View Full Version : The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

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Bunny Commando
2023-08-31, 02:53 PM
Map is good. And I'm quite fine in trying to sneak our way past the other ghouls.

2023-09-01, 09:18 PM
I finally got to look at the map.

I see that there is some kind of road that is channeling us towards the undead. What defines the edges of it? In other words, how hard would it be to go off-road, and thus, around them?

Bunny Commando
2023-09-02, 05:12 AM
To better understand: now it's the enemies' turn, right?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-02, 08:45 AM
The Road is a general Guideline, you can go off road if you like, run between buildings, etc.

And it is still Teds Turn because they have not taken actions yet.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-03, 07:18 PM
Rose and Ted are up

Bunny Commando
2023-09-07, 06:12 AM
One zombie should have an AoO against Grey.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-07, 09:23 AM

Observing Teds movement and Now your own, pattern recognition says that perhaps these shamblers do not have the reflexive abilities to take basic AoOs.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-07, 05:51 PM
Rose and ted are up!

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-09, 06:50 AM

When a PC reaches the goal, they will transition to a new scene, you can reach the goal from any direction.

Note, the goal is the entrance to the cemetery

2023-09-11, 05:46 PM
I’m not sure if this was overlooked but Ted should have already reached the goal area after moving after his last attack on a zombie.

2023-09-11, 06:27 PM
I’m not sure if this was overlooked but Ted should have already reached the goal area after moving after his last attack on a zombie.

Are you able to move your icon on the map?

2023-09-11, 07:01 PM
It is done.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-12, 02:21 PM

You see cheyanne is still out there fighting

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-14, 04:48 AM
Waiting on Cheyanne or Rose, Ted can respond too if he likes

2023-09-14, 05:16 AM
Sorry, I wasn't sure. Will post tonight.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-16, 04:02 PM

Old Cemetary Map is up. Move your Tokens along with your descriptions and I will give responses and effects once you post your actions. I have Buildings and statues labeled with numbers.

Bunny Commando
2023-09-21, 01:51 PM
PSA, remember you have Bless (+1 to Attack and STs against Fear).

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-21, 02:14 PM
Understood, they are not charging btw, they just moved, and will attack next round, Brace weapon is really for use vs charging foes. If you want you can roll here an attack so you can make use of this round for attacks.

2023-09-22, 09:07 AM
PSA, remember you have Bless (+1 to Attack and STs against Fear).
I will try to remember, though I don't think it will help this round...

Bunny Commando
2023-09-22, 11:26 AM
Understood, they are not charging btw, they just moved, and will attack next round, Brace weapon is really for use vs charging foes. If you want you can roll here an attack so you can make use of this round for attacks.

All right, here's the attack.

Attack [roll0] Confirmation Roll (if critical) [roll1] Damage [roll2]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-27, 07:09 PM
anyone gonna move with cheyanne?

2023-09-28, 05:42 AM
Apologies for the delay.

Rose is going to try some scrying magic to hasten this search.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-04, 01:29 PM
Will give Ted and Cheyanne a chance to declare actions before I resolve greys door

2023-10-05, 05:49 AM
Did you ever resolve the action I posted? Cheyanne moved to another door already...

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-05, 12:16 PM
It looks like before I resolved you opening a door you moved to another crypt, but didn't open another one, which building are you moving to, the one with Grey that rose it'd first? Or the one rose is moving to now?

2023-10-05, 01:04 PM
I posted to go to the door with Grey.

2023-10-11, 01:46 PM
Use Magic Device: [roll0].

Failing the roll does not expend a charge.
Passed anyway!

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-12, 04:21 AM
So that everyone knows

Rose is in front of 12, and the door is ajar

Everyone else is in front of 13

2023-10-12, 12:35 PM
Let's all get in front of 12 then!

2023-10-12, 07:57 PM
Let's all get in front of 12 then!

Actually, Rose/me had a thought just now that whatever entity resides here is just screwing with Rose's spell. Zombies probably don't have clear thoughts, like reciting recipes. I could be wrong, but I'm gonna say Rose will go with the others to #13 and go with Grey's intuition.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-13, 09:19 AM
Its initiative time!!! Roll them bones!

Bunny Commando
2023-10-13, 09:30 AM
Here's Grey.


2023-10-13, 10:14 AM
Rose's initiative: [roll0]

2023-10-13, 10:19 AM
Ted’s [roll0]

2023-10-13, 03:57 PM
Initiative for Cheyanne: [roll0].

Note, that she always gets to act in surprise rounds due to the "Forewarned" ability from her Monk archetype, Nornkith (https://www.aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Monk%20Nornkith), if this applies...which it probably doesn't.

2023-10-13, 04:00 PM
Knowledge (Religion): [roll0] for the non-unique undead. [roll1] for the boss.

Bunny Commando
2023-10-13, 04:08 PM
Here the Religion rolls.

[roll0] vs. DC 16.
[roll1] vs. DC 20.

2023-10-13, 08:12 PM
Alright, so with the roll from the IC, Rose's total Religion check for the first part is 19.

Religion check to ID Marcel~ [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-14, 11:27 AM
The 2 Larger undead are arcanely manufactured, Undead called Juju Zombies. Not only do they still possess the wit of the living, but they have been imbued with an unnatural hatred of the living. Their bodies have been interwoven with arcane magics to make them stronger and more resiliant. They are unharmed by Cold or Lightning, and Fire only harms them halfs as much, Their flesh resists nonmagical weaponry, but you are unsure how much. They can see through all forms of illusion, and cannot be charmed, only taking commands from the one who crafted them. Even their size was augmented from their original might.

Marcel in the back, is something you have only heard of in jest and conjecture. A Zombie Lord, There are Vampire Lords, Mummy Lords, why not Lords of the lesser Undead. He is completly immune to blugeoning damage, and cannot be harmed by Cold, He will be armed with Magicks


2023-10-15, 07:13 PM
Rose's spellcraft check: [roll0] vs. DC18

2023-10-17, 12:22 PM
I'm strongly considering using Smite Evil on Marcel and charging past the undead and devil to attack him. However, I don't know what Challenger Devil does, either in or out of character. In addition, I'm worried about incurring AoOs from the Juju Zombies and Devil - Cheyanne is already down 1/3 of her HPs from that first attack. They hit hard!

Bold action seems the most likely to make a difference here, but we don't have the advantage of numbers or surprise...does anyone have strong opinions on what I should do? The additional AC from Smite Evil only applies to the attacks from the target, so unless someone else manages to distract the other three Cheyanne will be painting a big target on her back with a move like that...


Bunny Commando
2023-10-17, 12:34 PM
I might cast Obscuring Mist next round to give you concealment (20% miss chance) to increase your chances of survival against the zombies and their AoO.

2023-10-17, 06:33 PM

The Jumbies (my brain squished the words Juju and Zombies together) can see through Invisibility, so... maybe Grease and hope they roll low?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-18, 05:24 AM
Correction: Infernal Challenger. Brain did a mistranslate.

This spell summons a bearded devil, causing it to appear where you designate. The area within a 50-foot radius of where the devil appears is ringed with a smoldering, red glow. This area is the testing ground. To successfully cast this spell, no creature other than the devil’s challenger (see below) can be within this area while the spell is being cast.

On the round it appears, the devil identifies itself (typically by name and with a brief recitation of honors) and states it is prepared to do battle with a sole mortal champion. In the same round, either you or a creature you designate while casting the spell must identify the devil’s challenger. For the duration of the spell, the devil does everything in its power to kill the challenger. You do not control the devil or have any influence over how it conducts itself in battle, but the devil cannot leave the testing ground. Unlike with summon monster and similar spells, you cannot dismiss the devil. Rather, the conjured devil remains until any one of the following criteria is met: it is reduced below 0 hit points or otherwise defeated, its challenger is slain, its challenger leaves the testing ground, or it takes damage from any source other than its challenger. Upon any of these occurrences, the devil vanishes.

Conjuring a devil is typically an evil act. If cast for any purpose besides the administering of a Hell Knight test, this spell has the evil descriptor.

Bunny Commando
2023-10-18, 09:00 AM
I could also throw a heal, but doubt it would have much impact on the fight. At worst, I could walk in and eat a few AoO to leave Cheyanne and Ted free to move.

2023-10-18, 01:38 PM
Oof...this fight is looking really hard. Marcel is at least level 5, the summoned(?) bearded devil is CR 5, the two Juju Zombies are ogre-sized (reach) and tough...

I'm not really sure what to do here, given those odds. Trying to go toe-to-toe without handling the others first sounds like a bad time. Does anyone have any ideas how to even this fight up? Summons? BFC or debuffs to remove enemies from play?

Cheyanne will dive in if we think that's best, but I'd like to be more confident before posting to that effect...

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-18, 03:23 PM
As the DM, I don't want to straight out give answers. But. A clever tricksy player might look at the spell that summoned the devil again, and look at how to get rid of him w/o fighting.

2023-10-18, 04:13 PM
Ted’s Spellcraft [roll0]

Bunny Commando
2023-10-18, 05:59 PM
Odds are stacked against us, but I guess it is to be expected given the nature of our foe.

- The Challenger is relatively easy to defeat: just step inside the testing ground and then leave it immediately, or someone steps inside the testing ground and someone else damages the Challenger. Both these conditions should make the Challenger vanish.

- Digo and I have already played our round, so we can't support any course of action at the moment. Next round we might throw some BFC spells, though (Obscuring Mist and Grease are two of the possible options).

- We could withdraw outside the crypt and block its entrance, the zombies are large enough that they can't both pass through if we block their path.

- I would definitely advise against charging Marcel right now. AoO would probably wreck both Cheyanne and Ted. And since I go first, I could throw an Obscuring Mist to block LoS so that Marcel can't cast bad stuff on us.

2023-10-18, 07:18 PM
- The Challenger is relatively easy to defeat: just step inside the testing ground and then leave it immediately, or someone steps inside the testing ground and someone else damages the Challenger. Both these conditions should make the Challenger vanish.

When I was logged into Roll20 the other day, I believe Ted, Cheyanne, and Rose were in the testing ground area when the spell was cast. Rose shot Marcel with magic missiles, then left the area when she backed up because she didn't like the look of the two big zombies.

-We could withdraw outside the crypt and block its entrance, the zombies are large enough that they can't both pass through if we block their path.
-I would definitely advise against charging Marcel right now. AoO would probably wreck both Cheyanne and Ted. And since I go first, I could throw an Obscuring Mist to block LoS so that Marcel can't cast bad stuff on us.

Creating a bottleneck situation might help, yeah. And blocking LoS too. Lot of little things we can do that'll add to our survival chances.

2023-10-19, 08:21 AM
The map doesn’t work on my phone. I’m thinking that Ted will attack the zombie that wounded him but I like the bottleneck idea. Anything I need to know before I roll his swing?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-19, 11:22 AM
1. @rose. No one has fulfilled the challenger requirement that Marcel gave, yet.

2. @grey. Good eye.

3. @Ted, you will have to move at least 5 ft

2023-10-19, 11:53 AM
Sounds like I will have to 5’ step closer to the zombie then attack. That’s my round then.

2023-10-20, 01:55 PM
This has been a crazy week for me - real world issues and being deployed. I intend to post tomorrow, as long as WW3 holds off a little longer. Thanks for the patience.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-20, 07:07 PM
no worries! you post fast even with the world burning down around you. Just keep us updated as you can.

Bunny Commando
2023-10-22, 04:15 PM
Still no blinding lights in the sky, so I guess I should think about next round.

What do we want? Obscuring Mist to block LoS, Protection from Evil on Cheyanne to give her a bit more survivability or a CWL (1d8+3, so not a lot) are the options on the table.

2023-10-22, 07:30 PM
I'm a fan of preventative maintenance, so mist or PfE get my vote.

2023-10-23, 08:54 AM
Well, Cheyanne is at 7 HPs, so she may not be long for this world...

The to-hit numbers on those Juju Zombies are insane! No amount of additional AC is likely to really make that much difference - we need to either retreat and rethink this or cause a significant change to the situation...

Bunny Commando
2023-10-23, 10:05 AM
I am going to cast Obscuring Mist, but unfortunately Cheyanne is outside the area covered by the spell, trying to include her as well would mean going inside the crypt and eating AoO from both the zombies (with the added risk that Obscuring Mist won't go off).

And yes, we should withdraw and fight in a better position. I would say walking back to one of the corridors so that the zombies have to split to attack us is the best course of action at the moment, plus it would make the Challenger disappear.

2023-10-23, 05:33 PM
I agree. This seems above our paygrade as it currently stands. We need to get better positioning.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-23, 06:45 PM
Got scared for a sec that Obscuring Mist was an illusion spell, Luckily its Conjuration

Bunny Commando
2023-10-23, 06:59 PM
Shouldn't the Devil roll against concealment, though? Even if adjacent, miss chance is 20%.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-23, 07:16 PM
fair, rolled a 44, miss chance avoided.

Bunny Commando
2023-10-24, 08:19 AM
Can’t say I’m not impressed by the decision of destroying the scroll, at last now we have denied the enemy one of his victory conditions.
Anyway, what to do if Cheyanne and Ted go down this round: Obscuring Mist blocks vision, so Grey can use Stealth and sneak around to heal them (do they have potions? If so, Grey would use them instead of burning a heal to avoid breaking stealth). Depends mostly on where the zombies will be at the end of this round, but if there’s a path to Cheyanne and Ted I believe Grey might have a chance to pull a rescue off.

But I do not see, at the moment, a way for us to win this fight.

2023-10-24, 11:02 AM
Sounds like we're retreating...good thing I'm not too far inside...

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-24, 11:33 AM
Lmao!!! I have never had anyone straight up Destroy one of the scrolls, I am amused.

@grey you may have forgotten something in your calculations. There is something still not observed

2023-10-24, 04:23 PM
Could someone post a screenshot of the map? Thanks

Bunny Commando
2023-10-25, 11:33 AM
Could someone post a screenshot of the map? Thanks

Sure, here it is.


2023-10-25, 01:37 PM
So...Cheyanne is at -8 HPs and dying. Hope someone can help her...

2023-10-25, 10:26 PM
But I do not see, at the moment, a way for us to win this fight.

Not as it stands, no. Might have better odds if we got some added help, like the town priest, but I'm not holding my breath.

Lmao!!! I have never had anyone straight up Destroy one of the scrolls, I am amused.


So...Cheyanne is at -8 HPs and dying. Hope someone can help her...

:smallfrown: Trying to think what we can do.

Bunny Commando
2023-10-26, 06:53 AM
Would be helpful to know if Cheyanne (and Ted, if he goes down as well) has any healing potions. I believe Grey might be able to sneak past the zombies with relative ease (Grey has +19 in Stealth at the moment) but I would avoid using a spell since it would reveal Grey's position and Heal (the skill, not the spell) is not a sure thing.

Besides that, Darius said I overlooked something but I don't really know what. If anyone has any idea to what that might be, I am all ears.

2023-10-26, 07:53 AM
Ted needs to withdraw but can’t do so without drawing AOOs. He has no potions.

Bunny Commando
2023-10-26, 03:39 PM
And that is why I love Obscuring Mist, that miss chance does wonders.

...got a 2 on the Stealth check. The dice roller really hates me.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-26, 04:52 PM
Might not matter as much as the situation has changed drastically.

2023-10-26, 08:33 PM
the situation has changed drastically.

T-that... that's a change I can work with! :smallcool:

May I make a Religion check to know if these shamblers can still see through Invisibility?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-10-26, 08:57 PM
You are pretty sure they have lost all magical enhancements

2023-10-29, 02:40 PM
Alright, so Ted needs a DC 17 Heal check to stop the Infernal Would. For Rose that would mean she'd need to roll... a 16. Ooh, not an easy task. :smallredface:

Bunny Commando
2023-10-29, 07:34 PM
Alright, so Ted needs a DC 17 Heal check to stop the Infernal Would. For Rose that would mean she'd need to roll... a 16. Ooh, not an easy task. :smallredface:

Slightly easier for me, but not much - need a 13 to punch through a CLW spell. Well, let's roll it here and then I'm going to post in the IC thread.

Caster level check [roll0]

...aaaand wasted. If anyone has any kind of healing, now's the time since I have just another slot.

2023-10-30, 09:46 PM
...aaaand wasted. If anyone has any kind of healing, now's the time since I have just another slot.

Will pure dumb luck suffice? :smallredface:

2023-11-02, 12:52 PM
Do we have any additional healing to deliver? Or are we at the point of attacking desperately in the hopes that we can drop Marcel before he kills us?

And what do we do about the devil?

Bunny Commando
2023-11-02, 04:50 PM
I have a single slot left and I am going to keep it for an emergency.

About what to do, unless anyone else has a better idea Grey is going to attack Marcel and hope the barbazu can be reasoned with.

2023-11-02, 07:37 PM
And what do we do about the devil?

I think the devil fell over from Marcel's attack? As in, not an issue now?

Bunny Commando
2023-11-04, 06:52 PM
Will ST as requested [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-04, 06:54 PM
woohoo! Grey saves and takes half damage,

Ted unfortunatly is at the edge of the 30 ft radius and will need a will save

2023-11-05, 09:49 AM
Ted’s Will [roll0] vs DC 15

2023-11-05, 10:15 AM
Err, dead? How many hit points did you have before getting hit with the effect?

2023-11-05, 10:40 AM
4, but that was with Rage, which ends when he falls unconscious.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-05, 11:46 AM
Alright, Understood, but dont fret, In Ravenloft, Death doesnt kill you, it just makes you stranger. Well resolve this once combat is over.


you have defeated Marcel, AND completed the first Module of the Grand Conjunction!

you guys can level up to Level 5. Id like to enlist 2 more players to replace the 2 weve lost. Hows everyone feeling to continue to the 2nd module,

Also, continue role Play as we finish up and tie into part 2

Bunny Commando
2023-11-06, 05:18 AM
you guys can level up to Level 5. Id like to enlist 2 more players to replace the 2 weve lost. Hows everyone feeling to continue to the 2nd module,

Also, continue role Play as we finish up and tie into part 2

I have no objections to adding people to our group and keep playing the second module.
But weren't we level three? Are we getting two level ups at once?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-06, 09:31 AM
Yup! You were going to get enough exp to level from the final combat, and you got a module completion level, so 2 level ups!

In addition, to make up for the difference in magic between the incoming players and those who started at the beginning.

You can either take an item you already have and increase its magic by a +1 enhancement or bonus. Or, you can select a minor magical item to suit your build.

2023-11-06, 10:18 AM
This is certainly exiting! /cheer!

Now, I need to work on a post tonight...

Bunny Commando
2023-11-06, 01:16 PM
Yup! You were going to get enough exp to level from the final combat, and you got a module completion level, so 2 level ups!

Phew, for a moment I feared I forgot to level up and so fought Marcel without my second level spells (which would've made quite the difference).

Anyway, here (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2736977) the updated sheet.

You can either take an item you already have and increase its magic by a +1 enhancement or bonus. Or, you can select a minor magical item to suit your build.

I am going to take the Spellguard Bracers (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Spellguard%20B racers).

Given that I have a limited amount of spells known, are there any spells that might be quite useful to you?

2023-11-06, 02:26 PM
@Team - Given that I have a limited amount of spells known, are there any spells that might be quite useful to you?
I will have to look at options once I'm done leveling up. Buffs in general are always welcome, but specifics escape me right now.

Cheyanne is going to be working towards the Champion of Irori (https://www.aonprd.com/PrestigeClassesDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Champion%20of %20Irori) PrC, intending to stay in melee doing cool Monk/Paladin moves. She still feels a bit squishy, but a couple of levels will help that, at least a little. There are numerous challenges to the build, though, so I need to review my plans and see where Cheyanne is weak before I give a good, solid answer on buff requests.

(Right now I'm more upset with my poor dice rolling than anything else...got anything to help that?)

Level 4, Cheyanne (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2740169) level up summary

Class Taken: Paladin
Favored Class Bonus: none at this level

HP: 41 (Previous 33, Class +6 or [roll0], Con +2)

Ability Score Increase: +1 CHA (19, no effect at this level)

BAB: +2 to +3

Base saves
Fort: +5 to +6
Reflex: +3 (no change)
Will: +5 to +6

Class Features: Divine Grace (+CHA modifier to Saves), Lay on Hands (5/Day, 1d6 Positive Energy (Heal or Harm, as applicable))

Spells: None

Feats: None

Total Skill Points: 32 (Previous 25, Background +2, Class +2, Int +2, Skilled +1)
Adventuring Skills (+5)
+1 (from 3 to 4 ranks) Acrobatics, Disable Device, Perception, Stealth, +1 (from 2 to 3 Ranks) Knowledge (Religion)
Background Skills (+2)
+2 (from 2 to 4 ranks) to Linguistics

Languages Learned: Abyssal, Elven

2023-11-06, 03:00 PM
Level 5, Cheyanne (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2740169) level up summary

Class Taken: Monk
Favored Class Bonus: +1 HP

HP: 52 (Previous 41, Class +5 or [roll0], Con +2, FCB +1)

Ability Score Increase: None

BAB: +3 to +4

Base saves
Fort: +6 (no change)
Reflex: +3 (no change)
Will: +6 (no change)

Class Features: Fast Movement +10 ft, Maneuver Training (effectively +1 to CMB), Still Mind (+2 vs Enchantment)

Spells: None


Deft Maneuvers: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip or disarm combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks with trip and disarm combat maneuvers, and you can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to trip or disarm you.

Total Skill Points: 41 (Previous 32, Background +2, Class +4, Int +2, Skilled +1)
Adventuring Skills (+7)
+1 (from 4 to 5 ranks) Acrobatics, Disable Device, Perception, Stealth, +2 (from 3 to 5 ranks) Knowledge (Religion), +1 (from 2 to 3 ranks) Use Magic Device
Background Skills (+2)
+1 (from 4 to 5 ranks) to Linguistics, +1 (from 2 to 3 ranks) Knowledge (History)

Languages Learned: Dwarven

For the magic items, I'd like to get a Headband of Alluring Charisma +4 (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/h-l/headband-of-alluring-charisma) (a "Greater Minor" headband, 16,000 GP in value). Is that in line with what you mean by a "minor" magic item, Darius Vibrtrar?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-06, 04:01 PM
Oh. Unfortunately not for the headband. Thats more of a moderate item.

You could get a headband that gives +2 to two different stats as a minor item if that would interest you.

2023-11-06, 04:04 PM
So a “Lesser Minor” magic item, as seen on this (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/) page?

Edit: I see the issue. D20PFSRD has a minor error on that page and lists the lesser medium items as greater minor. I can select properly now that I’ve seen that.

Second edit: I’m actually still confused. Is there a price limit you want to assign? That might be easier…

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-06, 04:12 PM
Yea, let's go with no higher than 10k

Bunny Commando
2023-11-06, 05:34 PM
Yea, let's go with no higher than 10k

Given that the item I chose is just 5K, could the others go higher than 10K? (if not, may I get another item?)

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-06, 07:11 PM
You can change your item.

These items will find their way to you as we transition from this scene to the next

2023-11-06, 10:54 PM
you guys can level up to Level 5. Id like to enlist 2 more players to replace the 2 weve lost. Hows everyone feeling to continue to the 2nd module,

Neat! I'll work on leveling up Rose.

I'm okay with enlisting replacements.

And yes, i'm good with the next module. This has been a fun adventure so far! I am enjoying it.

In addition, to make up for the difference in magic between the incoming players and those who started at the beginning.

You can either take an item you already have and increase its magic by a +1 enhancement or bonus. Or, you can select a minor magical item to suit your build.

Hmm, something also to ponder.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-07, 10:00 AM
For ease:

Ring of the Ram [40 charges remaining]
Thats how he could break open things!

Robe of Components
Thats how he could create so many undead without a stock of onyx!

Wand of Halt Undead [30 Charges remaining]
Thats how he avoided getting killed when he made too many undead!

Lastly, his spellbook!!!!
He had.... let's see.
0- all Zero level spells, as wizards do.
1- Hold Portal, Alarm, Shield, Arcane Pocket, Infernal Healing, Unseen Servant, Detect Undead, Keep Watch, Magic Missile, Vanish, Decompose Corpse, Ray of Enfeeblement, Restore Corpse, Repair Undead, Blood Money, Keyhole.
2- Resist Energy, Bestow Insight, Contact Entity I, Command Undead, Dress Corpse, False Life, Infernal Aspect (lesser) [Stat Identical to Angelic Aspect. But appearance is Devilish]
3- Infernal Challenger, Share Language Communal, Hold Person, Appearance of Life, Gentle Repose, Necrostasis, Vampiric Touch

2023-11-07, 10:11 AM
I’m game for the 2nd module.

For the item, should I put it on my sheet or wait for it?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-07, 10:39 AM
You can go ahead and put it on your sheet

Bunny Commando
2023-11-07, 03:20 PM
You can change your item.

All right, then I'll take the Gloves of Elvenkind (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Gloves%20of%20 Elvenkind#:~:text=Description,the%20magic%20to%20b e%20effective.); they also match with the cloak I already have!

2023-11-07, 04:10 PM
Yea, let's go with no higher than 10k
Only at the really, really long term level does Cheyanne care about Intelligence, and she's unlikely to ever care about Wisdom. All of her stuff is based on Charisma.

Given this, were I to choose the Headband of Mental Superiority it would actually delay getting a better Charisma score (presuming normal processes with magic items and upgrading them).

Do you intend to have us improve items again periodically as we continue to move forward in this campaign, @Darius Vibrtrar? If so, I might get the +2 Headband of Alluring Charisma with the intent to improve it upon earliest chance. If not, I could probably do +2 INT and +2 CHA, but it's not my first choice...


Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-07, 04:31 PM
Due to the shopping limitations of where you are adventuring, yes I will periodically allow for magical item upgrades

2023-11-07, 10:23 PM
Trying to think about spell selection, if I want more buffs or battlefield control.

You could get a headband that gives +2 to two different stats as a minor item if that would interest you.

That sounds interesting. I might do that if I don't see anything that jumps at me.

Lastly, his spellbook!!!!

Wow, definitely interested in pulling some spells out of that tome.

2023-11-08, 10:10 PM
Alright, after battle multiple site issues at MW, here's my level ups:

4th level
Hit Points: ([roll0] or 4, +3 CON +1 Favored class)
BAB: +1
Will: +1
Skills: Bluff +1, Knowledge (Arcana +1, Geography +1, History+1), Perception +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Stealth +1, UMD +1
New spell slots: one 1st, one 2nd
New spells: Glitterdust, Web

5th level
Hit Points: ([roll1] or 4, +3 CON +1 Favored class)
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana +1, Local +1, Nobility +1), Perception +1, Sense motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1, UMD +1
Stat boost: +1 INT
5th level feat: Combat Casting
Wizard bonus feat: Extend spell
New spell slots: one 3rd, one 3rd (specialist), one 3rd (bonus lot for high INT)
New spells: Clairaudience/clairvoyance, Haste

As for the magic item, I was considering a Cloak of Resistance +3 (value: 9k). Is that okay?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-09, 05:36 AM
Yes all that is fine. I think I'll make my new recruits selection tomorrow as we have a good crop already

2023-11-09, 12:11 PM
Ted is leveled up.

Bunny Commando
2023-11-09, 01:28 PM
Wait, we can roll for HPs and if roll below average we just take the average?:smalleek:
I missed it, may I roll now?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-09, 02:35 PM
Yup! Roll them bones

Bunny Commando
2023-11-09, 03:46 PM
Well, let's hope I get a few more HPs.


Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-09, 10:00 PM
So. Player input.

I've got 2 players from those in the recruitment in mind to bring in.

Do you WANT a third. And if u did want someone, who would it be

Bunny Commando
2023-11-10, 03:44 AM
Do you WANT a third. And if u did want someone, who would it be

I would say no.
I fear that having seven players in the party might slow things down a bit too much, especially during fights.

2023-11-10, 10:49 AM
I think you should choose one or two and ask the others if they would like to be contacted if the chosen player(s) ghost us.

Just my 2 cp.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-10, 10:59 AM
That is a good point, Ill stick with the 2 then, everyone please welcome

JNAProductions - Akla Goom: Goblin Alchemist
Kaworu - Helen Ancora: Human Cleric/Wizard

Roll20 for Maps Link (https://app.roll20.net/join/14624919/0M4yEw)

INC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653112-Cataclysm-(AD-amp-D-Ravenloft-gt-PF1-Conversion)-INC-Thread/page32)

@Ted, Please let me know which Benefit of Aspect of the Beast you will be choosing for when you Rage from now on.

2023-11-10, 12:22 PM
Akla Goom (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2851387)'s sheet. Backstory is on there.

Edit: How should we introduce ourselves, ICly?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-10, 12:24 PM
I will be doing a set up for you two to rescue a recently killed party member. From there you will join the rest of the group

2023-11-10, 12:25 PM
I will be doing a set up for you two to rescue a recently killed party member. From there you will join the rest of the group

Gotcha. Sounds good.

2023-11-10, 12:29 PM
@Ted, Please let me know which Benefit of Aspect of the Beast you will be choosing for when you Rage from now on.

Low-light vision

2023-11-10, 01:20 PM
Hey DM-can you add a link to the PC sheets in the first post? Otherwise, I'll have to go to Page 21 for a quick link to it.

And I'm going to throw a bomb at the darkness attacking Ted.

[roll0] to-hit
[roll1] Cold Damage, with a DC 18 Fort Save to avoid being staggered for a turn

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-10, 01:24 PM
First Page of thread for PC links (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653098-The-Cataclysm-(AD-amp-D-Ravenloft-gt-PF1-Conversion)-OOC-Thread)

Alright, and you have precise bombs, so your bomb wont hit Ted, alright, gonna wait on our other two's actions

Bunny Commando
2023-11-10, 03:12 PM
Welcome, looking forward to playing with you!

2023-11-10, 06:43 PM
Hello peeps ;-)

I'm a new player UwU Nice to meet you ;-) I'm playing a Cleric/Wizard who would like to become a Mystic Theurge at some point... xD

Kinda... innocent, well-educated girl with a strong moral compass? UwU

My sheet link is HERE (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2852203);-)

Thanks again for accepting me into the game UwU

EDIT: Aaaaaaa! I just realized, I haven't bought any equipement xD Neither do I have a spellbook (only the prepared spells) Sorry, the recruitment topic kinda ended, hm... abruptly and I haven't had time to prepare everything? I will try to fix the most obvious issues.

Also, did I write a backstory...? *panic intensifies* xD

EDIT2: Funny thing - TECHNICALLY (a keyword) you can claim the whole plane of Ravenloft as your favorite terrain for Ranger-like mechanics... xD Cause it's a small semi-plane and not the Material Prime... xD

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-10, 07:45 PM
Luckily a 2nd lvl wizard spellbook is easy to do, and with 10,500 gp, money can be spent quick

2023-11-11, 04:30 PM
I think I will have the spellbook as a separate file in GDrive? Do you think I should have do so in a text processor, or maybe as a spreadsheet...? (xD)

Actually, I am not very good when it comes to them spreadsheets, I do not remember when last time I needed to use that to do something... xD Halp? :-P

Also, I am technically working right now for a program in Java as a homework (I am a participant in a Java course at a vocational school right now, you know? ;-) ) and I think I will not be able to do any changes in the CS till I will write it :-P

I mean, there's a possibility I will be able to start working on the CS only on Tuesday or something? But Tuesday should be the least term I will be free, the freedom can happen much quickier, I believe? ;-)

Sorry, I am in a kinda ad hoc mode right now? ^^

EDIT: Technically, there is this program for "desktop" databases, both in MS Office and Libre Office, and this is also a possibility, but maybe... that's over the top? xD

Bunny Commando
2023-11-11, 04:44 PM

Your character should have three feats (plus the one for being human), but I see only two in your character sheet.

And I believe a Google doc would be more than enough for a spellbook, better to keep it simple.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-11, 04:54 PM
Yea. Google docs is free and easy to use/ access.

We are doing some introduction RP in the inc thread if you wanna join in while adding what you are missing to your CS

2023-11-11, 07:39 PM
Ah, so I have one additional feat, right? ;-) Okay, I will pick up something ;-)

Bunny Commando
2023-11-11, 08:47 PM
Ah, so I have one additional feat, right? ;-) Okay, I will pick up something ;-)

Yes, exactly.
You get a feat at 1st level and every odd level thereafter, so at the moment we have three feats in total (not including the bonus one you get from being human).

2023-11-11, 09:05 PM
That is a good point, Ill stick with the 2 then, everyone please welcome

JNAProductions - Akla Goom: Goblin Alchemist
Kaworu - Helen Ancora: Human Cleric/Wizard

Welcome! Glad to see you both join us.

I play Rose, a tiefling wizard lady with a mischievous streak, but a good heart. She sticks close to her friends. In towns she uses her big hat and long dress to hide some of her tiefling features, so not to panic folks.

Hello peeps ;-)

I'm a new player UwU Nice to meet you ;-) I'm playing a Cleric/Wizard who would like to become a Mystic Theurge at some point... xD

Kinda... innocent, well-educated girl with a strong moral compass? UwU

Rose is not very innocent, mostly self-educated, and mostly has a good moral compass. We'll get along fine. XD

Bunny Commando
2023-11-11, 09:30 PM
I believe Grey is the only non-good character in this party.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-11, 09:32 PM
With Luc, Rose was party mom. And even obeyed all the towns crazy no magic rules. I'd say you have a strong moral compass

Grey may not be good, but he does the right thing alot

Bunny Commando
2023-11-12, 09:16 AM
Grey may not be good, but he does the right thing alot

The way I see it, just because someone is not good does not mean they have no morality; they are just less prone to sacrifice themselves for others (especially for people they do not know). Grey might not jump in front of a (magical) bullet for people he does not really know, but he would not just turn his back to people that are dying like it happened in Marais d'Tarascon.

Plus, he's fond of his more morally upright friends and he would not abandon them.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-12, 09:41 AM
That is a great way to look at things, and strengthens bonds between people like in real life. Good role play and great for party atmosphere.

2023-11-12, 10:30 AM
Agreed, and welcome to Kaworu.

2023-11-12, 10:03 PM
With Luc, Rose was party mom. And even obeyed all the towns crazy no magic rules. I'd say you have a strong moral compass

Well I suppose that's a fair argument. ^^

Maybe Rose doesn't give herself enough credit.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-12, 10:21 PM
Well kaworu said they'll be more available on Tuesday, hopefully by then they'll post their actions on the inc thread and we can get started

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-14, 10:46 PM
Huh, haven't heard back from them.

If we haven't heard anything by Friday, well move forward without them, possibly select another applicant

2023-11-15, 12:03 AM
Okie dokie. Hopefully we hear something Wednesday.

Bunny Commando
2023-11-15, 07:59 AM
Fine by me!

2023-11-15, 11:49 AM
Henlo ;-)

I am still in ;-) I will edit the sheet with an additional feat (I believe I also should do the spellbook?). It might do more slowly than I anticipated, but it will be done ;-)

Sorry, you know, tomorrow is my friend's birthday and I needed to buy him a little something :-P I thought we will meet on the weekend, but he wanted to visit him tomorrow, so I needed to switch some my free time here and there ;-)

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-15, 12:49 PM
Understood. When you get the chance, respond in the inc thread

2023-11-15, 03:14 PM
Okay, I did post ;-) Should I also roll Initiative, damages roll etc.?

EDIT: Also, we are from some other plane than Ravenloft, right? ;-)

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-15, 03:57 PM
Correct everyone is from somewhere else.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-16, 05:09 AM
@akla you can roll perception and heal checks

2023-11-16, 11:00 AM
Perception: [roll0]
Heal: [roll1]

I'll also use one of my Cure Light Wounds infusions. [roll2]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-16, 12:27 PM
You spot a series of wounds on this man's neck, they look black rather than red with blood. Black as the color of the hound that bit him. As you cast your spell to heal him, the color dissipates from view and the wound closes.

Right, infusion, how are you wanting to represent your alchemical concoctions?

Snortable dust?
Essential oils?

Bunny Commando
2023-11-20, 06:27 PM
Intelligence roll [roll0]
By the way, what are the lighting conditions at the moment? (Just so I know if Grey is dazzled or not)

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-20, 06:38 PM
Its sunny right now.

You can't understand most of what is being said, but you think you understood he used a proper noun, a person, place, or thing called: Harmonia.

2023-11-20, 06:45 PM

Straight INT check.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-20, 07:43 PM
You have no clue about what the guy is saying, you can roll sense motive to try and interpret his body language

2023-11-20, 08:39 PM
Akla is gonna smile and hope.

2023-11-20, 08:44 PM
Ted's Int check [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-20, 09:03 PM
Lol nat twenty to the Bloodrager!!!!

With this nat 20, we can say you know of this language, one of the hundred spoke this language its called "kartakaneese, its a melodious language based in song. You can translate the man to say something like this:

"Rumor has it, that goblyns from Forlorn have been getting through... but if that thing is with you, I guess it can be expected to behave. You'll want to head North from here to Harmonia. We are a bit more accepting for your Caliban, but staying out of trouble will be your best bet. Stick to the Road, the wolves in the woods here are the biggest."

2023-11-20, 10:43 PM
Linguistics check [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-21, 05:34 AM
Followed by a natural 1!

You are not sure if they just offered to buy your cheese goblin

2023-11-21, 11:17 AM
My INT Roll: [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-21, 12:00 PM
During one of your investigations you came across a strange language that you couldn't find a code for, with the magical aid of a mentor you were eventually able to translate the message, which you later found out to be be written in a lost language called kartakassese. When spoken it sounds melodious and song-like, you've never heard it properly spoken aloud, so your translation may be off, but you think he is saying....

"Rumor has it, that goblyns from Forlorn have been getting through... but if that thing is with you, I guess it can be expected to behave. You'll want to head North from here to Harmonia. We are a bit more accepting for your Caliban, but staying out of trouble will be your best bet. Stick to the Road, the wolves in the woods here are the biggest."

2023-11-23, 12:32 PM
Intelligence Check [roll0] or Linguistics [roll1]

Edit: @Kaworu, can I ask a favor? Reading your dialogue is tough in the format you're using. Can you either choose a text color, put it in quotation marks, or use bold text to highlight what you are saying? Separating the narration from the dialogue with dashes only does not make it easy to read. Thank you for considering that.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-23, 12:39 PM
Wow you are familiar with this language from one of your monasteries holy texts, this is kartakassesse. Its from a lost land, and you understand perfectly.

"Rumor has it, that goblyns from Forlorn have been getting through... but if that thing is with you, I guess it can be expected to behave. You'll want to head North from here to Harmonia. We are a bit more accepting for your Caliban, but staying out of trouble will be your best bet. Stick to the Road, the wolves in the woods here are the biggest."

2023-11-24, 12:54 PM
Linguistics: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-24, 01:03 PM
Woohoo! Them high rolls coming in!

2023-11-24, 02:47 PM
Linguistics: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

Bunny Commando
2023-11-24, 03:07 PM
Here the rolls.
Linguistics [roll0]
Spellcraft (No roll needed, Grey has +15 in Spellcraft)

2023-11-24, 05:09 PM
Edit: @Kaworu, can I ask a favor? Reading your dialogue is tough in the format you're using. Can you either choose a text color, put it in quotation marks, or use bold text to highlight what you are saying? Separating the narration from the dialogue with dashes only does not make it easy to read. Thank you for considering that.

I will try bolding then ;-) Sorry, I did not think it would be problematic... ;-)

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-24, 06:29 PM
*facepalm* it was supposed to be linguistics/ int, not spellcraft.

Whoops. My bad. Lol.

Rolls were still good.

Bunny Commando
2023-11-25, 06:15 AM
*facepalm* it was supposed to be linguistics/ int, not spellcraft.

Whoops. My bad. Lol.

Rolls were still good.

Phew, I thought fellow was about to cast stuff on us.

2023-11-25, 01:41 PM
Not much to say IC, but ready to move on to the village/town.

2023-11-25, 10:30 PM
Not much to say IC, but ready to move on to the village/town.

I'm fine with that.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-27, 05:19 AM
Waiting on Ted as he hasn't posted in a bit, if he is ready to move on we can scene shift

2023-11-27, 05:57 PM
Linguistics check then, [roll0]

2023-11-27, 07:34 PM
Moar language!


Edit: Gack.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-27, 08:05 PM
Roll 20 Link (https://app.roll20.net/editor/)

Harmonia Map

2023-11-28, 08:03 AM
Hm... I do not have to roll Linguistics, right? xD Sorry, maybe I interpret the Spoiler name in a wrong fashion...?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-11-28, 08:21 AM
You do not, once each player hits a high enough DC or Nat 20 in linguistics, they pick up the jist of the language.

But if you could specify when you are speaking common vs the local language, it will help as they don't speak common.

Bunny Commando
2023-11-28, 10:13 AM
Linguistics roll as requested [roll0]

2023-11-28, 08:18 PM
Another Linguistics: [roll0]

2023-11-29, 12:49 PM

Please let me pass this.

2023-11-30, 10:07 PM
[roll0] Forgot there was a Linguistics roll for the guard at the gate.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-01, 05:51 AM
Update: I overlooked one of greys roles.

Grey has a basic grasp of one of the two local languages.
The song like language is called Kartakassesse

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-01, 01:39 PM
I'm hearing a call for The Yearning Ewe and for the Resplendent Ram, which are we going with?

Grey - Ram
Rose - Ewe
Ted - Ewe
Cheyanne - ???
Helen - Not the Lamb
Akla - Not the Lamb Ewe

2023-12-01, 01:41 PM
Middle-class Ewe is good with me.

2023-12-01, 02:19 PM
I don't think my vote would change anything...

2023-12-01, 06:56 PM
Linguistics [roll0] Ewe would not believe this~

2023-12-02, 01:20 AM
[roll0] Language Power!

2023-12-02, 01:24 PM

Please succeed.


2023-12-02, 10:21 PM
Ted’s Sense Motive [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-03, 04:41 AM
You don't sense any maliciousness from the man, he does show contempt for some of your group, but he's been pretty civil about it. He doesn't seem to be lying, or conveying any threats, but he does now seem to have a soft spot for Grey, nothing more than slight favoritism though.

2023-12-03, 12:39 PM

Akla's smart, I swear!

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-03, 01:02 PM
Just wait. When its not a linguistics roll, you'll have nothing lower than a 15

2023-12-03, 01:05 PM
Just wait. When its not a linguistics roll, you'll have nothing lower than a 15

What is this strange word?

*Complex arcane formulae to the secrets of the universe!*
Oh, this is easy!

2023-12-03, 03:35 PM
Dice roller, be kind.


2023-12-03, 08:20 PM
Linguistics (DC20): [roll0]
Linguistics (DC15): [roll1] Oh, I got one.
Linguistics (DC15): [roll2]
Linguistics (DC15): [roll3] (At this point I've just done up a notepad file to cut and paste rolls from)

2023-12-04, 01:12 PM

Come on, language!

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-04, 02:03 PM
Late night study session! Everyone in the party kicks in to give Akla a +15 to linguistics to learn the new language!!!

2023-12-04, 07:11 PM


2023-12-04, 11:07 PM
Linguistics (DC 15, part I): [roll0] What do you call a word that tricks you out of money with their meaning?
Linguistics (DC 15, part 2): [roll1] Lexicon artist.

2023-12-06, 12:41 AM

*Holds breath in anticipation*

2023-12-06, 06:48 AM
Linguistics (DC 15): [roll0]
At some point Rose is gonna roll a 1 and learn braille

2023-12-07, 11:28 PM
Waiting to see if Dark One was going to go somewhere with the washroom idea, but I can roll linguistics while i wait a bit: [roll0]

2023-12-08, 12:12 AM

I believe!

2023-12-08, 12:41 AM
Sorry for not being very active on here.

Ted's Linguistics [roll0] vs DC 15

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-08, 06:11 AM
No worries, you still end up posting and reacting, so we all good.

There is something familiar about the smell of this beer, the mekkulbrau. The smell is sweet to your nose. If you end up tasting it, it is delicious with a metallic after taste.

2023-12-09, 01:20 AM

Linguini [roll1] I was hungry when I typed this up.

Bunny Commando
2023-12-09, 03:55 AM
Guess we now have confirmation Rose is italian.:smalltongue:

2023-12-09, 01:11 PM

I WILL word! I WILL language!

Edit: Two more Linguistics checks, that I didn't realize were needed. Coming in a new post.

2023-12-09, 01:12 PM

Come on.

2023-12-09, 01:13 PM
Guess we now have confirmation Rose is italian.:smalltongue:

lol, should learn Cone of Marinara and Wall of Ravioli. XD

I WILL word! I WILL language!

You got one! Possibly the more interesting one to get. :smallcool:

2023-12-10, 07:13 PM
Hi People.

I think I might misunderstood something :( The SPOILER tag does not mean "these people or LING check" but "these people, roll linguistics", right? : < Sorry, It seems I was completely clueless :( And as such I wasn't rolling even though I should (?)

Are you angry? :(

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-10, 07:32 PM
How i have meant the spoilers is this.

If you are listed in the spoiler, you can automatically understand. Helen has been able to understand for a little bit.

2023-12-10, 09:33 PM
Yeah if your name is on there, you are good. No need to roll.

Rose however, is not language smart it seems. But wait until you need someone to attack the darkness! XD

Linguistics [roll0]
Linguistics [roll1]

2023-12-11, 09:44 PM
Linguistics [roll0]
Linguistics [roll1] A fighter, a rogue, and a cleric walk into a bar. The rogue takes no damage due to Evasion.

2023-12-11, 09:52 PM
I think I only need one?


Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-11, 10:11 PM
Ding ding ding!

Rose, you no linger need to make linguistic checks, you've gotten the jist of the language!

Bunny Commando
2023-12-12, 04:39 AM
I was wondering if we could use the Aid Another action to help Akla understand the local language.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-12, 05:13 AM
It may have sounded like I was joking, but later this evening you all can essentially aid another to tutor her.

If she takes ten. And then gets +2 from 5 of you, and uses her own +5, shell have what she needs to learn the language for tomorrow. If she doesn't get it by then.

2023-12-12, 12:51 PM

I will break this curse!

Edit: Yargleflarglehibbitybibbity!

2023-12-12, 05:01 PM
Ah, so I have not done anything wrong? :3 Yay :3

2023-12-12, 08:32 PM


2023-12-12, 09:50 PM
but later this evening you all can essentially aid another to tutor her.

Sounds like a plan. I'm in.

2023-12-13, 10:56 AM
Helen's Heal Roll:


Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-13, 12:00 PM
The appearance is like that of a shark bite, flesh, muscle and sinew were ripped away in a violent fashion. She has "healed" in terms of hit points. But statistically. She took Charisma damage and it has not healed with time. You think maybe a lesser restoration spell [2nd level spell] might be able to help restore what the injury took from her.

2023-12-14, 01:19 PM

Okay, come on.

2023-12-14, 07:04 PM
Any chance one of us could use aid Another to give that +2 bonus so Akla can make the DC? Sure, we could just tell her what was said, but I figure this is a teachable moment to help her actually learn the language.

Linguistics (DC10) to assist in translation for Akla: [roll0]
Ah well, can't say I didn't try. :smalltongue:

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-14, 07:06 PM
Sorry no.

But it looks like you stole another nat 20.

How could you. Lol

2023-12-14, 07:07 PM
Oh wow, I didn't even look at it yet. :smallredface:

2023-12-15, 05:40 AM
Some peeps here have all natural 20s.

Some cannot pass a DC...

Oops? xD

2023-12-15, 06:58 AM
Some peeps here have all natural 20s.
Some cannot pass a DC...
Oops? xD

I assure you, rolling a 20 twice in one campaign for me is a fluke! :smallredface:

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-15, 06:06 PM
You don't know why but you sense more eyes on your group than you can see. Like a herd of sheep surrounded by wolves.

There is a hunger in the air

2023-12-16, 01:24 PM
Of course. Good to have my paranoia confirmed, though!

Bunny Commando
2023-12-16, 02:34 PM
"Paranoia is just reality on a finer scale." :smalltongue:

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-17, 11:22 AM
If people want to keep socializing and even explore, we can continue the evening, otherwise you are ready to pass to the morning, let me know here and if we have a consensus, I'll do a transition.

2023-12-17, 01:39 PM
I'm good for bedtime.
Gotta get your beauty sleep! :P

2023-12-17, 01:49 PM
Posted once more in IC, but Cheyanne will try to leave with a disarming round of drinks and then get the h*** out of there...

Bunny Commando
2023-12-17, 02:39 PM
Socializing would be nice, but right now I would say sleep is the better option. I mean, things might go sideways and we're low on resources.

Bunny Commando
2023-12-18, 09:12 AM
By the way, I might be slower on the post the next few days up until the 26th of December.

2023-12-18, 05:26 PM
Yeah, the holidays take up more time than usual.

I'll probably make one more post for bed.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-21, 11:19 AM
As we are just waiting on Helen, ill give it another day or so before I transition to the next day.

2023-12-22, 12:28 PM

Sorry for the long wait :) I do not have an opinion, to be honest, whatever the majority of players prefers, I can go with ;-)

Bunny Commando
2023-12-26, 02:30 PM
Hey, I'm back!

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-26, 04:27 PM
Welcome back!

2023-12-26, 06:06 PM
Yay, welcome back!

2023-12-26, 06:13 PM
Hey, I'm back!

I'm front. :P

2023-12-27, 12:24 PM
Hi back, hi front! I'm Dad... xD

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-27, 07:20 PM
Everyone can feel free to be down stairs, sharing.

2023-12-29, 11:45 AM
Hi back, hi front! I'm Dad... xD

Ha! I use that joke way too often with my child.

2023-12-30, 05:01 PM
Hi ;-)

Shall I roll the lying skill or something...? ;-)

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-12-30, 05:19 PM
Sure! Roll a bluff