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2023-01-18, 11:12 PM
In the years gone by, The Park Avenue Inn was a small but very romantic dining spot in Wilverton with a long clientele list and even longer waiting list. That was before Lord Mouton and his thugs overthrew the government, harassing and taxing any sort of prosperous business and forcing the management to cut service and quality to the point where it became just another adventurer's dive, where groups formed and reformed, always looking for the next big score, to either pay off the loansharks or get ahead in the game.
Your group is one of 4 in the Inn right now, studiously avoiding eye contact with each other lest it be seen as challenge. Separate from all, with his chair tilted against a post is an "Imperial Guardsman", a half-orc, which marked him as the lowest tier and thereby most corrupt. Mouton had no humans in his guardsman ranks, it was all half-orcs, orcs, half-ogres, ogres...and rumours of even worse inside the castle walls. For now, your group has not attracted any sort of extra attention from him, or the others, unless they are hiding it well.
At the moment, Garrett Greyholm, ranger and leader of the group, has a "treasure map" spread out on the table, arranged in such a way that no one else in the bar can see it. The ranger came across the map in the ruins of one of the temples ransacked and destroyed in the riots five years ago. The map details a treasure trove including gold and gems and a few other assorted items, also mentioning what appeared to be a very well made short sword which really caught his attention, given his specialization with that sort of weapon. The map also mentions a puzzle that the original maker was not able to solve in order to gain the treasure.

2023-01-19, 08:20 PM
Felix sits with his back against the wall, trying to keep an eye on anyone in the tavern who gets too close while seeming calm and unconcerned. And mostly failing at the latter task. Fortunately, there are enough cagey adventurers in the place that he fits right in.

Well, let's have a look then. No doubt we're going to be spending the next fortnight lost in some dreadful swamp?

Finally redirecting his attention to the map, he does his best to commit it to memory. While Garrett's wilderness skills were far superior to his own, Felix could at least ensure he remembers as much as possible in case the map was lost or stolen.

2023-01-19, 09:57 PM
William is acting as a body-block to the table and map, but otherwise seems mostly at ease in the environment. He's experienced many faces and times, though admittedly better than what the present circumstances offer. He is able to maintain a smile despite absent-mindedly tending to the smudges on various pieces of worn tableware.

Well, let's have a look then. No doubt we're going to be spending the next fortnight lost in some dreadful swamp?
William grimaces at the thought, but lends out another one of his classic "morale boosters":

If that's the case we better enjoy this...lovely spot while we're here, but then that swamp is sure to be worth it!

He gestures to the treasure again, but otherwise maintains his position blocking line of sight. He's also attempting to stay between their table and the rest of the residents in order to de-escalate any hostility should the need arise.

2023-01-20, 09:19 AM
Torta, quick as ever, has made sure she occupies the farthest chair from the door, with adequate line of sight to both the entryway and the noble guardsman diligently laboring to ensure that law and order are maintained. Though the loose clothes conceal it just fine, all her muscles are tense, ready to explode into movement at a moment's notice. She'd really rather be elsewhere, truth be told. A dirty swamp with fewer friendly faces, perhaps. Just the six of them and the muck or whatever it is this time. Can't not be. she nods, all terse, to William. The air, at least, has to be less dense once the road is hit.

Mostly for my own amusement of dubious quality, Torta will try to pick up some snippets of conversation and assorted noises from around the room with Listen: [roll0]

2023-01-20, 09:36 AM
Garrett seems largely unaware of his surroundings, being intensely focused on the map spread before him. He toys absentmindedly with the end of the long black braid falling over one shoulder as he speaks.

"Swamp or no, my greatest concern is that puzzle." He cracks a slight smile. "Swamps aren't that hard to deal with."

"Anyhow, before we begin, I think it's best we set some expectations. I think we should split the spoils evenly, but that shortsword is mine. Its value will come out of my portion.

I know some groups think that splitting the spoils based on contribution encourages harder work, but I've found it just encourages backstabbing."

He spits the last word a bit wryly, and glances up, his eyes darting from face to face, gauging trust. And, while he was at it, flickering to the rest of the room as well, to see if anyone else was a little too interested in his map.

I may as well roll a spot here, to see if we have.... Competition. [roll0]

2023-01-20, 10:32 AM
At the moment, no one seems too interested in your group, with 6 members you outnumber any other group and have a sort of battle hardened look that some of the others lack. The strong devour the weak in Wilverton and the weak are not willing to challenge since the law will not protect them if they fail. Torta has an amazing pair of ears (not to mention a natural 20) and hears quite a few snippets, but your group is not the subject of any of them, mostly talk of quality whores at the Golden Rose, good but oh so pricy alcohol at the Kings Quay bar and how the dealers are all on the take at the Sapphire Nugget casino.
As conversation continues, the half-orc straightens up and walks to the bar. Without even waiting for the barkeep to serve him, he draws himself a full mug of frothy ale and takes a swig directly from the whiskey bottle sitting on the bar...without bothering to drop even a copper, and returns to his chair. Of all the guards, the half-orcs in service have the best noses for gold and the biggest appetites for graft. They enjoy bullying their orc underlings but in turn have to steer clear of the bugbears and ogres who for the most part outrank them.

2023-01-20, 11:25 AM
William gives a nod of reassurance to Garrett.

Agreed. I've never had... particularly prominent puzzle prowess. He smiles briefly at each one in turn, proud of his alliteration. Do we have any details on the context of this puzzle?

He is generally self aware enough and tends to defer to the younger and sharper minds of his trusted friends. Otherwise he just thinks of himself as a peace-keeper.

2023-01-20, 11:47 AM
And fine by me. Torta joins William, nodding calmly at Garrett and meeting his gaze, still on the edge of her seat but pleased to learn that the other patrons' mminds are more preoccupied with worldly concerns than her companions' plans. The puzzle, though. she adds quickly motioning towards William with a flick of her shoulder to acknowledge his point, if not his skill with language. What's that about? Missed the details, frankly.

2023-01-20, 05:10 PM
Felix restrains himself from further disparagement of the terrain, realizing that he was coming perilously close to whining.

I suppose I knew what I signed up for when I chose to follow a ranger he thinks.

Hmm. Looks awfully scant on details. I don't suppose you have any idea who wrote this in the first place? If not, we'll just have to go in blind and hope for the best.

2023-01-21, 12:52 AM
Sonamy drinks ale slowly, "what sort of dangers do you think we will find at the treasure? No one hides gold and swords without putting some sort of trouble in the way."

"I'm fine with you getting the sword if we must, you the boss, but any magic scrolls I'd like to see, though I guess Felix will want some too."

2023-01-21, 01:56 PM
Distracted from the map by the mention of his name, Felix responds

I agree with Garrett, of course. We split the take evenly, and he gets the sword as part of his share. Anything else, we'll have to decide after we've seen it. We'll be here all night if we start bargaining over trinkets that may not even exist.

2023-01-21, 03:43 PM
William addresses Sonamy first, making a show as if to whisper (though barely making an effort to lower his voice), and with an exaggerated wink: "With any luck, just more orcs."

And then follows up on the valuable remark by Felix: That's the truth! I don't ask for much but I'm sure something is bound to catch my eye... Anyway, unless somebody has a clue about what lies beyond I suggest we ask around or at least get a move on while we have plenty of daylight left."

William then takes a long hard look, squinting at the map as if some new obscure detail might reveal itself. "What distance are we expecting to travel anyway?"


2023-01-21, 04:40 PM
Urag is busy eating and feasting on everhthings his hands range. He look with few interest in the map, much more dedicated on eating a particularly juicy chicken wing.

"I leave the decision on the path we take to you, Garret. And you can get dibs on the fancy sword, but if we find any magic axes I'll call dibs on them".

He shugs a mugful of beer and let out a loud burp, spilling some saliva and chicken bits on whoever was on the other side of the table and some of the map.

"So when do we leave? I'll just need to take a quick **** and I'm ready to go".

2023-01-22, 04:31 PM
You're gross, Urag. Did you know that? Torta inquires, her face showing little in the way of emotions as she wipes, well, something off of her face, making a mental note not to claim anything the man touches if they really end up finding much of value, before shooting an almost pleading look in Garrett's direction.

T.'s good to go!

2023-01-22, 04:49 PM
"Thanks", the large man says with a mouthful smile, "There still some bit there in your hair", he says waving a greased seven-digit hand too close to Torta's face.

He looks to Garret and to the map, "Ready whenever you are, Garret".

2023-01-23, 10:15 PM
Realizing the danger of getting caught in the crossfire, verbal or culinary, Felix claps his hands and comes to his feet.

Right. Whatever's out there, waiting won't make it any easier. Time to move.

He starts to make his way to the exit and his horse outside, giving the drunken guardsman a wide berth.

2023-01-24, 04:51 AM
William shakes his head in silent disapproval while checking his clothes for any residue.

Felix is right. Let's go do what we're best at. Improvising!"

He turns the rest of his drink up then gently places the dirty glass back on the table as if it's still hoping for better days. He gives Garrett a quick pat on the shoulder then follows closely behind Felix, still brushing his sleeves for good measure.

2023-01-24, 10:31 AM
"Well, I'm ready, " Sonomy said with a drink as he places his drink down.

"Urag, I've always wondered why the extra finger, does it come in handy?" Sonomy says as he prepares to leave to get his horse.

2023-01-24, 10:38 AM
Torta likewise stands, and perhaps a bit faster than absolutely neccessary, reflexivelt reaching up to the indicated spot to try and separate her mess of a hair from whatever mess Urag's decoreated it with. She then looks at Garrett once more, electing to patiently wait for the brave leader to gather up his belongings before she'd join the others. She doesn't really want to leave him and that map of his alone inside with that half-orc.

2023-01-24, 10:50 AM
Deciding against further conversation, the group gathers up the gear and leaves, the other groups in the bar paying them no mind and half-orc guardsman busy chugging the flagon of ale he poured for himself.
Using their knowledge of the local area and geography, the group finds their way to the spot indicated by the map as the starting point and begin to follow it. After about 10 minutes of walking, they are about to enter a more densely forested area, that will force those on horseback to dismount and walk. Just as they are doing so, Torta hears a noise and looks up to see a group of 5 orcs that were clearly planning some sort of ambush, but couldnt contain their patience long enough. The orcs are spread out in a semicircle 50 feet away from the party, there is one to the left, 3 in the center and one to the right of the group. Seeing as the group was just walking without any sort of tight military formation, they are all more or less in the same position, facing down the orcs.
One of the orcs steps forward and in his heavily accented common says Just hand over the map, turn yourselves around and no one gets hurt


2023-01-24, 12:07 PM
William smirks because he knows this map will find the possession of nobody else, especially not to some ill-intent orcs. "Should have stayed hidden from my friends here" he thinks to himself.

Initiative: [roll0]

William is going to prepare his group as they've been accustomed to many times before with the Bless spell: (+1 to all attack rolls and savings throws vs fear, 50 ft. burst, 5 minutes).

I'm going to safely assume that since we have been called to initiative, my diplomacy will do no good here. That group looks aggressive already!

2023-01-24, 12:09 PM
"What's the fun if none get hurt?", the towering man says spitting in the ground, too close to Torta's footwear, and draw his massive axe, "I suggest you to go back to whatever holes you live by and rethink your life choices... Or come closer and have some FUN".

He steps to get between the orcs in front of them and the less muscular party members, eager to bring down the axe on whoever get close enough.

Initiative [roll0]

Moving to the front to block anyone trying to hit the casters and readying to chop their upper halfs if they come closer.

PA 2, Greataxe [roll1]
Dmg [roll2]

2023-01-24, 12:35 PM
Let's see if combustion can improve your manners.

Initiative: [roll0]
Casts Lesser Orb of Fire on the closest orc he has a clear shot at.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll1] +1 if bless has gone off already
Damage: [roll2]

If he's in melee, he takes a 5ft step back before casting, otherwise, he tries to move to put the burlier party members between himself and the orcs afterwards.

2023-01-24, 12:47 PM
With threats flying back and forth anyhow, Torta finds it easier to simply show some good old fashioned contempt through not bothering to even address their assailants. Instead, she merely flings an annoyed Was that on purpose? It better wasn't. at Urag as she swiftly removes her foot from anywhere near the spittle and draws her club, muttering some strange old phrase as she taps the weapon with her thumb.

Initiative: [roll0]
Move action draw club;
standard action cast Shillelagh on club (+1 enhancement to hit and damage; damage dice go up to 2d6);
free action ignore orcs;
free action chastise Urag;
free action Spot: [roll1] and Listen: [roll2] in case she missed something the first time.

2023-01-24, 02:21 PM
Garrett draws his shortswords in response to the orc's challenge. ]"No, thanks." He says simply, in a similar tone of voice as if he were refusing a particularly pushy salesman.

Initiative: [roll0]

Free action: be flippant

Move action: keep pace with Urag, flanking if possible

Attack action: [roll1] (+2 if flanking, +1 if bless)

Damage: [roll2] piercing, +1 acid

(Damage is rolled assuming the orcs are actually orcs.)

2023-01-25, 12:55 AM
Sonamy draws his rapier as he moves to flank with Garrett or Urag if possible. Doing his best to skewer the foe., "Have at ye, beast"

Status: Bless (+1 morale hit, +1 vs fear)

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

Init: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (+2 if flanking, +1 if bless)
Dam: [roll2]
If Sneak Attk: [roll3]

2023-01-25, 12:17 PM
Actions explode almost immediately. Once again, Torta's ears pick up something from behind and when she turns to see what is going on, she sees the guardsman from the bar coming up from behind in an attempt to ambush them, which has unfortunately been screwed. The party universally goes before the orcs, Urag absolutely demolishes the orc he is facing, while Felix turns one into charred ash. Garrett scores a hit but the orc survives the shot, Sonamy also scores a hit on his orc, but not enough to kill it. The orc fighting Garrett scores a hit that almost hits a major artery but at the last moment he twists enough to keep it only a normal hit for 8 points. The half orc coming from behind is able to attack William for 13 points but fortunately the alert warning from Torta keeps it from being a sneak attack.

Round two
Urag engaged on second orc
Garrett and Sonomy engaged on first orcs they struck
William engaged on sneaky half orc, right beside Torta
Felix not actually engaged

2023-01-25, 01:20 PM
Torta offers but a look of annoyed recognition to the half-orc assaulting William. Oh, it's you. she says with unbroken calm. Pay good attention, now. Keeping her eyes locked on the glorified thug, she vanishes from sight to reappear behind the creature swinging her club at its neck.

Initiative (if I understand the procedure correctly): [roll0]
Swift action use Ghost Step to turn invisible (Su; does not provoke);
move action move to maybe flank with William;
standard action emerge suddenly from invisibility, trying to club the half-orc (attacking flat-footed AC): [roll1] for [roll2] magical bludgeoning and [roll3] sudden strike. To-hit is +7 if flanking.

2023-01-25, 02:02 PM
We should really find a better class of tavern for our scheming Felix mutters as he starts calling up another blast of mystic flame. There must be SOMEWHERE Urag hasn't been barred from yet.

Initiative: [roll0]

Felix uses Fiery Blast, dealing [roll1] damage in a 5ft radius burst (Reflex 18 half). Avoiding friendlies, if he can hit multiple orcs he does so, otherwise he targets the one that appears most wounded.

2023-01-25, 03:07 PM
"It seemed like a fine enough tavern," Garrett complains, inwardly lamenting his lack of social perception. Then he focuses on the matter at hand, swinging his twin blades at the opponent in a posthaste arc.

Initiative: [roll0]

Free action: Lamentations of the low charisma score :P

Full round action: attack the orc, five foot stepping to flank if possible. Please correct me if I am wrong, I have never used twf before, it's a -2 to both attacks and 1/2 str bonus on the off hand?

Main hand attack:

Main hand damage: [roll2] +1 acid

Off hand attack: [roll3]

Off hand damage: [roll4]

(Attacks again made assuming the orcs are orcs.)

2023-01-25, 07:11 PM
Urag smirks at Torta and reply shortly, "Maybe?". But combat make it hard to chit-chat, so he takes a step to better flank the next orc in front of him, swinging his axe as to bring this one down as well and end this attempted assault quickly as to not hinder their progress to what really matters: getting their hands on magical and ancient riches.

Let's roll Initiative for this round: [roll0]

He will swing the greataxe at the one in front of him with his standart action:
PA 2, Greataxe [roll1] dmg [roll2]

If he can flank, add +2 on the attack roll.

Seeing the orc they saw before in the tavern joining the battle, he grins wide, "Here! Join the FUN! It's a real party out here!"

HP 64/64 ; AC 18
Buffs: Bless

2023-01-25, 11:13 PM
William shrugs off the attack and taunts the half-orc that landed the blow, "Ha, you call that sneaky?" but thinks quickly to himself, "Whew, I'll remember to thank Torta!"

He circles however necessary to maintain the flank with Torta, shield raised and Mace comfortably within his grasp.

HP: 37/50
AC: 19 (T - 13, FF - 16)
Saves: (F- 6, R - 4, W - 8)

Initiative: [roll0]

Free action: scoff at half-orc
Standard action: Aid Another (attack vs 10 AC): [roll1]
Torta receives additional +2 attack OR +2 dodge AC on next turn.

William also stands at the ready should anybody attempt to pass by him on the way to Felix (if near their path).

IF an attack of opportunity presents itself for whatever reason... attack: [roll2] (+2 if flanking), damage: [roll3]

2023-01-26, 01:55 AM
You should surrender while you still have blood left! Sonamy says as he twirls his blade and pierces again.

Move if need to maintain flanking
Status: Bless (+1 morale hit, +1 vs fear)

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

Init: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (+2 if flanking, +1 if bless)
Dam: [roll2]
If Sneak Attk: [roll3]

2023-01-26, 02:47 PM
This time, only Torta and Felix act before the orcs, Torta scoring a hit on the half orc and Felix incinerating the ones menacing Garrett and Sonomy. The orc on Urag scores a hit for 9 points of damage (narrowly avoiding a critical) while the half orc fails to connect with William. Urag proceeds to bisect the last remaining orc while William further buffs the combat skills of Torta

Round 3
Only the half-orc remains, fighting with Torta and William

2023-01-26, 03:05 PM
"Hah!", Urag exclaims when he get hit, almost happy with being in battle, "If there was still justice in this kingdom I would consider letting this one live and pay for his crimes, but since the king was dethroned I dont think there is much justice left anymore 'round these parts".

Urag moves to flank the last standing combatent and bring down his axe one more time.

Initiative for this round [roll0]

PA 1, Greataxe, [roll1] dmg [roll2]

2023-01-26, 03:17 PM
Torta takes in the carnage with one quick glance, before lazily swinging again to try and mop up the remaining resistence. Oh, and Urag: no. she turns her head ever so slightly towards the barbarian enjoying himself all too much, as if she just remembered somethging, her tone nothing if not conversational. I hate you more.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (+1 bless, +1 enhancement, +2 flanking, +2 aid) for [roll2] magical bludgeoning.

2023-01-26, 03:38 PM
Sensing victory at hand, Felix stops bantering and focuses on bringing down the last threat.

Initiative: [roll0]
Fiery Blast again, targeted above the half-orc's head to avoid hitting allies. [roll1] fire damage, DC 18 reflex save for half.

2023-01-26, 07:06 PM
Trusting in the valor of his allies, William maintains his position as a threat to wall in the sole remaining opponent, foolish enough to get involved. He looks around at all the mess, his eyes wide in response to the efficiency depicted. Never gets old. Thanks for the warm-up."

HP: 37/50
AC: 19 (T - 13, FF - 16)
Saves: (F- 6, R - 4, W - 8)

Initiative: [roll0]

Full-round action: Sacred Healing (expend one turn undead use) - Self and allies within 60 ft. gain fast healing 3 for 4 rounds = 12 HP.

If concentration check is necessary to succeed: [roll1]

2023-01-27, 03:44 PM
Garrett turns toward the last remaining opponent and glances over the guard 's figure. He thinks about how dreadful it was that one whose position was to defend the people was here attempting to kill them instead, but Garrett has no more words for the soon to be dead man. The fight was already over, whether he dealt the killing blow or not. But he may as well try for it.

I don't think I'll bring out the viper, as there isn't really a good space for Viper William to attack from, based on my mental map of the situation.

Free action: elevator eyes
Move action: get adjacent to the guard
Attack action:

Damage: [roll1] +1 acid.

2023-01-28, 09:51 AM
"Time to finish this" Sonamy says as he moves over to skewer the foe.

Status: Bless (+1 morale hit, +1 vs fear)

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

Init: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (+2 if flanking)
Dam: [roll2]
If Sneak Attk: [roll3]

2023-01-28, 02:05 PM
The half orc is not able to react before Garrett, Felix, Torta and Sonomy all land blows on him, finishing him off before Urag even gets chance. At the same time Williams divine healing magic washes over the group, curing 12 points in the space of a few moments

2023-01-28, 02:47 PM
Felix lets out a long, slow exhalation as he feels the tension of the fight leave his body. While he had avoided any close combat, he had enough bad memories of brutish orcs and their cruel, curved swords to last a lifetime.

After a few moments Felix collects himself and moves to more practical matters.

If we're lucky, our friend from the bar and these thugs are the only ones who knew our plans. If the army was after us, I'd expect them to send more than a few scrubs. All the same, we should check the bodies and try to find out if anyone else is involved.

Pulling a pair of heavy gloves from his belt, Felix moves to search the nearest corpse.

2023-01-28, 05:51 PM
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if that one somehow knew about it before-hand. I would suggest somebody with better eyes stay wary. Speaking of which... He brushes off his clothing around the already healing wound he received, knowing it could have been much worse. Then gives an exaggerated nod of appreciation in Torta's direction.

William then proceeds to inspect some of the corpses for any obvious valuables, making sure to avoid the one entirely in two parts. "Urag, did I ever mention I'm glad you're on our side?"

2023-01-28, 08:12 PM
Urag watch as the others dispatch the last standing assailant.

"Meh, didnt even break a sweat", he says and swing the greataxe lazily in the air, disappointed he didnt got the last hit, "Anyone see more of these thugs? We better check out before keeping moving into the ruin location".

He then looks to Felix, "It wasnt my fault the other tavernkeeper was so sensible about breaking her mugs and plates: why open a tavern if you dont want your things to get broken. And the loud burp? Was just complimenting the food! There are no more tavernkeepers like before!"

Cleaning up his axe with a dirty piece of cloth he looks to Torta seriously, "And what with this hate talk? That's just rude. What there is to hate someone as nice as me?", he says while focused on sticking his finger up his nose, "See? William is glad I'm his buddy".

Walking to his horse, he takes a shovel from the saddlebags, "And someone better begin digging these thugs some shallow grave while me and Garret look for more of them".

Urag would like to check for footprints and stuff, make sure they're alone and find a good place to bury the corpses so as to not attract any travelerd's attention.

Survival [roll0]

2023-01-28, 11:23 PM
Searching the corpses, the group finds 100 silver between them all, and 25 gold. More impressive however is the fact that all the orc leather armor is of +1 quality as is the half orc's armor and weapon.
The group also finds a makeshift badge and some paperwork on the half orc identifying him as a Kings guardsman who goes by the name of Rocco. There are no other tracks around and burying the bodies is short work...in fact, the bursts of fire from Felix reduced several of them to ash anyway.

2023-01-29, 08:19 AM
Urag is curious on the weapons, but he was never a fan of fancy curved swords and his armor was more of his tastes: despise what Torta would complain about, these orcs armors smelled way worser than Urag's.

"Well, I'll take my part of all that in coin once we sell it all. Do we burn these papers or keep it though?", by now Urag is done picking his nose.

I'm no big fan of papers", he states the obvious.

2023-01-29, 10:40 AM
Torta pokes the dead half-orc with her club; they overdid this one, somewhat, but at least the chances are now slim anyone will ever recognize the "guard", should the body be found. Letting Urag's jab slide for once (fighting back the urge to point out that she also likes to have the big man by the cleric's side, as long as it's his other side), she repays Will's nod with one of her own, and of the "I have your back" sort at that before resuming watch while the marginally more capable deal with taking stock and disappearing the bodies.

When Urag comes back, waving Rocco's papers, she gives those and the loot a quick glance; it's not a bad load, if of little interest to her, personally. They are going to need the gold, the weapons or both, eventually. The papers, on the other hand… I can tell, buddy. she replies to Urag in a merciless deadpan. But the weird thing? I tend to agree. the killoren concedes. We better burn those. Leaves fewer loose ends.

2023-01-29, 10:40 AM
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2023-01-29, 11:48 AM
Torta does not hear anything or spot anything potentially hostile. The armor, while of good quality, does not contain any markings that would identify it as belonging to a guardsman.

2023-01-29, 01:36 PM
No reason to leave anything behind. Garret, Urag - if you can handle the lifting, I can provide the fire.

Assuming no objections from the rest of the group, we load the loot onto the horses, drag the bodies into a out-of-the-way place, Felix uses Fiery Blast once or twice to burn them and any identifying items, and we scrape some dirt over the whole thing.

Good show, everyone. And that's enough time lost on this. Let's keep moving.

2023-01-29, 03:01 PM
Will confirms the good decisions by Felix. Sounds good to me. I've always admired your hands-off approach. Did anybody get a name from that paper in case we need to trace it back? He tied a small share of the loot to Nina's saddlebags, then proceeds to clean up any excess dirt and grime he might have accumulated on his clothes.

2023-01-29, 04:11 PM
"Rocco", it'd seem. Torta answers off-handedly, her eyes still scanning the brush as she follows Will's example in fastening some captured ware to Fat Deer's saddle. Shouldn't matter much. The less we know…

2023-01-30, 11:34 AM
"Rocco", it'd seem. Torta answers off-handedly, her eyes still scanning the brush as she follows Will's example in fastening some captured ware to Fat Deer's saddle. Shouldn't matter much. The less we know…

"The less we know, the more it could come back to bite us later," Garrett opines, making sure his shortswords are fully clean before finally stowing them properly.

We should keep watch for that name in the future." he ties some loot to his saddlebags, waking up viper William who had somehow managed to slumber through the entire escapade.

2023-01-30, 02:00 PM
The carcasses of the orcs and half-orc are dealt with and the party is able to resume their journey. The map leads them to the abandoned building known as Frontiere. Frontiere was built several generations ago by an ambitious former king of Wilverton when mineral deposits were found in the area. The idea was to have Frontiere serve as housing for the miners right above the mine, thus minimizing travel and allowing for better living conditions for the miners. The mine soon unearthed underground caverns and while it made for large areas to be easily exploited, it was clear that the area had already been mined extensively by either the duergar or deep dwarves (no one figured out which one) and the mine quickly lost viability. The mine and building were left and fell into ruin, not to mention extensive forest infestation and is now almost indistinguishable from forest.
Exploring the building would probably be a two day operation but the map leads the group quickly to the shaft down to the mine. The only problem is that the shaft is currently guarded by three bugbears. They are not aware of the party, yet.

2023-01-30, 02:56 PM
Looks like we're not the first ones here, Garrett mutters, having backed away enough that his voice would not carry to the bugbears.

"any bright ideas? We could go in swinging, but if anyone has a good idea to get them away from the mouth of the shaft so we don't risk getting shoved in, could be helpful"

He absentmindedly pets the head of Viper William, who is coiled around his arm, as he ponders the situation.

"Perhaps we could make something tempting for them to investigate?"

2023-01-30, 03:47 PM
As much as I enjoy the old 'scream and leap', it could be useful to draw them away from any potential reinforcements Felix concurs.

My cousin took me boar hunting in these woods once, in... better times. I hated every minute of it. Still, these bugbears don't look too disciplined to turn down the chance at some extra meat. Garrett, do you think you can use your ranger tricks to convince a nice fat boar to show itself and lead them off into an ambush? Or maybe Sonamy could use that cantrip of his to fake the sound of one off in the woods?

2023-01-30, 05:26 PM
Could gauge their numbers? Maybe there's more. Torta offers somewhat cautiously. Or eavesdrop a little. Could do that easily. the fey woman adds before looking pointedly at Felix, making sure the mage knows she's acknowledging his reasoning. Then summon stuff afterwards. I have a scroll.

Torta has a +8 to Hide and Move Silently, plus Winged Watcher retrieved and the Listen to This skill trick.
She also has a scroll of SNA2.

2023-01-30, 06:58 PM
Urag listen to everyone's ideas and mock Torta.
"Oh! beware! She has a scroll!", he laughs and hopes the bugbears wont listen them this far away.

Other than spiting Torta, Urag didnt add much to the planning: he's good to walk in there and beat these guys if they prove troublesome, but the others seems content in deciding how to approach the goblinoids and he's glad he don't need to overthink on things like plans. Kinda hoping it end with a brawl.

2023-01-30, 07:36 PM
I agree it would be beneficial to gather more information, if there is any to be had. Then I'm up for whatever. Though, make note I've never been any good at hiding. William takes a few paces to the side, at least blocking line of sight from the bugbears. He trails off muttering about the time that Orc chieftain laughed from behind him.

By the way, if any one person will be taking steps ahead to scout out (for traps, eaves-dropping, what-have-you), I have a standard action to take first.

Protective Ward: for 1 hour, target gains +5 bonus on next saving throw.

2023-01-30, 07:49 PM
A powerful and expensive item Felix responds, ignoring Urag's sarcasm with noble bearing and poise. I'd prefer you save it if we can accomplish our end through easier means.

Still, you're right about finding out who they are and who's with them. We seem to be meeting an awful lot of people on our way to this 'lost' treasure. William's right too, though. I say we have one person sneak up and scout, while the rest of us hang back and prepare to rush in if there's trouble.

If there's no one else around, it may be easier to simply ambush them where they are.

MikelaC1, is finding a boar and getting it to lead them into an ambush within the bounds of Wild Empathy as far as you're concerned?

2023-01-31, 12:56 AM
"I can fake a sound with a spell...

I could also cast grease to maybe make them fall down?" Sonamy said.

2023-01-31, 06:46 AM
"I know that cantrip as well! Listen", Urag keep messing with the spellcasters, letting out a powerful and loud fart, "As for Grease, I think I can work something out... Hehehehe".

2023-01-31, 05:46 PM
That's no cantrip. More like, inhaled poison. Torta jabs back. Hits the brains, apparently. The closest affected first. she adds, while turning to face the mine's direction even as she addresses those not called Urag, with a polite nod. May I proceed, then? All scouting, no scrolls.

Spot: [roll0] and
Listen: [roll1].
I mean, maybe it was a really loud fart.

2023-01-31, 06:54 PM
Haha- oof! William begins chuckling at Urag, but on the inhale, he receives an unfortunate waft of the poison cloud Torta mentions. He quickly covers his face, attempting to breathe through the scarf instead while muffling his cough.

You got that right. Go on ahead Torta, it's probably safer up there anyway at this point. He then dares an amused elbow at Urag's arm, still covering his face.

Anyway, best make a move while we're still at an advantage.

2023-01-31, 09:59 PM
Torta is able to get close enough to hear the bugbears talking but unfortunately, they are speaking in goblin, a language that she does not understand. She does hear the name Rocco being dropped, and right after the one finishes a statement, they both laugh and do a fist pump to each other.

2023-02-01, 02:53 PM
"Reconnaissance sounds like a good plan. we could really use an idea of the numbers. See if our boar plan is even feasible. "

While the others finish discussing, Garrett takes stock of his inventory, trying to think of what would be the easiest way to bait a boar. They seem to like sweet things....

If the boar plan is to proceed, Garrett will track one down and bait it with the sweetest part of his rations, like maybe jelly or something. Might be a good way to flavor it, since wild hogs can be baited with jello in real life.

If this is ruled as wild empathy, it is plus five, if it is ruled as handle animal, it is plus eight.


2023-02-01, 03:20 PM
By the time Garrett figures out what to bait the hog with, Torta already begins to slink back towards the group, although not before she'd spend a couple more moments staring intently from her advanced position to make sure there's no more hostile presence than it is immediately apparent. As she moves to break away, however, she's way too busy committing the exact sequence of sounds she intercepted to memory (one of the wizards must know the language; Sonamy mentioned something like that before, she figures) to be sufficiently careful – and graceful as she should be, she slips.

Freezing, she pulls herself up into a tense crouch, ready to jump, but hoping she won't have to. That could… Complicate things.

Another Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1] before that atrocious attempt at stealth (to see if there's more hostile presence than the three bugbears) and
[roll2] and Spot: [roll3] for T. to see if she was noticed (assuming the gobs take some more sneaky approach to reacting than a screaming charge).

2023-02-01, 11:36 PM
Hoping to pull back from the bugbears and remain unseen and unheard, as well as keep what sounds she heard the bugbears speaking, Torta has too many things on her plate and twigs snap under her feet. The bugbears are dull but they arent that dull, their weapons are out and they start advancing towards where they heard Torta.

Round one
Bugbears are 40 feet from Torta, they dont know exactly where she is because of her second set of hide rolls, but they know someone is there
Rest of the party is 100 feet from the bugbears.
Initiative and actions.

2023-02-02, 09:20 AM
I suppose I wasn't really looking forward to wrangling a wild boar anyway Felix whispers wryly to himself. Let's do this!

Initiative: [roll0]

Felix delays until after the bugbears have moved.

He moves forward 30 feet and takes cover behind a sturdy tree if one is nearby. If the enemy is within 40 feet casts Scorching Ray. He gets two rays* and splits them between two bugbears, favoring any already injured. Otherwise, he readies an action to cast if two or more bugbears get within range.

Ranged Touch: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Ranged Touch: [roll3] Damage [roll4]

*Caster level is 7 due to Fiery Blast feat

2023-02-02, 11:23 AM
Seeing that the bugbears got startled, Urag stop laughing amd dashes forward, greataxe in hands and not even caring on being stealthy.

Initiative [roll0]

Actions: full round to dash 60ft closer to the bugbears.

2023-02-02, 05:20 PM
Garrett drops his sweet boar treat to the ground as things begin to hit the fan. "you wouldn't have had to do the wrangling," Garrett observes to Felix, before dashing forward and arcing his primary shortsword at the nearest bugbear.

Viper William follows suit, arcing across the ground like a deadly ribbon.

Initiative: [roll0]

Actions: hold turn until after the bugbears have moved closer

Move action: run up to a bugbear

Attack action: slice and dice
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] piercing + 1 acid

Viper William only has a 20' movement, so he will hold his turn until Garret moves, then simply double move to chase Garrett.

Viper William Initiative: [roll3]

2023-02-02, 07:09 PM
Sonamy draws his bow while moving and fires at one of the Bugbears hoping he can get a sneaky arrow off.

Too far for sneak attack (30 ft)). Moving 30 ft with while drawing bow and firing 70 ft away (just within 1st ranged increment happily)

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

Init: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Dam: [roll2]

2023-02-02, 08:06 PM
Oh, that's not good. William was sincerely hoping on bringing the n for an ambush, but the numbers are in their favor... For now.

The quicker we can dispatch them, the better. No telling what else is in there. That thought urges him to the front of the rest of the group.

Initiative: [roll0]

Move action: Move the full 30 feet closer.

Standard action: cast Shield Other on Garrett. (+1 AC, +1 saves, half his damage damage taken instead goes to me, 5 hours)

rings have been accounted for, as he is the leader

2023-02-03, 11:14 AM
Groaning, albeit only internally, Torta makes a few quick, cold calculations. She could wait for the bugbears to close and hit them hard when they least expect it; but she cannot take all three: indeed, downing even one would be a fluke. So she must move. But which way? Maybe if she bolted into the brush, away from the others the brutes would follow. She can shake them. But she knows her companions all too well. She's not a boar, perhaps not even to Urag. They wouldn't let that be. And should the bugbears fail to take the bait… The others would be a pair of arms short. Hers, specifically.

Hissing an indistinct curse, the lanky fae springs up and bolts forward, swirling around a good thirty feet further away, drawing bow and arrow. She locks eyes with a bugbear, the closest. And she looses.

Initiative: [roll0]
Move action break cover and move 30' back towards the crew as requested, drawing shortbow;
free action Listen: [roll1] and Spot: [roll2] to take a measure of the battlefield (see where everyone is, check for threats T. wasn't aware of yet &c.);
standard action attack a bugbear (70' away, so just outside the first increment): [roll3] for [roll4] piercing.

2023-02-03, 12:45 PM
(Garrett and Urag do not get attack actions as they had to close distance, bugbears also moving as well, next round full attack options)

Torta attempts to sprint back to the party to lure the bugbears into following her, she also turns and fires a bow at one, piercing its furry hide. Sonomy also fires at the same bugbear, dealing him a bit more damage, at which point the scorching rays connect. The bugbear who had been hit by two arrows is dropped immediately, while the one closing with Garrett takes a major hit but not enough to drop him. William shield Garrett with a spell, while Garrett, Urag and the bugbears move into melee range

Round two
One bugbear down
Garrett engaged with extremely damaged bugbear, Urag engaged with undamaged bugbear
(if bow or ranged spell casters fire, they are firing into melee)

2023-02-03, 01:50 PM
Yeah, that's what you said about the dire rat nest. I had to throw that cloak out, you know.

Redirecting his attention to the task at hand, Felix lightens up a little. Still, we seem to have gotten our ambush after all. Let's finish this up, shall we?

Initiative: [roll0]
Fiery Blast, 5ft radius burst
If I can hit both bugbears without hitting the party I do so, otherwise I go for the most wounded enemy still on its feet.
Fire Damage: [roll1] reflex DC 18 half

2023-02-03, 01:55 PM
"Urag to the rescue!", the barbarian yells as he swing his axe in the bugbear's torso, hoping to taking him down in a single swing.

He'll 5ft step to flank if possible and power attack with his greataxe:
Initiative [roll0]
PA 4 [roll1] (add +2 to attack if he ca get into flanking position)
dmg [roll2]

2023-02-03, 02:28 PM
As the actual warriors charge into the fray, Torta assumes a more relaxed posture and lowers her bow. She extends her free arm towards Garrett and utters a single, garbled syllable. That should do more than brandishing a club could; she's been sufficiently inefficient as it is.

Initiative: [roll0]
T. takes a 5' step if needed to not be withiin any hostile's melee reach;
standard action casts Snake's Swiftness, granting Garrett an extra melee attack on her initiative count;
free action maintains vigilance through Listen: [roll1] and Spot: [roll2].

2023-02-03, 07:29 PM
Yeah, we need to get you another cloak. William then readies his mace and shield while closing in the remaining distance, taking his place on the front line.

Initiative: [roll0]

Free action: holds breath when passing by Urag and the lingering trail of flatulence.

Move: up to 30 feet, attempting to flank the unharmed enemy with Urag, if possible.

Standard: attack [roll1] (+2 if flanking), damage [roll2]

2023-02-04, 03:09 PM
Sonamy moves 30 ft closer and fires again to damaged bugbear

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

[roll0] Includes -4 from hitting into melee

2023-02-04, 09:38 PM
Garrett feels the rush of the spell, flicking his blade out with renewed vigor at the bugbear. But he doesn't acknowledge Torta's effort- not just yet, he's a little busy with the bugbear in his face.

Once the burst of adrenaline fades, he attacks with the caution he is used to.

On initiative count 23 thanks to the amazing Torta:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] piercing +1 acid

On initiative count [roll2]
-- Viper william will double move to flank.

On initiative count [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Attack 2: [roll5]
(Both +2 if Viper William is providing flanking)

Damage1: [roll6] piercing +1 acid
Damage 2: [roll7] Piercing

2023-02-05, 11:23 AM
bugbear init

2023-02-05, 11:30 AM
The lack of speed for the bugbears proves to be their undoing, the flank position of William gives Urag the opening he needs to hit and he cleaves the bugbear, while the combined strikes of Sonomy and Garrett take down the wounded one. Given that the shots went off before Felix had even began his casting motions, he is able to hold his spell and not waste the power.

2023-02-05, 03:00 PM
"Any more threats, Torta?", Urag says as he begins (poorly) cleaning up his magic axe, "If all opposition is gone, where should we head next, Garret?"

The barbarian looks at the dead bugbears and begin to help checking them for any useful thing that could be later sold.

2023-02-05, 05:01 PM
William also makes it a point to check for anything worth keeping, still pretty glad about not really having gotten his hands dirty just yet. He puts away his mace, still keeping his shield at the ready as they prepare to move forward.

Nicely done. I suggest we use our momentum wisely. And Garrett, keep close by. He rubs at the ring on his own hand.

By the way, these two benefits are still in effect. I will periodically check in to see when the time has run out.


Protective Ward: for 1 hour, target gains +5 bonus on next saving throw.


Standard action: cast Shield Other on Garrett. (+1 AC, +1 saves, half his damage damage taken instead goes to me, 5 hours)

2023-02-05, 05:02 PM
Nothing else, I believe. Torta shakes her head slightly, in response to Urag's surprisingly relevant question. That being said, however. she reminds, first of all, herself. Sonamy, you speak Goblin? Or is that you? she flicks a quick, green glance each at the two arcanists, motioning to them to come closer. The bugbears, they talked. Now, listen to this. she explains, her face stiffening with concentration before she'd repeat the conversation she overheard, sound by sound, the meaning hidden from her.

Listen to This! T. memorized the gobs' talking and with this handy skill trick, she recounts it with uncanny precision!
Also, Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1].

2023-02-06, 11:51 AM
In contrast to the orcs who had some masterwork items, the bugbears have no such items, but do have 150 silver and 75 gold between them all. The map clearly indicates a descent into the mine tunnels underneath the rotting structure of Frontiere.
Torta relays the words she heard the bugbears speaking and Sonomy, who speaks goblin provides a rough translation. One of the bugbears is griping about sharing some of this treasure with the half orc Rocco (whom they refer to as half breed as well as several other unpleasant terms) but the other bugbear says that Slagh, an unidentified being, is going to back stab Rocco and cut him out of the deal, which is the point where the bugbears laughed and did the fist bump.

2023-02-06, 08:29 PM
Well, sounds like we haven't brought down the army's attention, at least Felix muses. I suppose we can handle a little unfriendly competition. Nice work, Torta!

Felix carefully commits the map to memory.

Well, the faster we move in, the better chance we have of taking them by surprise. Shall we?

2023-02-06, 08:46 PM
In contrast to the orcs who had some masterwork items, the bugbears have no such items, but do have 150 silver and 75 gold between them all. The map clearly indicates a descent into the mine tunnels underneath the rotting structure of Frontiere.
Torta relays the words she heard the bugbears speaking and Sonomy, who speaks goblin provides a rough translation. One of the bugbears is griping about sharing some of this treasure with the half orc Rocco (whom they refer to as half breed as well as several other unpleasant terms) but the other bugbear says that Slagh, an unidentified being, is going to back stab Rocco and cut him out of the deal, which is the point where the bugbears laughed and did the fist bump.

Well, we'd best be on the lookout for this 'Slagh' then. I wonder what kind of creature they have for a leader, he muses, bringing to mind the rumors of ogres and worse within the castle walls.

Well, sounds like we haven't brought down the army's attention, at least Felix muses. I suppose we can handle a little unfriendly competition. Nice work, Torta!

Felix carefully commits the map to memory.

Well, the faster we move in, the better chance we have of taking them by surprise. Shall we?

Given the many questions posed to him, Garrett finally nods to Felix. We should get going.

He takes a look at the mineshaft, curious as to how the bugbears were getting up and down the perilous descent.

Barring any objections, I think everyone is right and we should proceed!

2023-02-06, 10:18 PM
"So should we leave a trail of corpses or ashes?", Urag asks grimly, ready to pile the corpses or hide them in another hall in the ruined building, "I don't think the missing sentinels will go unnoticed should any of them check here".

He's good to go and wont mind leaving, hiding or incinerating the corpses.

2023-02-07, 07:36 AM
"So should we leave a trail of corpses or ashes?", Urag asks grimly, ready to pile the corpses or hide them in another hall in the ruined building, "I don't think the missing sentinels will go unnoticed should any of them check here".

He's good to go and wont mind leaving, hiding or incinerating the corpses.

I think bringing them to another hall would be sufficient. Their absence alone will probably alert anyone, but hiding the bodies could buy us some time. And the scent of burning might attract unwanted attention.
Garrett matches Urag's grim tone, not looking forward to the gory task.

2023-02-07, 10:23 AM
Need help with that? Torta asks evenly as she slips her bow back into its sheath. Will stand watch otherwise.

More Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1]

2023-02-07, 09:03 PM
William moves to help lift one of the corpses and looks to the others for direction. Where are we going with these?

When that is situated he prepares with the others to head down the mine shaft. And how are we planning to get down there?

2023-02-07, 09:12 PM
Urag pick half a bugbear by the hand and the other half with the other hand. He did exagerated in the last axe swing.

Quietly he drags the corpse to another room and drop the dead there before returning.

"So we are going down?"

2023-02-07, 09:21 PM
There are rungs leading down the shaft

2023-02-08, 04:42 PM
Torta stalks closer to the shaft and lowers herself to a crouch beside it, leaning forward to gauge its depth. It'd seem so. she tells the barbarian, hoping her posture alone will tell William that descending doesn't appear to present a particularly serious issue. Urag and me first? she then looks up at Garrett. That would be their standard procedure; but Garrett and his map know more about this place than she does.

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1], naturally.

2023-02-08, 07:38 PM
Torta does not hear anything of note, but when she looks down into the mineshaft, she sees a few tufts of hair on several of the rungs. She figures the shaft goes about 15-20 feet before it comes into a horizontal tunnel.

2023-02-08, 09:01 PM
Taking the front, Urag begins to climb down the rungs and deeper into the mine.

If a Climb check is needed, Urag's climb check is:


"Sure is dark here...", he complains as he descends.

2023-02-09, 11:18 AM
Torta stalks closer to the shaft and lowers herself to a crouch beside it, leaning forward to gauge its depth. It'd seem so. she tells the barbarian, hoping her posture alone will tell William that descending doesn't appear to present a particularly serious issue. Urag and me first? she then looks up at Garrett. That would be their standard procedure; but Garrett and his map know more about this place than she does.

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1], naturally.

Garrett nods. "I'll come after," he says, then looks critically down into the darkness. "William, come here," he orders to his viper, and the snake coils his way up and around Garrett's shoulders so that it isn't in the way during the descent.

If such a check is necessary, Garrett's is [roll0]

2023-02-09, 11:30 AM
Expect some 20 feet. Should be no deeper. Torta remarks with a nod at Garrett as she follows Urag down the shaft. And something hairy, too. she adds from below, turning around and touching the little charm hanging from her neck to inspect the tunnel in the light that radiates forth from it. It used the ladder.

Climb: [roll0] if neccessary.
Once down, T. casts Light on her chronocharm; it will shed light as a torch for 40 minutes or until dismissed. Note that T. has low-light vision as well.
Oh, and Listen: [roll1] plus Spot: [roll2], as usual.

2023-02-09, 01:22 PM
(climb checks are not needed, everyone who has posted about going down has succeeded)
Torta does not spot anything, as the light spell does not penetrate the darkness any further than usual. The map indicates going to the left.

2023-02-09, 02:09 PM
Felix goes next, pulling on his gloves before mounting the ladder.

I say we follow the map, whoever is already here has probably already scouted the tunnels he whispers to the others when they're all at the bottom.

2023-02-09, 03:26 PM
It's a little trick William learned in time. If things need to be seen, his eyes have never been the best for it, but counting on friends to go first helps to show the way. The looks and actions of the others gave him comfort in bringing up the rear, and descending into what would be complete darkness. Oh, thanks for the light. He was just about to cast the same exact spell, and is still considering doing so.

2023-02-09, 04:48 PM
Garrett pulls out the map and brings it a bit closer to Torta's light to get a better look. "Seems like we should go this way," he whispers after a moment of contemplation, and gently bats away Viper William's attempt to slither towards the light.

The snake, dejected, wraps himself back around Garrett's shoulders like the scaly version of a feather boa.

Assuming the map is easily read, I believe we should follow that to the left. This campaign is, after all, named after it! :smallbiggrin:

2023-02-11, 08:46 PM
The whole group makes its way down the rungs and proceeds down the worked tunnels, avoiding any of the dead ends from the map info. They eventually come to a slightly larger chamber, on the other side of it, an ogre and 10 orcs are working to clear a collapsed tunnel. Most of the work is being done by the orcs with the ogre badgering them to work harder

2023-02-11, 09:39 PM
Seeing the many orcs and ogres, Urag's eye widen and his heart begins to beat faster: an ogre, a barbarian and ten orcs walks into a bar.

Urag take a step ahead Torta and get his axe ready, but does not play around this time. He tries his best to be like his totem spirite a lion and stalk these prey, but he's also trying to protect them from the possible incoming green avalanche.

He'll stealthly take a 5ft step and hope their working sounds baffle any Listen. He'll move to block as much line charges as possible while still not just walking.

Move Silently

And he'll ready to attack the first enemy to get close enough for a good swing.

Greataxe [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2023-02-11, 10:05 PM
Seeing the crowded room, Felix knows the time has come to act swiftly and decisively. With a quick warning to the others to keep clear, he draws upon his most powerful spell...


Initiative: [roll0]

20 foot radius spread, hitting as many enemies as possible
[roll1] fire damage, DC 20 reflex for half

2023-02-12, 12:52 AM
Sonamy readies a glitterdust (DC 16 will save Negate) after the fireball, to blind any that survive.

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft
Glitterdust centered on edge of Ogre so hits a orc or two 10-ft.-radius spread
[roll0], anything above a 10 works.

2023-02-12, 09:59 AM
William doesn't dare move any further out speak a word. He knows that stealth isn't his strength and he doesn't wish to give away their position. He will wait until after the proper action has been taken to do anything. They're outnumbered and the enemy is grouped up. I know the drill! His thoughts shine right through the smirk on his face, not that anybody can see it.

Initiative: [roll0]

He is going to pull out his crossbow and aim directly at the Ogre leader and ready the attack for immediately after Glidderdust has been cast.

Still in the back line, so here's a Spot check in case something tries to sneak up: [roll1] (if it does, drop crossbow and pull out shield immediately.) Otherwise:

5-foot step for line of sight if necessary.
Attack Ogre: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

By the way, these two benefits are still in effect. While it may have been an hour, I'm sure it hasn't been five yet.


Protective Ward: for 1 hour, target gains +5 bonus on next saving throw.


Shield Other on Garrett: (+1 AC, +1 saves, half his damage damage taken instead goes to me, 5 hours)

2023-02-12, 08:36 PM
Garrett pulls out his shortswords, seeing the mass of foes. He holds until after the conflagration, waiting to pick off any survivors. Viper William slithers quietly off of his shoulders, a ribbon of shadow in the dark.

Garrett will hold his action until an orc or ogre comes close enough to hit. I'm hoping they will make to attack once they realize they've been fireballed.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] EDIT: +2 if Viper William is flanking
Damage: [roll2] +1 acid +4 if an orc

Viper william will hold an action to slither behind to provide flanking.
Viper William Initiative: [roll3]
STATUS: Garrett currently has +1 AC

2023-02-13, 09:03 AM
Torta looks at the assembled opposition impassively. She knows, just as well as the others that this is Felix's time to shine, a time for blazing, cruel, clean efficacy. Flicking her gaze left and right, mostly out of habit, she silently draws her bow again and nocks an arrow.

Initiative: [roll0]
Free action Spot: [roll1] and Listen: [roll2] (to notice anything amiss, foes not yet seen &c.);
move action draw shortbow;
standard action ready a shot at anything that survives, preferably an orc: [roll3] for [roll4] piercing;
free action be really quite until after the boom.

2023-02-13, 10:31 AM
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage

2023-02-13, 10:42 AM
The party steps into the room, the light causing all of the opponents to look up but before they can even think to act, Felix intones his most powerful spell, a booming fireball. The entire host of orcs are blown away and the ogre is badly burned. Roaring with rage (Urag can tell that the ogre has entered a barbarian rage state), the ogre and Urag charge into each other with a crashing bang, the barbarian missing but the ogre scoring a hit for 24 points of damage...Urags retaliation strike goes wide of the target. Sonomy's attempt to use glitterdust to blind the ogre does not seem to work, but Torta's arrow finds ogre hide, while Garret moving up in tandem with Urag for a flank position also scores a hit on the beast.

Round two
Urag and Garrett engaged on ogre. There is room for one other person to engage the brute, normally moving into position to attack would provoke an AoO but since he is dually engaged, he will not get that chance. However since you would have to move to engage, you would only have time for a standard attack, i.e. one swing. If you fire into melee, use normal penalties for firing into battle.
Your best guess is that the ogre has taken about half his total.

2023-02-13, 12:29 PM
Finally some action! Urag feels the blow from the ogre's atgack and let out a howl of both pain and joy.

Flanking the ogre, he make sure to retribute the favor in the form of a powerful axe swjng aimed at the giant's knees.

Initiative [roll0]

Greataxe (PA 4): [roll1] dmg [roll2]

2023-02-13, 12:37 PM
The battle plan worked – for the most part. That ogre, however remains way more alive than it is entirely healthy and it seems to have retained its ability to draw blood, in quantities. Maneuvering closer with grace, Torta pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. It will take damage, and that's Urag's thing; it needs doing, so she'll do it. Extending a slender arm, she motions towards the big man. It's yours, Urag.

Initiative: [roll0]
T. move action closes so that she's in range but far outside the ogre's reach;
standard action casts Snake's Swiftness, granting Urag an immediate action attack on her initiative count;
free action isn't happy about it; and
free action scans the environs with Listen: [roll1] & Listen: [roll2].

2023-02-13, 12:43 PM
With magical grace and speed, Urag swing once again at the ogre, hoping to this time connect and bring down the giant.

Still PA of 4
Greataxe: [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2023-02-13, 01:18 PM
As the smoke clears, Felix settles his sights on the last remaining enemy. Looks like someone wants another.

Felix uses his Fiery Burst feat on the ogre.

5 foot radius burst, entirely within the ogre's space.
[roll0] fire damage, Reflex DC 18 half

2023-02-13, 03:19 PM
What a show! William exclaims in awe of all the exploding. But he notices the angry Ogre still moving at full speed. Why don't you take seat, buddy.

Initiative: [roll0]

Standard Action: Cast Command on the Ogre, "SIT!" (prone, 15 will save negates, -4 to melee AC and attack rolls, +4 AC vs ranged)

2023-02-15, 11:06 AM
Sonamy decides to move close and attack hoping to sneak an attack under its tough skin (sneak attack)
"To Arms!"

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

[roll0] add +2 if counts as Flanking
Sneak Attk [roll2] if Flanking

2023-02-17, 02:59 PM
Garrett strikes again, cursing softly under his breath as Urag takes a mighty blow.

Initiative [roll0]

Attack 1: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2] +1 acid

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]

2023-02-17, 03:45 PM
Urag connects on the swift attack granted by Torta, but its not enough to kill the ogre. The beast retaliates, dealing 22 points of damage to the barbarian but his second attack fails to connect. Felix continues to try and turn him into a living torch and then Garrett moves in at that point, scoring 2 hits including one critical, and with a low moan, the ogre topples over, dead.

2023-02-17, 05:13 PM
Well, that was a little harder than I thought it would be Felix mutters as the ogre finally dies. With a glance at Urag to make sure the big man's injuries were not immediately life-threatening, he goes to check the bodies for gold, supplies, or information.

2023-02-17, 06:07 PM
William looks across at all the incinerated corpses. "Yeah, just the one. Urag, how you feeling? Like that adrenaline?" He moves over to his bulky friend to inspect the recent wounds. He then rests his hand near enough one of them, other hand on his holy symbol.

Cure Serious Wounds: [roll0]

Anybody want to check the room for valuables? Any point in trying to hide all them guys? He cautiously begins moving to inspect the bodies himself.

2023-02-17, 07:50 PM
Urag spits lots of blood and accept the healing touch of his friend, "Very fun, a shame our blasty friend exploded the orcs too quickly".

He is at 36 out of 64 hp.

"Hiding them? If there are more they surely heard that fireball. But I wonder what they were trying to mine here: they did knew about the treasure map".

2023-02-17, 08:18 PM
I agree Felix replies. If they sent a squad of orcs here to dig, and the orcs vanish but the room is all charred, they won't need a master inquisitive to guess what happened. Best we keep moving.

He pauses searching to contribute some of his own stash of magic towards healing the barbarian.

Felix uses a charge from his Healing Belt on Urag, healing [roll0] damage.

Hmm. We know there's supposed to be some sort of riddle here. Perhaps they couldn't solve it and are trying to dig their way in through brute force?

2023-02-17, 10:31 PM
The map indicates that you have to go through a tunnel that is now blocked by the rockslide that the orcs and ogre were digging at. They had actually done a fair bit of the work, so the group is able to finish the job fairly quickly, after all, they only have to make a human size hole, instead of one big enough to accommodate an ogre. Pushing past the rock slide, the group goes about 30 feet down the tunnel until it opens into a large chamber. Inside the chamber, the group sees a curious site. Ahead of the group is a large box-like structure, the top of it has what appears to be a glass case, inside of which is a pile of coins, gems and a sword. On the front of the box are 10 levers, each of which can be pushed into a forward notch or to either side. Right now, all the levers are set to no position.

To the right of the machine is a table filled with gems, from where you stand, you can see 10 of them, a diamond, an emerald, a sapphire, a ruby, an amethyst, an opal, a moonstone, a topaz, a garnet and a turquoise.

On the left hand side is another table, this one is filled with a random set of items, there is a crown, a scepter, an amulet, a ring, a necklace, a sword, a belt, a tiara, a bracelet and a brooch. From where you are standing, you can see that all the items are bejeweled, however at least one or two of them (from what you can see at this distance) are missing a gem, judging by the hole in it.

Finally, on the middle of the floor is a rolled up scroll.

From the visual examinations, you can tell that each and every item is missing one gem from it, judging by the hole that you see in each design. Not all the holes are the same size, the same with the gems, so there is a certain amount of matching that could be done there, for instance, there is no way the garnet could fit into the spot in the Crown (too small), no way the diamond could fit into the bracelet (too big) and so on. There are no monsters present in the room.

2023-02-18, 12:45 AM
Well, this must be our puzzle Felix muses. Perhaps the scroll holds a riddle of some sort? Still, there are formalities that must be maintained.

Felix casts Detect Magic and begins scanning the area.

Sonamy, would you mind checking for any mechanical workings in the area?

2023-02-18, 09:45 AM
"Sure, I'll do my best, I have to say I am stumped on the puzzle tho. Guess we can try randomly checking which gems fit which items?

Or failing that we break glass?"
Sonamy moves hands slowly over the ground and walls looking for anything out of ordinary.


2023-02-18, 09:58 AM
I doubt whoever built this went through all the trouble just for us to smash our way in with a crowbar. Let's try reading the scroll before we touch anything else.

2023-02-18, 10:12 AM
The pedestal radiates magic but nothing else does; and Sonomy finds no traps or anything out of the ordinary on the floor.
Felix unrolls the scroll, it is written in common

Straight ahead of you, you see the riddle that holds your prize. On your right, you will see a large table filled with gems, while on your left, you will see items that can be bejeweled. Your task is to match all the gems to the items they fit, and then use that item to move the lever into position. Match them up right, and you will release the treasure. Dont get them right, and you will be left empty handed. The simple answer would be a straight match of the items that have holes in them, but whether that is right or not is something only time will answer. And on the subject of time, you will have no idea of how much time you have left, because there are other challengers in this dungeon, and they will be right on your tail. And even if they are not ready to pounce on you, if you delay too much and bore me, I might just release some horrible beast to slaughter you like the fodder that you are. Dont think for a moment that I dont have the power to kill you, because believe me, I do.

2023-02-18, 04:43 PM
Torta reads the scroll over Felix's shoulder with a slight frown. So that's how there was so much competition amassed at a presumably secret location, and their party is to expect more to come, including… Who's this "I"? she wonders aloud, scanning the room again somewhat nervously. And what's next? I'm no jeweller.

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1]

2023-02-18, 05:31 PM
Well, that's more... threatening than I anticipated.

Felix looks over the trinkets speculatively.

Perhaps we need to arrange the items in order of worth, from the noble crown and precious diamond to the humble turquoise and belt? Or perhaps in alphabetical order, from the amulet and amethyst to the turquoise and tiara?

Putting the scroll down, he moves to examine the levers.

And the levers - they appear to have multiple positions - how to tell which is correct?

2023-02-18, 10:39 PM
"Bah! Papers and words", Urag scoffs at the threats in the riddle, "So what think it might be? I guess we cant be just guessing the combinations, but maybe someone could loom better and see what fits what?"

"I'll let you figure it out and will stand watch should any beast are unleashed here", the barbarian stands ready waiting for any threats to show up.

Turnjng to Garret, he asks ojtnof curiosity, "[b]And where did you got this map again, boss?"

2023-02-18, 11:19 PM
William is curious at the absence of traps and quite sure anybody before them just gave up after a few tries for fear of facing unknown threats. "Well, I suppose if there were direct consequences for failure, this "I" would see no reason to leave threats. He begins to inspect all of the pieces of the riddle before them as best he can, hoping to see any obvious shaped slots. It may be easier to find where the items fit at the levers. He looks to Felix, the one that always seems to have the best ideas.

2023-02-20, 01:59 PM
Garrett rolls his eyes at Urag's comment. "Where I got the map hardly matters. I'm more concerned about these 'other challengers'."

He then peers closer at the levers "Do you think it matters whether they go left or right into position?"

2023-02-20, 02:49 PM
"The instructions says the words right, left and up. It might be some wordplay or fancy metaphor. Nerdy stuff", the barbarian suggests, "Maybe Rocco and the ogre were some other party of challengers. Might be more of those looking for this prize".

"It does mentions 'Match them up right' and 'you'll be left empty handed'."

The barbarian says his thoughts and then get back on picking his nose, "[b]Or maybe Torta can become a tiny little mousr and get a better look at each hole and jewel. See which futs were".

2023-02-20, 03:05 PM
Not good at mouse. Torta shakes her head slowly, shifting closer to the tables. Strangely enough, Urag had a point there. She should, perhaps, take a closer look.

A good Spot on each table and the levers: [roll0] on gems; [roll1] on holes&items; [roll2] on box/levers.
T. then activates Detect Spirits and looks around; if there are incorporeal undead, fey creatures, elementals or anything with the spirit subtype within 60', she should detect them.

2023-02-20, 03:56 PM
"The instructions says the words right, left and up. It might be some wordplay or fancy metaphor. Nerdy stuff", the barbarian suggests, "Maybe Rocco and the ogre were some other party of challengers. Might be more of those looking for this prize".

"It does mentions 'Match them up right' and 'you'll be left empty handed'."

The barbarian says his thoughts and then get back on picking his nose, "[b]Or maybe Torta can become a tiny little mousr and get a better look at each hole and jewel. See which futs were".

You're right Felix exclaims. Straight, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Straight, Right, Left, Right. Sounds like a good try to me.

Felix moves to examine the items.

A straight match...

If Torta doesn't find anything noteworthy, Felix checks to see if he can match the items as follows, in alphabetical order -

amulet - amethyst
belt - diamond
bracelet - emerald
brooch - garnet
crown - moonstone
necklace - opal
ring - ruby
scepter - sapphire
sword - topaz
tiara - turquoise

If any of them don't fit, he carefully returns them to their original positions on the table.

2023-02-20, 04:17 PM
Not good at mouse. Torta shakes her head slowly, shifting closer to the tables. Strangely enough, Urag had a point there. She should, perhaps, take a closer look.

A good Spot on each table and the levers: [roll0] on gems; [roll1] on holes&items; [roll2] on box/levers.
T. then activates Detect Spirits and looks around; if there are incorporeal undead, fey creatures, elementals or anything with the spirit subtype within 60', she should detect them.

A good look at the gems reveals they are just colored glass...nice enough looking and cut properly but completely worthless. When examining the items, she the same thing, cheap glass and plastic. There are no spirits present.

You're right Felix exclaims. Straight, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Straight, Right, Left, Right. Sounds like a good try to me.

Felix moves to examine the items.

A straight match...

If Torta doesn't find anything noteworthy, Felix checks to see if he can match the items as follows, in alphabetical order -

amulet - amethyst
belt - diamond
bracelet - emerald
brooch - garnet
crown - moonstone
necklace - opal
ring - ruby
scepter - sapphire
sword - topaz
tiara - turquoise

If any of them don't fit, he carefully returns them to their original positions on the table.

The gems dont fit in the items as outlined

2023-02-21, 12:50 AM
Sonamy tries:

amulet - sapphire
belt - opal
bracelet - Ruby
brooch - Moonstone
crown - Diamond
necklace - turquoise
ring - amethyst
scepter - Topaz
sword - Garnet
tiara - Emerald

Might as well try this:
S, O, Y, M, D, T (), A (A for amethyst), A (A from Topaz), A (a from Garnet, D (D from Emerald)

2023-02-21, 07:40 AM
This is all trash. Torta remarks bemused, lifting and tapping a few items the others are not currently busy handling to find a match for it. Still, she endeavours to give them another look, trying to notice a pattern.

What colour are the opal and the diamond?

2023-02-21, 08:14 AM
"Maybe the smallest gem, the garnet, goes to the smallest item? I guess it would be the ring. And the biggest would go to the bigger item? The sword maybe?"

Urag frowns as he make an effort to think, and by the look of his face he doesnt seem happy about it.

"Or maybe the beasts whoever unleashes on us to slaughter us when time is gone by comes with a hint?"

2023-02-21, 01:30 PM
Well, I was hoping to dazzle you all with a stroke of my brilliance, but no such stroke seems to be forthcoming.

Still, let's see if the gems and items were meant to fit at all.

Felix takes the garnet and tries it against each of the ten items. Even if he finds a fit, he keeps going to see if it fits more than one socket.

2023-02-21, 02:15 PM
After about 10 minutes of playing matchmaker, Felix is able to match a gem to each item needing one

2023-02-21, 03:19 PM
"There's that. Now maybe we slot them in alphabetical order? Wonder how we're doing on time." William exaggerates the last word. He had been checking to see if there were any obvious slots on the levers where something might fit, if anything stands out.

2023-02-21, 04:22 PM
The levers are smooth, with no slots

2023-02-21, 05:34 PM
"I don't see any obvious slots actually on the levers. Anybody else want to check the perimeter of this room? I'm going to keep looking around these tables."

William gestures around the machine then points to the edges of the room, and to each table.

Here's a spot check if needed: [roll0]

2023-02-21, 06:40 PM
"Cant we just smash the glass with a big rock?", the barbarian complains, bored of the puzzle.

He does get a bit excited once Felix manage ro get the right combination.

"So what was the right combination? Maybe it can give us some idea on how the puzzle work".

2023-02-21, 09:35 PM
Well, let's try an experiment.

Felix uses the scepter to push the first lever into the straight forward position. If nothing happens, he goes on to push the remaining levers as follows, stopping if anything changes:
Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Straight, Right, Left, Right

2023-02-22, 07:05 AM
Torta acknowledges the barbarians alternative plan with a cautious Sonamy found no traps… before shaking her head and pressing a hand against her own temple. Stop making sense, Urag. You get me worried. she dismisses her inchoate enthusiasm, offering Felix an encouraging nod – but keeping a very keen eye open, should something go wrong.

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1].

2023-02-22, 09:45 AM
As soon as the levers are pushed into position as planned by Felix, the glass around the treasure disappears and the pedestal lowers down to waist height.

The gems and items were just to serve as props for the left, right and straight words

2023-02-22, 10:26 AM
Well it took a little more guesswork and a few more insights from a barbarian than my tutors would have approved of, but... Felix mutters before turning and flourishing with his cloak My fellow adventurers, may I present the lost treasure of Frontiere!

Now let's get out of here before anyone shows up.

2023-02-22, 10:44 AM
"Let's take this treasure and get out then, before more challengers come around".

The barbarian begins to collect the treasure and stash into a bag, "Here's the sword you came here for, boss", he says handing Garret the sword, "Is it even magic? Or any of the treasure actually, or just a bunch of jewelry for us to sell?", he asks none in particular.

With the treasure safely stored, Urag is ready to leave and go back to town, glad they found some nice trinkets to trade for beer and fun.

2023-02-22, 11:49 AM
Your intellect is dazzling. Torta lays a light, reassuring hand on Felix's shoulder with an almost-smile. But I do agree. We better start moving. Are we done, Garrett? she asks their leader even as she shifts forward and towards the tunnel to peer into it, lest they end up jumped.

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1].

2023-02-22, 05:44 PM
"Well done, as always! Taking chances is always a valid option." Of course, William assists in clearing up all the valuables, though not particularly worried about his share. "We can count out all this when we get to a safer spot. I think we leave the same way we came in, eyes peeled. Same order?"

He goes over to Urag just before they begin to head out. "Hey buddy, have some more of this."

Cure Moderate Wounds: [roll0]

2023-02-22, 08:14 PM
Urag gives a nod to William, "Thanks for your blessings. Feeling better already".

He takes a moment to admire the scar left after the healjng before taking the frontline of the group, "Whenever you're ready to go, just let me know and we'll be on out way to the tavern. Just need to find one I'm not banned yet".

2023-02-23, 11:07 AM
William chuckles at the memory of some of their interesting encounters. "I think we can figure something out with some of my well-mannered diplomacy."

2023-02-23, 08:03 PM
Your intellect is dazzling. Torta lays a light, reassuring hand on Felix's shoulder with an almost-smile. But I do agree. We better start moving. Are we done, Garrett? she asks their leader even as she shifts forward and towards the tunnel to peer into it, lest they end up jumped.

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1].

"Done as we'll ever be," Garret says. smiling as he looks at the lowered glass. "Thank you all for your brilliance," he says, though he quirks an eyebrow as he realizes that this statement surprisingly includes Urag, and bends down and extends an arm to Viper William, who coils his way up to his customary place.

"Now, best we'd be getting back to town, before we run into any other treasure-seekers."

Assuming no objections, Garrett will lead the others back towards town, in the previously established marching order for safety, at least while in the tunnels.

2023-02-24, 10:00 AM
The tunnels and the trip back into town are free of opponents and the group is able to get back without incident. Away from prying eyes, the group is able to count their spoils, which amount to 7250 GP (in assorted gold, silver and platinum). There are also 4 items of interest which Sonomy is able to identify, they are a short sword +3, a periapt of Wisdom +2, a great axe +2, a potion of Cats Grace +4, and a potion of Haste.

2023-02-24, 10:38 AM
Urag is very happy in counting the gold and admiring the magical greataxe, which is superior than his old one.

"Dibs on the axe", be says laying his seven fingered hand on it, "Have my old axe to add to the spoils and pay off some of the price difference. And if none mind, I would like to keep that potion of speed".

2023-02-24, 11:20 AM
Garrett swings the shortsword around experimentally, the blade looping in lazy arcs. "This is even better than I'd hoped... You can divide the coin among yourself, this is more than worth my while. " he grins and sheathes the new weapon, its scabbard taking the place of pride to his right, while the old "good sword" is relegated to the left.

2023-02-24, 11:54 AM
The sword seems somewhat familiar to Garrett and evokes a memory which is gone before he can process it.

2023-02-24, 12:00 PM
As the party moves into the town, they also notice several WANTED posters, for the murder of palace guardsman Rocco and his squad of orcs. The poster does not have any details, but advises it must have been a large well-equipped party seeing as Rocco was such a powerful guard. Any information which leads to the apprehension of the miscreants carries a 1000 gold piece reward.

2023-02-24, 01:03 PM
Torta picks up the freshly identified periapt for a moment and lets it dance between her long fingers. She could find uses for that one. Those wouldn't neccessarily be the best use, on the other hand. More solemnly than it is, perhaps, called for, she extends her arm towards William and offers the trinket to the priest. This should be yours.

Back in town, the killoren is quick to notice the posters. How on earth did news travel so fast, she wonders. And how do they even know Rocco and the rest are dead? They cleaned up well enough after the fights. That there's no mention of the bugbears and the ogre is mildly comforting on the other hand. Quite the sum there. she contemplates one of the pieces of paper as they pass by. Well worth collecting, surely. That's too bad. she goes on, lowering her voice. And bugging me, too. How do they know?

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1] to make sure the party's not observed too closely.

2023-02-24, 10:36 PM
I wonder how that Slagh fellow fits into this? Felix asks quietly. He had some relationship with Rocco that was destined to end poorly. If Rocco left and never came back, someone who knew of his side hustle might suspect that gang. I don't see how else they could assume he's dead without knowing anything else.

Either way, maybe we should lay low for a bit.

2023-02-25, 01:17 AM
William is quite interested in the idea that some additional information was clearly available to someone. He wouldn't have thought they were gone quite that long. He takes a look at the trinket offered him by Torta and accepts graciously. "You're sure? I quite appreciate the gesture." He feels a noticeably more aware and enlightened as it firmly sits in his grasp.

He nods along in agreement to the information, then chuckles in Urag's direction. "Ah yes, staying out of trouble. No telling how many friends Rocco has though... had. And how much they know."

2023-02-26, 11:02 AM
Back to town, Urag read the wanted posters and listen to the others fears of getting caught.

"I'm okay with us returning to explore the whole ruins. Maybe we can just restock and buy some food and drink for a week of camping. Definitly a barrel of beer or two. Maybe even some scrolls of fabulous power for Torta or a magical wand for William".

He scratches his chin with many fingers and lower his voice, "The armor and weapons we got to sell have no identification of their former owners, right? Cause if they do we might need to sell it somewhere else..."

2023-02-26, 06:05 PM
Well, I was looking forward to the decadence and luxury of my room in the slums, but that does sound like the best option Felix agrees.

Let's conclude our business here, than leave town and set up camp a few miles into the woods. We can hit Frontiere again when we're fresh.

2023-02-27, 09:21 AM
Well, I was looking forward to the decadence and luxury of my room in the slums, but that does sound like the best option Felix agrees.

Let's conclude our business here, than leave town and set up camp a few miles into the woods. We can hit Frontiere again when we're fresh.

Garrett nods "A good plan. I'd also second going to explore those ruins for a while, let this blow over."

2023-02-27, 09:40 AM
"A respected individual himself into some shady business. We can't trust any of them." William emphasizes the word, guessing their ranking means little to nothing. He is giving Nina (horse) some attention, brushing her mane and the like. He's ready to move in whatever direction when everybody else is ready to go.

2023-02-27, 09:58 AM
"I'm not looking happy with idea of camping, " Sonamy says as he brushes his mule, Saddie.

"But I guess it is safer."

2023-02-27, 11:38 AM
Torta takes in the arguments evenly, without a word. Once a consensus seems to be reached, she nods simply, once. I'm with you. she states solemnly, her gae flicking back and forth to encompass the entire party. Wherever you should go.

2023-03-01, 12:26 AM
William honestly looks forward to a few peaceful nights in the woods. He appreciates the opportunity to slow down these days. "Let's get that ale and get a move on. I'm interested in what campfire stories we've got to pass the time."

He begins packing up whatever he needs to get ready and looks over his equipment again. He lingers on the loot, trying to weigh the possibilities with what good the extra weight will do. "You know, these weapons point clearly in one direction. Even if we lay low a couple weeks, that's no small bounty. We should probably get rid of them or stash them someplace. You can take it out of my share, I just don't want to take any chances."

He waits to gauge the rest of the group, hoping his concern shows a wisdom of his years, instead of a fear creeping through.

2023-03-01, 08:48 AM
I don't know. Torta tilts her head in thought. That'd cut deep. Not selling all that. she goes on, hesitantly. William is making a good point of course, a little too good a point, even, but that doesn't make her like the prospect of throwing away half the loot too much. [COLOR="#440500"]What say you, Garrett?[/QUOTE]

Just the usual Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1].

2023-03-01, 11:41 AM
Felix considers the problem, no stranger to paranoia himself. We could always bury it when we make camp. Get it off our hands. If we feel it's safe later, we can dig it up and sell it.

2023-03-03, 11:48 AM
I don't know. Torta tilts her head in thought. That'd cut deep. Not selling all that. she goes on, hesitantly. William is making a good point of course, a little too good a point, even, but that doesn't make her like the prospect of throwing away half the loot too much. [COLOR="#440500"]What say you, Garrett?

Just the usual Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1].

"William is probably right," Garrett says after a moment of deep thought. "but it is, after all, not my share. That decision should lie with those who aren't in debt, he jokes, a smile snatching at the corner of his mouth as he pets Viper William, who had responded to Garrett's saying his name.

2023-03-03, 01:54 PM
The party divvys up the loot, buys a few supplies (including kegs) and heads back into the woods. They set up camp about half an hour from Frontiere and build a decent enough campfire. Urag immediately kicks off the kegger, pouring himself a frothy mug and downing quickly. The rest of the group joins in, although at a slower pace.
Urag has just about to start drinking his third mug (the rest of the group being in the middle of their second) when there is a disturbance in the forest. Suddenly a woman stumbles into the camp area, her clothes, once clearly fine are now in tatters, and she is covered in mud and blood. Her eyes are glazed in terror, but she manages to make her way to William.

Are you adventurers? Can you help me? My family's merchant caravan was attacked. They were shambling goblinoid beasts but their leader was some sort of green skinned monster, with long wicked claws. He laughed like a maniac in battle and any wounds caused by our gaurds seemed to heal almost instantly.

2023-03-03, 02:17 PM
Garrett leaps to his feet, then immediately regrets his actions as the buzz makes the world bob slightly. "Where? How far?" he barks out, adrenaline recovering sobriety. He grabs his swords and stows them quickly, ready for action.

2023-03-03, 02:54 PM
Naturally, William is alarmed at the sudden appearance, but he recognizes the urgency in the woman. He always tries to provide a comforting presence and his look portrays that. "Are you hurt? Which direction?" He observes her briefly for any wounds, and offers a gesture of healing, provided he notices anything obvious.

He then readies his shield and confirms the mace upon his waist, following in Garrett's lead without hesitation. "Healing their wounds, you say?" His concern escapes with a minor hint of amusement.

2023-03-03, 03:28 PM
Torta scowls as the woman emerges from the brush, but mostly just on account of being somewhat angry with herself for not detecting her approach earlier, even though she made sure not to drink more of Urag's stuff than absolutely neccessary. The woman's words, on the other hand do seem to ring a bell for her. Sounds like a troll. she remarks with no particular hint of emotion in her tone as she stands, far less hastily than Garrett. We might need fire. That or acid, Felix. she glances at the most likely source of both.

I went ahead and assumed a 22 is enough to tell that this sounds a lot like a troll and how a troll basically operates. Do correct me as needed.

2023-03-03, 03:29 PM
Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1]

2023-03-03, 05:59 PM
Yes, fire! I've got fire! Felix replies enthusiastically, the ale having lightened his worldview by a few shades.

Remembering himself, he nods at the party and stands. I'm with Garrett. We should move quickly to save whatever survivors we can find.

2023-03-03, 06:15 PM
There might be none. Torta mouths at Felix, trying to keep the panicked woman out of the loop. Trolls do quick work.

2023-03-03, 08:22 PM
Urag is glad to have some time to appreciate his beer. Sure. It was a few seconds for each mug as he drank like a man that spent months on a desert.

He eyes the woman who breaks in their camp and wait for his mug to finish before getting up and letting out a powerful burp, "Have a drink and watch over this barrel while we check for survivors".

"What about axes?", he asks Torta, "Does axes help against trolls?". He doesnt wait an answer as he happily dash to follow the others, hoping to get into a brawl just after driks. It was almost like an open air tavern, but with less idiots.

2023-03-03, 08:51 PM
Felix meets Torta's eyes, his cheer fading. We'll go and we'll rescue who we can, he says, trusting her to recognize the significance of his last three words.

After the party moves out of earshot, Felix gives voice to his more cynical side But keep an ear out. She certainly LOOKED like the real deal, but there are plenty of bandits who aren't above the old 'fake damsel in distress' bit.

2023-03-04, 12:52 AM
"I can cast cantrips of acid... so we can handle one troll… maybe not two or three, " Sonamy said confidently. With spells swapped out, Sonamy replaced caltrop with extra acid splash cantrips.

2023-03-04, 10:59 AM
Its not difficult to follow the girls path back through the woods as she was no ranger or druid and the group makes progress with Daphne trailing hopefully behind her rescuers. They soon come upon the grim sight. Three wagons have been smashed and overturned and its clear there are no survivors. Several chests are cracked open, the contents strewn around. In the clearing there are 3 bugbears (the party able to identify what Daphne could not), gnawing on the bones of the guards. When the party approaches, they toss aside their bones and draw morning stars.

Initiative. Bugbears at a distance of 60 ft.

2023-03-04, 11:30 AM
Torta purses her lips, annoyed. This doesn't look any good. And where's the troll (if it is a troll, anyhow)? She drifts closer to the currently visible enemies, drawing her club and, expecting Urag to do what Urag does, gets ready to cast.

Initiative: [roll0]
Free action Listen: [roll1] and Spot: [roll2] to detect any further hostiles, especially those vaguely troll-shaped;
move action move 20' closer to the bugbears;
standard action ready a Snake's Swiftness for the first allied martial who gets within melee reach of the b-bears (preferably Urag).

2023-03-04, 11:43 AM
Urag never stops running towards the scene and upon seeing the assailants, his bowels cant hide his excitment as he turbo rushes towards the bugbears, as a lion pouncing on a surprised zebra.

Initiative [roll0]

Power Attack 4 Charge on a bugbear:
[roll1] dmg [roll2]

If he get the Snake Swiftness, here it goes:
[roll3] dmg [roll4]

2023-03-04, 12:12 PM
Closing in on the scene, William's concern gets much more serious. There's nothing fitting her description of a green-skinned, long-clawed monster. "Where's the leader?" He makes it a point to stay within earshot Torta, who has the best chance of spotting any surprises. He tries to keep eyes on Felix and Sonamy, hoping they don't become the target.

Initiative: [roll0]

Movement: hold position near Felix and Sonamy.

Ready action: cast Hold Person (provided it's humanoid) against possible surprise attacker. Will save 17 (paralyzed, up to 5 rounds)

2023-03-04, 04:18 PM
Damn Felix whispers to himself. It had probably been too much to hope for survivors. All he could do now was avenge them.

Initiative: [/roll]1d20+7[/roll]
If Felix is engaged he takes a 5ft step out of reach, otherwise he moves to within 40 feet of the bugbears, taking cover behind a wagon or other obstacle if he can.

Lesser Orb of Fire: Ranged Touch [roll0] Damage [roll1] fire
He targets an unengaged bugbear if he can, otherwise whichever one appears the most wounded.

2023-03-06, 02:08 PM
Garrett joins Felix in a few choice expletives as it becomes clear there are no survivors. He draws his shortswords with a clear sound of unsheathing metal. It was time for this new weapon to taste its first blood at his hands.

I initiative:[roll0]


Move action to accompany Urag to the nearest bugbear and attempt to flank.

Attack: [roll1] (+2 if flanking with Urag)
Damage: [roll2]

2023-03-07, 12:52 AM
Sonamy decides to try a summoning out. He waves his arms but his spell fizzles.

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft


[roll1] need 11 or better to cast successfully
If successful, at end of turn, summon a Fiendish Spider (or celestial if option) close enough to web the enemy.

2023-03-07, 12:00 PM
The bugbears on one side and Urag and Garrett on the party side both charge into the fray, meeting in the middle with a tremendous crash. Felix actually attempts to draw first blood by casting an orb of fire at one of the bugbears but given all the battle confusion he misses the target completely. Urag gets first blow on a bugbear and splits him almost stem to stern but he manages (barely to keep standing). The snake's swiftness takes effect and he strikes at a second bugbear, finishing it off in one blow this time. William attempts to freeze one in place with a hold, but its not the day for magic as the beast resists the spell. The bugbears finally get a chance to retaliate, two on Urag and one one on Garrett, but their ineffectiveness is almost comical, they look they might even drop their weapons. Torta keeps an eye out for anyone sneaking up on them and then Sonomy proves it is really not magic's day and his summoning fizzles out. Garret ends the first bugbear with another skillful stroke.

Round 2
Tactical: 1 bugbear up, on Garrett.

2023-03-07, 12:16 PM
Was he still a bit tipsy or did the bugbear simply make a lucky dodge? Felix refocuses and conjures another blast of fire, this one too big to miss with.

Initiative: [roll0]

Fiery Burst, 5ft radius burst. Avoiding friends, hit multiple enemies if possible, favor the most injured target.
Damage: [roll1] fire, Reflex DC 18 half

2023-03-07, 01:20 PM
Garrett hefts his new sword and slices down at the remaining bugbear, the blade that had been his prized possession before slipping in to join the fray in his off hand.

Initiative: [roll0]

Viper William will not participate, as his flanking seems to be unnecessary at the moment. He's sulking that Garrett wouldn't let him have any ale. :smallbiggrin:

Attack 1: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4] +1 acid

2023-03-07, 03:26 PM
Seeing that the bugbears are taken good care of, Torta, ever more concerned, focuses on what she still does not see. The troll might still be close; but it didn't jump them when they split up and engaged its allies. In a manner slow and measured, she begins to circle around to get a better peek at what might be hidden behind the upturned wagons. With all the beer in most of the crew, they don't need a nasty surprise right now.

Move action, um, move;
Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1]

2023-03-07, 03:53 PM
William also shows little concern for the remaining bugbears, and attempts to check in with the damsel in distress. Following Torta's example, he keeps his shield at the ready (and pulls the mace up in his hand) in case of any further encounter. "Let's stay aware, folks."

If I still need it, Initiative: [roll0]

Move: 30 feet toward the lady (if she's still present).

Ready action: Fighting Defensively (-4 attack accounted for in the roll, gain +2 AC), Attack: [roll1]

2023-03-07, 04:28 PM
Urag roars at the last bugbear standing, ever excited with adrenaline. Sadly it will be over soon, the dash here proved to make him sweat more than fighting these ruffians.

Sidestepping to get in flanking position with Garret and to make any attempt of dashing more difficult, he swjngs his axe possibly for the last time in this combat.

Initiative [roll0]

PA 4, Greataxe (flanking)
[roll1] dmg [roll2]

2023-03-09, 12:47 AM
Sonamy is sad his spell fizzled, he moves closer, then he tries an acid splash

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft



2023-03-09, 11:13 AM
Flames roar out under Felix's command, burning away bugbear fur. The beast attempts to retaliate against Garrett but misses his target and thats the last thing he will ever do as both Garrett and Urag's weapons finish him off. Meanwhile, Torta and William scout around the wreck of the wagon, looking for the leader troll who was supposedly in on the attack. While they dont find the troll, they do see some tracks leading away (not in the direction the woman would have let in), but not being rangers, they cannot identify them properly and would probably lose them soon enough in the forest

2023-03-09, 01:39 PM
After the killing blow finished off the bugbear, the barbarian give the dead bodies a grim look.

"We should find that troll before it get into a village or find more caravans to assault. Also, someone should call the at woman back to determine the fate of the bodies of her friends: burning them would be faster, but we might as well give them proper burial and also she would be able to tell if any was taken alive if there is missing ones".

After a moment looking at the dead bugbears, he loom to the others, "We could even use this mess to get rid of the falchion and blame the bugbears".

Taking a look around, he see the tracks and calls Garret.
"Can you track the troll?

2023-03-09, 03:09 PM
Torta, bent down to a position just short of kneeling, considers the tracks at length, paying little heed to the fate of the last bugbear. Should pick this up. she notes, mostly to herself as Urag asks the obvious question. Tracking things, I mean. she clarifies, standing suddenly to sniff the air and stare into the woods ahead where the troll went. It shouldn't be hard for the ranger. That thing is big, bigger than Urag. Uglier, too. She'll do what she can, in the meantime: keep an eye out and let their leader lead.

Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1]

2023-03-09, 03:37 PM
"Shouldn't be too hard," Garrett opines in response to the questions. "a troll's a big target."

He looks to the ground, trying to pick out the footsteps against the undisturbed ground of the forest.

"while I'm picking up the trail, someone... Follow Urag's suggestion about the woman, he says, with a little surprise, but less than before. It seemed that the barbarian was a great deal smarter than his manners would suggest.

"Torta, if you were serious about wanting to learn, there's no better way than by doing. Come here, I'll show you what to look for.

I do think that calls for a survival check!


2023-03-09, 07:09 PM
"Actually, I guess I'll go back to the camp and bring her back here. Need to take a leak and I'm worried she might drink all my beer", he pauses for a moment, "Might as well take a quick ****. Try not to run into the troll before I get back: dont want to miss all the fun".

He then split from the party and dashes back to the camp to look for the damsel in distress and check if she didnt drink all his barrel.

2023-03-09, 08:03 PM
Realizing he will be of little use in tracking, William shakes his head disapprovingly as Urag starts to run off by himself. He acknowledges Garret's advice. "First rule of travel. Never go alone. The man takes his ale seriously!" He abandons the hunt to sprint off after Urag.

2023-03-09, 08:30 PM
While the others look after the woman and the signs of the remaining bandits, Felix quietly investigates the caravan and the bodies of the bugbears.

Any distinguishing features of the bugbears?
Number/id of slain caravan members?
Any surprising wounds on the dead caravanners?

2023-03-10, 12:10 PM
With the bugbears defeated, Daphne proceeds to inspect the wreckage of the wagon. Many of the goods are just strewn around, not much is actually missing, apart from the fabric which is soiled through several layers and will be reduced in value correspondingly. However there are two things of note that are gone. One is a strongbox which Daphne tells the group contains the profits of the last sales; the other thing is the two draft horses which pulled the wagon, one carcass is still at the site which is the one the bugbears were gnawing on and the other one was presumably carted off by the troll.
Garrett inspects the tracks, teaching Torta in the process, and confirms that they are indeed troll footprints, intermingled with some horse blood. There are also some more bugbear tracks, and perhaps a couple of orcs as well.

2023-03-10, 12:41 PM
"Just like one troll though? I think we can handle this. How far do the tracks travel?
Bugbears...too many might be a struggle."

2023-03-10, 01:09 PM
Once done with his business, Urag gets back and put his large hand on Daphne's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for the loss of your friends and family. We'll track down and hunt this troll and the bandits who brought you so much misery".

Turning to the mages, he asks, "Can your magic repair the damage done to the fabric? Maybe its not beyond salvation", and then back to Daphne, "You should stay close by as there might be some more bandits wandering these area. Once we are done slaying the troll we can escort you back safely to town".

2023-03-10, 09:14 PM
With an abashed cough, Felix replies I believe William may have the spell prepared.

With that, we should get moving. They can't be too far ahead of us if we found their friends still picking over the place.

2023-03-10, 11:47 PM
"I certainly do. Always ready to keep things presentable." William is more anxious to catch up with the ambushers, but doesn't mind taking moment to restore order.

"Well said, Urag. We best get after that group. And you, stay close." He urges Daphne to stay by him as he begins following the others. He doesn't know how far the bandits have gotten, but he knows she would still be in danger should they walk into a trap.

Definitely cast Mending on the fabric before heading out, fully expecting to return to the wagons later.

2023-03-11, 09:17 AM
Torta offers two quick, grateful nods to Garrett and does her best to pay attention to the lesson and the woods around them at the same time. The fate of the fabric is of comparatively little interest to her and Daphne… She could try and challenge the wisdom of the others regarding the best place the girl could be, with a troll and more cohorts attached to it on the loose, but if William believes he can keep her safe, she will not contest that. That's a William thing, protecting others. She might as well focus on Torta things.

The obligatory free action Listen: [roll0] an Spot: [roll1].

2023-03-12, 12:29 PM
The trail is not too difficult to follow, the troll was making no effort to hiding his passage and his footprints were deep and clear, he was likely carrying the carcass of the horse, giving him that much extra weight on his tread. The group follows for about an hour, before coming to a hilly area. The forest thins around the base of the hill and the party can see a cave in the hills beyond the clearing. In front of the cave are 3 bugbears and an ogre. The monsters are, sort of, acting as guards, but the ogre is just sitting in a chair made for him and is barking orders at the bugbears who are doing their best to ignore him. The clearing is about 60 feet wide.

2023-03-12, 02:54 PM
Looks like we found our quarry. Nicely done, Garret.

While surprise is on the party's side, Felix prepares his very warmest welcome...

Initiative: [roll0]

If he can hit all enemies without hitting friendlies, Felix casts Fireball
20 ft radius burst, damage: [roll1] fire, reflex DC20 half

Otherwise, he casts Scorching Ray, split between two targets favoring unengaged targets, then ones already wounded.
Ray 1: [roll2] ranged touch, [roll3] fire damage
Ray 2: [roll4] ranged touch, [roll5] fire damage

2023-03-12, 03:57 PM
Urag watch the glee in Felix's eyes and know the drill.

He waits for the evoker to do his business and pounces at the ogre after the fireball explodes their lines.


He'll wait for after Felix and PA 4 charge the ogre.
[roll1] dmg [roll]1d12+1d12+16

2023-03-13, 08:52 AM
Scanning the area once more, to be sure that no further forces are arranged against them, still in hiding beyond what the cave might contain, Torta shifts a step away from Garrett to have a clear path towards the enemy, ready to bolt forward and release the energy building up in her right – once she has reason to believe it will matter.

Initiative: [roll0] (but in any case, she'll delay until after Felix and either Garrett or Urag has gone).
And then the usual:
T. free action double-checks the scene with Listen: [roll1] and Spot: [roll2];
move action moves 25' forward towards the cave; and
standard action casts Snake's Swiftness on Garrett or Urag (whoever still has undropped foes within reach, really).

2023-03-13, 09:47 AM
Sonamy delays till after fireball then releases an arrow at Ogre but first moving 30 feet closer so he can sneak attack

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft


If Sneak Attk applies[roll3]

2023-03-13, 01:21 PM
Garrett readies his blades, nodding in acknowledgement of the compliment.

Viper William slithers to the ground, ready to provide a menacing backup as Garrett heads forward, after the conflagration has commenced. Best to end these miscreants before the troll arrives.

Viper William Initiative: [roll0]

Viper William will hold until after Garrett goes, then will move to flank for next turn.

Garrett initiative: [roll1]

Garrett attack: [roll2]
Garrett damage: [roll3]

2023-03-13, 06:51 PM
(Assuming she is with us still... He will keep himself placed between Daphne and the battle.)

William gives a nod of understanding to Felix and keeps himself at a distance. He will keep his shield at the ready and prepares the usual.

Initiative: [roll0]

Hold his position. Cast Bless (+1 for all attack rolls and saves vs fear) 5 minutes.

2023-03-13, 10:44 PM
The "guards" are completely unprepared for the party attack, and in particular the fireball of Felix. While none of them are outright killed by the blast, its clear that all of them take heavy damage. The bugbears charge to attack, while the bluberous ogre struggles to get to his feet and enter the fight. William blesses the party while Urag charges a bugbear (he cannot reach the ogre) and his axe cleaves the bugbear completely. The bugbears retaliate, one on Urag who misses, but the one on Garrett connects for 7 damage. Sonomy skirmishes and hits the ogre with an arrow, making his day that much worse, but not finishing him off. Garrett rounds out the first round by cleaving the bugbear who hit him.

Round 2
Tactical: one bugbear alive, engaged with Urag. Ogre charging into the fray, will attack Garrett.

2023-03-14, 08:43 AM
Urag flies into battle with his greataxe and is happily surprised a buvbear managed to survive Felix's blast and thus focus on bring him down so the others can focus on the menacing ogre.

Initiative [roll0]

If he can flank, he'll do so (else take -2 from the attack):
PA 4, bless and flank

[roll1] dmg [roll2]

If he get a Snake Swiftness, he'll use it to attack the ogre:
[roll3] dmg [roll4]

2023-03-14, 10:27 AM
Garrett cleaves the bugbear with satisfaction, then looks up. His eyes widen slightly as the Ogre begins its' dreadful charge. His blades come up in readiness... But can one ever truly be ready for an ogre?

Initiative: [roll0]

If Garrett goes before the ogre, he will run in and slash at it, taking this attack roll:

Damage: [roll2]

If the ogre goes first and Garrett is still standing, he will take a full attack at the beastie, using these attack rolls:

Attack 1: [roll3]
Damag 1: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Damage 2: [roll6] +1 acid

2023-03-14, 11:13 AM
Torta shifts her weight somewhat displeased. That ogre still looksfar too alive for her liking, and it still isn't quite alone. This might take a bit more slashing and stabbing. She draws her club swiftly and with a sweeping motion of her left, releases a wave of magic to try and fuel the onslaught of her allies.

Initiative: [roll0]
T. move action draws club;
standard action casts Mass Snake's Swiftness to cover both Garrett and Urag (waiting, as needed until the ogre's within reach of the former); and
free action keeps an eye out for trouble: Listen: [roll1], Spot: [roll2].

2023-03-14, 11:22 AM
Seeing the lumbering brute getting up, Felix prepares to put him back down.

Initiative: [roll0]

If he can get a shot at an unengaged square of the ogre, Felix uses Lesser Orb of Fire
Ranged Touch: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] fire

Otherwise, he uses Fiery Burst on the ogre
Damage: [roll3] fire, reflex DC 18 half

2023-03-14, 11:33 AM
Seeing the lumbering brute getting up, Felix prepares to put him back down.

Initiative: [roll0]

If he can get a shot at an unengaged square of the ogre, Felix uses Lesser Orb of Fire
Ranged Touch: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] fire

Otherwise, he uses Fiery Burst on the ogre
Damage: [roll3] fire, reflex DC 18 half

Fortunately for you, Im going to rule that you do not have LOS to the ogre with him headed towards Garrett, Urag and the bugbears

2023-03-15, 12:45 AM
William doesn't like the look in the eyes of that Ogre, no doubt furious by this point. He is going to move closer, to the front line and release another enchantment upon their leader.

Initiative: [roll0]

Move within 30 feet of Garrett.

Standard action: Cast Shield Other on Garrett (+1 AC, +1 saves, half his damage received goes to me instead, 5 hour duration).

2023-03-16, 12:32 PM
Sonamy tried another arrow at the ogre

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft


2023-03-17, 11:49 AM
Still holding the initiative, Felix burns the ogre with a firey burst, the beast is not looking good at all. Torta gives extra attacks to Garrett and Urag, which should serve them well. Sonomy contnues with his long range barrage, but this time is not as lucky, the tough hide of the ogre is not pierced. by the arrows. Urag cleaves the remaining bugbear and sets himself for the ogre, while William arranges a defense strategy with Garrett, taking half his damage. Garrett plows the ogre but not quite enough to drop him and its a good thing that the cleric did what he did as the ogre slugs Garrett in retaliation for 18 points, 9 each for Garrett and William. Urags extra attack does not breach the ogre defenses but Garrett does, finishing off the ogre who falls with a low moan

2023-03-17, 05:04 PM
Seeing the ogre's defenses are beter than the enemies he'd been fighting so far, Urag attack again, but this time putting more precision than his usual brutality.

Initiative [roll0]
Sidesteping to flank the ogre.

PA 1 greataxe:
[roll1] dmg [roll2]

With the ogre dead, Urag smile to Garret.
"Nice finish", he praises his leader, "But yet no troll. Maybe he's deep inside the cavern and didnt hear the fireball? ".

2023-03-17, 09:36 PM
There's no telling how deep that cave could be. We need to be ready for anything going forward.

Let's check the bodies and tend our wounds before venturing in.

Suiting action to words, Felix pulls on his gloves and moves to search the nearest body.

Felix also uses his Pearl of Power to recover the Lesser Orb of Fire he used in the first battle.

2023-03-17, 10:33 PM
"We've got a good start, but let's keep it safe. Same order as usual?"

William isn't quite as concerned with checking the bodies. Just ready to get a move on and catch out anything else before it comes up on them. He still feels the pain from that last hit, quite glad of his timing.

"What about her?" He gestures to Daphne, provided she is still with them, requesting from her and the others what the best course of action should be.

Sacred Healing to everyone (just him and Garrett took damage?) for 12 healing each (which should leave G at 4 under max).

Just before they head into the cave, he will do the same as last time and give Torta (if she's in front) the Protective Ward (+5 to next save for 1 hour).

2023-03-18, 07:58 AM
That has me worried. Torta nods, flicking her eyes at Urag and Felix in acknowledgement of their concerns regarding the troll. And there's more. Garrett saw orc tracks. she continues, cautiously approaching the cavern entrance. We should be careful. she nods at William before closing the rest of the distance and leaning in slightly to size up the cave with eyes and ears.

T. activates Detect Spirits;
free action Listen: [roll0] and Spot: [roll1]

2023-03-18, 10:45 AM
As Felix works, he casts an eye over Daphne. How was she reacting to these latest events? Now that the initial panic had worn down, did she still have the nerve to follow?

2023-03-18, 04:58 PM
Seeing the others afraid of Daphne's fate, Urag give her a ugly smile.

"She might as well decide for herself: it's damgerous outside as there seems to be many of these bandits around these areas and you would be alone. Or yoh can come along and we'll do our best to protect you and later take you to the city", hempauses a moment, "It's your choice, but choose quickly"

2023-03-20, 09:44 AM
The girl quickly nods her head yes, while the party is heading into danger, she sees her family fortune being close to recovery. She does, however, take a position to rear of the group by about 10 to 15 feet. Progress into the cave is consistent, and after only a few minutes, the group comes upon a rather gruesome sight. A large troll is standing over two locked strongboxes which are being worked on by what looks to be a locksmith. One of the boxes is clearly marked with the same sort of symbol that was on the wrecked wagon. As the group enters, the troll menaces his locksmith with a great axe held easily in one hand
If you cant open that thing, I'll get someone who can and feed you to the bugbears
Also in the room are two bugbears (presumably the ones who will be eating an unsuccessful rogue) and 6 orcs who are busily munching on the bony remains of a horse (the troll and bugbears probably got first choice of cuts). As the group enters, the monsters look up and start to react, while the rogue takes the chance to scuttle to the rear of the cavern, as far away from the oversized troll as possible

2023-03-20, 12:13 PM
In another life, Felix had been trained by some of the finest magical tutors the city had to offer. They had explained the subtle, complex ways of magic. They had expounded upon the sublime strategies a mage might employ to prepare for any situation.

In this life, Felix mostly just blew stuff up.

Initiative: [roll0]
Felix uses Alacritous Cogitation to cast Fireball with his free slot, hitting as many enemies as possible.

Damage: [roll1] fire, DC 20 reflex half

2023-03-21, 12:17 AM
William barely even perceives the entire scene before he feels the heat emanating from Felix. He prepares to rush to the front line as the smoke clears, shield raised before him. As much as he hates to admit it, things could get messy.

Initiative: [roll0]

Move up 30 feet to the Troll, flanking with Garrett or Urag if possible.

(If in melee range): Cast Bestow Curse on Troll. Will save 18 - (50% chance to act normally, otherwise take no action, permanent duration)

- Concentration check (DC 18) casting defensively: [roll1]

(If not in melee with Troll): Cast Bless (+1 to attack rolls and saves vs fear)

Still active on Garrett: Shield Other (+1 AC, +1 saves, half his damage received goes to me instead, 5 hour duration).

2023-03-21, 09:03 AM
Torta presses her lips tightly together. There's no mistaking it: that is the troll. And it's awful big. Flashing a quick glance left and right, she leans forward, ready to back up the warriors with another burst of sudden speed, only spouting a quick reminder in advance: Garrett, acid will stick!

Initiative: [roll0], but delaying until after Garrett and Urag are within melee reach of something.
T. free action reminds her boss that he should stab the troll;
free action scans the room as usual, via Listen: [roll1] and Spot: [roll2];
move action advances 30', drawing the club;
standard action casts Mass Snake's Swiftness.

2023-03-21, 11:35 AM
Sonamy sees a fearsome troll and moves 50 ft closer then casting to hit as many enemies as possible (troll if possible)

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

[roll1] anything above 11 works.

Glitterdust is DC 16, Will save Negate, regardless everyone sparkles like a rainbow
If fail save, blinds them

2023-03-21, 12:06 PM
Finally finding the troll and the remaining bandits, Urag question aloud, "With such strength why bother picking lock whrn you could easily break the chest? but he wont wait for the troll to think on an answer as he flies into battle, his greataxe thirsty for green blood. In dact he wont think much anymore as he begging to froath

Initiative [roll0]

He will wait for the fireball to go in before charging the troll.
Free action to enter barbarian rage.

Considering +1 from bless and +2 from charge only.
PA 4 Greataxe [roll1] dmg [roll2]

Extra attack from Snake's Swiftness on the troll.
PA 4 Greataxe [roll3] dmg [roll4]

2023-03-29, 11:00 AM

Not losing a beat, Garrett jumps into action chargin in with his battleaxe two handed and then drawing his shortsword on a defensive posture.

Initiative [roll0]
Full round Charge attack with PA -2 [roll1](5 BAB, 4Str, 2 Charge, 1 Magic, 4 Favored enemy bonus, -2 PA) Damage [roll2] +1 Acid
Free action draw short sword

2023-03-29, 11:47 AM
The fireball from Felix blasts into the trolls and the bugbears. The troll does not fall, but two of the bugbears are completely incinerated, the third one suffers massive burns. Garrett does not connect with his swing, but the troll connects once on him for 19 points (half of which goes to William instead) and once on Urag for 20. Torta grants an extra attack to Urag while William attempts to curse the troll (success unknown). Sonomy blinds the orcs who were rushing forward and then Urags axe connects twice with the troll, putting him down temporarily, his axe wounds already beginning to close. The bugbear misses Garrett.

Round two
Garrett engaged with bugbear. Everyone has one blinded orc on them, troll is down

2023-03-29, 12:47 PM
Felix barely has time to blink the smoke out of his eyes before the orc charges him. Falling back on his defensive training, he slips out of reach while dividing his attention between the literal blind savagery of the orc and the still dangerous troll.

Think I'm afraid of a little hand to hand? I brought enough fire to burn down every last one of you!

Felix takes a 5ft step out of reach and casts Scorching Ray. First ray targets the orc in front of him. The second targets the troll. If either target is already dead, he targets another enemy instead.

Initiative: [roll0]

Ray 1: Ranged Touch: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]

Ray 2: Ranged Touch: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]

2023-03-29, 02:22 PM
Torta looks up and down the blind orc stumbling towards her. It would be very easy to just club that face in with her club; but not very efficient. Not this time, sorry. she tells the big bundle of muscles as she goes on to try and roll out of reach. Whether that works out or not, she knows what needs doing. Stay on the troll! she urges her friends, drawing a quick arc in the air. It's not dead!

Initiative: [roll0]
Move action Tumble 15' away from the orc: [roll1];
standard action cast Mass Snake's Swiftness;
free action play Captain Obvious;
free action Listen: [roll2] and Spot: [roll3] to make sure no enemy reinforcements are approaching and to check on Daphne and the locksmith.

2023-03-29, 06:18 PM
Garrett tries to finish off the Bugbear to fully focus on the Troll

Initiative [roll0]

Full round attack, two weapon fighting: Axe attack [roll1] damage [roll2]+1 Acid
Sword attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]

2023-03-29, 06:55 PM
As chaos ensues, William maintains his composure and draws the mace from his side. He recognizes the blinded condition of the orcs as they seem to flail without finesse. As such, his concern is still on the troll, just as Torta exclaims.

Initiative: [roll0]

Free action: wield mace
Move: just to make sure he can hit something
Attack troll: [roll1] (+2 if flanking), Damage: [roll2]

Attack troll on Torta's initiative: [roll3] (+2 if flanking), Damage: [roll4]

If the troll is already slain, he will attack the nearest Orc instead.

2023-03-29, 08:08 PM
Seeing their hulking leader was down, Urag decide to focus his anger in the blinded orc close by him, swinging his greataxe at the bandit's torso.

Initiative [roll0]

PA 4 Greataxe [roll1] (add +2 if flanking)
Damage [roll2]

If the orc goes down, he'll move to flank the bugbear with Garret and will swing against him (due Mass Snake's Swiftness). If the orc survives, he'll use the extra attack on the orc.

Pa 4 Greataxe [roll3] (add +2 if flanking)
Damage [roll4]

2023-03-31, 12:41 PM
Sonomy drops his bow, draws his rapier, and strikes.

AC: 20 () HP: 31/31()
touch: 14, ff: 16,
Saves: +3/+8 /+5
Speed: 30 ft

If sneak attk applies [roll2]

2023-04-01, 01:00 AM
Extra Snake attk
Sneak Attk if [roll2]