View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next A Mother's Grace [Feat]

2023-03-06, 11:56 PM
A Mother's Grace
Prerequisite: Be A Good Parent

Your experience in leading and supporting those weaker than yourself has transcended mundane limitations. When an ally fails a saving throw or ability check, you may use your reaction to let them roll an additional d20 and use whichever roll they wish. You may do so once a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain the ability to do so upon completing a long rest. Additionally, you increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by one.

2023-03-07, 09:36 AM
It'd be weird seeing A Mother's Grace on a father. Not to mention the question of if a horny bard - a character archetype who might well enjoy the feat - would count as a good parent.

The mechanical effects? It's basically Lucky that applies to other characters, eats your reaction, and is designed for Cha characters. Given that they're usually casters who would have competing uses for their reactions it looks roughly okay.

2023-03-07, 11:43 AM
You could name it "A Friend in Need" instead, if you are worried about the Mother/Father thing.

2023-03-07, 12:12 PM
It's specifically for a PC in a game I'm running, who's a new mother. Hence the name.

But yeah, it's not meant to be gender-locked. The prerequisite isn't meant to be super serious, though the mechanics of the benefit are. Glad to see it doesn't look OP. :)

2023-03-07, 12:46 PM
TBH, I'm not a great 5e commentator, so take this with a grain of salt.

If I understand the advantage/disadvantage thing correctly, even if you have 5 things that cause advantage and 1 that causes disadvantage, they cancel out. Same the other way, if you had five things that caused disadvantage and 1 thing that caused advantage.

Your wording seems carefully constructed to apply this after the advantage/disadvantage thing is already taken case of. You do your thing after the roll, after the failure/success is determined. So it seems like a way to bypass the cancel out limitations of advantage/disadvantage.

Someone mentioned a "lucky" power that works the same way? So maybe this is normal in 5e, I don't know. But that's the first thing I thought of when I read it. That it was an attempt at getting advantage despite any disadvantages cancelling it out.

So its basically "I have the ability to give the others an un-cancellable advantage roll multiple times a day and I only have to use it after we know they failed the first roll." So that seems pretty sweet, but I can't tell you if that's overpowered.

2023-03-07, 12:53 PM
It is indeed worded that way intentionally. Lucky operates the same way, but Lucky is usable on yourself three times per long rest, and can work on attack rolls in addition to saves and ability checks. (It also works on enemy attack rolls, provided they target you.)

2023-03-07, 01:23 PM
I, for one, would like to see more Leader/Support abilities like this. I don't think it needs to be parent-specific.

I would say, though, that re-rolling the same die seventeen times is probably OP, so maybe some notation on this and other similar effects for campaigns that allow "reaction rerolls"? If there is a name for the effect, then multiple ways to get the effect (two players, a player and a magic item, etc) can't get crazy out of control when there's a limit per roll. Which I would suggest "one".

2023-03-07, 01:30 PM
I, for one, would like to see more Leader/Support abilities like this. I don't think it needs to be parent-specific.

I would say, though, that re-rolling the same die seventeen times is probably OP, so maybe some notation on this and other similar effects for campaigns that allow "reaction rerolls"? If there is a name for the effect, then multiple ways to get the effect (two players, a player and a magic item, etc) can't get crazy out of control when there's a limit per roll. Which I would suggest "one".

That's fair! Though I don't think there are many effects like this in the game.

Could just, if abilities like these crop up too much, institute a blanket "No more than three dice rolled for any given check." Would futz with Elven Accuracy a bit (no adding Grace to a whiffed EA attack) but I'm okay with that.

2023-03-07, 04:52 PM
If one character has multiple abilities that let them reroll after a failure, they spent the character resources on those instead of other options. Plus, the vast majority of those abilities only have limited uses. If the player has backup resources and feels like they have to absolutely make a given save, that's on them.

AMG eats a reaction and gives very little for characters who aren't Cha focused. You can all but guarantee a save or skill roll if everybody happens to be Cha based (or is willing to accept very limited use from their feat), spends a slot on the feat, and is willing to spend their reaction. Considering the limited uses per day and the party building costs involved, I'm not too worried.

2023-03-07, 07:12 PM
A Mother's Grace
Prerequisite: Be A Good Parent
I think it's perfect! :smallbiggrin:

2023-03-10, 02:18 PM
If one character has multiple abilities that let them reroll after a failure, they spent the character resources on those instead of other options. Plus, the vast majority of those abilities only have limited uses. If the player has backup resources and feels like they have to absolutely make a given save, that's on them.

AMG eats a reaction and gives very little for characters who aren't Cha focused. You can all but guarantee a save or skill roll if everybody happens to be Cha based (or is willing to accept very limited use from their feat), spends a slot on the feat, and is willing to spend their reaction. Considering the limited uses per day and the party building costs involved, I'm not too worried.

I don't understand what you mean by "aren't Cha focused." There's nothing in the proposed feat that limits it in that way. Am I missing something? All the feat seems to be is the person taking the feat (person A) can use one of their daily uses to let any other person reroll a skill or save. Any skill or save.

2023-03-10, 02:30 PM
I don't understand what you mean by "aren't Cha focused." There's nothing in the proposed feat that limits it in that way. Am I missing something? All the feat seems to be is the person taking the feat (person A) can use one of their daily uses to let any other person reroll a skill or save. Any skill or save.

It gives +1 Charisma, so that means full benefits are only if you can use Cha.

Edit: I should read my own posts. Any mental stat.

2023-03-10, 08:36 PM
I would say, though, that re-rolling the same die seventeen times is probably OP, so maybe some notation on this and other similar effects for campaigns that allow "reaction rerolls"? If there is a name for the effect, then multiple ways to get the effect (two players, a player and a magic item, etc) can't get crazy out of control when there's a limit per roll. Which I would suggest "one".
It's already limited by requiring a reaction, so I think it's fine. The action economy is good at that sort of thing. Where it becomes a problem is when you can do things without any action, with the Lucky feat being one such example.

I'm also confused about the "CHA focused" thing, considering that the feat can increase INT or WIS instead of CHA. OP hasn't been edited, so it's always allowed that as an option. It should probably mirror the way other half feats are worded, though, as it almost looks like you get the stat bump from using the reroll.

2023-03-10, 09:51 PM
I thought it said Cha mod uses instead of prof bonus uses. Brainfart on my part. With a proper reading it might be a little strong in that it gives high level martials a use for their reaction to let an ally reroll a clutch save, but then high level martials getting something nice (compared to casters who have stiffer competition for their reactions) isn't a bad thing.