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2023-03-20, 11:18 AM
the briny widowmaker sails out of marienburg, with a fresh load of pressganged people and volunteers.

aimo, brassfinger jack: you awaken with a splitting headache and a lump on your head. two burly sailors will point and laugh. "welcome aboard the briny widowmaker" they say and leave you to your own devices

ramona: you are meditating, when there is a knock on your cabin door. wdyd?

2023-03-20, 11:29 AM
Jack’s first reaction, before even opening his eyes is to reach for the bag tied into his belt, and trace the outline of his equipment. Reassured by it’s continued presences he pulls himself to his feet while cradling his head, he’d been looking to celebrate a good pull from a wealthy merchants attic when he got a little too into his cups and woke up here.

Unsteadily claiming to his feet, his first priority is looking back and forth to try and figure out what sized boat they’re on and any clue in hell where they might be going.

2023-03-21, 07:15 PM
jack: by the way the boat is a-rocking, its at least a frigate, maybe a ship of the line. the light blinds you for a second, and you walk out to see sailors adjusting ropes to pull the sails to better catch the wind. brass cannon sit on gun cradles and the flag of reikland snaps in the stiff breeze

jaan van de oost: a sailor moves up to you with a message to get the newly pressganged men apprised of their duties and get the measure of them. you see one of the new individuals come from below decks, squinting against the sun. from your eyes, he looks like a good topman, and possible lookout

aimo: two sailors will haul you abovedecks and leave you with the rest of the new recruits

what do all of you newly pressganged people do?

2023-03-21, 07:42 PM

Ramona opened her eyes to the gentle, swaying of the boat, her stomach still not et having found the 'sea legs' necessary to avert the nausiating experience. Situated in her small, but comfortable enough little cabin, the wizard drew her feet off of her bed with its custom blanket, and set them upon the floor.

Exhaling once, speaking softly to herself, "Alright...one...two...three!" and she stood up, eyes widening as she felt something roil up within her.

Eyes widening, pursing her lips to hold it back, she darted over to her window and quickly opened it before shoving her head out and barfing out into the low, roiling waves below. Coughing and spluttering, drawing herself back in, "Arrgghh, by Sigmar why the nine hells did I agree to this..." she uttered while reaching out for a towel to clean her mouth up.

Then came the knock at her door.

Setting the cloth aside, the wizard inspected herself in the small, polished metal mirror of her room, before ensuring she was decent. Once she was confident, she moved over to her door and opened it to greet whoever stood on the other side.

2023-03-22, 03:05 PM
Rubbing his aching head, Aimo took in the sight of the ship, the waves and the men at work. The tradition of press-ganging, he was only vaguely aware of, and he had not quite come to terms with what had happened, before the sailors had already dragged him up on deck. One part of him felt he should be violently angry at this treatment, but his memory of last night was foggy at best, and he was not completely sure he hadn't signed on willingly.

At least the ship had a reassuring number of cannons. Aimo didn't know the first thing about ships, but he knew not all of them had cannons. The sails seemed whole enough as well, and the flag high up on the tallest mast looked pretty official. He had to admit, out of all the ships a man could get dragged on, he could do a lot worse. The only thing he was leery about was the company - Aimo looked over the other press-ganged with a critical eye, trying to size up the general quality of the men on board the ship.

2023-03-22, 04:22 PM
Now having got the measure of the ship, Jack turns to the sea around them slowly and unsteadily walking over to the mast, and peering over both sides, trying to figure out if they're already completely out of sight of land or if some trace of green remains in view. If he can't see from his current elevation, he makes his way up the mast to try and get a better viewpoint.

2023-03-22, 09:26 PM
brassfinger jack: a tinge of green remains in sight, but its quickly receding away from the stern of the briny widowmaker. a whistle blows, and the sailors quickly line up to allow a tall man with a peg leg to stalk down the stairs from the wheel to address the crew

"greetings sailors, marines, and the newly arrived" he says, crossing his beefy arms. "let me extend the briny widowmakers compliments to you all for joining" a small laugh goes through the marines, but it's quickly silenced. "please give the bosun your names, your previous occupation, and any final wishes should you fall in battle" a man with a beer gut and a pair of spectacles will go down the line and take names, wishes and general notes

ramona: a sailor will snap to attention "captain gunfrey would like to see you after the newly arrived have been assigned hammocks. he likes to know his specialist's capabilities"

aimo: the press-ganged look like a mix of bruisers, roustabouts, and people who frequent places of ill repute. they may not fit in here well, but they look like good men to have in a fight

2023-03-22, 10:03 PM

The wizard opened the door to be greeted by a sailor who quickly squared his shoulders to attention and informed her that it was time to meet and greet the crew and the captain. Nodding once, "very well, I shall be along, young sir," Ramona answered, as an orange-chested robin suddenly landed on her left shoulder from behind.

Turning her head to look at the diminutive creature, Ramona smiled. Reaching out for her ruby-handled cane, the Bright Wizard spoke to her pet.

"Shall we go?"


The spray of salt air hit Ramona's nostrils as she emerged on deck in her fine clothes, the red half-cloak that draped her right shoulder trimmed with black silk. Upon her other shoulder sat her Robin, its little head twitching this way and that to draw its eyes over the ship and the crew.

To say she stood out would be an understatement.

2023-03-23, 09:31 AM
As the newly sworn crewmen gradually make their way up to the deck and gather their bearings (and regain their senses), Jaan observes each of them in turn to get a general reading of their demeanors and hopefully a general idea of how they could be best put to use aboard The Briny Widowmaker. They had lost quite a few crewmen in the last voyage, between the storms and fighting, and this visit to port had been a busy one to replenish the vessel's manpower.

He wasn't really impressed, though, by the average quality of men they'd managed to drag aboard in the night; most seemed to be homeless or ne'er-do-wells whose mistake in life was to get too drunk in a coastal tavern on the night The Briny Widowmaker made port. Perhaps a bit of training could turn them into decent gunner's mates, but most of them would probably kill themselves trying to climb the rigging.

At least that one looks like he can fight, he thinks as he looks over Aimo. If he recalled correctly, the man was armed and armored pretty well when they dragged him to the ship, which was a good sign that he might be useful. Of course, they had taken all the armor and weapons from the new crewmen because the last thing you need when leaving port is your new crew staging an armed mutany.

As Jack starts to climb the rigging, Jaan raises his voice into a shout.

"You thar! Who in Manann's name gave ye permission t' climb th' riggin'?!? Ye'll do that when ye earn it! Get yer arse down 'ere and fall in wit' th' rest!"

It wasn't just that he had no reason to trust the new crewmen wouldn't sabotage the vessel to force it to return to port if given half the chance, but it wouldn't look good on him if one of the new crewmen managed to hang himself in the rigging on his watch.

2023-03-23, 12:50 PM
Aimo sneered at the other recruits behind their backs. They were well and cocky now, but he wondered how many of them would stand fast against a charging horde of beastmen. Not that there was anywhere to run on a boat, but still. Oh well, perhaps that overconfidence would lead them to take risks Aimo would rather avoid.

When the turn finally came for him to introduce himself, he did so with a firm, "Aimo Grabbe, soldier," emphasizing that last part to set himself apart from any self-styled 'warriors' or 'fighters' in the bunch. He began to list the armies he had served with and the battles he had been part of, until the bosun grew bored and told him to get on with it. "If I die, send a letter to my family. And bury me on land."

2023-03-23, 01:02 PM
Jack turns from where he'd been looking over the side and glancing up at the rigging and turns back towards the shouty sailors. He'd seen no need to make his way up there but someone was perceptive enough to track his gaze, that was worth knowing.

"Sorry, your ladyship." He says quietly as he passes Jaan on his way to fall in line, then waits until the Bonsun reaches him before calling out again.

"I'm Jack, was a porter back in the city. And all I'll ask is you send the scary one over to polish off whoever did me in." He says, giving a look in the direction of Aimo to let the scary one be clearly identified.

2023-03-23, 03:28 PM
ramona: captain gunfrey will meet with you in the captain's quarters. "what do you think of the new crew?" he asks. you get this is his way of checking with you if there are any people he thinks you should keep an eye on.

jaan: can i get an intimidate at +10 or fellowship roll at flat to get the newly pressganged organized? after that, gimme a montage of general ship life

can you also roll me a d100? lower is better

jack, aimo: gimme toughness at flat to not gain a level of fatigue from being run ragged by the mates and other sailors. also, feel free to gimme fellowship at flat to get any information out of the crew

also, id like a montage of your duties on board the briny widomaker

2023-03-23, 11:10 PM

The Bright Wizard stood upon the deck, her small bird resting upon her shoulder as the cast her gaze across the working assemblage of sailors, marines and the 'new recruits'. The inner workings and operation of a warship of this size was unknown to her, only that six hundred men would occupy this vessel for the next few months, living and fighting out upon the ocean, separated from the waves by almost a foot of processed oak. Let's hope it remained fast!

Noticing that most of the crew wouldn't even look 'the witch' in the eye as she moved back and forth across the quarterdeck, her eyes grazing across both the crew, the rigging and the ocean to either side. Her little inspection complete and receiving word from a sailor sent to inform her, Ramona nodded and returned back within the stern and towards the captains quarters.

Ushered in, her cane still in hand and Biscuit perched atop her shoulder, the Bright Wizard stopped respectfully within the front-centre of the chamber.

"You wished to see me, Captain Gunfrey?"

"What do you think of the new crew?"

To be honest, they looked like any other crew to her. Ramona's nautical experience was rather limited, save for what she had read in the months leading up to her arrival.

"Brave men all. I have no doubt the newly imbibed members will ingratiate themselves with skill and hard work."

2023-03-24, 08:54 AM
Jack was not unacuustomed to hard work, if nothing else shifting the earth covering over a grave, cracking it open, searching the contents, burying the coffin once again while still having enough energy left to flee at a run required a strong back and a committed mind. But that at least had the decency to be done in the dark, by night and with damp earth to cool your overheating bones. Ship work happened at all hours, especially in the blistering sun and that more than anything else left him worn to the bone.

He made a note of checking whether the shore was off the left or right side of the boat to ascertain whether they were headed north or south, but otherwise kept his head down and talked little, keeping a steady eye on the experienced sailors and officers as he was set about hauling hard on the deck ropes, the chances to head up the rigging, free of that lower tension a welcome if rare relief.

2023-03-24, 12:37 PM

2023-03-24, 12:40 PM
Already, the crew was showing a lack of discipline, Aimo thought to himself as he watched a stray sailor being called back into the group. He had no idea why the man had been taking a stroll around the main mast, but he also didn't care. As fun as it was watching the officers try to maintain order, Aimo was itching to get underway with... whatever it was sailors did. Sailing, he supposed. When the errant press-gangee suggested that Aimo should avenge his death, he only raised an eyebrow back at the man. Aimo had never understood Imperial humour.

Toughness (50):
Fellowship (31):

The work wasn't too bad at first. Aimo had dug his fair share of latrines, and cut his fair share of trees. Swabbing decks and hauling rope wasn't much by comparison, but as the hours passed without rest, and with the sun relentlessly beating down on him, Aimo's stamina gradually began to wear down. The mates only seemed to push him harder as time went on, and his own refusal to show his fatigue probably contributed to their zeal. He pumped bilge water until his arms went numb, and tied knots until his fingers bled. When the time time finally came for rest , he simply slumped down by the railing, too tired to even think.

2023-03-24, 02:01 PM
The Briny Widowmaker was a medium-sized ship of the line, and Jaan considered himself to be fortunate to have served on it most of his career. Sure, it wasn't as large, esteemed or glorified as the Emperor's Greatships, but at the same time he didn't have to bow and scrape to an overpuffed Admiral looking to make a name for himself at the cost of his crew's lives. Besides, the small size of the ship made it faster and more maneuverable in the hands of a skilled crew; a fact that had gotten the ship out of more than one watery fate in the time he had served on it.

But even as a small fighting vessel, it was anything but, and the sheer logistics required to keep her functioning were as complex as they were numerous. There was crew to train, maintenance of everything from guns to sail to timber, stores to secure from the prying hands of the crew and discipline to maintain. Captain Gunfrey was a capable man, but it was far more than one man could handle, and so Jaan and the other ship's mates were expected to act as his eyes, ears and hands throughout the vessel.

Today's duties looked like they'd be largely around training and discipline, as it always was with any new batch of crewmen; whether they signed up on their own as Jaan had long ago, or whether they were signed up "per the requirements of the Emperor".

To an outside observer, the deck and orders shouted throughout the day seemed like a jumble of absolute chaos as the new crewmen were sent up and down the Jacob's ladder, sent out onto the rigging to raise and lower the sails, told to roll out and secure the guns, forced to perform laborious deck scrubbing with the holystone, and subjected to all manner of sparring practice with the stash of blunted blades they kept in the storage lockers for training purposes. But to one who knew the goal of this chaos, it was a beautiful dance of instruction and testing; at the end of it, they would know who might best serve as a rigging man, who might best serve as a gunner, who might best serve as a ship's marine, and who couldn't be trusted with any significant responsibility.

What the new crewmen didn't know, however, was that after the chaos of the first day, they would be treated to an extra ration of grog and given the evening off without having drawn their shifts yet. A pleasant reward for surviving the day.

[roll0] - Command (44) (Technically Intimidate +10 is higher at 52, but Command was more toward what he was trying for... Obedience, not fear.)

[roll1] - Random other 1d100 asked for

2023-03-24, 02:38 PM
the first three weeks are smooth sailing, but as the briny widowmaker enters the middle sea, a vicious storm blows in from the starboard side. the waves grow choppy, and the grey clouds heavy with rain and lightning start closing on the ship. soon enough, it's a downpour of rain and lightning strikes dangerously close to the ship. orders are barked, and men are rousted to crew pumps and rig sails

ramona: please give me a toughness check at +10 to not puke your guts out and be generally useless in this storm. if you succeed, make me a magical sense at +30

jaan: captain gunfrey barks orders, as the briny widowmaker struggles to remain on course. you get a feeling you may be blown off course

brassfinger jack: you're in the crows nest as this storm blows in. tell me what you see on the horizon just before the storm blows in

aimo: with your night vision, you spot something big swimming along the side of the briny widowmaker


2023-03-25, 02:00 AM

It took a little while, but Ramona's tummy slowly gathered the fortitude necessary to resist the swaying motion of the ocean that threatened her every minute of the day. Once she had mastered this element of seafaring, Ramona was noticeably bubblier, wearing a smile as she walked around the ship from the quarter deck, down to the deck and up to the stern, sometimes standing up the front and peering across the waves as the ship of the line cut through the roiling banks of blue.

But soon the storm arrived, and Ramona was initiated into her second high seas' hazard. If sailing on a ship in calm waters was nauseating enough, being on one swaying heavily from side to side and drawing up and down against the heaving mass of waves crashing against the oaken sides of the ship, was another thing entirely. However this was not what drew the Bright Wizard out of her much needed sleep - no, it was something else. Laying in her cot, eyes abruptly yanking awake as she felt a stab of mystical awareness run down her back, Ramona shot up in bed and looked about her room as if the intrusion were waiting for her. But there was nothing but the straining groan of the wood encasing her and the heavy rains beating against her small window.

It wasn't long until the Bright Wizard had departed her room. She'd quickly dressed, her hair a shameful mess as Biscuit flew up onto her shoulder as it could sense her apprehension. Striding through the halls of the gallery, Ramona emerged onto the quarter deck, cane in hand, eyes searching about for the source of her trepidation.

2023-03-25, 03:49 AM
Up in the crows nest Jack feels the storm coming in before anything can be seen, the low pressure cooling the air suddenly as seawater condenses directly into the sails, a sheen of droplets showing the first warning signs. Then a raging mass of water off their starboard side, waves crashing against each others and winds ceased to carry directly and instead threw against each other. From the starboard these patch of rough seas raced closer, approaching the ship relentlessly and while Jack sent up the call he could only beat the advance of the wind by seconds. After that seeing beyond the swirling shaking rigging became impossible, as ropes and sails snapped against each other throwing sheets of ice cold water between one another, yet as they settled one last time Jack caught sight of something else on the horizon, another ship, perhaps caught in the storm before it reached them, perhaps dead long before that, but now that ship looked mauled, broke sails and ripped rigging covering it's upper deck, a broken spar where once one of its two masts stood and any signalling flags long since torn by the tempest, but something was still moving on its deck, something slow and disorganised but definitely still moving on this ship that should by all rights be dead.

2023-03-25, 06:20 AM
The weeks at sea had made Aimo quite comfortable with shipboard life. Sea sickness didn't bother him much, and he soon learned to balance on the swaying deck - but a storm was something else. Slipping on the rain-slick deck, he stubbed his toe on the railing. But, as he was bent over, holding the rigging and cursing, he happened to look down into the swirling water.

"Hey!" he cried out to the rest of the crew, hoping to draw the attention of someone more knowledgeable, "there's something in the water! It's huge!" Maybe this was a normal thing to happen at sea, but Aimo hadn't lived for as long as he had by ignoring potential danger.

2023-03-25, 04:02 PM
ramona: you sense a powerful force of ghyran off the starboard bow, and a surge of dhar further away, but closing rapidly. you hear aimo shout about something in the water?

aimo: the large swimming thing will reveal itself as a medium sized sea serpent, which will hiss and raise itself to its impressive height of around 20 feet. can everyone make a fear test at flat or gain 1d3 IP?

jaan: captain gunfrey curses when he sees the sea serpent "get the pikes and stab it before it coils!" he barks, and sailors move to get the pikes

brassfinger jack: you spot the ship again. It's definitely closing for an intercept course


2023-03-25, 04:31 PM
As the sheets of spray sail and rain again open up to see the ship pounding towards them Jack screams out at the top of his lungs.

"Dead mans sails off the Starboard!! That ship is bringing on the gale!"

As he cried out he withdrew the crossbow pistol and fired it down at the face of the sea monster, knowing that their chances of running away were much improved if they weren't fighting two threats at once.

Crossbow Shot: [roll0]vs 44 for [roll1]

2023-03-26, 09:25 AM

The rain beat down upon the deck of the ship as Ramona peered desperately through the darkness. The wizard was not a sailor whom was used to the battering winds and storms of the sea, instead the Bright Wizard felt her soul out of sorts within such a contrary environment to her spirits usual dispositions.

But such inactive lethargy did not last long.

"get the pikes and stab it before it coils!"

These bellowed words accompanied the screeching roar of some thing that rose out of the ocean beside their vessel, its serpentine body sliding into the air to position itself to their flank and display its intimidating magnificence before it struck - but this gave them an opening.

Already other crew-members were manning their weapons and letting loose upon the vile creature from the depths, but Ramona felt something deep within her psyche that gripped at the infinite neurons that compositely constituted her personality.

Swallowing, exhaling, never having witnessed such grotesque magnificence before, the Bright Wizard steeled herself against the excess of terror that emanated from those unfolding, scaled coils and pursed her lips in a grimace as she begun to utter words of power about her being...her eyes gathering slender coils of flames into them as the fires of Aqshy brewed within her physical being.

The Averlander, having previously been walking around as an unassuming, ash-blonde woman aboard the deck who contributed seemingly nothing to the functioning of the war vessel that carried all their souls across the waves, had her hands burst into bright flames in the night air before hurling them towards the ocean-born monster, the rain-meeting-the-fire of those blasts leaving needles of steam trailing in their wake...

2023-03-26, 05:17 PM
Aimo's eyes grew wide as the monstrosity rose out of the sea. It was larger than any creature he had ever seen, and having to fight it in the dark and rain did not help. He heard the calls from behind him on deck, and quickly decided that the best way to avoid death was swift obedience. Happy to avoid the front line, Aimo scrambled across the slick deck toward where the men were collecting pikes.

The beast was fearsome, but Aimo had faced unnatural creatures before, and the sight of a volley of fireballs striking the thing gave him some semblance of hope. Over the weeks, he had occasionally wondered what role the woman had that seemed to be of no use - his own guesses had certainly been far off the mark, and right now, he could not be happier about that.

Fear Test (47):

2023-03-27, 11:51 AM
ramona: the fireball burns some scales off, but this beastie is still ready to rumble. you also spot a raggedy ship approaching fast. this you would guess is the source of the dhar

aimo. the beast will lunge at you, knife-like teeth snapping



brassfinger jack: the crew hears your calls, but it might be too late. wdyd?

2023-03-27, 12:11 PM
Aimo attempts to throw himself out of the way of the monster's jaws.

Dodge Blow (48):

2023-03-27, 05:21 PM
"get the pikes and stab it before it coils!"

Without skipping a beat, Jaan shouts back "Aye Cap'n!"

He then directs his voice to the crew. "Marines to yer posts! Prepare deboarding pikes! Gunners below, prepare yer guns! Every other gun loaded with canister; we'll blast this beast away if it tries t' grab us! Gunners mates, do nay roll out yer guns, or we be takin' on th' sea! Just load 'em, and if we 'ave to we'll open 'em when we must!"

As he yells his instructions to the crew, he keeps his eyes scanning back and forth on the ship to make sure that the orders are followed. His focus is less on what's outside the vessel at the moment than making sure the vessel doesn't sink or blow itself up in the storm.

[roll0] vs TN 44 Command
[roll1] vs TN 42 Perception (to see if he hears Jack)

2023-03-27, 06:29 PM
Desperate to try and deal with the ship before it closes range with their own Jack pulls out the grapple head for his crossbow, aims it at the very top of the mast of the other ship once it’s in range, the ties the rope off to this mast and focuses on traversing to the rigging of the other ship as quietly as possible.

2023-03-27, 09:29 PM

The Bright Wizard turned and spotted the incoming ship, the eminence of Dhar magic rolling off of its hull like an ooze that only she could detect.

Pursing her lips, Ramona turned and faced the captain.

"Captain!" she yelled out to him across the beating rain, "a practitioner of the black arts is on that ship!" she gestured to the incoming vessel, getting the message across before turning back to the sea-born reptile.

What the captain did with that information was now up to him. Turn and give broadside? Sail past it? She didn't know - she was focused on blasting the monster before her. Darting into cover, keeping herself half-obscured by the railing/heavy oak of the ship, Ramona leaned out and conjured with winds of magic once more...

2023-03-27, 09:58 PM
ramona: gunfrey whitens, but his face hardens, and he nods. "those cannons not already loaded, solid shot, open fire on the other ship!" he bellows, and the mates pass it along

brassfinger jack: you're across. you spot skeletal warriors moving with grapples and blades between their teeth. at the helm, a hooded figure stands, chanting maniacally. can i get another fear check for a single IP, and then a silent move at flat?

aimo: the beast snarls, and will make one final attack before deciding to cut its losses

[roll0] miss


jaan van de oost: you heard the word practitioner of the black arts and spot the raggedy craft bearing hard amidships. you hear gunfreys order to load and fire. can i get another perception check?

2023-03-28, 06:23 AM

Ducking into cover, putting some sturdy oak wood between her figure and that of the snapping sea-monster, Ramona closed her eyes and started to chant...

2023-03-28, 06:32 AM
Silent move vs 79 [roll0]
Fear Check vs 48[roll1]

Jack makes his way through the rigging, crouched low to the rigging sections he navigates. With his hands, he draws the lamp and lamp oil closing the lamp up to not give away his position before he lights the internal fire getting ready to illuminate a target for the cannon once them seem ready to fire.

2023-03-28, 10:14 AM
Hearing what he could have sworn to be "practitioner of the black arts" and more clearly the captain's orders to load cannon with solid shot, Jaan looks to see what danger this new threat might be.

[roll0] vs TN 52 (42 Perception + 10% Excellent Vision)

Like the other mates, he relays the captain's orders to the men under his command. "Ye 'eard th' captain! Load shot! Canister guns aim fer th' rigging and rake th' deck, then reload shot! Fire as she bears!"

2023-03-28, 05:24 PM
jaan: will you gimme four ballistic skill checks at 10, 30, 40, and 50 respectively? that is for the cannons to see what hits and how badly.

a word of advice. hit, and hit hard

brassfinger jack: ill give you an option: either you manage to light the lantern but douse yourself in oil, or the figure will notice you midway through lighting the lamp

ramona: the sea serpent will turn, and then disappear as the raggedy ship will get close enough for cannon range. another round and itll be in boarding distance

aimo: the marines will notice the ship closing, and quickly scramble for swords and other weapons of convenience. a sword is passed to you, along with a small buckler


2023-03-28, 05:41 PM
Seeing the lantern leak a little more light that desired, Jack looked back at his crew and grit his teeth. It was hard to come to terms with but they had become his crew over the time they'd spent together, and he wouldn't be the one to see them sink. So he shone his lantern bright and got it to shoot a clear spotlight down on the shadowy figure, hoping a clearly illuminated target could helo guide the guns when they tried to fire through the dark and the storm.

2023-03-29, 08:44 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/CxTT2LLH/fbdrb.jpg Ramona

The Bright Wizard cursed the suppressive rain that beat down upon them, the Red Winds of magic struggling beneath the gale.

Seeing the monster departing, the wizard turned her attention to the incoming boat, and the hooded figure perched upon the prow. If she had to venture a guess, that was a Necromancer, her lips pursing in a visible disgust for one who would traffic with the bleak powers of the dead.

Gathering up her magical ability once more, wreathes of flame licking around her hands as her hair became a plume of fire writhing upon her head, Ramona focused onto manifesting more firepower...

2023-03-30, 01:28 PM
jaaan: two cannonballs hit, holing the ship, but it continues inoxerably forward. one of the cannons inexplicably explodes, showering its crew with wooden and metal shards

brassfinger jack: the hooded figure will look up, golden eyes with vertical pupils meeting yours. you feel a sudden desire to let go of the rigging and fall into the skellybobs

ramona: the fireballs will light the place where the caster stood alight, but with a last gasp of energy, the caster bails, turning into a large black bird and winging away

(he burned a fp)

aimo: the ship will clash with the briny widowmaker, skeletons swarming aboard with cutlasses in their teeth

can i get initiative rolls?

2023-03-30, 01:41 PM
As the dead ship continues forward after the first volley from the cannons, and seeing there is nowhere near enough time to load a second volley and fire, Jaan yells to the men "Arm yerselves and pr'pare fer boardin'!" as he draws his own sword from his scabbard.


2023-03-30, 05:04 PM
Jack had landed among the skeletons for only a second before he was up again, turning on a heel and heading back up the mainmast. Hoping to divide the skeletons and defeat them in detail, or even maybe lure a few of them into smashing themselves to bits. he yells over his shoulder. "Come and get me you stinking bags of bones."

Trying to scale sheer surface faster than the skeletons can follow.

[roll0] VS 84

2023-03-31, 12:20 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/CxTT2LLH/fbdrb.jpg Ramona

Ramona hissed under her breath with a scowl as she watched the hooded figure disappear up into black smoke, only for a dark bird to fly away.

Seeing the skeletons pouring across the boarding planks, Ramona drew fire about her form once more and hurled them at the incoming minions of chaos.

2023-03-31, 05:54 PM
brassfinger jack: the skeletons will swipe at you, but then move to board the other ship as this one starts to come apart at the seams. might i suggest you beat feet back to the briny widowmaker or meet a watery grave?

the rest of you onboard feel the briny widowmaker lurch to starboard, as the other ship begins to come apart

aimo, jaan: a pair of skeletons will attack you

aimos skellies
[roll0] miss


jaan's skellies
[roll3] 1 hit for 11 wounds


2023-04-02, 05:47 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/CxTT2LLH/fbdrb.jpg Ramona

Romana's body heaved this way and that as the ship they were on abruptly hauled to one side, a bolt of fear running through Ramona's head that perhaps the foul magics of the enemy craft had punctured a hole in their hull somewhere.

Focusing back on the skeletons, Ramona sought to finish them off, whispering under her breath and gathering the magical power about herself to send blaming skulls towards them...