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2023-02-06, 12:02 PM
A representative from the Starfinder Society reaches out to each of you in turn, offering a contract for 25,000 credits each. Your contact introduces themselves as Chiskisk (N host shirren), and recounts a recent run-in with ancient alien technology that occurred within the Society that potentially endangered all the Pact Worlds. They then explain that Starfinder Society has a vested interest in investigating the planet Jedarat, as initial readings from the xenoarcheologist seem to exhibit potential similarities to the drift rock ruins from the ancient alien technology. You are each instructed to rendezvous with AbadarCorp representative Eisyfina Nott on Jedarat for further instructions, and that a group is being assembled to join you. You are instructed to prioritize the analysis of architecture and technology in the ruins. Chiskisk asks for a full report of any findings.
Previously there was a big run around that involved the Eoxian empire, a cult, and ancient aliens. These ancient aliens, it seems, were the kishalee and the sivvs. The Kishalee were able to defeat the Sivvs and capture a super-weapon called the Stellar Degenerator. This was millions of years ago, and since then the Kishalee have devolved into a primitive species. The managed to hide this super weapon in its own demiplane. The Eoxians and the cult were both trying to claim this superweapon for themselves, but all that was thwarted and the Pact Worlds are safe again.

More recently, explorers discovered an icy world several years ago and named it Jederat. A project co-sponsored by AbadarCorp, the Xenowarders, and a small start-up company called New Horizon Luxury Retreats are working to turn Jedarat into a wintery resort world. As scientists and engineers terraformed the snowy planet’s surface, they discovered multiple alien ruins. Sensing an opportunity to gather knowledge (and perhaps turn a profit), AbadarCorp brought in trained xenoarchaeologists to explore the accessible portions of these ruins without stopping construction on the resort.

Recently, a team of such investigators stumbled upon a passage into a larger section of alien ruins deep underground. Shortly after losing contact with these xenoarcheologist, the terraforming equipment went haywire and the weather has gotten even worse.

Feel free to post about your character getting to Jedarat from wherever they last were. The communication was over secure channel, so you didn't necessarily all meet before getting to Jederat. If you would like to know more about New Horizons Luxury Retreats or Jedarat, give me a Culture check or Diplomacy check to recall or gather information. If you pass a DC 10 Computers check, then you can use the unsecured public system to take 20 on your Culture check to recall knowledge. If you have a Profession (Corporate Professional) skill, you could use that to recall knowledge about the New Horizons Luxury Retreats. If you have Physical Science you can use that instead to recall information about Jedarat.

The OOC thread can be found here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653927-OOC-Devastation-Ark&p=25701143#post25701143). Roll your dice here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653928-Devastating-Die-Rolls&p=25701149#post25701149).

2023-02-06, 06:12 PM
As one is wont to do, Ramshackle is perched on a thin rail, running diagnostics on the drift engine. It is a good way to get some work done while also having time for some side activities, like going over the Kishalee findings received with the briefing, thumbing through the lengthy preliminary research report on a data slate.

Research found some fragmented records of the manufacturing template used to create the Rapid Multidisciplinary Service Constructs. And while definitive information is scarce due to a combination of unfortunate accidents, quite lacking backup practices, and businesses shutting down (or getting violently exploded by unknown perpetrators), the best guess is that Ram's series is long obsolete, as in triple-digit years of no development. It was a school of design not very interested in making life-like androids entirely beholden to the human anatomy, as RMSCs were ultimately labor androids (or work slaves, as the contemporary parlance goes).

Hence it is little surprise that the obviously female-patterned Ramshackle exists in the uncanny valley, embraced with utter disregard of stepping out of it. The synthetic skin entirely hairless and smooth and in an unnatural dark grey, streaked with blue lines serving as auxiliary pathways (and fashion accessories if Ram feels up to shenanigans). Pitch-black sclera with illuminated (but dimmable, thank goodness) irises. A body like that of a dancer's carricature, all improbably lean muscle and no fat (except for the modifications Nova added to make her closer to a companion model, which ultimately are more amusing than annoying to Ram to mess with humans and adjacents, so they stayed). A shape a bit too smoothly streamlined, limbs looking ever so slightly elongated. Motions too smooth and flowing. Flexibility relatively unconcerned with normal human joint motion ranges. And Ram likes it this way. It's fun to move exactly how she wants, and have the sensoric arrays to feel every part of it thoroughly. Haters gonna hate.

I leave it up to you to decide whether a full-body suit of plexigrass adding a threaded texture of the same color scheme to her form helps with the off-kilter first impression or not.

"Oyoy, how's this a low priority ticket?" Ramshackle says to no one in particular as she checks the drift engine's log. "Skipped for four maintenance cycles, ha!" She snickers, resting her arms forward on her knees, perched like a quite flexible gargoyle on the thin piece of metal.

"Oy, Farrus," she says to the room at large. There is no one there, but she is fairly certain FAR-US is listening in anyway. As for what she calls 'em, she likes quick, shoutable names. Very handy when crap hits the fan. Clear comms. "you feeling some tingling in your lower half while plugged in? Awful lot of sensor noise in here, readings're getting messy. Hope you're ready for some TLC." Which vaguely sounds like a threat. But it's just a little fun. Ship's in good hands. Lucky FAR-US.


As soon as they arrive on Jedarat, Ram is all geared-up and ready. Chances are there'll be downtime along the way on this snowball. "Hope the local branch got their crap together. Missing nerds ain't gonna get rescued any faster by sitting in a waiting room for four hours." And Ram means the "nerds" with all the love in the worlds.

Culture check of 34 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25701290&postcount=5) to recall information about Jedarat and New Horizons

2023-02-06, 08:17 PM
"Checking status, Crewperson Ramshackle."

The voice came from one of the nearby consoles. She had been right, 'Farrus' or 'FAR-US' or Flexible Assault Recon-Urban Specialization 93899894, was both present and not. During her time on the ship, FAR-US was rarely outside of their maintenance casket save for periods when the rest of the crew was taking their rest in their quarters. Actually seeing FAR-US's body was a very rare occasion and usually meant that something, somewhere was going wrong. Despite this isolation, FAR-US's interface with the ship meant it was still able to see and hear everything that went on around it.

"Experiencing indicated shipmind interface feedback, isolating affecting systems."

There was a certain amount of irony in that FAR-US's voice was so flat and lifeless compared to Ram's. From what records could be pulled and the limited analysis FAR-US had allowed, there was something organic buried deep in that chassis but clearly they were far more limited than the average android.

With a hiss, a section of the wall pulled back and a bank of capacitors were exposed for Ram to examine, displays on the sides already indicating they were powering down. The drift engine was a relatively recent addition to the ship, and it showed. The design philosophy was entirely different from the rest of the vessel's sleek but otherwise drab and utilitarian design. Alien technology did not always play nice with the consumer-grade drift engine that had to be bluntly retrofitted into the ship. In many ways it was a frustrating vessel to work on, both more advanced than expected but also strangely primitive in other capacities. Granted, that summed up much of the experience of working with FAR-US.

"Preparing for landing."

FAR-US said as they began plotting an approach to Jedarat. The thrusters thrummed as the ship picked up speed and FAR-US already began scanning the channels for any guidance beacons to lead them down to whatever passed for an outpost on Jedarat's surface.

The tactical profile FAR-US had thoughtfully supplied their crew upon meeting them had explained that a FAR-US unit was intended for orbital insertion via drop pod or direct boarding actions. However, given the state their vessel was in when taking on new crew, both those functions had to be stripped from it. Actually landing on a planet's surface without anyone shooting at them was still a new experience for FAR-US.

2023-02-06, 09:06 PM
"There we go," Ram says, stashing her light reading of dense scientific minutiae, standing up, and taking two steps to the side on rail a fair bit above the ground. "Don't worry, you're in good hands. You tell me when the tingling's gone." Granted, bedside manner is probably wasted on FAR-US, but it is the thought that counts. And the principle, I guess. The ship is basically FAR-US's body at the moment, so that makes them a patient, and a cooperative one at that. Luckily for them, Ramshackle comes suitable qualifications of being more used to everything being a mess and possibly on fire than not, for better or worse. She can appreciate ships with character. Or at least swear creatively while patching them up.


"Nice and slow, take your time," Ram adds during the landing process, already leaned back in a seat. It's a weird experience each time, like watching a military pilot struggle with parking a civilian glider, but you gotta practice. Gotta get that good form, not just plonk down on the pad and leave a funny shape in the ground as a parting gift. So Ramshackle gets to relaxing and watching. FAR-US is an all-grown-up war machine, they'll chime in if they want pointers on handling situations where no one is expected to die.

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-06, 09:31 PM
The hulking form of the Ironhide, his nickname for his heavily modified Winter Walker power armor suit, was sitting on a small hill next to snow-filled plain, the closest landing location for a destroyer size vessel to the AbadarCorp forward camp. The landing beacon was at the hill top, the highest point in the immediate vicinity, and the large bear had his attention divided between the approaching transponder, and keeping Iron Scanda, his drone, from stealing parts from the beacon.

Of course, he could simply tag the beacon as mission essential, which the drone would then ignore, but there was something to the exercise that Kisada enjoyed, almost like playing with the drone's namesake, so many years before. He shifted his custom rig into guard channel mode, and transmitted the transponders callsign, sending a text data greeting and weather data he collected from the ground.

"Starfinder commissioned vessel, this is ground team," anyone with exceptional hearing could make out the tinges of a growl from the deep voice, and a Triaxian accent. "El Zee is clear field 148 meters south south west of beacon. Ground is covered in packed snow. Based on transponder data, your landing gear will probably sink 0.6 to 0.9 meters on contact. Adjust approach accordingly. Will continue to uplink weather data on your approach."

This ice planet had been of interest to several parties when he researched it, Kisada hoped that siding with the Starfinders had been the right choice. He didn't know what to expect from this hired crew, but the mission to ascertain the fate of the Starfinder scientists and report back their findings wasn't unusually complicated.

He had hitched a ride on the supply vessel from Absalom Station, dropped his gear at the base camp, and tried to make contact with Eisyfina Nott. His only reply was to make contact with vessel on approach, and given the transponder and landing beacon data.

Rolls for Computers (33) and Physical Science (37) for data on Jedarat in the rolling thread, he also would have downloaded the relevant planetary data into his Custom Rig computer for future reference.

Survival roll (38) to provide good weather approach data for the incoming ship.

2023-02-07, 09:07 AM
FAR-US and Ramshackle are easily able to navigate to Jedarat with the data provided by the Starfinder Society. Kisada books his own passage and arrives late the day before FAR-US, he is met in orbit by an escort shuttle that then brings him back to the surface. In a typical bureaucratic move, Kisada's meeting was refused until the entire team is available to save on briefing time, and he is provided an empty chalet near the HQ. As the you all enter Jedarat’s atmosphere and prepare for landing on the icy world, you can spot the project’s significant progress, complete with efforts at commercialization. Cheerful holo-billboards rising from the snowy ground feature several picturesque wintry scenes: quaint villages nestled among snow-capped peaks, sapient species partaking in winter sports, and ads for cozy log cabins equipped with state-of-the-art home upgrades. Partially constructed communities dot the planet’s mountainsides and valleys. Vast forests of cerulean coniferous trees surround these idyllic villages, and ski lifts traverse the frozen hills. However, the constant blizzard raging over the planet's surface obscures much of this winter's wonderland.

Kisada already being there helps FAR-US to land without too much trouble as he provides real-time updates on surface winds and atmospheric conditions. It is a good thing Kisada has a natural fur coat, as the weather is quite cold can quickly sap the vitality of anyone not prepared for it. Rugged mountain peaks covered in lush forests rise from Jedarat’s frozen surface. Sprawling construction sites nestle within the mountains and valleys, the heavy equipment and incomplete structures nearly indistinguishable beneath mounting snow drifts. Glimpses of a luxurious log-and-stone building perched on the edge of a steep valley appear through the torrential snowfall. The chalet radiates warmth and inviting golden light from its glass picture windows, and sword-like icicles hang from its eaves.

Eager to get started and get out of the cold, the group quickly moves up to what is indicated as the meeting spot for their contact. You get a sense of what this part of the resort could be as you all walk from the landing strip and up a gentle hill toward the chalet. The structure is a beautifully constructed, two-story alpine lodge with gleaming solar panels integrated into its slanting rooftop. A stone path lined with evergreen shrubs leads to the building’s main entrance: a polished wooden door adorned with an intricately carved wreath of interwoven pinecones and antlers. Throughout the grounds, holograms of pale elves engage in a playful snowball fight while service bots in the shape of burly humanoid mountaineers greet passersby and offer directions.

The inside of the chalet is warm and inviting with a festive theme that complements the outside. Evergreen wreaths decorate the building's polished log interior, and stone fire places crackle with warmth and light. However, instead of housing cheerful vacationers, the chalet's lobby teems with besuited corporate works anxiously chattering into comm units. The nearby gift shop was recently converted into a first aid station, and the upstairs recreation center currently serves as an emergency conference room. You know that you need to meet with Eisyfina Nott here somewhere, now just to find her.

Jedarat is an inhospitable planet in the Vast discovered in 312 ag. Its poor atmosphere, icy climate, and remote location disappointed the explorers who first landed there.
AbadarCorp saw potential in the remote world. Together with the start-up company New Horizons Luxury Retreats and the Xenowardens, AbadarCorp purchased construction rights and began terraforming Jedarat only a year after its discovery.
While Jedarat isn’t home to any known indigenous sentient life, mysterious ruins cover the surface of the planet. The architecture and materials found within these ruins don’t match any records of known ancient civilizations. A series of AbadarCorp xenoarchaeology teams have explored the ruins, but the ruins’ origins and purposes remain a mystery.
Conspiracy theorists believe Jedarat was once home to a powerful ancient civilization whose technology far exceeded that of the Pact Worlds. Depending on who’s asked, different conspiracists believe this alien species might have designed all life in the Pact Worlds, conquered many systems in the Vast before ultimately destroying themselves, or simply hid away in the subterranean structures beneath the ice.
New Horizons Luxury Retreats is a subsidiary company currently owned by AbadarCorp. The start-up company operates primarily in the Vast, specializing in destination housing developments and luxury resorts. New Horizons attracted their powerful benefactor after they successfully built a tropical spa resort on an artificial island within the distant planet of Yunal’s worldwide oceans.
New Horizons Luxury Retreats was relatively unknown in the Pact Worlds until they cemented a deal with AbadarCorp and the Xenowardens to terraform Jedarat into a winter resort. This joint project began 7 years ago and is nearing completion.
New Horizons Luxury Retreats recently recruited several ex-employees of Paradise Resorts, the company responsible for the disastrous VIP resort opening of New Elysium in the Diaspora that lead to guest deaths and injuries. The similar employee rosters have spurred nasty rumors that the “curse” of Paradise Resorts now plagues New Horizons.

Jedarat is an inhospitable planet in the Vast discovered in 312 ag. Its poor atmosphere, icy climate, and remote location disappointed the explorers who first landed there.
AbadarCorp saw potential in the remote world. Together with the start-up company New Horizons Luxury Retreats and the Xenowardens, AbadarCorp purchased construction rights and began terraforming Jedarat only a year after its discovery.
While Jedarat isn’t home to any known indigenous sentient life, mysterious ruins cover the surface of the planet. The architecture and materials found within these ruins don’t match any records of known ancient civilizations. A series of AbadarCorp xenoarchaeology teams have explored the ruins, but the ruins’ origins and purposes remain a mystery.
Conspiracy theorists believe Jedarat was once home to a powerful ancient civilization whose technology far exceeded that of the Pact Worlds. Depending on who’s asked, different conspiracists believe this alien species might have designed all life in the Pact Worlds, conquered many systems in the Vast before ultimately destroying themselves, or simply hid away in the subterranean structures beneath the ice.
New Horizons Luxury Retreats is a subsidiary company currently owned by AbadarCorp. The start-up company operates primarily in the Vast, specializing in destination housing developments and luxury resorts. New Horizons attracted their powerful benefactor after they successfully built a tropical spa resort on an artificial island within the distant planet of Yunal’s worldwide oceans.
New Horizons Luxury Retreats was relatively unknown in the Pact Worlds until they cemented a deal with AbadarCorp and the Xenowardens to terraform Jedarat into a winter resort. This joint project began 7 years ago and is nearing completion.

OOGM is out of GM, where I will make comments on what I am expecting or waiting for so that everyone is on the same page. Everyone is always allowed to read these notes. So we are still waiting on the others to post about arriving on Jedarat. At this point it is probably easier if everyone else came with FAR-US, but you are welcome to follow Kisada's example and arrive in orbit for a transport shuttle to get you down to the surface. You will arrive about the same time as everyone else is walking up to the Chalet.

You are now in a crowded chalet that is acting as corporate headquarters for the malfunctioning planet. Everyone is so busy, they aren't paying you too much attention. You are free to approach anyone (they all look the same in the suits and on Comm Units). There is also the converted gift shop full of more medic types, but your contact is meant to be from AbadarCorp, so more likely one of the suits than the field medics. You have her picture and don't immediately see her in the main part of the Chalet.

2023-02-07, 09:27 AM
ICARUS-II was taking a hands-off approach as Ramshackle and FAR-US guided the ship to the ground. It was ICARUS-II's way. Each unit was proficient in its role, and needed no micromanagement. ICARUS-II was the troubleshooter, ombudsman, and interlocutor with external units...

In this capacity ICARUS-II responded to Kisada Unit: Designate: Ironside, Greeting! Thank you for your promptness. We look forward to working with you. Please help us find Unit: Designate: Eisyfina Nott.

2023-02-07, 12:24 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta had been aboard the destroyer monitoring local space, happy to be part of a primarily android crew. They had spend enough time amidst the warm blooded races that they were enjoying (or at least the algorithms for higher efficiency environment) the lack of social exclusion and veiled hostility that most had displayed towards them and others of their synthetic kin

As the Destroyer landed in the soft snow they hopped out of the bridge chair and plodded down into the landing bay before descending the steps down into the crisp snow. No breath misted in front of them as they trudged towards the resort with their fellow crew mates. At the introduction to the massive bear they nod, "Unit Delta V- 248 also reporting". They are slim and human sized for an android with a roughly female appearance and a plume of blue hair. They are wearing heavy looking armour although it doesn't seem to slow them down and a large incinerator beam is slung on their back with a sword at their waist.

heading into the resort they'll approach the front desk/concierge or whatever harried corporate stooge isn't on a comm unit. "We are looking for Eisyfina Nott. Please assist, they will be expecting us" . the us encompassing what must appear to be a team of heavily armoured mercenaries with at least two of them in hulking suits of power armour.

2023-02-07, 04:02 PM
Isar settled back into his seat on the orbital shuttle as they approached the ice planet's surface. He raised an eyebrow in appreciation of the world's evolution into a lush resort world. "Good. The change is good."
He hoped the current job would help the growth of Jedarat from icy waste to functional habitat. And eventually, become a thriving biome. That was why he was here, after all. The thrill of exploration and the possibility of discovering new and alien technologies was only a biological imperative of his race, not something to look forward to.

The shuttle set down on a newly constructed landing pad and in short order, he had disembarked and seeks out the location he had been given to meet with this Eisyfina Nott and the rest of the mercs assembled for this mission. Entering the quaint, log chalet, Isar is impressed by both the attention to detail and the incongruous atmosphere created by the "suits" who are everywhere. He walks to the reception desk and states flatly,"I am here to see Eisyfina Nott."

2023-02-07, 05:24 PM
Ramshackle steps out of the ship, pack on back and wearing her snazzy rugged jacket over her suit. Plexigrass bodysuits aren't exactly known for their pockets. And more importantly, she likes this jacket. It even has patches on the upper arm with the various symbols for medics common in the bubble that is the Pact Worlds (and nearby). It tends to reduce questions. And if someone especially wishes to shoot her after seeing those, well, that is wonderful priorization of targets for her, jerks getting shot first.

Her prep is immediately paying off (as it often does), the thermal capacitor running smoothly and making the freezing climate more a leisurely walk in the snow.

"Hey big lad. I have to go by Ramshackle. Ram's also fine. Awful nice of you to comm us on the way down, Farrus' still jittery when landing without getting shot at." Ram gives a lazy uncanny valley smile, and gives a far too smooth appreciative slap on the biceps as she passes to head to the chalet.

At the place, Ram shakes off any errant snow as she steps inside. Delta and Isar are already on questioning the people not currently married to their comms, so she adds from the back "Starfinders, here to help fix this mess" to give some extra motivation to maybe help them post-haste after all. In the meantime, Ram strolls over to the merchandise-laden first aid station. "Heya. How bad are things?" she asks, skipping all the usual time-wasting nonsense.

2023-02-07, 05:36 PM
The ship had come in with all the subtly of a flying brick. A hulking affair of utilitarian thruster nacelles and armor plating designed to shunt both kinetic and energy weapons away from vital systems, it was easy to imagine it making a landing under a hail of laser fire and burning out enemy installations with the massive particle weapon mounted to the top of it. This was not a ship meant for glorious conquest or righteous liberation nor idealistic exploration. It was something designed to fight the sort of war no one wanted.

Even so, the ship landed.

As the crew disembarked, a side panel retracted and revealed a rapid deployment hatch for mechanized infantry, though clearly some vital mechanism or other was missing as FAR-US worked a manual release and dropped the handful of feet to the snowy ground below. They landed heavily and immediately stood to their full height. Towering over the rest of their crew and clad in dark polymer plates, a cloud of black dust issued from their armor and assembled into a heavy plasma emitter that mounted itself into a waiting weapon armature.

The idea of FAR-US wandering around the resort had a certain absurdity to it, but clearly that was the intent.

"Systems check complete, unit ready for sortie."

Proclamation made, FAR-US began to stalk forward, not attempting to introduce itself to the waiting organic or enter the chalet. Their use-case was very specific and what social interaction tools they had were decidedly not friendly. Best to let the less specialized units handle the interaction. FAR-US would expand the secure perimeter.

This did lead to the frankly ridiculous sight of the elf-holograms attempting and failing to engage the looming weapons platform in their resort guest entertainment protocols. The only sign that FAR-US even registered the holograms was the barrel of the plasma emitter patiently tracking any of them that strayed too close.

2023-02-07, 06:17 PM
Akifansha listens to the mission brief. "Wintery resort world? Nice idea, and a good excuse to get into trouble." She then collects whatever information she can quickly find about New Horizons Luxury Retreats and Jedarat with her computer.

"F-A-R-U-S," Akifansha reads the Android's name letter-by-letter, "can I take a ride on your starship? I happen to be in a space bar at Absalom Station." And despite that's a secure communication channel, it was apparent that Akifansha was just talking to the comm unit while a few people nearby are drinking and cheering.

( If FAR-US corrects the pronunciation, Akifansha will use the corrected version thereafter. )

As the ship lands, Akifansha walks out in a Freebooter Armor, painted in metallic grey with blue curvy energy lines, just like Sylphs are said to have. But Akifansha doesn't actually have those so-called "energy lines" on her skin, she looks like a human and was raised as one. Perhaps that's why she paints her suit that way, for the irony. The Thermal Capacitor installed on the light armor should, hopefully, provide some protection against the coldness.

Computer 30
I guess that's enough to take 20 for culture...? Then Culture 39.
If Jedarat information can't be learned with Culture, then use Physical Science, 29.

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-07, 07:33 PM
Kisada raised a brow at the number of robotics exiting the ship. Only one seemed to have a fully functioning social AI, so he focused on the one that identified itself as Ramshackle.

"It seemed the neighborly thing to do. Kisada Ironscale, formerly of the Skyfire Legion." He used his rig to switch Iron Scanda into come-and-carry protocol, prompting it to stop tinkering with the beacon and jump up to perch on the bear's shoulder. He indicated it with a thumb gesture. "This is Iron Scanda, my personal drone. Let me know if of your personal electronics go missing, she sometimes overdoes her scavenging protocols."

He walked with the group, waving gently to silent human woman with the mystic symbols (were they mystic symbols? Kisada didn't know much about magic), and trying not to look too imposing. He noted everyone was approaching the shallot with weapons and armor, something that he would think a bit alarming for the current inhabitants.

"I'll wait out here, my size and armaments tend to worry civilians. My commlink channel is Gamma-87201-Pozzi, link in with znI44tl. I'd appreciate an open line once you find this Eisyfina Nott."

He waited off to the side of the entrance, watching the military bot that was running a parameter check. He wondered if it was going to do something to cause a scene and decided to wait and see.

2023-02-08, 12:44 AM
ICARUS-II was the least imposing of the artificial beings, a little genderless mechanical gnome in a boxy, iridescent scale armor suit. But it's glowing red eyes were terrible to meet. Very good

The SRO heads to the entrance and attempts to find a concierge, it's biological crewmate unsuited to the task, the captain must intervene.

2023-02-08, 02:42 PM
Akifansha's apparent silence was the result of her busy looking up the name of the person she's going to meet at the chalet, the Ruby Sphere Aeon Stone's user interface is via nervous system connection, after all. Anyway, as Kisada introduced himself, the effort was wasted.

"Greetings Kisada, I'm Akifansha from Verces, freelancer technomancer", Akifansha waves back, and then turns to Iron Scanda, "Also, hello Iron Scanda"

"Alright, cool power armor, by the way" Akifansha sounds like she’s a bit envious, then she returned to silence as she connects to the commlink channel of Kisada; there Kisada would receive a text message "I'll report any progress to you. Keep in touch.". Then she follows the other team members at the front desk.

2023-02-08, 02:45 PM
Ram strolls over to the merchandise-laden first aid station. "Heya. How bad are things?" she asks, skipping all the usual time-wasting nonsense.

One of the medics looks up and shrugs dismissively, then sees all the patches on Ram's jacket indicating her Medic status and yells out "Looks like the offworld team has arrived, Janus." before returning to their work. Looking around Ramshackle sees that no one here has been terribly injured, more minor scrapes, burns, beginning stages of hypothermia, and a few laying on stretchers nothing obviously wrong with them, their breathing steady. At the back of the gift shop is a curtained off area, from which a female Ysoki steps, wiping her hands on a blue towel. "You must be one of the crew sent to assist? Have you talked with Eisyfina?" Seeing you shake your head no, she signs deeply "You better go talk to her first. Nothing major has happened to this lot, but those missing archeologist are probably in a bad way. Looks like you are equipped for the cold, good. I'll gather some supplies for your expedition, stop back by and see me before you leave." She then walks back to a different area and begins digging through boxes, clearly used to being obeyed.

He walks to the reception desk and states flatly,"I am here to see Eisyfina Nott."

heading into the resort they'll approach the front desk/concierge or whatever harried corporate stooge isn't on a comm unit. "We are looking for Eisyfina Nott. Please assist, they will be expecting us" . the us encompassing what must appear to be a team of heavily armoured mercenaries with at least two of them in hulking suits of power armour.

There is no reception desk or concierge per say, but you do manage to find someone who is disengaging their comm unit and approach them. They appear to be a phentomite, with blue skin and red and purple striations across their large forehead ridges. In addition to these natural looking striations there are beads and charms hanging across their forehead to enhance the look. The phentomite looks slightly uncomfortable in the crowd, but clearly knows what they are doing. Upon mentioning Eisyfina Nott's name, their face changes slightly and they reply "You must be the off-world team. Head upstairs to the conference room. You will find her there." They then turn back to their comms unit and push a few buttons before immersing themselves into another meeting.

There are a set of stair in the back right of the chalet that lead upstairs to a large landing with double doors opening to what appears to have been a recreation center with all the equipment pushed up against the walls and chairs and tables brought in to make a conference room. The Phentomite must have messaged Eisyfina, because as soon as you reach the landing, she comes striding out of the double doors to greet you.

Eisyfina Nott is a tall, elderly human woman with umber skin and a cybernetic optical implant in her left eye that gives her the appearance of heterochromia. She wears a slate-gray suit with AbadarCorp's logo on the lapel. Her silver hair is styled into a sleek bob. She carries a slim white datapad and wears a matching wireless device affixed to one ear. Ms. Nott, as the dossier notes that she prefers to be called, is a gruff businessperson who's equally concerned about the endangered xenoarchaeology team as with the delays costing AbadarCorp thousands of credits a day. She gestures to the open double doors and a corner that is lit by a roaring fire in an impressive stone fireplace. Floor-to-ceiling picture windows provide a view of the incessant snowstorm outside.

"Welcome! I am sorry that we can't offer a more hospitable stay at our soon to be developed resort, but that is why you are here, I suppose. I was told there were more of you coming? I saw your ship land not too far off, I hope the trek over wasn't too much trouble." As someone offers an explanation about the two missing members, a young male assistant comes in and and silently offers steaming mugs of spiced cider to everyone present. However upon seeing the mostly synthetic lifeforms, he becomes very nervous and manages to eek out "Does anyone need anything else?" He is barely able to make eye contact with the heavily armed and armored beings present in the room and mostly stares at the floor or out the window.

"Jeffery, what have I told you about standing up straight and projecting confidence?" Eisyfina snaps at the assistant, who instantly stands up straighter and attempts to calm himself, still waiting to see if anything else is needed. If anyone wants anything, he will fetch it, otherwise he will leave after a short pause to acknowledge each person.

Eisyfina Nott grips the snowflake-patterned mug tightly and takes a sip. She sighs at the momentary pleasure and raises her cup toward her guests, gesturing for them to follow suit. She glances around the room to make sure she has everyone's attention and speaks candidly for the first time. "The ruins were always a problem. This planet is chock full of them. When resort construction started, we decided to build around the ruins instead of razing them. The idea was to add a bit of local color to the project." Ms. Nott laughs ruefully. "Of course, we did our due diligence and sent teams in to explore. The teams found nothing of interest, and we still have no idea what ruins are, or who— or what—built them."

"About a week ago, we discovered another set of ruins in the valley below. This structure was different. It was a walkway surrounding a passage that led deep underground. We immediately sent a team in. None of us expected them to find anything unusual, and New Horizons started drafting plans for an interactive museum incorporating the structure. The last communication we received from that team was disturbing, to be frank. I’ll send it to you." Ms. Nott pauses and taps her datapad. The simultaneous chiming of multiple comm units instantly signals the file’s availability.

"Talla, the team leader, reported that one of her squad somehow activated a piece of machinery within. That’s when our terraforming equipment went berserk. Before the comms went dark, Talla said the site’s defenses were back online. I don’t know what that means, but it doesn’t sound good. Topside, we haven’t been able to disconnect or hack into whatever’s causing the disturbance." She furrows her brow and takes a long drink from her mug. "We haven’t heard from them in over a week. They had plenty of supplies, but they’re researchers, not trained combatants. I’m afraid something might happen to them long before they run out of rations."

Ms. Nott gently sets her mug down on the stone hearth and types another command into her datapad. She turns the device to display a detailed topographical map of a valley with a set of coordinates marked in red. "This is the team’s last known location. I realize you might have other motives in accepting this contract. Rescuing the team and shutting down whatever’s causing this storm is my only concern. If you succeed, AbadarCorp will compensate you for your efforts."

So you now have a short 60-second vid clip file available for your to accept on your comms units from Eisyfina. She shared the map with the location of the ruins entrance. You can talk to her some more or just accept and head out. You can watch the video now or later. Sorry to railroad a bit, but I left some gaps where you are free to respond, even though those responses ultimately don't affect the outcome. I am trying to hit a sweet spot of keeping action moving, and allowing interaction with whatever you wish in the world. Feel free to give feedback on if things feel off in any way to you.
edarat is an inhospitable planet in the Vast discovered in 312 ag. Its poor atmosphere, icy climate, and remote location disappointed the explorers who first landed there.
AbadarCorp saw potential in the remote world. Together with the start-up company New Horizons Luxury Retreats and the Xenowardens, AbadarCorp purchased construction rights and began terraforming Jedarat only a year after its discovery.
While Jedarat isn’t home to any known indigenous sentient life, mysterious ruins cover the surface of the planet. The architecture and materials found within these ruins don’t match any records of known ancient civilizations. A series of AbadarCorp xenoarchaeology teams have explored the ruins, but the ruins’ origins and purposes remain a mystery.
Conspiracy theorists believe Jedarat was once home to a powerful ancient civilization whose technology far exceeded that of the Pact Worlds. Depending on who’s asked, different conspiracists believe this alien species might have designed all life in the Pact Worlds, conquered many systems in the Vast before ultimately destroying themselves, or simply hid away in the subterranean structures beneath the ice.

While the bulk of the group heads inside, the armored bear and the walking weapons synthoid stay outside. It is bitterly cold with snow blowing in sheets of almost white-out conditions. If you stand still, you will find yourself buried in short order. Luckily the door to the chalet is on the leeward side and thus the snow isn't being pushed up against it, keeping it clear. There are multiple-foot-deep snow drifts in places that could easily sink an unwary passerby. However there seems to be no one and nothing out here, besides the holographic people playing and offering advice/greetings in a loop. These holograms have limited AI that can give directions or pretend to interact with snowballs thrown, but otherwise just revert back to a preprogrammed play algorithm amongst themselves if not given input.

The team leaves an open mic for you to hear the what Ms. Nott tells them, though you don't receive any attachment when she sends the information (unless you all have set up a shared cloud space to keep useful information and someone puts this attachment there). You are welcome to relay any questions through your comms. Give me a perception check to see how much more you notice in the snow storm.

2023-02-08, 04:10 PM
Ram responds with a two-finger salute after Janus said her piece. The woman is clearly busy, and Ram doesn't have anything that can't wait until after the meeting, which also seems to be happening just about now.

During the meeting ("Hello Ms. Nott."), Ram takes a mug of cider ("Thanks, lad." Uncanny wink.) and shares the video with Kisada and FAR-US. "I'm here for the rescuing, for the team and weather, and want to get to it ASAP. FYI, Janus gonna hand us some supplies for the trip. Terrain around the ruin entrance known? Space and stable enough ground for a ship to land or did the expedition need to get there mostly land-bound? Comm frequencies last used by Talla?" Ram rattles off the most pressing questions that come to mind, immediately followed by efficient cider sippage by the mesmerizingly smooth motions of long dextrous fingers.

Between sips, she says into her personal comm "You lads got any questions?" to FAR-US and Kisada, not willing to take the chance one of them might be waiting for "the right moment" to ask a question based on breaks in talking and such, and then not getting a question in.

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-08, 04:30 PM
Waiting patiently against the chalet wall, Kisada leaned against it in gentle increments, testing if it could take his weight. He listened to the exchange inside via the open link that Akifansha and Ramshackle so kind as to provide. He thanked Ramshackle for the attachments provided.

When Ms. Nott mentioned the valley and ruins in question, he rummaged through Scanda's bag and pulled out her scanning kit, using it to help him run a topographical scan of the area. He figured there would be major interference from the weather, but it might give him a bit of familiarity with the terrain.

As he stepped out of the cover of the building, he stepped carefully, deploying the ice anchors inherent to the Ironhide's design to keep his footing. As the wind howled around him, he was grateful, not for the first time, that the armor was nearly impervious to the cold. Space was very cold.

As the briefing came to a close, he sent an additional text, asking Ramshackle to request the commlink data and basic information on each member of the missing team, so that they could be more easily identified and we could make sure we were accounting for all of them.

General perception check (20) and Search check (31) in the rolling thread, along with another Survival check (24) to work out land navigation around the area.

2023-02-08, 04:47 PM
Chime from Kisada's message. Quick sip while scanning. "Team wants info on each expedition member and their commlinks." Thumbs up reaction tagged onto the message. Another quick sip. Mmh, cider.

2023-02-08, 04:51 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta listened to the AbadaCorp lady with attentive focus, nodding and recording everything in her mental CPU. "We shall retrieve those that have been lost" Delta adds and studies the pictures of the valley and the ruins. "Tight cramped quarters, if we encounter hostiles there will be close quarter engagement." As she reviews the data she looks at Ram and the others. "Ready to deploy?"

2023-02-09, 05:21 AM
ICARUS-II was monitoring but took its general hands-off approach. If the subordinate units reply all is well, all is well, like green lights on an indicator. ICARUS-II has no questionsfor the representative. A functionalrepresentativeunit will give all pertinent data.
All systems nominal

2023-02-09, 10:12 AM
Unlike, Kisada, FAR-US had maintained a simply patrol pattern around the chalet. They moved with stubborn steadiness to keep an eye on the various approaches to the building.

"Mission profile received," FAR-US replied, "Set tactical priorities to retrieving civilians?"

They were getting better about predicting the intentions of their less protocol-bound associates and did very well when priorities had been set for them but some part of their decision making process was still reliant on having an outside entity set those initial priorities. Previously, they would have defaulted to simply prioritizing engaging any hostile entities to the exclusion of other concerns, that FAR-US thought to ask and expected primacy to be placed on helping the civilians was a sign of improvement.

Perception was 27

2023-02-09, 10:13 AM
Isar lounges in his seat. It had been a bit since he was able to relax. But he is intently listening to Eisyfina, noting her practiced air of authority and the irritation so frequently exhibited by elderly humans. "You would think that would have evolved out of them over the millennia. It must serve an important function." He pays particular attention to the timeline of events. As the briefing comes to a close, he adds a small question, "A baffling tale Miss Nott. Would you be so kind as to include a detailed order of events, with timestamps, for my perusal?

2023-02-09, 11:31 AM
"I'm here for the rescuing, for the team and weather, and want to get to it ASAP. FYI, Janus gonna hand us some supplies for the trip. Terrain around the ruin entrance known? Space and stable enough ground for a ship to land or did the expedition need to get there mostly land-bound? Comm frequencies last used by Talla?"

"Team wants info on each expedition member and their commlinks."

Isar lounges in his seat. It had been a bit since he was able to relax. But he is intently listening to Eisyfina, noting her practiced air of authority and the irritation so frequently exhibited by elderly humans. "You would think that would have evolved out of them over the millennia. It must serve an important function." He pays particular attention to the timeline of events. As the briefing comes to a close, he adds a small question, "A baffling tale Miss Nott. Would you be so kind as to include a detailed order of events, with timestamps, for my perusal?

Eisyfina looks a strange mixture of pleased, but unsettled by the efficiency of the team to analyze mission parameters and acknowledge the tasks given. You can see that none of what makes Ramshackle "uncanny" seems to bother her though, as her own visage is not easy to digest for most people and she won't pass that kind of judgement onto others. The terrain was known before whatever has gone haywire with the weather. It is in the valley about 2 miles from here, but between the snow and the winds, I doubt you could fly a ship. The expedition travelled by foot. It was a pleasant hike with plenty of beautiful scenery before all this. The xenoarchaeology team members are Talla, a female quorlu; Ariad-N5, an agender android; and Nifri Zamas Gidren Sye, a male kasatha. They’re all professionals who have had no problems exploring other ruins in the past. AbadarCorp's resources are, of course, at your disposal; however, the technological malfunctions have rendered most of those useless. We are running emergency generators for the chalet, but rolling blackouts plague the rest of the planet and we haven't been able to use comms to contact anyone outside of this area on the planet. Our satellite link here lets us communicate out and to each other, but it seems whatever is going on is creating a jamming signal along the surface everywhere else.

As for a timeline, we sent the xenoarchaeology team out about 10 days ago. They checked in every day, reporting everything was normal, then about a week ago we received that video I shared. Since then we immediately sent a team to try to rescue them, but that team returned three days later with severe injuries from frostbite and no answers as to what happened to the original team. We then contacted Starfinder Society and they sent you guys. I don't have timestamps or more precise answers for you than that. The video is timestamped, but that is all I have. Everything else was just radio check-ins, and with the current technological issues, I don't have access to our database."

Kisada sees that what he originally assumed was the holograms resetting through a loop, actually appears to be a repeating glitch that causes the holographic programming to have to perform a hard reset to recover from. FAR-US is watching a little closer and sees that for a brief moment just before they reset, the holograms seem to change from displays of helpfulness to covert observation. There is obviously something interfering with the regular programming of these displays, though the systems protection seems to be fighting back.

Kisada focuses instead on running the topographical scan of the valley. There is a lot of interference and so it is unclear how accurate the information is, but there appears to be some shifting of the ground with chasms opened up in some places and thick snowdrifts in others. The trek down the valley to the indicated ruins is going to be treacherous and everyone will need to keep their eyes open for unseen environmental dangers hidden by the snow.

I will let one of the team members respond to FAR-US's request for mission parameters as he was not in the meeting and it is obvious to others that this would be the correct thing to do, so I don't see anyone re-voicing that question to Eisyfina. If there are no further questions for Ms Nott, then Ramshackle can feel free to stop back by and accept whatever Janus has for the team on their way out, while everyone else decides marching order. It is a wide open valley path down to several buildings that can be seen. It is not hard to navigate, except for the biting wind and blowing snow. I will need perception checks from everyone and survival checks from any interested in watching the environment for dangers (which I assume Kisada will tell you all you need to do).

2023-02-09, 01:51 PM
Upon seeing the pattern, FAR-US's plasma emitter abruptly dissolved into a cloud again, reforming in their armored hands as a rapid-fire array. Again, FAR-US loaded this into a waiting weapons armature. Tactical considerations had changed.

"Alert. Hostile intrusion detected in civilian infosphere. Requesting civilian authority shut down and isolate non-essential systems before performing a full security sweep of infosphere. Friendly assets, be prepared for infrastructural hostilities, probing attacks, or attempted intrusion of private networks."

FAR-US ceased the patrol and moved immediately to the largest point of ingress to the chalet. They kneeled beside the door to present a smaller target even as their plasma array swept the immediate area. Any of the bots or holograms that got too close would find the plasma array trained on them. Warning shots at thirty feet, lethal shots at twenty. A marked improvement to their previous 'shoot first and not even consider the remote possibility of asking questions now or later' protocols.

2023-02-09, 04:09 PM
Akifansha asks for the mission parameters, "Could you also transfer me a copy of the mission profile, I'll relay that to our SRO friend.", then confirms FAR-US's question, "And yes, retrieving civilians."

After exiting the chalet and seeing the malfunctioning hologram, Akifansha attempts to figure out what's wrong.

I realized I didn't brought tool kits; please allow me to sneakily buy a hacking kit which is required to get things done.

Rolls: Perception 30, Survival 15, Engineering (Assess Stability at the hologram projector) 25

2023-02-09, 04:24 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta listened and upon hearing the mission and the directions just nods to the older woman just spins round and heads down towards the end of the resort where the pathway was pointed. They stop to survey the area, weapon still slung on their back and sword at their waist. Delta checks the charge on the batteries before they radio the others. "Mission parameters and destination logged. Beginning traverse on foot"
That said, checking the thermal capacitor is running they start marching in the direction that was indicated.

Perception [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-09, 04:56 PM
Kisada was beginning to assemble a basic map the others could refer to with locations of obvious fissures and deep snowbanks, when he observed the sudden change of posture in the nano-warbot.

"Alert. Hostile intrusion detected in civilian infosphere. Requesting civilian authority shut down and isolate non-essential systems before performing a full security sweep of infosphere. Friendly assets, be prepared for infrastructural hostilities, probing attacks, or attempted intrusion of private networks."

Dragon****e, it's going to open fire on the signage.

He immediately stopped, shifting gears to adapting a list of risk assessment protocols he used to write some of Iron Scanda's subroutines. He hurriedly attached it to a burst transmission.

"Unit FAR-US, immediate vacinity is designated civilian no fire zone, do not engage unless you or friendly units are fired upon. Temper threat assessment vs. risk to surrounding area and populace, I have attached some suggested parameters for such assessments now and in the future. Please specify nature of evidence of hostile intrusion."

He followed it up with a quick side note to the assembled group in the conference room. "Your friend with the violent disposition is a bit off the rails, try to keep anyone from coming out here and spooking it until it calms down. I think one of the holograms looked at it sideways."

Computers check to format some reasonable threat/risk assessment parameters in a civilian zone (42), also probably helps with the robot-ese.

2023-02-09, 05:21 PM
Ram nods as Ms. Nott paints a pretty clear picture of the situation and the mission. "No ore questions from me, we'll get going ASAP."

Noticing FAR-US's transmission, she listens to it on her comm, then relays to Ms. Nott "Team lets me know someone's hacked your network." Then into the comm: "Farrus, tell me what exactly you noticed. Gonna need some more actionables here." A beat, Kisada chiming in. "Farrus, do you have your gun out again? Don't point that thing at the chalet! Or other people! Unless they're shooting you." Moving the mic away again with a slightly exasperated grunt, Ram relays any actually useful information about what is going down to Ms. Nott.

Then Delta chimes in, the android medic gives a blank stare at no one in particular, and Ram is back on comms again. "Hey! Hey hey! Delta! No running off on your own! We're going together or someone's gonna get lost in the snow!" Mic off again. "Herding cats with guns. So anyway, we'll be back as soon as we can. Thanks for your help," she says to Ms. Nott, gives a quick hand motion as goodbye gesture, and decides to leave, speeding up to a jog. Which makes her rather fast for how leisurely her motions look.

Thus, she arrives in front of Janus post-haste. "Alright, what can you spare? Do you have any collapsible stretchers or anything else we can drag behind us in case the people we're looking for are unable to walk on their own? Rope and isolating blankets shouldn't be a problem. If you'd rather keep something here, do it, I did some prep as well." Once Ram has collected whatever Janus wants to give them for the rescue mission, Ram thanks her, once again showing that two-finger-salute, and quickly looks for the rest of the party before they stroll off or start perforating the environment or people.

2023-02-09, 07:20 PM

The response to the flurry of reactions was completely emotionless but that was nothing new at this point. Whether FAR-US was responding to Ram or Kisada was unclear, but the armature holding the plasma array dutifully folded up against FAR-US's back, barrel of the weapon pointing skyward. As concerning and bellicose as the hulking mass of plates and synthetic muscle was, it certainly took instruction well and utterly without argument.

"There is a repeating cycle of holographic displays performing a shift in unconscious expressions shortly before the system performs a hard reset. Diagnostic projections building from data in the mission brief indicate that this is likely due to a hostile intrusion into the system trying to alter the behavioral protocols of the holograms and triggering security protocols to force the reset, returning the holograms to baseline functions."

"Depending on the model of hologram projectors, this could be an attempt to subvert the system for hostile surveillance or produce hostile assets. Additionally, depending on the interconnection of systems to the local infosphere, this could be an attempt to establish a beachhead in order to facilitate intrusions upon better defended and higher value targets. Do you require further projections or observation data?"

2023-02-10, 10:02 AM
An illusion. This indicates hostile intent. The situation can be presumed code yellow. Do not engage first. Priority one is to rescue civilians. Priority two is to identify the enemy. Perhaps parley can be acheived.

Honestly, ICARUS-II was just repeating what Ramshackle said, but shorter and filtered. Also, as captain, packing her suggestion gave it more weight.

2023-02-10, 10:51 AM
After assessing the malfunctioning hologram projector, Akifansha goes back to the chalet informing the people working in the chalet. "Excuse me, the hologram thing outside the chalet seems malfunctioning. Did any of you notice this? If so, when did it start malfunctioning?"

Akifansha doesn’t want to be distracted by the hologram thing, the rescue is more important. Unless, the two things are somehow connected...

As for march order, Akifansha probably goes last.

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-13, 11:47 AM
The armored bear had a sigh of relief as the soldier-bot changed to a less aggressive posture. He worried about having a unit that touchy on an operation, and hoped the others had worked with it before.

"That seems to have calmed it down," he relayed to those in the conference room.

He pulled his map back up and continued to tune it for the others to be able to reference, while he moved back into the shelter of the chalet area. Listening to the others, he chimed in for everyone to hear, "I'm sure AbadarCorp has some fine IT security personnel, now that they have a direction to look, they should be able to handle whatever is going on in the system. We have a stranded group to retrieve, and time could be a factor. I suggest we move out as soon as we can."

"I am finishing up a topographical scan as we speak, and I suggest that my drone leads the way, with me behind. I can make a fairly wide path with my bulk, which should make it easier for the rest of you to follow. I will secure the drone to my grappler, if any of you have cable it wouldn't be a bad idea to secure yourselves to each other, or me, so that we can keep together and help each other in an emergency."

As he finished, he headed for where he had stowed his gear. In weather like this, it was wise to keep everything with him in case things went very badly, and the power armor was more than strong enough to handle the bulk.

I'll use the map as an excuse to Aid Another should some kind of Survival roll be needed for our trek. If needed, I secure my gear on my back with space duct tape (https://www.aonsrd.com/TechItems.aspx?ItemName=Ion%20Tape&Family=None) to make sure everything is secure in the storm. I will use my gear clamp to secure my grappler to my power armor while attaching the other end to the drone, and can easily keep up with it under direct control.

2023-02-14, 07:41 AM
FAR-US goes into high alert and tells everyone about "Hostile intrusion detected". Akifansha makes her way over to the local control station for the holograms and trys to assess what is going on with the system. Getting into the control system is not a problem, but there is definitely something alien trying to hijack the system. The base code is getting overwrote and slowly corrupted, but right now the invading system hasn't made it to the security system, which keeps wiping the code and reformatting it to the standard every 5 or so minutes. It seems the system is holding out, but the team needs to go investigate the source of this alien invading computer system to see if they can shut it down.

Delta notes the mission location and immediately starts plotting how to get there, slowly making their way across the deep snow.

Kisada provides a threat to risk assessment protocol that can assist FAR-US with making reasonable choices on what type of force to use in response to threats around civilian assets (least strong that'll accomplish the goal).

Ram relay's FAR-US's assessment of the holograms. Ms. Nott nods and responds "Yes they have been acting up since the terraforming system went on the fritz. We assume it is all related, though nothing hostile has happened yet. The rescue team only returned with environmental damages and didn't report anything more nefarious, but its been another couple of days, who knows how long our computers can hold out against this. We don't know what is going on, but hopefully you all can find out. Glad you met Janus, I was going to encourage you to stop by."

Ram then walks down and meets Janus, who is waiting with several things on the counter by the register in the giftshop turned triage center. "All right, I got you four white
nanite hypopens, two green nanite hypopens, seven mk 3 serums of healing, and a spell ampoule of haste. I also have plenty of R2E rations, if any of you require sustenance for the trip. As for stretchers, rope, and thermal blanket, let me check..." She wanders back and comes out after about 5 minutes with an improvised stretcher (a sheet and telescoping poles), 50ft titanium rope, and some reflective polymer thermal blankets. "This should work, but those nanite hypopens should fix up most of anything that would immobilize someone in the first place. Good luck!"

After her investigation on the system, Akifansha reports back to the chalet with her findings. When questioning the suits about the malfunctioning holograms, most of them shrug sheepishly. One pipes up "Everything is on the fritz right now, what's one more thing? They haven't done anything threatening or harmful, so it is low on our priorities for the time being. It all started with the terraforming equipment going haywire."

Kisada reports FAR-US's status as non-hostile and everyone relaxes a bit. His assessment makes sense, as the group gathers together to being the trek. You all get the sense that whatever is happening is related to the security protocols that Ms Notts told you the xenoarchaeology team woke up. The only way to fix all this seems to be moving forward with the mission. The group then heads out toward the indicated ruins, with Delta in the lead by a fair margin and Kisada with his drone leading the rest. The snow creates near whiteout conditions making visibility very difficult, but everyone keeps a sharp eye out. There is a chasm that Kisada had marked on the map, though it was actually 50 feet from where he had marked it, so it was good everyone watched closely for it and avoided it. However, the snowdrift he marked was also slightly off and Delta starts sinking in the snow quickly. It takes about 2 minutes for the others to catch up to her to be able to help.

White nanite hypopens are "Remove Affliction" and green nanite hypopens are "Restoration". Both are pretty powerful, because things in starfinder hurt when they hit you. Everyone needs energy. I assume the androids and SRO have some way or transforming organic matter into energy to keep running, but don't start starving as fast as the Uplifted Bear, Sylph, and Svartalfar. I know Ramshackle yelled at Delta not to get too far ahead and I assume the group tries to catch up, but I never saw her say she was waiting. Even if she wants to wait, I assume she wants to take point with the eager attitude, so we'll let this stand. I'll need a DC 34 athletics check from Delta to keep from sinking further, then I'll need DC 29 Athletics checks from anyone who wants to assist with pulling her out of of the snow without falling in themselves. After that, there are no more traps or hazards on the way (you spotted and/or avoided the rest), so you can have your character arrive at the group of cabins down in the valley with the alien ruins nearby.

2023-02-14, 11:07 AM
FAR-US did not say anything directly related to the hostile intrusion as its alert was borne out and verified, though the expressionless faceplate did turn to regard Kisada.

"This unit's core processors are designed to only interface with local infospheres through direct physical connections."

It seemed like an attempt to preempt concerns and reassure Kisada that hostile hacking attempts over wireless networks would not be successful. It could, however, just as easily be misconstrued as some kind of snarky retort by the uncharitable.

As they hiked out to catch up with Delta, FAR-US again shifted their weaponry. This time, the form was notably less immediately threatening than either of the plasma weapons it had toted before. Instead, it looked like some sort of hefty amalgamation of spooled cable and a simple magnetic launch system.

FAR-US raised the device to their shoulder and fired, launching a blob of black foam that trailed a length of black cable that impacted Delta's torso and partially engulfed her. The foam gripped her securely as the launcher began winding the cable back in and FAR-US leveraged their considerable weight against Delta's much less imposing body to simply pull her free through direct mechanical leverage.

2023-02-14, 01:58 PM
"I'll add it to the list of to-dos," Ram says to Ms. Nott in regards to whatever causing the machines to go haywire also causing the hacking attempts.

To Janus: "Thanks! I'll return what doesn't end up getting used." That much should be obvious, but sometimes it is nice to have explicit confirmation. The provided supplies are quickly sorted into her pack.

Seeing Delta stuck in the snow, then fished out by FAR-US, Ram gives Delta an "I told you so" look the entire way, but otherwise leaves it at that. That should be lesson enough. "You good?" Ram asks Delta.

Then they are on their way again. True, Ram could just go above the snow, but that sounds like a pointless waste of energy when the rest of the group can't.

2023-02-14, 02:25 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

With the others slowly forming up the ever impatient Delta begins striding through the snow in the direction of the intended target, sadly for Delta however the horizon scanning doesn't include a depth gauge and shortly after starting out they find themselves chest deep in snow and sinking fast. As the grappled lands near them they wrap that around an arm and allow themselves to be dragged in an unflattering manner free of the deep drift of snow. Looking unimpressed they stand upright shaking their head releasing a small cloud of snow around them.

"Hmm. It was easier in the Vesk and Hive conflicts. Space has fewer snow drifts" they offer, nodding a small thanks to Far-Us who had fished them out. Checking the flame rifle they set out in the midst of the others, being slightly more cautious this time and following either of the massively heavy power armoured team mates and using their powdered snowy footprints to stand in

2023-02-14, 02:38 PM
Akifansha arrives and helps dragging Delta out. Her help was probably unneeded, but given the potentially slippery land, more weight to FAR-US's side would at least provide some extra safety.

Akifansha starves slower than she should have been, thanks to her Starwalking background:

You know every trick in the book for prolonging the limited resources that keep you alive, from deliberately slowing your metabolic rate and breathing to tweaking your spacesuit’s systems to squeeze every bit of energy out of them. Double the time you can go without food and water, the time you can hold your breath, and the duration of environmental protections for armor you are wearing.

2023-02-14, 03:02 PM
"Snow conditions are not accounted for in any of the pre-loaded tactical profiles this unit possesses for void operations."

FAR-US reformed their weapon once Delta was free and safe. This time, the hulking combat synth took point for the last stretch into the group of cabins nearest the ruins in question, pausing only to perform a cursory scouting sweep of the area for hostiles.

2023-02-14, 04:02 PM
"Let me see if they left anything that'll help us track down the buggers."

Ram zips about, using her heightened speed, doing her own sweep. She doesn't expect much at the cabins, but perhaps some exploration journals can be found, started maps, plans, that sort of thing. Anything that may tell them where in the ruins to look for the expedition. It is not a thorough search. After all, they are on the clock and there are diminishing returns to this.

2023-02-14, 06:43 PM
ICARUS-II trudges with deceptive speed, keeping up despite their short legs and giant gun. They are pretty useless for helping to look, though, and even more so for helping excavate Delta.

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-14, 08:26 PM
The large framed bear helped the others as best he could as they made their way to the cabins. He was glad the FAR-US bot seemed able to do more than aim guns at things, but then again, shooting a grapple wasn't that far removed from shooting a bullet.

Once they began to make their way into the valley, he relinquished his direct control over Scanda, tasking her with a search of the immediate area for traps and hazards. He consulted the materials that AbadarCorp had provided and tried to make sure they had a safe route into the ruins.

Search check from Iron Scanda (34) and Survival check for Land Navigation (actually 32 as my bonus is +21 not +22, not sure why I made that mistake but couldn't edit it), both in the rolling thread.

2023-02-14, 09:37 PM
Isar laughs inwardly at the irony of a follower of Oras being partnered with a team of largely machines. "Is it possible for artificial being to evolve?" he wonders as he follows the others out into the snow. "Would it not be good if we made tactical decisions about our order before we get very far into the wilderness?"

2023-02-15, 07:33 AM
Hardpack Valley is a sprawling construction site populated with cabins in varying degrees of completion. The cabins surrounding the village square at the center of the valley are completely built, while the buildings on the community’s outer edges are little more than foundations. The village’s predominant architectural style is a quaint alpine design with a modern twist. A-frame log structures are augmented with walls constructed of metal and glass, and silver solar panels adorn the roofs. The cabins have open plan rooms, and each housing unit is equipped with a wooden deck. As you all walk up to the little community, there are massive snow drifts piled up around what you presume to be construction equipment and piles of building materials.

The impression of a sleepy village of modern log cabins is spoiled by the blizzard raging through the valley. The buildings surround a towering, blue-needled coniferous tree bristling with long, silver pinecones at the center of an otherwise empty promenade. Metal sculptures of cavorting squoxes stand beneath the tree’s snow-laden boughs, and a plaque near the entrance to the valley bears the Common text, “Snowdrop Village, Est. 320 AG.” You are in Snowdrop Village, one of dozens of similar vacation communities being built on Jedarat. There is a massive tree at the center of the village square with 4 completed cabins to the east, north, and west. There is playground equipment just between the cabins to the north and west. A quick glance around the area from the entrance reveals no obvious lifeforms, though there are a group of holographic elves with pale skin and flowing white hair gathered around the tree and singing through the storm in faint voices. The simplistic but catchy carol about wintery wonders echoes ceaselessly throughout the village square, mercifully drowned out by the intermittent howling of the wind.

You also spot a loggerbot—like the ones seen outside the command center chalet—wandering around the incomplete cabins to the west, apparently malfunctioning. This robot looks like a female dwarf with twin blonde braids whose chassis resembles a red-and-green checkered flannel outfit. The robot hacks at the side of a building with its axe, abruptly stops, and walks into a wall for a few seconds before finally correcting itself and wandering behind a nearby cabin.

https://i.ibb.co/K5r0nvt/Snowdrop-Village.pngMuch of the map is whited out because of the blizzard. The buildings are obviously the darker boxes, which you can't see the interior of from the entrance to the valley, but can tell where the buildings are through the snow.
I just have you randomly placed at the entrance to the valley. Feel free to put yourselves in whatever order. It matters where you go and what you want to explore first, so let me know. The big tree in the middle is a big landmark, so we can use that for directions if you want to specify which building or whatever to be clear. I know some of you said you wanted to explore everywhere quickly, but I'll need you to state more of where you go first because you discover different things depending on where you go, and obviously not all of those things are good. If you rolled perception or survival or whatver, that roll can still stand, I just need to know what area you go to first. If the group stays together, I need to know at least who is toward the front and who is toward the rear.

2023-02-15, 10:16 AM
"Vision conditions remain suboptimal, friendly assets are advised to maintain visual contact with at least two other friendly assets while moving through the area. This unit will take up a central position for rapid response."

FAR-US walked forward, their plasma emitter placidly tracking the last known location of the loggerbot as it moved. They stopped at the base of the tree and again took a knee, waiting patiently for their particular skill set to be required.

FAR-US is moving to the south-west corner of the central tree. They've currently got their Blue Star Conquerer formed from their gear array and equipped it with an activated laser/nightvision scope. If this were X-COM, they'd be on overwatch.

2023-02-15, 10:57 AM
Seeing a malfunctioning loggerbot (waste of a cute chassis, really) and some more holographic elves, better do a bit of scouting.

"I'll have a look-see," Ramshackle whispers (or whatever the lowest volume to be heard over the weather may be) to the others. She puts a finger in front of her lips in an overly smooth motion, taps her commlink she networks with the others, then goes to find herself a better vantage point.

This is done by quickly and quietly scaling the nearby eastern mobile crane, moving up the crane portion, and diving into the big blue conifer in the middle of the village. Bit prickly, but with the wind, she might be able to slip inside and hide without any potentially hostile bots the wiser.

Once there, Ram carefully has a look-about the village, also drawing on her heightened non-visual senses to perhaps identify more than what can be seen from the entrance.

edit: tbd, took too long to post, so with FAR-US having openly walked into the middle, there's no point for Ram to do a stealthing.

edit2: Since FAR-US moved straight into the center of the village (right next to possibly hacked holo-elves), that most likely renders snooping about unseen a little moot.

"Alright. Rapid recon it is. I'll be right back, get ready to fire at anything murderous." The next moment, Ram begins to hover just above the snow and she's off, zipping about the place at very high speeds to do a quick sweep for hostiles, aided by her heightened non-visual senses, before returning to right where she started.

Ramshackle activates her hoverskates (letting their usage end after the 10 minutes for the expended point of energy are done) and Runs about the place with the help of Jet Dash and Indirect Retreat, allowing her to move at x6 speed (480ft) and without having to move in a line, also not being rendered flat-footed. double-moves while Stealthing. She does a loop around the village plaza, ending her movement back with the group, ideally behind cover of a construction vehicle. She also uses her 60ft blindsense (exact sense not given by the Enhanced Senses operative exploit) to detect any hidden targets. Stealth check 33. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25708544&postcount=15)

The rules feel very unclear about whether you can attempt to Hide while running. The Stealth rules just give a penalty for above half speed movement, while the Sure-Footed operative exploit eliminates the penalty for moving "at full speed". If Ram can try to hide while running, please do let me know and I'll roll a Stealth check. Nevermind, running is a full action and thus not covered by move action Hide.

2023-02-15, 12:29 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta raises the incinerator and scans the village shelves and nods to FAR-US. “I shall clear left.” they announce before advancing towards the south western house, keeping some 15ft back from it to not get ambushed at the corner as they keep the rifle trained on the Loggerbot.

As they advance they keep an eye and ear out for any other trouble


2023-02-15, 12:29 PM
ICARUS-II follows FAR-US, arms outstretched and giant laser holstered.

This party comes in peaceful intent. Units hearing this, please show yourselves. Units hearing this, iff needs assistance, make themselves known

ICARUS-II never uses understood subjects, but always address subject: topic in conversation. I need to do that consistently.

They are using Diplomacy, in the off chance it matters.


Lord Bayushi
2023-02-15, 12:55 PM
The appearance of the malfunctioning robot brought an alert from Scanda, changing Kisada's focus. He looked up just in time to see the logger smack into the side of the cabin and begin to wander off. Remembering that something was invading the systems at the chalet, he figured it was possible whatever it was had better luck closer to home.

"Everyone be wary of the technology, whatever was invading the systems back at the chalet could have a better foothold on the systems in this area."

He moved off toward the motionless, snow-buried machinery to the west, taking a covered position, and brought all of the Ironhide's tactical functions online. He then took direct control of his drone, moving it to follow the robot instead of continuing it's search.

Kisada moves to the near front corner of the large machine to the west, taking cover. Then he takes direct control of the drone.

Due to the features of his Winter Walker PA (https://www.aonsrd.com/PoweredArmor.aspx?ItemName=Winter%20Walker), Kisada should be able to move at his full Speed of 40 ft without penalty, even through Ice.

The drone normally moves at 30 ft, if there isn't any slowing due to conditions, it will double move to the NE corner of the large logs (building materials) to the NW, giving it a view of the 'alley' the robot moved through. Always assume the drone is taking cover if conditions allow, it is part of it's basic programing. At the end of it's movement it makes a Perception check to look down the 'alley' between the cabins where the robot was last seen.

It benefits from Advanced Darkvision Capacitors (https://www.aonsrd.com/Cybernetics.aspx?ItemName=Advanced&Family=Darkvision%20Capacitors), which incorporate a Wide-Spectrum Ocular Implant (https://www.aonsrd.com/Cybernetics.aspx?ItemName=Wide-Spectrum%20Ocular%20Implant&Family=None) ands gives it IR and thermographic visual abilities. I mention this mainly because I rolled a nat 20 for the Perception check (39, in the rolling thread) when it reaches the end of it's movement, and additional information could be gleaned.

2023-02-15, 01:33 PM
"The robot is obviously malfunctioning -- whatever their purpose is, hacking the building with an axe isn't..." Akifansha reasons, before her seeing FAR-US and Ramshackle running to the tree.

Akifansha moves northwards (30 ft) and also casts Telepathic Message at the Malfunctioning robot. "What's your current mission?" she asks telepathically.

"A technomancer casting this spell can also use it to send a message to a computer or a construct with the technological subtype if the receiving target is designed to receive messages."

And, weirdly, I also have Clear Spindle Aeon Stone which completely negates the need for food and water. I guess years of Starwalking experience is only worth 245gp...

2023-02-16, 09:11 AM
As everyone moves into place to investigate the malfunctioning robot, you see it is just clumsily walking around. It trips on obvious obstacles, veers into the wall a few more times, and is just swinging its axe randomly. It's like it is executing random subroutines without any higher logic. As Ramshackle flies over the area to do a quick survey, the wind suddenly shifts. It seems to swirl for a second before coalescing into 2 huge air elementals. They glide down the steep mountainside on the far end of the valley, converging on the village square. Ramshackle just has time to land behind one of the cabins before the enemies get into position. They are turned toward her and heading straight in her direction. They are flying about 30 feet off the ground, but swooping down to get into range to attack.

Not to derail the first "encounter", but flying definitely gets these guys attention, while the robot is not being aggressive, yet. You guys rolled better initiative than them, so they got a surprise round to move into place, but you get to act before they can close to attack. No one is surprised or flat-footed. I like block initiative, where all the PCs go (in whatever order they post in), then the baddies go. So don't worry about waiting for someone "higher" in initiative to go first. The initiative roll mainly affects the first round to see who is surprised or who gets to go first (so it might be in future combats that a few of you get to go first, then the bad guys, then back to block initiative). You can easily recognize them as outsiders of elemental air type just from their physiology, but if you want any details about their abilities or stats, you're going to have to make a Mysticism roll.

2023-02-16, 09:34 AM
Unit: Unidentified, Halt!

ICARUS-II attempts to command the nearer Elemental to halt, dazing it if it fails a will save. Spell resistance applies, but Immunity to mind-effecting does not.

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-16, 10:47 AM
As the swirling masses of wind and magic began to converge on the group, the drone's sensors struggled to make sense of the readings.

"Contact, two swirling masses descending near the tree in a hostile manner. Going hot."

Foes that didn't incorporate any technology were outside of Kisada's wheelhouse, but he remembered Scanda's words from long ago.

So, if it's a magical creature, she had once told him, step one is to blast it and see if that works. Step two is to keep blasting it if it had an effect. If not, well... uh, then step two is to come up with a step three.

The memory brought a brief smile to Kisada's lips despite the sudden danger, but he was not letting it slow him down. Still commanding the drone, he had it shift priorities, moving to cover relative to the flying threat and deploying it's autobeam laser. As he brought the Ironhide's Veskian cannon online, he used Iron Skanda's advanced systems to take a shot intended to walk the target into his own fire, a technique they adopted often.

His cannon thundered from it's shoulder mount, aimed center mass to the swirling humanoid cloud.

Well, now that it matters, Kisada needs a Large token (his current tile should be his NW tile).

Kisada takes a Move action for Master Control, I believe this means that the Drone's actions then come in immediately and interrupt my own. If this isn't the case, it will make my strategy of assistance more difficult, but I will adapt. Let me know either way. For now I'm proceeding with that assumption.
Iron Scanda takes a Move action and moves to 14R, taking cover relative to the Air Elementals.
Iron Scanda takes a Standard action and initiates Harrying Fire specifically for Kisada using it's Autolaser and Rangefinder Protocol (Attack roll 21 vs DC 15, see Die Rolls thread for more details)
Kisada then attacks with his Reaction Cannon (Attack roll 35 vs KAC ?, damage 36 Piercing, Penetrating, see Die Rolls thread for more details)

Remaining Ammo:
Iron Scanda: Tactical Autobeam Artillery [39/40]
Kisada: Heavy Reaction Cannon [5/6]

2023-02-16, 10:48 AM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta hears the rush of winds and the sudden alert statuses of the rest of the crew. Seeing the air elemental bearing down upon them they bring the incinterator up to their shoulder and dart forward, finger squeezing rapidly three times letting loose a flurry of shots at the descending air elemental, the shots more a flurry than a careful aimed attack as they seek to wing or distract it.

Using Nimble fusilade to move half move whilst full attacking
Move to M14 and full attack (3 shots at -7 (-5 due to focus fire/onslaught) and -2 for deadly aim)
Attacking the nearest elemental. Ignore +2 AC of cover due to sharpshooter. Ignore 10 resistance due to Unstoppable strike/Penetrating strike
vs EAC [roll0] dam [roll1] Fire
vs EAC [roll2] dam [roll3] Fire
vs EAC [roll4] dam [roll5] Fire

Remaining rounds 34/40
+1 Insight AC due to Elusive target

2023-02-16, 11:40 AM

FAR-US's plasma emitter snapped to start following the incoming elementals with unnatural precision. The combat synth could not classify exactly what the targets were made out of but it was a fair bet that a plasma emitter intended for use against armored targets, vehicles, and enemy fortifications would have some kind of effect. Capacitors along the emitter's length began to glow and crackle with malignant energy as the charge built up and then fired. The shaped bolt of plasma hurtling out from the end of the weapon.

Primary Gear Array: Conquerer, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+3 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Targeting Priorities: Will target the closest elemental ONLY if it clearly resists Icarus's mind control. Otherwise attacking the further away elemental.

Move Action: Boost Weapon
Standard Action:
-Damage: (rolled in dice thread) 44 E/F and Penetrating 13

Additionally, the other elemental needs to make me a DC 23 reflex save and take 8 damage on a failed save or 4 damage on a successful save.

Charges: 72/80

2023-02-16, 01:29 PM
Akifansha turns her attention to the elementals. She shoots at the far elemental with her Aphelion laser rifle, then moves to W24 to take cover. Her targeting computer should help if there's any concealment.

At the same time she shouts in Auran, "Calm down! You stop attacking us, and we stop striking back!"

(rolled in the roll thread)
Mysticism: (1d20+22)[30] for monster knowledge; also, air elemental should be her thing, she can summon them without using slots.
To-hit: (1d20+17)[31]
Damage: (3d6+13)[27] fire

Charges: 39/40

2023-02-16, 06:42 PM
"Well that was quick." Ram changes direction in one smooth motion, moving into temporary cover behind the hut, gun already in hand. It is hardly the latest model, and in the eyes of some dreadfully lacking in fancy doodads and readouts and whatnot, but it packs enough punch for its size. And what is more important is where you hit with those bullets.

Amateurs wait for opportunities in situations like this. Ramshackle likes to make her own, activating her trusty embedded JMPSCR component (Ram will accept Jumpscare and Jumpscar as pronunciations). Handy little thing, of her own design. You see, what it does is create very, very fleeting distractions. Projected noises, holograms, even smells (oh that was one long evening).

In this case, one of the air elementals trying to get at Ramshackle suddenly hears the noise of a pistol getting loaded. Curiously from right behind it. Whatever its senses are like (who the hell even knows with elementals), glancing back sees a floating Ramshackle, grinning, and pulling the trigger while going "BAN-"

And the illusion abruptly, jarringly ends mid-word and mid-gunshot. What gunshot doesn't end prematurely and absolutely does send a bullet aimed right at the center of the air vortices inside the elemental comes from the real Ramshackle's pistol, as the android is sailing through the air in a huge leap, firing while upside down. The motion continues, landing with a preternatural dancer's grace behind one of the distant mobile cranes, taking cover.

I have to stress that Ramshackle doesn't fly. Hoverskates only lift her a tiny bit above the ground to ignore terrain. She is not using her Forcepack.

As part of the movement that puts her behind the cabin, she draws her gun.

Full Action Trick Attack vs the air elemental in I24-J25.
As per the Gadgeteer Specialization, she uses a customized device (JMPSCR) to distract the enemy, allowing her to use Engineering+4 for the TA check. Since she can always take 10 with Engineering, she does so, getting a result of 43 vs the DC of 20 + target's CR.

On success, Ram deals +6d8 damage with the following attack, the target is flat-footed against the attack, and on hit must make a Fortitude DC 24 save or be staggered until the beginning of Ram's next turn.
[roll1] + [roll2]

As part of the Trick Attack and due to Shot on the Run, Ram shoots while moving, and ends her movement in W15, hopefully behind cover. The jumping is just flavor, since she has enough movement get there entirely on foot, and even on a 1 on the Athletics check (no natural 1 auto-fails on skill checks), she can jump more than her movement due to Jet Dash and her high speed.

2023-02-17, 11:23 AM
Isar watches as the "team" exhibits powerful attacks, but no cohesion. We will need to grow together. Perhaps I can begin that process.

Unsure if his weapons will even affect these foes, Isar holds his fire. He prepares to help his new teammates in the event they are attacked and sprints onto the SW corner steps of thebukilding ahead..

MA: Move' to F19
Prepare Rxn: If one of the team is targeted w/ an attack, use Chronomatic Defense to give them a +4 to AC (Insight Bonus) until the end of my next turn. Will use the "5" paradox.

2023-02-22, 12:38 PM
Icarus attempts to halt the closest Air Elemental, but besides looking over to see what the noise was about, it shows no recognition of what was said to it.

Kisada then engages with his drone. He quickly issues a protocol command to Iron Scanda for Harrying Fire to distract the Huge Air Elemental while Kisada then fires his Reaction Cannon. The shot goes square through the Elemental, disrupting it a bit, but doesn't do as much damage as it usually does.

Delta steps up, taking deadly aim and manages to cluster his shots such that the Elemental doesn't seem to be able to reform between radiation bursts. It appears the bursts of hot air were as effective as planned, all that training and protocol refining as a soldier seems to be paying off. The elemental seems to be barely able to hold its form.

FAR-US snaps its plasma emitter up, lines up the shot to hit the first and wing the second, then fires. The gun hums as it charges before a burst of plasma launches out, hitting the first Elemental square in the head and continuing through the chest of the second Elemental. The closest Elemental lets out a roar of pain as it disappears, no longer able to hold its cohesion.

Akifansha shoots her Aphelion laser rifle then moves to cover, methodically recalling everything she could of her teacher's lessons on air elementals.

Ramshackle quickly assesses and reacts to the developing situation, deploying a little device she'd made herself. The gambit seems to work, as the Air Elemental turns to confront the apparently new entity in *it's* sky. Completely distracted, Ramshackle is able to take aim and hit the thing, but during her leap, she suddenly feels the air shift and she doesn't hit exactly where she was aiming. Luckily this thing is Huge and there is a lot of area to hit. The bullet flies through disrupting it momentarily, and causing some damage, but not quite as much as Ram was used to when she able to distract it so well.

Isar watches, evaluating how to best coordinate and build this team to what it could be. He is ready to help protect anyone to the best of his ability.

The remaining Elemental, seeing his companion dissolve, flies into a rage. The wind picks up and suddenly instead of the solid body, a whirling wall of snow and wind appears in its place. The tornado is 15 feet wide at its base, 60 feet tall, and 30 foot wide at its top. This monstrosity is going to be terrible. However it seems unable to move.

You have 80 feet of movement, which by my calculations gets you to V17, not W15. This will still provide some cover. And it isn't so much "flying" per se as airborne that they care about. If you attack them while airborne, you will take -1 to attack and damage, which you felt in the description above, as you leaped. Also you are at level 13, so your trick attack does 7d8, not 6d8.

You definitely know about Air Elementals in general, being very familiar with Large and studying up on Huge, but this one seems even larger than that. However, you can extrapolate from what you know. They have elemental immunities including: Bleed, critical hits, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning and Flanking—elementals are un-flankable. They can attack while flying by and can reach 15 feet out to slam with their fist. They can turn into whirlwinds that can then pick up creatures to hold aloft. Also anyone who is airborne as they attack will be moved about, reducing their attack effectiveness and damage (-1 to each). This one being so much larger, you suspect it is much older than any you are familiar with and may have more abilities or just be stronger overall

Man you guys are lucky it failed its fort save and is staggered. Now on to round two, where some of your tricks from round 1 are no longer options. You all dealt some massive damage, lets see what you got this time. Round two should go more smoothly, I think I have it mostly figured out. Sorry again for the delay.

2023-02-22, 01:41 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta nods in approval as the first disperses, then switches targets to the second with a flurry of flaming bursts

Using Nimble fusilade to move half move whilst full attacking
Move to J14 and full attack (3 shots at -7 (-5 due to focus fire/onslaught) and -2 for deadly aim)
Attacking the nearest elemental. Ignore +2 AC of cover due to sharpshooter. Ignore 10 resistance due to Unstoppable strike/Penetrating strike
vs EAC [roll0] dam [roll1] Fire
vs EAC [roll2] dam [roll3] Fire
vs EAC [roll4] dam [roll5] Fire

Remaining rounds 28/40
+1 Insight AC due to Elusive target

2023-02-22, 02:42 PM
ICARUS-II's robotic armature aims the over-sized artillery piece they can barely carry otherwise and it unleashes a barely visible beam of burning death at the living air!

2023-02-22, 04:23 PM
Shooting an elemental is already an exercise in "where do you even aim to do more damage?", but the remaining air elemental appears to want to top that by being a right whirly boy now. So Ramshackle does what any sensible sapient being armed with a gun would do when faced by an angry tornado. She runs closer.

Sprinting back out of cover, Ram curves around the central tree to get a good line of fire, when she suddenly splits! One version moves along the ground, while the other dramatically goes high, leaping up the mobile crane to leap from its top to shoot the elemental from up high. It is rather clear who the distraction is, I mean, the lower Ram nonsensically moves closer to the whirlwind, aims too far to her left, and shoots first, and the top one-

Well turns out an actual bullet came out of the lower Ram's gun, now curving into the center of the anti-clockwise spinning whirlwind.


The very next moment, after the top Ramshackle disappears without even firing, the real Ram on the ground makes a hard right, hoverskates kicking up a nice wave of snow, and gets out of the others' line of fire.

Mentioning it here again for posterity: Ramshackle's speed is actually 70ft, because I did not see Speed Suspension's land speed bonus also being an enhancement bonus, since that was annoyingly put at the end of the rules text paragraph, not right next to the numbers. This made her Longstrider Module useless. Thus, I am starting Ram from V17, in accordance to the map, since she could have reached that square with 70ft movement on her last turn.

Full action Trick Attack against the remaining air elemental. You know the drill, one skill check to distract, Ram using her trusty JMPSCR, one attack check to see if it actually hits. On skill check success, target is rendered flat-footed against the attack and I deal Trick Attack damage.

As part of the Trick Attack, Ram moves from V17 to P23 in a direct diagonal line (45ft), shoots (due to Shot on the Run), then moves directly to R25 in a diagonal line (15ft), and then to R27 (10ft).

Taking 10 on Engineering to distract the enemy with JMPSCR (receiving a +4 bonus from Gadgeteer) for 43 vs DC 20 + target's CR.
[roll1] + [roll2]
edit: please substract 1 damage because Ram is airborne. I beansed including it in the damage roll. :smallredface:

2023-02-22, 08:26 PM
"Adjusting tactics. Moving to suppress."

The plasma emitter suddenly dissolved into a of black dust, reforming into sleek, black gauntlets over their hands. Electricity crackled over the segmented plates as the smell of lightning filled the area. With utter implacability, FAR-US walked forward, sparking gauntlets ready to pummel the elemental once they had eyes on it.

Primary Gear Array: Polarity Gauntlets, Current
Secondary: Sheath Array (+3 to reflex, athletics, stealth)
Rapid Reshape recharges in 0/4 Turns

Targeting Priorities: Remaining Elemental

Swift Action: Rapid Reshape
Move Action: Boost Weapon
Standard Action: Move to K23

Charges: 68/80

2023-02-23, 01:07 PM
Despite the familiarity, the Air Elemental is larger than any Akifansha had seen, which is made apparent in its whirlwind form. Akifansha realized she probably made an error of being too conservative. Anyways, focus fire should be the best choice for now, and Akifansha continues shooting lasers at the remaining elemental.

Full attack (rolled in the die roll thread)

Attack 1
To-hit: (1d20+13)[20]
Damage: (3d6+13)[24]
Attack 2
To-hit: (1d20+13)[32]
Damage: (3d6+13)[22]

NOTE: didn't calculate potential cover. Ignores concealment.

Charges 37/40

Lord Bayushi
2023-02-23, 07:49 PM
Good, it's the kind blasting works on, Kisada thought to himself, amused.

With only one target remaining, he sent the drone a simple command to engage the target. He repositioned to the east for a clearer line of fire, and let loose with his cannon again.

The drone followed it's protocols for flying targets, opting for as accurate an attack as possible. It took careful aim and let loose with it's laser.

As a Free action, Kisada will instruct Iron Scanda to continue to engage the remaining target, not electing to take direct control this time.
Kisada will then take a Move action to move to the east, ending up with his NW tile at S23.
He will then take a Standard action to attack the remaining elemental, hopefully avoiding all cover and concealment penalties. (Attack vs. KAC 28, damage 37 Piercing Penetrating lvl 10, see die rolls thread for more details).
Iron Scanda will take a Move action to Aim with it's Accurate weapon, then fire on the remaining elemental. Depending on how high up the elemental is and how tall the tree is, she may be facing concealment penalties, if so feel free to roll the concealment miss chance. (Attack vs EAC 28, damage 18 Fire, see die rolls thread for more details).
Remaining Ammo:
Iron Scanda: Tactical Autobeam Artillery [38/40]
Kisada: Heavy Reaction Cannon [4/6]

2023-02-24, 11:07 PM
Isar, seeing little value in wasting valuable ammunition on a creature of the elements, and seeing his new teammates dispatch the first one with ease, again prepares to provide a chronomatic defense if it should become necessary.

Same as last turn, since I forgot to get a laser or plasma weapon...

2023-02-27, 02:20 PM
Delta moves north, bringing her agitator inferno up to aim at the now rotating vortex of wind and snow that used to be an elemental. The first shot narrowly misses, causing the air just next to the vortex to burst, but the next two shots hit squarely on target. You all see the minor explosions as the superheated snow turns to steam blasting the vortex into nothingness. The elemental screams as it tries to hold its form, but the magical energy that binds its air particles together isn't strong enough and the snow it had picked up drifts back down to the ground.

The rest of the group scrambles for a second to get into position, sweeping from side to side, assessing for more threats, but nothing else materializes. The sound of the holographic elves singing is louder for those by the tree (around which the holograms are gathered, dancing in a wide circle and occasionally throwing snowballs at each other). You catch snippets of familiar tunes about winter wonderlands. The loggerbot that started all this has wondered off, seemingly not interested in any of the sounds of the fight going on. Even with the snow storm, you feel confident that anyone within a few hundred feet heard the blast of the heavy weaponry being fired, so the lack of response likely means nothing around cares.

You can see the cabins around the central tree. The ruins seem to be just east of the cabins.

Sorry the first action was enough to kill it. The end of the month has had me all kinds of messed up. I am usually pretty good about catching this kind of thing and jumping in to keep everyone from expending too much effort crafting their post. So Delta expended their shots, but everyone else make sure you take back any shots fired for ammo purposes. You might want to note ammo somewhere on your character sheet (the notes section works well).

I need perception checks from everyone. The cabins look safe and warm from the storm, if anyone needs to rest (I don't think anyone took damage, so no real need). Otherwise you can keep exploring as you see fit.

2023-02-27, 03:16 PM
"No further hostiles detected. Resource expenditure, nominal. Friendly casualties, none. Tactical performance within parameters for success. After action report logged. Returning to overwatch."

FAR-US plodded back to their position at the base of the tree, gauntlets dissolving into black clouds again before reforming the plasma emitter in the weapon armature of FAR-US's chassis. If they had any opinions or concerns about being ambushed by a pair of eldritch elemental beings, FAR-US seemed disinclined to share them at the moment.

Primary: Gear Array (Conquerer, Blue Star)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+3 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

2023-02-27, 03:55 PM
"Elemental flight snobs." With nothing coming to mangle them despite the racket they made, Ram uses the opportunity to top up the magazine of her old, very old, entirely analog pistol model, and switch back to similarly analog walking.

"Right. Checking the cottages for intel and/or maps. If you wanna come with, come with, if you think that's stupid, now's the time to tell me why you think that." Ram looks to her companions. "Anyone need a Longstrider Module? Damn thing turned out too slow for me."

Unless someone is very insistent on moving on Ram not doing what she is planning on doing (hopefully with a good reason also given promptly after), Ramshackle goes on her announced quick sweep of the houses. Maybe there's a map or notes or other left-behind records that'll speed up the search.

A quick link to the rolls (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25719069&postcount=34)

2023-02-28, 12:18 PM
Akifansha joins Ramshackle's quick sweep of the houses. "Outside should be safe, let's see what's inside.".

Then she answers the question about the Longstrider Module, "My legs say yes, but my armor says no." as her armor has no free slots.

Rolls (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25719776&postcount=35)

Updated the charge count (currently 39/40) in the sheet.

2023-02-28, 12:41 PM
ICARUS-II considers remaining silent, then realizes they need a more open command structure with organics. Total concurrence. Proceed: Investigate structures.

2023-02-28, 01:16 PM

Delta lets the steam fade from around the red hot barrel and smiles to themselves as the elemental evaporated. “A pleasant welcome one would say.” they speak to group at large. As Ram offers the module they nod, “My thanks. Higher velocity in these conditions would aid me.”

If no one objects Delta would welcome the upgrade

Looking about the houses Delta looks to their nearest team mate and nods to the door. “Stack up, follow me in..” and then gun in hand will wait for their fellow and then open the door and sweep the building

2023-02-28, 01:22 PM
Isar follows behind Delta, Skipshot at the ready with his other hand free for casting. "On your six."

2023-02-28, 02:15 PM
As everything calms down and Akifansha and Ram go to start inspecting houses, something catches their ears. They had been kind of singing along with the words to the carols in their heads, but not really paying it any attention, but it seems off now. They listen closer and instead of the proper words, random phrases are getting thrown in. "Protect the Nexus" and "victory over the kishalee" are two phrases that can be picked out among some of the more garbled words and phrases. Looking over at the holograms, they have the same problem of performing their normal randomized actions for a bit before a brief pause and hard reset. It is a little concerning that whatever is going on has made progress enough to effect the words without that itself causing the reset.

I assume this is just noted and you proceed with checking the houses, but if not, feel free to post again and let me know new actions. Anyone else who cares to roll perception can notice the same thing with either a DC 32 roll or having someone point it out to you.

2023-02-28, 06:57 PM
Ram side-eyes the singing elves, but continues the search. Over comms, she chimes in: "Noticing some breaches in the holograms here too. Bit further along, also injecting speech fragments about protecting a nexus, and victory over the kishalee. Sounds anachronistic. Could be historical records getting dumped."

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-01, 01:46 AM
Kisada watched the others proceed with checks to the structures. He proceeded with search of the environment, looking for more natural hazards in the area. He sent Iron Scanda off to search the area for traps.

Requested Perception check at 30, so no hologram nonsense for me yet. Survival check to look for any more environmental hazards is at 33, the drone's search check for traps and dangers is at 30 as well.

2023-03-01, 10:47 AM
The team enters each cabin with Delta leading in, then Ram doing a quick sweep, while Akifansha double checks behind. This turns out to be a fairly efficient, as well as safe, mode of operation and the group is able to clear every cabin in a little over an hour. There isn't much in any of the cabins, as they have been built as place-holders for others to customize to their desires, but the cabin immediately to the east of the big central tree is a show cabin with a lot more amenities inside. The building directly east of the village square is a finished version of the cabins located throughout Snowdrop Village, used for tours and brochures advertising the future vacation community. A cedar double door decorated with a festive wreath faces Snowdrop Village’s promenade to the west. Rear doors open onto two spacious wooden decks to the north and south. Inside the cabin, plush faux-fur rugs cover the lacquered wooden floor, and a stone fireplace adorns the building’s southern wall. The cabin’s decor features a warm color palette and kitschy decorations meant to emulate a lived-in, rustic atmosphere. There is an extra interface provided in the kitchen that doesn't match anything you would think should be in the kitchen.

Outside Kisada and Iron Scanda sweep the area. There aren't any environmental hazards like pits or snowdrifts to worry about, but a total of 3 of those loggerbots seen earlier are found in the area, just wandering aimlessly and occasionally being clumsy or otherwise not living up to your expectation of modern-day AI. As well, you see the ruins that Ms Nott had mentioned as being the point of interest here where the Xenoarchaeologist went. A visual sweep (as well as any equipment scans you have) reveal a technomagical force field surrounding what appears to be a spiral walkway that descends into the ground. Ms. Nott definitely didn't mention anything about that, so it most likely is a new development. Walking around the perimeter reveals no obvious defenses or ways through. This thing will have to be disabled or destroyed.


If you want to ascertain the use of the electronic device, someone needs to give a Computers of Engineering Check (DC 28). I assume Kisada/Iron Scanda don't interact with the force field yet, it is visible as a distortion around the purple thing on the map. You can't get a good angle to see down into the stairwell and where it might lead, just enough to see that it is a set of spiral stairs leading down. You know this is the location where the other team entered, so you have to get through somehow. Most forcefields can be destroyed, though you don't recognize how strong this one might be. Most force fields you know of from modern technology can regenerate, so the damage will likely need to be coordinated to happen all together. Also some forcefields have weaknesses, so it might matter which angle you hit it at. If you wish to attack the forcefield, let me know where you are standing around the purple thing and roll damage. It is massive enough that you can't miss since you are currently unthreatened. Since this forcefield is technomagical, you might could use magic to dispel or otherwise disable the forcefield, so if Akifansha or Isar want to try they can.

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-01, 12:33 PM
Kisada looked at the the structure of the opening, looking for anything in the technology present he could recognize. He transmitted to the group via commlink, "Iron Scanda and I have located the entrance to the ruins. They appear to be covered in a force field barrier. I am attempting to gather more information. Coordinates attached."

He scrolled through his system invasion protocols and reached out with his rig, attempting to find any available access to the controlling system.

Attempting to identify the technology involved with Engineering (usually -5 DC to identify technology due to Roboticist Theme Knowledge) at a 37.

Attempting to access the system with his Remote Hacking ability with a range of 50 ft using his Custom Rig at a 33... rolling a 2 for my first hack attempt. :(

2023-03-01, 12:54 PM
Ram just thumbs up to Delta in regards to the Longstrider Module after handing it to 'em, and given Delta wants to take point, welp, stack up it is.

The search really doesn't offer much, so it ends up kind of a waste, but at least they're quick about it in the grand scheme of things.

And then she walks into the kitchen. At this point, Ram just mostly wants to be done with these buildings, already taking way too long. But of course the one building had to install shenanigans. So given electronics are being messy here, might as well give it a quick once-over. Emphasis on the quick.

If this is an over-engineered retro-neo-future spacepresso machine with horrifyingly lacking utility but making up for it by having an incomprehensibly backwards design (again), Ram may become a wee bit peeved.

Ram's Engineering modifier is +29 and she has Skill Mastery in it, so she auto-succeeds. If she can speed things up due to exceeding the DC by more than 10, I would like to take advantage of that.

2023-03-01, 05:40 PM
ICARUS-II considers offering to bully the computer-thing into compliance. Before they do, Ramshackle manages to deal with it in more effective and orthodox fashion.

2023-03-02, 07:08 AM
Ram has no problems playing with the controls and unlocking the settings menu to find out what this interfaces with. It turns out this sleek control panel gives guests direct control over their personal tour guides and companions. This
control panel incorporates a holoprojector that can be used to change the local holograms’ settings, including personality and visual appearance. In addition Ram sees controls to turn off the holoprojector outside and a factory master reset/reboot that will totally wipe the system and reboot it to factory standard (supposedly completely removing whatever corruption that has happened) of all robots and holograms in the area. This control panel is tethered to the house, so must be used here or left.

Kisada alerts the others to what he found. He then investigates further, using his rig to try to interface with whatever this may be. Kisada's rig is unable to gain any usable purchase on the system to allow for hacking or interfacing of any kind, just the wireless protocol used is at the wrong bit rate and doesn't match anything known. Kisada is able to work through those issues, but the technology in some aspects is amazingly advanced and in others surprisingly ancient. The coding protocols are completely unknown to Kisada. The language used, the manner in which it is written, everything about this is foreign. The technology must be pre-Gap, and ancient even then. Just getting this far is a feat most couldn't hope to accomplish, but further hacking or interfacing is going to take physical access to some component of the system. However you do detect some kind of response to your attempted hack. The system recognized something not right and is reacting, though there is nothing immediately visible in that reaction, just an increase in the wireless traffic.

2023-03-02, 10:06 AM
"Alright, I'll also give it a try..." Akifansha casts Holographic Interface to gain an interface she can operate on, then attempts to hack her way to gain some access. Which should also turn out to be a failure, and then Akifansha asks Ramshackle, "Perhaps we should press that factory reset button?"

Well, rolled a 3 as well... I guess I'll just assume that failed.

2023-03-02, 10:41 AM
"Crewperson Ramshackle, Squadmate Kisada, do you require assistance? This unit may be able to bypass a physical impediment."

FAR-US joined them by the shielded entrance to the underground ruins. The weapon armature retracted into a neutral position, pointing the emitter skyward. They held up a hand to the surface of the shield and a mass of black dust poured out from unseen seams in FAR-US's chassis to expand over the energy field, spreading themselves thin as the synthetic began examining the problem at hand.

Got a 38 on my engineering check to determine two things, would this shield be easier to breach from the inside and would a Quantum Tunneling Coverall allow FAR-US to get inside the shield without bringing it down first.

Additionally, if possible/relevant, FAR-US did not roll a Nat 1 on checks to assist hacking efforts.

Primary: Gear Array (Conquerer, Blue Star)
Secondary: Shifting to Sheath Array (+3 to reflex, athletics, engineering)

Charges: 72/80

2023-03-02, 06:24 PM
On the comms: "So we found jack in terms of intel. But there's a control unit for the bots and 'grams. Doing a factory reset to get rid of whatever is happening with them." And Ram promptly does as she said, then heading outside to the forcefield.

"How's it going out here? Need any help?"

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-03, 01:48 AM
The large bear grunted at his lack of progress with the alien system. He turned to his drone, that was sitting just at the edge of the force field and looked as if it might poke at it at any moment. "Don't. I won't just rebuild you if you go melting all of your circuits doing something foolish."

He transmitted a sample of the code he was encountering to the others, following it up with a transmission. "I've attempted to infiltrate the computer system operating the force field, we are dealing with something that appears very advanced, but I suspect it is pre-Gap technology. Unless anyone has a familiarity with this coding language, I'll need a physical system access to attempt to get deeper into the system."

Noticing the uptick in activity in the system, he added, "I also suspect that whatever is running this system has noticed that I've been poking around. There is a notable uptick in system traffic, possibly in response."

2023-03-03, 07:29 AM
Kisada transmits what he has learned. Ram pushes the factory reset, and you immediately see the holograms blink out for a solid minute while the system reboots. Iron Scanda has been keeping monitoring the area for threats and reports to Kisada that the robots had started converging on this location, but just shutdown and seem immobile now. Kisada also still can see the information flow in the system and notices it quiet back down to "normal" traffic (matching before the uptick in response to the hacking). The forcefield is still fully intact, with only a few ways to get past it.

Akifansha attempts to conjure an interface, but can't clearly see the computer or anything to interface with, making the interface that much more difficult, so she can't make any progress. FAR-US steps up to investigate, but realizes that forcefields will keep out incorporeal creatures as well. He might could try going through the ground, but he can't see where he is going and doesn't know how deep it is.

The consensus of the group seems to be that unless someone can deal with it from a magical standpoint (it is technomagical), it'll have to be dealt with from an overwhelming force standpoint.

The spell wouldn't work anyways, as it says one computer you can observe, and there is nothing to observe really. The generator for the forcefield is buried and it surrounds effectively a hole in the ground with a spiral staircase going down. If you have dispel magic, you can try that, but otherwise you don't think any of your spells will help
I don't see that those coveralls give you new forms of movement, so I am not sure how well you would be able to move through the ground anyways, but if you want to try, I'll say you can move at your normal movement rate. It'll be a gamble on how far down the forcefield goes and on how deep the ground is. Once you start moving through the ground, you will pretty much have to make a straight line, as you won't have visual or other information to guide you well.
You can use the language sample to roll Culture and try to recall anything you may know about cultures that might match. Also Ram basically took all the threats out of the area, so you all are free to just say you coordinate your attack and give me damage rolls or continue to try to find ways around it. If you start damaging it, we'll have to go back to round by round, as it regenerates, so I have to account for how much you do versus its regenerate to see how long it takes. Or we can handwave and say you eventually overcome it as there is no real consequence any more to failure.

2023-03-03, 10:41 AM
After a moment, the black dust whipped back into FAR-US's body like liquid spiraling down a drain. FAR-US turned to the others.

"Analysis indicates paracasual methods of bypass are not possible or inadvisable. Immediate solution is direct application of force. No breaching charges listed on mission inventory. Should this unit attempt to breach unknown fortifications using sustained weapons fire? Estimates indicate that the shield will likely sustain roughly seven strikes from this unit's main armament before falling, less if other assets provide focused fire support."

Primary: Gear Array (Conquerer, Blue Star)
Secondary: Shifting to Sheath Array (+3 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

2023-03-03, 01:35 PM
Isar takes his Cutting Master gimmick in his left hand and begins reciting the words for a spell to suppress the magical energies intertwined through the force field.

Rolled total of 22 in Dice thread

2023-03-03, 05:46 PM
Isar tries to dispel the technomagical field, bringing everything he has to bear against it, but it just isn't enough, the field stubbornly remains in place. It looks more and more like FAR-US's plan of massive damage is the best bet.

There is also the option of recharging batteries in the "show cabin" if yall want to do that. Probably take another hour. Right now you all are looking at it being mid-afternoon-ish between landing, meeting, trekking out here, and exploring/fighting here. So might need to rest for the night before exploring as well. ICARUS and Isar do recognize a little bit about Kishalee, but the code doesn't really strike any bells. I will update more on that tomorrow morning probably, as I don't have my books on hand right now.

2023-03-03, 05:59 PM

As the house is sweeped and and shown to be clear Delta joins the others as they inspect the strange purple forcefield. "A worrying development. Is the field designed to keep us out or others in I wonder?" He looks at the bear and FAR-US happy to let either of the squad mates in the heavy power armour to batter it down with their servo assisted limbs. "Once we batter it down shall we descend or send down the drone" they ask to Kisada and Iron Scanda.

2023-03-04, 02:59 PM
Akifansha attempted to connect to the computer, but can't find it.

"Yep, looks like something don't want us in. Plan B, then." Akifansha executes her "Plan B", which is to shoot at the barrier.

(rolled in the appropriate thread)
Culture: 28
Damage: 26, 24 Fire

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-05, 05:56 PM
Kisada addressed FAR-US first. "I'm not seeing a way through without using force, but I think I can assist best with...", the big bear gave a deep, rumbling sigh, "physical violence."

He then nodded to Delta. "Iron Scanda is programmed to lead the way in potentially hazardous situations, it can identify hazards and threats and disarm some obstacles without endangering the rest of us, and I am pretty good at patching it up when need be."

Seeing Akifansha decide that they had waited long enough, he stepped up to the barrier and locked the claws on his power armored hands into place, "Please keep at a distance, I can be a bit of danger once I get going." He then reared up with a roar and began to batter at the field with all the force his bulk and might could bring to bear.

I guess we are going for it then. Let me know if I need to roll some dice or if we are just going to call it eventually done in as there isn't any official time pressure. Assume Kisada is attacking with two claws each round until the barrier drops, then sending in the drone to search for traps and hazards.

2023-03-06, 12:09 PM
Akifansha loses patience on trying other methods and resorts to the violence others had talked about. Following her lead, Kisada calmly prepares himself then starts full-out attacking the shield as well. FAR-US joins in shortly after. The small group is able to make short work of the field, seeing it flicker and the shimmer fall away after only a couple of shots. As the field falls, Delta's question about if the field keeps something in or the group out ruminates in everyone's mind, but after waiting a few seconds with bated breathe, nothing seems to come up the spiral stairs. It would seem it is now time to enter the ancient ruins and find the missing xenoarchaeology team.
Sivvs are a now-extinct species of aliens responsible for the creation of the doomsday weapon known as the Stellar Degenerator, a piece of which was towed to Absalom Station 3 years ago. News of the fragment's existence ignited a hunt for the weapon itself, which led to its discovery within a secret demiplane. The Kissalee were their sworn enemies, so the holograms wishing harm upon them, probably means this is Sivv tech.
Sivvs are a now-extinct species of aliens responsible for the creation of the doomsday weapon known as the Stellar Degenerator, a piece of which was towed to Absalom Station 3 years ago. News of the fragment's existence ignited a hunt for the weapon itself, which led to its discovery within a secret demiplane. Few facts are known about sivv anatomy or culture, save that they were a nonhumanoid species who relied heavily on technomagical devices and weapons. They were conquerors who perpetually warred with another mysterious species known as the kishalee, and their civilization apparently declined long before the Gap. Some xenohistorians have analyzed remnants of the object known as the Drift Rock and speculate that the sivvs designed technology which allowed their ships to traverse through a type of extradimensional space long before the discovery of Drift travel technology.

Also that snippet along with this role gives you a better chance to learn the language. You get +2 on future Culture checks to read the Sivv language

I realize many of you have dark vision, the darkness is not so much because it is dark as it is that your sight is limited by other factors (the spiral nature of the stairs). The facility appears to have some lights on, it is just difficult to see beyond the stairs. Do you proceed or go back and rest? I will say it took 2 rounds of full attacks from the three that attacked the shield, so if figure out your charges used.

2023-03-06, 01:38 PM
Unlike the earlier portion of the sortie, FAR-US's tactical profile seemed to have changed. The emitter deconstructed itself and reassembled as gauntlets again over the combat synth's hands and forearms. Now that threats could only approach from one direction, FAR-US was less concerned about needed to draw attention away from more delicate individuals within the party.

Taking point, they began carefully moving down the stairwell, worryingly quiet for something so bulky.

"Recommending a staggered formation to prevent single mass casualty events."

Primary: Gear Array (Polarity Gauntlets, Current)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+3 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

2023-03-06, 03:32 PM
"Hm, good job," Ram compliments the team. She was taking a moment to check for a good place to shoot, but the team apparently is very good at dispensing opinion reinforcements, leading to the field going down.

"Well lookee here, looks like we got legit functioning Sivv magitech on our hands. Critters 'parently loved the stuff, maybe even had their own Drift travel alternative way before the Gap and everything." Ram's head does a very slow and smooth sweep from one side to the other, looking at where the force field was. The motion pauses once, she gives one chuckle, then it continues. "Centuries come and go and the stuff can still hack current day systems. Then again, it's part magic, so it's cheating."

Unless someone has something against it, Ramshackle moves up behind FAR-US, to add a pair of sharp eyes (and the rest of the sensor array, oh, I'm sorry, senses with a number perhaps just a bit above 5) to the front.

Still, probably should check about something related: "You guys want advance scouting?"

Ramshackle goes down the stairs. Once they see more than staircase walls, Ram is armed with 60ft darkvision, low-light vision, and 60ft blindsense (base sense unknown, none given by the rules; fluff also just says she can sense her surroundings).

2023-03-07, 12:11 PM
The ramp descends into a circular room surrounding a transparent, cylindrical chamber filled with a blue, plasma-like substance. A hinged panel built into the central tube bears a block of holographic pictograms. The walls encircling the area are mottled red and purple with brown, scabby patches festering at random intervals around the chamber. This material is reinforced with panels of glossy metal. Arcane symbols inscribed on these panels glow and gradually fade before appearing elsewhere around the room. The only exit from this room is a sealed circular aperture to the west. The cylindrical chamber at the center is 25 feet tall by 10 feet in diameter and has a hinged door. The chamber contains a misty, plasma-like substance. The circular door to the west has some kind of remote lock on it that looks like it will automatically scan you if you approach it.


Computers or Engineering check to recognize what the central tube is for or to try to bypass the remote lock on the west door. Or you can go back up stairs.

2023-03-07, 12:50 PM
Akifansha follows FAR-US and Ramshackle and descends into the circular room. "Hey, if it works, why call it cheating?" then Akifansha replies, almost instinctively, to Ram's comments.

She then attempts to figure out what the center tube is about, and tries to unlock the door.

(Rolled on the roll thread)
Engineering (for the tube) (1d20+24)[29]
Computers (for the door) (1d20+28)[40]

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-07, 01:13 PM
Having let some of the others pass, Kisada squeezed down the narrow entrance to the stairwell, grateful that it became wider as he descended. He decided to chime in on the magical debate. "Magic is fickle and doesn't adhere to physical laws, it can be unpredictable when attempting maintenance and modification. Better to use solid scientific principals that react predictably to known variables."

The drone scanned the area, while Kisada looked at the surroundings and tried to get a sense of what kind of system was controlling the door.

Engineering check at 43, Computers check at 34, the drone's search check at 22.

2023-03-07, 03:29 PM
Ram unfolds an index finger at a perfectly vertical angle. "I said it's cheating, not that it's bad."

Once down at the bottom of the stairs, Ramshackle is treated to her first exposure to Sivv architecture, finding it rather fond of strong coloring and very, very round. It's anybody's guess what the substance inside the tubes is, but chances are that anything that could be described as "plasma-like" tends to be better admired from afar. Behind protective layers.

So, like many of her colleagues, she descends on the poor door mechanism, trying to see if she can get the thing open (and if there's any funny secrets about any of this place squirreled away in there).

Given there already are two good rolls for the two skills in question, Ram assists both Akifansha (for Computers) and Kisada (for Engineering) for a +2 to both (if possible, otherwise prioritize Engineering). Ram can't fail the DC 10 assist checks.

2023-03-07, 07:21 PM

Delta not knowing much of the Siv shrugs happy that it will just be another xeno race that inevitably results in some form of hostility. Since their creation and the wars it has been all they had known. Following the others down they glance at the terminals and screens and take up a position in the centre of the room, flame rifle in hands as they watch and wait to see what the technical folks in the team could dredge up from this ancient magitech

2023-03-08, 08:04 AM
This unit almost remembers...

Something about this was very familiar, in the way thst once made ICARUS-II very, very angry. But the memories are lost, and they dance with angry ghosts....

ICARUS-II considers offering to browbeat the ancient computer with their unique rapport with lesser machines, but, as always, decides to let the conventional approach be tried first.

2023-03-08, 02:04 PM
FAR-US took up a position beside the door as Ram and Kisada got to work cracking the ancient mechanism. Someone unfamiliar with how FAR-US thought might have wondered if they were feeling an odd sense of kinship with the ancient structure full of abandoned alien technology as FAR-US was, really, quite similar.

Those more familiar with the combat synth would know that they were almost single-mindedly considering the tactical situation with an inhuman focus. There was not much space in FAR-US's mind for philosophical considerations when presented with potential hostilities. Their list of priorities was very specific and, currently, keeping the friendly assets around themself alive through this sortie was the highest priority.

Primary: Gear Array (Polarity Gauntlets, Current)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+3 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

2023-03-08, 07:09 PM
Isar falls into line, taking up the final position as rear guard. He carries the skipshot in his left hand and keeps his other hand free for casting. "Unless someone else prefers the honor, I will protect our rear?"

2023-03-09, 04:23 PM
Akifansha inspects the tube at the center of the circular ramp, but doesn't understand much, as they the plasma is another strange blend of technology and magic. It does seem like more could be gleamed by getting a closer inspection inside the tube though.

Ram assists Akifansha and Kisada as they look at the door mechanism to understand more how it works. These sivvs seem to have been a strange people, they blend technology and magic with very little problems creating things that are very difficult to understand from todays technology. Luckily These two are experts in their fields and can figure out this ancient tech. This stuff seems like it has been preserved here for millions of years. It is amazing it is still working. As soon as they touch it however, a voice on a PA starts talking in a guttural language with many hard consonant sounds and clicks. No one recognizes what it is saying, but after a flow of speech, it seems to be performing a series of short punctuated sounds that almost have the cadence of counting. The aperture on the door opens, but the counting sounds don't stop. Kisada nor his drone see anything that would indicate what might happen at the end of this countdown or from where.

You didn't say you were getting in the tube to look, so if you want me to retcon that you did get in the tube, it will change the result slightly. I don't have a feel on your character well enough to know how cautious they are, but someone else mentioned they weren't going near the plasma with a 10-foot pole, so I thought I would give you the benefit of making a conscious choice. The alternative is you can go back and inspect it more after this countdown business gets resolved. When you first touched the door, you felt something like a rough sandpaper sensation on your fingers, but then the material went back to being perfectly smooth.

Iron Scanda reports nothing to see in the chamber. When you first touched the door you felt something like a rough sandpaper sensation on your fingers, but then the materials went back to being perfectly smooth. The PA system started talking immediately after, before you had even had time to start messing with the lock in any way that could be considered hacking or bypassing


Alright, do you run forward, run back, stay still? No one can tell where a threat might be coming from or what nature the threat might take. You can roll perception, but you have 1 full round to react before something happens, so 1 standard and 1 move action. Remember you can do a full round action to run up to 4x your speed only in a straight line. Otherwise you can do a "double move" to move as both your standard and your move action for your normal speed on each action. If you are a veteran of this system, I am just stating basic rules for those who are not used to it, so don't let me confuse you.

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-11, 02:09 AM
"Countdown," the bear thought out loud, then added, "Be ready for... something." He realized he really didn't know what they should be ready for. He squeezed his bulk through the hallway, taking up the area to the right, hoping he wasn't about to be vaporized by some form of sadistic trap.

"I'll hodor," he half coughed, then cleared his throat, "I'll hold the door." He motioned for Scanda to take the other direction, clearing the area for traps, then used his custom rig to push an energy surge into the door, hopefully overloading it's mechanism and preventing it from being able to close for a few seconds.

The drone took to the left, scanner in hand, checking for hazards as it went.

Actions: Squeeze Move action for Kisada, winding up in squares to the west just north of the doorway (hopefully not setting off a trap or other unpleasant occurrence), then a Standard Action to overload (https://www.aonsrd.com/Classes.aspx?ItemName=Mechanic) the door mechanism (DC 22 if a Save applies).

Iron Scanda will move at half speed (15 ft) through the door and to the left, scanning for traps, etc at a 28.

2023-03-11, 02:37 AM

Delta stays near the stairway watching the room, eyes staring at the others who seem to have clustered around the consoles. They look to Kisada, "So... A countdown. What do we think it will count down to it." Clutching the weapon harder they ready for what may come next eyes scanning constantly

2023-03-11, 04:47 AM
This Unit is... unsure. Brace yourselves.

Uncertainty was a vice ICARUS-II rarely indulged in, but something about this place, that language, brought back memories. Memories the robot did not care for.

2023-03-11, 03:40 PM
Akifansha casts Detect Magic as she hears the countdown. Then, she asks, "What about rushing into the door?"

2023-03-11, 04:08 PM
"Scouting it is." Ram sprints through the door, trying to see what lies beyond, maybe some sort of mechanism to stop whatever is happening, see where hostiles might be, that sort of thing.

Run action it is. Ram moves at x6 speed because of Jet Dash (and isn't flat-footed), and can make turns like with normal movement due to Indirect Retreat. Half movement to explore, other half to come back, so 2x 210ft.

Since I can't really see where I am going, well, just gonna have to trust you on where Ram ends up.

2023-03-12, 12:35 AM
Isar, hearing the big bear yell about a countdown, begins backing back up the stairs carefully. He keeps his pistol pointed in front of him, though, so he can deal with anything that comes out of the tunnel. He stops after retreating about ten feet and waits to see what the others are doing. He projects his machine telepathy out to the mechanical members of the group, <I've backed out of sight, but am within range for a quick return. I will flee or assist, as is warranted by the manner of the countdown's threat.>

2023-03-12, 01:15 AM
FAR-US stepped out after RAM, doing their level best to provide her with as much cover as possible even as they jetted out into the unknown.

33 on perception

FAR-US is going to follow behind Ram for as far as they can with one action before moving back with the other. So 40ft out and 40ft back just to be as close as possible if something goes wrong.

Primary: Gear Array (Polarity Gauntlets, Current)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

2023-03-14, 07:00 AM
The oddly clipped speech pattern resembling a countdown continues on. The group hears something power up, as Kisada quickly moves into the hallway, squeezing his bulk to fit and blocking that side. Iron Scanda moves the other way, easily able to accommodate others who wished to go past him. Ramshackle quickly makes a circuit around the apparently circular hallway beyond, noting 3 doors, one of which is right behind Kisada, as she almost runs into him. She quickly turns around and heads back to her spot within the room, passing FAR-US that had followed part way before turning back as well. Most of the others are frozen with indecision and not wanting to leave anybody behind to face the threat alone. Akifansha casts detect magic and has a hard time understanding the technomagical nature of the device. Isar backs up the stairs slightly, just around the bend from the door. As the whine of electricity reaches an almost painful pitch, a small section of the wall just above the door becomes transparent and a rapid succession, targeting Ram, ICARUS, FAR-US, Akifansha, and Delta. FAR-US is able to use his nanites to shrug off the majority of the damage, but the others feel the beam trying to tear them apart at the molecular level. You hear the energy beginning to build again.

You found it involves transmutation school and seems to use the Disintegrate spell, though it is modified in ways you don't quite understand, and you can't tell what the trigger condition or aiming mechanism or anything.


Oof, that took out most of the Stamina points on everybody and got into the HP on Ram and akifansha. You have another round to decide how you want to react. It seems Kisada and Isar did not get targeted by the beam. However the door looks like it is resetting to close again after whatever Kisada did to it. Ram, ICARUS, Akifansha and Delta take 114 damage. FAR-US takes 25. It was a Fort save to take the lower damage. FAR-US succeeded, everyone else failed. I just pulled the info from your sheet. If you have something that should apply, or you can do to enhance it, feel free to modify and take the lower damage, everything is laid out in the die rolling thread. If you stay in the room for another round, go ahead and roll another Fort save, but you can go up the stairs or you can attempt to follow Kisada into the hallway. You cannot move through Kisada, as he is squeezed into the ~7.5' wide hallway as a 10' bear, he pretty well fills it, but you can go the other way past Iron Scanda.

2023-03-14, 08:46 AM
"Argh, son of a-" Ram bolts back out of the room, as part of the synth filler parts of her abdomen just evaporates. The armor just fills back up, but the body won't without some coaxing. "Everyone into the hallway! Got three doors in here. Taking 10, no one touch anything in the meantime."

Aaand... Ram just sits down, taking a break, though with her gun out. Wait for the system shock from having a disintegrator fired at her to pass, defensive reaction processors ready back up, all that good jazz.

Once that is done, well, she begins the usual space dungeon crawl procedure. Searching for traps everywhere she goes.

Ram moves back into the hallway, leaving enough space for everyone else to get into the thing. 10 minutes of rest to convert 1 RP to fill her Stamina back up. Guess there is little point in using RP for anything else if Starfinder designers are this gung-ho about barfing damage on me.

Afterwards, searching the whole hallway for traps. Trap Spotter applies. [roll0]

2023-03-14, 01:25 PM
Akifansha instinctively attempts to dodge that integration beam, but in futile: apparently the targeting system is more advanced than regular spellcasters.

Akifansha had the feeling that staying in the room is bad, but that precious split second is wasted in investigation and conversation. Anyway, she falls back injured and needs some time to recover as well.

"Damn, disintegration trap..." she says, sounding slightly tired, "I worry it will set off again. I guess I'll try disabling it, but if anything goes wrong again, we run as soon as we hear the countdown." Then she casts additional detect magic in an attempt to help Ramshackle's trapfinding.

( the futile dodge thing is just complaining the trap doesn't require an attack roll but the spell does )

Also uses 1 RP to restore stamina.

Perception to aid Ramshackle (rolled 28 in the roll thread, then I realize that I should not have rolled at all if the DC is 10)

(By the way, is the damage 113 or 114? I see 113 in the rolling thread...)

2023-03-14, 08:52 PM
Compared to how much everyone else clearly staggered under the effects of the beam, FAR-US barely seemed to flinch, save for the cloud of nanites that scattered off of their body and onto the floor. Even so, they waited patiently for everyone else to vacate the deadly foyer before making their own exit.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Gear Array (Polarity Gauntlets, Current)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-15, 01:22 AM
Kisada braced himself for the end of the countdown, then... nothing. But, from the next room he heard the energy discharge and the sounds of pain and terror coming from his compatriots. He glanced back around the corner in horror to see the after effects of the attack, and noted with concern that the weapon seemed to be powering up again. "Get out of there! I can't keep this door open much longer and you could be trapped!"

He pushed further down the narrow corridor, this wasn't the first time his bulk had proved an impediment, but he worried that this would turn out to be the norm for this architecture. He wasn't relishing the idea of having to wedge through the entirety of the ruins. He would have to wait until they saw another corridor to be able to make an educated guess about how inconvenient his size would prove to be.

He directed the drone to head to the nearest door to another chamber, and proceeded to examine it carefully.

Actions: Squeeze Move action for Kisada, down the corridor as far as his 20 ft of move will take him (that counts the half speed penalty for squeezing), then another Move action to take direct control of the drone.

Iron Scanda will double move to the SE door, then examine it using Kisada's Engineering skill for as much information as possible (at a 45)

2023-03-15, 04:17 AM
ICARUS-II runs for it, knowing they can't take another blast like that. Fortunately, their small frame does not require squeezing to get past the others easily.

2023-03-15, 07:10 AM

Delta visibly shakes as the magic washes over them before scrambling back with Ram and the others. “Retreat, Regroup”. They offer as the crouch beside Ram and Akifansha. Looking around the circuitous corridor they suggest. “Scout an alternative route.”

2023-03-15, 11:31 PM
Isar slips back up the corridor to check on his team. "Let me know if I can help with healing."

2023-03-16, 11:13 PM
The group was paralyzed by indecision that nearly killed them. Seeing their comrade safe in the hallway through the door, they start rushing that way, just to see the aperture close. Ram reaches the door, and to her relief it automatically opens again. It seems Kisada did hack it to be unlocked, it just automatically opens and closes upon approach or departure. The rest of the group piles through into the hallway on the other side and takes a 10 minute rest to catch their breath. The disintegration ray seemed to do little more than burn and lightly maim the toughened group, though for it to even do that much, it would have outright killed any lesser explorers.

Iron Scanda finds no traps on any of the doors (since everyone is resting, I assume you inspect them all while they are doing that. I used your 45 Engineering on all of them, so you are pretty confident)

After your rest, you make a circuit around the hallway, but don't see any traps. It seems all the security was in the exterior room.

Sorry I don't have my maps on me, but wanted to go ahead and update, as I will be camping this weekend with no computer access. I can check from my phone, but this site has been crashing my phone lately, so I may not can respond at all until Monday. We are back out of combat and rounds, so you all are free to explore to your heart's content, just refer to the last map for which door you want to open and go through next.

2023-03-17, 05:51 AM

Delta, now feeling a little better takes a breath. “systematic room clearance, 2 to a door?” they ask as they look at the 3 doors off the curved passageway. They move to the nearest door, flame rifle in hand and wait for someone else to stack behind them before they make entry.

2023-03-17, 09:57 AM
Fussy defense processors are ready to go, so Ramshackle flows upwards into a standing stance again. A quick check around the corridor reveals "No traps I can see," followed by stacking up on Delta. "Hell no. They put disintegrators into the silly countdown front door trap. If there's angry magitech robots with those things in here, we'll need all firepower in one place."

Going through the top-left door, I guess?

Also RIP room clearing in RPGs because RPGs don't work well with real life tactics.

2023-03-17, 09:06 PM
"This unit's tactical assessment matches Crewperson Ramshackle's. With a divided force, this unit cannot effectively draw hostile attention or provide adequate fire support given current mission parameters."

FAR-US took a position essentially in front of the door the others were forming up around. It might seem like a suicidal position to take if there were hostiles on the other side, but given how well FAR-US had absorbed a hit from a disintegration beam, it was probably better for them to leave the positions with better cover to the more delicate members of the team.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Gear Array (Polarity Gauntlets, Current)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

2023-03-18, 02:05 PM
Akifansha begrudgingly acknowledges that tactics is needed here, "We can scatter a bit; but let's open one door at a time.".

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-19, 10:10 PM
Having taken the time while the others recovered to thoroughly examine each door, he was sure there were no similar traps in this corridor. He did, however, have some misgivings moving forward.

"The defenses here seem to be automated and quite destructive. We need to stick together and find a way to access the system so we can disable these hostile countermeasures."

He also deeply sighed, then followed with, "It's also worth noting that if the civilians we are here to find fell victim to that trap, or a similar one elsewhere, they would almost certainly be gone now, with no evidence left behind. We will only know for sure if the computer system here has surveillance records, if we are unable to find the civilians with a search."

2023-03-21, 01:38 PM
Kisdada and Ramshackle are easily able to make short work of the door infront of them, getting it to open. There are no idications of further trouble. Delta and FAR-US take point for entering the room. Rows of floor-to-ceiling metal shelves crowd the northern half of this oblong chamber. Packets of ammunition, deconstructed weapons, armor components, and computer parts are crammed onto the shelves. Metal crates labeled in indecipherable symbols form mountainous jumbled piles to the south. A sleek, metallic desk faces the southwestern wall, a sole bastion of tidiness in the haphazardly stocked warehouse. The desk’s multitiered surface supports a computer surrounded by neatly stacked data chip cases.

Nothing seems amiss, so Ram, Iron Scanda, and Kisada follow quickly, seeing all the technology on the shelves and the computer in the far corner. Isar, Akifansha, and ICARUS cover the rear, standing ready in the hallway.


I know Kvard51 and Feathersnow didn't respond specifically to my last update, but from reading the OOC thread, it felt like everyone was resting and it seemed the group consensus was not to split up too much. If the group wants to split up and let 1 engineer focus on this room, while the next group goes to the next door or if the whole group wants to clear this room first, then move on, just let me know. If you want to explore this room, give me a engineering check (for the stuff on shelves and in boxes) or computers check (for the computer) to start investigating. If you want to walk somewhere specific in the room, just let me know as best you can and I'll get it.

2023-03-21, 03:19 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta enters the room cautiously sweeping the room with the gun. Heading to the shelves they starts searching through for any signs of exciting hardware or usable ammunition. "Can someone please assess the data on the computer unit?" they ask as they continue to sweep the shelves.

Perception [roll0] if needed

2023-03-21, 04:13 PM
"Sure, if it doesn't take long," Ram says, walking into the room and over to the computer unit, trying to see if she can learn anything quick. While looking for traps, that is. She takes a few pictures of the crates' labels, just for having additional sivv language to decipher later on.

Automatically looking for traps Ram comes within 10ft of [roll0]

Taking a few pictures of various sivv words visible in the room.

Accessing the computer unit (if this doesn't take an extended amount of time to do so) [roll1]

2023-03-21, 10:56 PM
"Designating location as Rendezvous Point One. Should elements of this squad become separated, or opposition prove overwhelming, gathering here to regroup before exiting the facility would be wise."

As the others took stock of the room's contents FAR-US stayed by the door, ready to react should hostiles appear from deeper in the facility. They were not in need of further armaments of the kinds found in what appeared to be a secure armory.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Gear Array (Polarity Gauntlets, Current)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 72/80

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-22, 01:28 AM
Seeing Ramshackle move to work on the computer, Kisada instead began to rummage through the various gear and parts, using his custom rig to create a basic catalog he could transmit to the others.

"There seems to be a good variety of parts and equipment here, it could be quite lucrative as salvage. I'll try to put together a quick list of what is here, but we will need more time to conduct a thorough accounting, hopefully on our way out with the civilians in tow."

Kisada will make an Engineering check to ID the technology here at a 37, which includes the +2 from Aid Another from the drone at a 25. He also made a Perception check at 25 in case it should matter. Due to Roboticist Theme Knowledge, Kisada has -5 to DCs to ID technology, but he is also going through quickly and not taking the time to do a proper search, so that might increase DC.

2023-03-22, 09:59 AM
Isar begins searching for things that could improve his ability to deal with a variety of threats. He usually brought along a greater variety of weapons on missions, but his lasgun had been lost in his previous endeavor, and his plasma rifle was still being repaired after it was damaged during his time in the Drift.

"If you see an energy weapon, please let me know. I am limited in options at the moment due to circumstances beyond my control."


2023-03-22, 12:45 PM
"Let's find out what's inside" Akifansha also attempts gaining access to the computer.

Computer check rolled 31 :(

2023-03-24, 12:53 AM
This unit is not an expert in such areas, I defer to your judgement, unit Ramshackle

2023-03-25, 03:39 AM
Delta, Kisada with Iron Scanda, and Isar begin to spread out to search for any useful equipment. Akifansha, Ramshackle, and ICARUS head toward the computer station to investigate. FAR-US stays by the door with a sharp eye out for trouble.

The shelves seem to be filled with pieces of equipment that had already been scavenged for key parts, rendering them useless except as spare parts for repair. There are a few batteries, but they don't easily interface with modern weapons and would require a few minutes work to modify. Kisada just spots an interesting piece of armor as Ram and Akifansha approach the computer. Ram sees the same kind of DNA lock on the computer like has been on all the doors so far. Apparently whoever ran this facility only wanted certain races moving around freely and accessing equipment, implying a slave race as well. Ram feels confident in her ability to by-pass it just like the door, but before she can get further than touching it, the armor Kisada had spotted suddenly animates. The helmet snaps over to the area Ram is in, as the shelf it was on gets knocked over and an energy shield generates in front of it. It pulls up its weapon and fires one quick shot with a rifle. Ram is easily able to dodge out of the way, as the group prepares for combat


You can see the energy shield as the green line in front of the enemy. The shelving that is right in front of Kisada and to the north west is still standing and provides partial cover for it. We will cover what you found better after the fight. You saw the animated armor fire its weapon through the shield toward Ram, though you strongly suspect it will provide some protection to the creature from you. it has swords for arms and the gun in on top of its head.

2023-03-25, 10:46 AM
Ram bends/falls backwards as soon as the shot comes, momentarily positioned in a spider walk stance. Her head cranes to look at the armor drone before she leaps and twists onto one of the shelves, perched on it like an insect as a burst of static erupts near the armor. The audiovisual glitch in thin air coincides with a thumping shot from Ramshackle's pistol aimed at a motivator (or the closest equivalent), and by the time the phenomenon abruptly cuts out, the android has already scurried down behind a shelve into cover.

Full Action Trick Attack. Ram moves full speed, ignoring difficult terrain (Sure-Footed exploit), first leaping onto the nearest shelf (Jet Dash, Ram's high speed, and high Athletics should make this trivial), firing at the drone from a position where she shoots around the green barrier, then moving off to the gap between the top two shelves next to the wall, and into cover (due to Shot on the Run).

Taking 10 on Engineering (with +4 bonus from Gadgeteer Operative specialization) for 43 for the Trick Attack vs a DC of 20+ target's CR, by making use of her JMPSCR gadget. If Ram succeeds on this check, the target is rendered flat-footed against this attack. If she also hits with her attack, she uses the Staggering Shot exploit to render the animated armor staggered until the start of Ram's next turn, unless it succeeds on a DC 24 Fortitude check.
On hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

2023-03-25, 05:30 PM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta starts up a little as the amalgam of guns and blades rises up. With an angle beyond the shield he slaps the overcharge button and releases a lance of flame with a shoot of “Contact left.”

Move: boost flame rifle
Standard fire at it through cover [roll0] dam [roll1]
+ using deadly aim
+ Ignore 2 points of cover
+ Ignore first 10 points of DR or resistance

2023-03-26, 11:35 AM
Snapping to attention in the face of a sudden attack, FAR-US immediately shouldered their way through the shelves. A plasma emitter have formed in their hands in a matter of seconds. The gap between the shelves was distinctly too small for the hulking combat synthetic but that did not much matter to them as the simply barreled through.

Raising their hefty weapon as though it were just a standard battle rifle, it snapped off a shot and splashed one of the animated armor's flanks with searing plasma.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Rapid Reshape Gear Array (Polarity Gauntlets, Current->Conqueror, Blue Star)
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Swift Action: Rapid Reshape primary gear array to Conqueror, Blue Star
-Recharges in 2 rounds
Move Action: Moving west through the gap in the shelves and then using my remaining movement to get as close as possible
Standard Action: Attacking with Conqueror, Blue Star
-Attack 34
-Damage 34 E/F, ignores 13 Hardness

Charges: 72/80

2023-03-26, 11:41 AM
ICARUS-II can't get a good shot in with their Artillery Lazer, and so attempts to see if this thing knows a language they speak. The command Halt echoes forth.

trying again to issue a command with my tyrant class feature. Not hopeful, but the oversized weapon I have risks friendly fire in cramped conditions.

2023-03-26, 01:10 PM
Akifansha shoots, then moves northwards to use a shelf as a cover.

(rolled in the appropriate thread)

Laser Rifle, Aphelion
To-hit: (1d20+17)[36]
Damage: (3d6+13)[23] fire

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-26, 06:08 PM
The sudden movement of the 'armor' surprised the big mechanic. He shouldered forward with his bulk, putting himself just on the other side of the energy shield, and unleashed his Gravity Pulse in close proximity. He then attempted to override the machine, either suppressing it's AI for a moment in confusion, or completely subverting it's command and control depending on how developed it's internal security routines were.

The drone, unable to get a good shot lane without getting in the way of other members of the party, simply hunkered down and took cover.

Kisada will Move 2 squares down and one square to the right. Using his Custom Rig, he will activate his Gravity Pulse Unit (https://www.aonsrd.com/ArmorUpgrades.aspx?ItemName=Gravity%20Pulse%20Unit&Family=None) (Reflex DC 21) as a Free Action with a 5 ft range using his Complex Control computer module. He will use his Override (https://www.aonsrd.com/Classes.aspx?ItemName=Mechanic) power on the enemy (Will DC 22). If I should get very lucky and it fail by 10, my choices for dictating it's turn (should it live long enough to take one) will be to first transmit the highest level security login and password it knows for this facility to me, second to drop the energy shield it formed, and third to eject the battery/ammo supply from it's primary ranged weapon (in that order depending on what kind of action each of those things is decided to be).

Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 38/40

2023-03-27, 04:23 PM
Isar circles around the backside of the shelf he is facing and maneuvers until he can see the armor clearly. He casts a spell attempting to counter the magic that animates the armor.

Move - Move up to 60' to get around the shelving in the middle to get line of sight to the armor.
Standard - Dispel Magic using Chronomatic Flow to increase the DC by 1, so DC21

2023-03-28, 08:59 AM
Ram is able to move with unnatural grace as she bends backwards, then effortlessly propels herself ontop of the shelves and quickly shoots over the shield, nailing the armor in the helmet and causing obvious damage, before continuing on northward to find cover again.

Delta takes aim with his agitator rifle, hearing the hum as the capacitors charge up and a high whine when the microwave emitter kicks in squarely hitting the armor in the chest piece. You can see the metal super heat as flame erupts out around some of the armor joints. The armor seems to take little notice of the flames though, the super heated metal is turning liquid and dripping off in places.

FAR-US moves up through the shelves, a bit awkwardly, just knocking them out of the way to make room. The shelves don't quite fall, but the android is able to just power through the gap. The battle rifle fires and while the plasma causes electrical arks to flash around the armor, clearly disrupting some of its integrity, the heat seems to have little effect.

ICARUS-II attempts to command the creature again but this time, it doesn't even turn or react to the fact that words were said.

Akifansha shoots her laser rifle, but again the heat doesn't seem as effective as it would be in other circumstances. There is minor damage, but not as much as you expect.

Kisada steps up to the armor and sets off his Gravity Pulse Unit, but its multiple legs seem to help stabilize it enough not to be caught off guard by the sudden pulse. Pulling up his Custom Rig, he attempts to override whatever controls it has, but finds the task very difficult. It is definitely technological in nature but it shrugs off his attempt and the brief glimpse Kisada gets of how it works seems to indicate it is not purely technological, with aspects of technomagical essence clearly present.

Isar can sense the technomagical nature of the armor and attempts to use dispel magic to drive it away;however the animated harness seems too powerful to be driven away by the spell. It does not seem to react at all.

The armor moves its helmet in a quick scan of the room, fire pouring out of it chest plate, but seeming not to care. It quickly repositions its shield to cover its northen flank, considering that to be the more dangerous side, before lifting its giant body to slam down on Kisada hitting with a lot of force.


Unfortunately this time it doesn't work for reasons other than language. I will say that you can learn the language of these aliens as we go, but unfortunately it wouldn't help with this particular encounter. This complex is incredibly old, so the chance of running into those aliens here is slim, so you have a good chance to being able to use this in an encounter here. I'm not trying to make this hard, I want you to have your abilities.

You definitely got its attention, but it must think it can deal with you before you cause enough damage for it to care, as it slams you for 55 bludgeoning damage. I don't know if you have any way to mitigate, but feel free to apply anything that would affect it. The repositioning of its shield does NOT provoke an AOO.
You get the sense that while this is a technomagical being, it was not summoned nor the direct effect of a spell, but somehow has come to be as a "natural" part of this place.
This thing has taken a punishment, but is still up. You've done 165 damage to it this round, but clearly fire based things aren't as effective against it. You are welcome to do a Mysticism or Engineering check to identify more about it DC 32. Tell me what kind of information you are looking for: special powers, defenses, attacks, etc. Otherwise, good luck continueing to plug away at it.

2023-03-28, 01:02 PM
Seeing it orient the shield towards them, FAR-US simply shifted their emitter to a one-handed grip and plodded forward. Balling a hand into a fist, they slammed it into the crackling energy shield with enough force to reduce a standard humanoid's torso into a soup-like homogenate.

The logic was simple, trying to defend against FAR-US left it more open to taking fire from the rest of the team. FAR-US just had to keep its attention and keep reminding it that they were a threat.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

-Rapid Reshape recharges in 1 rounds

Move Action: To the enemy's shield
Standard Action: Attacking shield with power armor attack (I know this is unlikely to do anything)
-Attack 36
-Damage 39 b

Charges: 64/80

Engineering: 36
I specifically want to identify special abilities and more specifically what this shield effect is if I can. If I can its resistances would be good to know.

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-29, 01:22 AM
Having been slammed by the robotic foe, Kisada gave a rumbling sigh.

"Well, if you just want to be brutal about things..."

His claws locked into place, and his electrical defenses crackled around them.

"I can oblige."

He tried to tear into the armored hide of his foe, while Iron Scanda moved to unleash some covering fire.

The enemy will take 5 Electrical damage from attacking Kisada in melee due to his Electrostatic Field. Unless it bypasses my DR, Kisada takes 53 damage from the attack (ouch).

Kisada will make an Engineering check to ID Special Powers at a 45 (and -5 DC due to Roboticist Theme Knowledge), then make a Full Attack with his claws electrified at (*tries not to cry*) 22 and 19 vs KAC, because that is how I roll when it matters, dice or RNG doesn't make any difference. If by some miracle either of those rolls hit, damage would be 40+6 Electrical from the first attack and 36+7 Electrical from the second.

The drone moves South 30 ft and provides Covering Fire with it's Autolaser at a 32 (yes, it rolled better for a roll it can't miss except on a one than both of my claw rolls combined), providing Kisada with +3 AC vs. the next attack targeting him (the extra +1 due to the Tactical Weapon Fusion).

Stamina: 52/105
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 37/40

2023-03-29, 03:09 AM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta grins as the shield rotates before and dashes to the south skirting the field, a stream of fire darting from his rifle as he seeks to agrressively take it down. With a brief cry of “Moving in” they dart forward to engage

Using nimble fusillade
Move 20ft south to walk around the shield
Shoot 3 times
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

+ using deadly aim
+ Ignore 2 points of cover
+ Ignore first 10 points of DR or resistance

2023-03-29, 07:14 AM
Seeing how the armor is deciding to show her the force field and beat on Kisada, Ram bounds back up the shelves, followed by a big leap through the room transitioning into a slide carrying her behind Kisada, ICARUS, and Akifansha. As she is sliding, the armors sensor arrays is assaulted by random overlapping waves of garbled signals, and promptly uses the opening to shoot said sensors for good measure, bullet from the horribly archaic analog gun travelling through the gap between the force field and under Kisada's arm. One foot is planted on the ground and the android's momentum is channeled to return to a standing position, in a motion that looks like fluid flowing upwards.

The shot pierces straight through the helmet section's "eye", wafts of plasma-like blue energy streaming from the hole as technomagical energy circuits are damaged and begin to fail. The animated armor shakes as energy streams out of it haphazardly alongside the fire, limbs spasming and seizing up until it freezes. It stands there for a few moments, only to collapse to the floor.

Ramshackle, for her part, scans the room for something else that might want to shoot them, and once nothing wishes to perforate the party, she slides the magazine out of her pistol, tops it up with two high-caliber bullets, slides it back in, and puts it away. The process is swift, smooth, and looks exactly like how she reloaded earlier after the brief air elemental fight.

With the action handled, she is back on the computer.

You will never guess, but Ram does a...

Full Action Trick Attack. Ram moves full speed, once again jumping over the nearest shelf, and moves behind Kisada, ICARUS, and Akifansha (if 70ft movement with all the jumping is enough).

Taking 10 on Engineering for the Trick Attack check for 43 (DC 20+CR), using JMPSCR as usual. If the check succeeds, the target is flat-footed against this attack. If Ram both succeeds with the skill check and the attack, she uses Debilitating Trick to render the armor off-target until the beginning of Ram's next turn (no save).

On hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

2023-03-29, 09:31 PM
Isar, seeing the maginetic suit of armor go down, decides he wants a closer look. The energy field seems an interesting device, if it is modular or can be modified as such.

2023-03-30, 02:37 AM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta steps back as the set of armour falls to the ground in a trail of smoking plasma. "Contact terminated." Blowing the smoke from the end of the incinerator Delta goes back to searching through the equipment packed in the room allowing the others to examine the fallen body of the magitech defender. "Search for recoverable items and move on?" they suggest to the others.

Perception [roll0]

2023-03-30, 06:14 AM
FAR-US identifies the armor's shield as the most powerful of its resources and attacks it directly. The energy shield seems to absorb the attack with just a shimmer and small ripple. The armor seems to show almost no reaction to the attempt at all.

Kisada's own electrical shield sends off a spark into the armor as it attacked, then the giant bear locks his power-armor enchanced claws into place and attempts to rip into the armor, however the technomagical nature of the connections between armor pieces doesn't really allow him to gain purchase and his attacks just pass through the space between armor segments. Iron Scanda fires a few distracting shots to keep the armor off kilter in its reply.

Delta calmly takes a few steps forward before unloading his microwave plasma into the armor to pretty devestating effect. The metal once again super-heats and starts to melt in odd places, opening up holes to the delicate and vulnerable insides.

Ramshackle sees her chance and nimbly jumps up onto the shelves again to dart across near the ceiling and jump gracefully off to slide and land among her allies. She then expertly aims a shot that follows on a sudden chirping noise of garbled signals to distract it. The bullet arks beautifully between Akifansha and ICARUS, under Kisada's arm, right by Delta as he moves into place, and hits the armor square in the freshly exposed area of its helmet's insides, shattering whatever sensors it had and causeing the entire thing to lose cohesion and fall to the ground in pile of unmoving pieces, whatever technomagical forces had animated it streaming away back to the ether. She does a quick scan of the room, before returning to the computer for information.

The rest of the team takes a quick check around, sweeping the area again, but nothing else malicious seems to pop up. Everyone uneasily goes back to rumaging through the old materials in the room, picking through to see what they can find.

Now that it is dead, those of you who attempted to identify can confir together and come up with the following: It is a piece of armor that was somehow animated with technomagical essence, presumably from all the technomagy used in this area. It was a construct, so immune to normal construct things, and two pretty cool upgrades. It has a thermal capacitor mk 3 (which infers DR 15 vs fire and cold) and a titan shield armor upgrade that projected the shield you saw. In addition is has an integrated executioner disintergrator rifle and an integrated strident wailing blade. These weapons can be removed and retrofitted to be carried, but it'll take some engineering (DC 35). There is also a super-capacity battery (80 charges max) in the rifle. Finally the machine seems to have been mindless and unliving, so there was no way to command or control it, it was just an extension of whatever controls this entire facility.

In addition to the loot mentioned above for the armor, you find a suit of enginerunner armor, a mk 1 spell reflector armor upgrade, three ultra-capacity batteries, and a vorpal fusion seal (18th). This enginerunner armor and the commander's harness armor that you fought are tailored to the Sivv anatomy of the previous occupants with a central turtle-shell-shaped covering and a series of flexible but sturdy plates emerging from one end that you guess to be the top. Wearing this armor will require it to be refitted to a humaniod body. The Commander's Harness armor is unusable, though the weapons can attempt to be salvaged.You can also attempt a DC 32 life Science check to deduce more about the Sivv anatomy.

Ram is easily able to bypass the DNA scanner on the computer. Everything here is locked to 1 particular type of DNA (you would guess Sivv based on the little bit you know, though it does seem another race lived here too). Immediately Ram recognizes this is a tier 5 computer, and she is barely able to hack it since she doesn't quite understand the language, but recognizes enough of the structure from a computer code/interface perspective to intelligently guess. Being tier 5, this computer has a lot of information (all in the Sivvian language, of course, so even navigating menus is difficult). If Ram is willing to take a few hours, she could probably parse though and get enough to begin a translation and get useful information. Alternatively, she can pull out her comm unit and video as much as she can of what scrolls past on the screen to translate later, but not have access to cross-reference if a deeper dive is needed on something. There seems to be no way to download or interface to this machine here, as there must be a central control or primary access spot somewhere else.

Alright, if you want to take any of the equipment it is a DC 28 Engineering check and 10 minutes to refit it to modern technology and/or your humanoid bodies. Also if anyone wants to take a 10 minute rest to recover Stamina, it would seem now is a good time to do that. Let me know what all you want to do.

2023-03-30, 09:59 AM
"Beefy rig, but nothing that stands out past the language barrier. Gotta be a primary terminal elsewhere. I'll come back to it later. Priorities." Since they absolutely do not have hours right now, Ram just does a quick record of everything she happens upon.

If people want to take a breather, she instead helps with fixing up/retrofitting the found equipment. Since she is kind of good at that, as FAR-US's ship mechanic. Go figure.

Once everyone's done, if a direction needs to be picked, Ram leads the way anti-clockwise through the corridor to the southern door, waits for everyone to stack up, then opens the door to see what sort of fun and exciting surprises may wait for them.

Ram can take 10 on Engineering checks, so she auto-succeeds. If her Vaster background that speeds up repairs applies here, she also gets the work done faster.

2023-03-30, 02:33 PM
"The fight was scarier than I thought" Akifansha comments as she finds the vorpal fusion seal. She then studies the Sivv anatomy.

Among the loots, she is only interested in the thermal capacitor, which is a direct upgrade of her current one.

(1d20+24)[41] Life science, rolled in the roll thread

2023-03-30, 04:02 PM
"I'm seeing y'all eye your new toys, but I'm only fixing up the armor and the rifle while Kisada takes a break. The next time I'll retrofit something is when someone needs to recover again so they don't bite the dust in the next fight. We've got people to find." Ram goes about fixing up the two items with her usual speed of repairs, quite literally in half the time most people would need. This isn't a leisurely stroll, gotta hustle.

Lord Bayushi
2023-03-31, 12:59 AM
While the others looked over the fallen foe and the various loot, Kisada tended his wounds. He expressed interest at the shield module that the animated armor had used, but allowed the others to take point while he rested.

Sorry, not much of a post, I'm exhausted and didn't want the game to be waiting on me. 10 minute rest to recover Stamina.

Resolve: 11/12
Stamina: 105/105
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 37/40

2023-04-01, 12:02 PM
ICARUS-II takes watch, being unhurt from the fight and little interested in the loot.

2023-04-02, 03:57 PM
"Requesting status. Please indicate when all assets are prepared to advance further into the facility."

FAR-US again reformed their weapon into a melee form in preparation for continuing to sweep through hostile territory.
SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Polarity Gauntlets, Current
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 64/80

Engineering: 36
I specifically want to identify special abilities and more specifically what this shield effect is if I can. If I can its resistances would be good to know.

2023-04-02, 04:05 PM

Delta, checking the fit on the new armour grins and nods. "Unit Delta is ready to move out and sweep the next room. Ammunition acceptable." they add as they glance at the glowing power charge indicator on the side petrol tank for the flame rifle. "Be wary for more automated defence systems" they add as they form up to follow FAR-US out the door and into the next room.

2023-04-02, 07:01 PM
Unit ICARUS-II ready to engage

2023-04-05, 04:01 PM
The group stacks up and heads to the room in the south of the corridor. Kisada and Ram check for any traps on their way, but don't see anything, then FAR-US, ICARUS, and Delta take point to breach and sweep the room.

This room’s vibrant purple walls subtly expand and contract in a motion eerily reminiscent of a living organ. A network of metal pipes connects three free-standing metal cylinders along the chamber’s northeastern wall. Three metallic examination tables with circular indents at one end occupy most of the room.

This is the first time the technomagical biomass that makes up the walls has appeared alive. Ram, Akifansha, and Kisada feel a strange overwhelming sense of dread like something is watching them and wants to eat their soul or other foul memories from boogeymen of their childhood.

Each of the metallic examination tables have a computer terminal that can be accessed and the metal cylinders seem to have something in them, but it'll take more than a casual glance to decern. FAR-US sweeps the west side of the room while ICARUS and Delta sweep to the south, but there appears to be nothing obvious in the room to cause this strange feeling some of the others are having.


There is no status effect from this sense of dread for the ones affected. Alright, let me know what you want to explore. The examination tables are a computers check, you can just roll perception to see more or tell me where you want to look, or you can roll a mystacism check to find out more about this strange feeling in the room. I have the info from the previous rolls coming too, but I wanted to go ahead and get this out so that everyone could let me know where they were going and what they were doing in this room.

Lord Bayushi
2023-04-06, 01:46 AM
The pulsating wall and eerie ambiance of the chamber disturbed Kisada. As a large and capable bear, he wasn't often afraid of anything, well, except for the void of space. This was something else entirely, a 'being' perhaps, with assumed malevolent intent.

"We should be cautious here, there are clearly unnatural forces afoot."

As he scanned the room, he decided his talents would be best used at the computer terminal, but decided to consult with the others first.

"I can take a look at the computer terminal, but we should probably make sure nothing in here is going to stand up and start shooting first."

He placed Iron Scanda into standby mode, afraid that it might start trying to scavenge something that could lead to a deadly result.

Kisada takes the cautious approach, holding off poking at the computer until we can search the room for hidden dangers that don't take the forms of traps. For his part of said searching, he rolled a nat 20 (for a 37 total, Perception isn't Kisada's best talent).

Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 37/40

2023-04-06, 02:40 PM
Ram wrinkles her nose as she enters the room and says shortly after Kisada: "Eugh. Aye, magic's being screwy here." She doesn't seem particularly eager to go further into the pulsating room. "I see a lab slash morgue with data pads for autopsy notes and readouts. So unless y'all fine folks want to root around in here, I'm filing the throbbing art installation under 'worthless to the mission'."

And with that, Ram just walks out of the room, waiting for the rest. She has her gun ready in case something does want to try and actively mess with them instead of just making Ram feel like she wants a maintenance shower. But mostly, she just wants to leave for the third door, to perhaps discover some survivors or central terminals.

2023-04-06, 03:27 PM
Unit: ICARUS-II concurs. Continue primary mission.

This was deeply unsettling, but it wasn't what they were here for. And something alive wasn't one of the siblings and thus was not worth going off mission to destroy.

2023-04-06, 09:35 PM
"Observed effect is outside of this unit's parameter for tactical assessment. Please indicate if it should be eliminated."

FAR-US flexed their gauntlets, triggering a series of malignant sparks across the matte black material, but was otherwise still and waited patiently for further directions or indications of hostility from the elements of the room.
SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Polarity Gauntlets, Current
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Charges: 64/80

2023-04-07, 01:16 AM

Delta sweeps the room and looks about carefully, weapon readied. “Reminds me of Vesk prisoner quarters during the war.” they suggest as they sweep the room. Seeing the terminals they take up a position near the door, “I’ll post sentry whilst the terminal is interrogated.”

2023-04-07, 04:18 AM
Ram adds to FAR-US: "Don't shoot the walls. Unless they're getting aggressive."

2023-04-09, 01:46 PM
Akifansha "I have a bad feeling about this place. Something ominous is watching me."

She casts Detect Magic and gazes at the technomagical biomass trying to figure out something about that thing.

Rolled 11 out of d20 in the roll thread.
Not sure what skill to use, Engineering is +24, Life Science is +24, and Mysticism is +22.

2023-04-13, 06:08 AM
Looking at the armor from the previous room, you can tell that these Sivvs that were dominant on the planet were Medium non-humanoids with either long, segmented necks or thick, prehensile tails.

Most of the group doesn't note anything except the sense of dread and unease this room causes, but then Akifansha casts detect magic on the wall to figure out what it is, and suddenly 3 horrendous creatures come bursting out of vats to the north.

It flys into the air near the roof and casts a spell in a harsh language that sounds a weird mixture of gasping and rocks smashing on each other. Suddenly you feel the spell trying to take hold and confuse your sense.



You recognize the language as Abyssal.

You just detect the same strange mixture of technology and magic that suffuse the whole area in the walls. Though this magic seems corrupted by evil influence that has somehow strengthened it to almost be alive.

It'll be Mystacism to identify these outsides. They are holding something green that appears to be a whip and looks about 10ft long. They look like a horribly mutated mass of misshapen bones, sinew, teeth and tumors that don't quite make up a whole body, but somehow it stays together and is flying without issue 15 foot off the floor ready to attack. They casts confusion and so I need you to roll a DC 22 Will save and if you fail, roll 1d100 to find the effect here (https://www.aonsrd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Confusion&Family=Confusion). It lasts for 11 rounds, so you really don't want to fail. Each of them casts this spell in such a way that between the 3 burst areas, everyone is caught.

2023-04-13, 10:32 AM
ICARUS-II begins to sing a nonsense lullaby in the language of their creators...

2023-04-13, 02:38 PM
"Aw f-" And before Ram can finish, she suddenly stands like she is a puppet hanging on strings, head limp to the side.

In a distorted voice like she spoke backwards, but the recording was reversed again, she says "thE flesH oF falleN angelS" and without looking, her arm whips up with uncanny speed, like it has no connections to the rest of her motion apparatus, and shoots at Delta.

Ram has to attack the nearest creature, which happens to be Delta. Sorry. :smallfrown:


2023-04-13, 04:26 PM

Delta steps aside as Ram fires at them, rolling some 20ft to the south beside the terminal they glance at Ram, a stern “Check targeting systems.” Before the flame rifle heats up and fires twice at the central beast

Move 20ft south
Rapid fire x2
[roll0] dam [roll1] Vs EAC
[roll2] dam [roll3] Vs EAC

Ignore 2 AC from cover (if applicable)
Ignore 10 DR or 10 energy resistance
+1 AC for elusive target

2023-04-13, 10:23 PM
"Hostile mental effect registered. Engaging source."

For the second time since entering this facility, FAR-US found themself on the wrong side of the room for the weapon they currently had equipped. If the implacable combat synth was capable of feeling annoyance, they might have felt it now.

Again, the plasma emitter formed in their hands as the gauntlets dissolved and they wheeled around to face the trio of floating tumor-things menacing the rest of the team. Picking a target, they fired without hesitation.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Primary: Polarity Gauntlets, Current>Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Swift Action: Rapid Reshape
-Recharges in 0/3 rounds
Move Action: Boost
Standard Action: Attack targeting middle creature if I can, southern most if not with Conqueror, Blue Star
-Attack: 28 EAC
-Damage: 44 E/F

Charges: 56/80

Lord Bayushi
2023-04-14, 11:47 AM
Suddenly finding himself and his drone surrounded by taclash wielding foes, Kisada went on the defensive. He took direct control of Iron Scanda, commanding it to tactically retreat, while raising a shield of energy around himself and preparing for the assault to come.

"Those taclashes can stun you, be careful. I'll see if I can keep these two focused on me."

Kisada Master Controls his drone, commanding it to Withdraw, winding up 3 squares West and 4 squares South of it's current position, taking cover behind the table there.

Kisada activates his Energy Shield (with the Boosted Energy Shield trick), giving himself 30 Temp HP in the form of a glowing energy barrier. He will face off against the two foes who have him in reach for the moment.

Temp HP: 30
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 37/40

2023-04-16, 05:37 PM
Akifansha was puzzled for a moment, "Did I cast Detect Magic or Summon Creature? ... well, I don't even know Summon Creature!"

Then, a moment of clarity. Realizing that this clarity might not last long, she aims at the creature at the corner, charging magical energy into her bullets, unleashing a surge of electricity arc towards the other two monsters. The residue energy from her spell allows her to fly if needed.

Move Action: Empowered Weapon (2)
Attack Action: Spellshot (Arcing Surge)
Reaction: Spend 1 RP to gain effect of the second lesson

(rolled on the roll thread)
Confused but act normal this turn.
To hit: (1d20+19)[37]
Damage: (5d6+13)[31] fire damage
Arcing Surge: (10d6)[39] electricity damage, 120 foot line from the creature I hit, DC 23 reflex half.

Aphelion Laser Rifle charge: 34/40
RP: 10/12
Spell slots: used a level 2 one and a level 3 one

2023-04-17, 02:56 PM
ICARUS seems to lose all coherent ability and starts singing a song no one else understands, maybe to comfort itself.

Ram's reaction seems to be to lash out at the nearest thing, as she fires at Delta, who is able to easily move out of the way. Thankfully Ram had tried to move out of the room and Delta had pretty good cover through the doorway.

Delta admonishes Ram, but stays focused on the newly spawned enemies, firing 2 quick shots. The first misses wide, but the second connects solidly, bursting some of the swollen tumor-like growths on its body and spraying bodily fluids onto the area beneath the creature.

FAR-US reshapes their weapon into the big gun, takes aim and fires at the middle creature again, hitting it square in stomach, though the impact is not quite what it should be for the heavy weapon.

Kisada moves his drone out of the direct line of attack for these creatures and then prepares his shield for maximum withstanding.

Akifansha fights through her confusion to focus on the creatures once more, lashing out with her laser rifle at the northmost one, hitting it square in the chest, but again not having all the punch expected for such a perfectly aimed hit. Suddenly a line of electricity shoots from the creatures chest and arcs through the other two creatures, spreading the damage to each in turn, though they manage to dodge a bit and not get hit quite so square as the first.

The creatures then take stock of who is able to fight back and start attacking accordingly. The one to the north turns its attention to akifansha who just attacked focusing intently, as she suddenly clasps her head in pain. The middle instead turns to FAR-US with the same intense focus, causing them to grab their head in pain. The southern most one instead flies forward and tries to bite Delta, but Delta is able to duck behind the table and avoid the bite.

The creature casts mind thrust against you for 24 points of damage. If you have spell resistance, it would apply (this is a 2nd level spell cast at 11th level CL). Your mind is filled with images of medium humaniod turtle looking creatures subjecting other medium humanoid creatures (that just look like people) to intense radiation while strapped to the tables you see around this room. The bodies cook and you see all the horrifying effects of intense radiation poisoning. Also, since you got attacked, you automatically get to attack back next round without rolling on the confusion table.

You take 18 points of damage from the creature casting Mind Thrust on you. Your mind is filled with images of medium humaniod turtle looking creatures subjecting other medium humanoid creatures (that just look like people) to intense radiation while strapped to the tables you see around this room. The bodies cook and you see all the horrifying effects of intense radiation poisoning.

You get an attack of opportunity as the creature flies in to bite you and then fly back up into the air.


Alright, pretty lackluster performance from the creatures so far. We'll see if they become more dangerous or continue to hit like a wet noodle. If you are within 10 feet of any of these creatures and attempt a ranged attack, you will provoke an AOO.

2023-04-17, 04:08 PM
".shE dyeD heR haiR reD"

Another thumping shot erupts from Ram's pistol, this time aimed straight for Kisada.

Ram is still confused and rolled another attack vs the nearest creature. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25759522&postcount=92) Isar seems to be standing on an intersection, so who is closer is kind of hard to tell for me. I flipped a coin and it landed on Kisada. Sorry. :smallfrown:


2023-04-17, 09:04 PM
"Maintaining target. Requesting friendly assets check in."

FAR-US was not much for understand the mental states of organics or even other synthetics. Their skills were very focused. Even so, they were wagering whatever was affecting some of their allies would at least be obvious in their voices.

They aimed and fired again, trying to perform what analysis they could on how the enemy reacted to their weapon. Clearly plasma was not the correct choice here and they were sorting through their tactical options as quickly as they could.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Primary: Polarity Gauntlets, Current>Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

Swift Action: Rapid Reshape
-Recharges in 1/3 rounds
Move Action: Boost
Standard Action: Shooting same target with Conqueror, Blue Star
-Attack: 27 EAC
-Damage: 50 E/F

Charges: 48/80

2023-04-18, 02:14 AM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta ducks to the side as the massive beast lands near them, rolling sideways to avoid the bit and delivers a savage uppercut to the creature as it tries to flee upwards. They continue the roll circling backwards to avoid the beast's relying on natural mobility to evade any attacks as they retreated.

AoO using unarmed strike [roll0] vs KAC dam [roll1] (Ignore 5 DR or 10 resistance)

Full attack, but 15ft SE towards the southern wall first. Movement will trigger AoO, but mobility feat gives me extra +4 AC vs the AoO (EAC 37/ KAC 39 vs the AoO)
- Shoot twice with deadly aim
- [roll2] dam [roll3] vs EAC, E/F
- [roll4] dam [roll5] vs EAC, E/F

AC +1 for elusive target
Ignore 10 points of DR or Resistance due to feats/abilities

Lord Bayushi
2023-04-21, 11:39 AM
As the hostile creatures flew around him, Kisada swatted at one when he had an opening. He barely noticed Ram's shot glancing off his armor plating. Seeing another creature chase in the direction of Iron Scanda held his attention, and he commanded the drone to back off carefully, and assist his assault as he let loose another flurry of claw attacks.

"I hate to think how long it will take me to scrub your disgusting innards from my armor, but this must end." He trailed off into a roar as he batted at the floating foes.

Kisada takes his AoO at the SE most target, for a 33 vs KAC, and 34 slashing damage.

Ram's attack fails to connect.

He commands the drone to take a Guarded Step to the N, then it uses Harrying Fire against the same target as Kisada used his AoO on, for a 30, providing a bonus to his next attack.

Kisada then lets his feral instincts loose, swatting away in a Full Attack at the same target (unless the first attack drops that creature, then he will attack the other one). He doesn't electrify his attacks.

His dice roll results are improbably consistent: 38 vs KAC and 38 slashing damage for each attack.

Temp HP: 30
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 36/40

2023-04-21, 12:52 PM
"They torture us! Radiation!" Akifansha shouts, slightly incoherently. Fortunately, her gun still points at the general direction of a monster, but the accuracy definitely takes a hit...

Full attack against whoever mindthrusted her.

Attack one:
To-hit: (1d20+13)[25]
Damage: better of (3d6+13)[24] and (3d6+13)[22]

Attack two
To-hit: (1d20+13)[24]
Damage: better of (3d6+13)[18] and (3d6+13)[19]

Sigh, probably two misses.

Aphelion Laser Rifle charge: 32/40
Stam: 80/104

2023-04-24, 03:31 PM
ICARUS-II starts flailing wildly, injuring itself slightly. This is not very dignified...

2023-04-25, 08:56 AM
ICARUS switches from singing incoherently to thrashing about, but luckily its armor is strong enough to negate most of the damage.

Ram's continues to lash out at the nearest thing, as she fires at Kisada, who just lets the attack be absorbed by his armor to negate the damage.

Delta quickly reacts to the creature attacking him, getting a quick hit in as it tries to fly back up. She then tries to roll out of the reach of the creature before firing two more shots into the things chest, where you can see burn marks.

FAR-US requests a check-in from everyone, then takes aim and fires at the middle creature again, getting another good hit on the chest, leaving a nice scorch mark with a smoke tendril floating up. It looks worse for wear, but still fighting hard.

Kisada reaches up and rakes his claws through one of the creatures as it is distracted casting a spell. He is able to shrug off Ram's attack then has Iron Scanda harry the same one as he lets out his feral furry on it, continueing to tear its flesh, which is surprisingly tough for how bloated and mutated it looks.

Akifansha holds on to the tiny thread of thought that is self-preservation as she takes aim at the one to the north that had just cast on her. She manages to get two hits that connect with the things chest leaving tiny singes on its flesh.

Isar calls out These are Prexian Mutantspawn, a type of demon. They are not too hard to hit (EAC 23 KAC 24), but are really hard to damage. You'll never get a good shot on them because they are too shapeless(immune to critical hits double damage, though the extra effect still happens), they have a very hard hide (DR 10/good), and are immune to acid, disease, electricity, and poison. They also aren't particularly vulnerable to fire or cold (reistance 10 fire and cold), as well as most spells (SR 22). It seems to be only able to cast that confusion spell 1 time a day, though it has a few others. Most notably is Mind thrust that it can cast at will as a second level spell." He then moves into the room and can see the one attacking Delta and, recognizing a spell being cast, he attempts to redirect it with his own spell, but isn't quite quick enough to intervene.

The two near Kisada turn to him as they realize he is able to reach and attack them with normal means. They fly down a little closer to bite him, staying nearby to finish him off. One connects, expanding its mouth to inhuman size as rows of razor sharp teeth find purchase on the large bears shoulder, between some of the armor plates. The Northern one is unable to get past the armor though, ineffectively knawing on the plating. The southern most one focuses on Delta, casting its spell.

no attack against you this time, so back to the confusion wheel.

Kisada gets hit for 24 damage and is irradiated at Medium level, but your armor makes you immune, so just damage.

I assume you meant to the SW, as moving 15 ft SE would put you into the wall. If I am wrong, just let me know and assume you were where you meant for your next movement.

Make a DC 20 will save for half or take 29 points of damage from the creature casting Mind Thrust on you. Your mind is filled with images of medium humaniod turtle looking creatures subjecting other medium humanoid creatures (that just look like people) to intense radiation while strapped to the tables you see around this room. The bodies cook and you see all the horrifying effects of intense radiation poisoning.


Still not hitting great (compared to the damage being done to them), but improving. Sorry for the having the damage so confused in the beginning, but it it is all correct now. I also forgot to control Isar, so I had him attempt to identify these creatures from last turn (having peeked in around the door as a move action), then he relays the information as he is moving into the room this action (to get away from the attack happy Ram), and attempts to redirect one of the mind thrusts with his own spell, but fails. Kisada got his wish of having the two focus on him, though they have a hard time hitting him. You've now got the info on what type of attack will best do damage from Isar, so see what options you have. Don't forget, if you are within 10 feet of any of these creatures and attempt a ranged attack, you will provoke an AOO.

2023-04-25, 09:22 AM
Delta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707)

Delta shakes their head as the imags manifest and gazes at the beast. "I have seen worse than that before in the wars and no doubt will again" they snar. Stepping backwards releasing a flurry of shots at the demon.

Will Save [roll0] (inc. android +2 vs mind affecting) vs DC 20 for 29/15 damage

Full attack, moving 10ft west
- Shoot thrice with deadly aim
- [roll1] dam [roll2] vs EAC, E/F
- [roll3] dam [roll4] vs EAC, E/F
- [roll5] dam [roll6] vs EAC, E/F

AC +1 for elusive target
Ignore 10 points of DR or Resistance due to feats/abilities (this should effectively remove any resistance if they only have Fire Res 10 :smallsmile:)

2023-04-25, 09:42 AM
"Understood. Adjusting tactics."

The plasma emitter deformed and shrank into a smaller configuration with a strange forked barrel. 'Adjusting tactics' obviously just meant trying to hurt the creatures in a new and creative way. Clearly FAR-US' arsenal had yet to be fully exhausted.

The weapon fired and temporarily blotted out the sounds of combat with a strange blast of concentrated sonic force.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 14/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star>Vortex Rifle, Surge
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)
Rapid Reshape-Recharges in 1/3 rounds

Swift Action: Spend Nanite Surge to change weapons
Move Action: Boost
Standard Action: Shooting same target with Vortex Rifle
-Attack: 35 to hit
-Damage: 27 sonic damage

Charges: 48/80

2023-04-25, 11:12 AM
ICARUS-II goes back to singing lullabies, still in that same dead language...

2023-04-25, 02:25 PM
To everyone's surprise, Ram keeps shooting at Kisada. ".mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN"


Lord Bayushi
2023-04-26, 01:21 AM
As Ramshackle continued to fire on him babbling along, Kisada tried to intercede in whatever programing error was causing the malfunctions.

"Ramshackle, I may appear to be monstrous, but I am your team mate. Please reboot your IFF protocols. You are experiencing a malfunction."

He commanded the drone to continue to make distance between itself and it's nearest target, while assisting him with engaging the foes around him. Either his growing irritation at the enemies biting at him, or the distraction of being shot in the back by an ally, caused his commands to foul, resulting in the drone firing wide, and causing his first claw to miss. His second took hold, and he clawed through the disgusting foe, then turned to square off against the remaining creature, his shields and armor holding versus the various assaults.

Ram's attack fails to connect again, but it does appear to negatively effect dice rolls.

He commands the drone to take a Guarded Step to the N again, then shoot at the more damaged foe, missing (21 vs EAC 23).

Kisada then continues his Full Attack at the same target, he doesn't electrify his attacks. His first claw misses (22 vs. KAC 24), his second connects (28 vs. KAC 24) and causes 26 Slashing damage through DR (36 damage - DR 10). I assume this drops that foe.

Temp HP: 6
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 35/40

2023-04-27, 01:49 PM
"So, my Arcing Surge can't affect them? Zapping Prexian zapped unzappily...?" Akifansha tried to process the information Isar passed on, but clearly her mind is quite confused.

2023-05-01, 12:23 PM
ICARUS continues having trouble fighting off the confusion and switches back to singing incoherently.

Ram's can't quite fight the fog either and lashes out again at the nearest thing, as she fires at Kisada, who is able to just side step the shot.

Delta relentlessly attacks the demon by him with shot after shot burning the tough hide of the creature to black carbon in spots as it falls to a mass of tumorous cells that loose all cohesion, leaving a puddle of flesh and bones on the floor. Delta takes his last shot at the damaged creature by Kisada, dropping it as well.

FAR-US adjusts its load-out to a smaller forked barrel instrument that starts emitting a high pitched thum as a bubble of distortion moves through the air toward the only remaining creature. It hits a fluid filled vesicle and causes it to burst open as steam pours out of the wound.

Kisada has his drone fire at the remaining mutantspawn, missing wide, but still distracting the creature enough to let Kisada attack a bit better, raking one claw through the tough hide, while the other doesn't seem to penetrate.

Akifansha loses her thread of thought and just babbles to herself as she tries to understand what Isar had told her.

Isar runs out of good ideas and pulls our his kalo shredder to just blast the thing. The bullet hits its mark and penetrates the hide, but the creature's amorphous nature seems to almost absorb and seal back the hole with little lasting damage.

Seeing all its brethren dead, the last creature starts to cast a spell as its hands glow with green energy, but Kisada acts quickly and rakes a claw through the hide of the mutantspawn, disrupting it.


Delta dropped 2 of the them this round. This last one is looking pretty haggard. one more round of attacks will drop it (assuming they hit). So feel free to post an attack and something your character wants to do after combat is over, so I can start moving that forward as well.

2023-05-01, 01:35 PM
".enD oF dictionarY" Act surprised! The still confused Ramshackle tries to shoot Kisada.

Since I can't roll anything but attack nearest creature, here is another attack at Kisada.


2023-05-01, 01:46 PM
"I see! Their magic had influenced Kisada's mind, and we need to do something about it!" Akifansha then shoots her gun at Kisada.

To-hit 24, damage 25 fire; hopefully it's a miss!

Aphelion Laser Rifle charge: 31/40

2023-05-01, 10:20 PM
ICARUS-II shakes off their confusion and attempts to use fear on the running mutant, worsening its AC as well as the standard consequences of fear.

DC 19 (3rd level spells with 6 cha mod) ignores creatures above CR 8
I get to do something, sort of! Fear is not language dependent and I can ignore mindlessness if it applies. I'm still having fun, but this module hates my character, lol.

2023-05-02, 09:21 AM
"Confirming sonic weapon efficacy."

FAR-US adjusted their grip on the fork-barreled sonic weapon and fired two more times. Both shots thudding into the unholy mass of cancer and misery with more than enough power to pulp flesh and shatter bone.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 13/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Primary: Vortex Rifle, Surge
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)
Rapid Reshape-Recharges in 2/3 rounds

Full Round Action: Shooting same target with Vortex Rifle
-Attack 1: 28 to hit
-Damage 1: 24 sonic damage

-Attack 2: 36 to hit
-Damage 2: 20 sonic damage


2023-05-02, 11:11 AM

Delta looked at the two dead creatures, a muted, "Xeno 1 down, Xeno 2 down, moving to engage Xeno 3" as they advanced to get a clear shot around the giant power armoured bear, firing as soon they got a clear shot.

Move 35ft forward hugging the wall to get a clear shot
Fire once with deadly aim [roll0] dam [roll1]

EDIT: double damage for a nice even 84 damage! :smallsmile:

AC +1 for elusive target
Ignore 10 points of DR or Resistance due to feats/abilities (this should effectively remove any resistance if they only have Fire Res 10 )

Lord Bayushi
2023-05-02, 11:53 AM
Though his armor was repelling the friendly fire, Kisada tried to remedy the situation by dragging the remaining opponent in the way of the attacks, but was unable to get a grip on it's slimy hide. He commanded Iron Scanda to take a shot from it's position, then move away.

"Now they are both attacking me. Somehow the magic of these creatures can corrupt programming and thoughts with equal effectiveness."

Kisada's AC continues to protect him from his teammates...

Kisada takes a Tactical Step to the East, then attempts a Reposition, but rolls a 2... so no dice (literally).

The drone takes a pot shot, scoring a hit (Nat 20, but they are immune to crits, sorry DrK), scoring 20 fire damage with it's laser, and then moving 4 squares to the West and 1 square to the South, taking cover behind the table there.

Temp HP: 6
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 34/40

2023-05-02, 01:03 PM
ICARUS attempts to cast fear on these mutantspawn, but they seem to shrug it off with ease (they are CR 11).

Ram fires one last parting shot at Kisada in her confusion.

FAR-US fires at the remaining creature with his newly formed forked rifle. The gun reaches a high whine as two thumping shots are released in rapid succession. The first goes just wide as FAR-US has to try to not to hit his comrades in the fight. But the second shot connects ripping away more slimey amorphous flesh from the creature.

Kisada attempts to reposition the creatures between him and the friendly fire he keeps receiving, but is unable to grip the amorphous blob of cells well enough. His drone however takes advantage of the Kisada's engagement with the enemy to fire and hits it squarely in its head, causing the creature to explode and begin melting away into a mass of bones and tumorous masses

Delta is ready and feels like he has a really good shot when the head explodes in his sights and the creature is clearly dead.

The rest of the group is looks around for any more threats, but none immediately present themselves. The evil feeling in the room immediately disappears, causing those affected to relax in a way they didn't realize they were tense to begin with. All of those who were confused also immediately regain their senses and can now think clearly back on what they had been doing.

The room appears as it had, the tables in the middle, the vats to the north. But now Delta has a little more insight into what went on here to create these mutantspawn. This place had been used to inflict what would be considered horendous evil by most sentient creatures.


I let Iron Scanda (via Kisada) get the the final kill, but either way there was plenty of damage dished out this round to kill it. These creatures were immune to the double damage from Crits, so that wouldn't have affected it, but the extra damage did still apply from burn.

Anyways, if you want to check out the tables, they have holographic interfaces that need a computers check. If you want to study what is left in the vats, that'll be life science. If you want to search the room, that'll be perception. If you want to do something else, roll your skill and let me know what you are doing. I am just listing a few options to prompt you, not to limit you.

2023-05-02, 02:09 PM
".pointeR ouT oF bouBloody demon bastards!" Evidently, Ramshackle is finally free of whatever spell was forced upon her, not that she could do much about it. "At least I'm a crap shot when I'm having my mind messed with."

Grumpy mutters accompany her jamming bullets into her pistol's magazine. "Can we now get a move on?" There is a bit of "I told you so" in there, given she had warned the others of things being not right, but do people listen to ol' Ram, noooo, let's search the throbbing flesh lab instead of looking for survivors grumble grumble.

2023-05-02, 03:14 PM
"We made it!" Akifansha congratulates the successful ending of the fight. Then she had a sudden weird feeling, her actions were clearly illogical -- even if Kisada was confused by the aliens, shouldn't she either try to grab them or try to disspell it? She started to realize that she was the confused one.

Gotta know more about these creatures, they are clearly dangerous. A thought flashes in her mind, she uses a few seconds trying to make sure this time it's her own thought, then just decide that's impossible to tell and she should just do her normal things -- hack the computers.

computers: 37

2023-05-02, 04:32 PM
ICARUS-II searches the room, alert for more mobsters or something they might have been guarding...

Lord Bayushi
2023-05-05, 11:36 AM
Kisada takes a moment in a defensive posture to make sure his teammates are not still targeting him. With the creatures vanquished, it seemed their magic influence was gone as well. The danger over, he commanded his drone to scan the area for clues, traps, and other information while he collected the taclashes of the foes in his immediate vicinity.

"I'm glad you are recovering from the ill effects," he said to Akifansha, but in a way that also indicated the rest of the team. He held his collected weapons out for the others to see. "These might come in handy for those of you that can use them."

Once the others had a chance to pick over the spoils, he walked over to what remained of the tubes that the creatures had emerged from. He had a bad feeling, and he hoped that these creatures were not what remained of the civilians that they were sent here to find. He tried to determine the technical details of the equipment, and assist anyone with greater medical expertise figure out what had been done here.

Kisada's Energy Shield fades away after one minute.

Iron Scanda scans the area with a 30. Kisada uses Engineering on the tubes to try to figure out their specs with a 48, and will Assist Others for Life Science when someone who actually has a good score in that with a 27.

Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 34/40

2023-05-05, 02:24 PM

As the whine and hissing of the flame rifle dies down Delta carefully blows the smoke from the end of the weapon. "Nasty beasts. Their mental assaults must have been impressive," they add as they crouch down to examine and strip the bodies of anything valuable. "I shall stand post by the door if others can check the computing system"

2023-05-05, 06:19 PM
"Understood Squadmate Delta. Moving to assist in investigation efforts."

FAR-US shifted their weapon back to the heavy plasma emitter, clearly their preferred weapon configuration, and stowed the weapon on the dedicated weapon armature of their chassis before plodding over to where the others were conducting their investigations.

"Squadmate Kisada, requesting personal status up-"

There is a pause as FAR-US attempts to reformulate their phrasing.

"Were... you... injured?"

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 13/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)

'Aid another's in:
Perception to search the room (1d20+22)[25]
Computers to check the room's systems (1d20+22)[26]
Engineering to check the room's equipment (1d20+20)[32]


2023-05-18, 12:54 PM
Ramshackle, finally able to think for herself, impatiently waits by the door for the others, doing her best to not just should "I told you so" to the group.

Akifansha attempts to hack the panel by the experimentation tables. There is a lot of scientific information in here.

ICARUS-II keeps an eye out for any more attacks.

Kisada gathers the taclashes and distributes them to any who can use it. It seems whatever radiation was coursing through it is disappearing with the Mutantspawns, so they are just normal taclashes now. He also investigats the tubes. They appear more than 1000's of years old and to not have been used or disturbed in all that time. It appears the function of these tubes is to preserve whatever is inside for later study in a perfect frozen state. Wiping some of the frost away, Kisada can see that the creatures inside here do not match the archeologist they are looking for.

Delta quickly searches the goo that was left behind from these mutantspawns dying, but doesn't find much, just the 2 batteries each was carrying for the taclashes. Kisada had already grabbed the taclashes. Delta then moves to stand by the door.

FAR-US attempts to show concern for their team-mates, but it comes off a bit awkward. They then move to assist Iron Scanda in looking around the room. There doesn't seem to be much left to see, and everyone else appears to have made all the progress they can on their tasks as well.

The three examination tables were once used for nonconsensual experimentation on some kind of humanoid slave race. Though the Sivv (the turtle people who were dominant here) military science community dismissed simple nuclear weapons as crude crutches of underdeveloped cultures, the Dominion’s desperation (the Dominion appears to be the name for the Sivv civilization) toward the end of the Sivv-Kishalee war (the Kishalee appear to be a race that opposed the Sivv) led to someone called Commandant Vheiransch to explore the possibility of using targeted radiation as a brutal tool of war. Sivv scientists exposed bantrids (the slave race) to high doses of radiation and recorded the lethal effects in this laboratory. They also performed autopsies on indigenous animal and plant life affected by bombing test runs conducted on Jedarat’s surface (the planet you are on). Two of the bantrids are being stored in the cryotubes at the east end of this room.

Alright, you have 6 more batteries and 3 taclashes, if anyone wants it. The mutantspawns didn't need armor or anything, so there isn't any other gear. You got some information that might be interesting/useful to the archeologist, if you ever find them, but otherwise not much left in this room. I assume the plan is to move to the next room, so I revealed it on the map. Feel free to let me know how you want to move.
Metallic islands equipped with bizarre machinery rise from the floor of this crowded laboratory. A miniature force field surrounds a growth of iridescent crystals to the north. A nearby display features crystalline fragments on metal slides. Bundles of wires and cables attached to each piece of equipment trail along the floor before disappearing into the chamber’s walls. In the southern part of the room, strict tidiness and order give way to a pile of overturned machines, dented metal slabs, and broken glass.

2023-05-18, 06:04 PM
Entering the third room, they appear to find another lab. Science equipment. Crystals. Junk. But...

"Can't help but notice a distinct lack of people we are looking for, as well as doors we haven't been through." This was rather suboptimal, but what can you do. Time to look for clues. Or hidden doors. Either works. And traps as well. Thus, Ramshackle makes her way through the room, doing a quick sweep, to see if she can find something quickly. She'd prefer finding something quickly, as it may mean she won't have to find something slowly.

Ramshackle does a sweep of the room, making use of her Trap Spotter feature to automatically make checks to find traps she comes within 10ft of (her Edge bonus is doubled for finding traps, so she rolls Perception +27 for this)

She is also looking for clues about someone perhaps having passed through the room, or hidden doors. If she has to pick a part of the room where she looks specifically, then Ram checks around the scattered junk at the southern end of the room.

2023-05-18, 06:37 PM
ICARUS-II trains their Artillery Lazer on the rubble pile, daring it to disgorge monsters!

2023-05-20, 05:15 AM

Delta moves in with the others, weapons sweeping left and right before they drop to a knee, weapon aiming at the glowing crystal. “it appears clear. But as did the last room.” they add in their cold metallic voice.

2023-05-21, 06:22 PM
If FAR-US is hurt by their attempt at socialization going over about as well as a lead balloon, they do not show it.

"Access to further chambers has not been found. Missing personnel have not been found. Begin checking for hidden doors?"

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 13/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Perception to search the next room: 26

Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)


2023-05-22, 02:31 PM
"Uh, I discovered some information about the Sivvs...", Akifansha said, and relays the information to her teammates, "They are a slaver people that got desperate at the end of their war, and performed many experiments on their slaves."

She the points to the cryotubes, "these were their experiment slaves."

There seemed to be no reason to disturb these frozen experiment targets at this moment; Akifansha moves on to the next room following her hurrying companions. She casts detect magic as needed.

Terrible information but considering the crapsack world that is the Starfinder universe, I guess level 13 characters can more or less calmly discuss the atrocities of the Sivvs...?

2023-05-22, 03:55 PM
There's a grunt in the distance from Ramshackle. "Yeah well, good riddance to the lot. Hope they got comfortable in hell in the last thousands of years."

Lord Bayushi
2023-05-23, 11:49 AM
"Squadmate Kisada, requesting personal status up-"

There is a pause as FAR-US attempts to reformulate their phrasing.

"Were... you... injured?"Kisada is surprised to hear the nanite death-bot attempt to express concern, even changing it's usual speech patterns.

"I am unharmed, unit FAR-US. My energy shield bared the brunt."

Looking around the new chamber, he dispatched Iron Scanda to assist with the search for doors and traps while he took a moment to try to identify the various technology in the room.

Sorry for my delay, busy week. Kisada ID's tech with Engineering with a 33 (he is -5 to DC's due to his Roboticist Theme).

The drone Aids Another with the search with a 32.

Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 34/40

2023-05-23, 02:34 PM
"Sivv!" That name sounds familiar. It used to mean something to ICARUS-II, when they were a different robot and the world was still cursed by their siblings. But... what? ICARUS-II cannot recall what "Sivv" was.

And it could wait. There was a mission.

2023-05-23, 04:28 PM

Delta scans the room once more then looks back at the discussion. "They tried to keep the synthectics as slaves. It did not end well for would be corporate masters. These Siivs no doubt suffered a similar fate. Will can sentince cannot be tamed" the add with a definite nod. Looking around they ask the room at large, "Are there any additiona place to explore of must return to the central core and descend further there."

2023-05-25, 03:53 PM
Ram searches the room quickly making a loop, but as she gets to the South junk pile, she sees an two right arms in yellow environmental armor sticking out of the pile. She recognizes that it must be a Kasatha, and one of the members on the xenoarchaeology team was a kasatha. She thinks for a second, Nifri Zamas Gidren Sye was the name. As she goes to reach for him though, two security robots stand up out of the corner. (there is a green circle with a yellow circle marking where he is).

ICARUS-II knew something was going to be in the room, and as they watch Ramshackle start to move into the pile of junk, two security robots stand up out of the junk, as well a black swarm that begins to coalate in the eastern corner where some blue crystals had been on a humanoid dummy. At first the black swarm looks like FAR-US just reshaping/reacting, but then ICARUS realizes FAR-US is next to them, so this is something new.

Delta aims at the crystal daring it to activate, but it sits there seemly useless. They then hear ICARUS powering up their gun and turn to see the black swarm on the Eastern wall (note: not the two security robots, yet).

FAR-US moves into the room, attempting to assist the others in their mundane tasks, but suddenly notices the swarm of nanites coalescing ng in the eastern part of the room, and immediately recognizes it as a threat.

Akifansha is distracted by the horrific truths she just learned and trying to figure out the magical nature of some crystals sitting on a table near her, when her teammates start powering up weapons and locking on targets. It seems the crystal is raw magical energy solidified contained within a protective force field.

Kisada sends Iron Scanda to assist Ramshackle in searching the junk and rest of the room for further clues, while he focused on the first technology station he came to. He was just starting to get the computer responding and figuring out that this was dedicated to studying the weird material the walls are all made of out. Microscopes are trained on cultures taken from the technomagically treated biomass, cluttering the low tables.

I will update everyone more on what they are each investigating, but I assume you drop that to focus on the enemies that appeared. ICARUS-II, FAR-US, and Delta get to act in this surprise round. Then the robots act, then everyone will act (including ICARUS, FAR-US, and Delta again). I will make another post right below this with the robot actions, but they happen simultaneously with whatever the 3 are doing, so everyone else hold off on posting until they finish.

2023-05-25, 10:06 PM
"Alert! Hostile nanites identified! Do not engage in melee and retreat to a safe perimeter! Avoid electrical armaments. Thermal and caustic armaments suggested. Paracausal cryonics may have an additional effect."

Something shifted in FAR-US's emitter, the magnetic projectors powering down to the barest minimum needed to keep the ball of incandescent matter roughly on target. When the hefty combat synthetic fired their hastily modified weapon, the result was a gout of pale-blue liquid fire.

"Adjusting settings."

It would be easy to read annoyance into FAR-US's flat affect.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 13/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Swift Action: Use Energized Swarm to change the Conqueror's damage to fully fire until beginning of next turn.
Standard Action: Nat 1 on the attack roll for a 23, that's a miss.

Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)


2023-05-26, 12:30 AM
ICARUS-II fears the golem might be resistant to their laser, but can't get a bead on the security robots, so tries testing this theory.

2023-05-26, 05:46 AM

The quiet sweep is disturbed as the techno-magic cloud seems to swirl into a physical manifestation. "Engaging target" they state in a cold flat voice as they advance towards the beast, jets of super heated fire spiting from the barrel as they engage the nano golem

move 15ft SE
Repid FIre /w deadly aim [roll0] vs EAC dam [roll1] Fire
Repid FIre /w deadly aim [roll2] vs EAC dam [roll3] Fire

AC +1 for elusive target
Ignore 10 points of DR or Resistance due to feats/abilities (this should effectively remove any resistance if they only have Fire Res 10 )

2023-05-26, 11:17 PM
The hulking golem more flows than walks right next to ICARUS before slashing down with an appendage that is so thin, it is hard to see how long it is. ICARUS can't dodge and is dealt a nasty gash. The golem's nanite cloud immediately starts working to worsen the wound, causing more damage to the SRO. Delta is able to hit the golem once, but it's flowing structure makes the shot about 1/2 as effective as expected. At least the golem doesn't appear to be closing the small wound created.

The two robots only have time to stand and aim, firing once on Ram, but missing wide and once on Iron Scanda, hitting the drone in 9ne of its arms.

I can't update the map right now, but the golem moves next to ICARUS-II and attacks.

41 to hit VS KAC (32) for 37 slashing damage plus the nanites cause DC 20 fortitude save or 22 piercing and nauseated for 1 round. If successful save, then no nausea and only 11 piercing damage.

The two robots fire one on Ram and the other on Iron Scanda. Ram is 26 VS EAC (35) for a miss and second is I.S. 27 VS EAC (23) for 13 points of electricity and fire.

2023-05-27, 03:37 AM

Seeing the shot go wide Delta mutters a curse under their breath, backpedalling some 10ft to get distance as they pour more fire at the beast sacrificing accuracy for a sheer weight of fire, under the barrage of fire they eye the warning symbol lighting on their heavy flame rifle as 90% power usage is reached

move 10 away from golem
Onslaught [roll0] vs EAC dam [roll1] Fire
Onslaught [roll2] vs EAC dam [roll3] Fire
Onslaught [roll4] vs EAC dam [roll5] Fire

AC +1 for elusive target
Ignore 10 points of DR or Resistance due to feats/abilities (this should effectively remove any resistance if they only have Fire Res 10 )

2023-05-27, 07:05 AM
"Found a kasath-" The next moment, Ramshackle bends back and to the side, dodging the Terminator's shot. The next moment, her knee pointing towards the offending robot seems to mechanically unfold and release shotgun fire, only for it to suddenly cut out. Ram is already vaulting backwards, firing a shot at the construct's CPU housing out of a handstand on the back of the chair that was behind her, before propelling herself the rest of the way back. With a quicksilver smooth motion, she lands behind the workbench south of the door, going into cover.

"Gun's bad versus nanite swarms. Focusing Terminators," she lets the others know.

Here is your regularly scheduled...

Full Action Trick Attack. Ram tricks and shoots, then moves behind the northern end of the workbench on the western wall, just south of the door.

Taking 10 on Engineering for the Trick Attack check for 43 (DC 20+CR), using JMPSCR as usual. If the check succeeds, the target is flat-footed against this attack. If Ram both succeeds with the skill check and the attack, she uses Debilitating Trick to render the armor off-target until the beginning of Ram's next turn (no save).

On hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

2023-05-27, 02:53 PM
"...and", Akifansha tried to continue her report before realizing it wasn't the right time. Failing to seize the initiative, all she could do now is to try to hit the golem as hard as possible.

Full attack (as rolled in OOC thread)

to hit: (1d20+13)[25], (1d20+13)[20]
damage: (3d6+13)[23], (3d6+13)[24] Fire

2023-05-27, 07:45 PM
"Maintain fire with thermal weapons to prevent enemy self-repair function."

FAR-US held their position and continued firing their perhaps ill-advisedly modified plasma weapon at the mass of its distant cousin.

SP: 144/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 13/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Swift Action: Use Energized Swarm to change the Conqueror's damage to fully fire until beginning of next turn.
Move Action: Boost
Standard Action: probably not hitting with a 26 but it would do 51 fire damage

Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)


2023-05-28, 10:53 AM
ICARUS-II tries to order a robot to halt! It probably doesn't speak the right language, though. The SRO also runs back to get out of melee.

Using command mandate to attempt to order least damaged robot to stop. Then moving straight back our of range of the Golem.

Lord Bayushi
2023-05-28, 11:49 AM
As he is analyzing the technology, Kisada notices too late that there are hostile visitors in the room. He sees his drone shot out of the corner of his eye and turns to face the threat.

"Scanda! Pull back!"

Using it's thrusters, the small drone rockets towards its controller, then scampers to take cover under the desk beside him.

Bringing up the new system salvaged from their previous encounter, Kisada creates an energy barrier to protect himself and his drone. He steadies his thoughts and his breathing and focuses on the threats, feeling that steady aim will benefit him and his team-mates better than a hot head.

Still a busy week. Iron Scanda activates it's Jump Jets, and moves 30 ft towards Kisada, then takes a second move action to move under the table to Kisada's side.

Using the Titan Shield Armor Upgrade as a move action, Kisada forms a barrier of one way cover from his SE corner across straight to the west to cover his own squares and the square Iron Scanda is now in. The usage for Upgrade is listed as 10, I'm not sure if that is per turn of use or per activation as a whole, but since there is no duration listed I'm assuming it's per turn, which makes this thing eat power quickly.

He then takes a second move action to use his Adaptive Fighting feat, giving him Deadly Aim for 1 minute.

Drone HP: 107/120
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Titan Shield Battery: 30/40
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 5/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 34/40

Access to the Deadly Aim feat for 1 minute.

2023-05-30, 03:39 PM
Delta backs up 10 feet, ensuring they are no where near the golem, then fires 3 times in quick succession, hitting twice, but the third shot hits the ground next to the golem.

Ramshackle is able to perform one of those rare shots that not only hits what she was aiming for, but manages to ricochet off and lodge into a shoulder joint, nicking a pneumatic line, as orange liquid comes pouring out of the joint. The security robot is clearly going to have problems aiming (unless/until it can adjust).

Akifansha tries to fire upon the golem, but is not used to something made out of nanites and the thing is able to easily reshape itself to allow the projectiles to pass through without taking any damage.

FAR-US advises the others on how best to engage, but in his moment of distraction is not able to mount an effective attack.

ICARUS-II ignores the Golem in its face, commanding one of the robots to "HALT!" and using the emphatic hand sign. The robot looks over at ICARUS, acknowledging what was said, but keeps on moving. However, the golem take that opportunity to attack ICARUS while they are distracted, the golem missed by mere inches. ICARUS then moves as far as possible from the golem.

Kisada gets Iron Scanda to pull back from the Security robots, moving over to right beside Kisada. The giant bear then sets up his shield to protect himself and his drone, while taking a moment to aim his gun before firing.

The Golem retargets quickly and locks in on Isar, closing the distance quickly before swiping with its nanofilament blade. Isar is critically wounded and falls to the ground, unable to move or run. Isar attempts to cast Discharge, but the golem is able to shake it off quickly.

The security robots seems to shutter for a second and start glowing faintly before bolting across the room faster than should be possible for such large creatures and then making full attacks. The one Ram hit pursues her, coming right up in her face. It tries to slam her twice, but the nimble android is able to easily dodge out of the way. The other target FAR-US, but again the hulking Android is able to out manuever the robot.

Now it is not language that is a problem, but the Construct Immunities. It is immune to all mind-affecting effects. You are using Command as a spell-like ability, which is a mind affecting spell. If you take a full-round action, you are confident you can cause fear in these creatures, per your class ability, as the 3rd level spell.

I realize you said to put the shield the other way, but this way will provide better cover for you and your drone, so I figured this is what you would want. If not, just let me know and I'll put it how you originally said


Alright, this fight is going to be a tough one. Isar would get an AOO against one, but the golem basically took him down. I am letting the attack crit, which shows you that when the golem crits, it does a severe wound critical, which can chop off legs, arms, eyes, etc. Isar lost a leg and is bleeding out. It doesn't look good for him right now. Isar also doesn't have a melee weapon, so no AoO. The Golem has 10 foot reach, so it can attack pretty far. It swiped at ICARUS, but missed.

2023-05-30, 04:13 PM

Delta shouts out a “team mate down” as Isar goes down dropping to a knee, boosting the plasma emitter and letting out a single aimed shot

move Boost weapons
standard: Shoot the golem w/deadly aim [roll0] vs EAC dam [roll1] Fire

Ignore 10 points of DR or Resistance due to feats/abilities (this should effectively remove any resistance if they only have Fire Res 10 )

2023-05-30, 04:33 PM
ICARUS-II attempts to inflict fear in the mindless automata! This causes additional penalties if successful.

2023-05-30, 05:52 PM
The moment Isar goes down, Ram is moving, rolling over the workbench. As she lands, she already has a serum in hand, administering it to Isar while keeping on eye on the hostile machines.

Move to the square south of Isar. [roll0]

Standard Due to Quick Deployment by Gadgeteer, Ram is retrieving one of Janus' Serum of Healing Mk 3 as part of this standard action. Administer the serum to Isar (standard action due to Quicker Trickler)
[roll1] and stabilizes

2023-05-30, 10:22 PM
"Engaging at melee range. Rescue Squadmate Isar, retreat from nanite threat area."

FAR-US strode into the whirling mass of death, a three foot blade of matte black material extending from one of their chassis's wrists, their own mass of swirling nanites began to seep from the seams in their armor. There was a distinct change in their tone as it said, "This unit will not be allowing anyone to die here."

The black blade flashed out, scything into the midst of the enemy with the implacable, inhuman fearlessness FAR-US always demonstrated.

TSP: 2 SP: 146/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 12/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Reactive Repair: Stamina Fast Healing 2/Temp Stamina Generation 2

Swift Action: Activate Reactive Repair
Move Action: Guarded step 5ft South
Standard Action: Using Power Armor's attack on the golem, 32 to hit and 24 slashing damage

Reaction: Spending a surge to use Defensive Dispersal each round to reduce incoming damage from one attack or effect generated from the Nanite Golem by 18 and a +1 to the first saving throw from the effect.

Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)


Lord Bayushi
2023-05-31, 01:35 AM
"Unit FAR-US, we will assist you."

From behind the force shield, Kisada commands his drone to harry the larger foe using his custom rig, while he takes careful aim with his Veskian cannon.

Unfortunately, Kisada didn't have time to program new protocols into his drone regarding his armor's new shield unit, and it's logic circuits cause it to attempt to fire around the shield rather than through it, missing it's target entirely.

Still, the cannon shot fires true.

The drone uses Harrying Fire on the Golem, but is less than successful.

Kisada then uses a Move Action to Aim using his Accurate weapon fusion, then fires at the Golem with his Heavy Reaction Cannon using Deadly Aim.

So the drone rolled a 1 for Harrying Fire, the only way it can miss...
That drags Kisada's attack roll down to a 32 vs. KAC. If that hits, it deals 37 Piercing damage penetrating 10 DR.

Drone HP: 107/120
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Titan Shield Battery: 30/40
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 4/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 33/40

Access to the Deadly Aim feat for 1 minute.

2023-06-06, 09:59 AM
Delta continues to fire upon the golem, hitting it again. While the fire is definitely keeping it from healing, these shots are being partially absorbed by the swarm-like nature of the construct, mitigating some of the damage from each shot.

ICARUS looks at the two security robots and projects images in their CPUs of all their worst nightmares, namely rusting away for millennia and then being unable to respond to threats as the area they are supposed to be guarding gets pillaged. The two robots immediately run as far as they can to the furthest corner of the room (where they started).

Ram rolls over the computer workbench, landing gracefully just behind Isar. She then injects a healing serum in arm, immediately staunching the bleeding and helping him recover a little.

FAR-US takes a step in to engage the golem directly. He slashes through the swarm, knocking some of the nanites away, but it is like slashing through molasses, as the swarm is able to deflect some of the impact.

Kisada feels he has locked onto the creatures CPU for controlling the swarm and takes his shot, but the construct reacts at the last second, rearraging its body to just take normal damage.

Isar grabs his stomach in pain, then attempts to crawl south-east to get away from the golem. The golem takes advantage of his inability to move and defend himself, swiping down with the filament blade. A nasty gash is left in Isar's back, as he slumps to the ground unconcious and bleeding badly.

The golem placidly takes a step east, puting Isar, Ram, and FAR-US in its nanite swarm, then turns its upraised filament blade to FAR-US, swinging down and then slicing back across. Both swipes hit the android, causing noticeable cosmetic damage to its armor.

It hits with a 36 and 39 vs your 35 KAC. It does 34&34 Slashing with the slices then you make a DC 20 Fort save or take 22 piercing damage from the cloud and are nauseated for 1 round. If you suceed, take 11 piercing with no status effect.


Ridai, Feathersnow, and grumblyarcher get 1 AoO each against a robot (only grumblyarcher would have a choice of which robot). The one that you all three could potentially attack is the most damaged. The one that was by FAR-US and only he would be able to attack has no damage. My discription of Kisada's shot, is just adding flavor to the aim, there is nothing special to hit. Just so you guys know, this creature does not have DR, it is swarmlike, which means it takes 1/2 damage from anything that targets single targets. Any kind of automatic fire would have to hit the golem as if it were 3 targets to deal full damage. You guys are definitely whittling it away, but it is slow going. At least the two security robots seem to be out of the way for a bit. Isar wasn't quite dead last round, but even with the healing, this round 22 damage is enough to do it. He was nauseated last round, so could only take 1 move action. He is down now, though he stabilizes with a RP on his next turn. Unless you can draw the golem away or get Isar away from it, he will continue to take damage and losing RP until he dies. You probably have around 4 or 5 rounds until he is dead.

2023-06-06, 10:41 AM
"Adjusting tactics."

FARUS's weapon again dissolved and reformed on the gauntlets of their chassis. Instead of crackling with electricity this time, waves of heat began pouring off the matte material as FAR-US disregarded several safety alerts and overran the heat sinks dangerously and began reaching into the mass of hostile nanites.

TSP: 2 SP: 89/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 11/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Reactive Repair: Stamina Fast Healing 2/Temp Stamina Generation 2

Fort Save: 32
-79 total damage reduced to 61

Reaction: Defensive Dispersal
Move Action: Charge Primary Array
Swift Action: Energized Swarm Elec->Fire
Standard Action: Attack Nanite Golem
-Attack: 28
-Damage: 17 Fire

Primary: Conqueror, Blue Star->Polarity Gauntlets, Current
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)


2023-06-06, 12:42 PM
Akifansha throws a used battery centered the wall, and her magic overcharges it, creating an explosion covering only the golem and nobody else.

Casts Explosive Blast. Spend 1 RP to activate the Second Lesson from the Immortal Tutor.
DC 23, Damage 9d6=30; Reflex half

2023-06-06, 04:17 PM

Delta winces as more the team are damaged by the golem as they level the shot at a single aimed shot at the golem's chest

Move Boost Agitator inferno
Standard: Fire at golem with deadly aim [roll0] vs EAC dam [roll1] Fire

Ignore 10 DR and/or 10 Damage resistance

Delta V -248 (Delta) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707) Android Soldier 13 LN
HP 95 / 95 RES 10 / 11 STAM 117 / 117 Speed 40ft Init 5 KAC 35 EAC 33
Fort 10 Ref 9 Will 11 CMB 43 BAB 13
Agitator Inferno 22 (6d6 E +13, Burn 3d4)
Semi auto pistol Elite 22 (3d6+7, -)
Tactical Plasma sword 20 (2d8+18, S.Wound)
Unarmed 20 (3d6+12, ) Str 19 (5) Dex 20 (7) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 17 (3) Cha 10 (0)

2023-06-07, 03:02 PM
ICARUS-II blasts at the golem with their giant lazer, it being the more immediate threat.

Lord Bayushi
2023-06-08, 12:40 AM
Kisada attempted saturation fire on the Golem hoping to draw it's attention away from his teammates while his drone continued to harry the enemy.

The drone uses successfully uses Harrying Fire on the Golem for a 21 vs. 15.

Kisada then takes a Full Attack with his Heavy Reaction Cannon, with less than stellar rolling.

First attack is a 29 vs. KAC, if that hits it causes 33 piercing damage penetrating 10 DR. The second attack is a 19, I'm pretty sure that can't hit, but if it did it will cause an additional 35 piercing damage.

Drone HP: 107/120
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Titan Shield Battery: 30/40
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 2/6
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 32/40

Access to the Deadly Aim feat for 8/10 rounds.

2023-06-08, 08:52 AM
With the damn golem being increasingly annoying, Ram grabs Isar and drags him out into the corridor and around the corner.

I think this only provokes an OA on Ram, not on Isar, since Isar is forcibly moved, not moving by himself.

No OA from Ram on one of the robots, since she doesn't have any sort of melee attack available right now.

2023-06-19, 01:48 PM
FAR-US changes tactics again, trying to continue hitting the Golem with gauntlets, but the Golem is able to move its swarm body out of the way just in time, causing FAR-US to just hit air.

Akifansha throws an explosive blast just behind the Golem and hits it, though it seems it is able to reform its swarm to absorb the blast stategically to minimize damage as much as possible.

Delta continues its punishing shots with the Agitator Inferno, hitting it square in the chest again. The nanite swarm is thinning, but this creature shows no sign of pain or loss.

ICARUS blasts the golem again, frying a few of the nanites in the swarm body.

Kisada and Iron Scanda coordinate their attacks to maximize damage, and Kisada is able to hit with the first attack, but misses with the second.

Ram picks Isar up to get him out of harms way, dragging him from the fight, and using her body to shield him from the wild swings of the Golem. The golem swings out at Ram's back and she thought she was going to dodge it, but the extra bulk of Isar's form didn't quite let her get out of the way.

The golem takes another step up to completely cover FAR-US in his swarm body, and also get ICARUS in the extended cloud. The Golem then swings out at ICARUS, flaying the SRO in some core systems it seems. The nanite swarm then descends on the two nearest to the golem (FAR-US and ICARUS), trying to break them down for use in repair.

The 33 wouldn't normally hit Ram, but while carrying Isar, she is flat-footed, so it just barely hit her KAC. You took 30 slashing damage.
The Golem hits you with a 40 for 45 Slashing Damage. The flavor about a core system was just because it almost did max damage on its strike and that got into HP damage on you. You then need to make a DC 20 fortitude save or take 28 more damage and be nauseated for 1 round. If you succeed, you take 14 damage and no status effect.
It is KAC/EAC 29, so you just missed. Since it is swarmlike, it can "share" a space with you, but you get a free AoO against it. For being in its swarm you again need to make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 28 damage and be nauseated for 1 round. If you make it, only 14 damage, no status effect.
Alright, Isar wakes up again this round (spending a resolve point to come back to 1 HP and technically be able to act and move (though his legs are gone). Ram can move back through his space with no problems, as they are teammates. This thing is showing signs of wear and tear, but its not down yet. You feel at your current rate, another couple of rounds will finish it off, then you gotta go deal with the security bots currently cowering in fear in the far corner. EDIT: I just added the map.

2023-06-20, 12:57 PM
With a litany of curses, Ram gets Isar out of the way, puts him in the floor, and tries to take a quick potshot at the golem, faking a fire shot before the actual shot. Then, well, she's back in cover in the corridor.

Full Action Trick Attack. Ram tricks and shoots, moving to the door and away after the attack with Shot on the Run.

Taking 10 on Engineering for the Trick Attack check for 43 (DC 20+CR), using JMPSCR as usual. If the check succeeds, the target is flat-footed against this attack. If Ram both succeeds with the skill check and the attack, she uses Debilitating Trick to render the golem off-target until the beginning of Ram's next turn (no save).

On hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

2023-06-20, 07:52 PM
As the swarm of hostile nanites descends on FAR-US, they take the opportunity to swipe a searing gauntlet through the mass, dumping as much waste heat into the swarm as they can. They can feel their body buckling under the assault of countless microscopic jaws, their own nanite swarm waging a losing battle against the invaders. They were having a far easier time than the others though and had to keep being a threat that could not simply be wholly ignored by the golem.

TSP: 2 SP: 79/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 11/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Reactive Repair: Stamina Fast Healing 2/Temp Stamina Generation 2

Fort Save: 21
-Total damage 14

Reaction: AoO
-26 to hit
-18 fire damage
Swift Action: Energized Swarm Elec->Fire
Move Action: Boost
Standard Action: Attack Nanite Golem
-32 to hit
-20 fire damage

Primary: Polarity Gauntlets, Current
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)


2023-06-22, 01:58 PM
Akifansha flies up, aims her Heat Leech at the swarm. The battery in her hands glow red hot, while the swarm is surrounded by deathly cold winds, sucking any trace of heat into that battery.

Move, Cast Heat Leech, apply immortal lessons, activate Spell Coupling with a level 4 slot

69 cold damage, DC 26 reflex half
Resources spent: level 5 spell slot; level 4 spell slot; 1 RP

2023-06-23, 02:30 PM
ICARUS-II, having no melee weapon, neglects their Aoo. They move to try to lead the Golem away from Isar. Unfortunately, their terrifying nature is opaque to the mindless swarm!

After moving, the SRO tries to attack with their Artillery Lazer again!

2023-06-23, 04:56 PM

"Blast, go down damn you" Delta snarls as they locate 15ft to the NE around the the strange purple crystal releasing a single brutal shot at the golem as the agitator rifle flashes red on 0% promethium remaining..

Move 15ft NE to trigger mobility +1 AC
Standard: Fire at golem with deadly aim [roll0] vs EAC dam [roll1] Fire

Ignore 10 DR and/or 10 Damage resistance

Delta V -248 (Delta) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707) Android Soldier 13 LN
HP 95 / 95 RES 10 / 11 STAM 117 / 117 Speed 40ft Init 5 KAC 35 EAC 33
Fort 10 Ref 9 Will 11 CMB 43 BAB 13
Agitator Inferno 22 (6d6 E +13, Burn 3d4)
Semi auto pistol Elite 22 (3d6+7, -)
Tactical Plasma sword 20 (2d8+18, S.Wound)
Unarmed 20 (3d6+12, ) Str 19 (5) Dex 20 (7) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 17 (3) Cha 10 (0)

Lord Bayushi
2023-06-27, 12:18 PM
Watching as the golem continued to aggress and ingulf his teammates, Kisada decided the time for explosive weapons had come. He dropped the nearly empty magazine from his heavy rifle and slapped in a replacement clip while preparing his heavy weaponry.

"Danger close, artillery incoming."

The shoulder mounted missile launcher in his armor opened it's launch doors as he ordered Iron Scanda to scoot forward to deliver an incendiary grenade from her stores. He glanced quickly behind him before letting a missile fly.

"Backblast area clear, artillery out."

The missile shot clear of it's launcher, contrail filling the immediate area with smoke, rocketing past the creature and his teammates and impacting behind it, ingulfing half the monster in the blast. The grenade from the drone impacted in the same area, pouring flaming fuel all over the rear of the foe.

The drone move two squares down and two squares to the left, then throws an Incendiary Grenade at the intersection of squares exactly 10 ft below the center intersection of the Golem, hitting with a 24 (vs AC 5) and causing 12 AOE Fire damage and an additional 4 continuing Burn damage to the beast while avoiding friendly fire.

Kisada reloads his cannon and makes an attack with his Advanced Rocket Pauldron, targeting the same intersection as the drone (using Deadly Aim if allowed, see dice rolls for details) with a 19 (vs AC 5). He causes 24 Fire and Bludgeoning AoE damage, also avoiding friendly fire.

Drone HP: 107/120
Resolve: 11/12
Ammo/Battery Status:
Winter Walker PA Battery: 18/20
Electrostatic Field Battery: 18/20
Gravity Pulse Unit Battery: 10/20
Titan Shield Battery: 30/40
Heavy Reaction Cannon Magazine: 6/6 (another magazine with 2/6 rounds remaining)
Drone Tactical Autobeam Artillery Laser Battery: 32/40
Drone Incendiary Grenade spent

Access to the Deadly Aim feat for 7/10 rounds.

2023-06-29, 02:30 PM
Ram tries to quickly set Isar down and then quickly shoot the golem through the door, but mistimes the shot and ends up just barely missing FAR-US instead.

FAR-US ties to make a quick strike with the super-heated gauntlets as the golem starts to move through him, but the invading nanites manage to lock up his arm to make him miss. The hulking Android then adjusts and swings again, smashing some of the swarm engulfing him.

Akifansha pulls out a battery and starts focusing on the golem. Suddenly the battery starts heating up as the swarm starts to frost over, everything in Akifansha's sight loses any latent heat to the battery.

ICARUS-II moves north-east drawing the Golem away from the door, taking an attack in their move. Then blasts it with their laser.

Delta curses the golem as they run around the forcefield containing the strange crystal. The shot connects, but the swarm almost seems to swallow it. The golem looks damaged, but definitely not defeated.

Kisada decides to switch tactics slightly and go for blast damage. Iron scanda moves down around the back to lob a napalm grenade behind the golem. Kisada just stands and watches as the RPG hits the same spot and lights up the golem even more. All this fire is definitely burning the nanite swarm, which is getting smaller and more sparse.

The Golem moves north to keep as many creatures in its swarm as possible. However, as it starts to move, you realize it is moving in what appears to be slow motion. It barely finishes moving before you are ready to attack again.

Isar rouses himself and calls out "I can cast Embrace Of The Void to slow it again, if we need in a few rounds."


You take 69 points of cold damage, reflex 26 for half. You also get an AoO against the swarm for it being on top of you/moving through your square. Finally you take 29 points of damgae from the nanite cloud. DC 20 fort save for half, if you fail, you are also nauseated.
It strikes you with a 32 to hit for 35 damage as you move to draw it away from Isar. You also take 29 points of damgae from the nanite cloud. DC 20 fort save for half, if you fail, you are also nauseated.
Everyone is still doing damage like they have been, I just like to give it a little different flavor so it's not the same description every time. Kisada was able to do full damage with the grenades, everyone else did half-damage with their attacks. Akifansha slowed it.

2023-06-30, 03:55 PM

Delta looks left and right as they are pinned in by the swarm of nanites and the glowing energy crystal. "Repositioning.... aggressively." they announce before rolling 40ft to the south east plucking free the gleaming power sword and doing a single savage slash as they pass by.

Free: Quickdraw the power sword
Spring attack: Move 40ft SE spring attacking a hit with deadly aim [roll0] vs EAC dam [roll1] FIRE

Ignore 5 DR and/or 5 Damage resistance
+1 AC for moving > 10ft

Delta V -248 (Delta) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2748707) Android Soldier 13 LN
HP 95 / 95 RES 10 / 11 STAM 117 / 117 Speed 40ft Init 5 KAC 35 EAC 33
Fort 10 Ref 9 Will 11 CMB 43 BAB 13
Agitator Inferno 22 (6d6 E +13, Burn 3d4)
Semi auto pistol Elite 22 (3d6+7, -)
Tactical Plasma sword 20 (2d8+18, S.Wound)
Unarmed 20 (3d6+12, ) Str 19 (5) Dex 20 (7) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 17 (3) Cha 10 (0)

2023-07-01, 05:10 PM
"Will you bloody die already?!" Ram underlines her motion by just shooting a whole lot at the nanotech golem.

If I measured correctly, one corner of Ram's square is able to draw a line to all corners of the southern-most square of the golem, sooo

Full Action Quad Attack on the golem.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]

2023-07-03, 08:02 AM
Delta attempts to use the power sword on the golem, but it is able to easily contort its "body" to avoid the slash; however the Ram takes advantage of the distraction provided and attacks the golem with all out fire power, hitting 3 times. The golem is able to just dodge the last shot. You can see sparks running over its nanite swarm as it starts glitching heavily. It is almost dead.

I thought it was going to be enough to kill it, but it has like 3 hit points left, so if someone can hit AC 29 (KAC or EAC) and do 3 points of damage (after halving for single target attacks), it'll be over.

2023-07-03, 02:34 PM
It was easy to lose track of the massive combat synth in the swirl of hostile nanites and waves of freezing magic. For a terrible moment, it seems like they might have truly been consumed by their enemy, losing the microscopic war between themself and their hostile cousin. It would be just like the unfeeling machine to simply perish without so much as a cry of pain and despair.

Then a gauntlet burst through the golem's face, waves of heat pouring off of it as nanites were incinerated. Elements of the gauntlet melted to slag and dripped free as every safety limiter that could have been shut off was. The gauntlet swiped down through the center mass of the golem, parting nanites into trailing embers.

As the nanites lost cohesion, no longer having enough members to support their programming and spiraling away. FAR-US stepped back through the cloud and to their companions. Their armor was pitted and abraded in numerous spots, layers of advanced polymer plating having been eaten off by countless tiny maws.

"Is medical assistance required?"

TSP: 2 SP: 14/169 | HP: 82/82 | RP: 12/12 | Surges: 10/14
Fort: 14 | Ref: 11 | Will: 12
20% chance to turn crits into regular hits
+2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, poison, and sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.

Reactive Repair: Stamina Fast Healing 2/Temp Stamina Generation 2

Reaction: Defensive Dispersal against Nanite Golem's AoE

Ref Save: 21 failed, 69 damage
Fort Save: 26, passed, 0 damage
-Total damage: 69

Swift Action: Energized Swarm Elec->Fire
Move Action: Boost
Standard Action: Attack Nanite Golem
-42 to hit (crit but this thing is immune to crits)
-25 fire damage reduced to 12 by swarmlike

Primary: Polarity Gauntlets, Current
Secondary: Sheath Array (+2 to reflex, athletics, stealth)


2023-07-05, 03:56 PM
FAR-US finally conquers the enemy nanite swarm, squashing the last few in his fiery gauntlets to cause the rest to lose cohesion and "evaporate" into thin air with no clear direction or goal. Nothing is left, as all weapons and armor it possessed were composed of its nanites.

Taking a brief second to evaluate the battle field you see the two security robots cowering in the far corner, still trying to get as far away as possible from ICARUS.


I assume ICARUS would announce that you have about 8 rounds (48 seconds) to finish off those security robots before they return to normal routines. Focused fire will accomplish that without a problem. If you just want to mark off 3 more "rounds" of firing from each character, we can assume it happened and move on, or we can play it out. This is just resource management at that point. They have 165 HP with vulnerability to crits and electricity. Ram took like 125 HP out of one with her crit earlier, and yall can convert damage types on a lot of things, so shouldn't be bad to mop up. Since they are cowering, they are flat-footed and can take no actions.

2023-07-06, 07:03 AM
Enemy units: Robots will be indisposed for at least 30 more seconds. Unit: ICARUS-II is also indisposed.

The SRO is badly discombobulated by the Golem and can only sputter out a little information...

2023-07-06, 09:19 AM

Delta nods to the others. "Moving to eliminate disable security units" they add. Switching to the heavy flame blaster they reload it and then spray streams of molten promethium over then until they are destroyed. "Targets destroyed" Delta adds once the robots are destroyed, "How are the injured friendly units?" Delta asks.

2023-07-06, 03:47 PM
"Providing medical. Someone else, kindly shoot the bloody Terminators." Ramshackle moves to Isar, treating him by way of tactically deploying a medpatch in the way no one else has ever medpatched in the history of medpatching. Immediately after, she moves to ICARUS to provide the mechanical equivalent. Possibly in the finest application of percussive maintenance in a long while.

So, time to figure out how the Treat Deadly Wounds rules actually work. For the record, Ramshackle has an Advanced Medkit. She will use her Medical Expert feat (fueled by a Medpatch she pulls from her Utility Belt; the Medpatch doesn't do any of its normal functions when used this way) to treat Isar as a full action with DC 25 Medicine. On success, Ram cures Isar for HP equal to his level. If she exceeds the DC by 5, she adds her Int mod of +5 to the amount (see Treat Deadly Wounds skill entry), as well her own level (see Medical Specialist ability in Medic archetype). Should Ram heal Isar to full HP and there are points of healing left over, they restore Stamina instead (see Doctor ability in Medic archetype).

[roll0] Boo! Boooo! Isar only heals 13 HP.

Now, if I understand the SRO rules correctly, you can use Medicine stuff on them, but using Engineering instead. However, I am not sure if Medical Expert also works on them. If it does, the same as the above is done for ICARUS. Otherwise, she does the 1 minute long treatment. Ram does not roll the Engineering check, she takes 10 with her Skill Mastery, so she automatically exceeds the DC by 5. This heals ICARUS by 31 HP.