View Full Version : Can anyone read polish?

2023-03-09, 02:05 AM
Google translate is not doing it for me. The articles I'm having it translate are clearly off, and the critter I want to make for this weeken mostly only has Polish sources.

2023-03-09, 03:45 AM
I can :) Could I help you somehow? :)

2023-03-09, 12:26 PM
https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C5%82anetnik I'm looking for info on the Planetnik, as what I keep reading seems contradictory, possibly a result of mistranslation.

Thanks for the help!

2023-03-09, 02:49 PM
So you wanna the translation, right? ;-) I could do it... but it's night-time in Poland right now xD Tomorrow I will post here a translation, okay? ;-)

2023-03-09, 11:10 PM
So you wanna the translation, right? ;-) I could do it... but it's night-time in Poland right now xD Tomorrow I will post here a translation, okay? ;-)

Yup. The wiki article is small, but I'm hoping it gives some clarity on the conflicting information I've read. For example, I've read that the Planetnik are ghosts, fey or human shamans. I've read that they're epic level casters who take on demons/dragons/the weather itself, or snake oil salesmen hawking love potions. Usually when I encounter that level of conflicting results, it's because people mistranslate something, or they just make stuff up to fill in the blanks. Or the folklore varies from one place to another, and that's never made adequately clear.

2023-03-10, 05:41 AM
Okay, here it goes! :D

Płanetnik (other names: chmurnik, obłocznik [basically, the alternative names are based upon words for „cloud” in Polish]) – a character from Slavic beliefs, demonic or half-demonic creature which is an embodiment of atmospheric phenomena.

It was believed that płanetniks directed clouds, sent storms and hail. The name “płanetnik” is derivered from “płaneta” – cloud, especially a storm cloud (this is the reason for “chmurnik” and “obłocznik”). According to different view, the name is delivered from Latin planeta and is relatively new in opposition to probably original native forms “chmurnik” and “obłocznik”. In South Slavic countries during eclipsing of functions płanetniks (called there zhunaczams) are identified with żmijs [basically, an old dragon in Slavic myths? Something alike?]

Souls of the dead who have died a sudden death and suicides became płanetniks, mainly hangmans and floaters. They were imagined as high old people in wide hats or as a small creatures. Płanetniks were also identified with snake oil salesmen gazdas of Karpaty and Podhale, which were a local healers. Płanetnik was a “bocor” – the first idea of a Slavic “shaman” which was a safeguard in villages against upiory and malevolent spirits. It was believed that the souls of dead suicides-płanetniks returned to the world of living as zduhaczs. It was also believed that their bodies were cursed to be a żmij till the fate of płanetnik would end, which as a suicide had an aspiration to return from the realm of the dead and again oppose the upiory.

Planetniks could be benevolent or malevolent. Their favor could be gained by throwing flour in the wind or casting it to the fire. Benevolent płanetniks descended to earth and warned people about storms or protected them against droughts.

Płanetniks were also selected men with the gift of controlling weather. Just before the storm they were taken to the sky (sometimes by rainbows) and in the air, they fought with the air-dragons symbolized by storm and hail clouds or went into the fields and cast the storm aside with magic spells.

By the name of płanetniks were also called people divinating the weather or controlling it.

The płanetnik is often mentioned in the literature of Young Poland, for instance in Powieść o Płanetniku by Antoni Langeg or Płanetnicy by Władysław Orkan, also in the books by Bolesław Leśmian, I.e: in Strój (from tome Łąka). The protagonist of novel Syn boginki by Adolf Dygasińsk also becomes a płanetnik.

hm... maybe I will post it on English Wikipedia...? :D

2023-03-10, 12:27 PM
Much thanks! Anything I can do for you in return?

2023-03-10, 03:28 PM
Nah ;-) we are good :3

2023-03-11, 03:19 AM
Nah ;-) we are good :3

Let me know if you ever want some critters made!