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View Full Version : Need input on what class I should play. Level 12 pathfinder game

2023-02-07, 08:37 PM
I am in a Game with 5 other people set in a world being over taken By an evil Dragon God and Demon's .

My party other than my self consist of
1: Path of war Medic - Some what Melee
1: oracle Melee focused Is a Mid-maxer
1: Alchemist Bomb Focused
1: unknown New player character
1 2nd unknown player Character

I'd like to if all possible be a Damage Dealer buy I'd truthly like what ever would help in are fights more Evem if it's not a DPR character.

We have fought several Dragons way above Are CR and we've come close to a TPK 3 times.

Couple Notes

There are no churches in this world and Dragons where up till a a year ago in the game world so unknown....that even the word Dragon was very uncommon.

If I do not go Damage, a spell caster could be fun . I'd like one that could Buff the party and fill 1 or 2 others roles that listed party, members do not take up

2023-02-07, 10:12 PM
What sources are available and what sources are you comfortable with?

2023-02-07, 10:37 PM
What sources are available and what sources are you comfortable with?

Pazio and 3rd party has to be run by the GM

2023-02-07, 11:14 PM
If your DM allows it

1 Oath Points can give you Spheres of Power 2 Basic Magic Talents and Caster Level equal to 1/2 your HD. This is called the Magical Gleaming oath benefit which I will link here
Furthermore you can take 5 drawbacks to get bonus spell points.

Thus a character which is 12 HD will have spell points equal to 12 + Casting Ability Modifier so roughly 20 to 22 Spell Points, without taking any Sphere of Power casting or blended classes. Your caster level is only 6 though and perhaps 8 with a magic trait in a single sphere.

Throw in 1 level of Sphere Arcanist and you get 1 moldable talent which you can then swap out with the exploit sphere of power's version of quick study (which is fueled by spell points)
Add in the Inspired Surge Wild Magic feat and for the cost of 1 feat you get another talent you can swap on the fly. The cost of this flexibility beside the feat slot is that you must cause a wild magic event with 100% chance of WM occurring. This is a cost but for that Oath Points, 5 Draw Backs, 1 Level of Class, and 1 feat you got the ability to be flexible 1 sphere plus 1 extra talent deep in any of the 20 spheres at CL 6 giving you a huge amount of flexibility.


I bring this up for you say no cleric and no good healing and the Life Sphere can fix many of these problems with what I said above. Furthermore 1 Time and 1 Life is a good choice for your 2 basic casting talents that do not need to use moldable talents or Wild Magic. Time does not care about caster level for half its talents (retry, shift time, retroactive preparation are all awesome and easy to just dip for especially with casting drawbacks) and life sphere can remove most conditions and is good healing with a base sphere and those 2 flexible talents.


This in turn allows you 11 or 12 HD in other classes. You can be a wizard, or another spellcaster, or you can be a damage dealer, a path of war class, etc etc.

You got a lot of options here I just saw the PoW medic and the Oracle and was wondering how comfortable you are with 3rd party.

Literally with oath points of spheres of power you can give yourself melancholic depression (a lesser madness / curse worth 2 oath points) and in return learn awesome magic that does not require class levels. It is grad school!