View Full Version : Town building and its stats

2023-02-20, 12:13 AM
I am running a 3.5 game currently and the party is making a town. I would like ideas for how I can stat it so the players know what building type does what and the benefits of making them. For example does it make money for the party other than a land type tax or how many people could live in it. A example would be Small House: +2 residents, +1 gold income, -1 building space. Something like that I am still trying to figure this out. Also would love ideas for possible buildings. This is a very high magic location with a underground forest theme where they are making the town.

Silly Name
2023-02-20, 04:50 AM
Have you looked at the Pathfinder Kingdom Building rules (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/kingdom-building/)? They may be what you're looking for, especially the rules regarding founding and managing Settlements, and the various buildings players may want to start erecting.

This system doesn't go down to the size of singular households, and collecting taxes is done in the form of an Economy check rather than a fixed income every N months. You still take settlement size and inhabitants in account for a bunch of stuff, however.

You could also check out the 3.5 DMG rules regarding building cities, as well as the good ol' Web Enhancement (http://rpg.nobl.ca/archive.php?x=dnd/we/20030719a) for a less complicated City Building system - do keep in mind, this puts most of the onus on you, the DM, rather than let the PCs pick and choose, but it could be a good inspiration and checklist for your players.

There's an official splatbook called Stronghold Builder's Guide - as the title suggests, it deals primarily with strongholds, but it also has incidental rules for settlements controlled by said hold, and has rules for special chambers and architectural features.

2023-02-20, 05:42 AM
Thanks so much that should work just fine for me