.

Then they set out to the mountain once more and he very quickly found himself regretting submitting to the choice his friends made to follow back here. Especially since he was neither a scholar or a historian... But he never voiced his complaint.

However by day two he was staring daggers at both Fleggr and Tilda. Blaming them both for his boredom. The conversation about this golem was only mildly interesting. Finaly at Fleggers comment directed at him he grumbled.

"No...There is nothing more here to find."

He turns to the archaeologist and his companion. "It sounds like you have found everything you can. And now all that is left is to theorize on what might be somewhere else...So can we leave?"

He looks to Tilda and Fleggr and adds. "Now. Assuming they are done. And you are happy with what you have gained from this trip...Honestly I've forgotten what you actually said to convince me to go along... I'd like to actually do something and travle to Rallingway and see what is going on with the kami."

2023-01-24, 07:03 AM
Tilda scowls at Ymir. "First of all, you don't gotta be such an ass. Second..." Tilda looks back to Mistral. "Did you find out about the location of any other ruins like this? Or nah?"

2023-01-24, 12:06 PM
Any idea where the ultimate golem would have been stored? Alexandria asks cocking her ruby head.

2023-01-24, 12:56 PM
They shake their heads. Mistral adds "Honestly speaking, I think we've found everything here that might pertain to the modern day. There's a lot more to investigate, but it's more for historical interests."

2023-01-24, 01:26 PM
"Alright. In that case... yeah, me and my friends will be headed off to join Da." Tilda smiles tightly to Mistral. "I'll miss you two. Alexandria, are you willing to come with? I know it's not directly about your homeland..."

2023-01-27, 11:51 PM
You leave the two researchers to their doings-they're quite content to spend ages learning and prying into the depths of history.

Outside, you discover it's not quite the time you thought it was-it's approaching evening as you descend Bihucha. You run into Einar on the way down. He looks worried. "Tilda," he rumbles out, "Hrimnir got a message from your father. Your mother was taken captive." He holds up a hand, belaying any questions. "I don't have much in the way of details-my father and I will do our best to ascertain more, but if you want to help your family, you should leave now. We can keep you updated as best we can via the sending stones. What we know for now is that they haven't made it to Rallingway yet."

Tilda has the urge to simply start running, but she's smart enough to know that that'd be foolish. Marie makes the suggestion of "Why don't we ask Mistral and Martin if we can use the horses and carriage? It'll be faster than us on foot."

Some of you go to ask, quickly, and get a yes in response. You board the carriage, and start off at a strong clip for the path Tilda's parents would've taken.

Moving along at a faster pace than I might've if there hadn't been real world delays. But yee, setting forth for them!

2023-01-28, 12:38 AM
Tilda bounces in the carriage, itching to move, to run, feeling wrong sitting still.

In one of her rarer quiet moments she opens up a page in her father's old journal. "Ma and Da have been captured a lot... mostly Da," she reminds herself. "They're arright." She repeats it to herself. "They're arright."
She rests her head on Fleggr's shoulder and cries, once. "Why can't just once, someone else's parents be the ones 'n danger? Why's it always got to be Ma and Da?"

2023-01-28, 12:47 AM
Alexandria pats Tilda's shoulder awkwardly.

2023-01-28, 01:19 PM
Nothing much happens for the first few days of travel. You pass Cashmere, going around its borders to avoid traffic. But early afternoon on the day after you pass Cashmere, you run into a patrol.

Tilda's at the front of the carriage when they arrive, with the others either inside the carriage or sitting with her. Three barded horses come galloping down the path, each bearing an armored knight. The lead knight speaks in a strong tenor voice. "Halt!"

2023-01-28, 01:21 PM
Tilda furiously pulls on the horses' reins. "What," she says back testily. Her father would be disappointed in her manners. Her mother wouldn't care, though.

2023-01-28, 01:28 PM
"We're going to need to search the carriage," the lead knight says. His face is mostly obscured by his helm, but his voice is bored.

He has a job to do, but he doesn't really care that much. Probably overworked-with the right words, you could get him to do a cursory search, if that.
With the wrong words, you might peeve him off and bring some badness your way.

2023-01-28, 01:38 PM
Tilda doubted they were searching for passengers, so just said: "Fine, we just have people in here. What are you searching for?"

2023-01-28, 02:27 PM
The knight dismounts, and heads for the carriage.

One of the other knights-his voice a little higher, more youthful-says "There's been an attempt on the king's life, so-" he starts, but an icy glare from the leader silences him.

"If you don't have anything illegal, you've nothing to worry about," the leader says. He opens the carriage's door, and says "Right-everyone out."

There's some grumbling from you all, especially if anyone was napping, but you know well enough to not make enemies when can be avoided. Marie gets a look from the leader, but he passes on her wordlessly. He spends a few minutes searching through the compartments, and after the carriage is far messier than it was before, he leaves it. "No contraband," he says, "but peacebind your weapons before you get into any towns. And if any of you know how to cast spells... Just don't."

He mounts back up, and they continue on their way. When they're far enough that you can't make out the words, you can see him turn to face the younger knight that spoke-probably giving a good tongue lashing.

As you start travelling again, the sending stone lights up. Hrimnir's voice comes out. "She's held near Rallingway. Encampment three miles east. Heavy guard."

Not sure if this is a real thing, but it's a thing in Kamigawa! It's basically tying your weapons down to their sheathe or other appropriate storage. Makes it so you can't immediately raise weapons, or if you do by cutting the binding or something, there'll be evidence.

2023-01-28, 05:27 PM
Perhaps, Tilda and I can do some scouting. Locate her parents, and report back. With the right plan, we ought to be able to avoid a lot of trouble and, who knows, we may not even need to break the bindings. I've not exactly got a specific reason, but I've got a bad feeling about things around here. Those knights have set me a bit on edge. An assassination, a kidnapping? It feels like once one thing happens, everything seems to be happening all at once...

Fleggr thumbs his belt and taps his foot in the carriage impatiently. It seems like ever since the princess woke up, things have been going wrong. It would be irresponsible to say it's her fault, but he can't shake the idea that it's all related somehow.

2023-01-30, 12:36 AM
Ymirs at first was eager to finally be on the way to do something useful but his mood quickly turned sour as he noticed the worried expression of his father, meeting the spear outside the mountain. Hearing about the news that Tildas mother has been kidnapped felt like a strike to the chest, looking concerned at Tilda. But wasting no time to even say goodbye to the spear he rushed with the others back to borrow Martins cart. Barely asking for permission as he got it ready to leave.

Once on the road and Tilda bouncing with unease and worry and leaning on his brothers shoulder Ymir bent forward and gripped her shoulder firmly and he said with the most confident voice he could muster. "We will save her."

The day passes and then they get stopped by the patrol Ymir being inside the cart at that time, barely awake he grumbled but quickly assessed the situation and simply left the cart for the guards to do their due diligence. Crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently as they did.

When they left and they got to moving on the cart again he pondered only briefly on the news of the assassination attempt on the king. At his brothers words however about everything going wrong all at once he felt his worry, which also meant his anger, increasing a bit. "We are 2 days away from Railingway. And the camp is one hours march from the town. We take the cart there, park it and set out. We wont even need to enter the town proper so no need to peacebind our weapons. Cause I dam well intend to use them when we get to those inbreds who took Alice hostage." He stares out at nothing with murder in his eyes as he says those words. Seething on every syllable like he is restraining himself from shouting.

"But yes...You and Tilda can perhaps see if you can find Alice within the camp...Then we go from there."

2023-01-30, 12:39 AM
Um....besides support. Is there any way I can help? Alexandria asks hopefully.

2023-01-30, 12:46 AM
Um....besides support. Is there any way I can help? Alexandria asks hopefully.

Ymir looks at Alexandria silently for a moment... "Depends on how we resolve this and how the situation is at their camp...But at the very least you can help by killing some of those bastards with that weapon of yours if it gets to that."

2023-01-30, 12:46 AM
With the patrol gone, you pick up the pace again. By the time you arrive, your mounts could definitely use some well-earned rest. You find a stable that's willing to look after them for a reasonable fee, but as you slap the money down, you realize you're being followed.

Thomas Ward steps from the shadows. "You guys are in a hurry. What's the big rush?" he asks.

2023-01-30, 12:53 AM
With the patrol gone, you pick up the pace again. By the time you arrive, your mounts could definitely use some well-earned rest. You find a stable that's willing to look after them for a reasonable fee, but as you slap the money down, you realize you're being followed.

Thomas Ward steps from the shadows. "You guys are in a hurry. What's the big rush?" he asks.

Ymir who stood at the counter of the stablemaster, hearing the sound of Thomas behind him quickly turns. Then at the question he stares at him with a shocked expression. "What do you mean what's the big rush?!...Your wife is in danger Thomas!" He snaps at him, his voice just bellow yelling.

2023-01-30, 12:55 AM
There's a moment of silence.

Thomas looks at Ymir. "No?" he responds. "She's not. She's literally down the road. We were going to head out of Rallingway for a bit when I spotted you all, and I thought I'd spook in and say hello."

2023-01-30, 01:07 AM
Ymir stands aghast for a second at his reply. Then slowly relaxes little but his sneer does not leave his countenance. "...Let's go outside and talk with her then." He says nodding his head to the exit for everyone, thomas included to follow him.

As he did this however he would send a mental message to Thomas via message so that no one but the two of them could hear. <"Explain why we heard your wife had been kidnapped from the staff two days ago and now you say she is okay?...Did you get her out yourself?">

2023-01-30, 06:35 AM
"Da!" Tilda shouts, and wraps him in a hug.
"Wait… Yeah, we heard something happened to Ma. Could we see her?"

2023-01-30, 11:17 AM
Nothing like that happened, he thinks back. Out loud, he adds "Sure thing."

He leads you down a few roads, and you see Alice there. She waves. "Morning, everyone."

Thomas walks to her and gives her a hug, then turns back to face you all. "We've been investigating an old battlefield, couple miles east of here. Trying various old sites, since the Kami have long memories."

2023-01-30, 11:37 AM
Tilda wraps her mother in an extra hug.

"Ma! I was so worried… But… why did we…"
Tilda shakes her head. "I’m glad you’re safe. We sadly only found bad news for Alexandria…" Tilda looks sadly at the princess.
"But some archaeologists are checking out the site now. Has there been… anything dangerous here?"

2023-01-30, 11:48 AM
Alice's face grows more serious. "It's been a bit rough. There was an attempt on Gideon's life, and he hasn't been seen since that. Rallingway is... Well, normally it's not a bad place at all. But everyone's on edge, including the people meant to keep others safe."

"Add to that," Thomas says, "there's been some people amongst the city's guards. Most people wouldn't recognize any difference between them and normal guards, but they're something else. They're not monsters or anything like that-but I've got a suspicion that they're some kind of inquisitorial force."

2023-01-30, 11:54 AM
"Government trying to get a bit more power?" Tilda guesses. "Or gearing up expecting invasion? There was talk of an attempt on the king’s life…" Tilda considers.
She whispers to her Ma: "Ma, can we talk later? Away from… everyone?"

2023-01-30, 12:08 PM
Alice nods. "Sure thing, Tilda."

She walks with her daughter a bit away, to a shaded area. "What's the matter? Is everything okay?"

2023-01-30, 12:39 PM
"Something happened to me. We were fighting a wolf, and… I smelled blood and went ah… feral. I grew fangs and drank its blood it was…" Tilda shudders. "Really good." She looks worried at her mother. "Am I.. am I going to hurt people?"

2023-01-30, 12:46 PM
Alice pauses. "That's... Not unexpected. But it's not good either. Tilda... You've got my heritage. You know that. It's affected your life, in ways you realize and ways you don't. But... I believe you can stay strong. You can resist the darker urges-or at least direct them onto those who are deserving."

She looks you in your eyes. "Your father has some rituals, designed to help me manage. We can teach them to you and your friends. But ideally, you shouldn't need them. You're my daughter, but you're your father's daughter too."

2023-01-30, 12:55 PM
Ymir is relieved to see Tilda's mom well. And he raises an eyebrow at Thomas info about what has been going on in Railingway but now that they were away from most people and while Tilda moves away to speak with her mom Ymir asks Thomas. "The attempt on the kings life is concerning yes. But I believe its in our best interest to not get ourselves involved for now. Let these inquisitors sort things out. More importantly something that does concern us now is why you sent word to the staff that Alice had been kidnapped. You had Tilda worried sick." He crosses his arms with a huff, clearly frustrated about the matter.

2023-01-30, 12:56 PM
Tilda hugs her tight.
"Okay." She sobs… once.
"I’m scared, Ma."

2023-01-30, 01:15 PM
Ymir is relieved to see Tilda's mom well. And he raises an eyebrow at Thomas info about what has been going on in Railingway but now that they were away from most people and while Tilda moves away to speak with her mom Ymir asks Thomas. "The attempt on the kings life is concerning yes. But I believe its in our best interest to not get ourselves involved for now. Let these inquisitors sort things out. More importantly something that does concern us now is why you sent word to the staff that Alice had been kidnapped. You had Tilda worried sick." He crosses his arms with a huff, clearly frustrated about the matter.

"I didn't," he replies. "What exactly were you told?"

Tilda hugs her tight.
"Okay." She sobs… once.
"I’m scared, Ma."

She hugs back. "You'll be okay. You are strong. You have friends who are strong too-if you're ever to struggle, they'll be by your side to see you through. And your father and I will always be there for you too."

2023-01-30, 01:30 PM
Tilda hugs her mom right before returning to the others. She wipes her eyes and sniffs.
"Hi, all. I’m feeling much better."

2023-01-30, 01:50 PM
Thomas exchanges a glance with Alice. She tells him "I'll tell you later-but it's okay."

2023-01-30, 02:11 PM
"I didn't," he replies. "What exactly were you told?"
Ymir responds quickly. "We met the spear on our way back from the mountain. He said the Staff had heard from you Alice had been kidnapped and taken to a encampment 3 miles east from Railingway. So we rushed here to help you save her...." He takes out the sending stone from his pack and tosses it to Thomas. "Here, update the staff and ask what is going on."

At Tildas return he nods at her, feeling better that she is okay. But his expression was still troubled.

2023-01-30, 03:05 PM
"I'll let Alice talk. Make sure they know she's safe," Thomas says, handing the stone to his wife. "Did he say how he got the message?"

I don't believe it was established. But it would've come up, it was just blitzed by-he's been performing more rituals to try to see what's going on with the Kami, and that's when and how he got the message.

Alice takes the stone, and takes a moment to formulate her words. "Hrimnir-I am fine. I was not captured. Try to find out why and how the message happened. Thank you, though."

2023-01-30, 03:45 PM
"I'll let Alice talk. Make sure they know she's safe," Thomas says, handing the stone to his wife. "Did he say how he got the message?"

I don't believe it was established. But it would've come up, it was just blitzed by-he's been performing more rituals to try to see what's going on with the Kami, and that's when and how he got the message.

Alice takes the stone, and takes a moment to formulate her words. "Hrimnir-I am fine. I was not captured. Try to find out why and how the message happened. Thank you, though."

Ymir responds to Thomas. "I persume he got the message while trying to divine the troubles of the kami...He specified you sent the warning tho Thomas."

Looking to Alice speaking in to the stone he waits a moment. "...What did the staff reply?"

2023-01-30, 09:11 PM
"'Kami have never guided me wrong before. Something's amiss. Something big.' Verbatim what he told me," Alice replies.

2023-01-30, 10:32 PM
Ymir ponders for a moment...Groans as he scratches the back of his head like thinking physically hurt him. After a moment he spoke aloud to the group as a whole. "...I think we should check out that camp anyway, if its even there...If the kami were so deliberate as to warn the Staff of Alice being taken there. The staff is probably correct about it being of significant importance. We did all go here to try to understand what was going on anyway right?...This is as clear of a sign we could get."

2023-01-30, 10:59 PM
Perhaps I'm being a bit dense, but isn't that just courting danger for no reason? We're all accounted for, nobody's lost a body part. Perhaps we can just call this one a win?
Fleggr begins to prepare himself to set out again, barely believing his own words and knowing full well that the others would deny him outright. Maybe he could get the princess on his side, but a fight with words or a fight with spears, its all the same to him. So might as well get ready to dive into danger yet again, he often though of himself as more careful than this. Guess things change.

Damn boogums and spirits and all that... Making more work, an' for what... What're we gonna do, can't eat a ghost. Can't grill the kami on coals. Crimeny.
Fleggr grumbles to himself as he takes long strides, somehow at the front of the pack again, despite his seeming reluctance and his own words.

2023-01-31, 09:11 PM
Wouldn't it be possible for the spirits to turn their rage to innocent people. Perhaps we should be heading to base. Alexandria muses outloud.

2023-01-31, 09:43 PM
Tilda shakes her head at Fleggr.
"Na, you know your brother would never let us just safely go back home. Besides, better that the danger hits us than those less prepared, right Jotunson?"

2023-02-01, 12:32 PM
Wouldn't it be possible for the spirits to turn their rage to innocent people. Perhaps we should be heading to base. Alexandria muses outloud.

Thomas and Alice nod, with Alice responding first. "It's definitely possible-though it'd take quite a bit to have kami actively hurt people."

"We've not seen any signs of that happening, so far," Thomas adds. "I think Alice and I will stick to what we were doing. See what we can unearth."

So, I'd like a general plan of action.

Thomas and Alice are exploring old sites that have spirits active.
The city itself is experiencing some unrest.
And probably a lot of other stuff you just don't know yet!

2023-02-03, 01:07 PM
There's some discussion, and you ask to go along with to the site they were going to investigate. So, you finish your task of finding a stable for your carriage, and set off on foot.

The trip is not a long one. It's only a few miles east, so you arrive within the hour. You can see, as you approach, some old fortifications, partially torn down for materials, and well-worn from weather and time. Beyond the fortifications lies an open field-whatever the battle was about, it looks rather one-sided.

Drawing nearer, first Alice, then Thomas tense up a little. "Feel that?" Alice asks.

"Yeah," Thomas replies. "There was a lot of blood spilled here."

None of y'all are Paladins! No Divine Sense!

That being said, I'm perfectly willing to allow a check (probably Wisdom-based) to see how well you can sense the Kami. Tilda gets advantage, because she's trained with her parents.

This place is steeped in death. The battle here was significant, and the Kami still remember.

You can hear faint whisperings from them. You cannot make out the words, though, only that they're there.

You pick out a few words. "Death" is one. "Vengeance" is another. "Ownership" is a third.

You think you can pinpoint a spot they're congregating at. It might be the best place to commune with them, if you want to.

2023-02-04, 03:31 AM
As they draw near to the abandoned fortifications Ymir sensed the death that lingered here just like Tildas parents were. But instead of perhaps halting he instead continued and started veering off slightly from the direction the group was going. Like his blood was forcing his body in that direction. "Death?...Vengance?..." He said but it was like he did even realize he spoke the words himself. Like he was replying automatically to something. Then he stopped... "Ownership..." He said and then pointed in a direction. "Everyone. This way...I think the Kami is trying to draw us there. I sense them gathering..." And unless someone absolutely protested to the suggestion Ymir would make his way in that direction. "Perhaps we could commune with them and ask what they want...Although I'm not sure about my knowledge in doing so. If anyone has any ideas for that do speak up."

2023-02-04, 08:06 AM
Tilda walks next to her father, occasionally glancing at him and adjusting her step and the way she was leaning on her Spook's Staff.

"Perhaps there are souls here that need help crossing over?" She offered. It was a fairly standard Spook's Job – the trickiest part was often convincing the ghost they had died. "Ah, there's probably tons."

2023-02-04, 12:16 PM
Thomas ***** his head. "I... Yeah, you're right," he says, following behind Ymir and Tilda. "Impressive, sensing that from here."

The path isn't hard, and soon, you see a small structure. It's about three feet tall-a simple stone construction, etched with words in an old tongue. The closer you get, the louder the Kami become. Death, death, death! Vengeance, vengeance, vengeance! Ownership... All ours...

Alice ponders it a moment. "If I'm reading this correctly, which isn't guaranteed... 'For the lives lost, the blood spilled, and the hope of the future.' Hm."

2023-02-05, 01:31 PM
Fleggr shivers, he hated this kind of thing. It was all so intangible, metaphorical, it didn't make any sense to him.
I'm sure you all have your pet theories or what have you about whatever's goin' on here, but I have to insist: carelessly walking TOWARDS the whispers of death is not very prudent, wouldn't you think?

He continues to fidget and squirm, thumbing the straps on his backpack and looking over his shoulder every minute or so. He does his best to stay in the middle of the group, but his feet are starting to drag as they continue.
I bet if things here were so violent there'd be a record. How about we head back, ask around? Gather clues and all that. That's your kind of thing, right? Clues and histories and such? Let's get some idea of what this was at least...

2023-02-05, 05:35 PM
Are you SURE the kami are here? I can't sense anything. Alexandria pipes up.

2023-02-05, 06:11 PM
Fleggr shivers, he hated this kind of thing. It was all so intangible, metaphorical, it didn't make any sense to him.
I'm sure you all have your pet theories or what have you about whatever's goin' on here, but I have to insist: carelessly walking TOWARDS the whispers of death is not very prudent, wouldn't you think?

He continues to fidget and squirm, thumbing the straps on his backpack and looking over his shoulder every minute or so. He does his best to stay in the middle of the group, but his feet are starting to drag as they continue.
I bet if things here were so violent there'd be a record. How about we head back, ask around? Gather clues and all that. That's your kind of thing, right? Clues and histories and such? Let's get some idea of what this was at least...

"What, go all the bother of coming here just to turn tail when our teeth get cold? Come on Fleggr, we voted on coming here, let's see it through." Tilda looks over the shape of the structure, then reaches a hand forward and brushes the words. "Could this be just the top part of something buried?" She digs a little in the earth next to it.

2023-02-05, 11:55 PM
Underneath the small layer of dirt is more stone. It does look like the structure extends underground-but only a little bit. Foundational, but not hiding something greater. Or, at least, that's what you suspect-but a little more digging reveals a buried item. An ivory bowl, stained with red.

2023-02-05, 11:59 PM
Tilda digs it out and lifts it up for all to see. "Anyone know what this is? Princess, this something from your home?"

2023-02-06, 12:00 AM
It's quality, and could in theory be from your home, but... It's a bowl. It's certainly not something you've specifically seen before.

2023-02-07, 09:16 AM
Possibly? But it doesn't have any specific markings that I would recognize. Alexandria explains.

2023-02-07, 09:31 AM
Tilda scrapes some of the red off with her fingernail and tastes it, trying to see what it is.

2023-02-07, 12:58 PM
The red has long-since stained the ivory bowl. There's nothing to scrape off short of breaking a piece off the bowl itself.

But, as Tilda's head gets closer, she can sense-not smell, as it's long since dried-that it's ancient blood. She's struck with the sudden urge to lick the bowl's bloodstains.

2023-02-07, 01:42 PM
Tilda shakes her head and refrains, but does take a second to consider something even more reckless.
From her copious wolf-fighting wounds, she jabs her fingernails into one of her scabs until it bleeds more, and she drips some of her own blood into the bowl.

2023-02-07, 02:03 PM
The blood hisses and boils, jetting for the center of the bowl.

The Kami's voices stop. Then, as one... "More!"

2023-02-07, 02:06 PM
"...Huh." Tilda looks to her fellows. "Any guesses as to what will happen if we fill the bowl?"

2023-02-07, 10:25 PM
I'd really rather not. Alexandria pipes up.

2023-02-07, 11:26 PM
Ymir grimaces. Not due to the whole nature of sacrificing blood to the bowl. Rather than He didnt exactly understand why the spirits led them here...If they even did. Something was clearly wrong tho but they couldn't ask the staff having used the stone today.

He turns back to Thomas and Alice. "Anything in your occult expertise that could help us here?...If they led us here its probably cause something is wrong...The question is if we should try to fix it or not. I'm not as proficient to interpret the will of the kami as the Staff..." He pulls his hand through his black hair. "This seem significant in some manner at the very least. But I have no clue if this would be the source whatever disturbance the Staff felt regarding the Kami or not."

2023-02-08, 12:11 PM
Thomas and Alice look at the bowl. The blood sinks into it, seeming to meld with the ivory and staining it thoroughly at the center.

As you stand there, you feel an urge, building in the back of your mind. "More" they said. Would it be such a bad idea? Ymir is hit the hardest-he moves for the bowl, knife ready to cut into his hand, when Alice slaps it from his hand. "Don't!" she shouts. "We shouldn't be here-not without preparation."

Before you can leave, though, a chilling fog starts to spread from around the monument. Something moves within the mist-something angry.


Enemy: [roll0]
Tilda: [roll1]
Ymir: [roll2]
Fleggr: [roll3]
Alexandria: [roll4]
Marie: After Alexandria
Thomas: [roll5]
Alice: [roll6]


2023-02-10, 06:02 PM
Fleggr groans,
Let's stay together this time, stay close, we don't wanna get lost in the mist. We don't know what it is, so let's stay close till we can identify it. Then we can figure out the best way to cover our retreat. There's something here through the mist, about 30' away, but that doesn't mean there's nothing else around.

As he dispenses his battle plan, gruffly and without letting his voice reach much further than their group, Fleggr also draws his spear and braces towards the front of the group. Not looking, but speaking evenly to Tilda and her family,
I hope I can trust the lot of you to figure out what spookery will be required here, maybe I'm stating the obvious, but this feels like you lot's sort of situation. I trust when you say we need to get out of here, so I'll make some space for you all and then you can cover me, alright?

The grumpy and hunched man has squared his shoulders and stands taller than previously, set to take on a single beast face-to-face and hand-to-hand, it's easy to see a lot more of his brother in him than previously.

Move: To the front of the group, between the crew and the spookum, but still within 5' of everyone else.
Action: Ready a two-handed spear Attack for if the monster gets within 5'

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2023-02-10, 11:31 PM
Thomas moves to stand by Fleggr, throwing something forward. "Blessed salts," he comments to those not so aware.

Alice moves to the other side of Fleggr, drawing her weapon.

The creature charges over the monument-though with the fog, you can't tell if it's true flight or simply vaulting it.

Alice and Fleggr's readied attacks go, but it survives, and lashes out at all three in front. It shrieks, an unearthly wail, as its body contacts the blessed salts.

Alice attack:

Salt damage:

Foe attacks, on Fleggr, then Alice, then Thomas:



-16 HP.

Its attacks whiff, too busy shrieking at the salt.

2023-02-12, 01:04 AM
Alexandria will open fire, as Marie attempts to punch the creature.


Marie punch

2023-02-12, 07:28 AM
Tilda puts her gloves on and reaches into her pockets, filled with a mixture of salt and iron shavings. She's well-practiced at throwing them, as Da was fond of telling her the story of how in his first adventure on his own those salt and iron shavings had saved his life. Not when Ma was around, as he'd actually killed her grandmother with that trick.
She tries her best to focus the fistful of salt and the fistful of iron shavings so that they hit each other right on the creature.

Magic Stone. It's Magic stone. I'll throw one.
[roll0]; [roll1]

2023-02-13, 05:10 PM
Ymir watches tildas parents inspect the bowl but then he suddenly feels something. His mind goes blurry while it feels like the spirits are calling for him, tugging on the very blood that runs through his veins. Yes...His blood, the blood of a sorcerer would surely sate these spirits. Without thinking he pulls out his knife and moves over like a sleepwalker but then Alice slaps away his hand just as he puts it over the bowl with the knife pressed against it.

He snaps out of it but in his confusion he does not react too quickly as chaos erupts and something attacks the group. He stands and simply looks at his hand and only when the ghost shreiks does he truly snap out of his daze.

Springing in to action as if on pure instinct he turns and moves forward to the others. The mist is thick but that did not matter. He felt the presence of the spirit, the power of his blood guiding him as he hefted his large hammer and with a spoken word and a crack of thunder he swung at the spirit.

The hammer cloaked in magical energy then errupted in flame as the rune on the weapon flashed. Chains made from solid fire appeared from the ground to bind the spirit.

But that was not all as he swung not once, but two more times towards the entity. The second attack coating his weapon in ice before slamming it in to his foe. The ice transfering over to it and slowing it down. The third blow doing the exact same thing.

Move: move up to the ghost.
Bonus: Booming blade quickened.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (non magical)
If crit add: [roll2]
If it moves on its next turn it takes [roll3] thunder damage.

If hits using fire rune, take [roll4] fire damage and must make a DC: 15str save or become restrained.
If crit add [roll5] more fire damage.

Action: Permafrost blade
Attack roll: [roll6]
If advantage because of restrained: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] (non magical)
If crit add: [roll9]
On hit lowers movment speed by 10ft.

If previous attack did not hit add the fire rune on this one.

Action surge: Booming blade
Attack roll: [roll10]
If advantage because restrained: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] (non magical)
If crit add: [roll13]

1. If i get attacked more than 1 time and am hit i use shield.
2. If i get hit 1 time only i use goliath feature taking [roll14] less damage.
3. If i dont get attacked at all ill redirect 1 attack hitting one of the others towards myself.

2023-02-13, 09:40 PM
[roll0] Strength Save

13 damage from the first attack.
Second one misses unless the save is failed, in which case +5 damage.
7 damage from the third attack.

48 damage total so far.

Fiery chains bind the spirit, but it slips through them. It yowls in pain, though, its form slightly alit by the fires-it stands a hunched-over seven feet tall, approximately, with lumps that move and boil, like screaming faces.

2023-02-14, 07:44 PM
Gah! It's hideous!

Fleggr slams his spear towards one of the roiling boils.

Action: Reckless Attack [roll0] [roll1] Damage [roll2]

2023-02-15, 12:58 AM
-62 HP

Alexandria is up!
Fleggr strikes true, while Alice strikes, but misses again, and Thomas moves to avoid any blows.

The creature's wails continue as the salt burns its form. It seems ready to burst, but its blows are as strong as ever. It nearly knocks both Thomas and Alice down, but they grit their teeth and keep going.

2023-02-15, 10:39 PM
Alexandria will fire yet again.


While Marie gives it the old one, two!


2023-02-16, 01:32 AM
-70, it's on its last legs.

Tilda is up!

2023-02-16, 07:13 AM
Tilda decides not to join in on her father's salting and runs up to join the melee, leading with her Spook's Staff and then clawing with her powerful witchlike fingernails.

Staff: [roll0]; [roll1]
Unarmed Strike: [roll2]; [roll3]

2023-02-16, 01:05 PM
Tilda's blows bring the creature to its limit-its wails increase in intensity, and it bursts. It's not a physical burst-but you're all temporarily inflicted with a rush of emotions that are not your own. Fear, anger, violent impulses, desperation...

When you come to, the fog is beginning to clear. There is no sign of the creature, but you can still hear the spirits whispering.

2023-02-18, 06:00 PM
Ymir stumbles back as the creature suddenly erupts and gets destroyed. He grabs his head and shakes it with the emotions that are not his own rushing through him. "Is everyone alright!?" He asks initially but as the dust settles he scans the surroundings and watches the mist slowly clear. "I wish the staff was here to make sense of all of this. Alice, Thomas, any clue what that thing was or what in the world just happened?" He asks, then grumbles to himself for a moment. Wondering if what they did was even the right thing to do or if they just made things worse.

2023-02-19, 12:26 AM
"Da, the spirits around us... something's wrong with them. Is it all Kami, or are some ghosts that need to be guided on the next path?"
Tilda shivers. "Though it seems the Kami here could use some guidance as well."

2023-02-19, 11:32 AM
Thomas shakes his head at Ymir's question. "Not off-hand. But we should go, and fast, before anything else happens."

You make your departure, moving swiftly and carefully. The whisperings of the Kami die down as you leave the old battlefield.

Once you're a good distance away, your pace slows, and Alice talks to Thomas. "It took physical form, whatever it was. That's... Not impossible, but it requires a lot."

He replies "We don't know for sure-we're all somewhat attuned to the spiritual realm. It might not have been fully physical."

2023-02-20, 07:12 PM
"I'm honestly at a loss here. You think this could have been the source of the kamis troubled signs that the staff saw? I think perhaps we should take a room at the inn in the town and then message the staff tomorow, ask if we should come home and speak more about it or remain to investigate further." Ymir comments.

2023-02-20, 07:35 PM
Tilda groans. "Go back and forth AGAIN? There’s gotta be someone we can talk to about this here in the city, right?" She puts it to them. "A priest, a librarian, someone."

2023-02-20, 08:10 PM
Aye, we're not grandads dogs. Have you been asking his permission to wipe your arse as well? We'll go to town and research what used to be here, like I suggested before the boogeyman showed, or maybe you'd like to bleed on some more haunted cookware?
Fleggr harumphs as they make their way from the field, a bit addled and a lot concerned. Yet another trip with more questions than answers has left him stewing, and after some time he erupts, his anger born from this growing sense of aimlessness.

I mean, hells, Tilda almost got her throat eaten by some wild dogs on the way here and it's like you lot didn't learn a lick of caution from it! Let's follow the magic whispers! Let's offer up a blood sacrifice! Are you all thinking clearly?! You could've gotten killed! I'm tired of bouncing around aimlessly between cryptic, bookish types telling us to go here and there for no good reason. What was even the point in doing this? Thomas and Alice were fine, we didn't even need to come here. What of the princess? Are we supposed to just keep dragging her from violent scrum to mystic ambush and back again? We need a real plan and we need to make it now.

2023-02-20, 08:47 PM
"Whoa, hey, we learned something and nothing bad came of the blood in the bowl alright?" Tilda lifts a hand.
"And the princess is awesome! She's got a magic nanny and a crossbow with tiny metal arrows! She can handle herself. I say we have a plan. Go into town, find out who knows about this shrine and talk to them. Maybe a holy man will be able to tell us how to heal the Kami of their... bloodlust."

2023-02-20, 09:26 PM
At Fleggr's outburst, Alice chuckles just a moment. She cuts herself off, though, seeing the serious expression on his face. "Plans are all well and good, but the more time you spend planning, the less you spend doing. You're not wrong, but that doesn't mean you're fully right. With that said... I believe it'd be best, for now, to at least make sure people stay safe. Thomas and I are good at spreading the type of rumours we'd need-nothing too serious, but enough to make sure people don't go digging around places they aren't ready for."

2023-02-22, 01:43 PM
Research is my speciality. Alexandria adds. I'll just need directions to the nearest library.

2023-02-22, 01:47 PM
"Here," Thomas says, and retrieves some parchment. He writes down an address, along with some directions, and hands it to Alexandria. "They're not the most welcoming, but they've got a lot of knowledge. We had to part with some coin to make it in."

With that, Alice and Thomas depart, leaving you to your own devices.

If there's no objections, I'll probably move us forward to the library once I get home from work, in about 10 hours. If anyone does have other ideas, lemme know. :)

2023-02-22, 08:31 PM
Ymir puffed his chest and grinned slightly at his brother. He actually enjoyed when Fleggr actually showed some emotion. "If my elders tell me to do something I have learned to god dam listen. And as for bleeding on cookware at least I did something besides quivering in my boots. Tilda is right, we do have a plan Fleggr and the point of it is doing something that might have a larger impact on the world than shooting a deer or two. You'd do well with some adventure lust brother." He taunts.

To the others discussing what to do in town he nods. "Sounds good. We could accompany to the library. Although books and scrolls have mostly been Fleggrs cup of ale."

He then jabs Tildas shoulder. "Good job with that spirit. Much improved from your wolf encounter." He laughs.

2023-02-22, 09:42 PM
You head into Rallingway proper, and find the people there being about what you'd expect. There's a hint of the events that have everyone on edge, but they're ordinary city folk, doing ordinary city folk things.

Winding your way through the city, you find yourselves in the merchants' quarters. The building you're looking for is an unmarked and unadorned one, save for a perch on top of it. It takes about ten minutes of searching from the area to find it, but eventually you see a place some birds are flocking to, notice the perch, and find the building. You approach the door, and Marie takes the initiative to knock.

Through the peephole an eye is visible. "What do you want?" an older man's voice comes out.

2023-02-22, 11:06 PM
Tilda gives her parents another hug apiece before splitting off – an extra meaningful one to her mom.

"Hello, we'd like to research the shrine nearby." Tilda describes it briefly.
"Is there any expert present? Or some books we can look at?"

2023-02-23, 01:11 AM
"Yes, there is," the man behind the door says. After a moment or two, it seems clear that he's not opening the door, or even elaborating.

2023-02-23, 09:08 AM
Fleggr nods, finally a no-nonsense kind of guy. He reachs to open the door and follow, skipping the pleasantries and down to business is exactly how he likes to conduct his business. He grabs the knob and pulls, making the effort to force it if necessary.

2023-02-23, 10:47 AM
"What are you doing?" the man inside asks, his voice accusing. "I did not say to come in! This is not for you!"

2023-02-23, 10:48 AM
"Who is this for?" Tilda asks dryly. "I'm on Spook's Business!"

2023-02-23, 10:52 AM
The man retorts with "If you want in, you'll have to pay, whether in coin or knowledge. No free meals."

2023-02-23, 10:56 AM
"Princess? Would you be willing to accept an interview about the long-dead, little-known Isjul Empire that you know all about?" Tilda asks the Princess, grinning at the value of the information.

2023-02-23, 09:24 PM
There's another moment of silence. "Isjul, you say?" he asks. "I could be persuaded with that."

2023-02-25, 06:36 PM
I will be glad to answer any questions you may have! Alexandria beams warmly curtseying as she does so.

2023-02-26, 11:49 AM
There's another few moments of quiet, then the sound of various locks being undone.

The door opens, and you see a short man on the inside, dressed in a simple robe. He looks to you all, furrowing his brow a little. "I expect no trouble, understand? Everything should be just as it was when you're done." He beckons you in, and then locks the door behind you. "I have a large collection of books, tomes, and other records. You may look through them, but again-pristine it is, pristine it will be when you're done. What do you know of Isjul?" he asks Alexandria.

2023-02-26, 03:25 PM
Tilda headed in. As a Spook's Apprentice, research was key to their ever-going war to fight the Dark. She also knows how to take proper care of books, and sets about trying to find books on the shrine they were at specifically, as well as the local religious practices. The third thing on her mind was anything on perhaps an older expression of worship involving blood sacrifice. Her immediate goal was to find three books of each and hand one to each brother, since the Princess was busy paying their entrance fee.

[roll0] and I believe Fleggr expressed an interest in helping me in the discord [roll1]

2023-02-26, 06:36 PM
Alexandria as she searches starts answering questions, starting with the mundane before into issues of importence.

Investigation w adv. [roll0] Adv [roll1]

2023-02-26, 11:41 PM
Alexandria tries to get some research done, but the man who owns this is far too interested in her words to let her get it done right.

Tilda, however, is left in peace, with the Jotunsons lending a hand where they can. In her time spent searching, she learns:
-The monument they were just at was supposed to be one of compromise. It honored the fallen on both sides, and was erected after a long and bloody battle.
-Local religious practices aren't too dissimilar from your home's. The Kami are honored and respected... At least, in theory. There's a small litany of notes, treatises, and other such writings that indicate that the locals of Rallingway are not as pious as they once might have been.
-There's not a ton on blood sacrifice, not initially. But she finds an old, tattered tome. The first chapter she sees is "On The Creation Of Blooded Kami".

For the last book, she manages to get a bit into it and sees that it's about using sacrifices to create a weaponized Kami. But, at that point, the owner sees what book she's reading. "Alright, you've had quite enough!" he announces unceremoniously. "Everything goes back, now!"

2023-02-26, 11:54 PM
Tilda glances at Ymir, the more dashing of the brothers, for help.
"Surely, we can provide something worth a bit more time, mister librarian sir."

2023-02-27, 06:43 PM
Ymir followed in to the library, ducking slightly to get in through the doorway. He let the princess speak to the librarian but groaned allitle when he was given a book of his own. He prefeered the practical method rather than going through tomes. But begrudgingly looked through the book Tilda gave him.

However when they got to the parts of the weaponized Kami and the librarian interrupted them he met Tildas gaze and got the hint.

He took a step forward to the man and squatted down to lower himself to his height and spoke in a confident but friendly tone. "My name is Ymir Jotunson. You might have heard of our family of mountainhome. Look. We are no inquisition and we are not here to cause any trouble to you or your library. We simply are seeking some anwsers and then we will be on our way. So please allow us a bit more time and you are free to ask our knowledgeable companion more about Isjul."

Invoking my folk hero background if it helps.
Persuation: [roll0]
If advantage [roll1]

2023-02-27, 06:53 PM
The man looks at the book, then at Ymir. He's thinking hard.

After what feels like a small eternity, he answers. "Fifteen more minutes. Then you leave, and take nothing with you."

With that said, he seems less interested in talking to Alexandria.

The book, while well-worn, appears to have been left alone for quite a while. If you had to guess, its owner isn't using it-which is for the best, considering what's inside.

Kami are rarely direct representatives of people-the combined animus of many people form the basis, and certain catalysts cause the "creation" of one. Metaphysically put, it's a little better understood as simply awakening what's already there, but even that is imprecise.
Especially strong-willed and powerful people can persist as their own Kami.

This book goes into the basics of that, but is focused on how to use them to your own ends-a Blooded Kami, the first kind, being a weaponized Kami made from blood sacrifice. The exact details are pretty horrific, involving a drawn-out procedure that begins psychologically and ends with physical torture. There's a lot of details on how to get this Blooded Kami to obey you and not just murder you.

There are two more complete sections-one on corrupting existing Kami for your own ends, and one on controlling Kami via rituals and spells without corrupting them first.

There is a final, incomplete section on maintaining one's own body as a Kami, some kind of puppeteering of the corpse as a body.

2023-02-27, 07:11 PM
Ymir nods and rises up to his full height. Turns back to Tilda and fleggr and continues helping with the search. He gestures at Tilda and she hears Ymirs voice in her mind.

"The man isnt most likley involved...But perhaps its worth mentioning to your parents later so they can inquire about why he has these in the first place while we see what else we can do going forward."

((Using message))

2023-02-27, 07:25 PM
With knowledge gained, your time draws to an end. You don't have time to fully clean up, but the man shoos you out anyway. The door is firmly closed and locked behind you.

The below check is gonna be Wisdom-based. You can add proficiency if you're especially attuned to spirits and otherworldly beings, or if you're properly paranoid (at this moment). If both apply, add proficiency and roll with advantage. I will let you decide whether or not these apply.

Everything is okay for the moment, but the city feels a little offputting. Nothing major for now, but just... The whole place feels off.

Something is up-and not just in a general sense, but there's something nearby that's up. Your gut says it's not as dangerous as the spirit you just dealt with, but you're not unobserved.

Someone is watching you, from across the street. She's doing a good job blending in, but there's something to her that isn't quite normal-not in her movements or anything like that, but in a spiritual sense.

2023-02-27, 07:41 PM
Tilda flips through the book rapidly, upset to find nothing actually helpful. Once clear of the library she swears to the others.
"Old Nick’s Odorous Nads! Sure, we know what HAPPENED to the Kami, but we don’t have a way to heal them of this. I think anything we do involving the Kami will be disturbed if we leave this alone, but I don’t see any solution!" She swipes her Spook’s Staff to rap against a nearby wall.
"Alright… calm down, Tilda. You are a Spook, bane of all that goes bump in the night. Maybe…" Tilda doesn’t vocalize her idea that the rituals her father uses on her mother might help.

I’m gonna say Tilda is decidedly more FRUSTRATED than Paranoid and just take proficiency.

2023-02-27, 09:22 PM
As they exited Ymir chuckled slightly at Tildas frustration patting her on her head. "Dont you worry Tilda. We will figure something out." But as he said this it was like a switch had been flipped. The hairs on his neck stood, the bustling of the town suddenly feeling eerie... The whole mood of his surroundings felt...sinister. He tried to ignore it first, it was just Fleggrs paranoia becoming infectious...

No. There was something and like his ancestors were warning him he knew who it was. Someone was looking at them and it was no normal stare. He knew how it felt to be looked at, being at the center of attention. This was not it.

"Come on. Let's go get a room in the inn. Its getting dark anyway and I'd like some drink and company!" He said with a laugh. But to each of his companions he would then message in their minds.

"We are being watched. Like our stories say sometimes to find an anwser...You got to look for trouble. Follow my lead."

As they then walk a bit closer to the lady across the street he had noticed he would then actually look straight at her. Then slap his brother on his shoulder. "Hold up. I think I've found my company." He said aloud. But to fleggr he would message.

"Complain at me like you usualy do when I want to charm a woman."

He would then promply walk towards the woman even tho she was just barely half his size, pulling back his hair with his hand and putting on his most ruggedly charming grin. "Hey. The name is Ymir Jotunson. Me and my companions are rather new here. And I was hoping to get a good drink and some comfortable housing. And you seem like just the the right local to help me out with that. Whats your name?"

So my intent here is for fleggr to help me sell the bit where i am unaware that she was watching us before. Im inclined to think this is deception naturaly but Ymir is also trying to get this lady to follow us to the inn. So that seems like persuation. So ill roll both and you can just choose whatever fits.

Persuation [roll0]
If advantage [roll1]

Deception [roll2]
If advantage[roll3]

2023-02-27, 09:35 PM
"Oh, I'm not a local, dearie," the woman replies. "I was just asking this handsome young man for directions-where did you say it was?"

The man, who's slightly red-faced, says "Er, down the road, right at the big intersection, and then on your left. Can't miss it."

She nods. "And it was the Plodding Ogre, right?" He nods. "Excellent! I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time, so I'll let my new friends escort me. I'm Gerba, by the way-you all are?"

The woman is short, just shy of 4' tall. Her skin is a bronzed tan, though whether that's natural or from time in the sun, you can't tell. Her dress is a bit provocative, but she's got the curves to back the choice in outfit up.

And, perhaps because she was caught off guard, you can tell that something is off without too much trouble. You aren't sure if it's illusion or an actual change of form, but she's not natural.
She's bamboozled the man with her feminine wiles. Nothing bad, but he's not used to attention from a pretty lady like Gerba.

She's tougher than she looks, at first glance anyway. While Rallingway isn't a dangerous place (usually) strolling around dressed like that isn't always the best idea. But she seems entirely unconcerned, and she doesn't strike you as the stupid type.

She's being entirely honest with you, at least in her words.

2023-02-27, 09:36 PM
Tilda, not having been told anything, actually drops her jaw a bit. "Now!? Of all the times!? Not to mention how presumptive it is to say you've 'found your company' when you've never spoken to this woman!" Tilda looks aghast at Ymir. "Don't think I won't tell your grandfather about this!"

2023-02-27, 10:12 PM
"Cripes Ymir, I thought you were the one who was so gungho about getting all this work done, changed your tune pretty quickly."
Fleggr grumbles, as he is one to do, and replies to the message his brother sent his way.

"What exactly is your plan here? Let her walk us into yet another surprise? I'm getting a little tired of those..."

He claps his hand on Ymir's shoulder and sighs,
I hardly think this is the time, you'll have to let this one go.

I've always got a help action for someone who needs it. Fleggr Helps Ymir.

2023-02-28, 11:23 AM
Alexandria kisses the pretty lady's hand. It is a pleasure to meet you, you may call me P.......Alexandria~ She beams warmly.

2023-02-28, 11:34 AM
"How sweet," Gerba says to Alexandria. "The Plodding Ogre, according to our friend back there, is quite the inn. Let's be off, shall we?"

You follow the directions from the man, and after a little less than five minutes of walking, see a building a little larger than the ones around it. A sign hangs out front, with a stylized giant on it, though no words on it. The double doors are open, and you see plenty of people talking, eating, drinking, and laughing within.

Before you enter, though, Gerba does ask a question. "What brought you all here to Rallingway anyway? I'm here for business myself."

2023-02-28, 11:35 AM
We're here on a research expedition. Alexandria beams warmly.

2023-02-28, 11:43 AM
"Spook's Business," Tilda says quickly. "What's yours?"

2023-02-28, 11:48 AM
"Spook's?" Gerba raises an eyebrow. "I'm here, technically, as a squire to a knight. Our partnership isn't exactly the normal knight-squire one, but it's close enough to get the gist across."

2023-02-28, 11:59 AM
"Spook's?" Gerba raises an eyebrow. "I'm here, technically, as a squire to a knight. Our partnership isn't exactly the normal knight-squire one, but it's close enough to get the gist across."

Oh? Whose the lucky knight to have a squire as beautiful as you? Alexandria asks.

2023-02-28, 12:37 PM
"Arma will be here before too long," she replies as you all walk into the Plodding Ogre. "For now, let's get some food and arrange for rooms."

There's two people behind the counter, one of them a friendly-looking elven man making conversation with a patron, the other a more dour-looking dwarf. The elf spots you all walking up, and excuses himself from the current conversation. "And hello there, friends!" he says to you. "How can I be of service today?"

2023-02-28, 12:44 PM
"Spooks, the protectors of the lands from Boggarts, Witches, and things that go bump in the night," Tilda explains to their new... companion?
"We are uh..." she absently wonders if she remembered to bring any money from home. "Were hoping to spend the night."

2023-03-02, 02:08 PM
Gerba nods. "What've you dealt with personally?" she asks Tilda.

The elf behind the counter, when asked for a place for the night, asks a question in return. "How many rooms do you need? I see quite a few of you in this group-two, maybe; one for the ladies, one for the men?"

2023-03-02, 02:24 PM
Tilda blushes hard in embarrassment. "P-plenty! Lots of things!" She fishes out her coin purse.
"Yeah, two rooms sounds good. But make the girls' room the biggest one you've got, we're all going to go there for a bit."

And have a serious talk.

2023-03-02, 02:36 PM
The elf nods. "Orin, what's the largest room we got?"

The dwarf grunts out "Covington family just left. Their room's open now."

"Excellent! Let me just see a few coins, and you can have the keys," the elf says. "If it's only a night, it'll be eight silver for the big room and four for the small one. If you plan on being longer-"

Gerba waves him off, and produces two gold, setting them down on the counter. "We'll see how long we need, but this should be a good start." The elf smiles, stowing the coins, and passes over two keys.

"Up the stairs, third floor, last door at the end of the hall and the one to its right. Enjoy your stay!" he says.

Following the elf's directions, you end up in a large room, with two beds-one quite large, and one smaller one in its own side room. The room is well-appointed, if a bit messy given the occupants having only left recently.