View Full Version : 3rd Ed Demonwrecker Malconvoker

2023-01-24, 06:56 AM
Any builds that use demonwrecker in conjunction with malconvoker?

Perfect Breach (Ex): At 5th level, you automatically overcome a chaotic evil outsider's spell resistance.

The 5th level capstone ability would seem to synergize very well with the malconvoker. I don't recall any builds using it however. Am I missing something?

2023-01-24, 07:07 AM
Demonwrecker is from a very obscure book, that's mostly it.

Also, while there's some synergy, most people who go malconvoker do so to spam boosted summons, in which case you don't really encounter SR much. A lot of malconvokers dip out before level 6 anyway.

2023-01-24, 08:47 AM
Perfect Breach is a fine ability but not revolutionary. Since you already have Spell Penetration (+2) and Breach Spell Resistance (+5), spell resistance of enemies scaling with CR around the 50/50 point implies Perfect Breach is roughly worth +3. Against lower level mobs, it's useless and against extra high level opponents it's more useful.

More generally, anything which increases caster level (there are many) is good for defeating spell resistance. For example, persistent suffer the flesh and a Prayer Bead of Karma gives +9.