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2023-02-15, 11:37 PM
Here is the long awaited IC thread for the Feast of Dust game. Thank you all for your patience. I have linked the Recruitment and OOC threads into this post, as per forum rules. The next post will be up in about half an hour, and the game can begin.

Recruitment: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?652381-PF1-mid-high-level-game-Feast-of-Dust

OOC: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653889-Feast-of-Dust

Re-recruitment thread link: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?656475-Feast-of-Dust-re-recruitment

2023-02-16, 12:06 AM
The caravan approaches the town of Dimayen. You are saddle-sore, dusty, and thirsty. Your reasons for coming to the town vary. Some may be here on your way to bigger Qadiran towns or cities. Others have business within the town itself. But either way, you have arrived.

The town is built around an oasis, which is lush. However, the irrigation canals are mostly dry and look like a horrendous mess. You have seen signs of trouble on your journey. There have been abandoned caravans with no trace of their travelers save for a few gnawed bones, starving vultures fighting over human remains half buried in the sand, or unusually aggressive infestations of desert parasites. You approach the town, and consider the options for a bath and a long, cold drink.

Phantom Genius
2023-02-17, 05:53 AM
There have been abandoned caravans with no trace of their travelers save for a few gnawed bones, starving vultures fighting over human remains half buried in the sand,

Bazir peels back the wraps that protect his skin from the SUN and make him almost appear to be a mummy. "The SANDS have taken them. They are now at peace. May the SUN watch over them as the SANDS consume them." (He wonders to himself how that might sound to one who does not understand.) For now, he will enjoy the oasis, knowing all too well that in time it too will be nothing but SAND.

2023-02-17, 09:03 PM

Becka looked sideways in disbelief at Bazir and then back at one of the picked over corpses.

"The price of peace seems a little too high.." she comments dryly. Becka returned to stretching her legs.

She pulled a boot off and drained some sand out of it. The winds of the desert blew even more sand into her empty boot.

Becka coughed for the millionth time. "Could really use a rain storm about now."

Phantom Genius
2023-02-19, 01:29 AM
"Could really use a rain storm about now."

Bazir looks at the sky. "Seems unlikely."

2023-02-19, 08:59 AM
Her mare could use a drink.

And so could Randa.

She appreciated the fact she had "acquired" the dark colored horse at the start of the caravan rather than a camel; horses were more honest about their needs and she didn't really wish to start this venture with a riding animal that suddenly dropped dead because it was, intentionally or not, hiding its own need of food and water. She had dismounted once the oasis town had been sighted to give her beast some relief and plodded along after the others. It might not have been so strange that the petite traveler had her own steed but up until now, she had kept an unusual distance from most of the caravan with the exception of Becka, and had also remained bundled up in a comfy but well worn cloak and riding clothes that covered ever inch of her except for part of her face. She didn't exactly want to advertise that she was half-orc. ...Or that she was the notorious Inferno Witch, but maybe it won't come up?

"Any of you been here before?" she asks dryly before enigmatically: "My experience says we need to try the oldest Inn or tavern here first, and then the newest if that doesn't work out."

2023-02-19, 11:09 AM

"I would be embarrassed to admit if I had been here before. Yes, something I would most, most definitely lie about." Becka shielded her eyes with her hand as she scanned the sky for clouds. Disappointed, she sighed.

"I have not been here before." Becka protested her innocence.

Becka scrunched up her face at Randa. "Isn't it the biggest tavern you are supposed to try first. Wait, maybe its the one closest to the docks you are supposed to avoid. Not a problem you would have here I guess. Honestly, I think we just duck into the first inn/tavern we find. Get a drink." Becka paused to think ".. Then get another drink. Then decide which tavern or taverns we are going to patronize. I don't think we should make a crucial decision like this with out a drink in our hands first. A pre-taverning if you will. "

Becka waited to follow someone else into the town proper.

2023-02-19, 11:27 AM
Randa will lead the way and her horse if she has to.

"I try to go to the oldest establishment I can find; it's either survived the longest because it'll cater to anybody with coin, or because it has kissed all the arses of the citizens to keep out the riffraff they don't like. In which case, the newest place in town--that's not doing as well-- will be desperate enough to take my coin specifically, with fewer questions asked."

2023-02-24, 07:04 AM
You easily find your way to The Oasis, a small tavern which you are told is the only one in town. The Whitewater Compound is normally a better place to go for drinks and accommodation, but it has been mysteriously closed up for a week or so.

You order your drinks, and find to your surprise that the price and drinks are both reasonable. You hear much of the conversation is speculation about the Whitewater Compound, though you don't know exactly who they are or what they represent. You also hear a bit of talk about a place called the Fabled and Forgotten, whatever that might be. You also hear of a small shrine to Sarenrae called the Shrine of Overflowing Joys.

Phantom Genius
2023-02-25, 07:12 AM
Only tavern in town = BEST tavern in town.

A round of drinks for my friends since we're all going to die soon. :frown:

2023-02-27, 05:20 AM
Your round of drinks comes quickly and with practices ease from the barmaid. There is something a little off about the place, but you can't quite tell what it is. It isn't the room, though, it is the people. The obvious travellers taking their ease do not seem strange, but there is something uneasy about the people you can only assume are the town's locals.

Mahasset goes to the temple. It lies upon the site of a secondary spr though you can only assume the main spring would have more water, as this one doesn't produce enough water for a whole town, even one as small as this. The wood and masonry walls of the humble temple are worn but clean. The friezes adorning the walls are well executed, but have been touched up by amateurish hands. Though the gilding of the dome roof has begun to wear off, heavy layers of wax still give it a blinding sheen in the sunlight. A holy symbol of Sarenrae adorns the door, etched into the door and inlaid with gold.

As you enter, you find a scene of horror. Two dozen of the townsfolk are lashed to cots in the temple sanctuary. Two dozen others wander aimlessly. Six acolytes, judging by their simple robes, tend those strapped down.

2023-03-01, 06:30 PM
This was not, in any way, what Mahasset had been expecting.

He had heard of the shrine at Dimayen, had privately thought that “Overflowing Joys,” was a bit much, though in line with the style of the Korian sects of the Third Dynasty, who had refined hyperbole into its own art form.

He had been meaning to make the journey for some time—not for the presumed joys, overflowing or not, but for a Willani translation of Korian doctrine, to which he had caught an offhand reference in one of the later compilations by Havanius. Only a few fragments of Willani script were known to Mahasset, and the tantalizing possibility of a full text had been tugging at him for weeks now. He had no particular taste for Korian precepts, but they were at least well-attested, and would make a decipherment of Willani all the more robust.

But instead—writhing people in dirty ropes, clumsily bound to cots, a scatter of acolytes doing what little they can to tend to them.

Mahasset stands for a moment, glancing about, then strides directly to the nearest acolyte, speaking in the ancient holy tongue. “What has happened here, my child? Who are these lost folk, and where is your abbot?”

Not far behind him, silent and unnoticed, a sand-cat hunches down in the shadows with a sour, contrary look.

2023-03-02, 04:02 AM
The acolyte pauses in her unceasing, heartbreaking, work. She studies Mahasset closely, then offers a sigh. She brushes her hair back from her face, then looks around the room. It is hard to tell if she is examining those who wander, or those tied down, or if she simply can't fully comprehend the horrors she has seen. You notice that her yellow robes are tattered at the sleeves, and it looks like she has bite marks beneath them. The bites appear to be old, and starting to fester.

"Greetings, stranger. I am Sister Khalidras. I fear that unless you have gold to contribute, or healing skills to offer, I must ask you to leave." It seems almost like she has had to deal with many strangers coming through the doors, and that this is a good means of sorting out those who may be helpful and who will simply offer to become an even greater burden.

2023-03-02, 10:05 PM
“Let me see that,” Mahasset says of the bite marks on the sister’s arm. “What happened? How did you get these?”

Indifferent to social norms or personal boundaries, he will focus intently on the injuries, examining them carefully with an eye towards determining both their origin and what form of healing they may require.


2023-03-05, 06:52 AM
The acolyte, who seems to be in charge, looks down at Mahasset's hands as they work at assessing and treating the wounds. She seems to take some comfort in the skilled work. She finally relents, and opens up. "It is a disease known as the Feast of Dust. Where it comes from, we’re not sure—Master Sayid from the bookshop referred to it as the ‘Feast of Dust,’ but we haven’t seen him in days. The first victim was Pretty Jambre two weeks ago, I think, but we didn’t know what it was. Some thought their loved ones had gone mad or contracted some disease. Then we started finding fragments of bone carved with sigils among the victims, and witnesses began talking about the jackals that would watch the sick," she says. She seems open to talking with another healer, so Mahasset feels that he can ask any questions he may feel inclined, so long as it doesn't take the Acolyte from her duties for too long.

2023-03-12, 06:44 PM
“What made these?” Mahasset asks, holding the acolyte’s arm and peering at the half-animal bite marks on her flesh. “What are these creatures? And how is it that you’ve not healed them yet?”

Phantom Genius
2023-03-13, 06:53 AM
Randa and Becka? Another round or get some sleep?

2023-03-13, 12:50 PM

"I could use another drink."

Becka fiddled with her empty tankard and glanced around the tavern. "Seems... quiet in here. Maybe too quiet?" She asked absently.

Phantom Genius
2023-03-16, 12:30 AM
"I could use another drink."

Becka fiddled with her empty tankard and glanced around the tavern. "Seems... quiet in here. Maybe too quiet?" She asked absently.

"Indeed. With the threat before us, one would think there would be more concern, anxiety and discussion."

He waves politely at the server. "Another round if you please for my two friends and me."

2023-03-19, 02:31 AM
The barmaid hands over a new round of drinks, and you notice that she studies you carefully. She seems to relax a little when she identifies you as foreigners, however.

The Acolyte moves to cover her bitten arm. She replies cautiously, I was bitten by one of the afflicted. “The victims of the curse suffer a gnawing hunger, but cannot keep food or water down. If left alone, they eventually rush out of doors and strike out for the deeper desert with no care for their well-being. The old and infirm die quickly, but some of them stir and rise again as ghouls, and soon continue their journey into the sands. You would be better off talking to Master Sayid of the Fabled and Forgotten bookshop, for he is a wise and knowledgeable man. I would suggest you speak to the High Priest, Arakor Shonar, but he disappeared into the Whitewater compound several days ago, and hasn't been seen since. Some say he has been hiding from the curse in luxury, but I believe he has been working with Tianka Whitewater to find a cure. In any case, the Whitewaters have been sending us clean food and water since he went there."

"I can show you these, too, since you seem interested. They are magically enchanted jackal bones, which have been left at the sites of many attacks."
She shows you some bone fragments, each inscribed with writing in an unusual script.

For those in the bar, read the first bit of Post 11 for a tip as to what may be happening, and from where you can start an investigation.

2023-03-19, 08:42 AM
Ghouls. Well, godsdamn. Mahasset releases the acolyte’s arm with an absent attempt at gentleness.

“Have you tried the waters of your own spring?

“—And who exactly is this Sayid? I hadn’t heard there was a folio merchant in town.”

Deep within him, Ilkhundar stirs eagerly. Undead! Undead walk the lands again! We must boldly stride forth and smite them as they cower before us!

But Mahasset, long since accustomed to the echoes striving within him, subsumes the old paladin’s restless energy and follows the acolyte to the jackal-bones. Without touching the bone fragments, Mahasset will carefully examine the markings scored upon them, searching his memory for any resemblance to any languages or symbols he might know.

He will also draw on all that he knows from holy texts and ancient bestiaries for anything pertaining to ghouls, especially how to prevent and destroy them.



Phantom Genius
2023-03-22, 04:24 AM
Bazir pulls out a set of dice and invites a couple of locals to join us and have a drink. Maybe we can learn something from them.

2023-03-22, 12:24 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel, ever the life of the party, scowls briefly at Bazir as the dice come out, but puts on his best approximation of an approachable smile, palms out a handful of silver to lose or spend, and follows Bazir's lead.

2023-03-22, 03:37 PM

Becka pulls out a small handful of silver and pulls in closer to Bazir. "Now we are talking... Anyone else interested ?" She announces to the room.

2023-03-23, 03:57 AM
"I have tried the waters of the spring, but they have not worked. I fear there is a powerful necromantic curse attached to the bites. I suspect that the bone fragments likely have necromantic magic on them too," the Acolyte says. "Master Sayid is a scholar, so it is only natural that he be found within his bookshop. He is a friend of Father Arakor's. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has mentioned seeing him in a few days." Mahasset recognises the script on the bone fragments as a combination of Abyssal and Infernal. It will likely take magic to decipher the exact meaning, with the strange crossed languages.

A few of the locals come and join the table where the game has started. They look wary, until they get a good close look at you, then they seem to relax and settle into the game. One of them, as he scoops up the dice, very quietly says, "If you know what is good for you, strangers, you will get out of town as fast as you can. It is not safe here." He then looks around to make sure no one outside of the table could hear that. The other locals at the table nod very slightly in agreement with his words, though.

2023-03-23, 07:39 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Padishah". Esmaeel slides a decent pile of silver into the center of the table. But he didn't even lift his cup to check his dice before calling the highest roll in the game. He looks straight at the local who spoke, ignoring the hoots and jeers of the other gamblers at the imprudent bet.

"What sights might a curious traveller wish to see?", he asks.
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Focused * HP 92/92

2023-03-25, 07:14 AM
The locals study the dice fixedly, then they speak up, one at a time, adding in details of the town. One is the main speaker, and the others just add to what he says. "The Shrine of Overflowing Joys is a holy place that some travellers like. The Fabled and Forgotten bookshop is beloved of scholars, and that is under the ownership of Master Sayid. There is the Whitewater compound, but that can be hard to get into, and I think it might currently be shut to outsiders. Those are the main drawcards of the town." In a much quieter voice, he adds, "Be careful where you go. The Curse can be caught easily, and it brings a horrible death."

2023-03-26, 10:16 AM
“Keep these safe, and hidden,” Mahasset tells the young acolyte of the bone fragments. “These are words from foul and unhuman speech, and nothing I have ever delved into. Treat them as you would a poison.

“In the meantime,” he examines her arm again, “you will permit me to try.”

It’s not in Mahasset’s nature to allow wounds to be untreated, not when he has the power to heal; and so he casts a mild curing spell, which is usually sufficient for bites and gouges, and carefully examines the result.

Mahasset is casting Cure Light Wounds on the young woman’s arm.


He suspects the spell will have no effect; but even so he watches carefully, and compares what he sees with anything he has seen or read about unnatural afflictions such as this.



2023-03-27, 06:18 AM
"Keep the fragments, we have plenty of them. They all look the same. You might try to find out what the words say, and you are more likely to learn that on your travels than would those of us here. Maybe try to find Master Sayid," the acolyte suggests.

She holds her arm out sceptically, not really believing that simple magic could help. The spell is cast, and nothing happens. Perhaps the edges of the wound close ever so slightly, but the infection does not change at all. You can only assume this is some sort of powerful magical curse, the likes of which you have never seen before.

2023-03-27, 08:16 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Interesting. Let us finish our drinks and then visit this book store". Esmaeel gets up, a hundred silver lighter. He meets the eyes of each of the gamblers. "If our friend shows up looking for us, you will tell him where we went, yes?".

2023-03-27, 12:22 PM
Mahasset stares at the unhealed wound for a long, long moment, then exhales in brief irritation.

“Vexing. And unnatural. —I’ll return as soon as I’m able,” he promises the young acolyte. He gathers up several of the jackal-bones in a strip of clean linen, folds them away, and steps outside to find Master Sayid’s bookshop.

2023-03-30, 06:20 AM
Both groups find the bookshop easily enough, with it being a prominent landmark in the small town. You meet outside the door.

As you meet each other and produce introductions, you also enter the building, even as you discuss who you are to the strangers who also want to find Master Sayid.

The dark and musty shop is filled with shelves along each wall and stacks of books—new and old. A display of inks, papers, and writing implements covers the low
counter to the west. A scrawny and odd looking woman steps out from behind a counter. "Greetings, customers. I am Pershpia, an employee of Master Sayid. How may I help you this fine day?" she asks.

2023-03-30, 07:53 AM
For his part, Mahasset has no particular interest in a pack of scruffy caravan guards, and with little more than a glance at them he steps inside.

To the old woman in the bookshop, he nods and asks, “Your Master Sayid—is he in? I must speak with him, immediately. Many lives depend on it.”


Phantom Genius
2023-03-30, 06:41 PM
"I wonder what his story is. We're just planning to stop the harbinger of death..."

KR [roll0]

2023-03-30, 10:21 PM

"Those people looked scared and beaten down. I purposely lost - didn't feel right taking their coin" Becka whispers as they enter the shop.

Becka enters the shop and hangs back, trying to keep her distance from everyone lest she catches something.

She pulls out a silver coin and instantly palms it and makes it disappear suddenly. She utters a few magic words and it re-appears seemingly from her ear and floats onto the counter for Pershpia.

Know:Religion : [roll0]
Slight of hand : [roll1]
Cast mage hand

2023-04-03, 01:12 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Greetings, fellow traveller. We also seek the wisdom of Master Sayid in the matter of this unnatural plague. My name is Esmaeel Naffar. I am but a humble soldier, and I hope Master Sayid can enlighten us all on the source of this plague".
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Focused * HP 92/92

2023-04-03, 08:29 AM
To Mahasset, the woman behind the counter seems a touch taken aback at so many dusty strangers inquiring after Master Sayid at once, and all the more so for the little coin trick one of them plays.

Out of instinct, Mahasset glances at the one who did the trick, assessing what manner of magic might be involved.


As for the purple-cloaked desert warrior, Mahasset spares him only a flicker of attention, waiting for Master Sayid’s assistant to respond.

2023-04-06, 03:44 AM
The woman, you all realise, is some form of ghoul. She does not immediately attack, but she doesn't seem too helpful either. "Master Sayid is away. He will return in a few days," she says. You think you catch some movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you look there seems to be nothing there. You notice that the woman has been reading a book of some sort. It looks unlike a normal book, and more like a small journal.

Can I please get a sense motive check from everyone?

2023-04-06, 11:36 AM
Sense Motive

I should probably finalize Mahasset's spell selection for today, before the fun begins.

Phantom Genius
2023-04-07, 01:04 AM
Sense Motive [roll0]

2023-04-10, 04:38 AM
Esmaeel realises instantly that the ghoul is being deceitful, though it is difficult to tell exactly what is truth. But it appears she knows more of Sayid's disappearance than she lets on, or else how long he is absent for, though that seems less likely.

You all also notice that there is a creature of some sort moving around the room. It is invisible, but you get the impression that more than merely the ghoul is here. You can't identify it's exact location without help, but you still see hints of definite movement.

You can roll Perception to isolate the movement, and Knowledge Arcana to identify the creature if you like.

2023-04-10, 09:22 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel sniffs the air briefly, and brings up his polearm to point at the shop tender. [roll0]."That's enough, abomination. Tell your invisible friend to show himself, and start telling the truth, or you both die now".Scout stance * Perception +22 * Focused * HP 92/92[/QUOTE]

2023-04-10, 05:20 PM

"Invisible?" Becka asks and glances around the room in a confused manner. She instantly regrets tipping the 'ghoul'. "Usually I'm the one doing the shenanigans..."

Perception: [roll0]

Sense motive: [roll1]

2023-04-10, 08:11 PM
“Tell me truly,” Mahassat says in a hard, uncompromising tone, fixing the ghoul-woman with a weathered stare, “where is Master Sayid? Are you keeping him captive here?”

For the ghoul-woman, specifically for any hint of reaction to his questions:

Sense Motive

For the invisible creature:


Knowledge (arcana)

Phantom Genius
2023-04-11, 04:04 AM
"The customer service here is terrible!"

Bazir looks around the room, trying to follow the others' expressions and glances.

Perception [roll0]
Arcana [roll1]

2023-04-13, 05:55 AM
The party all manage to spot the creature that is floating around the room. It is a being known as an Invisible Stalker, a dangerous foe. Becka gets the impression that it seems to be aggressive, and may actually be hostile, though it hasn't yet attacked.

The ghoul woman says, "Master Sayid is not here. You must go. At once. Do not make me make you leave. She makes no hostile movement, but she seems to be muttering something to herself, and her hands are behind her back.

Becka, can you please give me a Will save.

2023-04-13, 06:43 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"You brouht this upon yourself", Esmaeel sighs. "Now DIE BY MY HAND!"; Esmaeel whips his hooked axe at the ghoul. Initiative if needed: [roll0]. Free action to change stance. If I have a full round of actions, move action to Challenge the ghoul; she gets +2 to hit Esmaeel, and -4 to attack others. 5' step as needed. Standard: Brutal Strike with 10' reach. [roll1], [roll2] + batterered 3 rounds and taking -3 to attack and damage while battered. Swift action: Counting coup [roll3], no damage but I add +1 sequence.
.Berserker stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92 * Sequence: 2 or 3

2023-04-13, 07:55 AM
The instant Mahasset recognizes the Invisible Stalker for what it is, he casts glitterdust on it.

The stalker gets a Will save against the blinding effect, but otherwise it’s nice and sparkly now. Disco beat!

2023-04-13, 10:28 PM

Will Save : [roll0]

2023-04-15, 04:37 AM
Becka manages to slip off the effects of the spell, or whatever probably ill effect it was the ghoul was creating. As battle erupts, the ghoul and the invisible stalker both move to attack. The invisible stalker lights up with the spell, but it is still a dangerous foe.

The ghoul manages to launch an attack before Esmaeel, casting a Slow spell at Esmaeel to try to disrupt his attack.

The invisible stalker launches an attack at Mahasset, who was the source of the glitterdust spell cast at it.

The Slow spell has a save DC of 18.

The invisible stalker attacks with an attack roll of [roll0] for [roll1] damage on the first Slam attack, then rolled [roll2] for [roll3] damage on the second attack.

2023-04-15, 09:40 AM

Becka moves towards the ghoul. "foul magic? Give me my silver back, fiend!"

She draws a dagger and teleports to the ghoul and then teleports away after trying to touch it in the side.

Init: [roll0]

Move action: Becka will move to be within 20 feet of the zombie, if she isn't already.

Free action: Draw her dagger

Standard action: use the 'Warp Worm' maneuver on the Ghoul

Touch Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Force damage

Assuming there is no effects stopping her teleport, she'll finish her turn 10 feet south of the ghoul, just out of arm's reach.

2023-04-15, 10:49 PM
Mahasset’s AC is 26, so neither of the stalker’s attacks should hit.

Mahasset will roll over the counter and move into the main area of the lobby, around where the “A1” text is located. He will cast Eaglesoul on himself, and will immediately use the swift action to activate the surge.

Among other things, this adds a +2 sacred bonus to his AC, so he should be up to AC 28.

He will also call to mind anything he can about invisible stalkers, especially whether they’re evil and/or undead.

Knowledge (arcana)

Knowledge (nature)

Knowledge (religion)

Phantom Genius
2023-04-19, 04:05 AM
Unsure if this is an epic battle or a minor inconvenience, Bazir returns to the door, throws it open, and whistles. A large form, standing eerily still under a light blanket, lumbers forward and into the room as Bazir indicates the ghoul spellcaster. "Seize her!"

2023-04-22, 03:20 AM
Taking a nasty hit, the ghoul seems to realise she is outmatched, and immediately vaults over the counter and bolts through the door, heading for the wilderness. The invisible stalker continues to fight, moving to block the way for the ghoul. You notice that she has not had time to take anything with her, so the book she was reading when you arrived is still on the counter.

Mahasset remembers the fact that invisible stalkers are living beings, neutrally aligned elementals.

Round 2 please. The ghoul is gone, and moving fast. The invisible stalker remains.
It makes an attack on Esmaeel. [roll0] attack 1, for [roll1] damage on a hit. [roll2] attack 2, for [roll3] damage on a hit.

2023-04-22, 02:37 PM
“Surānnu!” Mahasset calls in an ancient dialect, “—after her!” From where it was loitering just outside, a rather scruffy-looking sand cat darts in pursuit of the ghoul-woman.

Trusting his companion familiar to stay close on her trail—but not too close—Mahasset now focuses his attention on the invisible glittering stalker, casting Aggressive Thundercloud right on top of the thing and commanding the pocket storm to strike with its lightning.

Free action to call to Surānnu; then casting Aggressive Thundercloud on the stalker’s position:

Thundercloud electricity damage:

The glittering stalker can make a DC 17 Reflex save to negate the damage. SR also applies.

2023-04-24, 02:04 AM
There is an opportunity for those near the door to lash out at the ghoul before she flees through the doorway.

The lightning attack strikes at the invisible stalker, which doesn't seem to resist the spell itself, and also seems to take damage from the spell's elemental nature, in spite of it being an air based creature itself.

Stalker's Reflex Save: [roll0]

2023-04-24, 04:07 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel casually deflects the glittering stalker's first attack with his shield, and lets the other glance off his armored shoulder. He turns to pursue the fleeing woman, drops his polearm and rapidly throws two javelins. [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]. Spearchucker stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92 * Sequence: 6? (3, +1 shield block, +1? shield block AoO, +1? hitting with javelin)

2023-04-24, 07:46 AM
“Don’t kill her, you maffawat,” Mahasset snaps at the armored one throwing javelins, “I’ll run her down once I’m finished with this.”

Mahasset will concentrate on the thundercloud, keeping it centered on the stalker and commanding it to strike again:

Thundercloud electricity damage:

DC 17 Reflex for half.

Phantom Genius
2023-04-25, 04:12 AM
Bazir's golem reaches out with a sandy hand and attempts to grab the ghoul as it tries to get past them.

Bazir did not have a weapon in hand, so attempts a shield bash.
for damage of [roll]1d4+1d6-1

2023-04-27, 04:37 AM
The golem manages to catch the ghoul woman, but she magically slips by it, as if enchanted to be uncatchable,and she continues to flee. She takes the second javelin hit from Esmaeel, and appears to be lightly hurt, but not dreadfully so.

The invisible stalker takes a swing at Esmaeel as he moves.

1d20+ attack roll, [roll0] damage roll for AoO on Esmaeel.

2023-04-27, 04:39 AM
Misrolled. The rolls were [roll0] attack roll, [roll1] damage roll for AoO on Esmaeel.

2023-04-29, 10:44 AM

Becka concentrates for a moment then teleports past the stalker and through the open door and pursues the ghoul.

Swift action: Switch stances to : Stance of the Ether Gate

MV action : use Stance of the Ether Gate to teleport 30 ft

MV action: move 30ft to follow after the ghoul.

Note: Becka's AC drops to '27' as she leaves the 'Flowing Water Stance'

2023-05-03, 08:00 AM
—Mahasset glances at the scrum with the ghoul heading out the door, then back to the glittering stalker—

Did the glittering stalker make its Reflex save against that last lightning bolt from the Aggressive Thundercloud?

Also, could we have a map showing everyone's current positions? Mahasset is considering an area-effect spell, but doesn't want to catch Esmaeel within it if at all possible.

2023-05-06, 03:36 AM
Everyone takes a moment to center themselves and reassess the situation, then continue the battle. The ghoul seems to just want to escape, but the invisible stalker seems to be very much up for a fight. Becka follows the ghoul out the door, but the ghoul is moving at maximum speed, and manages to stay ahead.

For the first answer, check the OOC thread, I rolled his save there, but have a question.

As for a map, I am not sure how to create a map. I always just use theatre of the mind. I always give the advantage to however you intend to act, however. So you can cast the spell, and I will just assume that you are casting it in such a way that you won't catch your allies. If you are in too small an area, and the spell would definitely catch everyone in it, then I will warn you in advance. I will never just trap you into hurting your allies.

2023-05-08, 01:34 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"As you wish....", Esmaeel says, and bites back an impolite salutation to the rude stranger. He rushes back inside to slaughter the glittering stalker.

Move action: Close the Gap to move, switch weapons and gain 1 Sequence. Standard action Brutal Strike, spending focus to increase damage. [roll0], damage [roll1] + battered 5 rounds, taking -3 to atk&dam while battered. If the stalker survives, swift action finisher to take an additional attack action, [roll2], damage [roll3], otherwise regaining focus as a finisherBerserker stance * Perception +22 * (Double) Focused * HP 92/92 * Sequence: 0

2023-05-10, 12:39 AM
The invisible stalker is beaten to vapour by Esmaeel's blows. It disappears, and silence descends upon the room. You can still hear the rapidly departing steps of the ghoul as she runs out towards the desert.

2023-05-18, 07:19 AM
The instant the glittering stalker is pummeled into oblivion, Mahasset will spring out the door in hard pursuit of the ghoul-woman.

Phantom Genius
2023-05-19, 02:45 AM
Frustrated that she wasn't grabbed, Bazir says, "Well then punch her until she falls down!" as he grabs the book she was holding before she ran.

The golem follows orders and double moves after the ghoul.

2023-05-19, 04:47 AM
The ghoul woman pauses in her flight, and turns to face the golem. She realises in an instant that she can't defeat a golem with magic, so she casts a spell and disappears into thin air, teleporting away to safety.

2023-05-20, 04:25 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)As the chase in the streets wind down, Esmaeel is pacing the bookstore, making sure there are no other hidden guardians.
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92 * Sequence: 0

2023-05-21, 05:59 AM
No other enemies are found in the front room of the bookshop. You possess the book that was on the table, and which appears to be some sort of journal.

2023-05-21, 11:46 AM
Intensely frustrated that the ghoul-woman got away, and still not clear who these other people are, Mahasset will return inside to look at the journal the ghoul-woman left behind.

2023-05-23, 01:20 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel pages idly through the journal. He looks up as the irritable stranger returns. "So, stranger. Did you deal with the undead woman? And more importantly, who are you"?. He shows the journal, but holds it close to his chest.

Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92 * Sequence: 0

2023-05-23, 08:49 AM
“And who the saqh are you?” Mahasset snaps. “—She’s gone. I needed her.

“Now there’s only this,” and he gestures at the journal. “Can you read it?”

Mahasset looks at whatever of the book is visible, trying to see if there are runes that match the scratched symbols on the jackal bones he is carrying, still wrapped in linen and tucked away.


2023-05-24, 04:42 AM
Most of the books here are of only passing interest to any real collector, but a few interesting titles of value remain: Ancient Water Caches of the Parched Sands
(worth 100 gp), Dervishes: Technique and History (worth 150 gp), Genealogy of Janni Tribes (worth 550 gp), Mating Habits of Gnolls (worth 50 gp), and Rise and Fall of the Meraz (worth 250 gp).

Sayid’s accounts ledger sits open on the counter, full of notes scribbled in a different hand where Pershpia has attempted to track his comings and goings. His
journal sits nearby. Its last entry, dated a week ago, describes the symptoms of the curse befalling the town and labels it “The Feast of Dust.” It notes, “Has he returned!? No! Blade remains safely hidden in the private collection.” There are no notes in the same script as those written on the bones. It appears you will have to locate Sayid himself to unravel that mystery.

2023-05-25, 12:51 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel stares incredulously for a moment, then nods. "My name is Esmaeel Naffar, grandfather". The patient and gentle tone makes the honorific seem not quite respectful. "I'm here to seek the source of the plague, to burn it out".

After skimming the last pages of the journal, he tucks it loosely into his sash, then goes off to see what's behind the double doors (A2).
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-05-27, 01:23 AM
A small printing press dominates this cluttered workspace, while tools such as etching hooks, needles, lengths of twine, knives, and pots of glue crowd the counters. Lines of cord run back and forth at chest level in the room’s far end. The floor is a mess of torn papers, scattered type, and pools of ink.
There is a strong sour stink to the room. You find masterwork artisan's tool for bookbinding and calligraphy. You also find a dozen blank books, one of which is being used to press dried flowers, and which, on closer inspection, turns out to be a Blessed Book.

2023-05-27, 07:14 AM
“Can you read it?” Mahasset demands of Esmaeel; and then, “—Mahasset,” he grudgingly allows.

If the stranger responds, Mahasset will want to know what the book contains; if not, Mahasset will briefly consider the other peculiar strangers milling about, and will look around the rest of the shop.

2023-05-28, 09:46 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Mahasset". Esmaeel nods. "The journal describes the plague with horror, not pride, and mentions a blade hidden away in the private collection. You're welcome to read it later, when we've secured this building". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-05-28, 10:04 AM
Majeed had come running at the sound of fighting in the shop, but by the time he arrived, it seemed all was done. "What happened here?" he demanded, as he swept his gaze across the room without addressing either of its occupants in particular.

Casting Detect Evil. After all, we don't know each other yet.

Paddywagon Man
2023-05-28, 10:06 AM
Someone more hideous than the fleeing ghoul pokes in through the door, lumpy pitted skin breaking up patches of mismatched scales. A viper and an angry breeze follow him in, a spark jumping between the fingers of his gauntlet.

"What madness to be found here then? A bookshop robbed with a golem! Explain yourselves, you seem rather too powerful to be pushing around common townsfolk, but that won't stop me putting an end to it if you are!"

2023-05-28, 12:12 PM
Mahasset nods curtly to Esmaeel, —is about to say more, but pauses as a new bustle breaks out at the entrance to the shop. Something is bellowing, someone else is running up, there’s a golem milling around and Mahasset wants no part of any of it.

Instead, he leaps to the countertop where the journal had originally been resting, and alights in the form of a desert fox, exquisitely sensitive snout a hair’s-breadth above the surface of the counter as he concentrates on any telltale odors the ghoul-woman might have left behind, any lingering traces of scent which might give a hint as to where she came from—or where she might have gone.


- Flubbed the code above, so I rolled in the OOC thread, natural 20 for a 38 all told.

2023-05-28, 01:39 PM
Edar’Kear-Throden, or more appropriately Ossalur, skitters down the road to the sound of some sort of commotion. The kobold stops the solifugid when the bookshop gets within eye sight and mutters quietly to himself. It sounds like trouble and they don’t look like the townsfolk, but that’s maybe a good thing.

Cautiously the kobold has the camel spider skitter down the street and when they’re within potential dart range he calls out to the group at the door. ”Umm… What’s…what’s happening? I’m”

Before he can continue he immediately starts hacking up a lung into the hide armor covering the pony sized vermin he’s riding, further insects taking the opportunity to scatter from the sudden loud noise and burrow within his bags.

2023-05-28, 03:29 PM
A light-haired man in the dusty attire of a foreigner crouches in the street outside the Fabled and the Forgotten, his focus alternating between a seemingly ordinary spot of dirt and the procession of increasingly bizarre individuals streaming into the bookstore.

Should Mahasset follow the trail of the ghoul woman outside, he will find himself led right to the man's feet.

Vesrin will use his Ritual Tracker (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/mageknight#toc51) ability to attempt to determine the direction and distance to the ghoul woman's teleport destination.

Spellcraft: [roll0] plus free Inspiration [roll1]

Paddywagon Man
2023-05-29, 07:24 AM
Warlish is distracted by the sound of coughing and turns his back on the bookstore bunch.

"Oh, my! Are you alright, little fellow? Do you need healing?"

A second viper uncoils from his sleeve and drops to the ground beside the larger one, then moments later grows to the length of a man, the two snakes watching the door of the bookstore with suspicion as Warlish hurries over to the kobold's side and examines him with concern.

"I'm Warlish, can I help you at all my small friend? And did you see what all the commotion was about?"

2023-05-29, 09:52 AM
Ignoring the chatter among strangers in the bookstore's doorway, Mahasset continues scenting with ferocious concentration while in fox-form....

...using his 38 from his Perception roll.

2023-05-29, 10:58 AM
A couple more coughs are his immediate answer but then the offending locust leaves his throat and flies out. He gives a lopsided smile to the nice human who looks worse than him and says ”Oh, no. I’m…uh…I’m fine.”

He blinks a couple times and then quickly adds ”I’m Edar’Kear-Throden. This is Ossalur.” He gives the armored giant camel spider a few loving strokes, the bugs once more starting to spread out and get comfortable around the kobold.

He looks back at the bookstore and shakes his head, saying ”No, I was…I was gonna look but it’s kind of…busy?” Another couple ants try to crawl back into his mouth but, apparently paying attention this time, he just casually brushes them to the side.

2023-05-29, 12:17 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Good day. I believe I saw some of you at the caravanserai earlier? My name is Esmaeel Naffar. Loyal servant of the Satrap. I came to seek Master Sayid's advice on ending this unusual plague. But a ghoul woman was here instead, and fought back with sorcery when pressed. She escaped, unfortunately, while I was busy with her summoned servant".

He looks over the new arrivals. "Brave people. A golem. Open spellcasting. And me. And none of them flinch. And they haven't attacked me yet, so they are not directly in the employ of the ghoul".

"So. If any of you are willing to take up arms to end this scourge, I welcome your company". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-05-29, 01:27 PM
"Very well. I assume the ghoul is gone, else you would have pursued her." The warrior relaxed and put his weapons away.

"I am Majeed, a servant of the Dawnflower. I too pursue the source of this curse, though I fear I am returned but lately to my homeland, and have found no clues as yet. What have you discovered so far? And are either of you in need of healing?"

2023-05-30, 05:42 AM
The scent of the invisible stalker and, especially, the ghoul, are very strong. They have clearly been here for some time, especially the ghoul. But her scent doesn't seem to have travelled beyond this room.

Vesrin determines that the ghoul has travelled for more than ten miles in a northerly direction.

Paddywagon Man
2023-05-30, 06:12 AM
"I'm Warlish! Servant of my conscience, I suppose. And the serpents are Hul and Haj-Ei, brave and true both. I haven't heard of any Master Sayid, but I'd gladly fight to end such a foul plague - why, it's the reason I've come! Though I fear I have few clues of my own to offer."

2023-05-30, 08:27 AM
"Let's finish scouring this place for clues, then get tea".

Esmaeel searches the smaller rooms to the west, and sets down the journal in plain sight for Mahasset to read if he should wish it so.

Paddywagon Man
2023-05-30, 09:23 AM
"Well, my eyes are keen, and I have a friend even keener! We'll take a look about."

The magical viper, Hul, will shrink back to Tiny size and scope out the other rooms, poking his head silently under each closed door in turn to take a look inside for danger before exploring (doubling back to inform Warlish if anything obvious stands out) while Warlish gives the journal a read.

Hul Stealth: [roll0]
Hul Perception: [roll1]

"This master Sayid... it seems he encountered somebody before that this plague made him fear - if that's the case, perhaps somebody might remember a previous outbreak of this or a similar sickness? Perhaps some loremaster or librarian? If it seemed so familiar to Sayid, it's likely he wouldn't be the only one to remember. In the meantime, let's take a look for this blade, I suppose."

2023-05-30, 01:31 PM
Still in fox-form, Mahasset ghost-foots over to the journal which Esmaeel left out, and with his snout and paws he deftly flips open the cover and begins reading, scenting carefully while he looks through the entries.

He is also paying close attention to the pages themselves, looking for any fine details or stray traces of anything which would give him more information.


2023-05-30, 02:08 PM
Vesrin steps into the doorway of the bookshop and knocks on the inside of the doorframe to get the attention of those still gathered at the counter. "Your dead lady friend sure was in a hurry to leave. Seems she--" he stops mid-sentence, mouth agape, eyes narrowing as he stares intently at something across the room. "Sorry, did someone...teach a fox how to read?"

2023-05-30, 02:39 PM
"Perhaps he is a Druid. Stranger things have happened. But what were you about to say?"

Majeed's only Knowledges are Religion and Undead. Religion might work for recalling something about a similar plague in the past, if it was the work of an evil deity and/or turned people into undead.

2023-05-30, 03:54 PM
Too many chefs and all that, Edar’Kear-Throden opts to instead set up a perimeter around the shop with a series of traps. He goes at a slow enough pace once the initial ring is up to keep them refreshed. Ossalur for it’s part clambers up the house across the lane and keeps an elevated lookout for anything setting off said traps.

Placement check for the traps: [roll0]
They will all be snare traps taking up a 15x5 section of the road and imbued with Bleeding Wounds thanks to Spell Trap. I’ll deal with the consequences if they go off.

In addition here’s a knowledge roll. I’m at +16 Geography, +15 Dungeoneering or Nature, or +10 History. If I can do more than 1 let me know. [roll1]

Addendum: I'd like to use Geography at least to figure out what's north of us and what the ghoul possibly teleported to.

2023-05-30, 04:27 PM
Vesrin frowns at the dark haired warrior, evidently disappointed by his suggestion that the literate fox is merely a druid in animal form. "Right," he sighs, stepping more fully into the shop. "The ghoul woman. She teleported some distance to the north. More than 10 miles by my estimate." He leans forward briefly to peer into the adjacent rooms. "Huh. Busy place. What's the ghoul's connection to the plague?" He leans back and turns a scrutizing eye to those nearest to him. "You are all trying to stop it, yes?" he asks, doubling checking that he hasn't mistakenly grasped the wrong end of the blade.

2023-05-30, 07:17 PM
Doing his best to tune out the chatter of new arrivals, Mahasset continues reading and scenting the journal.

Phantom Genius
2023-05-31, 12:09 AM
"We are definitely trying to stop the plague. We take the end of the world very seriously."

Paddywagon Man
2023-05-31, 05:47 AM
"Though if we failed, I suppose I would stand out a little less! Still, with a ten mile head start, I don't suppose an extra minute or five here will greatly change our odds of tracking this ghoul down. What say we finish searching this place first, then head north and see about finding a scent to follow.

Also, are those... traps? People live here! Could you not leave them inside the house at least, so they don't catch passersby? Surely we could tell some local authority to keep people out while we're gone."

2023-05-31, 06:40 AM
Edar'Kear-Throden cocked his head to the side when the traps get pointed out, saying "Well...yeah? In case there's another...ghoul? They only last 3 minutes." He paused and thought for a minute before nodding to himself and adding on "Too many...people in the doorway. And no...villagers for at least a...couple minutes." Each pause in his speech is accompanied by further casual removal of vermin leaving the confines of his bag or simple robe to help blend in with the desert.

He then blinks and quickly adds on "we're here to help stop the plague" loud enough that the human who asked can hear him. Quieter he mumbles to himself in draconic "Too many people out in the desert otherwise." He then returns to the easy going patrol he has set up outside the entrance to the bookstore, refreshing the traps as needed.

2023-05-31, 12:25 PM
Once the others confirm their intent, Vesrin releases a breath. "And here I thought I'd be working this one alone."

He turns then to Warlish, whose appearance elicits a pained expression which Vesrin makes no effort to hide. "Unless she left you a hint as to where she was headed, I wouldn't recommend chasing after the ghoul. I'm certain she chose a destination more than ten miles from here, but I can't know how much farther than that she might have gone. It's entirely possible that she's hundreds of miles away."

2023-06-01, 06:17 AM
Hul doesn't find any signs of life in the rest of the building. From what the viper tells you, there are two bedrooms that have yet to be explored, and a storeroom.

Esmaeel goes to check on them. One is Sayid's room. This simple, unadorned room contains little more than a simple bed, a small washing basin, and a desk. Papers and ash lie scattered across the floor, and the mattress’s straw has been torn out through a ragged gash. Sayid’s living quarters stand in stark contrast to his son’s lavish tastes. He often keeps a single treatise by his mattress, but Pershpia’s minions already visited this chamber and burned this one to ash. The words “End... Shadun...” are still visible on the cover. Sitting on Sayid’s desk is a perfumed note embossed into high-quality paper. It says, "You are cordially invited to the Whitewater Compound this morning to discuss matters of security and safety in the town of Dimayen. Know that the hand of the Whitewaters is generous to its friends, and harsh to the disrespectful. - Tianka Whitewater, mother of Ezrisha, Grandmother of Kardag, Mother of Dimayen."

The next bedroom belongs to Sayid's son. This lavish chamber stands untouched. Bronze braziers, tiny jade statues, a long mirror, and racks of fine silk and samite clothing crowd the floor, leaving barely enough room for a large feather bed bedecked in satin sheets and fine fur blankets. Dehlvat kept his quarters here, using whatever money he begged off his father to purchase frivolous luxury items. Dehlvat’s fine clothing is worth a total of 450 gp. His small jade figurine collection of desert monsters is worth another 250 gp. A note lays in the open on his bed. It says, "Greetings Honoured Loremaster of the Ancients. It is with distinct pleasure that I continue to grow in your acquaintance. Despite your youth, you prove yourself deeply wise and possessed of a brave soul. It is so sad that your overbearing father fails to recognise these qualities. I look forward to hearing more about the impressive secrets you have wrested away from the old man's foolishly cloistered collection of knowledge. I agree with the sentiments you expressed so eloquently during our last meeting. What is knowledge without action? ANd what is power without a courageous soul to wield it? If only we were possessed of the resources to set out from this wretched, small minded town of failed farmers and aggrandized vagrants. Ah, the wonders I could show you. Fortune does not bless those such as us, though. We must seize it for our own. If only we had access to some valuable but squandered wealth in this dried up backwater. But, alas. Drinks tomorrow shall assuage the pain. - Your friend in confidence, Ibhris Akpahl."

The storeroom is the third unexplored room. It is pretty bare, from the looks of it. The humble pantry is stocked with rice, olive oil, dried herbs, onions, and a barrel of water.

From what you know, there is nothing but open desert for hundreds of mile to the north. It appears the ghoul woman must have just teleported probably at random to an empty place from where she could escape.

Esmaeel, please give me two Perception checks.

Athaleon, just to point out, there is no such Knowledge skill as Undead. It is covered by Religion. So if you have put ranks into both, you will have some skill points free to re-assign.

Mahasset, as I mentioned in the OOC thread, but just to put it on here as well, you don't learn anything much from the rest of the journal. It is filled with regular sounding material relevant to the day to day operations of a bookbinder. The module doesn't mention anything else about it, so there is nothing important. But you get a scent for Sayid, so you can identify him if you encounter him again.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-02, 06:32 AM
"I suppose we must assume this blade, whatever its significance, is already in enemy hands. Though the plague did start while Sayid still held it, so the origin can't be as simple as that.

I'll take this burned book in case magic can restore it. Perhaps our next step is to ask about associates of this son of his."

2023-06-02, 07:32 AM
For a moment Edar’Kear-Throden gazes at the building. With a shrug and a mumbled ”Might as well check.” to himself he exhales slowly. At first it’s only a couple, then a dozen, then hundreds of buzzing insects surround him. Once it reaches 5000 he stops exhaling and nods with satisfaction at the large cube of buddies that now surround him.

Seemingly speaking to the swarm of various flying, diminutive insects the kobold says ”Can you check to see if there’s any secret gaps? Thanks Maurg!” The flies, beetles, and mosquitoes proceed to crawl across the outside of the house and see if there’s any secret escape hatches that they can slip into.

Gonna have one of these swarms of mine check if there’s any gaps in the walls/ceiling/floor. I’ll stop them from going into places others are already investigating until they leave.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-02, 08:46 AM
"Best of luck little fellow, I feel like the search here is as complete as it'll be though! The snakes and I will - Haj-Ei! Let that roach be! Can't you see it's the kobold's friend?

Sorry about that! As I was saying, we'll check by the local temples or taverns, see if the names we read ring any bells locally. Just holler if you find anything, or if we're set to depart!"

Waving goodbye, he'll look about for any building that looks like a temple or church, and head inside.

2023-06-03, 03:20 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"People. PEOPLE!!!....thank you. Master Sayid was invited to visit the Whitewater compound. It used to be an inn or caravanserai of sorts, but it has been closed for days. Another local notable, a priest, entered days ago and hasn't been seen. We need to visit them and ask questions, politely but cautiously. Also, an Ibhris Akpahl seems to have conned the cursed sword from Sayid's son".".

Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92[/QUOTE]

2023-06-03, 05:29 PM
With a shrug, Edar'Kear-Throden mumbled "Maurg's just the insects calling me home given form anyway. A dozen roaches shouldn't matter too much..." With new purpose the kobold casually gathers up the twine he had used for the traps, nods at the road being back to it's former state, and almost melds into the swarm of insects. Ossalur takes up position behind the kobold as the swarm gently buzzes down the road, seemingly carrying the kobold along. Once at the compound, Edar'Kear-Throden whispers his thanks to Maurg and proceeds to make a note of how many entrances and exits the place has.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-03, 11:44 PM
"Ah, right to the point Sir Esmaeel! Good to have a man about who knows his way around the mystery already! If you lead to this Whitewater Compound, then, I'll follow."

2023-06-04, 04:23 PM
"It sounds suspicious already. Perhaps one of us should scout the premises before we go openly to ask questions."

2023-06-05, 02:00 AM
Vesrin is leaning against a wall and picking at something stuck in his teeth when Esmaeel comes to share what he's learned. "If ghoul wizards are showing up to hassle whoever might be working to end the plague, I wouldn't be too surprised to find a group of locals working in secret. But I agree that closing up shop and then disappearing your guests isn't a good look."

2023-06-05, 05:19 AM
Esmaeel discovers, in Sayid's room, a small strongbox. It contains 824 gp and 15 notes of credit from various farmers amounting to 366 gp.

Esmaeel, and the bugs, then discover a secret door within the storeroom, leading downwards into the darkness below.

2023-06-05, 03:06 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel looks quizzically at the crawlings bugs, then grasps at the edges of the secret door and pulls it open. "But first...". He adjusts his sash to cast a warm glow, then proceeds into the secret area.
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-06-05, 09:56 PM
Scenting the cool musty air wafting from the hidden door, the unusually literate desert-fox nudges the old journal shut, then trots easily on silent paws into the storeroom and next to Esmaeel, scenting the darkness revealed behind the door.

Lifting a paw in a curiously humanlike gesture—wait just a moment—the desert-fox scents and listens carefully:


2023-06-06, 05:42 AM
With a new passageway to explore Edar’Kear-Throden finally shuffles into the bookstore. Picking his way past people he finally joins Maurg inside and proceeds to get out some rope to vaguely cordon off the newest source of danger. He waits for the fox to scout out if there’s anything inside.

2023-06-06, 06:53 PM
Majeed approached the newly-discovered trap door with blades drawn, ready to leap in if there was a fight.

Phantom Genius
2023-06-09, 01:38 AM
Bazir, intrigued, follows behind, trying to be alert to traps (and giant sand spiders!)

2023-06-09, 03:23 AM
Mahasset manages to scent something a little off about the chamber below. The room smells empty, but there is a faint scent of something long dead somewhere below. Maybe in an adjoining chamber. The room directly below the storeroom seems to be an empty chamber made of soft sandstone. A door lies to the northeast, which is closed.

2023-06-09, 07:41 AM
Esmaeel carefully approaches the door, his eyes systematically taking in the dust, the walls and the floor, his steps light and probing (checking for traps at +24)

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-10, 12:03 AM
"Let Warlish know if he can be of service! Hul's eyes and nose are keen, and I can do any poking or prodding you need done from a good safe distance."

Warlish idly levitates a small stone from his pocket to demonstrate, while sizing up the door to see if Hul could fit underneath easily.

2023-06-11, 04:41 AM
Esmaeel doesn't find any traps in the storeroom beneath the trapdoor that you have entered into underground.

2023-06-12, 02:20 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Thank you, Warlish. I would prefer to keep both hands on my weapon, so if you could be in charge of opening doors, please".

While Warlish does his thing, Esmaeel twirls his polearm through a precise drill, letting his mind follow the motions, altering his focus. He briefly closes his eyes, allowing his other senses to focus on the room. using Variable Prowess class talent to exchange Trapfinding for Sight Beyond Sight, then checking the room for invisible creatures with 15' Blindsense..
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-06-12, 08:33 PM
With his fox-ears askance at the spinning polearm in the tight underground space, Mahasset approaches the door cautiously on silent fox-feet, listening and scenting as carefully as he can:


2023-06-13, 12:52 AM
More to himself than to anyone in particular, Edar’Kear-Throden mumbles ”Ya know…I got some locust. They could just…eat the door.” Otherwise he looks at the fact that there’s only a 3x3 room to explore and decides to stay up top until the place clears up a bit.

2023-06-14, 01:49 AM
Vesrin waits outside the doorway to the storeroom so as not to crowd the trapdoor or the space below. "Give a holler if there's trouble," he says not sounding particularly concerned.

2023-06-14, 06:14 AM
The next room is a wide chamber that contains several training dummies along the east wall, a rack of weapons on the south wall, and a pit of sand in the center of the room. You immediately detect, by your various means, the rotted presence of an undead in the far corner of the room.

2023-06-14, 10:21 AM
Scenting the hideous odor of the undead, Mahasset will force himself to focus all his senses on pinpointing the location, identity and nature of the foul creature:


Knowledge (arcana)

Knowledge (nature)

Knowledge (religion)

2023-06-16, 03:59 AM
Majeed began to advance on the undead at the far side of the room, but halted almost as suddenly.

"It hasn't attacked us... a trap?" He eyed the sand pit suspiciously.

Perception: [roll0]

Religion: [roll1]

Initiative: [roll2]

2023-06-16, 05:02 AM
The undead is in the far north eastern corner of the chamber, past the pit of sand. It is a creature you identify immediately as a ghul, a long undead creature. It is just standing there, not doing much.

The sand pit, you realise immediately, is a pit trap. The dummies are also all trapped, but appear to be training dummies, so they likely aren't lethal.

2023-06-16, 06:41 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel walks into the room (to the "A" in "A7"), glaive rasied and braced against his shield. He looks at the ghul. "Would you like to tell us who you are? And why? Or would you rather we grant you eternal rest immediately?"Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-06-17, 03:01 PM
Majeed had dealt with such creatures before. He moved up beside Esmaeel, giving the pit as wide a berth as he could. He stood with swords drawn, ready to attack - or to interpret, should the undead jinn speak only in the elemental tongues.

Assuming with a 35 on the Religion check, Majeed knows something about ghul.

If there is no reply, Majeed will repeat Esmaeel's questions in Ignan, Auran, Terran, and Aquan (starting with the most likely-looking one, if possible) until it responds.

2023-06-18, 05:16 AM
The ghul speaks up in an archaic form of Common, that, while stilted, is comprehensible. The way you translate the speech is as follows, "I am Ardent, formerly of the Flaying Wind tribe of the Janni people, who used to live in this area. When the Heralds of Dust ravaged the land, the janni of the Flaying Wind promised ourselves to the Jackal Prince for eternity, not realizing that our compact consigned not just the living of the tribe to service, but our dead as well. After 7,000 years, the Jackal Prince’s return has rekindled this contract, raising the Flaying Wind tribe as undead ghuls. Unfortunately, I do not know the location or condition of my fellow tribesmen."

2023-06-18, 06:45 AM
With a **** of his head Edar’Kear-Throden listens in on the report from the ghul. Seeing how no one got attacked he mumbles quietly ”Sorry…pardon me…dangerous trap. Just gonna…” He then squeezes into the training room and starts slowly but surely disarming traps.

Here’s like a dozen disarm attempts, starting with the sand pit and moving on to the training dummies (furthest from the ghul towards the ghul):



Paddywagon Man
2023-06-18, 07:46 AM
"What a disgusting betrayal! I promise, if in fighting this plague any path to releasing your people from their servitude arises, I shall pursue it to the last! But perhaps you can help in that with more information - how long ago did this return awaken you? And what can you tell us about the Heralds of Dust and this jackal master of yours, perhaps his ancient residence or the plans he used you to put in motion, even tales millennia old might be of help!"

2023-06-20, 05:16 AM
Edar’Kear-Throden manages to disarm all the traps, but they are designed in such a way that they reset themselves soon after being disarmed. They pose little direct threat unless interfered with, however, since they are only for training.

The ghul replies to Warlish, "I fear I know virtually nothing that will be of use to you. I do not know how long ago I was raised, and I have been down here underground for an unknown period of time. I also know nothing of the Jackal Lord, as he was dealt with by my superiors in the tribe, not by the commoners like myself. I am sorry, I wish I could tell you more, especially as you seem to wish to aid my people in ending our curse."

2023-06-22, 11:20 AM
"A truly devilish contract." Majeed frowned as he listened. "We seek to lift the curse, and I pray it will be the salvation of your tribe from the hunger of undeath..." He trailed off, as though hesitating to say the next part out loud.

Is the previous Knowledge check (35) enough to know that ghul (per the Bestiary entry) hunger for flesh—living flesh, if they can get it—and the longer they go without feeding the more feral and crazed they will become? This one is reasonable now, probably because he's been confronted by a large party of armed people, and he must have been well-fed.

Also Knowledge, if possible, for the Jackal Lord: [roll0] +18 if Planes, +21 if Religion. Assuming it's Evil.

2023-06-24, 12:27 AM
OOC: Yes, your roll was high enough to learn that they eat flesh, though he is pretty sated, suggesting either he ate recently or else that he hasn't been raised for very long. And your roll is high enough for you to learn what I wrote into the OOC thread just now.

2023-06-24, 12:57 AM
The kobold does what kobolds do and seems primarily interested in the traps. He mutters, mostly to himself, ”Neat reset trigger on these dummies. Shouldn’t mess with them again.” He then shuffles around and takes a look at the door leading on to see if that’s trapped or otherwise barring their path.

A couple more checks for traps as I shuffle around the peeps talking to the ghul and potentially head into the next area.


2023-06-25, 04:54 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Well, Ardent. We find ourselves at an awkward point in our acquaintance. I put it to you that your eternal rest is imminent. It's your call whether you want it clean and fast, or struggling and messy". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

Phantom Genius
2023-06-25, 07:40 PM
"Does it want eternal rest? Maybe it could come with us?"

(Maybe that's a bad idea.)

2023-06-25, 08:09 PM
Majeed awaited the ghul's reply, weapons still drawn. "I have... dealt with ghul before. I know your hunger will, in time, compel you to attack the living. I also know of no gaol in these parts that could hold you until the curse is broken—and even then, its lifting would more likely return you to rest than to true life." The explanation was for the benefit of some of his newfound companions, more than for the ghul. His voice was soft and sympathetic, but the increasing tension in his stance was obvious.

2023-06-26, 06:27 AM
There are no traps in the door to the next area.

The ghul considers this offer with seeming care. "I am cursed, so I do not know if I shall rise again even after I am destroyed. The Jackal Prince may not allow me my rest. But I do not like the gnawing hunger that overwhelms me. If you can make it disappear, I will offer you my unlife," he says.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-26, 11:03 AM
"I'm not sure I like how hastily we've reached such a bloody solution! The fellow doesn't exactly seem champing at the bit to be buried, and I wouldn't care to send someone to the grave for duty or guilt when another solution might still present itself? I've seen all sorts of magic in this world, traps that froze a man for weeks and priests conjuring meals from the ether. I may be no scholar in the art myself, but let's not delude ourselves so quickly into helplessness! With all our resources, and those of any others we might find pursuing the same goal of ending this curse, I'm sure the hunger of one ghoul can be mitigated or sated without bloodshed. If death is truly what the fellow wants I won't interfere, but I'm certain there's a better way forward."

Warlish looks to the ghul's reaction with concern on his face.

2023-06-27, 02:07 AM
Almost like he’s ignoring the current situation, Edar’Kear-Throden opens the door to the next area while saying ”Door’s clear” to everyone else in the room.

He then tilts his head and adds ”I don’t really have any traps like that. I could…” He ponders for a bit and adds ”…maybe turn the ghul into a bird? Oh, or a dragon!” He is, after all, a kobold.

2023-06-27, 03:27 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"A noble sentiment, Warlish. If you take responsibility for what happens, I will do what I can to help this c- Ardent to overcome his appetites. ". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-06-30, 03:20 AM
"I wish to join my brothers, whether that is in life or death. But undeath is a curse. Please, find a way to bring my people their peaceful rest," Ardent replies, catching the studying look.

2023-07-02, 02:01 PM
"I'm not sure I like how hastily we've reached such a bloody solution! The fellow doesn't exactly seem champing at the bit to be buried, and I wouldn't care to send someone to the grave for duty or guilt when another solution might still present itself? I've seen all sorts of magic in this world, traps that froze a man for weeks and priests conjuring meals from the ether. I may be no scholar in the art myself, but let's not delude ourselves so quickly into helplessness! With all our resources, and those of any others we might find pursuing the same goal of ending this curse, I'm sure the hunger of one ghoul can be mitigated or sated without bloodshed. If death is truly what the fellow wants I won't interfere, but I'm certain there's a better way forward."

Warlish looks to the ghul's reaction with concern on his face.

"If you know how to keep Ardent here safe from harm, and the world safe from him, with such surety that you would take responsibility, and without such delay as would cause further harm, then let us do that. If I knew of such a method, I would have suggested that first."

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-03, 01:41 AM
Warlish looks a bit pained.

"I don't... maybe I'm just wasting time, none of my own talents would serve to leash him or sate his hunger... save for perhaps a piece of flesh, I have powers to heal and I'm no stranger to pain. I'll gladly take responsibility and do all I can, but I don't know if the solution can come from my efforts alone.

As long as... as long as the decision's not made in haste, or against his wishes, I can accept it. But I wonder if we couldn't take the next step of our journey and investigation before making it, find others working this same mystery. The bookbinder seems to have been meeting some, we may not be alone in our efforts."

2023-07-03, 04:19 PM
As the others speak with the ghul, Mahasset remains in fox-form, listening tautly—but his quiet poise in this shape belies the hard stuggle within.

For once, the lingering echoes of the old paladin and ancient sun-priest are in agreement: Slay the thing! Destroy it now! —See, it will not resist! Strike it down, and rid the world of this vile corruption!

And yet—Mahasset cannot help but see that the thing shows remarkable restraint. It does not surrender to its hunger; it does not attack them mindlessly. Despite the creatures’ monstrous reputation, there is a glimmer of soul yet to be found—and for Mahasset, this is a feather’s-touch upon his conscience, when ordinarily he would be the first to burn the creature with holy fire.

So as the others talk and debate, Mahasset searches his memory, old recollections of desert-dry scrolls and long-forgotten tablets telling stories of things such as this; and he searches for any hint of a path to reversing the creature’s hideous state—and if it cannot be done, he searches also for any indication of what might become of its soul when its twisted body is destroyed.

Knowlege (arcana)

Knowledge (nature)

Knowledge (religion)

2023-07-04, 01:46 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Well, Ardent. By the grace of the Dawnflower, you get to ...live... Now, I think it's time to pay the Whitewater compound a visit. Does anyone want to reconnoiter ahead before we annonouce our arrival? Who wants to do the initial introductions and ask the questions? I will volunteer to help Ardent keep himself on the straight and narrow path.. ". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-07-04, 02:07 AM
Edar’Kear-Throden coughs at mention of moving on and cautiously stutters out in a rapidly quieter tone a ”But… there’s a room? A hall…hallway at least.” He almost starts to scoot down the left of the hallway without waiting for others before ultimately deciding to wait and see if other people go first.

2023-07-04, 03:59 AM
Vesrin, having rolled his eyes repeatedly -- not that anyone could see it -- while listening to the ongoing discussion about Ardent's fate from the room above, finally speaks up at Esmaeel's new commitment. "That path may be even narrower a path than you're expecting, friend," he says, bending down to bring his face closer to the opening in the floor. "They're shapechangers, you know. The ghul. Hyenas, if I remember right. Oh, and none too fond of sunlight. Should make for a real delightful trip through town."

2023-07-06, 08:30 AM
From what little Mahasset can recall or figure out, this band of ghuls are cursed by their own agreement, so even destroying their bodies will only condemn their souls to torment in the underworld. The only sure way of releasing them is to destroy the Jackal Prince.

There is indeed another area within the underground region, just past the room you are in now.

2023-07-06, 08:50 AM
Still in fox-form, Mahasset regards the ghul for a long moment. As much as every one of his inner voices cries out to destroy the thing, it seems the only sure way to salvage the creature’s immortal soul is to seek out and destroy the author of the damnable contract that deceived and bound the creature’s people.

Mahasset whuffs briefly to catch the others’ attention, then gestures pointedly with his snout towards the further area. He trots silently in that direction, then pauses a safe distance away and scents carefully once again.


2023-07-06, 04:04 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Well, Ardent. By the grace of the Dawnflower, you get to ...live... Now, I think it's time to pay the Whitewater compound a visit. Does anyone want to reconnoiter ahead before we annonouce our arrival? Who wants to do the initial introductions and ask the questions? I will volunteer to help Ardent keep himself on the straight and narrow path.. ". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

"Then I will share that responsibility," Majeed added grimly.

"I will introduce us at the Whitewater; a servant of the Dawnflower should be welcome, or at any rate greeted civilly—any hint otherwise would be suspicious in itself, given the circumstances. Perhaps, however, one who has been longer on this trail had best ask the questions."

2023-07-06, 04:23 PM
Mahasset whuffs more pointedly, again indicating the further area not yet explored, and makes a show of listening and scenting keenly in that direction.

2023-07-06, 04:45 PM
"Yes, of course we should finish clearing this den before we move on." Majeed moved in the direction the fox indicated.

2023-07-09, 06:27 AM
Before you can enter the chamber, Mahasset scents something deeply unnatural. There is the scent of the undead, but also something even worse. An eldritch horror from the outer planes. A daemon of some description lies nearby.

However, Mahasset's sense of smell also discovers something within this room, something touched frequently by human hands, then hidden. In a secret nook that you discover, lay four wands. Each of them is inscribed, to tell them apart and with a command word to activate them, but you have trouble making out their purposes just by looking at them.

2023-07-09, 10:47 AM
As soon as Mahasset scents the eldritch horror, he abruptly shifts into man-form again.

“Hold here,” he tells the others curtly; “—there is something fouler than undead close by. Be ready for unholy creatures, and things worse than unholy.”

With that, he glances briefly at the wands, casting Detect Magic and examining each one, but always alert for whatever may be lurking nearby.

Knowledge (arcana)

Knowledge (arcana)

Knowledge (arcana)

Knowledge (arcana)

2023-07-09, 07:15 PM
Heeding Mahasset's oddly vague warning, Vesrin draws his sword before intoning a word magic and hopping down through the trapdoor.

"Plainly, now. What is it you've sensed?"

Stepping nearer to the door at the far end of the room, he will then attune himself to the subtle magics of his surrounding, attempting to discern any lingering magical trace left by whatever entity has the samsaran so concerned.

Vesrin will expend 2 spell points via his Advanced Alternate Divinations talent (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/divination#toc70) to grant himself touchsight out to a range of 45 ft. for the next 8 hours.

He will use his Ritual Tracker ability (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/mageknight#toc51) to attempt to detect the prior passing of the creature Mahesset scented. Spellcraft: [roll0] plus free Inspiration [roll1].

Knowledge (Planes) to identify the creature: [roll2] plus free Inspiration [1]

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-09, 07:52 PM
Warlish looks a little embarrassed.
"Hold a moment! If there's likely to be bloodshed ahead, I've an... odd talent of sorts to offer. Without this amulet keeping it suppressed, the odor of my rotten frame is... well, a bit overpowering. Can sap the strength and will to fight from the mightiest! It was a bit of an albatross growing up, to be certain! But if you wait a moment I can bless you all with friendly winds - it'll keep any dust or gas safely at bay in the depths, to say nothing of my own aroma."

He turns to the ghul.

"Do you... smell, still? I can give you the same favor. I hope you can consider yourself among friends, for so long as it may last."

2023-07-11, 11:41 AM
Edar’Kear-Throden jerks in reaction to the fox turning into a man but quickly recovers. It’s vaguely like when he turns his companions into dragons after all. He then opts to slowly scoot in the opposite direction of the horror and investigate that way for traps.

2023-07-12, 10:44 PM
Edar’Kear-Throden detects no traps in that direction.

The ghul responds, "I no longer breathe, so I cannot smell. But I also warn you that I cannot fight the Prince's servants. I am bound to his service, and it is all I can do to restrain myself from fighting you."

Vesrin detects the powerful traces of a Maladaemon, a powerful outsider. There are also traces of more ghuls. An unknown number, but definitely more than one.

Mahasset manages to identify the wands fairly easily, based on the icons etched into their handles.

Vesrin can identify the daemon, but the roll wasn't high enough to really learn anything about their kind's strengths or weaknesses.

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-12, 11:31 PM
Warlish will shrug and give a protective shell of clean air to each of his living allies.

2023-07-13, 02:05 AM
"Hmm." After a moment of careful consideration, Vesrin wrinkles his nose. "I think these are the signs of maladaemon. Not a quarry I've had the pleasure of hunting before."

2023-07-15, 09:50 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"Ma-la-dae-mon". Esmaeel considers the combination of syllables, but nothing sparks in his recollection. He snorts. "I hope regular enchanted steel will do". . Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-15, 02:26 PM
"And lightning!"

Warlish smiles and electricity crackles around him. While he continues, he pulls out a wand, granting Mage Armor to himself and both his snakes after a few failed attempts.

"Give me a moment to prepare, then open the door! I'll divide them with a wall of electricity."

After making sure everybody is in place and ready, he'll begin gathering power...

2023-07-16, 12:50 AM
"The Meladaemons serve the Horseman of Famine. The creature induces crippling hunger in all who approach," Majeed stated as though quoting from a text, giving a short summary of the creature and its capabilities. His next statement was grimmer, and certainly his own words: "Needless to say, Ardent must be kept away from it, lest he lose control."

With that, Majeed took up a place by the door, ready to charge in with blades drawn.

2023-07-16, 07:01 PM
Edar’Kear-Throden ponders placement of traps but ultimately decides to just wait. Instead he shuffles off to a side and proceeds to just call forth so many insects. He then settles into the gaggle of locust he just vomited up and maneuvers the menagerie of bugs that seemed to call his folds of clothes home.

Gonna chill in the space that my locust swarm (Austrat) occupies and send forth the conjured swarm (Maurg) to join the peeps preparing to kill a demon.

2023-07-16, 09:24 PM
"Ma-la-dae-mon". Esmaeel considers the combination of syllables, but nothing sparks in his recollection. He snorts. "I hope regular enchanted steel will do".
Vesrin shrugs with his brow. "The lower planes breed a resilient monster, but it tends to get the job done." At that, he raises his own steel, and with a finger from his free hand, begins to trace a series of glyphs along the length of the blade. He then unbuttons his coat and traces a similar set of magical markings across his chain shirt.

Vesrin will expend 2 spell points with his Enhance Equipment talent to enhance his sword and his amor to +4 for the next 8 hours.

2023-07-17, 05:15 AM
As you finish preparing and open the door, you see a large room. This sprawling chamber contains numerous massive bookshelves that are overflowing with tomes. Alcoves carved into the walls contain a dizzying array of scrolls and bric-abrac. Stacks of books litter the floor as well, some torn apart and scattered.

You see what can only be the daemon moving along the bookcases. It takes books down, opens them, looks inside, then tears the pages out and then puts the books back on the shelves. It is being assisted by three ghuls, which seem placid at the moment as they serve the daemon. The ghuls are dressed similarly to Ardent.

Can I please get a Perception check from each of you, and an initiative check if you plan to go straight into combat.

2023-07-17, 10:29 PM


2023-07-20, 02:43 AM
The party detect a secret door in the southern wall between two bookshelves.

2023-07-20, 03:23 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel takes in the scene for a brief moment, then rushes towards the daemon, intent on killing. Move up to 30'. Free actions: Berserker Stance, Berserk for temp HP. Standard: Brutal Strike with Advancing Carnage against the Daemon: [roll0], [roll1]+Battered for 3 rounds, -3 to attack and damage while battered. If the attack hits, Esmaeel uses Advancing Carnage 2 (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/berserker#toc3) to attack the ghuls, he can keep attacking as long as he hits. He is using a reach weapon and can take 5' steps between attacks.
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7] Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-20, 04:23 AM
[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Perception

Warlish is not normally the first to jump to violence, but from what he gathers this demon is responsible for the torturous existence he'd just heard described by the Ardent, or in league with those who are. A spool of wire coiled in the palm of his gauntlet comes to life with an outpouring of telekinetic force and lashes out at the monster as he enters the room!

[roll2] vs AC, 58 damage plus [roll3] vs. CMD to trip
second attack if it's close enough to 5 foot step and attack with reach:
[roll4] vs AC, 58 damage plus [roll5] vs. CMD to trip
Burn kept at 0 from taking a full round Gather Power

2023-07-20, 07:11 AM
Majeed charged straight at the daemon with a prayer on his lips, beseeching the Dawnflower to protect him as he plunged at the heart of the foe.

All attacks made against the daemon, if possible. Majeed can charge over difficult terrain and may attempt to overrun up to 3 creatures (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/brute#toc27); allies that are in the way can simply choose not to try to stop him.

In case some CMB checks are needed:

If one fails, Majeed stops in the square of (presumably) a ghul and will make his attacks against it instead.

Swift Action: Activate Radiant Dawn Style
Full Round Action: Initiate Raging Hunter Pounce (Charge and Full Attack)
- Radiant Dawn Style (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Radiant_Dawn_Style) heals Majeed for 18 HP (https://pathminder.github.io/base-classes/paladin-knight-disciple/#empowered-healing); as he is already full this becomes 18 Temp HP via Radiant Sunlight (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Radiant_Sunlight)
- Sunset (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sunset) grants Esmaeel 12 Temp HP

Attack (MH): [roll3]; Damage: [roll4] (Power Attack)
Attack (OH): [roll5]; Damage: [roll6] (Power Attack)

Attack (MH): [roll7]; Damage: [roll8] (Power Attack)
Attack (OH): [roll9]; Damage: [roll10] (Power Attack)

Attack (MH): [roll11]; Damage: [roll12] (Not Power Attack)
Attack (OH): [roll13]; Damage: [roll14] (Not Power Attack)

Additionally, if Majeed or an ally is attacked in melee after his turn, he will initiate the Reversing Thrust (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/Thrashing-Dragon-maneuvers/#TOC-Reversing-Thrust) Counter. Guardian's Aura (https://pathminder.github.io/base-classes/paladin-knight-disciple/#guardian-s-aura) allows him to activate it on behalf of an ally. Dance of Thrashing Claws (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/prestige-classes/dragon-fury/#TOC-Dance-of-Thrashing-Claws-Ex-) allows him to use it an additional time after first initiating it.

2023-07-20, 03:59 PM
Edar'Kear-Throden frowns at the mess that waits for them and then frowns again at the improbability of using darts in such a confined area. He mutters to himself for a few seconds before setting up the most basic of dart traps to shoot a needle at the demon, all with the sole purpose of seeing if they bleed. At about the same time Maurg the conjured swarm buzzes on over to occupy a bit of the area and nibble on the demon hungrily.

Standard: Cast Death - Bleeding Wounds on the demon.
Skilled Casting: [roll0]
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll1]
Spell Resistance Check: [roll2]

If all that works: 12 Bleed Damage and makes the square it's in slippery for 10 minutes.
Bleeding Wounds does 9 bleed damage, Sanguine Magic lets me apply Duelist to it for another 3 damage and then applies Blood Fountain to it.

Move: Then just gonna move on back to the little alcove away from everything.
Swift None

Standard: Total Defense?
Move: Buzz on over to the daemon, taking up a 10ft x 10ft cube that involves it and no allies
Swarm Damage: [roll3]
Fort Save DC 19 or be nauseated for a round.
Will Save DC 19 or lose [roll4] Spell Points?
Swift None

Phantom Genius
2023-07-22, 02:57 AM
"I'll blast all of the ghuls with pure positive energy. None of you are undead, right?" He glances around to see if anyone raises their hand before channeling to harm undead, leaving out Ardent.

2023-07-23, 02:07 AM
The sudden flurry of attacks manages to take down all of the enemies before they can even react. Silence descends on the room once more. You are now standing in a blood covered chamber full of bookcases, with a secret door to the south between two book cases.

2023-07-24, 04:51 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel takes in carnage around him, and wipes the blood off his blade. He taps the side of the sliding bookshelf. "Warlish. You see this?". He then takes up a ready stance again, balancing the haft of his wepon against his shield, attention focused on the door and what might lie beyond. Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-25, 04:08 PM
"I do!"

Warlish will open the door with telekinesis while examining the Daemon to see if any trace of life remains.

2023-07-25, 09:39 PM
While the others examined the secret door, Majeed took a moment to examine the pages the Daemon had been tearing out of the books.

2023-07-26, 03:40 AM
The pages that were being torn out appear to have been from a multitude of topics. It appears that once the daemon had read any book in the bookshop, it simply destroyed it.

The door slides open, leading to a passage. The walls and floor of this chamber are painted pitch black. A silver circle inlaid on the floor and scrawled with twinkling arcane sigils surrounds a sheathed sword bound in chains and tarnished brass seals.

Phantom Genius
2023-07-26, 05:25 AM
"Must be a glyph, right?"

2023-07-26, 05:57 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)"According to Master Sayid's notebook, he feared that a certain He had returned, being the source of the plague. But he dismissed that possibility, since the sword was still secure in the private collection".
"So..that sword's compromised, that sword isn't the one mentioned but I don't believe that, Sayids was wrong to think it would prevent a return, or the Jackal Prince isn't actually back. I don't know".

Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-07-28, 12:15 AM
With combat taken care of Etar-Kear'Throden seemingly eats the entirety of the locust swarm that he was previously relaxing in and instead takes up the center of the hodgepodge collection of insects that call his clothes home. He considers what to do next and instead opts for the time honored position of rear guard, keeping an eye on the door leading into the ransacked library while better learned individuals check out all this demon stuff.

Phantom Genius
2023-08-04, 11:45 PM
Can someone tell me if that thing on the floor is a glyph?

2023-08-05, 01:44 AM
It is a magic circle of some description. You can use a Spellcraft check to tell what it is.

2023-08-05, 10:59 AM
Can someone tell me if that thing on the floor is a glyph?

"Not my area of expertise, I fear." Majeed muttered.

"This daemon was simply reading whatever struck its fancy, then destroying the books afterwards. Spiteful creature." He turned to examine Ardent, as though the daemon or its enthralled ghuls might still have some effect on him, slain though they were.

Phantom Genius
2023-08-06, 02:49 AM
I know a little about Spellcraft...

Paddywagon Man
2023-08-07, 12:58 AM
Warlish seems a bit taken aback by the swiftness and total destruction of his and his comrades' attack. "I didn't mean... maybe we could have asked it something? And I don't doubt the Daemon was beyond saving but... if we find a way to save the Ardent, these are three we won't be able to extend the same kindness..."

He shakes his head, seemingly a bit uncomfortable, and turns back to the matters at hand.

"So no more clues? Should we start following up on those few we do have, then? And what to do with the sword? Moving it from its location might be a poor idea, but I don't know how I like the idea of leaving it unguarded either. Hopefully we can find some allies to trust with its guardianship soon."

2023-08-08, 06:23 PM
Etar-Kear'Throden perks up at mention of leaving a guard behind and then slowly raises his hand. Just barely loud enough to be heard and perfectly in tune with the buzz of the insect wings he volunteers "I...I could leave a swarm? They can...can guard a spot an-and I should know if they die." He also briefly considers traps but fears they wouldn't last long enough to be worth it.

2023-08-09, 10:00 AM
The magic circle displays powerful abjuration magic.

Phantom Genius
2023-08-11, 10:14 PM
Keeping something out or in?

2023-08-13, 04:38 AM
It is apparently designed to protect the sword from being detected using magic.

Phantom Genius
2023-08-18, 06:01 AM
"Trap Lord, any traps on this?"

Bezir casts Detect Magic and studies for three rounds.

2023-08-19, 12:25 AM
With a shrug of his shoulders, Etar'Kear-Throden gives the magic circle a check.
Here's a check to check for traps and/or disable the traps, times two in case I need to.

2023-08-20, 11:51 PM
There don't appear to be any traps on the sword or the circle. It just sits there, protected from divination.

Phantom Genius
2023-08-21, 03:38 AM
Bezir orders the golem to pick up the sword.

Paddywagon Man
2023-08-23, 02:13 AM
"I hope we aren't making a mistake in moving this..."

2023-08-24, 05:21 AM
The golem's hand goes straight through the sword. It appears to be a permanent image spell, a complex illusion designed to hide that the sword is no longer here.

Also in the room is some random treasures on shelves. Three oils of align weapon, a scroll of magic circle against evil, a scroll of reincarnate, a scroll of secure shelter, and a cloak of resistance +3.

2023-08-26, 02:07 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel waves his blade through the space where the sword should be a few times. "I see. Trickery. That explains the note we found in Junior's room. Alright, one last pass to ensure we've found everything in this place, then we're off to the Whitewater compound".

Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-08-26, 02:20 AM
The party reexamines every room in the building, both below ground and above, and doesn't find anything new.

2023-08-26, 08:04 AM
With the sweep done, Edar'Kear-Throden meanders his way back to Ossalur back outside. He settles in and starts to entertain himself with a caterpillar crawling from finger to finger as he patiently waits for one of the tall folks to direct the swarm.

2023-08-28, 10:53 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)With every stone turned, Esmaeel rounds up his everyone and heads off to the Whitewater Compound. Before he commits to walking up to the gate, he pauses, giving the other an opportunity to scout or otherwise prepare. "Keep in mind, we don't know if they are friend or foe. So stay polite until we have to be rude".

Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-08-31, 11:12 PM
The guards on the walls of the Whitewater Compound watch you warily as you stand outside the walls debating about examining the place, though you are too far away from it for them to hear what you have to say about it. They are just generally wary of strangers, and you are clearly not from within the town. The gates are closed and probably, you presume, barred.

2023-09-01, 09:30 AM
Majeed straightened out his clothing as he conferred with his companions. "I mean to approach openly, in the name of investigation. If any of us has a different plan, I will hear it, but perhaps then we should not have stopped to confer right outside the gates."

Paddywagon Man
2023-09-01, 05:38 PM
"Lead on! I see no cause for secrecy."

2023-09-02, 12:36 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel marches up to the gate and knocks his armored fist against it twice. He steps back to look up at the guards. "My name is Esmaeel Naffar. In the name of the Satrap, I need to speak to the master of this household. And I am not here to be turned away like a common street ruffian".
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-09-03, 05:39 PM
For his part Edar'Kear-Throden maintains his position near the back. He understands how a giant ten legged spider could be concerning to those that don't know how much of a sweetie Ossalur really is. Left to his own devices he starts to ponder how hard it'd be to scale the walls, not that he'd actually break and enter if the front door would work fine.

2023-09-03, 07:53 PM
"I am not here to be turned away like a common street ruffian".

"Nor am I. I am Majeed al-Dimayeni, a servant of the Dawnflower, and indeed this town's native son."

2023-09-04, 05:22 AM
The party is at the eastern gate of the compound, and three guards stand on what appears to be a platform constructed within the ten foot high walls. The leading guard, or at least, the spokesman for the guards, studies the party closely for a brief time, then calls out, "Greetings, strangers to this town, and Majeed who comes from here. We have heard tales of your abilities from others you have travelled with. We have been instructed that if you come to us you are to be welcomed within our walls. So enter and make yourselves comfortable."

2023-09-04, 03:52 PM
"Thank you". Esmaeel stands before the gate, waiting for it to open, and gestures the rest of the party forward.

Phantom Genius
2023-09-05, 03:58 AM
Bezir somehow expected that to go much more poorly. He keeps his head on a swivel as the golem and he enter through the gate.

Paddywagon Man
2023-09-08, 12:45 AM
"A pleasure! Thank you for your welcome, and don't mind the snakes! They're quite affectionate."

Despite his pleasant greeting, Warlish keeps a hand close to the amulet around his neck, however.

Though perhaps not the most charismatic sort, Warlish will open conversation if nobody else will.

"We came seeking the wisdom of Master Sayid, but only found a mystery! Are you perhaps friends of his, do you know where he might be found?"

2023-11-28, 04:22 AM
The guard offers a chuckle, then says, "Aye, Master Sayid is here. He is staying here as a guest of the Whitewater family. You are as welcome here as he is."

Can I please get a Sense Motive check from everyone.

Phantom Genius
2023-11-30, 05:32 AM
Bezir looks around casually but warily.

[roll0] Sense Motive

2023-12-01, 08:57 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)[roll0]
Esmaeel seems the very picture of calm, holding his polearm casualle pointed at the ground, patting his horse and gently explaining to it that he is just going to go in and talk to some people. But even a semi-trained observer can see that he is tensed and expecting danger.
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-12-03, 01:54 AM
The members of the party realise that there is more to the guard's words than might be expected. It doesn't seem like there is any implicit threat intended, but there is definitely something about Master Sayid's situation that is apparently more than the guard explained.

Phantom Genius
2023-12-03, 05:40 AM
"As welcome as he is? What does that mean? Can we come and go as we please?"

2023-12-05, 03:12 AM
Esmaeel pushes on the gate, to see if it will open.

2023-12-10, 11:36 PM
The gate opens to let you inside. The guard calls out, "You are best off staying inside our protective fortress. Master Sayid has had no cause to leave since he arrived here. You will surely thank us when the disease strikes the town more fully." The guard's words this time have the ring of truth.

2023-12-11, 05:54 AM
When the disease strikes the town more fully? Perhaps he is merely being pessimistic, but still.

Majeed decided against pressing the guard for more information. Showing suspicion of them would invite suspicion in turn, and the gate guards likely didn't know much to begin with. "Very well. I shall look forward to thanking the Whitewaters for their hospitality."

2023-12-14, 01:31 PM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)Esmaeel pushes the gate open, and walks his horse inside the courtyard. He leads it to the post, but doesn't tie it there, merely whsipers "Stay here". That done, with a glance backwards to ensure everyone is following him in, he marches up to the main door, pushing it open if the staff hasn't managed that already, and steps inside.
He is still carrying arms and armor. But his polearm is in his shield hand, clearly requiring an action to draw into play, leaving his right hand free for polite greeting.
Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

Phantom Genius
2023-12-16, 02:11 AM
Bezir follows Esmaeel and instructs the golem to bring the little wagon/cart/chariot/whatever inside as well. He then silently counts the number of guards and assesses their readiness.

2023-12-16, 05:58 AM
It is hard to assess the number of guards, as they come and go into view, but there are a significant number of them. Two guards come out and close and bar the gates once everyone is inside, presumably to prevent incursions.

You enter the foyer to the main building. Visitors and petitioners hoping to speak with a family representative normally wait here, surrounded by comfortable chairs and expensive artwork. The large bronze front doors are locked.

2023-12-18, 05:01 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2732340)Esmaeel looks around at the furniture, nodding appreciatively. He doesn't avail himself of it, though, choosing to remain standing. "I'm still not sure if we're heading for a conversation or a slaughter". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2023-12-18, 04:24 PM
Majeed likewise remained standing. Aside from anything else, the swords at his hips would have made sitting awkward unless he took them off his belt, and he wanted them ready to hand.

He kept as cool a face as he could while he whispered his reply, waiting until they chanced on a moment of relative privacy. "Conversation first. Whether we must soon mount a rescue, or purge a den of evil, or simply cut our way out of a trap, we can use all the information we can get."

With similar caution, he addressed the group as a whole. "If we sit politely and await the Whitewaters' pleasure like any other petitioners, the gods only know what might happen in the meantime. Unless anyone has a better idea, I will insist on speaking with Master Sayid with all haste, even if I must invoke every mandate at my disposal."

While we are loitering, Majeed will study the various passersby with Detect Evil.

2023-12-19, 12:31 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2732340)"Indeed", he murmurs back to Majeed. "I don't want to start breaking down doors, but if it turned out that those doors weren't locked after all, I would certainly walk through them. Make your play, I have your back all the way". Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

Paddywagon Man
2023-12-20, 04:20 AM
"Whether they mean us harm or not, he didn't seem all too concerned about the village being overtaken by disease. I haven't seen enough to judge, but even if they prove not to be enemies... I can't simply sit in safety and abandon the world outside the walls, as I worry may be the plan here."

2023-12-20, 01:01 PM
After waiting a moment to hear any objections, Majeed moved to flag down the next servant he saw. Better a servant than a guard, he reasoned, but if none could be found then a guard would have to do.

Sense Motive if possible, to try to pick out who might be most helpful.

Also keeping up Detect Evil as he goes.

2023-12-21, 01:31 AM
There are no real signs of evil from anyone you encounter. The servant you flag down is polite, and on request, he leads you into the reception hall.

Crystal-clear pillars rise up to meet the domed ceiling 15 feet overhead. Three tapestries adorn the walls here, depicting a beautiful woman adventurer braving various desert trials: giant scorpions, slavering gnolls, and a marid princess among them. There is a set of doors to the west, which the servant whispers belong to the entrance to the Whitewaters' private chambers. The six crystal pillars hold water from the spring, with small spigots in each so guests may refresh themselves at their leisure.

A man stands within a circle of three guards, fighting with them with speed and passion. Just as you consider going to his aid, he steps back and lowers his weapon, causing the guards to do likewise. "Good. Let us try that once again. I am sure there is a better counter," he says to the guards, and they wordlessly raise their weapons and charge to attack the solo man once again. Weapons whirl as they fight, and even the battle hardened party is impressed by the solo man's skill.

2023-12-23, 12:31 PM
"Hail, warrior, and pardon the interruption. We must speak with the Whitewater family, or their representative here, with the utmost urgency. I am Majeed, al-Dimayeni, and a servant of the Dawnflower, and these are my trusted companions." A rushed introduction, to be sure, but his haste was earnest. He winced inwardly at pretending he was in charge of the party, but no right-thinking folk would dissemble with a Paladin of Sarenrae in such times—and a concerned local citizen, on top of it. Best to have them believe the whole group had divine sanction. If the Whitewaters tried to delay or divert him, he would consider it proof enough of their duplicity that he would forge ahead as he saw fit.

Diplomacy if needed: [roll0]

2023-12-26, 02:37 AM
The lone warrior gestures with his blade, and the three sparring partners break off the combat and step back respectfully.

"You are in luck, then, Majeed. I am Kardag Whitewater, one of the clan. What brings a holy warrior here? If it is interesting enough, I may bring you through to an audience with the leaders of the clan," he says serenely.

2023-12-28, 09:46 PM
Interesting, he says, as placid as you please. He is either genuinely ignorant or he believes us to be utter fools.

"We must speak with Master Sayid on a matter of urgent import, concerning the plague. We were told he is a guest of your family, in this compound, and such is our need of haste that we must unfortunately bypass the usual pleasantries and protocols."

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2023-12-29, 01:46 AM
Kardag looks interested, and suddenly a more canny figure than you might have thought him by his martial skills. "Master Sayid is indeed here. But it will require you to speak with the Whitewater Council to be approved to see him, as he is in reclusion. I can take you there immediately, if your need is so great," he says, sheathing his sword.

Phantom Genius
2023-12-29, 06:38 AM
"Huh," Bezir mumbles to himself. "I thought he might challenge one of us to a martial display of prowess. This is quite preferable." He looks at the nearest party member hopefully.

2024-01-01, 04:33 PM
"Our need is great enough that we should go to Master Sayid directly. How long will the Council take to be assembled, and make their decision once we have laid forth our case?" Majeed shook his head before he leaned forward and lowered his voice conspiratorially. "His life is in danger. A minute's delay might make the difference. On my oath to the Dawnflower, I will go to him straight away, even should it mean seeking the Council's forgiveness rather than their permission."

2024-01-02, 03:19 AM
Kardag looks almost amused. "The rest of the Council should be hearing supplicants in the next chamber. And if you are suggesting that you will force your way into my home, then you will have quite the fight against the full might of the WHitewater Family. Master Sayid is perfectly safe within the boundaries of our compound, so I have grave doubts about your concerns. I will take you through to see my family, however, if it is serious enough that you exaggerate so," he says.

2024-01-02, 06:06 AM
Esmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2732340)"Thank you, Kardag Whitewater. We appreciate the expediency. As a loyal subject of the Satrap and a devotee of the Dawnflower, I am sure we are all on the same side here. No need for ...tragic misunderstandings". As Esmaeel shrugs, the butt of his polearm accidentally scrapes across the floor, and his mouth briefly curls into an unpleasant smile. He regains his composure and continues: "My name is Esmaeel Naffar. Please take us to the Council".

Scout stance * Perception +22 * Double Focused * HP 92/92

2024-01-02, 08:35 PM
Majeed said nothing further and motioned Kardag to lead on.

2024-01-07, 01:13 AM
Kardag leads you through the locked door, and you find yourselves in the audience chamber. This impressive audience chamber is home to several statues ensconced within the walls, and carved in the likenesses of proud women of noble bearing. A great ivory chair adorned with sapphires rests on a dais on the north side of the
room, flanked by smaller but still impressive chairs of mahogany. Two women sit in the thrones, and Kardag immediately goes to sit in the third seat.

2024-01-10, 02:01 AM
"Greetings, Whitewater Council, and pray forgive my haste. I am Majeed al-Dimayeni, Servant of the Dawnflower. My associates and I have been informed that Master Sayid has taken refuge in your compound, and we have recently learned his life is in danger—from supernatural quarter, in connection with the plague. At the least, Master Sayid may enlighten us further as to the nature of this plague, and its origin, and help us connect some details our investigation has so far uncovered. We may be close to uncovering the perpetrators. Well, that much could well be true. "Time is of the essence in either case, such that I fear we may rue every minute's delay." Majeed did his best to keep his vexation out of his tone and expression, and through his whole speech addressed the Council as a whole—in particular, he refrained from looking directly at Kardag. "May we be taken to him?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

If anyone mentioned Arakor Shonar after Majeed joined the party, I couldn't find it with a quick skim of the thread. If someone else could put that part in, that might help us convince them.

Phantom Genius
2024-01-10, 08:45 AM
If anyone mentioned Arakor Shonar after Majeed joined the party, I couldn't find it with a quick skim of the thread. If someone else could put that part in, that might help us convince them.

From message 20, page 1 of this IC thread:
[COLOR="#008000"]"I would suggest you speak to the High Priest, Arakor Shonar, but he disappeared into the Whitewater compound several days ago, and hasn't been seen since. Some say he has been hiding from the curse in luxury, but I believe he has been working with Tianka Whitewater to find a cure. In any case, the Whitewaters have been sending us clean food and water since he went there."

2024-01-13, 04:06 AM
The old lady in the center throne speaks up. "I am Tianka Whitewater, and these are Kardag, who you appear to have met, and Ezrisha. Together, we are the rulers of the Whitewater Clan. Master Sayid is here, and you may of course visit with him. But he is an important person, who is in need of protection, as you say. So he is not permitted to leave this compound. The same goes for you, my guests, as the Feast of Dust is too dangerous to allow you to leave this place. You have the free run of this compound until the crisis is over, however," she says.

2024-01-14, 06:50 PM
"We thank you for your shelter and hospitality, Lady Whitewater," Majeed said with a low bow. Grateful as he was for the pass—and for Kardag's silence and apparent assent after what had very nearly become a debacle—he still rankled inwardly at having to go before a tribunal just to be casually told that they may of course visit with him. All this after his haste, and the very good reasons for it, had been made very clear. No matter.

"If we may take our leave, we shall visit Master Sayid straight away." Majeed glossed over the bit about them not being permitted to leave the compound. If duty compelled him to go back outside, he would make his case then.

Paddywagon Man
2024-01-14, 07:45 PM
"Thank you... I may not well understand what's happening here, but I have faith it's a challenge that can be risen to, and I hope we can help each other to do so."

Phantom Genius
2024-01-17, 06:17 AM
... the Feast of Dust is too dangerous to allow you to leave this place. You have the free run of this compound until the crisis is over, however," she says.

"Allow us to leave?" thinks Bazir, wondering if they were trying to provoke something or get a reaction. Well they'll get nothing out of me.

"Thank you very much. Pray tell, how do you foresee the crisis ending? And how long can we last with the supplies on hand?" Bazir tries to be conversational.

2024-01-26, 05:33 AM
Kardag nods slightly. "You may of course visit with Master Sayid. He is about in the compound somewhere, though he is likely trying to come up with a solution to the Curse," he says to Majeed. To Bazir, he says, "The crisis will end with the deaths of everyone in the area if it is not stopped. We have enough supplies to last for some time here, and we do have the water supply. But the situation is perilous in the extreme."