View Full Version : Rise of the Runelords solo edition.

2023-01-19, 04:52 PM
22. Rova, 4708

It is the autumn equinox. For five years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in smaller wooden structures rebuilt after fire destroyed the previous temple, and while their new pastor Abstalar was helpful, kind, and wise, church wasn’t the same. Now, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site’s blessings from the gods and it will be as if the Sandpoint Fire had never occurred.

The Swallowtail Festival begins promptly, as scheduled, on the Autumnal Equinox. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travellers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them. The festival is set to feature opening speeches by prominent citizens, followed by a daylong festival with food and drink provided and plentiful. At noon, the main event that is the releasing of the Swallowtail butterflies will occur, and the day will conclude with the consecration of the new Sandpoint Cathedral at sunset.

Shadrac has lived in Sandpoint for a year and change. Of the prominent people of the town, the one he knows best is Sheriff Hemlock, commander of the Sandpoint Guard, and who is often willing to hire the enterprising swordsman to deal with local troubles. Usually it's to drive off bandits or some of the local goblins when they became too much of a nuisance. The last few weeks have seen most residents make their preparations for the festival. He knows from the previous year's festival that the biggest draws is the competition between the eateries and their proprietors, The Rusty Dragon of Ameiko Kaijitsu, the Hagfish of Jargie Quinn and Fatman's Feedbag run by Shadrac's compatriot, Jubral Vhiski, behind the scenes. All sorts of games and exotic wares are on offer as well to pass time.

2023-01-20, 12:53 PM
Shadrack leans against the rail in front of the Feedbag's booth, laughing at a half-heard remark from Jubrayl. This is his second Swallowtail Festival since moving to Sandpoint last year, but the air of expectancy around this year has been crazy. The opening of the new cathedral has everyone excited. "Including me," he thinks. Shad pushes himself off the rail and looks back at his friend. I'm off to look around, Ju. I kind of want to see what Ameiko is cooking up. I also want to see if Shalelu has returned to town for the festivities, yet. She's always good for a tale and an ale!"

2023-01-23, 01:58 AM
"You go do that" Jubral nods, cleaning his nails with a dagger. He favours Shadrac with a wicked grin. "Make sure you're good for some action in a few days, Shad. Some folks been cutting to our turf"

He heads out to the street, greeted by smiling faces, the sound of laughter, heading to the main avenue to see plenty of folks setting up shop amid the crowds. He spies Ameiko setting up a table with a dragon banner set above it, depicting the namesake of her tavern. The oriental young woman gives Shadrac a friendly wave as she spots him.

2023-01-23, 10:28 PM
Shadrach nods and waves his acknowledgement, "You know I'm always there when you need me, Ju".

Shad waves and smiles as he moves easily through the crowd. He saunters up to Ameiko's stall with a big grin on his face. "Hey 'Meiko, need some help? I'm tired of smelling Jubrayl's stew. I'm pretty sure it's the same one we had for supper last night."

2023-01-25, 02:06 AM
"That sounds about right. Sure, I could use a hand" Ameiko replies with a smile at his jab at Jubrayl. "I'm making an old recipe of my mom's. It's still cooking back at the Rusty Dragon, and it's a bit on the heavy side."

Shadrak knows Ameiko's mother has been dead for years, and since then her relationship with the rest of her family has been estranged. Her father never really approved of her choice not to pick up the family trade. They walk to the Rusty Dragon, Ameiko humming a tune he's heard her play on occasion, something from her distant homeland. "Have you seen your folks since coming to Sandpoint?"

2023-01-25, 09:36 PM
Shadrach scowls at Ameiko's question, "I haven't seen them since I left Mivon. I got a letter from my mother occasionally at University, but my father is just as glad I'm not there to be an embarrassment since I was not accepted into training to be a Swordlord."

Smiling to take the edge off his words, he asks, "Do I get to taste the wares before the contest, since I'm helping with the manual labor?"

2023-01-27, 05:16 PM
"I can relate to family that demanded too much." Ameiko says, her eyes downcast, before brightening up. "And of course you'll get to enjoy an early taste."

They head out to the Rusty Dragon, the tall building topped with a rusted iron dragon, an impressive site. The pair head for the kitchen, and Shadrac can smell the exotic blend of spices that has gone into Ameiko's dish. A spicy soup, pork and noodles, with servings enough for the lunch. "Do you want to grab a bowl here? I'll let you cut in line later if you're not hungry"

2023-01-27, 10:13 PM
"I'll grab some later. That'll make sure I come back no matter how exciting the Festival gets. You might need my help again", Shad says, grinning at Ameiko. "And I'm hoping to catch Shalelu and hear the stories she's collected since her last visit to the Dragon!"

2023-01-30, 03:54 AM
"Shalelu said she would make it back for the festival. I'm sure she's out there." Ameiko says as they pack up and head back to her stall. "Truth be told, I'd love to hear what she's been up to as well. She'll probably come to the Rusty Dragon when the night is done."

As they deposit the foodstuffs to Ameiko's stall, the crowds have thinned, milling towards the new Cathedral and the focal point of the festival.
"You should hurry if you want to catch the speeches. I'll need to stand guard" Ameiko says, serious. Shadrak can see many of the other foodstall owners have made the same choice. It's not an official competition, but he's heard tales of sabotage, though Jubrayl's take says that it was self-inflicted, too bold and too difficult a dish, that there was no ill action there.

2023-01-31, 02:26 PM
"Well, I'm sure I'll be there tonight. Not gonna miss Shalelu's latest exploits Besides, i enjoy your company a bit, too." Shad gives Ameiko a huge grin.

"I guess you're right, he says, wiping his hands on his breeches after setting down the cauldron. "I better be a good citizen and go see what the stuffy, old folks have to say. I'll be back later for a bowl!" Shadrach waves cheerily back at Ameiko as he heads toward the cathedral.

2023-02-03, 05:05 AM
At the Cathedral square, he passes into the crowd and catches the tail end of the mayor's speech. Mayor Deverin speaks of the completion of the cathedral, and how even those that didn't contribute to its construction will help make it complete in this day of festivities. The Cathedral is for all of Sandpoint, and the revelrie is part of it's consecration. Sandpoint is full of fun, games and food until the release of the Swallowtail festival.

Next to speak is the dour Sheriff Hemlock. "Be careful while enjoying the festival. Try not to stand near the bonfire or run around with torches or sharp implements. Thank you" he says. There are a few isolated claps. The next speaker doesn't take the stand at once.
"Isn't old man Lonjiku going to drone on about traditions and how wasteful this is?" someone in the crowd whispers nearby. After a moment, Shadrak sees Ameiko rushed to the podium. She apologises for her father's absence due to a sudden illness. She would also like to remind everyone present that free lunch is provided by her Rusty Dragon inn, and receives some good-hearted calls from the other proprietors in the crowd for this little shameless self-promotion. The last speaker is showman Cyrdak Drokkus who briefly speaks of the events of the cathedral's reconstruction, before recommending that everyone should come by Sandpoint Theater to see his latest performance, "The Harpy's Curse", featuring a famed Magnimarian actress Allishanda. Finally, Father Zantus declares the festival officially open.

With the festival open, many events occur throughout the city. Games of skill and chance, fortune-telling, weight-lifting challenges, tug-of-war events and more. Most games have free admission, but likewise offer only bragging rights in return. Of course, in a town like Sandpoint, such prize is hefty indeed.

This is a point where your character has a chance to unwind and play around a bit, framed in festival and events, and a chance for him to run into some potential allies.

2023-02-03, 09:57 PM
Shad claps respectfully for the Mayor and tries not to laugh at Sheriff Hemlock. He frowns when he hears about Ameiko's father and shakes his head. He considers going after her when she leaves the stage, but decides he'll just check on her tonight when he goes to the Dragon to see Shalelu. Drokkus actually holds his attention as he relates the tale of the new cathedral, and he wonders if Ameiko would go with him to see the new show.

As soon as the announcement of the opening of the festival, Shadrach hustles to get in with the first wave of celebrants. He wants to enjoy himself for a bit, then go get a bowl of Ameiko's grub. We wanders around checking out the booths, nodding and waving to those he knows and trying to decide what to do first.

2023-02-05, 04:39 PM
He wanders around, grabbing a pint provided to all festivalgoers. Going about, he sees a few games of accuracy, throwing balls or darts at targets. There's a tug of war getting set up, as well as a lifting contest if he wishes to test his strength. He sees some Sczarni fellows, friends of Jubrayl, calling out for a betting game of some time if he wishes to try his luck. The wizened bookstore owner seems to be holding a quiz of Sandpoint history.

He sees a few locals and some strangers. A blonde human man with a little beard and a big sword strapped to his back is lining up for the tug of war. His garb suggests a woodsman. Standing around aimlessly, he spies a scholarly-looking young man, his clothes suggesting he isn't local, possibly from Magnimar. He seems to be a half-elf. Another outsider, an exotic-looking woman with dark skin and pale hair, clad in a tunic and short skirt weighing a ball for the tossing game.

2023-02-10, 06:20 PM
Shad ambles over to the tossing game, appreciating the woman's exotic looks. And her skirt. "I think I might give this a go after you," he says to her with a smile. "Where are you from? I don't think I've seen you around before?"

2023-02-11, 05:16 AM
The woman acknowledges Shad with a nod and takes her toss, casting the ball at a pyramid of wooden cups, sending the structure toppling from the table it sat on, to the cheers of the few onlookers. She grins triumphantly.
"Nice toss, lass" one among the crowd says. She gives a good-natured if absent-minded smile and turns to the swordsman instead. He can see that she has a well-practiced body, hints of muscle showing on her legs, easily displayed by her choice of attire. She looks thoughtful for a moment at his question, and then speaks slowly in Taldan "Greetings. This. one comes from. Chennipon." she says. She has only a faint accent, though her speech is stilted, looking for right words before speaking. "Not long in. this world."

As they speak, the ball game is reset. "Swordsman!" the game master calls out. "Think your hand is as good as hers?"
He is offered a trio of balls.

I'll be making some rolls privately for RP resolving. The ball game is simple ranged attack, Dex+BAB
There are ten cups. 10 hits, toppling a number of cups equal to your STR and the amount exceeding 10 on the attack.

2023-02-12, 03:34 PM
The woman acknowledges Shad with a nod and takes her toss, casting the ball at a pyramid of wooden cups, sending the structure toppling from the table it sat on, to the cheers of the few onlookers. She grins triumphantly.
"Nice toss, lass" one among the crowd says. She gives a good-natured if absent-minded smile and turns to the swordsman instead. He can see that she has a well-practiced body, hints of muscle showing on her legs, easily displayed by her choice of attire. She looks thoughtful for a moment at his question, and then speaks slowly in Taldan "Greetings. This. one comes from. Chennipon." she says. She has only a faint accent, though her speech is stilted, looking for right words before speaking. "Not long in. this world."

As they speak, the ball game is reset. "Swordsman!" the game master calls out. "Think your hand is as good as hers?"
He is offered a trio of balls.

I'll be making some rolls privately for RP resolving. The ball game is simple ranged attack, Dex+BAB
There are ten cups. 10 hits, toppling a number of cups equal to your STR and the amount exceeding 10 on the attack.
"Well, I'm Shadrach. Since you're new in town, I'll buy your dinner at the Rusty Dragon tonight, ok? It won't hurt my reputation to be seen with someone as interesting as you." He turns to the hawker, Sure, give me the balls and I'll make a go at it."

He winds up and throws the first ball at the stack. Ranged Attack: [roll'1d20+4[/roll]

2023-02-12, 03:35 PM
Let's redo that: [roll0]
ball 2: [roll1]
Ball 3: [roll2]

2023-02-16, 03:15 AM
He takes his balls, toppling the stacked cups on his first try with consummate ease. The gathered folks clap enthusiastically.
"Nice throw" the hawker says, resetting the game for the next enthusiast. Shad gets the full attention of the foreign woman
"Thank. you Shadrach. This one is. called Pasha." she says. When the word dragon is mentioned she looks around before realizing he meant a place rather than a creature. "Dinner. sounds good." she says. "Nice to meet. a nice man.

2023-02-17, 08:58 PM
"Pasha", he repeats her name so it will stick in his memory. "That's a nice name. And I'm happy you will join me this evening." Shad grins "You can tell me about where you are from."

He turns, looking at other games. "You want to try another game?"

2023-02-20, 03:52 AM
"Sounds pleasant" Pasha says. Looking around, it seems that the tug-o-war is in full swing. If he's looking to impress the girl more, there's a lifting contest with various heavy objects to display one's prowess. He can see a local ban, Jesk, keeper of the Cracktooth's Tavern, a thickset and thuggish man, trying to lift a heavy barrel, straining to get it off the ground. Eyeing it, Shad thinks he might struggle with it all the same. If he wants a slightly less impressive feat but one more likely to succeed, there's a weighed bar that is still something that an ordinary person might struggle to lift. One of his Sczarni friends gives him an enthused gesture, complimenting him for his woman. He could probably rig a game for a friend if that's up Shad's alley.

"Pasha comes. from Vudraland. Different. world of rigid society. Hotter. dryer place. From big city across. desert and sea." she explains.

2023-02-24, 11:43 PM
"Vudraland, huh? You've traveled a goodly way to get here, haven't you?" He grins at the Sczarni, but walks on by toward the lifting booth. "I'm originally from the River Kingdoms. Mivon, to be exact. But I came here about a year ago after studying at the University of Leipstadt for a while." He points at the weighted bar, "I think I'll give that a go. If ol' Jesk can't lift that barrel, there's not much reason for me to try it." He catches the barker's eye and grabs a handful of sand from the ground after getting the 'OK'. Using it to dust his hands, he leans over and takes a firm grip on the bar...

2023-02-27, 11:47 AM
"Correct" Pasha says, listening to his tale. "You have. also come from afar? And found new. home?"
There's something hopeful abot the way she says the words.

She looks at him with approval and interest as he prepares to lift, idly flicking her hair. Shad spots another man lining up to the lifting contest, and staring at Pasha's assets, clearly having ideas.

A simple Strength check should do to tell how impressove Shad's lift is.

2023-02-28, 12:10 PM
Shad rubs a handful of dust on his palms before leaning over to grab the bar, "A new home? Yes, I think I'd call it that. I've been welcomed and happy here. Made some pretty good friends. Sandpoint is a good place." He glares at the other guy, and snatches at the weights, hoping to lift them over his head in one motion...

Strength [roll0]

2023-03-03, 03:19 PM
He easily makes the pull, the heavy weight leaving the ground, swung and lifted above his head. Pasha is visibly impressed by his strength. She gives a bit of a clap, and other onlookers join in as he Shad maintains the pose for a moment. As he lets the weight down, the other challenger shoulders his way in. "I'll show you how it's done." he says, gripping the bar. He manages to lift it, and swing it up to his chest, but from there, his arms tremble. He takes a staggering step, struggling before dropping the bar.

He looks a bit awkwardly at Shadrack and Pasha. "You're strong" he tells the duelist. He glances at the sword and seems to approve. "Nice sword."

A few more games, and he starts spotting folks with bowls of food. A gurgle of his stomach reminds him that Ameiko owes him a meal.

2023-03-08, 07:06 PM
Shad smiles at Pasha as he lowers the bar, "That was fu..." He glowers at the newcomer as the man shoulders by, interrupting his thought. A knowing smirk plays on Shad's face for just a moment as the fellow fails to lift the weight. He schools his face to impassivity as the man compliments his sword, "A noble attempt, good sir. Better luck next time." Turning back to Pasha, he offers his arm, "Would you like to play more games? Or would you prefer a fine meal?"

2023-03-12, 04:07 PM
The man looks apologetic after his bluster and Shad's good reaction.
"Maybe later we might compete in a rope tug? We'd be unstoppable."

"A meal. is good. Hungry" Pasha says, motioning to her stomach. "More. games after."

They head to Ameiko's stall. There's a line, as there are to the other meal services, though it looks like Ameiko's is the longest. "Hey Shad!" Ameiko calls out as she spots him. "You and... she pauses to look at Pasha. "You and your friend can get your food like we agreed."
Ameiko is well-liked enough, and Shadrak is also known as a sort of good guy.

You can Sense Motive her if you want.

2023-03-12, 06:58 PM
Shad nods in agreement, "Sure, we could give that a go! Names Shadrach. Friends call me Shad.
I'll see you after me and Pasha grab some food!"

"Hey 'Meiko! This is Pasha. I met her at the Festival and she's Vudrani. Pretty neat, huh?" He smiles big as she hands him his bowl. "Oh wow, that smells even more amazing than when I helped you carry it over! Thanks." (Sense Motive [roll0] He grabs the second bowl for the Vudrani woman, "But I can pay for Pashas. She wasn't part of our deal earlier." He leans over and whispers to her, "She's new around town and needs some friends, I think."

2023-03-16, 02:38 AM
It seems she's just curious about the newcomer.

He recalls the man replying his name to be Albert after Shad introduced himself, and head off for some other game.

The noodle soup is spicy, delicious, a great flavor that leaves a pleasant spicy aftertaste. Pasha smiles as she tastes hers. "It's good" she says, looking at Ameiko and giving a slight respectful bow.
"Say, if you've come all the way from Vudra, I bet you've got some stories to share" Ameiko says. "You should stay at the Rusty Dragon. My place."

Ameiko smiles to Shad as well. "Have you seen Shalelu today? I'd have thought she'd be back by now. If you run into her, tell her to drop by and say hi."
She sounds a little worried.

2023-03-22, 10:10 AM
Shad grins watching Pasha enjoy the meal, "I told you it is good, didn't I? Ameiko is AMAZING!" He listens as Ameiko offers friendship and a place to stay to his new friend, a look of satisfaction playing across his feature. The question about Shalelu causes him to frown, though. "No, I expected her to be here by now. Didn't you?" His eyes scan the room, as if expecting her to be in the Dragon already. "I'll definitely be keeping watch for her while we check out the festival."

2023-03-23, 03:47 AM
They're actually outside at the stand. Basically everything has been set up along the streets.

"She was supposed to" Ameiko says. "She's not the type to get herself in a situation she can't handle."
"Should. we go look?" Pasha asks.
"And miss Sandpoint at it's best?" Ameiko asks. "Like I said, there's no need to worry. Shalelu's a big girl. Whatever it is, she can handle."

He enjoys the day with Pasha, enjoying the day's entertainments. He makes good of Albert's offer, and the two men handily dominate the tug-o-war. After lunch is done, Ameiko is free to join their group. She asks Pasha about her homeland. The young foreigner finds it a bit difficult to present the world she is from, but says that she's a member of padaprajna caste. A warrior and martial artist. They often journey far and wide to hone their abilities.

Evening approaches, and it's time for the festival to culminate, and the crowds start aggregating to the Sandpoint Cathedral once again.

2023-03-27, 05:35 PM
"You ladies ready to go?, Shadrach asks, proffering an arm to each. "It looks like the dedication is about to start."

As they stroll to the Cathedral, he spots Albert and encourages him to join them. "We'll head to The Rusty Dragon after the speeches for drinks and stories. Hopefully, Shalelu has returned by then. Her stories are the best!"

2023-03-29, 03:15 PM
"Let's hope!" Ameiko says cheerfully as they reach the square. As they walk, a small group of swallowtail butterflies flutters above them. The square before the cathedral is crowded, and though they can see the priest, Father Zantus, on the podium before the steps, the murmuring of the crowd makes it impossible to hear. The few game and food stalls in the vicinity have thankfully gone silen. Most such stations are hastily crafted from boxes, barrels and boards, or repurposed wagons that have now been put to side.

A lady in each arm, Shadrach awaits the dedication. As the time comes, the priest raises a hand and swings it down, tossing something. A sudden peal of thunder echoes through the square, silencing excited conversations as eyes turn to the priest. He smiles gently, clearing his thought to begin his prayer to Desna. Then there's a sudden scream from the crowd. A woman. Then another scream, and over them, a choir of tittering, high-pitched voices picking up as the crowds scatter. Shad recognizes the voice and the tone without fail. Goblins. But there was no way they could be within Sandpoint. Or so it should have been, but as the crowds scatter, he sees a small green shape run low to the ground, pursuing a stray dog and slashing at it with a wicked razor blade. The animal collapses. In his arms, he feels Ameiko and Pasha both tense up, the latter a bit more nervously. He sees a few more near a wagon, ad from the sounds of screaming and the panicing crowd, there are more about.

2023-04-07, 08:47 PM
Shadrach snatches his dagger from his boot and hands it to Pasha. "Protect yourself!" he says as he runs toward the goblins. He slides to a stop as his sword comes out of its sheath. He drives the sword straight at the goblin on the far left, trying to reach past its guard.

FA: Charge the gobboe on Shad's left. [roll0] for [roll1] slashing damage
Crit confirm - [roll2] for [roll3] slashing damage

2023-04-10, 02:22 PM
Pasha takes the dagger gingerly. Ameiko takes stock of the situation, readying her shamisen rather than a blade. As he charges, he can hear the first note strike, feeling his strength swell inside him. His blade strikes true, silencing the surprised goblin, who drops the jagged sword it was holding. Two pairs of hateful eyes fall on Shad, and the remaining goblins raise their weapons. One is struck in the face by a foot, followed by a shapely leg belonging to Pasha. She lands by Shad, still holding the dagger in one hand, both fists clenched. The goblin she struck hits the table, picking up a plate and tossing it at Pasha, who brushes it aside. The other goblin manages to land a cut at Shad, drawing blood.

[roll0] Pasha attack [roll1] damage
[roll2], [roll3] Goblin 1

2023-04-12, 10:18 PM
Shad rounds on the goblin that hit him, slashing his scimitar at its head.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] Slashing dmg
Crit Confirm: [roll2] for [roll3] Slashing dmg

2023-04-13, 04:47 PM
Empowered by Ameiko's performance, he strikes the goblin. It raises a blade to parry, but Shadrach forces it aside, striking true and putting the goblin down for good. Pasha gathers herself, shouting out as she throws a punch at the injured goblin. It dodges and lands a nasty cut on her arm.

Throughout the square, he can see the crowds are evacuating. Sheriff Hemlock hits a goblin that has managed to trip a victim and was going for the kill. A fire has started. Another group of goblins are clambering over a feasting table, while still more are lookin for prey.

[roll0], [roll1] Pasha strike
[roll2], [roll3] Goblin counter against Pasha if it survives.

2023-04-14, 12:36 PM
Shad watches Pasha get injured and slashes at her attacker, enraged.

He turns his face to Ameiko and yells, "See if you can help with the fire, I'll keep hunting gobboes after this one is dead!"

SA: Scimitar attack vs the last goblin: [roll0] for [roll1] Slashing Damage

Crit Confirm: [roll2] for [roll3] Slashing Damage

MA: Run towards the loudest screaming/heaviest action

2023-04-16, 03:29 PM
With the last of the goblins in his presence cut down to size, he turns to rusha at the next. Pasha follows with him, bleeding slightly from the goblin-inflicted wound. His own injury hurts as well, but he presses on. A group of gobilns on the far side of the square, close to the cathedral that serves as sanctuary to many civilians. They've found a wagon full of firewood and fuel for the bonfire to be lit in the evening. The trio of goblins are giggling madly as one of them lights a torch and tosses it into the wagon. They pick improvised torches from the ruined wagon, while a fourth one, screeching the goblins' song, points at Shad and Pasha. The trio of goblins lope towards them, followed by the singer.

Ameiko joins the duo, still plucking the strings and stoking his courage. She chants something and puts a hand on Shad, healing light dancing around her hand.

Another ally is nearby. The arrogant man from before, striking a goblin down with his sword. He is splattered with blood, but it's hard to say whose.

[roll0] Healing for Shad
The goblins close to around 20 feet away on their turn.They wield torches and wicked dogslicers. The singer holds a whip, standing behind its thre companions.

2023-04-19, 08:41 PM
Shadrach closes the distance to the goblins, slashing low at the one on the farthest left. "Watch out for the whip that one in the back has!" he yells at Pasha, worried she hasn't seen it.

MA: Move up to 30' to the farthest left goblin
SA: Attack w/ scimitar - [roll0] for [roll1] slashing dmg
Crit Confirm: [roll2] for [roll3] slashing dmg
I remembered the Inspire Courage this round.

2023-04-22, 11:35 AM
Following his charge, Ameiko and Pasha attack the goblins. The foreigner, cautious of Shad's warning, sticks by his side. Ameiko, meanwhile, takes a more adventurous approach, moving to flank one of the goblins and making a stab with a light silver rapier. The goblins swarm forward, leaving the warsinger unprotected, and easily engaged by the warrior Shad had bested in the contest of strength. Even if weaker, the man had courage, his blade already bloodied as he lunges at the goblin singer.

13 misses.

[roll0], [roll1] Ameiko
[roll2], [roll3] Albert
[roll4], [roll5] Pasha

[roll6], [roll7] Goblin 1 vs Shad, torch
[roll8], [roll9] Goblin 2 vs Ameiko, blade It fell to Ameiko's strike
[roll10], [roll11] Goblin 3 vs Pasha, torch
[roll12], [roll13] Goblin singer vs Albert, dagger

2023-04-27, 08:37 AM
Shad feints left, then spins back right, hoping to take the goblin attacking Pasha by surprise with an overhand cut.

Attack Pasha's goblin [roll0] for [roll1] Slashing damage

Crit Confirm [roll2] for [roll3] Slashing damage

2023-05-01, 06:17 AM
Shad chops the goblin, putting it down. The goblin next to him reaches to pick up the other torch, giggling to itself. The one struck by Ameiko's rapier is alive, albeit barely, and swings both weapons at the bard. Pasha throws a punch and kick at the goblins still standing, but misses or strikes their armour with both..

With the bard, she dodges out of the way of Albert's sword, still singing the shrill song. It's interrupted by a shriek of pain as the warrior lands a blow.
The goblin waving around two weapons falls unconscious to his wounds, leaving one goblin with two torches facing Shad, and the injured singer.

The goblin picking up a torch provokes an AoO from Pasha and Shad
[roll0], [roll1] Pasha AoO
[roll2], [roll3] Pasha attack
[roll4], [roll5] Ameiko attack
[roll6], [roll7] Albert attack
Goblin torch [roll8], [roll9] and blade [roll10], [roll11]
Goblin warsinger [roll12], [roll13]

2023-05-18, 02:21 AM
Shad proffers a backhand swipe at the still-standing goblin as he pushes by to help Arthur with the singer.

SA: Attack w/ scimitar - for [roll]1d+8 slashing dmg
Crit Confirm: for [roll]1d+8 slashing dmg
MA: Move up to 30' to flank Shaman.

2023-05-21, 01:51 PM
His strike misses the goblin, but he reaches the goblin singer, moving in from the opposite side to pin it down. The last goblin is caught between Ameiko and Pasha, likewise flanked. A punch from Pasha finally puts that one down.

Albert thrusts with his longsword, trying to gut the goblin and cut the song at last.His sword comes away with blood, and the goblin gurgles and dies.

"Nice work" Ameiko says, looking around. Things are calming down by the Cathedral, the last goblin there slain. There are still screams coming from the North, and few injured being tended to. Father Zantus is tending to the injured, but from the looks of it few are beyond his skill. Far more live thanks to Shad's efforts, and those of other defenders.

Albert stabs the goblin bard for good measure. "I'll make sure the lot here are dead for real."
"There might be some more lurking here" Sheriff Hemlock says, limping a little. He's ben injured, though it doesn't look dangerous. "Shadrac. Could you check that the North gate is closed? I'd go myself but I'm stuck at limp speed here."

[roll0], [roll1] Pasha attack
[roll2], [roll3] plus [roll4] Ameiko attack
[roll5], [roll6] Albert attacks the bard, flanking.
[roll7], [roll8] goblin torching away.
[roll9], [roll10] Bard attacks Albert