View Full Version : An extradimensional space [item] within an extradimensional space [item]?

2023-01-30, 12:40 PM
Has anyone ever seen this happen in a game? By accident? On purpose? how did it play out?

For example, when you place a bag of holding in another extradimensional space:

Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional space created by a Heward's handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.

EDIT #1: To add that it is for specific items.

EDIT#2: Has anyone seen anyone nest extradimensional items and create the Astral gate? By accident or design?

EDIT#3: I've never seen anyone do it. Only talk about it.

2023-01-30, 03:30 PM
It's mostly a legacy feature to prevent Chinese nesting doll storage tactics.

2023-01-30, 03:48 PM
As a note, this is not a general property of extradimensional spaces. It's a specific property of specific items that create extradimensional spaces. So bring your bag of holding into the tardis, no issues.

Not sure that matters much, but yes, I agree that this is the legacy of an attempt to prevent infinite storage by nesting "bigger on the inside" containers.

2023-01-30, 04:05 PM
As a note, this is not a general property of extradimensional spaces. It's a specific property of specific items that create extradimensional spaces. So bring your bag of holding into the tardis, no issues.

Not sure that matters much, but yes, I agree that this is the legacy of an attempt to prevent infinite storage by nesting "bigger on the inside" containers.
You are correct. Sorry for the sloppy title and phrasing.

What I was trying to ask was: Has anyone seen anyone nest extradimensional items with the proper clauses and create the Astral gate? By accident or design?

2023-01-30, 04:08 PM
You are correct. Sorry for the sloppy title and phrasing.

What I was trying to ask was: Has anyone seen anyone nest extradimensional items with the proper clauses and create the Astral gate? By accident or design?

Eh. Mostly a meme tactic in my experience. I've seen it done 3 maybe 4 times in all my days across all the system that have something like this.

2023-01-30, 05:53 PM
Used it in an one-shot. Otherwise, the bag of holding and similar items are just too useful and hard to replace to waste that way.

2023-01-31, 11:39 AM
Any table with two artificers has to plan for this: they can each create one free bag of holding a day, and any artificer can create a homunculus to trigger the effect safely.

2023-01-31, 11:46 AM
Any table with two artificers has to plan for this: they can each create one free bag of holding a day, and any artificer can create a homunculus to trigger the effect safely.

Don't really need 2 due to the rules for replicate magic item overrides the usual limit of one of each type of infusion. Silly outside of a joke one shot though.

2023-01-31, 11:56 AM
If you want to get to the Astral plane at a lower level, it might be one of the cheaper and more reliable ways to do it.

Draconi Redfir
2023-01-31, 12:02 PM
as i understand it, all that matters is whether or not it's the SAME extradimentional space.

So bag of holding inside a bag of holding = Completely fine, no consequence.

Portable hole inside of a portable hole = Completely fine, no consequence.

Portable hole inside of a bag of holding = Big destructive implosion.

Bag of holding inside of a portable hole = Big destructive explosion.

so it really depends on the specifics i think. Hasn't come up too often in my games, though i did play a character once who had to leave her bag of holding with someone else when she hid inside a portable hole for awhile. that's about it.

2023-01-31, 12:04 PM
I've never seen it done in ~30 years of D&D. It seems folks want to keep the items more than they want a 1-way trip to a random location on the Astral. I've DMd some finales where I thought doing so would be an easy way to eliminate the BBEG, but the group wanted the items.

I guess converting permanent magic items to consumables is a difficult mental bridge to cross.

as i understand it, all that matters is whether or not it's the SAME extradimentional space.

So bag of holding inside a bag of holding = Completely fine, no consequence.

Portable hole inside of a portable hole = Completely fine, no consequence.

Portable hole inside of a bag of holding = Big destructive implosion.

Bag of holding inside of a portable hole = Big destructive explosion.

so it really depends on the specifics i think. Hasn't come up too often in my games, though i did play a character once who had to leave her bag of holding with someone else when she hid inside a portable hole for awhile. that's about it.
That's how I interpret RAW, but I'd prob expand the "... or similar item" clause to include the same item to eliminate shenanigans.

2023-01-31, 12:16 PM
as i understand it, all that matters is whether or not it's the SAME extradimentional space.

So bag of holding inside a bag of holding = Completely fine, no consequence.

Portable hole inside of a portable hole = Completely fine, no consequence.

Portable hole inside of a bag of holding = Big destructive implosion.

Bag of holding inside of a portable hole = Big destructive explosion.

so it really depends on the specifics i think. Hasn't come up too often in my games, though i did play a character once who had to leave her bag of holding with someone else when she hid inside a portable hole for awhile. that's about it.

If the EDS formed by any bag of holding is the same as that of any other bag of holding, you could reach into one bag and pull out something stored in a different bag.

Each individual specimen creates its own, independent EDS and thus will rupture when placed in any other EDS. At least I can't read the default any other way.

2023-01-31, 12:20 PM
I remember seeing silly design blueprints for a "black hole arrow" long ago. An arrow tipped with a bag of holding held in place by weaker materials and a portable hole wound around the arrow's shaft. Weaker materials snap on impact and the shaft flies into the bag.

I've always assumed it was just one of those silly joke things people did to poke fun at rules and come up with absurd inventions, and not something people actually tried to do in game though.

2023-01-31, 12:25 PM
I remember seeing silly design blueprints for a "black hole arrow" long ago. An arrow tipped with a bag of holding held in place by weaker materials and a portable hole wound around the arrow's shaft. Weaker materials snap on impact and the shaft flies into the bag.

I've always assumed it was just one of those silly joke things people did to poke fun at rules and come up with absurd inventions, and not something people actually tried to do in game though.

Arrowhead of Total Destruction (https://i.stack.imgur.com/xk4X3.jpg)

2023-01-31, 12:28 PM
Ahhh, it was the other way around? I see!

Chaos Jackal
2023-01-31, 12:55 PM
An artificer (or two, if the DM can't be swayed on taking Replicate Magic Item: Bag of Holding twice) using this trick is actually both legitimate and very threatening. Yes, it sounds like a meme, but against any opponent without planar traveling abilities you can just send in a familiar or homunculus or whatever and instantly end a fight. No saves, no attacks, no nothing, if the bag carrier gets to the target it's over. I've done it and you might actually see it suggested here and there in guides or tips and tricks.

There are three primary issues with that trick though. First, better make sure everyone's OK with not looting the enemy, because sending the Knight of the Bloodthirsty Axe to the Astral Plane means you don't get to loot their axe. And second, it's highly likely that DMs will do their darndest to prevent it after it happens once, if they don't outright ban it. And third, you do run the risk of people staring at you in disappointment and/or irritation for turning a potentially fun fight into a joke.

Shines in oneshots, as long as the rest of the party isn't liable to have issue 3.

Use wisely.

Draconi Redfir
2023-01-31, 12:58 PM
If the EDS formed by any bag of holding is the same as that of any other bag of holding, you could reach into one bag and pull out something stored in a different bag.

Each individual specimen creates its own, independent EDS and thus will rupture when placed in any other EDS. At least I can't read the default any other way.

I think they get around this by having the interior bag of holding become innert while inside of another bag of holding. So you'd need to pull it out into the material world in order to access it's contents.

That said, i do like the concept of them all sharing the same EDS, they're just all very far away from another, or bags can identify which items were or were not placed inside them. Opens up a neat idea of someone being trapped in a bag of holding, and drifting around from location to location, surviving off of resources and supplies deposited by other people into different bags of holding.

Joe the Rat
2023-02-01, 12:33 PM
Added complication - is a Genielock Vessel a "similar item?"

(need answer quickly :smalltongue:)

2023-02-05, 08:52 PM
Added complication - is a Genielock Vessel a "similar item?"

(need answer quickly :smalltongue:)

Yes, it is.

2023-02-05, 09:24 PM
Added complication - is a Genielock Vessel a "similar item?"

(need answer quickly :smalltongue:)


Genie Warlocks have to check their pockets to make sure they don't enter with Bags of Holding.