View Full Version : Magic immunity PrC?

2023-03-02, 05:48 PM
so awhile ago I remember reading a PrC whos whole schtick is hating magic and gaining progressively increasing magic "imunity" so thorough that they cant even benefit from magical healing, but now cant for the life of me remember the name or find it.

anyone have an idea about my senseless ramblings or am I just crazy.:smallconfused:

thanks in andvance:smallbiggrin:

2023-03-02, 05:49 PM
Sounds like you want the Forsaker.

2023-03-03, 10:42 AM
Sounds like forsaker, but on the off chance that that's not it, the Defiant does something like that but for divine magic only.

2023-03-04, 09:34 AM
Forsaker is much better if you combo with a race that has spell resistance. For example, a Bariaur (LA+1) with a level of Forsaker has SR 21+character level.

2023-03-04, 11:11 AM
There is also Athar from dragon 287.

2023-03-04, 12:40 PM
Sounds like Foresaker. PrC that hates magic, refuses to let spell caster buff them etc. However they don't gain "Immunity to Magic" they just gain SR 20 and a few other partly bonuses.

If anything it's probably the closet thing to a tier 7 class IMHO. You pretty much eschew ALL casting-esque abilities, magic items and resist even 100% beneficial and LIFE SAVING magic in exchange for a few partly defensive and stat boosts that would cost something like ~1/7th your WBL. Also they have that weird DR but you pretty much have to be sundering your WBL worth of magic items to actually use said ability. . .

Defiant is much better, though probably not the class your thinking of. Not only are they better at fighting/resisting Divine magic the don't have to eschew use of all magic (items) to gain said bonuses.

2023-03-04, 09:47 PM
I remember a monster that you can kill to get permanent sr. The name began with an A and it was in BoED. Had something to do with angering the gods or something.

2023-03-05, 04:17 AM
I remember a monster that you can kill to get permanent sr. The name began with an A and it was in BoED. Had something to do with angering the gods or something.

Aleax! They're assassin-constructs made by gods that otherwise look like their target and share most stats. Killing one gives +2 wisdom, +2 AC, +1 to initiative and SR equal to the Aleax's HD (that is, your HD at the time of casting).

They're also known for a TO exploit where 'only the aleax's intended victim can harm it' so you can try to deliberately anger the gods and then mind switch into the aleax they send after you.