View Full Version : 3.5e Fey versus your name..

2023-02-06, 09:57 PM
In reallife, there is legends of fey having power of you if you gave them your full name. In 5e, They might have done something similar with the whole disadvantage/advantage thing.

In 3.5, does something similar happen with Fey/Fae knowing your full name, not the truenaming mechanics but the normal 'knowing your full name' part.

2023-02-06, 10:36 PM
I've never seen anything to that effect in 3.5e material.

2023-02-06, 11:57 PM
You already mentioned truename magic, and AFAIK, that's the closest 3.5 would come to this kind of thing.

Outside of ToM, I think a small handful of spells require, or are more effective, if you know the target's true name.

2023-02-07, 02:50 AM
From what I have seen is that the Fey are woefully underdeveloped in 3.5. In my games I have used the Fey a few times but I style them on the Dresden Files Fey.

2023-02-07, 10:17 PM
The concept exists in D&D and while Truename magic sort of covers that in 3.5, it is also true that there isn't much else in 3.5 where it would matter.

However, older editions like AD&D & 2E made much more use of true names in the game, but it was mostly focused around demon binding. A Magic User (old name for Wizard) would need to research the True Name of any demon or devil he wanted to try to control. I am not 100% sure but if I recall correctly this could even be effective on an ancient dragon or something else the magic user wanted to try to control.

Outside of this limited area there were likely mentions here and there not to let anyone find out your true name and its been a long time but I guess probably mentioned surrounding fey creatures as well. Sorry that's all I can remember. Digging very deep for this one.

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2023-02-08, 12:37 AM
BoED has a section about true names as they relate to Words of Creation (p. 32), not the same as what's detailed in ToM, but it's not fey-specific.

2023-02-08, 02:48 AM
There was the "Truenames and Fetishes: The Power and the Peril" article in Dragon #317 with Truename feat, which isn't derived from the Tome of Magic Truenaming

An observer that learns the caster's truename via a successful Spellcraft or Intelligence check gains a measure of power over the caster. First, the truename caster doesn't get any of the benefits of using the truename against the opponent who identified his truename. Second, if that individual is a spellcaster, he gets those same benefits against the truename caster, as if he himself had a truename and was using it If he also has his own truename and uses it against the one whose name is known, the benefits are doubled, according to the standard rules for doubling in the Player's Handbook. Finally, anyone learning the truename can announce it aloud, allowing others an easier chance to learn the truename (Spellcraft or intelligence check: DC 5 + the caster level of the creature using the truename). Truenames are imbued with a power that all intelligent creatures recognize. Thus, even a creature that has never heard of truenames benefits From knowing one.

Yes - 3.5 has three different implementations of True Names in magic: Words of Creation, "Truenames and Fetishes", and Tome of Magic - in this chronological order. (But none of them are Fey-specific)

2023-02-08, 05:11 AM
Closest I can think of was in Neverwinter Nights, where the epic level campaign had a side quest about finding Mephistopheles' true name, which automatically won you the final boss fight.

Never any real mechanics, as far as I know.

2023-02-08, 02:20 PM
Maybe you could just house-rule something simple like if a fey knows your full name you get a penalty so saves vs. it spells and special abilities?

2023-02-08, 05:40 PM
Maybe you could just house-rule something simple like if a fey knows your full name you get a penalty so saves vs. it spells and special abilities?

You could also take it a bit further, and give the fey some spells or special abilities that only work if they know your true name. You can also take it in the other direction, and make it so that if someone knows a fey's true name, that fey has penalties on its saves and also the person can force it to do things by invoking it.