View Full Version : Pathfinder Almost all way to changeform, shapeshift, wild shape...

2023-01-21, 08:46 AM
... But this time on Pathfinder.

You might tell I am a bit obsessed with this kind of feature. And I might be. So today, I am going to try to list every way to changeform in Pathfinder. Same rule as for the list I made in 3.5, I would like to avoid spellcasting and focus on class features. But we can still make a list of good spell for that too, for completness sake if you will.

The goal of this thread is to list EVERY WAY for a character to be able to take the shape of something else.

The Polymorpharmory (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1avbOKg848X3Z3dVpmdrpxtR__zan2jj_NzP0uZU9LTw/edit#) is a good starting point but it lacks a lot of options.


Druid (Wild shape @6)
Shifter (Wild Shape @4)


Beastmorph.(Alchemist, Beast Shape @6 for mutagen duration)
Feral Hunter (Hunter, Wild Shape as a druid @4)
Beastkin Berserker (Barbarian, Beast Shape @4 while raging)
Feral Champion (Warpriest Wild Shape @7, warpriest level -3)
Agathiel (Vigilante, nerfed beast shape @4, considered a polymorph effect but equipment does not meld)


Shapechanger (Aspect of the beast while bloodraging)
Draconic (Form of the Dragon)


Dragon (Form of the Dragon)
Lunar (Beast Shape)
Dark Tapestry (Alter self, Beast Shape, Greater Polymorph..)
Wood (Tree Shape, Plant Shape)

Do not hesitate to contribute. I'm actually looking for items granting this kind of feature for example. I'm not that into pathfinder but interested to do this nontheless because it is fun.

2023-01-21, 11:48 AM
Class Features
Shaman Hex: Shapeshift: Alter Self, Beast Shape I-IV
Shaman Spirit (Wind, Flame, Waves, Stones): Elemental Body IV
Oracle Mysteries (only listing ones you didn't include: Flame, Waves, Volcano): Elemental Body I-IV, obviously restricted to one element

Witch (Beast-bonded): Beast Shape II
Witch (Synergist): Beast Shape I-IV, with extra benefits and restrictions
Barbarian (Mooncursed): Beast Shape I-III, with extra benefits and restrictions
Monk (Nimble Guardian): Beast Shape II-III, cat only
Vigilante (Avenging Beast): Beast Shape I and stuck with one animal
Bloodrager (Prowler at World's End): Beast Shape IV

2023-01-21, 11:50 AM
Here are some others that I think about:

* The Alchemist (Metamorph archetype) can gain the Su ability to use alter self, monstrous physique, etc.

* The Vigilante can take the Morphic Mask social talent to actually turn into a different person, rather than just being disguised as one.

2023-01-21, 02:54 PM
If you allow the Monsters as Characters rule, there are a lot of options right there, as well as templates that can add opportunities. Look at lycanthropes and animal lords in particular, which seem to bypass the Pathfinder rules on shape changing (physical attributes are replaced, not modified).

2023-08-29, 03:13 AM
This thread is a bit old, but I'd thought I'd throw in something. There are several series of spells in addition to the Beast Shape series.

For example Fey Shape 2. Look up the stats of the Whisperer. CR20. Fey. Who cares about the other abilities as it's natural attack form involves 6 Touch attacks for 3d10.

Each of the Shape series have this perk* via the inherent imbalance of various Bestiary critters.

*or problem depending on how you run your games. :)

Yes it is a spell that comes rather late. Of course the Druid has earlier access via the Progenitor archetype. Instead of a 5th level spell, the archetype gains this at level 8 as a replacement for Wild Shape (Elemental).