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View Full Version : How does a successful West-Marches server handle lore?

2023-02-22, 06:51 PM
A friend of mine is creating a West Marches D&D server.

This would be a server with (likely) 40-60 players.

Does anyone here have some general advice? A common problem I've noticed that it's difficult to keep track of the lore in such a large server where DMs might be constantly coming or going. My friend suggested using an established campaign setting, like Tal'Dorei, but I suspect that this might discourage DMs, because I think that (very often) DMs want to come up with their own material. However, everyone creating their own stuff (with no one keeping track of it) is chaos.

I thought, perhaps, we could have one central "hub" city (or kingdom) where adventurers gather. Then a teleporter or portal that takes them to other areas... which any DM can create. Maybe there could be a lore channel where new DMs post about new areas (if they wanted to create a new area) to help keep track of lore.

Any practical advice?

2023-02-22, 07:03 PM
First tell us what you mean by lore.
Second tell us why this matters.
What's the value in play?

One of the reasons that I pose this question is that each DM will have their own level of investment and interest in lore, and getting an agreed concept of how the shared world works is an important baseline in terms of shared assumptions.

2023-02-22, 07:36 PM
They'd need a system for "authorising" new lore to ensure it's all compatible with existing material, adjudicate cases where 2 GMs attempt to add incompatible lore at the same time and maybe make decisions on taste and flavour.
Maybe a single "Mod" or maybe some form of committee/council/monthly meeting of all GMs

Maybe a GM should get clearance before creating new lore?
EG "I'm planning to create a new town between Snoksburg and Wifflehaven, any issues with that?"
"That should be fine, just note that most of that area has a 16th century Bavarian aesthetic and it'll need to be at least a day's travel from both or you'll need to work in with Fred who's running 2 campaigns based around each of the cities. I'll let Fred know you're working on that area."

Maybe use a world building system like world anvil?