View Full Version : DM Help Ultimate d20 Character Database

2023-01-27, 06:36 AM
Hey there Playground,

Everything has been said here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633501-Character-Sharing-Thread&highlight=character+sharing+thread) before so I'll just repost it here

A great thing about 3e is its intricate character building, but that makes it time consuming to create higher-level characters. That can be tough on DMs who like to create custom NPCs for their games.

Maybe we could save each other time and effort by sharing stat blocks we've created so that others can use them.

- We're looking for ready-to-use character sheets that people can put right into their games without any extra work, whether as PCs or NPCs. This isn't for linking your charop builds or Iron Chef entries since this has it's own sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyjVU5JmeCnC8YTMqDArDqE5PszHl0Ysadz630kuTGk/edit#gid=0). Play-by-post/VTT character sheets are great though.

- Please note stat generation method (28 points, 32 points, best of 4d6).
- If it's for Pathfinder, please say so.
- Please note any house rules.

Please post links to sheets rather than posting statblocks in the thread.

Google Docs statblock template (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfvqsKHT7jBy5bbsrBzo7_ODZ-F0gPAcerddrRQPCow/edit)
Myth-Weavers character sheets (https://www.myth-weavers.com/user/login)
Customizable character sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Z1Wzwo_Pbf8vfp3f7-xB2QXHIfl0P_fWs4o3wJtpvQ/edit?usp=share_link) (curtesy of mattie_p)

So far the Ultimate NPC Database Spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13m4hw6j_Y8Nt7H5e9OuCBUb1OOARbaCA4TjSfY0GI9I/edit?usp=sharing) has gathered more than a 100 NPCs for anyone to use !

We have "out-of-the-box" ones, cutomizable ones even PF and some Gestalt ones.
You're welcome to use them and make them live your many adventures and add to this shared resources so we can play with your toys too.

2023-02-01, 10:29 AM
Hello, boys... I'm back!

Kopru warblade (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NMBFvSF9DUJ_O8r4wFMZ1uv631IP9NBMDL20o5UCd5I/view), monstrous humanoid 8/warblade 3 (ECL 15th, CR 10th, simple fish warrior with something extra)

Next session is The Big Fight I mentioned... over a year ago. Ugh.