View Full Version : DM Help Fix for Chronurgy Arcane Abeyance?

2023-02-21, 08:05 PM
Any thoughts on a simple houserule that fixes the Chronurgy wizard's 10th level ability Arcane Abeyance? Is it as simple as restricting it to spells of 4th level or lower that only have a casting time of one action or is more required? Suggestions?


2023-02-21, 09:06 PM
What's the worst part of it you're looking to address? Being able to cast long cast-time spells in combat with an action?

Edit: Because doing a quick filter these are the spells that would qualify:
Alarm, Find Familiar, Identify, Illusory Script, Snare, Magic Mouth, Animate Dead, Clairvoyance, Glyph of Warding, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Magic Circle, Phantom Steed, Tiny Servant, Conjure Minor Elementals, Fabricate, Hallucinatory Terrain, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum

2023-02-21, 09:30 PM
Arcane Abeyance does a bunch of things.

1. It is a better Spell-Storing Item as it works on up to 4th level spells, as a subclass feature instead of as a major class feature on a half-caster class. Self now becomes not-you, and it moves concentration to them, and it moves action economy to them.

2. It lets you pre-cast a long-casting time spells and release them on demand. There are a bunch of spells which are traps/forced rituals/etc that become offensive spells.

The only downside is the 1 hour 'use it or lose it'.

Both of the above would be a seriously major class feature. And this one is both.

But really, Chronurgy is so crazy broken strong it doesn't stand out that much.

Level 2: 2 forced reaction rerolls/LR
Level 6: up to 5 casting of concentration-free one-round crowd control/LR
Level 10: This per SR
Level 14: Auto succeed/fail for a level of exhaustion

They are all divination-roll-scale abilities; strong enough to hang an entire subclass on them. Each and every one of them.

2023-02-21, 10:17 PM
But really, Chronurgy is so crazy broken strong it doesn't stand out that much.

Removing the Chronurgy wizard is probably an easier fix.

2023-02-21, 10:38 PM
So make it once per long rest then

2023-02-22, 07:00 PM
Removing the Chronurgy wizard is probably an easier fix.

Better yet, categorizing the book as a third party publication and thus require anything in it to be "white listed". There are too many problems with it. JC sheepishly admitting that the Echo fighter was misprinted while not issuing errata (now years later) for it was the standout for me: if they can't be bothered to fix what they claim is a printing error (which I doubt, frankly) then I don't see why I should treat the book any different from a publication by a another publisher. If I can't trust it's content, I can't blanket allow the book.

2023-02-22, 09:55 PM
Level 2: 2 forced reaction rerolls/LR
Level 6: up to 5 casting of concentration-free one-round crowd control/LR
Level 10: This per SR
Level 14: Auto succeed/fail for a level of exhaustion

You forgot the +INT to initiative at level 2, but yeah, Chronurgists are stupid busted. The level 6 and 14 abilities are pretty balanced, all things considered (the CC is really strong, to be fair, but a Constitution save means it probably wouldn't be worth picking the subclass for, and exhaustion is such a major penalty that it would have to be a major penalty to use the ability), but the other abilities are much too strong. It's Arcane Abeyance that really pushes the subclass over the line into just-plain-busted territory. Between the intended effects (let another creature concentrate on one of your spells) and the unintended effects (Leomund's Tiny Hut in combat), the ability is just flatly too good. At first level you get a worse version of Portent (an ability so strong that a worse version of it is still really good) and the War Wizard Int bonus to Initiative, which is honestly a trade that leans towards the Chronurgist - with a better level 2 than Divination Wizard, plus an excellent level 6 and an OP-as-hell level 10, the Chronurgist is highly overtuned. I don't disagree that you could build a subclass around many of the other abilities (after all, for many of them they already did), but I do think that while the subclass would still be overtuned, if Arcane Abeyance wasn't so hilariously OP the subclass would be more reasonable.

2023-02-27, 11:23 AM
Arcane Abeyance does a bunch of things.

1. It is a better Spell-Storing Item as it works on up to 4th level spells, as a subclass feature instead of as a major class feature on a half-caster class. Self now becomes not-you, and it moves concentration to them, and it moves action economy to them.

2. It lets you pre-cast a long-casting time spells and release them on demand. There are a bunch of spells which are traps/forced rituals/etc that become offensive spells.

The only downside is the 1 hour 'use it or lose it'.

Both of the above would be a seriously major class feature. And this one is both.

But really, Chronurgy is so crazy broken strong it doesn't stand out that much.

Level 2: 2 forced reaction rerolls/LR
Level 6: up to 5 casting of concentration-free one-round crowd control/LR
Level 10: This per SR
Level 14: Auto succeed/fail for a level of exhaustion

They are all divination-roll-scale abilities; strong enough to hang an entire subclass on them. Each and every one of them.

I would argue that the rest are powerful features that don't disrail the system, just take greater control than may be expected. I would be fine with all classes/subclasses offering such power levels in their features and then balancing the other side of the equation for that since I very much enjoy greater agency (however, that would require far more work from WotC, which is a no-no for WotC).

The level 10 feature, however, breaks the Concentration economy, the Action economy, and the Self economy. That is three disrailments from one feature.