View Full Version : Help with Mirror of Olidammara Holy Relic

2023-03-05, 06:31 AM
I have a character that is a Chaos-aligned Sorcerer. This means all of the spells my Sorcerer casts have the Chaos descriptor.

The mirror of Olidammara (Complete Champion p134) is a Holy Symbol that allows the caster to hold it forth to increase the caster level of Chaos spells by one level. However, this is a holy symbol.

My question - can I make use of the Mirror of Olidammara to increase the caster level of my arcane spells?

2023-03-08, 11:31 AM
From Complete Champion, Page 133

Typically, only clerics and paladins (and a few other divine casters) need to use holy symbols in spellcasting and other similar actions. However, any spellcaster can gain benefits from using these special holy symbols, assuming that she can cast spells of the appropriate type (see below). Not all symbols work equally well for all spellcasters.

Check with your DM. Note that your character MUST worship Olidammara exclusively to use this mirror which might cause RP problems.