View Full Version : Pathfinder Playtest for Shards of Power, an Akashic Magic/Spheres of Power Pathfinder Supplement

2023-01-22, 10:49 PM
Shards of Power Playtest [PEACH]

So, I've been working on this for a while and I've finally gotten the green light from Studio M (the publisher I've been working with) to go through with playtesting for this labor of love. With all the struggles concerning the OGL issues with WoTC they decided it was worth it to move ahead.

So here we go! Please PEACH and tell me what you think, leave me a comment either here or on the document.

This is a supplement that uses Pathfinder 1e rules and specifically supplements Dreamscarred Press's Akashic Magic and Drop Dead Studios' Spheres of Power/Might systems.

Inside you can find the following:
-A new Mystic Attunement for the Vizier class: the Path of the Augur, which gives the vizier new powers based around a deck of harrow cards to manipulate the fate of both allies and enemies.
-A new archetype for the Spellweaver Akashic class: The Runic, based around being able to form veils from runes, able to bestow [Titles] to empower allies and [Brands] and [Shatter] veils to destroy their foes, it uses the supplementary Words of Power magic system that I personally love a lot (and it could use all the love it can get).
-A new archetype for the Alchemist class: the Theurgic Chymist, A spheres of might user who channels the power of archetypal souls, which grants them the ability to call on the powers of legends for a time to grant them capabilities that would normally belong in the grasp of other classes.
-A new archetype for the Samurai alternate class: the Wandering Soul, a warrior who has devoted themselves to their weapon and their own ideals instead of a codified order, drawing out their true potential and spirit.
-A new archetype for the Skald hybrid class: the Warsong Drummer, A totemic warrior whose twin hammers pound out a beat that brings out the truth of their allies and the weakness of their foes.

-A new Cavalier/Samurai order: Order of the Inviolate Will, an order devoted to saving the souls of others from those who would devour or destroy them, whose devotion grants them the gift of accessing the akashic record.

-Three new alternate racial traits: the Soulbred for the Skinwalker and the Human Doppelborne and Sigilium.

-Over 20 new feats including a new type of feats: Shard Feats. Shard feats allow you to shatter your veils to empower them, and grow in strength the more veils you have shattered in sacrifice.

-Three new veils: The Deck of the Fates, Sigil of Mysticism, and Sigil of Imbuement.

Original rules on Akashic Magic content can be found here (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Akashic_Rules)

Original rules on Spheres of Might can be found here (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/using-spheres-of-might)

2023-01-24, 07:12 AM
-Edited Draw the Fates ability from Path of the Augur to clean up ability table and remove individual scaling of each effect for the most part

-Removed penalty types from same table as pointed out, penalties in pathfinder rarely (if ever) have types

-Edited Akashic Demolitionist feat so boost to DC only effects any saves needed for splash damage effects

2023-01-28, 11:44 AM
-Edited upon suggestions so the Draw the Fates Ability from Path of the Augur so that the description of the Exaltation and Descension effects is more clear. Now instead of it saying "The benefits/penalties granted by each card increase by 1 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter." it instead says "The effects of each card increase by 1 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter.".

2023-02-04, 09:23 PM
-Edit: Changed feat name from Soul Synergy to Bloodline Synergy upon suggestion.

2023-02-14, 04:37 PM
-Edit: added description on [Shatter] veil rules for clarity

2023-03-01, 09:30 AM
Playtest is now closed. Thank you for your comments.

2023-04-14, 06:30 PM
Playtest is closed and the book just officially went up for sale on DriveThruRPG, feel free to go give it a look: