View Full Version : Pimp my illusionist ride - low level play

2023-02-07, 11:17 PM
So I am thinking of playing a gnome illusionist and while I won't be breaking the game, the Shadowcraft Mage is more than powerful enough for me to enjoy without any shenanigans, Shadow-Miracles notwithstanding!

But the Killer Gnome doesn't even begin to hit his stride till 10th level and looking at my options up to that point ...its rather underwhelming. Plus I have no way of knowing if the game will even reach 10th level anyways! Recently I have done a ton of research into a playable illusionist and I am thinking its going to be on the whole...rather weak up till 10th level, with the exception that I think I can pump my Illusion save DC's pretty well. Outside of that, I got nothing.

I am wondering if the good folks here have some ideas to make a fun and survivable illusionist from 1st to 10th level? And maybe even a little bit diesel?

Here is what I have so far: standard killer gnome chassis - Arcane Gnome +2 Int & +1 DC illusion spells
or regular Rock Gnome + 1 DC illusions (if Dragon magazine is not allowed)
Wizard 1 - Gnome Illusionist 1 (substitution level) early access to illusions & enhances CL boost of Earth Spell

Level 1
Gnome Illusion Spells
A gnome illusionist who takes this level choose one of the following schools that they can cast spells in, in which to take a -1 caster level penalty: evocation, transmutation, or conjuration. At first level, the gnome illusionist cannot cast any spells from this school. In exchange for this, the gnome illusionist can use their wizard level as their caster level for their racial spell-like abilities. In addition, they can prepare the following spells at the indicated spell level, rather than their normal spell level.

0-Level: silent image, ventriloquism
1st-level: Leomund's trap, minor image
2nd-level: illusory script, major image
3rd-level: illusory wall
4th-level: persistent image
5th-level: programmed image

Illusion Mastery
Illusion Mastery (Ex): An illusionist using this variant automatically adds two illusion spells to his spell book every time he gains a level that grants access to a new spell level. Furthermore, any time the illusionist learns a new illusion spell, he treats that spell as if he had mastered it with the Spell Mastery feat.

School Mastery (if Dragon magazine is allowed) + 1 CL +10% Quasi-reality on Shadow spells
School Mastery: [replaces familiar] This alternate class feature from Dragon 357 may suck for everyone else, but it's the bee's knees for illusion. +1 caster level for illusion spells and an extra 10% quasi reality for all your illusion (shadow) spells.

So with 18 base Int + 2 Arcane Gnome = 20 = + 5 DC for all my spells & + 1 (Gnome) + 1 (Spell Focus: Illusion) = + 7 DC on my illusion spells at 1st level. So my Will save DC for a 1st level Illusion spell would be 18 - not too shabby. Fighters and monsters will almost certainly fail. Druids and Clerics have pretty decent odds of success at 11 or better with their Will saves being around +6 (+2 Will save + 4 Wisdom) they will save on a 12 or better. Wizards and Sorcerers also have good Will saves but don't use Wisdom as a casting stat, so call it a +1 or +2 Wis mod with +2 base Will save for a total +4 and they will save at a 14 or better.

But even with decent Illusion DC's at low levels...mostly its just tricky stuff and not actually deadly damage or dangerous except for Color Spray.

While Color Spray seems like my best blasting/offensive spell...I can get a lot of utility & versatility out of Silent Image (cantrip) and ventriloquism or Ghost Sound. I am thinking for basic dungeon delving and battle I would want a wand of Color Spray as soon as I can get one but the problem is ...it won't have my Save DC of 18...so if I want one before 4th level then I would have to attempt to collaborate on the creation of the wand. The trade off would be I would be willing to pay full price to the NPC crafter if I can assist in the making...but that is up to DM fiat. By the time I get to 4th level to make it myself, Color Spray is useless in a fight. Failing that I could always make a few scrolls.

I don't get Shadow Conjuration till 7th level (its a 4th level spell) - so I am at loss to know how to battle up to 10th level?

I guess I will be using Silent Image paired with Ghost Sound as well as Major Image as a 2nd level spell with the early access I get from Gnome Illusionist. I am sure I can get crafty with illusory walls of stone and illusory pit traps, but I would still need to put illusory murder holes on my walls to enable my party members to do the actual damage dealing. In other words I will mostly rely on my party members to dispatch the enemies while I provide a little bit of trickiness.

Besides this...is there any way to "Pimp my ride" to be effective in battle? Any ideas will be appreciated.

Akal Saris
2023-02-14, 01:28 AM
One of the nice things about playing a low level gnome illusionist is that with the substitution levels, you can load up entirely on silent image in your cantrip slots, so you actually have interesting cantrip options in addition to all your 1st level spells.

I would ask your DM how late the campaign will go. There's no point in taking prereq feats that you won't use much (Heighten, earth spell, etc.) if you won't get to 10th level. Instead you could be taking more exciting feats, or at least more boosts to your DCs.

Some other low level illusion combat spells to consider (many are from Spell Compendium):

- Color Spray is terrific, as you've noted
- Net of Shadows has two uses, either giving an ally concealment to hide them, or putting it on an enemy to reduce their vision

- Invisibility is great outside of combat, such as for whoever is scouting ahead of the party
- Mirror Image is a terrific defensive spell, and only gets better at higher levels
- Phantom Assailants and Shadow Spray both deal ability damage, which can incapacitate an enemy with low ability stats, and shadow spray also dazes for a round.
- Major Image may have some usage, but honestly many situations probably only need Silent Image

- Shadow Binding inflicts a combination of dazed and entangled, which is a potent status effect that your allies will appreciate.

2023-02-14, 06:00 AM
If you are willing to lose a level of spellcasting, Nightmare Spinner gives you an extra illusion spell per level per day, along with interesting and thematic abilities.