View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Quick question on Bard (Archaeologist) class skills?

2023-01-20, 11:53 PM
So I'm planning to play an Archaeologist Bard in an upcoming Pathfinder 1e game, and I noticed something odd...

At level 2, Archaeologist gets an ability that adds a bonus to Disable Device and Perception checks, as well as some other improvements to their use of the Disable Device skill. However, Disable Device isn't a class skill for Bards and the Archaeologist archetype doesn't appear to change that.

Am I missing something? Or is the bonus simply meant to more than make up for the +3 bonus you get for putting ranks in a class skill?

The Archaeologist is basically trading all of the Bard's performance abilities for a smattering of Rogue-like features, so I could see this being either a mistake or a simple oversight.

Thanks in advance!

Kurald Galain
2023-01-21, 03:17 AM
However, Disable Device isn't a class skill for Bards and the Archaeologist archetype doesn't appear to change that.
You are correct. However, it is easy enough to make it a class skill with e.g. a trait.

2023-01-22, 10:19 PM
You are correct. However, it is easy enough to make it a class skill with e.g. a trait.

Okay then, secondary question: Is this worth the expenditure of a trait, or should I just suck up the lack of the +3 class skill bonus and let the Archaeologist's class feature eventually make up the difference? I already have ideas for which traits I'll be choosing....

2023-01-22, 11:44 PM
Okay then, secondary question: Is this worth the expenditure of a trait, or should I just suck up the lack of the +3 class skill bonus and let the Archaeologist's class feature eventually make up the difference? I already have ideas for which traits I'll be choosing....

As far as Trait's go, +3 to a skill is top tier. Which is what granting as a Class Skill does if you do plan on investing even a single point into the skill in question. It's worthwhile, since the DD DCs can be a little unforgiving every + helps.

Kurald Galain
2023-01-23, 01:45 AM
Okay then, secondary question: Is this worth the expenditure of a trait, or should I just suck up the lack of the +3 class skill bonus and let the Archaeologist's class feature eventually make up the difference? I already have ideas for which traits I'll be choosing....

That depends on (1) what other traits you have in mind, and (2) whether you'll be the sole trapfinder for this party.

2023-01-23, 02:30 AM
If your party needs a trap-finder, ask your GM about letting you take the Trap Finder trait. It's from Mummy's Mask, but it's pretty common for GMs to allow it since it lets someone cover that niche when nobody wants to play a Rogue. It lets you disarm magic traps like a Rogue can, makes Disable Device a class skill, and gives a +1 Trait bonus to DD. It also happens to be thematically perfect for an Archaeologist Bard, and the +4 net benefit is absolutely worth the trait even if you don't need the first part.

2023-01-23, 02:59 AM
I second the Trap finder trait, but as an archeologist you have "less" need of it, since at 6th level the archeologist feature itself allows you the disabling of magical traps.

It's still the best pick because it makes it in-class and gives +1 trait bonus, unlike the other couple of traits that only make it in class, IIRC

2023-01-23, 04:54 PM
It's a pretty nice bonus, and trap DCs both get pretty high and are generally a roll you do not want to fail due to the risk of triggering a trap, so it's probably worth it unless you have a more important trait.
For an archaeologist bard one trait will always be taken by Fate's Favoured (because +1 to all luck bonuses on the class that gives itself luck bonuses instead of inspire courage is amazing), so it might be harder to fit in, on the other hand you don't need to change any of the Cha skills to int and aren't particularly metamagic focuses, so the other big trait effects are also skippable.

2023-01-24, 01:18 AM
I'm not sure yet if I'll be the only trapfinder in the party, and I likely won't find out for a couple more weeks at least.

The traits I was planning to take were Fate's Favored and Prehensile Whip, but I will consider the suggestion of Trap Finder.

Kurald Galain
2023-01-24, 03:38 AM
The traits I was planning to take were Fate's Favored and Prehensile Whip, but I will consider the suggestion of Trap Finder.

Well, the PW thread lets you use a whip as a rope with grappling hook, but this can alternatively be solved by... carrying a rope with grappling hook :smalltongue:

2023-01-24, 03:54 AM
Well, the PW thread lets you use a whip as a rope with grappling hook, but this can alternatively be solved by... carrying a rope with grappling hook :smalltongue:

but then you woulnd't be using the whip to do stereotypical archeologist stuff!

Maat Mons
2023-01-24, 04:47 AM
Who needs a whip?


2023-01-24, 05:07 AM
I do feel that Prehensile Whip is not worth a trait. I usually love weird stuff like this, but like Kurald Galain has said, carrying a real grappling hook does the same.

The difference is, I guess, you can use the whip quickly during a combat or a tense situation, but you need to take more time to fetch the hook from your backpack.

However, the whip only has a reach of 10', while the grappling hook comes with 50 feet of rope and you can probably add more rope to it if needed. Makes me wonder what kind of in-combat trick one can pull off with the whip-as-a-hook.

Epic Legand
2023-01-27, 01:57 AM
When you think about the archetype, consider that you can activate their bonus as a swift action. Most bard bonus activate after a standard action. The luck bosting trait is almost required as well. I think its a great choice

2023-02-03, 10:17 PM
Hey, I just wanted to update that my DM is allowing an additional trait if I take an additional drawback, so I was able to get one for Disable Device without having to give up my silly whip shenanigans!

Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for the suggestions! :smallbiggrin: