View Full Version : Monk Prestige Classes

2023-03-03, 10:38 PM
List of PrCs that advance Monk class features:
Acolyte of the Fist - Dragon Magazine #283 - 3.0 content, doesn't translate well
Arcanopath Monk - Dragon Magazine #284 - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels
Cloud Anchorite - Frostburn - Bonus to speed is separate, not calculated by sum of Monk/CA levels
Disciple of the Eye - Races of the Dragon - Speed and Flurry of blows stack, UAS damage and armor bonus aren't advanced, gets Natural Armor bonus instead
Disciple of the Word - Tome of Magic - Advances everything: UAS, Speed, Armor, Flurry, Stunning Fist
Drunken Master - Complete Warrior - Doesn't advance any monk abilities, has separate AC bonus
Enlightened Fist - Complete Arcane - Advances everything except Flurry
Fist of the Forest - Complete Champion - Separate Unarmed Damage advancement that kind of stacks with Monk, separate stacking AC bonus and speed. Also has a stacking Ki strike advancement.
Fist of Zuoken - Expanded Psionics Handbook - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels
Henshin Mystic - Oriental Adventures - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels
Master of the North/East/South/West Wind - Dragon Magazine #314 - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels
Mindknight - Web content - Separate UAS advancement that doesn't stack, separate AC bonus advancement that does stack
Monk of the Enabled Hand - Dragon Magazine #299 - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels
Monk of the Long Death - Player's Guide to Faerūn - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels
Ninja of the Crescent Moon - Sword and Fist - AC Bonus stacks with monk levels
Sacred Fist - Complete Divine - Unarmed damage stacks with monk levels. Separate AC bonus and movement speed advancement that also stack.
Shadow Sun Ninja - Tome of Battle -Advances everything: UAS, Speed, Armor, Flurry, Stunning Fist
Shen - Dragon Magazine #319 - Unarmed Damage and AC stack with monk levels.
Shintao Monk - Oriental Adventures - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels
Shou Disciple - Unapproachable East - Allows Flurry with non-monk weapons, separate UAS damage that doesn't stack with Monk
Sun Soul Monk - City of Splendors: Waterdeep - Unarmed Damage, AC, Speed and Flurry stack with monk levels; can flurry with light mace
Tattooed Monk - Complete Warrior - Unarmed Damage, AC, and Speed stack with monk levels

I know I missed some, feel free to fill in.

I was going to argue that most of these classes should just be alternate class features for the sake of simplicity but honestly I think it's fine if they're separate. Also the fact that UAS damage caps at 20 means a lot of those that don't advance UAS and instead give you casting or the ability to solve problems besides punching things harder are more worthwhile. I don' t really know what the point of this thread is.

2023-03-04, 06:24 AM
In addition:
Argent Fist (Faiths of Eberron) - AC bonus, Ki Strike
Diamond Warrior (https://web.archive.org/web/20161031215727/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20020927b) - 3.0 content; unarmed attack bonus and unarmed damage
Dragon Descendant (Dragon Magic) - unarmed damage, AC bonus, and unarmored speed
Fierce Grappler (Dragon #295) - 3.0 content; supposed to advance unarmed damage, but it's unclear for how much for a Monk...
Haztaratain (Secrets of Sarlona) - unarmed damage, Ki Strike (magic), FoB, AC bonus, and unarmored speed
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries (Draconomicon) - unarmed damage; can overcome DR/magic and DR/slashing (can do slashing damage with unarmed attack)
Initiate of Pistis Sophia (Book of Exalted Deeds) - unarmed damage, Ki Strike, FoB, AC bonus, and unarmored speed
Reaper's Child (Dragon #299) - 3.0 content: unarmed attack bonus, unarmed damage, FoB, AC bonus, and unarmored speed
Serene Guardian (The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde) - unarmed damage, FoB, and AC bonus
Tribal Protector (Sword and Fist) - 3.0 content; Wild Fighting stacks with Monk's FoB
Truth Seeker (https://web.archive.org/web/20200314182828/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd%2Fpsm%2F20020623c) - 3.0 content; unarmed attack bonus and unarmed damage
Weightless Foot (Dragon #289) - 3.0 content; Improved Evasion, Purity of Body, and Slow Fall
Zerth Cenobite (Complete Psionic) - unarmed damage, AC bonus, and unarmored speed
Zerth Cenobite (Dragon #281) - 3.0 content; non-psionic variant; unarmed attack bonus, unarmed damage, Timeless Body, Ki Strike, AC bonus, and unarmored speed