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2007-12-02, 06:48 PM
Darklords of Kandor:
The underworld of Old Galorine is an ancient culture and city to itself. Few above ground know of its existence, but hundreds live there. And thousands visit. Entering through mazes, passages, and corridors so secret the King's wizards don't even know them. All of you are honored guests or now members of this elite Hall of Evil. You were each summoned together to meet this busy man.

Those of you now gathered in this most secret hall of the Guildmaster already know the honor of your place here today, but also would feel the sheer honor and respect this man has from his power. He controls the thieves and assassin guilds, he owns the businesses. He is the law for he controls the King's soldiers and patrols. It is his forces who work in the night and make men scared to do what is right in this dark kingdom. He even makes the distant emperor pay his wizard-protectors well. :smallamused:

He is old now, but still wears the old black slick leather. Worn from personal battle hardened experience. He now has a large bushy gray beard, and full flowing hair, but he looks still limber as a jackrabbit even in his mid-70's.

He meets you in a plush waiting-room of his underground mansion. Carpeting so rich, that a tile path was placed along it. The tile path was of fine stones, and even the classy feel boorish in the master-of-all-evil's den. His art was respectable, and not lewd and crass like many imperial nobles' art of the land.
He looks a each one of you, very carefully with intelligent crafty old eyes, still alive with inspiration.
"Welcome, my champions. You ALL have proven yourself quite worthy. Now I must bring you up on a real task and matter at hand. You see, things aren't as orderly as they seem here in my 'Hall of Evil'. I once had honor among my associates, a pirates' code if you will. Honor among thieves? Well, you see I now have a little problem, and this one involves my son. It seems he'd like an early seat on my guild-throne, and I want you to help me... take care of him... and his worthless lackeys and minions."

The old man saunters quite ably about the large hall. This area has no chairs, but a lot of art. He doesn't want you to feel comfortable as he eyes you with master intelligence. He is alone, and does not fear the power of those of you assembled before him. Almost daring you to attack his old frame. He seems to trust you.

"No-one must know of our plan. No-one, not even my closest advisors. You are special, hand-picked, unwittingly, by even some of my sons' own minions. I have assassins ready to make sure that this stays this way." He smirks confidently at all of you.
"My grandson is the true heir, the eldest son of my pathetic boy. All will be set right if my grandson is the new master, a good kid, a little bit of a big head for girls though.
I know some of you may have even served MY son in the past, but he is lies and deceit. And now serves as the right arm of the god Loki as his high priest. No harm will come of you for past harms you may have caused me by his employment.

There is now a New Guild Movement by the forces of Loki. You must not trust them, even the so-called 'good-ones' of Loki. That religion has been a curse upon my Guild, and now they have my son. These forces want to assist my sons ascent. And he is literal bedfellows with the debauched King of this decrepit kingdom."

OOC- Welcome, Darklords. Describe your PC for those seeing you for the first time, and greet the high guildmaster if you'd like.

The PCs-players:
Sharon- DarkLady
Arha- wxdruid
Sonny- amanodel
Hiram- Maurkov
Kithas- Lochar
Silme- Tar Palantir
Tamis- Stimpius

2008-01-21, 12:27 AM

Arha politely greets him after being introduced, "Greetings Guildmaster."

Her avi is in my sig, that's her standard look. Currently she has red hair, silver eyes and black skin. She's very pretty (currently CHA 20), but Sharon standing next to her still outshines her. Arha always wears black, she is pregnant and showing at about 5 months along. So a little bulge. She carries daggers and she is obviously a wizard or a sorcerer. She has scars along the inside of her forearms, as though she's marked something into her skin with a blade of some type. She has bracelets on her wrists and rings on her fingers. She is impressed by her surroundings and the man in front of her, but tries to act blase as she looks around. (checking if anyone invisible is around)

The Guildmaster mentions his son and her gaze turns back to him, "Might we know the names of your son and this king?"

2008-01-21, 01:36 AM

Hiram strides up the tile path, a study in composure. His striking blue eyes are fixed forward, and his chin level. His dark hair is longer now, queued and oiled. While his manner says noble, his build and his gear say swordsman. If four months of debauchery have softened him, the result is concealed beneath his steel breastplate. In addition he wears a navy tabard, greaves, and a peace-bonded longsword. Around his neck is a leaden holy symbol depicting an upraised fist.

As he enters the guildmaster's presence, he abases himself abjectly. He waits with forehead pressed to flagstone until acknowledged. Then shamelessly he rises, and his own presence manifests. Automatically he begins the psychic battle to jockey for position within the group.

He listens to the guildmaster's tale, filing away the interesting, potentially useful tidbits. (Hiram is too canny to assume anything the guildmaster says is fact, but he checks it against his mental ledger.) At Arha's question, he slightly arches one eyebrow. Can one be so unaware of Politics? It must be an act-- or an insult. He doesn't volunteer the answers.

2008-01-21, 01:43 AM

Sharon watches quietly for now, attempting to size up the strangers in the room, including the guildmaster himself.

To say Sharon is a striking beauty is understating the fact. Everything about her is attractive, from the curves of her body to the expression on her face to the red and gold hair that cascades in curls down over one shoulder. She wears a green linen dress that offsets her coloration perfectly, even matching the green in her gold-flecked eyes; the bodice is practically a second skin and one side of the dress's skirt is slit nearly to her waist. She is adorned with jewelry as well, although not nearly to the extent of Arha. A single bracelet in a flame pattern, two polished narrow bracers, and a striking ruby and gold ring adorn arms and hands. A circlet, like that of the minor nobility, is nestled in her hair, although her bearing isn't quite right for one of that rank. Offsetting her elegant appearance are a pair of practical green boots, a battered knapsack slung over her shoulders, and a crossbow hanging from one hip. She can't be more than twenty by appearance, and is, perhaps, a year or two younger.

(OOC: Although she hasn't said anything yet, Sharon's text color has been Purple and I'd like to keep it that way. Hopefully it won't be the same as someone's else's.)

Tar Palantir
2008-01-21, 09:30 AM
Silme stands with the ease of one who fears nothing, despite his recent ordeals. It is obvious to all viewers that he has not spent these four months idle. His lithe body is well muscled, and he walks swiftly and smoothly. His shield is slung over his back, a silver wolf's head on a field of black, one long slash cutting across the wolf's face like a scar. At his hip hangs a bastard sword, of finer quality then his previous one, but still no match for the bejeweled scabbard. Fine black leather adorned with sapphires, it was truly a masterpiece of craftsmanship. He observed the newcomers casually, trying to weigh their value and danger. The wixard could be helpful; the closest the original group had had was Arnat the bard, and that wasn't very close. The other was more difficult to judge. He would have to wait on that one. He said, "I am afraid that I have little care for politics. I would simply like to know how much the job pays."

2008-01-21, 02:00 PM

Kithas bows to the guildmaster when introduced. This was a man of true power, the dwarf thought.

Kithas continues to wear the magical banded mail taken from an enemies body, and his heavy morningstar is still at his side. He carries a large darkwood shield, currently hanging from his back in easy reach. Hanging from his neck is a holy, or unholy depending on who considers it, symbol, that of his dread lord. Rough black hair is cut short to keep it out of the way, and deep brown eyes judge the rest of the room.

Upon hearing who leads the new guild, Kithas scowls. "The worship of Loki is nothing but chaos at it's heart, and nothing can be held together and stay together in chaos." He grins darkly. "I would hope to see the end of that 'religion' completely."

2008-01-21, 02:54 PM
The Guildmaster is unaffected by Arha's odd question. The Guildmaster's son's name might not be known to most, but the King's name was just not used. He looks at Arha and studies her, "You... aren't what I expected... But, the wizards say you're older than me. Been asleep for a long time girlie. I just hope you stay on my side. The King of Kandor is now Omar... heck... don't matter what Omar he is, he's just debauched and foolish! And Kandor wasn't even a kingdom when you were born Lady Arha... anyway... my son is Vito. Also the Fourth as in Vito IV. I'm Vito the Third. Name's been a tradition. My grandson whose's your friend is Vito the Fifth, sometimes called Five.

My grandaddy was just getting started on his take over when you were a girl, Lady Arha. Times have changed."

When Silme speaks, Vito III chuckles deeply, "A man I can get to know well.... I hear tale of your father. He was a good man. Good man. I hear his sword was mighty. I think I know where he fell... and the sword with him. In addition to our pay... whatever that may be, I will help fund a expedition for my wizards, that will help you find that sword, AND help us out at the same time. You kill my son, and I will make you the greatest hero this kingdom knows... that goes for all of you.

Brother Hiram your church has long lurked in the shadows of this empire, I think it is time for you to give some guidance to my grandson. No offense, Brother Kithas, but I think the Nine Hells has had enough chances. You are here as their insurance, but the Church of Power has a lot of merit, here now. I do think we see eye-to-eye on Loki, dwarf." The high guildmaster may have a hint of racism when he speaks to the dwarf, clearly this was a human's world.

Kithas knew he had the Churches of the Nine Hells fully behind him, if things should go wrong... that was Kithas check. Hiram would know of this power pull and respect it.

Sonny, the big thug, stands holding a large chest, which looks odd in this room. Vito III will look at the chest finally, and speak to Arha and Sharon, "Do we get to see your prize? I am quite interested in seeing what it does. By all means it is you three's, but I'll tell you, a pretty price can be had on the guild-markets for it."

2008-01-21, 03:04 PM

Meeting Kithas Silme and Hiram outside a heavily cowled figure dressed all in black leather with an ornatley carved shortbow at her side strides forward and offers her hand. The bow has a fine string and looks more like a composite bow, than what the other three were used to seeing their Tamis use. It has orange runes up the side and across the wood on it. She has an assortment of arrows in leg quivers and 20 across her back over the top of her travelling cloak. She looks slightly more muscled than you remember, or is the slightly less? You can't really tell as when she steps into a shadow she seems to half vanish.

"I hope thesssse passst few monthssss have been okay with you. It sssseemssss we may have more than we bargained for initially."

Walking over to the new three she simply inclines her head offers her hand and says;

"Greetingsss, I am Tamisss. Don't crosss me and I wont crosss you back."

A heavily cowled figure slips through the people and into the room following Kithas. The figure is obviously female as the black supple leather clings to her curves and down the legs. She would appear to not be quite as attractive as Sharon or Arha but comes close. She slips into the shadows around one of the walls as the guildmaster paces and appears to watch him intently.

She is aware of all her surroundings and any movement another would attempt to make she notices as a quick flick of the head would percieve. When Vito talks she nods her head simply.

"I don't sssuposssee you know where four isss? Or hisss lassst known whereaboutsss would speed usss up greatly it appearssss."

2008-01-21, 03:34 PM

It's not for sale, your excellence. - Sonny adresses the old guildmaster, as if apologizing. - It worths too much to be sold quickly.

Sonny is a really big man. he is sloz to speak, and only acts when necessary. He's probably the largest human in the room, yet other than his giant frame, he doesn't act offensive. He holds the mysterious chest easily over his shoulder with a single hand. He looks strong, but his giant size does not goes against dexterity, a trained eye can see that well enough.

Sonny wears stylish adamantine light armour of extreme, nonhuman design. He wears black silk clothes with orange insciptions and sawn figurines of Oriental design. He seems confident and loyal to the guildmaster, and he has a strange eldtritch aura around himself.

Other than these, he looks like an ordinary street thug, or more correctly, bodyguard, but he likes to keep his appereance the best he can.

2008-01-21, 06:22 PM
Brother Hiram your church has long lurked in the shadows of this empire, I think it is time for you to give some guidance to my grandson. No offense, Brother Kithas, but I think the Nine Hells has had enough chances. You are here as their insurance, but the Church of Power has a lot of merit, here now. I do think we see eye-to-eye on Loki, dwarf."[/COLOR] The high guildmaster may have a hint of racism when he speaks to the dwarf, clearly this was a human's world.

Kithas knew he had the Churches of the Nine Hells fully behind him, if things should go wrong... that was Kithas check. Hiram would know of this power pull and respect it.


"As long as you recognize the power that the Nine Hells represents as well, I don't have a problem. Regardless of your leanings towards any church, my Lord has power to spare as well."

Kithas nods to Hiram. "We work well anyways, so I do not forsee any problems between the two of us."

Tar Palantir
2008-01-21, 07:15 PM
Silme is far more affected by the news of his father's sword than the news of his affliction. He stood flabergasted for a moment, then said, "He was a brave and mighty warrior, but in the end he was too soft to survive. But his sword.... That was a blade to be feared. When he was killed in a peasant riot, it was lost in the confusion. All I managed to find was the scabbard, still on his body, or rather, that part of it. But to find the sword again..." He fell silent, deep in thought. His father's sword. The reason he had first traveled forth from his home, that which he had devoted himself wholy to finding, was finally within his reach. He said, with an unnatural fury, "Vito the Fourth will soon be Vito the Eviscerated."

2008-01-21, 09:26 PM
Vito III looks to the cowled Tamis, and smirks, "Well, he's all over the place. Finding my son won't be the problem. Killing him and not getting caught will be."

To Sonny the Guildmaster chuckles, "You are a wise one, Sonny. The lesser guildmasters had you pinned as a basic thug.... but you are ever so much more." He smiles and is very appreciative of Sonny, and Sonny might actually think the guildmaster is checking him out... maybe on a manly level, but nonetheless, the old man seems to like Sonny's large frame.

To Kithas he nods, "I assure you. I am loyal to my investors. The Nine Hells, despite recent failures, still has my full support. Perhaps you, brother Kithas can start their slate anew."

On Silme's father's sword, "An idiot thought he could use the sword's power to beat beasts beyond his power. Your father died with honor, and don't you forget it. That riot was over greed. The peasants want too much sometimes."

To all of you he will say as he strolls about his decorated hall, "Payment to the rich is difficult. I have a lot of wealth, and if that is what you want, I can assure you that you will not be for want. We can grant you Guild-titles, Guild-estates, even magical weapons and items. Here is where we make our bargain. And I need your loyalty on this. Only you 7 are in on this. Kithas and Hiram, even your higher-ups can't know the full depth of your mission for me. They will understand, and I will make appropriate donations to the temples as need be. The question then is what is your price for loyalty. I know Silme's, and he'll get more than he bargains for if he plays his cards right."

2008-01-21, 09:36 PM
To Kithas he nods, "I assure you. I am loyal to my investors. The Nine Hells, despite recent failures, still has my full support. Perhaps you, brother Kithas can start their slate anew."
"Those that have failed you in the church before were not me, I abide by my compacts and will see them through, regardless of resources required."

To all of you he will say as he strolls about his decorated hall, "Payment to the rich is difficult. I have a lot of wealth, and if that is what you want, I can assure you that you will not be for want. We can grant you Guild-titles, Guild-estates, even magical weapons and items. Here is where we make our bargain. And I need your loyalty on this. Only you 7 are in on this. Kithas and Hiram, even your higher-ups can't know the full depth of your mission for me. They will understand, and I will make appropriate donations to the temples as need be. The question then is what is your price for loyalty. I know Silme's, and he'll get more than he bargains for if he plays his cards right."

"My silence is promised with the exception of my Lord in his power, none other shall know. As for payment, I understand Merianna has been working towards something in my regard. I would like that pushed forward once this business is over with. And then I will talk with a guild wizard about a spell or two."

2008-01-21, 10:43 PM
The guildmaster seems impressed by the dwarf, and relaxes a lot towards him, and admires the comment on Merianna. "The old woman will get her due. I assure you. A piece of land in luxury. As for you, the wizards will do as I say.
I like you dwarf. I wasn't sure... so many double agents, but somehow I think you're here to stay. Your lifespan is a great thing, and you should never forget it. You and Tamis will still be young when your friends have whithered away, it is you who can keep the heritage going. Brother Kithas, its a pity I won't be able to be around to see the great things you will someday be able to do."

2008-01-21, 10:52 PM
Arha remains quiet and listens to what everyone else says. She's thinking about Vito IV.

2008-01-22, 12:29 AM
Sharon's face darkens at the comment about her withering away. "Is there any restrictions on the manner of his death?" the green-clad woman asks in a musical alto voice that borders on a soft purr. She seems more than passingly interested in Kithas as well at the mention of the nine hells.

2008-01-22, 02:11 AM

"Concealing the nature of my mission from my superiors could be a problem. Anyone can be broken, and they will not hesitate if they believe I have a secret worth knowing. Therefore I request from you a second task, one that I can admit when compulsed for Truth. If that fails, I can only threaten that some secrets are too dangerous for our small church. It should suffice. The Hierarchy does not take unnecessary risks.

"A reward should be easy to devise. Of course I want power. An item would suffice. For my church, an advisory post to Vito the Fifth would be a great honor. I request that it be created before we complete our task, so that none suspect quid pro quo.

"We should speak of tactics. What immunities and resistances does Vito the Fourth possess? Who attends him, and what are their talents? What resources do we have to evade magical prying?" Hiram glances to the ladies, "Nondetection?" then back to the guildmaster, "rings of mind shielding?"

I doubt I have enough Knowledge, Nobility to know Vito the Fourth's talents, habits, and associates. That's stuff we'll need, but I don't know how much you want to roleplay the infodump.

2008-01-22, 03:51 AM
The old man gives Sharon as sweet a smile as his con-man face can pull, and shrugs, "I don't care exactly, I'll even pay for the wizard to cast the soul-entombment spell when he's done. Just bring me something vital.... or better yet, bring it to the wizard I call."

Vito III is serious with Hiram, and looks to the dwarf. "Very well, if you must talk, you talk to the grand poo-pa. I'll arrange it. I know both of those guys. Heck, the high priest of power has an underground temple here in the business district you should check it out. And Father Irgano leads all priests at the congregation of the Nine Hells in the Temple District. Let me speak to them, and I think they too will agree. I can arrange this meeting. I guarantee it!"

2008-01-22, 12:13 PM

Sharon shrugs slightly at Hiram's comment, somehow making it a slightly seductive gesture as well. "I can make someone invisible, see someone invisible, make someone fly, and sometimes persuade someone to do what I wish."

2008-01-22, 12:19 PM

The thug bows to his master, thanking the master's words.

His death will be quick. - he says, and then starts to observe his new companions. It's obviously a different band than he worked with recently. There at least he knew he won't be stabbed in the back, but this new gang seems more opportunist and selfish. At least they won't have ethical debates, it seems.

2008-01-22, 02:06 PM

Hiram bows slightly on hearing guildmaster Vito's suggestion.

"and sometimes persuade someone to do what I wish."Only sometimes? Hiram banishes lascivious thoughts. "I am a swordsman and a summoner.

"I think we can count on subterfuge and persuasion to create the opportunity. Ideally, we should hit him with a couple of targetted dispel magics, instantly followed by a dimensional anchor. Silme or... Sonny was it? should, under the effect of a silence spell, move in to grapple. A little contact poison on the gauntlets would not be amiss. While held, Tamis could make short work of him. The rest of our efforts would be to delay and confound his entourage and then escape.

"What have I neglected? Perhaps a feint at the priest of Loki? Vito IV is less likely to run if he believes he is not the target. For misdirection, I will send some boys to King Omar. Vito will hear of it and wonder."

2008-01-22, 02:23 PM

"Why not simply slip in unseen and fireball or knife him to death? I don't like elaborate plans-- too many ways they can go wrong."

2008-01-22, 03:05 PM

"From everything we have heard. I do not exxxpect him to be that eassssy to kill. Though I am more than willing to plant a few arrows through his back.

It'sss been a while sssince we got to 'play'"

With this last sentance one gloved hand drops to her bow as she plays idly with the string and one of the arrows in the left leg quiver.

2008-01-22, 03:07 PM

"I admire simplicity, but I believe that if such means could be successful, he would already be dead. What if he goes ethereal at the first sign of danger? We must thwart every possible escape while stacking every aspect of the confrontation in our favor."

2008-01-22, 03:56 PM

"What are the abilities of you four, then, since you're so interested in what the three of us are capable of?"

2008-01-22, 04:01 PM

I? I am a priest of the Lord of the Nine Hells." The dwarf touches the symbol on his neck gently. "Anything else is superfluous. Do you have any other questions?"

2008-01-22, 04:14 PM

"I can get into where no-one issss ever meant to enter.

I find waysss through thossse that seem hopelesss to othersss. Doorssss chessstsss people, they are no obsssstacle to me.

I alssso provide fire ssssupport for when we are faccing thossse creaturesss that don't like usss."

This said she doesn't seem inclined to give more than offered.

Tar Palantir
2008-01-22, 04:30 PM
Silme listens politely to Tamis's speech, then adds, "And don't forget hiding while I do all the real work. As for me, I stab things. On occassion I smash them with my shield. What can I say? I'm a simple man with simple pleasures." He considers mentioning his affliction, but decides against it. No need for them to know everything about him.

2008-01-22, 04:38 PM



I wassss getting into a ssstrategic possssition.

Without me flying tacklingg that ssstupid boar we would al have died.

And thossse two "creaturessss" I sssseeem to rememember i hurt both a lot more whilssst you just got your sssword dented and ssshield sssslassshed."

All of this is said with the friendly affection one would expect from a friend gently ribbing another about exploits past.

2008-01-22, 05:50 PM
Arha scathingly responds to everyone's little petty bickerings, "Personally I think you are all to fond of barging in and killing. You have little to no idea what Vito IV is really capable of, nor of what Lady Ibis is capable of. This is not the place to fight and argue about what we're going to do. I suggest we save that for a later time, and somewhere more 'private'!"

2008-01-22, 06:34 PM

"I thought the expression went, 'Never wrestle with a pig,'" adds Hiram, happy to see that what ever ordeals Tamis had endured as of late, they had not cost her sense of humor.

"I suggest we save that for a later time, and somewhere more 'private'!""You know of some place more private than here, do you?" asks Hiram dismissively. "The reason I'm using the guildmaster's time outlining a plan is because few know the target as well, and I doubt we'll meet like this again. So. Expose the flaws of my plan now when all that is at risk is my ego.

"I think we should be a little more forthcoming about our talents. Because our mission is so secret, we can't just hire out for abilities beyond our own. I don't want to agonize over a plan for hours only to have Sonny say, 'by the way, I can walk through walls.' Can you, by the way?" Hiram gestures to encompass both groups. "I understand the reticence. Our patron has been known to hire some rather unsavory characters." He offers a thin smile. "I think we can trust each other-- for betraying the group would mean betraying him, and while his minions are sometimes shady, they are seldom that flavor of stupid.

"It's hard to trust someone you don't know, so let's remedy that. We could meet socially and compare battle scars, or undertake a less delicate part of this mission and maybe earn some new ones. I favor the latter, and offer this: Lets capture a few priests of Loki. It plays on the previous idea of making the high priest-- priestess," Hiram nods to Arha, giving her due credit for that bit of information, "believe she is our primary target. We get some information. We get some of those fabulous cloaks and holy symbols. And we get some practice working as a team."

2008-01-22, 07:11 PM

"Why don't you start, then? Share a little more about yourself and show a sign of trust."

Tar Palantir
2008-01-22, 07:25 PM
Silme couldn't resist to inject a little humor into the situation. He said, smirking, "Why don't you start, then? Show a sign of trust and all that." By the time he was finished he was grinning from ear to ear.

2008-01-22, 07:38 PM

"If you had listened to the conversation better, you would recognize that Guildmaster Vito proclaimed both Hiram and I to be priests. He of the church of Power, myself of the Nine Hells. While we have heard nothing of any of you, save that Ahra has been asleep for a very long time."

2008-01-22, 07:54 PM

"It was my suggestion. Of course I will go first. I fight conservatively, and rarely draw my blade without some magical augmentation. I have little interest in ranged weapons. As a priest, my spell selection can vary wildly, and does. I choose my summonings ad hoc, but vermin and fiendish animals predominate. My latest trick:" He looks to guildmaster Vito for permission. Then he looks at Silme, copying his posture and grin. "Dissemble." His clothing, weaponry, and features flow until he is the warrior's double.

'Silme' looks at Sharon. "Your turn."
Edit: Well, near double. Darn RNG.

2008-01-22, 08:06 PM

Biting off a retort at the dwarf, Sharon offers Hiram a smile. "As I already mentioned," she says with a glance at Kithas, emphasizing the words, "I can cause or see invisibility, allow people to fly with my spells, or control someone's mind. I also have an array of combat magics, focusing on offensive more than defensive, including fire, ice, and electricity style attacks. I rarely miss when it counts. I can cast a large number of spells over the course of a day as well, and I'm a reasonable shot with the crossbow. Satisfied? I'm reasonably persuasive at times as well, without the use of magic."

2008-01-22, 08:13 PM

"My apologies then, I had not been paying as close attention to your words as I did the Guildmasters. I am Kithas, priest of Lord Asmodeous. My magics are normally those, sadly enough, of healing. I found that it keeps those around me standing between myself and the enemy. Since the remainder of our original set seems to have toughened up, I have switched more to spells that harm and kill in an instant, or inflict death only to have the enemy rise in my favor. I also command the Hellfires of my lord's wrath."

Tar Palantir
2008-01-22, 08:28 PM
Silme holds his arms out to his sides, turning around. He says, "What you see is what you get. See anything you like?" This last comment is directed at the two new women, more to antagonize than a serious attempt to hit on them. He had many flaws, but womanizing was not one of them, much as that probably would have helped him pass the time over the last few months.

2008-01-22, 10:11 PM
Old Vito scratches his chin rapidly when Hiram mentions hitting King Omar. "Ooo! Now don't go there yet! That fool at least maintains a little stability. And I know right where he is coming from for now. All in good time my wise friend."

Vito listens intently, looking at the ground and nodding. Letting the younger ones figure it all out. He looks up at ethereal talk, "Yes... that's another thing. He has guardians in the 'other' realms that protect him. Non-mortal ones. Or at least non-material beasts. As to escape you may need Tamis to track him. He's one with the shadows. That Loki taught him more than I could do with skill in the darkness. Heck, I got to the point I could jaunt across town just jumping into one shadow. That mad-man can travel time... or dimensions. Sometimes I think he's following me always. Right now I'm putting faith in the Nine Hells and the force of Power to keep this mission right. There must be some code... I don't really like to use the term... 'law'."

When Arha sees Kithas symbol, she will note that he follows Hell's supreme arch-devil, Asmodeus. Teamed with a rare priest of Power, and that can mean a lot of evil-power!

Vito III likes Hiram more and more with each passing moment, and any bit of lost old man that might have creeped in is gone when looking at Hiram. Old Vito was at least paying homage to the Brahmin in your presence, even if Kithas got the .... shorter-end of the stick. "Yes, yes, I will help as I can. My son lives across the kingdom. He runs the guild in Eastern Kandor. I am sure that the secret high temple of Loki is there. There are a few others, including one in the underground guild city. This one yer in under Galorine."

Vito III tries to reason with Kithas in his outburst, "Sharon is a great sorceress, and currently one of the most eligible bachelorettes in the empire. If I may say so. Which is surprising, since her family is not one usually spoken of in royal courts. It has been a long while since a jewel born so low, has risen to the cream of her crop. But, I like ones like this. Meritocracy. Brother Hiram, you'd agree with this philosophy?
This one Sonny has literally died in the service of one faction of mine or another. I owe him more than gold.
And Lady Arha has some scary friends, so best not piss her off either. These two ladies are here for your firepower." He gives Arha a brief glance, with his dark eyes. His eyes are for Sharon though, as he will find a moment to look her over at any chance, not caring at all at his old man's gleeful leer.

OOC- Vito III will excuse the group, but enjoys this planning stage with you, so the old man will keep you here for hours if need be. It might be the most 'fun' he's had in a long time.

2008-01-22, 11:53 PM

"Sharon, is your mind control a charm or a domination? Either could be useful in its way. And Arha, is Dimensional Anchor in your repertoire?"

"What you see is what you get. See anything you like?" Seeing the ladies reactions, Hiram lets his visage return to normal. He quietly clears his throat and looks away.

"Ooo! Now don't go there yet! That fool at least maintains a little stability. And I know right where he is coming from for now. All in good time my wise friend."Hiram frowns. Opens his mouth to speak and closes it again. Then he realizes source of confusion. Seldom at a loss for words, still he stumbles. "Sir. I meant sending, um, man-whores. To destabilize their relationship."

2008-01-23, 11:50 AM

"If he doesss passs to the ssshadowsss how good isss he there? I could follow him without being ssseen, but im thinking if he hasss friendssss or ssssee'sss me, thatsss the end."

2008-01-23, 12:02 PM

"Both, although the one is more limited in uses than the other."

2008-01-23, 12:39 PM

When the people start to mention different priests of evil mojo, shadows, discussing spells, and whoring, he sighs.

Barely audible, he murmurs - Why can't this be like in the good old times? Just simply breaking bones... Oh well...

2008-01-23, 12:55 PM

The sorceress pats Sonny's arm sympathetically.

2008-01-23, 12:55 PM
Arha replies, "I am a Necromancer."

"In terms of doing this job? I haven't heard that much in it's favor. It would be highly dangerous and my goal is to stay alive until and after this baby is born."

"If there is sufficient reason, then we have two items and possibly one person that the son would love to have possession of. If possible, I'd rather lure him out from behind his protections, but I don't know how well that'd work, considering he prefers to remain out of sight. Another method would be for Sharon and I to go in as double agents and set it up from the inside, possibly with Sonny as our bodyguard. Both methods are very dangerous. We'll likely have to kill Lady Ibis as well and that is not something I really enjoy contemplating. Going in the obvious way, as several of you seem to think is the way it should be done, is likely to get us killed very quickly."

2008-01-23, 01:05 PM

"I don't know alot about Ibissss. But it sssseemsss that sssshe would be the eassssier of the two to be disssposssed off. Maybe killing her will bring him out into the open more."

2008-01-23, 01:30 PM

The thug scratches his head.

May I ask currently which side are we on, master? It was getting really confusing recently, some of your guildleaders seem to have different ideas.

2008-01-24, 01:22 AM

"Arha the Necromancer, while I do not doubt you can be persuasive, there are too many ways to ferret out a double agent. Whatever risk there is in springing an ambush, the risk increases a hundred fold when you put yourself in his power. Tell me more about these things you have that he wants. We will need to draw him out."

2008-01-24, 02:04 AM
Vito looks suddenly at Hiram. Serious and annoyed for a moment, but then bursts into a huge grin. "Sure! The King and my son love those... with the rest of their debauched lifestyles! Yes... you do what you think is right. I get old and paranoid."

He looks at Sonny, "Good question, son! I'm on MY side! Screw all these nobles. My grandfather was a merchant man... sort of... well, you might like to call him a pirate, but it doesn't matter, they think they are above us. I am not with the King of Zhe, nor am I for the empress. I think we can have a people's revolution start. Let them pick the leader. I was placing one of my last living grand-daughters in charge over there. Though, with that evil empress using her more powerful wizard army in full force, we got our arms full. Right now, I have a truce on Zhe... that is the King of Zhe and his rightful kidnapped son. Princess Nerise's husband, I think some of you may have met her. As to Ibis and the other debauched nobles, they're likely in league with my son. My son is going all over to pull in power favors, so you be careful. You're now dealing with the emperor. His wife runs the show, and she'll burn you good alright."

2008-01-24, 12:13 PM

Thanks, Master. I just worried we might confront someone we shouldn't. - answers the thug. - As for Ibis, she knows us already, and I suppose our actions near Nerise City were also noticed by her, and most likely, all of the noble gang. The only thing they don't know about us, that we are here.

2008-01-24, 01:44 PM

"I'm jealous. While we were slaughtering gnomes in caves, it sounds like you got to rub elbows with some very interesting people.

"As for who we may have to insult or crush in the execution of our mission, the answer is many. Many powers are invested in Vito IV; some as a gamble, others as a hedge. Our task is a secret one, however, so such insults will remain anonymous. Unless you screw up."

2008-01-24, 02:14 PM

"Well im getting bored now.

Sssso do we have a plan? Or are we going to pick off his ssssupportersss till he comess out to play himssself?"

2008-01-24, 02:17 PM

"If we're going to work together, it would help to know what you look like," Sharon says to Tamis, gesturing to the deep hood.

2008-01-24, 02:39 PM

"Ssso be it. I mussst warn you to brace yourssself and not to be too alarmed at the sssight."

Giving the new three a moment to collect themselves as well as motioning to her old friends that they should as well, she pulls back the hood.

Underneath you see the graceful elegance of an elf. A female one and one who is fairly good looking ((16 CHA currently))

Yet there is something wrong, where the light touches the skin you can see it plainly but where there is a shadow cast across her she seems to fade back into it. Now noticing this the gazes that travel the rest of her body are met with this same thing. If your looking directly at her you can see her and where it would be in the shadows but when you look away and look back, she has faded again.

Pulling her cowl back over her head she says

"I presssume that, that will not be necessssary. Again. Ever. But now you underssstand how I can track him accrossss the plane of sssshadow i sssupossse"

2008-01-24, 02:50 PM

"That has to be..." Kithas says slowly, considering his words. the most interesting conversion I have ever seen. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions later, Tamis? Nothing too personal, but I am very intrigued."

2008-01-24, 03:21 PM

The sorceress laughs. "That isn't nearly enough to be even slightly alarming. Not after what I've been through. Go through a few squid-god temples, and not much gets to you after that." She looks to the guildmaster. "Is your son in Megna currently, then?"

2008-01-24, 05:15 PM

Looking at the elf, Sonny scratches his head again. He remains just as calm as Sharon next to him.

Just be careful with that shadow thingie, girl. It can turn really awkward.

Sonny has a different view of shadows than the vast majority of the thugs. He debates wether to tell his own experience with the materialness dark existence, but he decides not to speak about that, not to sound so eager-beaver.

But you can put your hood down when in between us, if you'd like to. To the three of us, it's kinda usual. We've been to a lof of places between 'rubbing elbows?'. And perhaps even the preachers of the Nine Hells present in the room wouldn't be shocked in terror.

Sonny winks playfully at Tamis, and green flames cover his winking eye for half a moment. Probably no other than the elf girl saw this.

2008-01-24, 05:31 PM

Smiling oddly, Kithas nods. "I wouldn't be shocked by much, unless you suddenly declared yourself a follower of Pelor or one of his ilk."

2008-01-24, 05:41 PM
Arha has very little reaction to Tamis' look. She turns back to her natural look, red hair, green eyes and pale skin, "I've already been offered a position in Megna with Lady Ibis. I was planning to introduce Sharon to her one day. I've had many lucrative opportunities in Megna because of Lady Ibis. This doesn't mean I'm unwilling to kill her, it simply means I'm waiting to see if there is an option that seems like it will actually work. If and when I reappear in Megna, she will no doubt be notified and she'll be very curious."

"As for the items...One is already in our possession, the other is possibly in our possession. Both are powerful artifacts and many people are very anxious to get their hands on them. It may draw him out, but I doubt he would come alone. He doesn't seem the type to leave his allies at home."

She turns to the guildmaster, "Would we have to travel overland to get to where your son is? I hesitate to undertake a long journey at this time. I will only become more pregnant in the next 4 months and it will begin to impede my ability to move quickly."

Tar Palantir
2008-01-24, 05:42 PM
Silme looks at Tamis with mild interest, then says, "After the last bit of news we had, this isn't all that shocking. To be frank, the news of my father's sword is the first thing to shock me in a decade."

2008-01-25, 12:31 AM

Hiram studies Tamis. "Why did you let them do this to you?"

To Arha he says, "We don't have to kill Ibis if you don't want to. We just have to keep her away from the body until we can sequester the soul. You still haven't explained what you don't like about the plan. I'd like to know so that I may devise a better one."

2008-01-25, 01:01 AM
Arha feels like she's about to lose her temper, she isn't the most patient pregnant woman and just as she got rid of Olania and her damned ribbons, she gains these people. She turns to Sharon with a 'You deal with them, I simply don't have the patience', kind of look.

2008-01-25, 01:24 AM

"Your plan is too complicated," Sharon says again, speaking up for her friend. "And it chooses a number of extra targets and involves far more people than just the seven of us. Do you really want to try trusting a series of whores and hirelings for something so important? In addition, you don't seem willing to accept that we have connections that will be of benefit, either in luring him out, or setting us up on the inside to pave the way for you. Which makes it appear you don't trust us. Seems strange, doesn't it? Choosing to trust random hirelings over those the guildmaster specifically requested you work with. Arha presented you with two options that you could use to build a plan off of. We can try to lure him out, or we can try to work from the inside. Why not pick one, and build your plan off of it?"

2008-01-25, 01:58 PM

Hiram is the soul of patience. "You misunderstand. I have outlined how to kill him once he is exposed. I count on you to draw him out."

"As to the complexity, I didn't choose elements at random. Each is to circumvent likely defenses. We would simplify at our own risk. Any hirelings we use would be for misdirection only. I would hire them untraceably and would certainly not inform them of our mission. They cost us nothing and may grant an edge."

"As I stated, I don't like the idea of you becoming double agents. If anything went wrong, we wouldn't know it. So I take it you will use your connections, your trinkets, and your obvious charms to draw him out. What can I do to help?"

2008-01-25, 02:23 PM

Lady ibis knows us well, and had put trust in us. She even asked us to try to find Nerise and her husband. They are most likely dead, but noone knows for sure. If we bring informations, our intetns will be undetectable, and I'm sure that any news we will bring would cause some chaos we could use.

Elaborate planning is good, but I have some experience, and it never works.

He combs his hair with fingers. There are a lot of grey, silvery strokes in it, much more his age would indicate. He looks like he's in his late thirties, judging by his appereance.

Master, do you have some information about Nerise? Also, I would suggest leaving this trinket here. I've heard Jadis is very interested in this item, and that would draw way too much attention and fireballs upon us. I am the proof that one cannot keep an artifact for an extended period of time when amongst such great forces.

Sonny shamefully lookos at the floor, thinking on the loss of an artifact. Sharon and Arha remember the broken mirror of Freya. Even Sonny gave it to the Asgardian church back, he kept a fragment, and made an amulet out of it, which he wears around his neck. Kithas probably doesn't notice the nonmagical necklace, and even if he did, it's impossible to know it's origin without a vast knowledge on Asgardian churches.

2008-01-25, 03:46 PM
Vito looks to Hiram seriously, "You wiping out that Tinker Gnome Factory was very important. They had AND have major plans to combat our slave-trade here in Kandor. I thank you for you actions there."

When Tamis shows herself, Vito's eyes give a little glimpse of surprise, and mutters something about, needing to speak with his wizards.

Vito shakes his head in response to Sharon's question, "No, my son is here in Galorine. Right now. Though he moves around a lot. His main mansion is in the East of Kandor."

OOC- Megna is a city in distant Kingdom of Zhe. Galorine is here in Kandor.

Vito looks at Arha's 'condition', and nods, "Let me get the wizards on this. I'll make sure they do something about that. At least maybe they can talk to someone."

Vito sniffs in annoyance when Ibis is mentioned as looking for Nerise and her brother, "Don't think about that act. Lady Ibis is just looking for a way to gain power. Her brother was her only friend over there in Zhe. She needed him to gain power. As to Lady Nerise, she is in the King of Kandor's Seraglio. Part of his 'Daughter's-of-Maura' collection. I am sure for the right price you can spend a night with her." He is amused, and seems to care little for the fate of this good noble.

"As to leaving your trinkets here, I'll gladly look after them. But, I don't know of what use mighty artifacts are collecting dust. If they break... well, the gods used them for their purpose I guess. If you want, I'll purchase them from you..." He says with a toothy charming smile.

Tar Palantir
2008-01-25, 08:40 PM
Silme reluctantly speaks up, "I agree with Sharon. We should try to keep the plan as simple as possible. Get some general all-purpose escape prevention equipment and spells. We could pitch in some money for scrolls of antimagic to prevent any magical escape, and I assure you that I could handle him once his spells were stripped away."

2008-01-25, 11:10 PM

"Thank you, Silme. I can dispel most anything that might be active. And, no offense, guildmaster, but I'd prefer we keep our trinkets with us. Having him here will make things immensely easier."

2008-01-26, 12:32 AM

"It was my pleasure guildmaster. It is important to swat down those who would upset the order of things."

He gives the others a few minutes to talk about spells and tactics before offering any more opinions.

2008-01-26, 02:25 AM
Those who aren't aware, will be reminded that they have a suite in the underworld. A little apartment guarded by the guildmaster's wizards.

Vito looks tired, and ready to move on. He is a busy man, but welcomes you back should you choose to leave for now. He will send an agent to give you any info, and updates that he can provide. And he'll summon this man to officially introduce him now if you want. This agent will not be part of this 'assassination' plan, but merely relaying info, in whatever form is needed. VIto thinks it best that he has nothing to do with this, and is in fact not even telling his own assassin guild.

2008-01-26, 06:27 AM

Noticing that their master is tired, Sonny steps back, and follows the summoned man.

We'll get back to this planning tomorrow morning; we don't want to annoy our master with the petty details, and our misundersandings.

Sonny bows before Vito and follows the agent out of the master's chamber.

2008-01-26, 10:39 AM
Arha nods agreement with Sonny, "I am tired as well, and could use a rest." She follows Sonny out of the room.

2008-01-26, 11:17 AM

"Perhaps it's better if we do pick this up in the morning. But I don't think we should delay too long. Still, it's been a very long day for the three of us."

2008-01-26, 11:25 AM

"Very well sssee you all in the morning.

Ssstill I'm not all that bothered whichh we do."

With this she will pull the cowl back up about her head stride out and slip into the shadows vanishing from view.

Tar Palantir
2008-01-26, 12:01 PM
Silme nods his agreement, then leaves the room to retire to his quarters.

2008-01-26, 07:04 PM

"Very well. Choose your spells carefully. Tomorrow could be the day."

2008-01-27, 01:35 AM
Vito looks forward to your morning meeting, and will give you run of a nearby guildhouse, which can act as a private meeting hall for your group. Vito can't guarantee privacy there, but he tries to keep his wizards' eyes on it.

OOC- For now I will allow your PCs to go about their business... :smallcool:

2008-01-27, 01:38 AM

Once the group disbands for the evening, Sharon (and presumably Arha, but I won't speak for her) joins Sonny in his room. "Let's get this chest open, shall we?"

2008-01-27, 04:01 AM

Very Well. - replies the thug, and places the chest on the floor. He inspects if there are any elaborate locks or traps on it, and then proceeds to open it.


2008-01-27, 12:54 PM
Arha is most certainly there. She followed Sonny out of the room. Although she would prefer to cast Detect Magic on the trunk and check the trunk itself for magic.

2008-01-27, 01:08 PM
The former artifact hunters will adjoin to Sonny's room and secretly open their chest.

The rest of you go about your business...

Tamis has a brief encounter in the shadows....

2008-01-28, 11:27 AM
So what do we do from now :D?

If nothing Tamis may get bored and randomly kill things :smallyuk:

2008-01-28, 11:48 AM
We spend the morning planning our errand.

Ideally Vito III's network of spies can relay news of a public appearance of Vito IV, such as at a restaurant, brothel, or theater. We get there and go to work.

If the spies fail us, we can try to create an opportunity via social engineering, or we attack his primary residence. I really don't want to try that last one.

2008-01-28, 11:53 AM
Sharon will make a quick stop through the guild markets before meeting with everyone. (Still 10% discount off of DMG prices, Blue?)

2008-01-28, 05:02 PM
Hiram (Blue, let me know if I'm jumping the gun.)

In the morning, Hiram invites the others to his quarters.

"I was up late worrying about operational security. Assuming neither of you," he address Arha and Sharon, "have prepared Detect Scrying, I will now look for magical sensors, and I invite any of you to do the same. When we are ready to deploy, I would like to use Status to keep track of our movements. Do the ladies use Message?"

Hiram casts and then carefully examines the room.

"Now then, I would like to use the guildmaster's spy apparatus to locate the target for us in some public place. I'm not sure how to ask without revealing more about our mission than I want them to know. I would like to know how the target travels about the city. We might ambush him as he returns to his mansion."

"Who has put more thought into the tactical execution of our mission?"

Detect Magic.

2008-01-28, 06:45 PM

"The target rarely goes out in public. He prefers to stay behind his protections."

2008-01-28, 11:57 PM

Hiram looks at Arha for a moment. "Uh-huh. Anything else?"

2008-01-29, 12:02 AM

"If you can possibly wait til I'm rid of this extra baggage..... Then I and Sharon can go out and be seen in the city, work around to meeting up with him, it shouldn't be that hard for Sharon to get noticed...."

2008-01-29, 12:15 AM

"We could start laying the groundwork now. I could take a stroll or two around town. Perhaps Hiram or Silme would be willing to accompany me. Get some notice. Appearing a few days later with Arha in tow would certainly make Vito four take notice. Could be a way to get in his presence with little to no fuss."

2008-01-29, 12:16 AM

"If you can possibly wait til I'm rid of this extra baggage"
"Do you mean months from now, or are you going to let the guildmaster's wizards 'take care of it' for you?"

2008-01-29, 12:19 AM

"The only thing I care about concerning this," her hands cover her pregnant belly, "Is delivering it safely, that's all. If the wizards can move it along? I'm all for it."

2008-01-29, 12:28 AM

"Safely. Right."

"Not that you aren't both attractive, but I thought he had tired of women. Or it that why you want to bring me along?"

2008-01-29, 12:37 AM

"Quite frankly, if he can ignore Sharon and I together, I would be very surprised. Even if he does, I will contact him, using my methods. I also suggest when we're ready, that we move out of here and into nice accommodations in the city. It'll be less obvious that we're connected to anybody outside of our own group. To be coming and going from here, no matter where the entrance/exit is, it will be obvious that we're not staying in the city, unless the guild has an entrance/exit directly in a hotel. And even then, we still would need a room to be legitimately there."

2008-01-29, 12:52 PM

"Please elaborate on 'your methods,' and the gambit you'll use to draw him out."

2008-01-29, 01:13 PM
In response, Arha twists her wrist, shaking her bracelets. "One of these was given to me by him. Specifically for contacting him and Lady Ibis."

2008-01-29, 02:45 PM

Hiram nods. "And the gambit?"

2008-01-29, 05:15 PM

The large man just sighs when the others still have doubts about their connections. He lets the girls explaining the situation, and stays in the background.

During the day, Sonny will also quickly visit the city to do some shoppings.

2008-01-29, 06:13 PM

Next morning the young Tamis comes bouncing up and meets the others,

Smiling to Sonny and nodding to the rest she announces

"I hope we have a plan now, otherwissse im incredibly bored and might have to find waysss to have fun."

2008-01-29, 06:20 PM
Arha manages to rein in her temper. She doesn't like telling unknown people every single little thing about herself. "Because he wants something that we now have! That's why. And, No, I don't feel the urge to expose myself anymore to you."

2008-01-29, 06:50 PM

Like information on a certain assassination plot... Hiram keeps his gaze stoney. "I had hoped your outburst last night could be attributed to fatigue. You need to keep secrets? Fine. I think we're done here."

2008-01-29, 07:18 PM
Arha feels like stabbing him a few times... it's always so satisfying to feel the blood run over her hands and watch their eyes as they dim into death. Or....she'd like a really handsome man in her bed, that would be equally satisfying... Considering that the first one isn't going to happen quite yet, she thinks she'll go in search of the second one. She has enough money to get what she wants. All of this flashes through her eyes and she gets really close to Hiram.

"I do not like you, I do not like what you think of me, I do not like what I see in your eyes. I can see it, you think I am untrustworthy, I think the exact same thing of you. I am not patient, I am not happy being pregnant. I know we've been brought here to complete this task, kill off this man's son. I would kill my own if I had the choice, but I DO NOT!" Her hands are clenched by her side, her nails drawing blood from her palms, "After I am rid of this burden, After that..."

Arha turns, she unclenches her fists, looks at her hands, the sight in some odd way calms her, she licks her palms clean, taking her own sweet time.

2008-01-29, 07:31 PM

Sharon wraps an arm around Arha as the stress starts to get to her. "He wants me. More specifically he wants some information I happen to know. Happy now?"

2008-01-29, 07:46 PM
Arha turns to Sharon and puts one arm around her waist. She leans against her, resting her cheek on Sharon's shoulder, her face towards her neck. Her hair obscuring her expression. The contact further calms her.

2008-01-29, 07:52 PM

"While I don't know what this information is, nor do I care at the moment, you could make the request to meet him somewhere off his own grounds. That would bring him outside of at least part of his protections."

Kithas gives a look to Ahra and Sharon. "You could even claim that you're being courted for that information by other parties, so you don't wish to tip your hand by going into his sanctuary. Or something to that effect."

Tar Palantir
2008-01-29, 08:24 PM
Silme wakes early, and joins the group as they begin their planning. The endless political machinations and mistrust between the two groups quickly bore him, then irritate him, then anger him. Finally, he says, "We need to get all of this mistrust and suspicion out of the way now. If we work together, then I watch your back, and I expect you to watch mine. But if you don't give us everything you know that can help, then we can't help you succeed. We were brought together so we could work together. So no more secrets, alright? We tell you everything, you tell us everything, and when we're done with this, you go your way, we go ours, and I regain my father's sword and enjoy a well-earned retirement out in the middle of nowhere. Fair enough?"

2008-01-30, 12:35 AM

Hiram holds eye contact as Arha approaches. He inhales, and his face flushes. When she turns away he continues to stand silently. Finally, he shakes his head.

"Happy? No. I don't enjoy making enemies. I am, though, nearly satisfied."

Hiram thinks while Kithas and Silme speak.

"I am not interested in the secret. Not if the price is all of mine. I only care how its nature affects our planning. Wait. If you have a secure channel of communication, and the thing he wants is information, why is a meeting necessary?"

2008-01-30, 01:05 AM

"Arha has the means of communication, and I have the information. I've not had any trouble thus far, gaining audience with someone noteworthy. Which brings me to another point. Any plan that will bring him to us will not bring him out past his protections. To get past his protections we need to be inside them. An open invitation inside will get us past most everything. It's like a beehive. The wasp seeking entrance faces the combined might of the hive, but once inside, it's largely ignored. All the bees assume it's supposed to be there."

2008-01-30, 12:01 PM

Lost in her own thoughts she snaps back to reality as the others finish talking and says in a low whisper,

"Arha, you ever threaten Hiram again like that, for whatever reassson and I will kill you before you know what hit you. And I really don't want to do that, becaussse you sssseem to be alright asss a persson. I agree with Sssilme, get it our of your sssyssstem now, before it getsss painful and boring for all of usss."

2008-01-30, 12:35 PM

The sorceress's eyes narrow as the elf speaks. "'I don't like you. I don't like what you think of me and I don't trust you' is a threat? Get over yourselves, people. We're supposed to kill this Vito, not each other. Hiram has hounded us since we arrived about our secrets, yet he chooses to reveal little of himself or of the rest of you. If there's a party among us with a grievance, it's the three of us, not the four of you. I suggest you calm down, Tamis and get a little perspective. My suggestion still stands. We make arrangements to be let in past his defenses to meet with him, not try to lure him outside somewhere. He'll be more at ease in his territory and less on guard."

2008-01-30, 01:26 PM

Arha tenses up for a moment before she relaxes again against Sharon. She's glad her face is hidden from Tamis. She knows that they more or less need to get along, but she doesn't like the process of getting to know the other group and is impatient and irritable. She whispers into Sharon's ear, her breath light against her skin. "Yes, but we need to get a place in the city first and even before that...I need to have this child. It'll be so much better after that is over with."

2008-01-30, 01:56 PM

"I believe there was an implied threat," says Hiram, nodding to Tamis.

"I'm sorry if you feel I've wronged you, but if you were a little more forthcoming, I wouldn't have felt the need to beat it out of you. Figuratively speaking. I have no personal interest in this mess except ending it with him dead and me alive. Entering his stronghold might assist in the former, but makes the latter unlikely. Your reticence was an obstacle to both."

"You believe he will be more vulnerable in his stronghold. I believe that in town he'll only have a fraction of his defenses available. Some are not mobile. Some will remain behind to protect his assets. If we can't have a consensus, lets find the majority opinion."

2008-01-30, 02:25 PM

"And then what?" she asks Hiram, clearly frustrated with his intransigence. "By going to him, I can have him naked as the day he was born, at which point, sliding a dagger into his heart should be easy. How do you propose to kill him in a public location with his guards and whatever else he brings along?"

2008-01-30, 02:50 PM

Enough of this childish behaviour! - Sonny's voice is harsh and loud, filling the entire room - It is my job to threaten people, so you please be quiet.

He waits for a moment, then continues.

Now, it is much better, isn't it? Since we are too well known to even consider sneaking around, we must do the first part face to face. We can get to the inner sanctum of Vito and Ibis easily. We have news that might interest him. If we mention that we visited Nightengale, and we have some magic horn with us, it will surely be sufficient. If someone could make a false magical horn, it's all the better. We can even lure him out, and set up a trap. You four can either come with us, or wait at the ambush.

Sonny looks at the other four members, and explains some things.

I suppose you haven't heard about the mercenary gang often referred as the 'artifact hunters'. But it is well-known in the noble circles, and most of them seek our company so they could put their hands upon a shiny artifact of some kind. Defeating dragons, vampires, mind falyers, drows and demons gets one's name pretty known. Altough I don't know about gnomes, I haven't tried that.

It is not a secret, most of the elite class knows it already, and were you not playing in gnome tunnels, you would have heard about us as well, I believe. You can keep your secrets if you wish, I don't think we would find it interesting, though.

And since no other noteworthy plan has been told, we will go by this, and if fail, we try to work with Sharon's khm... abilities. We do the talking, you wait for the opportunity. Clear?

Sonny's voice is very confident as he tries to get the group together. He's not intimidating anyone directly, but it feels like he's already made his statement, and he's not going to discuss it with anyone.

2008-01-30, 02:52 PM

"Dropping him a firssst time in public may be no problem at all. Watch the object over there."

She will point to an object about 100 yards distant, be it a tree bush bench chair anything.

She will check first to make sure that they are alone, then Blue you know what's gonna happen here.

Tamis steps back into a shadow unslinging her bow as she goes. Knocking an arrow, she vanishes and from 50 feet across the way on the right you see you arrows streaking fire fly into the object then barely 6 seconds later another 2 join it from roughly 100 feet in the opposite direction.

Tamis then steps out of a shadow behind the group.

"Now you know all my sssecretsss. And possssibbly why i don't trussst any of you."

2008-01-30, 05:45 PM

Hiram steps to a drawer and from in produces a signal horn. He tosses it to Sonny. "Yes. Draw him out. It's all I've asked for."

2008-01-30, 06:07 PM

The large man bows when Tamis performes her skills in steath and archery.

Good move, lass. But I doubt it will be suffiecient against Vito, who is said to dwell in the shadows as well. Also, if you take my advice: be careful about insulting people who are more powerful than you are.

She gestures towards Arha as he speaks.

But again, you're a talented girl. The shadow world is a dangerous business, and you can handle it well. Just be careful, lass.

Ah, ladies, don't you happen to have access for strong light spells? I remember shadow entities don't like that.

He sports a dry smile, then he turns to Hiram.

We will do what is possible. Just be ready when he'll come out. He's greedy, and most likely he'll attempt to get the horn without payment, if you know what I mean.

2008-01-30, 07:51 PM

"Now that that's settled, those of you who know him, what can he do?"

2008-01-30, 10:06 PM
Arha, now composed, turns and stands next to Sharon. She replies...

"I met him when I was working with and for Lady Ibis. They gave me this bracelet in the event we found any artifacts. I can contact him using the bracelet. I know Vito IV wants anything associated with Loki. I am also quite sure he would love to meet Sharon.

"Vito IV prefers to put himself above others, he thinks nothing of stepping on anyone in his way. He wants the best of everything and he prefers to stay out of the public eye. He wore black greasy chainmail when I saw him and had a few of the mannerisms of a professional thief. I do not know his exact abilities, he didn't demonstrate them to me."

"I am pretty sure that Sharon and I, and possibly Sonny can get in to see him. I wouldn't try to get anyone else in with me. Sonny's suggestion of saying we have the horn outside the city is a good one, and he may fall for it, but I would not guarantee that he will. He may demand a hostage. In that case I will volunteer myself. I know I can get out of most buildings."

"I expect he will be very hard to draw out, and hard to kill. To me, the first step should be meeting with him. To do that, I need to be done with being pregnant, as I have already stated. And the group as a whole, needs to properly enter the city where he is and be seen. And then seek an audience with him via the bracelet."

2008-01-31, 12:18 AM

"There's something bothering me about the setup, let me think about it while you're getting," you waves towards her belly, "taken care of."

"He has greasy armor. That means he doesn't like to be handled, and the defense he's chosen is to wriggle free. That would keep him busy. If he's going to try a double cross, he'll bring some muscle with him, but no so much as to spook you. If they are few, well, I'd like to see your dominate in action."

2008-02-01, 11:55 PM
Both priests will have heard of a group of Asgardian Artifact Hunters, this search was known for some time. Those who looked for artifacts differed, but this practice has been going on for years in this mostly 'good' organization. Vito IV, is high priest of Loki, the mischievous and sometimes evil god of the Asgardian pantheon.
The nine hells and the priests of power dislike most of this Asgardian organization. There is secret war with most of these priests. Loki has been the one unfortunate Asgardian ally to the guild with any strength of force.

Within a day, Arha's 'situation' will be 'taken care of'. Sharon and she will disappear for about a day, and Tamis will get the same warning from the incubus to keep away, regardless of what the evil shadow-elf does.
{Sharon and Arha will be secretly informed of Tamis' attempt to follow them in shadow form the night before.}
The one thing you will notice is that the gold streaks in Sharon's red hair will now turn black. {OOC- Though she will be able to magically {or unmagically} dye this back, and in that case, I'll erase this bit...:smallcool: }

As to the spy network, Hiram will get a report that Vito IV is now vacationing in Port Carmen. A sort of jungle resort island, that is mostly wild-lands.
A few of you may have passed through here when going to the Yuanese lands or even the open sea. It is an in between point for the orc islands to the south and the vast lands of the Yuan Empire to the Southwest.
Some nobles go hunting at Port Carmen.

Likely, the Fourth was visiting the secret temple of Loki there. The priests of Asmodeus and Power often had access to the Guild's spy network before even Vito the Third himself. This is the case of this secret temple of Loki near Port Carmen City on the north side of the isle. Both Hiram and Kithas will get this information shortly after they discover Arha's lack of baby now.

2008-02-02, 01:22 PM

Hiram delivers a bouquet to Arha's room. He watches her expression to make sure it's the right thing to say before he says, "Congratulations. Are you well?"

2008-02-02, 01:45 PM

Arha is...uh...quite surprised by the bouquet, but she accepts it.

"Yes, I'm fine, feeling much better now," and much nicer... She seems to be completely healed up and looks around for somewhere to put the bouquet. Finally she finds some kind of container and puts it in a prominent place.

"Thank you for the flowers, they are very nice," as she turns to look at Hiram again.

2008-02-02, 11:30 PM

"Though we dwell beneath the surface, we do not deny ourselves pleasures from above. Loved ones may be distant, but brothers in arms can provide comfort of a kind. We may be violent, nasty people, but there's no need to be uncivilized. I'm glad you're feeling better."

2008-02-03, 12:14 AM

She looks down at the ground, her voice is soft, "Thank you for your concern about my health and I apologize for my previous behavior. I did not like being pregnant, it did not sit well with me and it made me irritable."

2008-02-03, 03:15 AM
The priests will find that this is a busy day for the various temples of the guild. Many of the lesser priests were being called about the empire for various clerical tasks.

The guild was also buying out as many priests as possible. The wizards were already picked out by the varying sides.

The nobles' wars are very confusing.

2008-02-03, 05:40 PM

She will mill around generally for a few hours till nightfall decide she is very bored and needs something to do and will go looking for something to play with in the city.

She will wander out into the city in the dark and just go sneaking around taking 20 on her MS and hide rolls {{Results of; 33 and 34 respectivley}} to see what conversations she can overhear.

If anyone spots her she'll swap forms and jump away, you know the drill Blue. :)

2008-02-03, 11:31 PM

"We're all high strung. I was wrong to treat you as an obstacle rather than a as team mate. It doesn't help that forcefully merging our groups was a tacit accusation that neither team could handle the job. In this case, I fear that could be correct. I've done some more digging, and it turns out he is a, perhaps the, high priest of Loki. If we give him a chance to start slinging spells, it will be a rough ride." Hiram stops himself, shaking his head. "I was about to dive into another exposition on tactics.

"He's moved again, by the way. Some jungle island."

2008-02-03, 11:39 PM
Arha looks back up at Hiram, "Yes, he's a high priest of Loki. With enough money we could go on vacation? We don't want him to move again, we might have more difficulty finding him."

2008-02-04, 11:07 AM

"We always have, you know," he says, gesturing to her wrist. "Still, we might want to try it once the hard way, and if we miss, we've still got that to draw him out again. Would you arrange the teleport (unless you think I'd have more pull with the wizards)? I'll see about getting an advance from the Guildmaster."

2008-02-04, 12:13 PM

"Yes, I can see about teleporting. Although some areas are very chancy to teleport into lately. Although... I'd prefer to arrive at the island the way most people do, whether that's by boat or teleportation. We don't want that Vito tracing us back to this Vito."

2008-02-04, 10:14 PM
Tamis can go seemingly undetected throughout the city. It is very advanced, and most buildings can be accessed. However, anything of value in Galorine is guarded by wizards, priests, or other powerful magics. One seems more to live in decadence in this city, heavily populated by slaves of varying races. Tamis can overhear a lot of tales... anything she is particularly interested in. Vito? Treasure? Other...?

Vito III will be pleased with any meeting Arha and Hiram set up, and will arrange wizard-transport to Port Carmen under Hiram direction if needed.

Vito III will also mention to anyone interested that many slaves are available if any experimentation is needed. He is aware wizards and priests like disposable henchman. Anything that is not human will cost you, but there are countless humans that Vito III will donate to your cause. He has no qualms with this business.

2008-02-05, 12:45 PM

Hearing lots of tales she'll continue to skulk about, doing what she does best with the same contingency ready as before specifically listening out for tales of;

How hard an incubus is (oh she hates that thing now :P)
And whether someone has come across anything particularly valuable OR shiny OR both and has less than adequate protection.

2008-02-06, 01:03 AM
Tamis will see the incubus she met in the shadow world is no ordinary incubus, and likely is a powerful demonlord of some sort.

As to travel to Port Carmen, on an appointed day by Arha or Hiram, a wizard will be set-up to teleport you to the jungle isle. There will be a contact in Port Carmen City, if and when needed.

2008-02-06, 11:56 AM

After their conversation is over and all the arrangements made, Arha is ready to go...

2008-02-06, 10:07 PM
The wizard you meet is yet another shady looking bearded man that wears his dark hood up, and you can't see his face. The numbers of wizards in this kingdom may astound some. This one says his name is Thuilner.

The plan will be to drop you all near a village of Huanglim, that is a sort of suburb of Port Carmen City. Popping into the city is too risky.

When all are gathered, prepared, and ready, Vito III will gather with you in his secret chambers and wish you well. Not much is said, unless you want to speak to him, at this point he feels the group has a better idea than his... and he can't really be connected to this whole assassination.

The wizard brought you in close. He didn't like it, but did so, as per spell requirement. Where you appear is quite uncomfortable.

It is muggy and hot, and it seems to be morning, giving a hint to you all that it might only get more uncomfortable.

You have appeared in a circle which looks cleared, and blocked by many large dropping trees. Tamis will notice that the area also has strange markings hidden low on the trees. Probably to mark this area for wizard-transport.

The wizard says no good-bye, and will pop away 6 seconds later with another cast teleport. He probably made some people's yearly wage for this jaunt.

There is a village through the trees that can be seen, and the wizard briefly pointed a vague direction to the city, but other than that you are in dense jungle, with a village in the distance that can be seen through the trees.

2008-02-06, 10:19 PM

As they teleport into the hot mugginess...she's really glad she's no longer pregnant. Mugginess just makes it so much worse. Arha looks around the glade they're in, looking for the best place to leave and get heading out towards the city.

2008-02-06, 10:54 PM
The clearing towards the village has a trail, and heads off in the direction that the wizard pointed when referring to the city. The citizens of this community, who are mostly grass skirt or naked people living a sort of communal life, are of Yuanese stock, but look nothing like many of the city dwelling Yuanese that you might encounter in diverse city's like the Kingdom of Zhe or Port Carmen, both former provinces of the Yuan empire.

2008-02-07, 02:03 AM

The large man is a bit hesitant when it comes to enter the teleport gate, but he does it nontheless.

Now I remember why I like tropical islands! - says Sonny, wiping the first drops of sweat from his face.

To the village, then. Be careful with naked amazons Hiram, they like to jump on the fancy boys! - he notes, then starts towards the direction of the village.

Tar Palantir
2008-02-07, 06:15 AM
Silme sighs, happy to finally be back in the action. There was a reason he had been moving continuously for years, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself. He keeps his sword loose in the sheath, and walks alongside the others, the epitomy of stoic silence.

2008-02-07, 09:33 AM

Arha prefers to walk near the middle of the group near Sharon.

2008-02-07, 09:18 PM
The simple village has some implements of the city, but it is clear the city folk in this land do little travel outside of the city wall. Most travel about the isle is done by ship, as passing through the center jungle is considered hazardous to your health.

The village people are frightened of you and will hide in their straw and grass huts when you pass. Other than this you will get no interference from them, and can continue on to the walled city with no problem.

Within a couple hours you will see the stone walls of the city and a palace in the distance. There is heavy imperial guard on the city gate. Hiram should have no problem using his Brahmin caste rank to pass here.

They have not seen you yet. The advanced imperial city is quite a contrast to the primitive village that you passed not long before.

2008-02-08, 12:42 AM
Hiram is concerned that any reasonable spy network would reveal him to be a creature of Vito III. Therefore, once the wizard has gone, he takes on a warrior's guise. The holy symbol is tucked away and his tabard and eyes are changed to green. He gives himself a distinctive scar on his chin.

"Until our 'vacation' is done, call me Tubol."

As they reach the city, Hiram makes to simply walk past the guard. He has forgotten, perhaps, the benefits that accompany is true rank.

2008-02-08, 03:54 AM

The large thug, on the other hand, doesn't try to disguise himself. He marches in the front, next to Hiram, and doesn't stops at the gate as well.

2008-02-08, 08:27 AM
With a nod to Hiram, Kithas' form also shifts into that of a human. He leaves his holy symbol around his neck though.

Tar Palantir
2008-02-08, 09:37 AM
Silme, without the benefit of magical disguise, simply pulls the hood of his traveling cloak over his head, looking for all the world like a traveler who did not wish to be delayed and, judging by the sword belted at his waist, one that you did not want to delay.

2008-02-08, 11:50 AM

{{Sorry i couldn't get on yesterday at all for some reason :\}}

Pulling the cowl tight about her face she will follow the group around 30 foot behind, keeping a sharp eye out for anyone following them. She will follow their lead when they get to the gates and say quietly when out of ear shot of everyone

"I don't want to really talk to any but you four. Ssssome might think my hissss is becaussssee im a lizzard or ssssomething."

2008-02-08, 11:50 PM

"A wise idea, Tamis. If anyone bothers you, we'll tell them you're mute."

2008-02-09, 12:39 AM
The city gate is closed here, and a black armored priest of Tiamat looks down at those approaching. He quickly opens the gate with a wave. On the other side of this heavy wooden portcullis awaits the cobbled city streets. This area is clearly a military district, and another black-scale armored priest greets you, surrounded by 10 soldiers in green-red imperial armor.

His helmet of a black dragon covers his face. "What brings these jungle travelers to Port Carmen? The paradise city." He seems very smooth and creepy, as if he is trying to charm you, but it pales to anything Hiram, Arha, or Sharon could pull. He definitely looks to these 3 when addressing the odd group, looking rudely past Sonny.

OOC- Kithas will lurk in the back of the group, muttering something about a possible meeting with his temple superiors...

2008-02-09, 01:30 AM

Hiram is about to reply when he realizes it's not his place. Stupid disguise. He looks at the ladies and the 'human' priest.

2008-02-09, 08:23 AM

Kithas steps forward, frowning at the guards. "Business, and pleasure for my companions. I need to speak with my superiors in the church, and these here have guided me to the city, so I am going to allow them time to relax here while I am here."

2008-02-09, 10:21 AM

Sonny is not even bothered by the priest looking over him. He got used to it. He just stops, and starts cleaning his fingernails, like if the conversation wouldn't really interest him at all.

Tar Palantir
2008-02-09, 11:17 AM
Silme stands silent, the hood drawn cloes over his face, his fingers drumming on the pommel of his sword, as if daring the guard to challenge them. Sometimes subtlety worked best, sometimes less-than-subtle methods of persuasion.

2008-02-09, 12:35 PM
Arha smiles and smooths down the front of her dress.

2008-02-09, 09:07 PM
The priest of Tiamat looks at Kithas with disdain. But nods to him, "Then I suppose you'll know how to find it then." He seems annoyed that he must respect a fellow cleric, and will ignore the rest of you as you pass. The soldiers however have no problem ogling the 2 red heads as they pass.

Hiram will feel completely looked over, and probably was mistaken for a military officer, by guise and demeanor.

The soldiers let the group pass, but the priest sneers the whole time, mostly studying Kithas.

This city is of mixed cultures, but heavily Yuanese. The buildings here are all of imperial design. The city is very packed, and busy. Your group does open a path as people clear out of your way, even other city-patrols.

The palace of the city is the most beautiful in design. It is light blue, with many thin elven-type minarets high above that house probably the many palace residences. The main keep, was a high and light blue stone tower, the whole of it trimmed in dark blue. The courtyard decorated with blue and silver fauna.

There were great gardens and forests beyond the palace walls in the city, and many colorful areas that disappeared behind the defensive inner walls.

This housed the Archduke Daniel, brother of Ibis and his wife, Crown Princess Arrianna. She being newly selected to be heir to the imperial throne. Her older brother was considered not fit to rule, and is now on the run. {OOC- Several of you would have this info through churches, or your noble contacts... others of you can role-play you know nothing on this.:smallwink: }

The secret temple of Loki is located somewhere in the Market district.

2008-02-09, 09:58 PM
Arha will look around and see what the Inns look like and which one looks ideal for what she wants. (i.e. to make a splash in the right circles...and be noticed)

2008-02-09, 11:42 PM
There is a fine Inn by the palace walls, many merchant-class and nobles not staying at the palace stay here when in Port Carmen. 1 platinum a night for hot-cold water, private bath rooms {in a bath hall}, and several staffed conveniences to make your tropical stay comfortable.
There is even a restaurant with a menu, as opposed to the limited choice of fare at many Inns.

There is a casino here, and even a planar Brothel seems in full swing in this area, where you can get anyone, including certain nobles of this land for the right price. Probably 150 patrons of various humanoid races are here, mostly human, but a few orcish officers and dark dwarven miners play at the card and dice tables. The brothel is run by a strange staff of wizards wearing blue robes.

This is quite a lavish and decorated place called simply 'The Princess' and is dedicated to the imperial princess Arrianna, with tastful, but sexy art everywhere to her. As well, as her with the goddess Hecate in youthful form.

The proprietor is Rekan Falderal, who claims to be 10 times removed from some ancient emperor, but is honored by the local Archduke with this prime spot. He will welcome you all personally as a concierge, dressed in dark blue and brown robes of his family. He is full of gems and jewelry, his staff of blue wizards will watch you if you come here.

He will be quite friendly.

2008-02-10, 12:06 AM
Arha is quite friendly back to Rekan and says to the rest of the group, "I think this looks like the best place to stay."

Back to Rekan, "We'll need 6 rooms unless someone else plans to double up."

2008-02-10, 05:10 AM

The thug does his best to stay in the background. Those who know him from the guild, especially Vito and his men, most likely to remember Sonny as a simple bodyguard or thug, so he behaves like that.

2008-02-10, 11:37 PM

Hiram has trouble enjoying such opulence when he's working, but tries-- for the sake of appearance. He looks to Arha and Sharon to choose how long we'll take to get cleaned up and which amusement we'll sample first.

2008-02-11, 11:39 AM

"I suppose I should visit the princess at some point," Sharon says, a hand reaching up to briefly touch the circlet on her head. "See if what Jadis did can be made permanent."

2008-02-11, 12:13 PM
Rekan will be pleased to offer 6 of his finer rooms. He will get to work immediately on readying them. He is quite busy, but for honored guests arrangements can be made. In the meantime we will send his young attractive wait-staff to distract you. These men and women are clad in dark blue and brown wraps, that are a little revealing at times, but designed to do so.

Rekan's attempt will be to get you relaxed and into a mood that will get you to spend more money in his casino. First round drinks are free, and in the casino area they are all free. He will especially push anyone towards the brothel claiming that the Queen of Kandor was on for the day, or if you prefer, a Prince of Zhe. These are his higher priced 'escorts'.

2008-02-11, 03:21 PM

She is pleased with his efforts (and therefore freely spends some of her gold), but for now she doesn't take him up on the offer of the Queen or Prince. She'll enjoy the drink and then inquire after the private bath rooms. Once she's in one of those, she'll stay there until her room is ready. Sharon is always welcome to come with her into the bathing room.

2008-02-11, 03:57 PM

Sonny stick around the girls for a while, and when they go to the bath, Sonny retires to his own room.

Tar Palantir
2008-02-11, 04:21 PM
Silme quickly grows disgusted by the decadence surrounding him. He had rarely had occassion to enjoy the privileges of his station after the death of his father, and had grown used to going weeks at a time in the wilderness, and little more than a hot meal and a bed when he returned to civilized lands. He quickly retires to his quarters, and when Sonny arrives, he attempts to strike up a conversation with someone more of his nature. He knocks on Sonny's door, and says, "Mind a bit of company?"

2008-02-11, 04:35 PM

C'me in. It's open. - Sonny's room is well lit, and he kept it in order, putting down his stuff neatly. He's still in his travel robes, but he's removed his mithral breastplate already. He is sitting on the floor next to his bed, and practices some kind of meditation.

2008-02-11, 04:49 PM

Seeing the others pair up, Hiram goes to bug Kithas. Hiram pushes back the hair over his right ear and scratches his upper lip*, "First impressions?"

*[roll0] to deliver a secret message: We could be observed, so watch what you say

Tar Palantir
2008-02-11, 04:59 PM
Silme walks in the door and takes his shield off of his back setting it on the floor next to the chair he then sits in. He says, "I'm starting to get sick of all of these rich nobles and whorehouses. I just want to kill this bastard, reclaim my sword, and get away from all of this. Gods, I miss George. He was a gnoll who fought with us against the tinker gnomes. Wasn't terribly subtle, but he was one vicious son of a bitch. The kind of guy you're glad to have at your back. He damn near made it, but the alliance troops and their celestials got him at the very end. We lost six people taking out those damn gnomes, but George's the only one I miss. Maybe it's because he's a lot like me. When I fight, it's me fighting. Not like these priests and wizards, always relying on some higher power to do their dirty work. You've probably seen it, too. They're all saying how their god is all powerful or their magic is so perfect or their righteousness gives them strength, but in the end, it's always guys like you and me pulling them out when they're in over their head."

"And then we come to places like this, and it gets even worse. I bet you ten gold that every goddamn person in this building besides us thinks they're on the top of the heap, and every one of them's wrong. Because there is no top of the heap. It's just everyone dragging each other down until all of them kill each other, and those that live start the whole thing over again." He stops for a minute, aware that he has been more verbose than he intended. "Sorry about that. Just had to get that off my chest. I apologize if I've been impolite."

2008-02-11, 06:09 PM

The giantsized thug burst out in laughter. Whorehouse? This? Man you should have seen what happened in the past few months. It's like a monastery compared to those times.

Funny, I head my shares of these uncivilised folks as well. A halforc barbarianesse, who was shy like a chicken when not swinging her axe. Well, compared to our two sorceresses, she had all reasons to by shy, anyway. And there was a human, who believed himself to be a gnoll, barking at the moon and the like. And then they started dating each other... But it's true, I'd rather guard my back with them then anyone from here. But I like wizards and preachers as well. They're squishy.

Sonny says the last sentence with a wide smile, and by looking at the terrible frame of the man, one could easily imagine how easily he can break the bones of any weak magician. (20 STR, 18 DEX, 16 CON)

Guild business is hard to understand for those who are not involved in it. I've been working for the guild almost 40 years, my whole life, and the recent events are even unclear to me.

The best thing with these gnollfolks is that you cannot insult them by callin' them sons of a bitch. - Sonny adds some words of wisdom at the end, snickering. Sonny's not nearly as well educated as Silme propably is, but he doesn't care about it.

Tar Palantir
2008-02-11, 06:44 PM
Silme smiles and chuckles at Sonny's jokes, then says, "A pig is still a pig, no matter how much you try and pretty it up. And this place is an old fat hog in an evening gown. I'd rather pay a platninum piece for a plain old inn, where you can get a hot meal and a good bed and they don't water down the ale. Now that's the life for me!" He laughs, and then say, "I got a small keg I've been carrying for a little while now. What's say we break her open and have us a round?" He's quickly taking a liking to Sonny, after so much time stuck with the priestly pair and little miss cloak-and-dagger.

2008-02-12, 01:57 AM

But of course! - Sonny accepts the offered ale - But regrettably, I have no drinks in my posession to offer in exchange.

Tar Palantir
2008-02-12, 06:09 AM
Silme brings out the keg and pours them each a drink. He hands one to Sonny, then says, "Then I come to help you in your time of need. I'm sure you'd do the same for me. A toast, then. To the simple pleasures of a simple life!"

2008-02-12, 07:45 AM

To the simple pleasures of a simple life! - repeats Sonny, and takes a sip of his drink.

After the drink, he thanks Silme the drink, and after excusing himself, he finishes his meditation excercises, and prepares to sleep.

2008-02-12, 08:16 AM

Seeing the others pair up, Hiram goes to bug Kithas. Hiram pushes back the hair over his right ear and scratches his upper lip*, "First impressions?"

*[roll0] to deliver a secret message: We could be observed, so watch what you say


"First impressions? It's not bad. Second impressions? It could be better. I think I will need to go check in with the church though, to find out what is going on there."

2008-02-12, 11:46 AM
It is late afternoon by the time you are all settled in, and some of you seem to be retiring early.

Kithas can also find the hidden temple of the Nine Hells, and meet with his superiors....

No official temple exists for Hiram's church of Power, but any good business district usually has a couple of Priests of Power lurking about, running the markets. Hiram could easily find these men, none have the rank he has in the church, and he will be respected by these secretive men.... to his face at least. :smallamused:

Sonny and Silme will find that they are not want for ale, for on the way in many varieties of drink were available here at the Princess. They will be left alone in their room.

Sharon and Arha will find that their private bath comes with a servant girl who will retrieve any powders or soaps, or other things the ladies need. The bath hall is beneath the Inn, and would be under the palace wall, judging by where the underground hall led them.

Rooms are excellent, with actual fine beddings, and not the peasant-class stuffed-straw mats usually found in even the good inns of most towns. The beds are large enough for 3 people, but each of you can have your own room. The walls are thick here, and they are built right up to the palace walls. No windows. It is private and seems very secure. You all have a key to your room.

There is a sink in the room with running water, but the bath area is below, and one of Rekan's staff will guide you if you need to clean up. And a buzzer will summon one of Rekan's handsome staff members, it changes sometimes since some become busy with their dual duties in the brothel. Men and women.

Sharon and Arha will draw a lot of attention from the wealthy patrons here as they head off to the baths together, and while they are gone the topic is nothing but about them. Comments on this rude to classy, those in the casino will hear it all. The ladies are amazingly charismatic. They will begin to realize their sheer presence among most common mortals is staggering to most men and even women.

2008-02-12, 01:23 PM

"Good idea. I'll nose around. If he's going hunting, he may have already arranged a guide, who could be bent."

Hiram isn't going to hook up with the priests unless he needs something. He'll choose another disguise-- something in orange, and ask questions.

He'd like to know about Vito IV. Is he showing up in public places? Has he arranged a safari tour?

2008-02-12, 10:53 PM
Hiram's search for info on Vito the IV will either be met with confusion or cold frightened silent stares. He will have to keep moving, and possibly switch his disguise as he moves through the town or the Inn. He finds that Vito really has no public identity. Those who do know him, don't want to admit it.

A drunk noble will spill to Hiram that Vito IV is a bastard, and completely drained several economies in his quest for power. This noble is a merchant man, and one of the many traders in the city. He knows nothing about Vito being around Port Carmen.

Hiram will have to bump into some peasants in the temple districts of Ra to find that Vito IV is indeed in town. He lets himself be known to the poor. He threatens them with his power, and is already claiming himself the new 'Godfather' of Imperial Business.

Hiram will find he has raised a lot of suspicion in the city with his investigation, and the night watches patrol heavily through the night. All of the patrons of the Princess Inn are undisturbed.

Kithas will be told by his fellow Hell-priests to be 'cool' this evening for there is already eyes watching for trouble.

2008-02-12, 11:18 PM

She enjoys the attention, the looks and plays on it. She wanders through the Princess Inn doing exactly what she feels like. She spends money freely and enjoys herself. She'll take a shopping trip or two outside of the Inn, (in the daylight hours, of course) and she'll ask Sharon and Sonny if they'd like to come with her. By the second evening she's quite happy and settled in to these circumstances.

After the evening hours she finds a private spot and disappears for a few hours.

2008-02-12, 11:23 PM

Sharon enjoys the attention in the inn, perhaps all the more by virtue of the fact that she can draw the attention without indicating herself as available. She listens idly to the conversations of the nobles, looking for hints of anyone who knows Vito.

Tar Palantir
2008-02-13, 06:13 AM
After leaving Sonny, Silme returns to his room and polishes his sword and shield until they gleam like new. He then locks his doors and goes to sleep while he can, before they head back into the field of combat.

2008-02-14, 01:32 PM
The morning after your second night in Port Carmen, a grand parade is announced. {OOC- After Sharon and Arha's night in privacy. The second night, these ladies will not be around the Inn. Hiram will hear they made a planar trip to Kandor after speaking to the blue robed brothel wizards.}

The official crowning ceremony of the Archduchess Arrianna was to be this day. Hiram and Kithas knew that Arrianna had been announced as new heir to the imperial throne, they didn't know of this party. Arrianna's brother was considered unfit. This was the official celebration of her crowning in her personal domain. Hosted by her husband the Archduke Daniel. Imperial parties were lavish spectacles, and should be entertaining, with many venues on the 'plate'. There was likely a after-party at the city's palace.

The former crown prince, Valdis, still lived, and has been hiding for about a year. He is friends with Vito IV, and rumored to be a secret lover of the King of Kandor. {OOC- Bi-sexuality is high among the nobles of the empire, often for the sake of improving one's position.} These 3 rich men are directly against old Vito III, the 'true' Guildmaster.

2008-02-15, 02:10 AM

Taking breakfast, Hiram tries to ignore the acid in his stomach. Looking for someone to complain to, he finds Tamis and Kithas. "This is what I didn't want to happen: The ladies are off on their own doing Gods know what. If they screw it up, we will have no warning before the hammer falls."

"I didn't have much luck with my inquiries, and I may have disturbed the hornets' nest. If we don't have word by this evening, I think we should find some underling priests and persuade them to spill their guts."

2008-02-15, 11:20 AM

Sharon enters the room where Hiram and the others are dining, catching just the tail end of the comments. "With a sword no doubt," she says as she joins them at the table. "I think we may be well served by attending the coronation."

2008-02-15, 11:55 AM

Looking up from her breakfast she sees Sharon and Hiram start to engage in banter, shakes her head and looks away.

"What time isss thisss coronation? And im asssssuming its jusssst to gain information on our quarry."

2008-02-15, 12:39 PM

Arha enters right after Sharon and sits down next to her. She really doesn't have much to say other than to order herself some breakfast. Once it arrives, she picks at it and watches the other members of her group.

2008-02-15, 12:44 PM

Hiram stands as Sharon enters. He watches her cross the room. Is it her or some assassin in disguise? He feels the usual pressure in his chest and somewhat lower. It's her.

Hiram bows formally. "I was worried about you. Any trouble?"

2008-02-15, 01:30 PM

"No, no trouble. Why?" In response to Tamis's question she says, "Well, not *entirely* to gain information, but that is a reason, yes. It's reasonable to expect that he might show up at the celebration and we can get some idea of who he associates with and what sort of defenses he may have."

Tar Palantir
2008-02-15, 04:13 PM
Silme enters the room, sinking into a chair. He says, "Ugh. More politics and rich nobles. Just put a sword in my belly now and be done with it." It is obvious to even the most dimwitted that he does not relish going to the coronation.

2008-02-15, 05:23 PM

Sonny goes after the girls, but he only watches the events from the background.

O'right. We show up in the coronation, and we let Vito know we have a special coronation gift. When he hears about the horn, we can arrange a meeting sometime after the coronation. We can attempt to finish our business there, or at least we can gain some insights of his protections.

Sonny then orders his breakfast, and eats it silently. He's tired of the arguing in the group, so will speak nothing more regarding to the mission.

2008-02-15, 05:34 PM

Arha nods at Sonny's suggestion, "I do think a few of us should go to the coronation. Having everyone show up, only let's them know to much about us. Sharon, Sonny, Tubol (Hiram) and I should attend, making ourselves very visible. Tamis should stay in the shadows as backup, and Silme and Kithas should remain behind as our failsafe in case things go really wrong. What does everyone think of my suggestion?"

2008-02-15, 06:09 PM

"It works for me. How about it Tubol-- feel like playing escort to a baronetess?" she asks with a seductive grin and a light laugh.

2008-02-15, 06:59 PM

Hiram considers for a minute and finally shakes his head. "Better take Sonny. Security would be too tight for me to go like this. I'll see about scrounging up an invitation for my other self and see you there."

Blue, would Hiram be able to get invited through his church? What sort of security would one expect at the corronation? I'm assuming he wouldn't get in the door while under the influence of disguise self.

2008-02-16, 02:09 AM
The palace of Arrianna is hard to get invited to. The parade and city-party will be easy to access, but Arha and Sharon will have to track down Ibis to get in here.
Lady Ibis' half-brother is Arrianna's husband, the Archduke Daniel. Daniel, is of course, a Prince of Zhe. Arha and Sharon will know that the Prince of Zhe in the brothel is his brother. Daniel may not know of this new job for his brother.

The church of Power and the Nine Hells would be actively excluded from the current Archduchess of Port Carmen's home. Tiamat and the draconic orders rule supreme within the imperial halls.

The guild will be able to help some in getting in, Sonny knows where he can get a hold of Vito the Third's people in Port Carmen. Other ways of contacting Lady Ibis are also valid.

OOC- I think a split post might be interesting, if the group wants to investigate the palace AND the city during the coronation. There will be a lot of activity at this time. Arha and Sharon know that palace balls usually allow for a 'date', so 4 to the palace might be doable.

2008-02-16, 08:15 PM
Arha will definitely be interested in getting into the palace, with Sharon and 'dates'. She will inquire/find out the best way to contact Lady Ibis to get them in.

To the rest of the group, "Perhaps Sharon, Sonny, myself and one other for the palace events? The others can mingle in the city?"

((I'm not exactly sure who the fourth should be with the active ban on The church of Power and the Nine Hells inside the Palace))

2008-02-20, 02:47 AM

"Have fun in there. We'll see what we can accomplish while we know the powerful ones are indisposed."

2008-02-21, 01:45 PM

Sonny will visit the guild and tell them to fetch an invitation for him. He bribes or intimidates the local guildmembers to makr this fast. He will attend to the ceremony as the executive manager of Vito & son company, and he will accompany Arha for this event.

A big, ugly, wealthy man with a beautiful young girl at his side. It sounds to be alright for such an event.

2008-03-03, 10:25 PM
OOC- Sorry all! Here's posting.... to those still here.

Dinner: {Hiram, Sonny, Arha, and Sharon}
There is no official ban on any religion, especially if one abides all laws. Though the casting or worship of their deities would be heavily frowned upon. Officially as guests of honored guests there is nothing against Hiram going.

Sonny need only suggest to the lesser members in the remote region and his whims are acted upon. Even the local guildmasters of this city respect the true royalty of the Guild. Vito the First's blood smelled upon a lot of the people of this city. With his heir and power looming as Sonny's Boss, all service was first class as far as Sonny was concerned. Sonny will still find no love from ANY priest he meets.

Messages sent to Sonny are made of scented mint envelopes, and flowery gifts from some wanna-be lady friends of Sonny {other guild-members of some kind-of-repute}.

When you are allowed as guests to the dinner, it is suggested that you take a carriage in.

Sonny's invites are of the highest regard for Arha and Sharon, and will gain a brief audience with the new heir-apparent to the emperor.

A Wizard's Council: {Silme, Tamis,:smallcool: and Kithas}

These 3 are left out of dinner, will find themselves summoned by a powerful spell. If answered, it will take them to their old associate's Merianna's tower. She will have words with them, that involve Vito IV.

2008-03-04, 09:38 AM

Sonny's not concerned about what the priests think of him at all.

He quickly writes back to all who wrote letters to him, in the kindest way to possible; the benevolence of some guild-members of local importance might come very handy soon. He states that he is to visit the celebration with someone appointed from above, altough he doesn't advertise the fact that he was visiting Vito III.

We have the opportunity to talk with them almost privately for a short time. Not good enough to perform our task, but we can mention the Horn and get a more private meeting quickly, I think. - he explains the situation to the others.

2008-03-04, 11:36 AM

"Sounds reasonable to me."

2008-03-04, 12:40 PM

Arha nods, "I agree"

Tar Palantir
2008-03-04, 03:15 PM
Silme feels the magical tugging him towards Merriana's tower. He gives in, allowing the magics to transport him into the tower's chambers.

2008-03-06, 01:07 AM
Dinner with Royalty:
Everything with royalty was lavish, and at the dinner would be many local respected people. This was a near nightly affair, usually attended by the Archduke and/or Archduchess.

The guild will provide a standard carriage, painted black, with standard black-hooded rider that speaks with a strange foreign accent. "Welcome." bows the driver when it is time to go.

Merianna's Tower:
When Silme allows the magical summoning to magically port him from his room to an old arcane lab and observatory. Old Merianna is here, and she looks impatiently about. Then at Silme. "Where's that blasted dwarf? Or that shifty elf. I knew I could count on you. I suppose they'll show up in a minute, but at least some-one should be aware of goings on. While your friends are fraternizing with my cousins, Vito IV plans to 'assert' himself this very night. We of the true wizard-guild believe that he plans to have Princess Arrianna's children slain this very night! Promising Cyril is our master Vito's ace in the hole. At least for the current guildmaster heir's future. Vito the fourth will be the downfall of the whole modern order."

OOC- Hopefully, Kithas and Tamis will pop in on Merianna's tower at some point.

2008-03-06, 07:56 AM

The bodyguard in Sonny would like to check the whole carriage, ask some questions to the driver, nad then go by foot, anyway. But right now he's a businessman, not a guild thug, so he puts his cautious side away, and lets the ladies get inside the cabin first. Before he would jump in after them, he tosses a platinum coin to the driver.

Make it swift and smooth, my boy.

2008-03-06, 05:22 PM

Arha will act the compliant, pretty woman part as Sonny plays his part as the businessman. She'll smile prettily at everyone and cling to Sonny.

2008-03-07, 07:04 PM
Arrianna's Palace:
The night air is hot and humid, and it gets muggy in the carriage. The horses breath unevenly. The outer walls of the palace are tall and graceful, with carved goddess statues into its face. There is no delay of your carriage, and they open the gate without asking for ID.

The road to the palace is up a shaded pathway, and once inside the outer palace walls, the air feels cool and air-conditioned. A soft breeze blows from somewhere.

Merianna's Tower:
{OOC-Tamis and Kithas may be dropped... but Kyroswolf shall be reunited with his HoE buddies.}
Merianna sighes, still hoping the elf and dwarf arrive.
"The lad Cyril will be put to bed about midnight. Enough to toast the strike of the new day. He will be dismissed while the adults continue their... explicit activities. Vito IV will strike there. I cannot go into the towers. They will detect me. And someone like you, Silme, could take out the simple servant-guards of the tower. We must protect the boy-teen. Do you understand?"

Tar Palantir
2008-03-08, 08:16 AM
Silme nods, and says, "Certainly. I'll not allow the boy to come to harm. All I ask in return is that the exact location of my sword be determined by the time Vito IV is dead."

2008-03-08, 12:53 PM

While in the carriage, Sonny starts a conversation just to seem less suspicious. Just in the case the darriage driver was a man of Vito IV.

Do you know where w are going to sit, dear? - he asks Arha. The word 'dear' came out a little awkwardly, but it wasn't really reckognizable - I've heard that maybe we'll sit next to the ambassador from Megna.

2008-03-08, 01:08 PM

Arha is sitting very close to Sonny in the carriage, "I'm sure we'll be in an advantageous spot. Perfect to meet new contacts and make new business connections."

2008-03-08, 01:28 PM

The large man is still embarassed with Arha sitting so close to him, altough they have been travelling together for quite a while by now. Yet, the unearthly beauty of the sorceress is still stunning for the thug.

We'll see... - says Sonny, and his eyes wander off to the outside, looking at the statues on the walls.

2008-03-09, 11:03 PM

Hiram rides in silence. His eyes glitter as he contemplates ballroom politics.

2008-03-20, 12:08 PM

The sorceress practically drapes herself on Hiram as they ride, her baronial circlet polished and glittering in her hair. She carries on idle conversation with her companions as they ride along.

2008-05-09, 06:56 PM
{OOC- Sorry about the delay. I hope all of you are still in. POsts will be atleast weekly, maybe more.}

Arrianna's Palace: {Arha, Sharon, Hiram, and Sonny}

This is palace is amazingly modern, with many fountains, lavish art, all very beautiful, and dedicated to the Feminine.

Many gardens, and gorgeous sculptures and pieces of art cover every wall once the doorman shows you in. The guards try to stay back and inconspicuous to honored guests.

You can tell there is a great event occurring, but then Sharon and Arha will quickly realize that this is probably just a normal dinner in the new crown princess' hall.

Music of a soothing and exciting nature played by minstrels, and an aria was being sung as you entered the great hall. This display was just for the guests, and all look rudely upon the party of four as they enter. The Princess was not here, but many local nobles, and merchant class types sat here, and pay you little heed.

Ibis is here, that raven haired duchess, sexily clad in tight blue dragon scale. She wore a blue-black cape which puffed up, and crested over her head like a dragon. She will invite you to sit at her table near the princess's table at the head of the great dining hall full of old tapestries from Arrianna's ancient family line. Many others are jealous.
The glittering blue eyes of Ibis light up when she sees Sharon, "You look touched by a goddess, Lady Sharon." She will give Arha a respectful bow of her head, but pays little heed to Hiram and Sonny, until she senses something of Hiram.

"I think I know you? Have I met you in Kandor? Perhaps a kin?"

Inside the Palace Grounds: {Silme and possibly also Kyroswolf's new PC}

Merianna was quite disappointed, Kithas and Tamis headed off into the empire, and won't be seen by you all.

Silme is instead teamed with a druid friend, named Kuther Railbottom. He is a rebel druid cast out by the grounds-keeper for shady nature rituals on royal grounds. He knows the area well, and will show Silme around once they are teleported into Arrianna's palace.

Silme arrives with Kuther via Merianna's magic portal. Because of Tamis and Kithas delay and lack of arrival, Silme will arrive at the palace at about the time of a mid-course of the meal. Silme is supposed to meet another agent of Merianna, that is already currently working the grounds of Arrianna at the moment. Unfortuately, when Silme arrives even this person is not here. Silme will be reminded why powerful evil parties often disintiegrate.

Kuther will then lead Silme to a garden near the Dining hall, where hopefully the third party will be.

{OOC- I will now await to see who's in. I shall also check to see if Kyroswolf still wants in. Welcome back to those still in. Do expect delayed posts.}

2008-05-09, 07:48 PM

Sharon smiles seductively at the compliment the duchess gives her. "Thank you, your grace."

2008-05-09, 08:18 PM
Arha smiles and nods graciously at Ibis and although she clings to Sonny, she takes note of who's jealous of where they're sitting and if she knows who they are. If they're sufficiently high enough rank, she'll slip them a suggestive little wink.

She sits in the offered spot and positions herself so she's displayed perfectly and tucks her arm into Sonny's as they wait for the princess to arrive.

2008-05-14, 02:13 PM

The large man's not intrigued by the displays of art. Surely they please the listener or viewer, but he's not here as an agent of an artist foundation. He looks the other people present, if they pose any possible danger. Altough he's quite sure that there are a few invisible wizards in every single room.

He's surprised by Arha's actions first, but then reacts, and tries to act as if not he was accompanying Arha, but the girl was his company for this ceremony.

2008-05-15, 11:26 PM
OOC- Waiting for the others....

Dinner at the Palace:
Ibis is pleased to see the group, and will merely provide small talk about her province, until the princess arrives. When this occurs fanfare erupts, and an entourage arrives. The Archduke Daniel and Archduchess Arrianna have arrived.

They are enchanting to view, with godlike features of beauty and proportion. They are both dressed in red-green-gold the colors of the new Empire. They sit high above everyone else, and look down at all in a calm manner. Daniel has glittering blue eyes, Arrianna's are green emeralds.

Arrianna speaks, addressing her new guests, "I am honored to have representatives of the Trade Guilds at my dinner. Your histories proceed you all and I am pleased at meeting such adventurers." She is formal, but a little stiff as she tries to speak the people's tongue. She has a thick accent due to years speaking a noble tongue.
She even looks to Sonny and gives him the first respectful nod of the evening.

The Archduke Daniel, is kind, handsome, but kind of bland. He sits there mostly and looks pleasant. {Though they say he is a fine military commander.}

Tar Palantir
2008-05-16, 05:16 AM

Silme follows the banished druid to the dining hall, feeling slightly annoyed at the delay. He draws his new sword to take his mind off of it, and he goes through a few practice routines while waiting. It seems a little more well balanced than his previous blade, and it glows with a sinister silvery-blue light. Overall, a fine weapon. He keeps it in his hand, and as an afterthought, brings out his shield as well. He has the feeling that this would be too good of a time and place for an ambush.

2008-05-22, 03:10 AM
Arha curtsies and smiles pleasingly and does her best to look pretty and harmless. She'll let Sonny do all the talking, she's there to look like a pretty ornament on his arm.

2008-06-24, 06:03 PM
OOC- Okay to get us all on the same page, the DM will be fudging this scene to get us all together.

The Night of the Dinner:

This was an amazing meal, and not much personal time with the Duke or Duchess was available. Lady Ibis, from faraway Megna, will have been very much in the face of Arha and Sharon.

Silme and his new friend, Kuther Railbottom, will have made their way through the palace halls to the dining chamber. They will have arrived just in time....
Kuther will spot the lurking shadow-assassins, and scream out, as they are near to attack.

{OOC- We can see how free-form will work on this battle, and also see who returns to play. :smallcool:}

2008-06-24, 10:34 PM

Sharon's immediate response is to cast Shield upon herself.

(Sheet: http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=44)

2008-06-25, 04:21 PM

At the moment of the screaming, Sonny stands up so quickly that his chair falls back. He looks around, looking for danger. His eyes start to shine in a feint green colour, and noone can escape his vision. (Activating Devil's Sight)

( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=5892 )

2008-06-25, 06:34 PM

Arha stands right after Sonny does. She steps back and casts Death Armor on herself. Immediately, a wreath of black flames crackles to life around her. ((anyone attacking her with handheld weapons/body takes 1d4+3 damage))

http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=3368 for Arha

2008-06-26, 12:28 AM
The assassins are actually surprised, and take a moment to react.

Silme hacks at one nearby cutting him badly. The assassins will leap toward their targets when found. They are momentarily delayed, and can't quite reach the archduchess.

2008-06-26, 12:49 AM

If Arha is anywhere close enough, she'll draw her knife of life stealing and leap for the assassin. She'll attempt to sink the knife into his belly and gut him.

Or (if she isn't close enough) get in the way of the assassin, trying to make it impossible for the assassin to get around her without touching her and enabling her to attack the enemy.

If needed (yeah I know freeform, but...if you want the info)
Init [roll0]
attack with dagger: [roll1]
damage with dagger: [roll2]
damage if the assassin touches her or attacks her with a handheld weapon [roll3]

2008-06-26, 10:56 AM

Sharon casts Dominate Person (DC 22 will save) on one of the assassins, ordering him to attack his fellows.

(She has +3 to initiative)

2008-07-02, 07:53 PM
There are several assassins, and Sonny is swift and dispatches one near the duchess; knocking this one out with a classic wrestler arm-on-neck grip, and kick to the kidney to knock the wind out.

These assassin's however are strong in the mind and the one Sharon tries to dominate resists!

Arha and Silme attack one assassin coming from under the table! These assassins literally seem to move in the shadows. This one will retreat before the swinging blades. Those with special sight can see at least some form of an image moving in the shadows on the walls. They are trying to escape.

The duchess troops will leap to action and begin hasting the duke and duchess out of the room. Most of the nobles scream and panic, Lady Ibis only laughs.
"Impressive, warrior! You warned us in the nick of time!" She only kicks back and watches the action take place before her.
No guests have been harmed, maybe 6 assassins flee in shadows. Only one is down, via Sonny's K-O move!

2008-07-03, 11:06 AM
Sharon vents her frustration by flinging a crackling ball of electricity after the fleeing assassins, hoping to perhaps catch one or two of them in its energy. (Fireball, electricity sub, 10d6 damage, reflex save DC 20 for half, range of up to 800 ft.)

2008-07-04, 03:52 PM

Arha drops the knife behind her and casts Enervation at the assassin closest to her.

Range-50ft, Ranged Touch Attack (1d20 5=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1649419/), no saving throw, lost levels (1d4=4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1649420/) additionally, a spellcaster loses one spell or spell slot from the highest available level. Regains lost levels in 10 hours. ((hopefully the assassins aren't undead))

2008-07-06, 06:45 PM
Arha unleashes her enervation ray at the assassin trying to disappear into the shadows under the table. She can hear a strange orcish cry as it screams out. Arha is successful on her drain, but the assassin is literally gone in seconds. This was no inexperienced assassin.

Sharon is also quick, and sees a safe clustering of 3 assassins fleeing into shadows of the duchess' grand hall. Sharon fries 2 of them though one EVADES and disappears likewise into the shadows. The two killed assassins tumble to smoldering heaps after Sharon's spectacular lightning-ball crackles for a moment like Tesla's electirc rod. Black charred tatters of the nearby tapestries rain down upon the felled assassins. Their grey-green burnt skin shows them to be orcs!

Order is met quickly, but the remaining assassins have gotten away.

Many dignitaries and reps of the duke and duchess are gone, but her captain of the guard runs up and bows respectfully before Sharon and Arha.
"Captain Artfa, your honors, I thank you for your aid. The duchess is safely with her mother now, but I suggest you all get to safe places. This palace is compromised." No guests are harmed, just minor damage to some expensive tapestires.

A couple of guests look in disgust at damage, others are looking at the 3 dead assassins that you have before you. Lady Ibis sits calmly enjoying her drink, almost laughing to herself.

2008-07-07, 03:05 PM

As the threat is gone, Sonny makes suer his suit is not damaged, and puts it straight, then sits bakc to the table, helping the ladies with the chair.

I guess they will be taken to a safe place, revived, and interviewed? - he asks noone in particular, altough he is looking towards Ibis.

2008-07-07, 08:33 PM

Sharon stretches languidly as she's addressed by the guard. "What would you suggest is a 'safe' place, Captain? Everywhere seems to be troubled now." She looks to Ibis to see what her reaction is. Seeing her smirking, she crosses the room and settles down next to the woman. "Do you have any suggestions?"

2008-07-07, 09:22 PM

Arha will follow Sharon and sit down on her other side and lean back to listen as she scans the room, watching everything that's happening.

2008-07-09, 07:37 PM
The Captain hears Sonny and hums, "I don't know what much good that'll do. These souls probably got dark guardians on them. I'll be calling the palace-clerics to deal with this alright."

Looking over to Sharon, he sweats a little uncomfortably at her sexiness. "Uhm, not sure rightly... Uhm... I guess you could stay in the guest wing of the palace. The wizards haven't cordoned off that area." He points in the direction that many of the noble guests had gone. "I could take you. Plenty of rooms."
Clearly not even feeling worthy to even look at Sharon, he kicks an imaginary stone on the ground.

2008-08-12, 01:25 PM
Sharon looks over at Ibis. "May we impose on your hospitality, Lady Ibis?"

2008-08-18, 06:02 PM
Ibis is surprised, but pleased with Sharon's comment. "My abode in the kingdom of Zhe... or the private apartment in the Princesss' Palace? Either way, you, Arha, and bodyguard Sonny are all welcome... I've been hoping we had some more 'private' time together. Sonny might be welcome into the chamber this time as well..."
She is clearly smitten with Sharon's stolen fey charm and beauty.

{OOC- Hiram too if he's in...}

2008-08-19, 03:48 AM

Anything to please the ladies! - Sonny answers with a dry laughter, and finishes his wine, and is clearly disappointed to find that a red stain of the wine spoils his robes, which spilt out when he hurriedly got up from the tabble at the assassins arrival.

He looks for another bottle of wine on the table.

20 yers old North Zhean pinot noir would suit you, myladies? - he offers the wine to the ladies present.

2008-08-19, 10:22 AM

"I think we should probably stay in town for the time being, if that's convenient."

2008-08-19, 04:12 PM

Arha will accept a glass of wine with a smile for Sonny's consideration. "Thank you Sonny."

She turns to Sharon, "Yes, I agree, perhaps we should stay a little longer."

2008-08-19, 04:51 PM

Hiram arrives from the direction of the guest wing and bows to the ladies.

"Oh, dear," he says, glancing at the damage, "it seems I missed this evening's entertainment."

Detecting the sparks between Ibis and Sharon he silently adds, Or did I? He waits to be introduced.

2008-08-19, 08:46 PM

Sharon glides over and drapes herself against Hiram's side. "Perhaps, perhaps not. Lady Ibis, this is Hiram. My escort for tonight. Hiram, the Lady Ibis. A prior acquaintance." She offers a sultry smile between the noblewoman and the priest.

2008-08-20, 04:20 AM

Sonny pours some wine to Arha and himself.

It wasn't a big entertainment anyway. They were quite amateurs to entertaint such an audience. - he repies to Hiram.

2008-08-20, 09:27 AM

Hiram drops an arm around Sharon's waist. "You always seem to know the most interesting people. Charmed."

To Sonny, "The players today; They can be deadly amusing but they have no idea how to improvise."

2008-08-20, 11:08 AM

"You haven't even scratched the surface yet, Hiram. Regarding the recent, ah, entertainment, it would be nice if we could interview the one captured. I'm curious who they were working for."

2008-08-20, 07:08 PM

That piques Arha's interest. "Yes...that could be interesting. I might even enjoy it."

2008-08-21, 05:01 AM

Then let's hope we will get the opportunity to see to that. I'm kinda tired with such interwievs, so you can do it yourself if you find it exciting.

He continues to slowly drink his wine.

2008-08-21, 06:16 PM
Ibis makes eye contact with the priest for the first time, and fully sizes him up. She looks into his eyes, and he senses that somehow she knows who he is, but says nothing. Sonny and Arha are especially aware of this notice, it also could be some sort of hidden alert, or psionic. Either way she quickly waves it off, and gives in to the strength of Hiram's charm. His sense of Power exudes even when trying to be discreet.
"You are a most fascinating man. I can see only Lady Sharon would be good enough for your arm." Despite the natural and unnatural beauty, charms, and enhancements that this sultry Zhean princess, she is no match for the sexiness that Sharon embodies.
Not to take anything from Arha, she too would beat Ibis in this way, but the feyness in Sharon gives her the gold medal edge at this social position she maintains in the court of the duchess. Already word is spreading of the two red heads, and many noble men {and women} are inquiring their wizards to find out who they are.

Port Carmen City is no town, but now a major metropolis, and rivals any imperial city. The surrounding lands is dense jungle. The city subsists on a fully seaborne trade and diet. A few fur-trappers, nomads, and adventurers are willing to settle beyond the confines of the city's thick walls.

The hidden jungle fortress of Vito "Jr", son of the Guildmaster, and secret headquarters of the Rebel Guild Faction; supposedly headed by aforementioned Vito, is located in this jungle.

2008-08-25, 06:58 PM

Hiram bows his head, accepting the compliment.

"Though I confess I have little interest in this plot, it would be a pleasure watching you work. Do you think you could arrange it? Or would it be easier to satisfy your curiosity tomorrow, after the Empress's interrigators have finished the task? In any case, with this party ending, we should give thought to how to spend the rest of the evening."

2008-08-26, 08:08 AM

But before we get into the details of tonight, don't you happen to know where Vito the younger is? I was informed that he is at the islands, yet I was disappointed by not seeing him tonight. - asks Sonny, playing with his wine idly.

2008-08-26, 11:19 PM
Ibis smiles, 'correcting' Hiram, "The Archduchess, Arrianna is not the empress, yet dear. And... if you think you can interrogate the assassins a little better, I may be able to arrange it." She is becoming charmed by Hiram's presence, giving in to the aura of his power. Arha and Sharon would not have seen her so charmed by a man in their brief acquaintance with the countess of Megna.

Ibis eyes flash curiously to Sonny, annoyed she must look at the thug, but does so. "Vito... he's... ill tonight. You know him? I'd be surprised if you knew anything more than a local city guildmaster." Her arrogance biting toward Sonny, as if she was jealous of him for something or just bitchy.

2008-08-27, 06:57 AM

Sonny acts as if he did not even notice the arrogance in Ibis's voice. If she thinks he's a stupid guild thug of no importance, better leave her to think that.

Oh, I did meet him some times. Pleasure doing business with him. I hoped we can make a business after the dinner, my other contractor has a very interesting proposal.

2008-08-27, 10:01 AM

"The Archduchess, Arrianna is not the empress, yet dear.""Of course," says Hiram, conceding the fact if not the point.

Sonny's pitch sets Hiram's nerves aquiver, but he pretends disinterest, and distracts himself with Sharon's proximity.

Hiram assumes the Crown Princess would have access to the Empress's security apparatus.