View Full Version : Kubota's Rug

2007-12-03, 09:48 AM
Seeing the rug on the floor of Kubota's floor, it struck me as a strange pattern. Then I looked again, and it kinda looked like a map of a dungeon from somewhere. Either that or someone's autograph. But I can't read it.

Then again, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

2007-12-03, 09:52 AM
Okay, I'll admit you made me look. :smalltongue:

The pattern is symmetrical across its horizontal and vertical axes. Unless it's a ritualistic diagram for summoning demons or gaining access to ultimate cosmic power (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0033.html), I'd say it's just a rug.

2007-12-03, 10:48 AM
I think it looks like one of those Persian carpets, or imitations of, as a two-color cartoonish drawing.

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-12-03, 11:03 AM
I was thinking something similar, but don't know how to read Arabic. It also doesn't "Look" Arabic (no dots, etc. I've been to the Middle East and Asia, and have seen a lot of "non-Romaji" writing styles).

But it also doesn't look like "Rich Burlew" written in cursive. Or anything else.

Maybe it's just a squiggle, mirror imaged! :smalltongue:

2007-12-03, 11:05 AM

Accounting for perspective, the rug design is symmetrical across its horizontal and vertical axes. That strongly argues against it being writing of some kind.

Sometimes a rug is just a rug. Let it lie in peace.

2007-12-03, 01:28 PM
By doing some 180 degrees flipping, I consider it to be written "loyal" but with a heart between the "o" and the "y".

But this is just my POV.

2007-12-03, 01:28 PM
Or maybe is just a carpet :smalltongue:

2007-12-03, 02:10 PM
Oh My Pelor! Isn't it obvious people?!?! :smalleek:

It's Thog's half-Right-Eye's Miko, called back from the dead, using Haley's doily to break V's mate's Cloister Headband (which Dorukon stole as he and Lirian built their construct child Pompey), which in itself would be powered by Therkla's love for Durkon's theory of V's gender and Qarr's secretive attributes as a Bralani Eladrin!
Or it's a rug. :smallsmile:

2007-12-04, 12:24 AM
maybe he has something hidden under it.

2007-12-04, 03:37 AM
maybe he has something hidden under it.

Dust. It'll prove to be a crucial part of the plot when it makes someone sneeze whiel invisible.

2007-12-04, 03:49 AM
Seeing the rug on the floor of Kubota's floor, it struck me as a strange pattern. Then I looked again, and it kinda looked like a map of a dungeon from somewhere. Either that or someone's autograph. But I can't read it.

Then again, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Reminded me of those ink blot patterns that psychologists ask you to see things into... :smallwink:

Then again, I thought a similar thought about doilies, until :vaarsuvius: set me straight on the deeper mystery... maybe V can do a segment on it, next time they have a 'time out'... although...

:belkar: Here's an idea: Let's never do that again.
:haley: Yeah, like we're never going to need filler again. Dream on, shorty!

Chief Flower-Picker of the "Secret Admirers of :haley:" Club.

2007-12-04, 03:05 PM
It resembles a family crest, to me, but it may be a mock-up of the whorly, loopy patterns of Far East Asian designs.

:nale: Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

2007-12-04, 03:10 PM
I think that is Ansom's rug from Erfworld, foreshadowing the first Erfworld / OOTS crossover.

2007-12-06, 05:53 PM
Seeing the rug on the floor of Kubota's floor, it struck me as a strange pattern. Then I looked again, and it kinda looked like a map of a dungeon from somewhere. Either that or someone's autograph. But I can't read it.

Then again, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

I think that is Ansom's rug from Erfworld, foreshadowing the first Erfworld / OOTS crossover.

I was thinking something similar, but don't know how to read Arabic. It also doesn't "Look" Arabic (no dots, etc. I've been to the Middle East and Asia, and have seen a lot of "non-Romaji" writing styles).

But it also doesn't look like "Rich Burlew" written in cursive. Or anything else.

Maybe it's just a squiggle, mirror imaged! :smalltongue:

By doing some 180 degrees flipping, I consider it to be written "loyal" but with a heart between the "o" and the "y".

But this is just my POV.

Oh My Pelor! Isn't it obvious people?!?! :smalleek:

It's Thog's half-Right-Eye's Miko, called back from the dead, using Haley's doily to break V's mate's Cloister Headband (which Dorukon stole as he and Lirian built their construct child Pompey), which in itself would be powered by Therkla's love for Durkon's theory of V's gender and Qarr's secretive attributes as a Bralani Eladrin!

OR . . . .

Could it really be just a rug, and some of us spend a lot of time looking at OOTS?
I'll admit, I do obess about how some things look and how it matches, and blah blah blah, but I really do think that this is just a rug.

2007-12-06, 09:05 PM
I'm sure that right now Rich is reading this going 'Douhh! I knew that was too obvious... They're onto me. I guess I'll have to ditch the Rug sub-plot... I don't understand, usually my foreshadowings are just obscure enough that nobody pays attention until after the fact...' :smalltongue:

2007-12-06, 10:32 PM
Come on, people. Look at the strange, alien designs. Look at the psionic power metamorphosis, which can turn you into an inanimate object.

It's a shapeshifting aboleth.

2007-12-06, 10:43 PM
It's a shapeshifting aboleth.

It all makes sense now! The rug is Therkla the aboleth, who is projecting an image of herself as a half-orc to confuse anybody who might be scrying on them (or maybe she's even trying to double-cross Kubota and Qarr)! How could I have not noticed that?

no one special
2007-12-06, 11:42 PM
are you all blind to the real truth?? The rug is the REAL mastermind behind Kubota, Therkla, Qarr, and every other villain and villain-to-be in the OotS universe!!!

2007-12-07, 12:10 AM
No, my previous theory was completely wrong. I see it now. The rug is the god of doilies, and Vaarsuvius will achieve hir ultimate arcane power by saying "Give me arcane power" to the rug.

2007-12-07, 01:28 AM
I can't believe you guys haven't figured this out yet! There is only one real solution here:

The rug is obviously Belkar, Haley, and Roy's body. Thats why no one can find them!

2007-12-07, 08:55 AM
Oh My Pelor! Isn't it obvious people?!?! :smalleek:

It's Thog's half-Right-Eye's Miko, called back from the dead, using Haley's doily to break V's mate's Cloister Headband (which Dorukon stole as he and Lirian built their construct child Pompey), which in itself would be powered by Therkla's love for Durkon's theory of V's gender and Qarr's secretive attributes as a Bralani Eladrin!

You forgot the bit about Hilgya's love child with Durkon.

And the cat.

Crimson Avenger
2007-12-07, 09:08 AM
Oh, Lord, Forget not the cat....

2007-12-07, 09:44 AM
Oh, Lord, Forget not the cat....

There's a cat hidden in the rug? Is he alive or dead? I can't see it, so how can I know? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, IT'S ANOTHER UNDEAD CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU, SCHRODINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-07, 10:55 AM
Oh My Pelor! Isn't it obvious people?!?! :smalleek:

It's Thog's half-Right-Eye's Miko, called back from the dead, using Haley's doily to break V's mate's Cloister Headband (which Dorukon stole as he and Lirian built their construct child Pompey), which in itself would be powered by Therkla's love for Durkon's theory of V's gender and Qarr's secretive attributes as a Bralani Eladrin!
Or it's a rug. :smallsmile:

too much thinking=brain fart!:smalleek:

2007-12-07, 10:57 AM
are you all blind to the real truth?? The rug is the REAL mastermind behind Kubota, Therkla, Qarr, and every other villain and villain-to-be in the OotS universe!!!

It's a rugger. Like a cloaker, but it can't fly. Has psionic mind control powers. Likes waffles. From the MM 7.

2007-12-07, 11:04 AM
Pretty sure that's the Snarl's holy symbol

Crimson Avenger
2007-12-07, 11:27 AM
OMG! When did the snarl gain an active clergy. Is this one of those dead god / Temple of Elemental Evil thingies then, and will we all have to worship mushrooms when the dust settles.

2007-12-07, 11:47 AM
What's so fascinating about a hairpiece? Heheh... every time I see this thread on the list, I can't help but think that.

Belkar Rocks
2007-12-07, 12:13 PM
Pretty sure that's the Snarl's holy symbolActually, it had its name legally changed to that symbol, and when one speaks aloud, one must refer to it as "the Evil Entity Formerly Known As Snarl". :smallcool:

2007-12-07, 08:57 PM
Actually, it had its name legally changed to that symbol, and when one speaks aloud, one must refer to it as "the Evil Entity Formerly Known As Snarl". :smallcool:

Well, I think technically it's not evil, more like the physical embodiment of chaos (entropy=everything dies). We better not see it singing, though.

2007-12-07, 09:15 PM
It's probably just a design that the giant thought looked nice.

2007-12-08, 05:23 AM
It's probably just a design that the giant thought looked nice.
pfft yeah right, like anything in the comic is ever harmless and unimportant.
It is clearly Therkla's Chaotic Good sister disguised as a rug to eavesdrop on Therkla. duh!

2007-12-08, 10:45 PM
No, my previous theory was completely wrong. I see it now. The rug is the god of doilies, and Vaarsuvius will achieve hir ultimate arcane power by saying "Give me arcane power" to the rug.

Aha, you also see the deeper mystery... :smallwink:

Hence, fulfilling V's prophecy, the four words are:

Off the rug! Now!!!

Two shiny copper says that's how it will go down... unless it's simply:
Give me that rug!!!! :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-08, 10:47 PM
OR . . . .

Could it really be just a rug, and some of us spend a lot of time looking at OOTS?
I'll admit, I do obess about how some things look and how it matches, and blah blah blah, but I really do think that this is just a rug.

Shucks, sounds like you saw the same psychologist in school that I did! :smallwink:

(Curse that man... had me spilling ink on pages for *years*... all that wasted time, all that wasted blotting paper... :smallbiggrin: )