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2023-03-02, 10:35 AM
Attacks: Relevant Attribute gives it’s Bonus to Attack Rolls, and you add to that the Skill’s Bonus up to the Rank you have Cast it. Relevant Attribute gives it’s Bonus +25 to saves. Compare the Attack total to the Save total of the Opponent. If the total is higher, the Attack connects. If the Save is Higher, the opponent successfully defends against your Ability or Attack. The GM calls for a different Save depending on the nature of the attack. A Player can ask for a Different save by improvising a way to resist, but the Final Say is the GM’s.
HP: Starts at 100%. You recover your Physical Bonus each time you rest.
Speed: 10 meters + Physical Rank.
Initiative: Agility Check.
Sanity: Starts at 100%. Sanity Recovers by performing Pleasant Activities by a maximum of Mental Rank Sanity per day. Casting Spells when out of Energy costs 1 point of Sanity per Spell Rank. Each time you lose sanity you must make a Sanity Check (with your new Sanity) against a DC equal to 100+1% per point of Sanity you lost. A failure means you gain a derangement.
Energy: Each Character has an Energy pool equal to 100. Energy recovers at a rate of Mental Bonus per hour (Minimum 1) as long as the character is not exhausted. Spells and Martial Skills cost Energy equal to their Rank.
Base Save: 25 +1 per Relevant Ability Bonus.
Active Skills: (Minimum 1) Up to your Mental Rank (1-5).
Prepared Spells: Up to your Mental Bonus Ranks of Spells.
Dying: A Character is Dying if they have -1 HP or less. They continue loosing 1 HP every round until they are stabilized. A Character dies if they have negative HP equal to 100. Attacks on a Dying target is always automatically a Critical Success.
Damage: All Skills deal Damage equal to their Skill Bonus +the relevant Stat Rank.
Skills and their Ranks:
Rank 0 Initiate: 1-4
Rank 1 Novice: 5-9
Rank 2 Apprentice: 10-14
Rank 3 Adept: 15-19
Rank 4 Expert: 20-24
Rank 5 Master: 25

When you cast a Skill it has a Number of Charges equal to your Mental Bonus. As long as the Skill stays active you can, as an action, use one of the Charges to Activate the Skill.
Actions: You have 3 Actions per turn.
Move: You move up to your Speed. Costs 1 Action.
Cast: You cast a Skill. Costs 2 Actions.
Attack: You use a Charge to Attack with an Active Skill you previously Cast. Costs 1 Actions.
Reaction: You prepare an action under a specific trigger, and it interrupts the current turn to trigger. The Trigger can be as vague as “when an opponent casts a spell, I ready an action to Interupt it” or “When an opponent enters my reach, I ready an action to attack them”. Costs an amount of actions equal to the amount of actions the Action you want to prepare costs.
Skills and Attributes start at 0 Ranks. Your GM Distributes Xp points depending on the campaign.
Creature Rank:
0 Initiate: 150xp
1 Novice: 300xp
2 Apprentice: 450xp
3 Adept: 600xp
4 Expert: 750xp
5 Master: 900xp
6 Epic: 1625xp
7 Legendary: 3250xp
XP Rewards: Completing a Chapter grants 10 Xp, while performing something of great importance can grand extra Xp. Finally, the GM might reward Role Playing through the Chapter with extra Xp. At the end of a Chapter, the GM may set an amount of Downtime. A Character can use Xp they have gained during downtime (typically 1 week, but can be as long as 1 month or even 1 year, depending on the Campaign Style), by role playing daily activities that explain how they gain the extra knowledge.

Physical: Determines your Attack Ability and your Hit Point Recovery.
Agility: Determines your Base Save Bonus and Attack Ability with finesse weapons.
Mental: Your Spellcasting Stat. Determines your Attack Ability with Spells, your Energy Recovery, the number of Charges you have with each Spell Cast and the Number of Spells you can Prepare.

Skills: Give +1 per Bonus. Skills Deal their Bonus in Damage when used in a Damaging Way. If they Miss, Spells still deal Half Damage (round down) if used in a damaging way. You reach a Threshold of Mastery with a Skill depending on your Total Bonus.
Natural 001: You critically Fail what you’re attempting to do, and have dire consequences. If you were attacking, you may hurt yourself or an ally.
Natural 100: You critically Succeed what you’re attempting to do. If you were attacking, you deal double damage. Some Abilities enhance your Critical Threshold.
Leveling Up: Each point costs xp equal to it’s Bonus. For example to purchase the first Bonus point of a Stat or Skill it would Cost 1 xp while the second would cost 2 xp etc. So, to upgrade a Skill to a +10 bonus, it would cost 55 Xp. The maximum Bonus you can purchase at Creation is +15 in a Skill or Stat.
Optional Rule: Attributes, Skills and Item Bonuses have a Soft Cap of +25. It is impossible to raise that Cap unless the GM gives permission.
Basic Schools:
Initiate: You gain a Weapon Attack with Mental Score Charges that deals Force Damage. You can substitute it for Elemental Damage if you have an Active Pact with an Elemental Spirit. It has a Short Range.
Novice: Conjure Αstral Energy and give it shape and purpose. Can create Basic Shapes. Has a Short Range. Summon a Spirit you have previously made a Pact with up to the Rank of this Spell and give it a temporary Body through Shaping Astral Energy.
Apprentice: Conjure astral energy and give it shape and purpose. Open Dimensional Portals within Range.
Adept: Conjure astral energy and give it shape and purpose. Has a Mid Range.
Expert: Astral Projection.
Master: Has a Long Range. Learn to Forge Astral energy to Open Dimensional Portals with Unlimited Range.
Conjuration Mechanics: Astral Energy is a mutable form of energy that alters itself to the Will of the one touching it. It can take the Form of Elemental Energy if you have a Pact with an Elemental Spirit, or a more Direct form that fulfills a purpose (Force). When Shaping Astral Energy the Caster can opt to describe it’s Purpose in one short sentence. The GM can interpret the sentence as they see fit. Astral Projection creates a Second Body for the caster Within Range. They can use that body to safely interact with the environment. An Astral Body cannot replenish Energy however. Portals link two places by negating the distance between them. Basic Shapes are Lines (1 meter thick and covering the whole Range), Spheres (A Bolt of Energy that Explodes into a Sphere with a Maximum Radius equal to the Rank you cast) and Cones (A cone is a triangle with each Face up to ½ the maximum Range). Summoning: A Temporary Body for the Spirit is created from Astral Energy. The Astral Body lasts for 10 Minutes per Rank of the Spell that created it. You can control up to your Rank total Ranks of Spirits. If you summon more Ranks of Spirits than you are allowed, you choose which Spirit gets Banished.
Initiate: You can Communicate telepathically at short Range. You create a 1 meter radius Illusion that affects a single sense of your choice. You can also enhance your Mental Save by your Bonus in Divination for 1 turn.
Novice: Telepathy at Short Range. Telepathy can create base sensations such as comfort or pain (Deal Psychic Damage). You can speak Telepathically with the target. Can create Illusions at Short Range. Can fool 1 sense at a time.
Apprentice: Telepathy at Mid Range. Detect Surface Thoughts and Emotions. Illusions can fool 2 senses at a time.
Adept: Telepathy at Long Range, Telepathy can now create Basic Emotions. Can create Illusions at Mid Range that can fool 3 senses at a time.
Expert: Telepathy within the same planet. Illusions can fool 4 senses at a time.
Master: Limitless Telepathy; It can now implant memories (1 hour worth of memories at a time) and modify emotions on a deeper level. Can create Illusions at Long Range that can fool 5 senses at a time.
Enchantment Mechanics: Contacting a target Telepathically requires no effort as long as the only thing you do is hold telepathic conversation. Once the Telepathic Link is Established, any alteration on the Psych beyond Basic Telepathic communication allows a Will Save. A successful save, allows the target to cut the Link. The Target gains an increasing 1% resistance to your Enchantment Spells each time they successfully Cut a Link from you. Illusion Mechanics: Illusions are created by projecting an idea telepathically within range. They are only effective to someone who believes them, otherwise they seem translucent. Objects automatically Disbelieve Illusions.
Initiate: Your touch bestows a Rank 0 Ability.
Novice: You can grant a single Ability with a Rank equal to your Rank in Transmutation. You must have the appropriate Lore at 15+. You can give an Item a Rank equal to your Rank in Transmutation. You can also enhance structures with your touch to give your Rank in transmutation to Physical Attack Rolls and Physical Saves for 1 turn.
Apprentice: You can Replace a Creature’s Type for the Duration.
Adept: You can grant 2 Abilities with a Rank equal to your Rank in Transmutation. You must have the appropriate Lores at 20+.
Expert: You can Add a creature Subtype for the Duration.
Master: You can grant 3 Abilities with a Rank equal to your Rank in Transmutation. You must have the appropriate Lores at 25+.
Transmutation Mechanics: A valid target is any target that the Caster understands to a great extend (Has Lore 15+ in a category concerning it). For example, someone who has a good understanding of Medicine (Anatomy) could transmute a Human Being, while someone with good understanding of Sciences (Chemistry) could transmute a bomb.
Initiate: Your touch Heals your Bonus Damage to Living Creatures OR to Undead. It also can cause the same amount of Damage.
Novice: Tap into the energies of Life and Death with a touch. Life Heals Living Creatures and Harms Undead. Death Harms Living Creatures and Heals Undead.
Apprentice: Your touch can Bestow or Heal Base Conditions (Except ones that come from Curses) and Diseases.
Adept: Your touch can Bestow, and End Curses and Blessings.
Expert: Your Connection to the Energies is Stronger. You can Create Skeletons and Zombies from corpses, and Raise the Dead that Died within the Last Minute. You can also Protect a fresh corpse from Decay.
Master: You have Mastered Control of Life and Death; You can now Create Undead, and Raise the Dead that died within the Last Hour.
Necromancy Mechanics: Healing Effects Heal their Rank Bonus HP. Curses each have a different effect depending on their Description (See the Curses List). You can Control as many total Ranks of undead at a time as your Necromancy Rank. If you ever create more Undead than your Rank allows, you can decide which Undead to Relinquish. It then becomes Free.
Initiate: Activating this Spell gives you the Aura Sight Ability at short Range. It does not allow to register Illusions however. Activating Aura Sight allows you to glimpse into the Immediate future, giving you Divination Bonus to all Agility Attack Rolls and Agility Saves for 1 Turn.
Novice: You can use Divination at Short Range.
Apprentice: Your Past and Future Divinations can include a single Word answer to your Questions.
Adept: You can use Divination at Mid Range.
Expert: Your Past and Future Divinations can include a Small (Usually Cryptic) Sentence answer to your Questions.
Master: You can use Divination at Long Range.
Divination Mechanics: Ability to see the Past, Present and Future. Each use of Divination focuses on one of those aspects.
Auras: Each School of Magic and Ki have Different Auras. Similarly a Character’s Mastery of a School of Magic or Martial Principle will be reflected in their Aura.
Past: You can see the past up to 1 hour ago per point of Energy spent. The basic form answers questions with a Yes/No/Maybe/Irrelevant format.
Present: You gain Aura Sight. You see true and are not fooled by Illusions of the Same Rank or Lower, see the individual components of a Transmutation and Intentions of a Conjuration.
Future: You see the most possible outcome of a course of action, up to 1 hour in the future per point of Energy spent. The basic form answers questions with a Yes/No/Maybe/Irrelevant format.
Creating New Spells and Combining Schools:
School Combinations can create a variety of Effects. For example, you could Combine Necromancy with Divination to be able to speak with a deceased’s soul. Combining Schools in combat takes mental effort. Unless the spell is one you have created and prepared, you risk failing to cast it. When casting a new spell, you need to make a d100 Mental + School Bonus check against a DC of 50+10 per Spell Rank.
Spellbook: When Casting a new spell, or combining spells you can note the combination in a Spellbook, in a mnemonic way. You can create as many Spells as you want. A spell’s Rank is equal to the highest Rank of the Spell. You can prepare a number of spells from your Spellbook equal to your Mental Bonus. Preparing takes a 1 minute ritual per spell rank. Once prepared, the caster only needs to perform a combination of a Somatic Gesture and a say out loud a Verbal component to activate. Once a spell is cast, it is no longer prepared. Prepared Spells don’t risk failure.
Greater Magic:
Greater Magic usually takes the form of Rituals. The caster describes an effect they want to perform and rolls a d100 and adds their Mental Score. The GM sets an Impossibility Range that the Greater Magic takes effect, and if the d100 roll is equal or higher than the Impossibility Range, the Greater magic takes place. The cost of Greater Magic is always a minimum of 1 Sanity, but the less probable the outcome, the higher the cost of Sanity. The following are mitigating factors for the cost of Sanity, but a mitigating factor cannot bring the Sanity cost bellow 1.
-More Casters: The sanity cost is Shared between Casters equally. (Minimum 1)
-Ritual Casting Time: Each 1 minute Ritual Interval reduces the Sanity cost by 1 (Minimum 1)
-Special Components: A valuable Component (Intervals of 1gp for 1 sanity) reduces sanity cost.
-Specific Components: A Specific component links the Target of the spell (if applicable) to the magic. It reduces the Impossibility Range by a factor depending on how strong the link to the person is.
Used item: 5%
Personal Belonging: 10%
Part of Body (such as Blood, Hair, Nail Clippings etc): 25%

Martial Styles:
Martial Arts [Choice of Physical or Agility Based]:
Initiate: Perform Basic Attacks with your Martial Arts Bonus. Your Critical Threshold equals 2X your Rank in this Skill.
Novice: After Damaging a melee opponent, you can perform a basic maneuver.
Apprentice: You unlock your Ki and can enhance your Melee strikes to deal Force Damage. If you have an Active Pact with an Elemental, you can instead deal their kind of Damage.
Adept: You can focus your Ki into a Line Ranged Shot at Short Range.
Expert: You can focus your Ki into a Line Ranged Shot at Mid Range.
Master: You can focus your Ki into a Line Ranged Shot at Long Range
Martial Maneuvers:
Shove: You push a creature 1 meter.
Disarm: You disarm the creature.
Trip: You trip a creature prone.
Grapple: You grapple a creature, not allowing it to move away from you.
Slashing Wind Style (Blades) [Choice of Physical or Agility Based]:
Initiate: Perform Basic Attacks with your Slashing Wind Bonus. Your Critical Threshold equals 2X your Rank in this Skill.
Novice: You can forgo Damage on a strike to deal 3 Stacks of Bleeding instead.
Apprentice: You can Focus your Ki into your Melee Strikes. Your strikes deal Force Damage. If you have an Active Pact with an Elemental, you can instead deal their kind of Damage.
Adept: You can perform a Short Range Cone Attack.
Expert: You can perform a Mid Range Cone Attack.
Master: You can perform a Long Range Cone Attack.
Meteor Impact Style (Bludgeoning Weapons, including fists) [Physical Based]:
Initiate: Perform Basic Attacks with your Meteor Impact Bonus. Your Critical Threshold equals 2X your Rank in this Skill.
Novice: You can forgo Damage on a Strike to perform 2 maneuvers.
Apprentice: You can Focus your Ki into your Melee Strikes. Your strikes deal Force Damage. If you have an Active Pact with an Elemental, you can instead deal their kind of Damage.
Adept: You can perform a 1 m Radius Sphere Attack centered on you.
Expert: You can perform a 2 m Radius Sphere Attack centered on you.
Master: You can perform a 4 m Radius Sphere Attack centered on you.

Falcon Eye Style (Ranged Weapons) [Agility Based]:
Initiate: Perform Basic Attacks with your Falcon Eye Bonus. Your Critical Threshold equals 2X your Rank in this Skill.
Novice: You can use Trick Ammunition (you have prepared) for Trick Shots.
Apprentice: You can Focus your Ki into your Ranged Strikes. Your strikes deal Force Damage. If you have an Active Pact with an Elemental, you can instead deal their kind of Damage.
Adept: You can perform a Line Attack at Short Range.
Expert: You can perform a Line Attack at Mid Range.
Master: You can perform a Line Attack at Long Range.
Trick Shots:
-Smoke Bomb: You can cover a 10 meter radius Sphere with heavy Smoke.
-Wired Shot: Your ammunition is connected with a Wire at your belt.
-Poison Shot: Your ammunition is covered with poison.


Initiate: You are able to use an Amulet Effectively to defend yourself from Mental Attacks.
Novice: An amulet wielded by you has a minimum +1 Rank.
Apprentice: An amulet wielded by you has a minimum +2 Rank.
Adept: An amulet wielded by you has a minimum +3 Rank.
Expert: An amulet wielded by you has a minimum +4 Rank.
Master: An amulet wielded by you has a minimum +5 Rank.

Initiate: You are able to use an Armor Effectively to defend yourself from Physical Attacks.
Novice: An armor worn by you has a minimum +1 Rank.
Apprentice: An armor worn by you has a minimum +2 Rank.
Adept: An armor worn by you has a minimum +3 Rank.
Expert: An armor worn by you has a minimum +4 Rank.
Master: An armor worn by you has a minimum +5 Rank.

Initiate: You are able to use a Shield Effectively to defend yourself from Agility Attacks.
Novice: A shield wielded by you has a minimum +1 Rank.
Apprentice: A shield wielded by you has a minimum +2 Rank.
Adept: A shield wielded by you has a minimum +3 Rank.
Expert: A shield wielded by you has a minimum +4 Rank.
Master: A shield wielded by you has a minimum +5 Rank.

Items (Can have an Item Bonus 1-25 and a Rank from Initiate to Master):
Weapons: Weapons have a reach depending on their type. They also give +1 per Item Rank to attacks and Damage by Weapons. All Weapons have a Base Damage depending on their Type.
Spellcasting Focus: Adds it’s Item Rank to attack rolls by spells.
Shield: They grant their Item Rank to Agility Saves and their item Bonus as DR/Elemental. Base Cost 30 gp.
Armor: They grant their Item Bonus to Physical Saves and their item Bonus as DR/Elemental. Base Cost 100 gp.
Amulet: They grant their Item Bonus to Mental Saves and their Item Bonus as DR/Elemental. Base Cost 10 gp.
Scrolls: Scrolls contain pre-cast spells that can be used once. Activating a Scroll costs 2 Actions (one to retrieve the scroll, and 1 to Read it).
Potions: They contain a magical effect, and come in 3 sizes. A Small potion has 25 Doses, a Medium Potion has 50 Doses and a large Container like a Cauldron has 500 Doses. Drinking a potion’s Dose costs 1 Action. The Basic potions are Energy Potions which recover Rank Energy per Dose, and Healing Potions that recover Rank Health per Dose.
Poisons: Poisons deal their Rank damage at the start of each Turn until cured. Some Monsters have Poison resistance, for poisons of up to a certain Level. A Small poison has 25 Doses, a Medium Poison has 50 Doses and a large Container like a Cauldron has 500 Doses.

Investing an Item: An Item costs as much Gold as it’s total Bonus times 10 (a +1 Item costs an additional 10 gp, while a +5 Item costs an additional 150 gp). You can use Xp to make an item better if you have the appropriate Lore. Every Point of Bonus an item has costs as much Xp on a 1 to 1 Basis. Consumable Items such as Potions and Poisons have a different formula: They cost their Item Bonus times 10. Crafting a Consumable costs Xp on a 1 by 1 Basis, so to craft a +15 potion you would need 15 Xp.
Carry Capacity Rules:
Lifting Capacity: A character can lift 20 kg per Physical Rank with one hand. Half that amount is the weight they can carry unencumbered, and they can lift twice that amount with two hands. At Rank 0 they can lift 10 kg, and carry 5 kg unencumbered.
Encumbrance: When a character is Encumbered, they can move at half their speed.
Damage Properties:
Fire: Applies a stack of Burn Effect on a Roll that exceeds the Save by 20 or more.
Lightning: Applies a stack of Stun on a Roll that exceeds the Save by 20 or more.
Cold: Applies a stack of Stun on a Roll that exceeds the Save by 20 or more.
Acid: Applies a stack of Burn Effect on a Roll that exceeds the Save by 20 or more.
Psychic: On a Roll that exceeds the Save by 20 or more, Psychic Damage causes the loss of 1 Sanity.
Force: Can interact with Ghosts Normally. On a Roll that exceeds the Save by 20 or more, the target is pushed back 1 meter.
Physical: Physical Damage Causes the Bleeding Condition on an attack Roll that exceeds the Save by 20 or more.
Stabilizing and Treating: Stabilizing means the ongoing effect no longer applies, but it leaves an open wound. If the Open Wound is hurt (a 10% chance every time the Character is hit), it will destabilize again. Once stabilized, the wound must stay stabilized for a week in order to fully close, unless treated with magic.

Short Range: 25 meters
Mid Range: 50 meters
Long Range: 100 meters

1 (the size of a coin)
2 (the size of a mouse)
3 (the size of a house cat)
4 (the size of a dog)
5 (the size of a human)
6 (the size of a horse)
7 (the size of an elephant)
8 (the size of a whale)
9 (the size of a tower)
10 (the size of a dragon)

Lore is measured in a percentage. You gain lore by contributing to activities concerning that Lore. At creation, a Character has Mental points worth of Lore x3. A Character cannot have a Lore skill higher than 15 at creation. They also gain Mental Rank points worth of Lore for each 10 Xp they dedicate to it during Downtime.
Lore types:

Lore makes a Character more competent in certain Activities that are relevant to the Lore they have. For example, if someone with an Adept Rank of Physical was to Climb they would add their Athletics Lore to the total.
Each Lore you take has an Area of Expertise you choose. The options are endless. When you make any roll concerning your Expertise, double your Lore Bonus before adding the appropriate Modifier.
Edges are very specific areas of Expertise your Character is good at. Edges have Ranks like Skills and Stats, but do not require Xp to upgrade. Instead, your GM rewards your RP by giving you an Edge, during Downtime. At creation, each Character has 3 Edges. An edge gives a Bonus to your Character equal to it’s Rank times 5. Edges stack with Lore.
A Derangement takes the form of a Mania or Phobia the character obtains.
DR (Damage Reduction):
DR cannot reduce damage you take bellow 1. Every type of DR has some sort of way to bypass. The most common type of Bypass is /Elemental, which means Elemental Damage Bypasses the DR granted by it’s source. Some Monsters and Items have more specific DR types, such as DR/Silver or DR/Lightning. A very strong monster might have DR that is only bypassed by a specific Artifact or Relic or through a specific Ritual.
Abilities have a Type which determines the Aura they Register Under. Some Abilities have a Subtype which determines what type of Element they control (such as Energy Manipulation). Finally all abilities have a Rank, which determines how powerful the ability is, and, if it has a Damaging Purpose, how much Damage they Deal.
-Invisibility: A Basic Illusion that renders the Creature Invisible to True Sight and Divination of Equal or Lower Rank.
-Energy Manipulation: Creature can create Basic Shapes of a specific Elemental Energy with a Range equal to their Rank.
-True Sight: Sees through Illusions up to it’s Rank.
-Telekinesis: Telekinesis has a Carry Capacity calculated with the Creature’s Will instead of Fortitude Rank. It can lift at once a number of Items up to it’s Rank.
-Telepathy: Can Telepathically Communicate within it’s Range.
-Flight: The Creature can Fly with a speed equal to it’s Land Speed + Rank.
-Swim: The Creature’s speed when swimming equals their Land Speed + Rank instead of ½ their Speed.
-Elemental Body: The Body of the target acts as a specified element. They can also dissolve their Body into that element or take back their form at will. They Heal if they take Damage from their Element on a 1 to 1 bases, and are vulnerable to the element that is Opposing theirs.
-Concept Manipulation: While more specific than Telekinesis, this Ability allows a finer and stronger control within a Concept. For example, Weather Manipulation would manipulate the whole Weather within the Range of the Ability.
-Possession: Only Spirits and Aberations Can have this Ability. You gain control of the target’s Body on a Failed Mental Save. Each time you perform an action antithetical to the Target’s Nature, the target gains a new Save. A Spirit that Possesses a Body looses the Spirit Type’s Immunities, Resistances and Vulnerabilities for the Duration of the Possession.
-Regeneration: At the start of each of your turns you regain Rank Bonus HP. Taking Damage to which you have Vulnerability stops this ability from Functioning for 1 Round.
-Feral Weapons: The creature can attack without a Weapon, with Claws, Bites or other Natural Weapons.
Hands: 1
Base Damage: 1
Base Price: 1sp
Hands: 1
Base Damage: 2
Base Price: 10gp
Hands: 2
Base Damage: 3
Base Price: 15gp
-Bastard Sword
Hands: 1 or 2
Base Damage: 2 or 3
Base Price: 20gp
Hands: 2
Base Damage: 4
Base Price: 25gp
Hands: 1
Base Damage: 2
Base Price: 3gp
Hands: 1
Base Damage: 2
Base Price: 1sp
Hands: 2
Base Damage: 3
Base Price: 2sp
Hands: 2
Base Damage: 2
Base Price: 4gp
Hands: 1
Base Damage: 1
Base Price: 2gp
Hands: 1
Base Damage: 2
Base Price: 3sp
Hands: 1 or 2
Base Damage: 2 or 3
Base Price: 5gp
Hands: 2
Base Damage: 1
Base Price: 3sp
Weapon Abilities:
-Returning: If thrown, the Weapon returns in the hands of it’s owner at the end of the Action.
-Elemental: Your Weapon deals Elemental Damage of a Specific Type instead of it’s normal Damage type.
-Bane: This type of Weapon is made to be the Bane of a Subtype of Creatures. The weapon deals double it’s Rank as damage to creatures of that particular subtype.
-Holy: This weapon deals Double it’s Rank to Undead and Demons. It deals normal Damage to other types of Creatures.
-Unholy: This weapon deals Double it’s Rank to Celestials and Humanoids. It deals normal Damage to other types of Creatures.
-Keen: This weapon adds Double it’s Rank to it’s Critical Range.
-Wounding: On a hit, this Weapon deals it’s Rank in Bleeding Damage.
-Vorpal: On a Critical Hit, this weapon deals x3 Damage.
Base Conditions:
Stunned: A Stunned Creature takes a penalty to the Actions they Have per Turn equal to the Severity of the Stunned Condition. At the end of the Turn the Creature can attempt a Physical Save against a DC of 80 to end one stack of Stun on itself.
Burn: Each Stack of Burn Deals 1 damage per turn until treated. Stabilizing takes 1 minute.
Bleeding: Each Stack of Bleeding Deals 1 damage per turn until treated. Stabilizing takes 1 minute.
Blinded: The creature under this condition is Blinded for the Duration.
Deafened: The creature under this condition is Deafened for the Duration.
Advanced Conditions:
Unconscious: An Unconscious Creature is either Sleeping or at 0 HP or lower. They gain no Actions During their Turn. They are also considered Blinded and Deafened. A Hit on an Unconscious Creature is Automatically a Critical Hit.
Paralyzed: A Paralyzed Creature cannot act during it’s turn, for a Number of Turns equal to the Paralyzed Value.

Creature Types:
Dragon: They have DR15/Psychic. Dragons gain Flight when gaining the type. A Dragon type Creature gains +3 Ranks in it’s Physical Attribute.
Undead: An Undead Creature is Healed by Negative Energy and Vulnerable (Take x2 Damage) to Positive Energy. They also have DR 15/Elemental. Undead are by default Obedient to their Creators, unless their Creators Relinquish them.
Aberration: Aberrations are Resistant (take only ½ Damage) to Psychic Attacks. They are Vulnerable to Fire. Aberrations gain +3 Ranks to their Mental Stat. They have Telepathy and Telekinesis.
Plant: Plants Gain the Regeneration Ability at a Rank equal to their Rank. They have Resistance to all Damage except Fire to which they have Vulnerability and Force.
Humanoid: The base type of creatures that can Speak.
Beast: Beasts have a Mental Rank of -2 and a Physical Rank of +1.
Construct: Constructs are Resistant to all Damage Types except Force. They also have DR 15/Elemental and are Immune to Psychic, Positive and Negative Damage. They are also Immune to
Spirit: Spirits are Immune to Damage, except Force, Psychic, Positive and Negative. They also gain the Possession, Flight, Telepathy and Telekinesis Abilities at their Rank.
Spirit (Celestial): They Heal twice as much from Life Energy and take twice as much Damage from Death Energy. Their Default type of Damage is Positive.
Spirit (Demon): They Heal twice as much from Death Energy and take twice as much Damage from Life Energy. Their Default type of Damage is Negative.
Spirit (Elemental): Elementals gain Energy Manipulation and Elemental Body with their Element. They are Vulnerable to the Energy that opposes their Element.
Spirit (Conceptual): A Conceptual Spirit gains the Concept Manipulation Ability. They Have DR 15/Ritual (Only a specific Ritual Can bypass their DR).
Spirit (Ghost): Ghosts are immune to all Damage except Force and Psychic and a Damage type linked to their Death. Ghosts have either Healing or Negative Healing depending on their Alignment. Finally, Ghosts have Telekinesis, Telepathy and Develop Concept Manipulation as they grow older. All Ghosts are linked to an item they are haunting, and can only travel to Long Range away from it.
Dragon (Fire): Fire Dragons gain Energy Manipulation with Fire. They are Immune to Fire Damage.
Dragon (Water): Water Dragons gain Energy Manipulation with Ice. They are Immune to Ice Damage.
Dragon (Earth): Earth Dragons gain Energy Manipulation with Acid. They are Immune to Acid Damage.
Dragon (Air): Air Dragons gain Energy Manipulation with Lightning. They are Immune to Lightning Damage.
Undead (Zombie): An undead unable to think for themselves. They are Immune to Psychic Damage, and have a +1 to Physical, -1 to Agility and -5 to their Mental Attribute. Zombies are Carriers of a Disease called Grave Plague.
Undead (Skeleton): An undead unable to think for themselves. They are Immune to Psychic Damage, and have a +1 to Agility, -1 to Physical and -5 to their Mental Attribute.
Undead (Ghoul): Ghouls are carriers of a Disease called Grave Plague.
Undead (Lich): Liches are almost impossible to kill. They have locked their soul in an item called an Obolos, and that phylactery has DR 30/Ritual. A Specific ritual is needed for each different Lich. The Lich Recovers Damage at a rate of 1 per minute as long as their Obolos is intact. If the Lich’s Body is damaged beyond repair, the Phylactery will possess the nearest Dead Body to it, and make it the new Lich’s Body.
Undead (Vampire): Vampires have Vulnerability to all attacks when in Direct Sunlight. They also take 1 Damage per turn when they start their turn in Direct Sunlight. Vampires can curse a Creature whose Blood they have consumed with Vampire’s Curse. Vampires can only be truly killed by Impaling their Heart with a Stake blessed by the Vampire Killing Rite, otherwise they recover no matter how much damage they took. They have a +2 Bonus to their Physical and Agility Attributes.
Undead (Wight): Wights have a Curse. When they deal damage to an opponent, they Curse them with their Curse (Detailed Under Curses). If a Character dies with Wight’s Curse still active, they rise the next midnight as a Wight.
Aberration (Monstrosity): Monstrosities have Regeneration. A Humanoid that gains this Subtype looses 1 Sanity per round.
Aberration (Anomaly): Anomalies have Flight and Regeneration. A Humanoid that gains this Subtype looses 2 Sanity per round.
Aberration (Singularity): Singularities have True Sight, Flight and Regeneration. A Humanoid that gains this Subtype looses 3 Sanity per round.
Aberration (Old One): An Old One Gains the Flight, Possession and Regeneration Ability. A Humanoid that gains this Subtype looses 4 Sanity per round.
Aberration (Elder Evil): An Elder Evil gains the Concept Manipulation Ability at a Rank equal to their Rank, in addition to the abilities granted to an Old One. A Humanoid that gains this Subtype looses 5 Sanity per round.
Humanoid (Human): Humans gain +1 Rank at Creation.
Humanoid (Elf): Elves gain +1 Rank to Agility and Mental. They take a -1 Rank Penalty to Physical.
Humanoid (Giant): Giants gain +1 Rank to Physical and Mental. They take a -1 Rank Penalty to Agility.
Humanoid (Orc): Orcs gain a +1 Rank to Physical and Agility. They take a -1 Rank Penalty to Mental.
Humanoid (Lycanthrope): Werewolves and other Lycanthropes have a Curse (Detailed under Curses). The Bite of a Lycanthrope transfers this curse. They gain +2 to their Physical Attribute and +1 Rank to their Agility. Werewolves are resistant to all damage, and vulnerable to Silver.
Construct (Golem): Golems are Immune to Transmutation and Enchantment Magic.
Beast (Cat): Cats have Night Vision, and Agility +2 Ranks.
Beast (Ursidae): Ursidae have +2 Rank to Physical.
Beast (Canine): Canines have a +1 Rank to Physical and a Precise Sense of Smell.
Beast (Fish): Fish have the Swim Ability at their rank. They don’t have a Land Speed, and can only breath water.

Bonus Ranks at Creation: Bonuses and Penalties are applied after the Xp is applied. The Bonuses and Penalties are Cultural Aspects and are an Optional Rule for Humanoids.
Physical Blessing: The Blessing’s Rank is added to the Physical Bonus of the Blessed Creature for a Duration of 1 Minute. Multiple Blessings of the same kind do not Stack with themselves.
Agility Blessing: The Blessing’s Rank is added to the Agility Bonus of the Blessed Creature for a Duration of 1 Minute. Multiple Blessings of the same kind do not Stack with themselves.
Mental Blessing: The Blessing’s Rank is added to the Mental Bonus of the Blessed Creature for a Duration of 1 Minute. Multiple Blessings of the same kind do not Stack with themselves.
-Vampire’s Curse: Vampire’s Curse causes 15 Damage every day at Dawn. If a Creature dies while under Vampire’s Curse, it will Rise as a Vampire the next Midnight.
-Wight’s Curse: Wight’s Curse causes 20 Damage every day at Dawn. If a Creature dies while under Wight’s Curse, it will Rise as a Wight the next Midnight.
-Feeblemind: The creature will suffer the Curse’s Rank as a Penalty to it’s Bonus in the Mind Attribute. Can Stack Multiple times.
-Clumsiness: The creature will suffer the Curse’s Rank as a Penalty to it’s Bonus in the Agility Attribute. Can Stack Multiple times.
-Enfeeblement: The creature will suffer the Curse’s Rank as a Penalty to it’s Bonus in the Physical Attribute. Can Stack Multiple times.
-Eternal Nightmare: The target of this curse will not naturally wake up the next time they fall Unconscious. They will slumber in a nightmarish sleep until the Curse is broken. The Nightmares cause Rank Damage per Day. If not attended, they risk starving to death.
-Curse of Ugliness: The target of this curse suffers the Bonus of the Curse as a penalty to all Charisma Related Abilities.
-Blinding Curse: The target of the Curse is under the Blinded Condition Indefinitely.
-Deafening Curse: This Curse puts the Creature under the Deafened Condition Indefinitely.
-Curse of Unspoken Words: This Curse makes the Creature Muted and they cannot speak.
-Lycanthropy Curse: This Curse initially manifests as a Feral Instict. They get an impulse to hunt food, and yet the taste of the food is never satisfying. They crave something more. The touch of Silver hurts (deals 1 damage). The Curse is curable until the first full moon since they are Cursed. After the first full moon, the Lycanthrope Shifts for the first time. After that, the curse makes the Bearer never Age. They gain the Lycanthrope Subtype. Someone under this curse is forced to Shift into a bestial form every full moon. In this Bestial Form they are compelled to Consume the flesh of the people they care about the most, except from other Lycanthropes. At this stage, only High Magic can cure Lycanthropy, and it costs 10 Sanity per Rank of the Lycanthrope to cure.
A Creature that has a Disease can attempt a Physical Save 1/Week to end the Disease. Armor Bonuses and Misc Bonuses do not apply to this save.
Contagion: A Creature that has a Contagious Disease has a % chance to pass that disease to all other people within 1 meter, once per turn, at the end of the turn. If the Contagion Roll is within the % the creatures must make a Physical Save or contact the disease themselves.
-Grave Plague: An Alive Creature that carries this Disease will take 10 points of Damage per Day. If they die while Diseased they will rise as Zombies in d100 days. For the duration they become Pale and have hypothermia.
-Hellish Fever: An Alive Creature that carries this Disease will take an increasing 1 point of Damage per Day, and add 1 point of damage every day. The symptoms are High Fever, Hallucinations of torture and Nightmares. Hellish Fever has Contagion 10%.
-Common Cold: An Alive Creature that carries this Disease will take 5 point of Damage per Day. The symptoms are High Fever, a sore throat, Coughing and a running nose. The Common Cold has Contagion 50%.
A Character must consume food and drink water. Every day they don’t consume food they take a -5 Exhaustion penalty until they consume food again. Water is even more essential, and a character must drink at least a liter per day, or take an (additional) -10 exhaustion penalty. Finally a character (assuming humanoid characters) must sleep at least 6 hours per day. Each day they do not rest at least 6 hours, they take an other -10 Exhaustion Penalty. A Character who has been awake for 16 hours needs to make a DC 30+1 per hour every 4 hours Mental Save in order to stay awake. Each day, at dusk a character with an Exhaustion Penalty applies the penalty to their Energy Maximum and HP Maximum until they take the necessary steps to end the Exhaustion Penalty.
Summoning Ritual:
Casting Time: 10 minutes per Rank of the Spirit.
Components: The true Name of the Spirit written around the summoning Circle, a Medium that represents the nature of the Spirit for it to manifest through (Example: a pyre for a Fire Spirit, Incense for a Wind Spirit, a bowl of water for a Water Spirit, a doll made of Clay for an Earth Spirit, a doll for a Ghost, a white candle for a Celestial, a black candle for a Demon and an art piece representing their concept for a Conceptual Spirit), a coin with the true name of the Spirit written on and it’s sigil on the other site to represent the contract.
Effect: At the end of the Ritual, the Spirit Manifests through the Medium. It is limited within the Summoning Circle. You can Negotiate a Pact with it and ask it questions that it has to answer truthfully (but can choose not to answer). During this time, the Spirit can attempt to Escape by forcing on you a Mental Save (Not all spirits will do this, but a Malevolent or particularly displeased Spirit might). A success on your Mental Save means you keep the Spirit Contained; Otherwise the Spirit is Free and may act upon their agenda. A Spirit is Linked to the World by means of the Medium, and destroying the Medium Banishes the Spirit to it’s Realm. A Spirit you have made a Pact with allows you to Tap into it’s Powers through the School of Conjuration.
Scrying Ritual:
Casting Time: 10 minutes per Rank of the Target.
Components: A reflective Surface such as a Mirror, a Pool of Water or a Crystal Ball, a Link to the target such as Blood, Hair or a personal item of the Target, the Name of the target Spoken Aloud.
Effect: The ritual perceives through the target’s Eyes and hears through their ears. An unwilling target can resist the Sensor with a Successful Mind Save against a Mind Attack by the Rite’s Performer. On a Failure they do not know someone tried to scry on them. On a success, they know someone tried to affect them, but don’t know the details.
Guide to DCs

DC 30: Trivial Task
DC 40: Very Easy Task
DC 50: Relatively Easy Task
DC 60: Easy Task
DC 70: Medium Task
DC 80: Challenging Task
DC 90: Difficult Task
DC 100: Very Difficult Task
DC 150: Impossible Task (Only a Master has a Chance to make it).

2023-03-02, 10:36 AM
3/9/2023: System was updated to Beta Version 2.1
3/17/2023: System was updated to Beta Version 2.2
12/9/2023: System has a PDF Beta Version. If you're interested in playtesting the new version, please contact me via PM and I will respond ASAP.
1/11/2024: System has had a Major Update. The Game's IP has been changed, so I will continue the updates on an other Thread.