View Full Version : Wrath of the Righteous IC

2023-03-23, 04:01 AM
Here is the IC thread for the Wrath of the Righteous game.

Here is the link to the Recruitment thread:https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?654639-Pathfinder-Wrath-of-the-Righteous-(seeking-DM)

Here is the link to the OOC thread: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655120-Wrath-of-the-Righteous-OOC&p=25739581#post25739581

2023-03-23, 05:08 AM
The party is gathered together at Citadel Drezen. Queen Galfrey has sent the party a sending spell, saying that she needs to talk to you all urgently, and that she will appear shortly.

"Have secured an item of utmost significance. Something that can shut the Worldwound rift forever. We need to meet as soon as possible to discuss," the message says. The party has had time to recover from the previous battles that have brought you this far, and now it is time to prepare to take the fight to the enemy.

2023-03-23, 08:48 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn had awoken that morning in her rooms. The tiredness was intense, weeks of battling in Drezen to recover the Sword of Valour and then the more recent battles against the Ivory Labyinth had taken their toll. She performed her normal morning stretches as she waited for the tea to cool, patting the hilt of her sword fondly. In the worn leather there was the faintest of red stitching that one could just make out the three names woven in the hilt, one beginning with T, one E and on I. Although what they may have been was now faded with use.

As she received the sending she slowly donned the battered and chipped full plate and strapped on her sword. She focused her energies and spectral light blossomed forth as she adopted the silver Crane, and leapt skywards. Spiraling out of the narrow window she flew down the from tower landing lightly in the corridor and advanced purposefully towards the great hall to speak with the young Queen. A queen she had met several times and watched growing up, even over the centuries that Roslayn herself had gone to war and raised families in. Approaching the hall she saw the others she had been fighting alongside and offered morning greetings. "Good morning my fellows, light of the inheritor shine upon you..." the irony of the light radiating from herself was lost on her. "I wonder what news the young Queen has?"

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29, CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14, Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 13 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-03-23, 09:03 AM
Good Morning as well, I think we should prepare for what ever it is the Queen might have for us as it must be important enough to summon us to battle so soon after our last.

2023-03-23, 09:19 AM
Bill Elenath is already there, dressed in a somewhat eccentric arrangement of robes and other articles of clothing which just barely qualify as a classical wizardly look. His prompt arrival is no fluke, since it is well known by now that he has no need of sleep and typically keeps his adventuring gear on him even when off duty in the fortress. He gives a nod of acknowledgement to the others. "A weapon capable of closing the wound from the message is certainly no light matter. I imagine we will be leaving very promptly to make use of it after this meeting."

2023-03-23, 11:57 AM
Fouchland Richards slowly walks into the room with his eyes closed, each step punctuated by a small click of his heel. With a flourish, he'll turn to address the rest of the party, and open his eyes. As he does, his hair gives off a brilliant glow of light.

"I've heard the good news. It seems that our benefactor has finally figured out a way to close the Worldwound. Though the night has been long, the Dawn ALWAYS arrives."

As he does, one could almost hear the faint sound of angelic horns and trumpets play in the background.

When he's done being overly dramatic, Richards will clap his hands and address the room once more.

"Alright, enough of that. Queen Galfrey will be here soon. Let us eat breakfast now, so that when she arrives, we can begin the mission post-haste."

With that, he will make his way to the table and begin casting Create Food and Water for the party.

2023-03-23, 04:27 PM
A small smile crept across Hiiagra's face as the five companions convened. So much of their time together had been pitched battles leading to an uncertain future. To see everyone here, well rested and refreshed, it really felt like they were starting to turn a corner. And now, with the item Queen Galfrey had secured, they may finally have a way to strike back.

"I am glad for any signs of hope. The longer the Wound festers, the more people die."

2023-03-23, 11:30 PM
"I am also glad of it, at last my search may well be over. A hundred years wandering the wound, and all worth it if I see the day it finally closes." Bill straightens up off the wall and joins the others, but does not eat the offered food. "I only hope we pay the abyss back a hundredfold for every life lost in the process."

2023-03-25, 12:58 AM
Hiigara hung back with Bill, likewise politely declining the meal as he toyed with a ring on his right hand. He didn't miss the pangs of hunger, or the irritating rasps of thirst, but the smells though.. Scent would inevitably trigger memories of flavor, and it was sometimes enough to send phantom rumbles through his stomach. Hiigara coughed lightly to clear his mind.

Even in this place of relative safety, the Aasimar couldn't help but eye corners and blind spots critically. The two single-most horrific moments of his life had both happened when he had believed himself to be safe. If such a weapon or artifact had been discovered and claimed by Queen Galfrey, it was likely she was not the only being aware of it. The scholars. The men and women who undoubtedly risked their life to find and claim it. The enemy. A moment of chance where a few words were overheard by a passerby. The more he thought about it, the more a nagging worry threatened to invade his thoughts. Planning and caution before paranoia. Hiigara lets his hand fall away from the ring, purpose renewed.

"I'm eager to find out this news precisely," Hiigara nods to Rosalyn, "-and what part we may be asked to play."

2023-03-25, 07:31 AM
With a gentle sound effect of a harp, which she seems to have created and sent in order to provide warning of her presence, the Queen arrives, in the company of a royal mage. She looks around, seeming pleased that the whole party has heeded her request. "Greetings, friends. Thank you for gathering. I have another task for you, one that is even more dangerous than those you have already faced. Intelligence gathered at the Ivory Sanctum suggest that the potent Nahyndrian crystals are being refined into elixirs of mythic power, and she is concerned by the discovery that the cults of Deskari and Baphomet are seeking to draw Nocticula into their plots. I need you to do a number of things to end the threat. The Lexicon of Paradox is a tome that a century ago was used to create the Worldwound. We have recaptured it, and our scholars study it. I have two pages of it here, though, which will allow you to close a small rift." She hands you two circular rings, inscribed with a number of different languages blended together in a strange mixture. I need you to travel to the Midnight Fane, a burrowed earthen burial shrine that now contains a portal linking Golarion with the Abyss. Then I need you to destroy the Nahyndrian Refinery that creates the crystals. Following that, I need you to close the rift there, and prevent the Midnight Alliance between the Worldwound and Nocticula. To do this you will need to go to the Abyssal realm of Nocticula, the Midnight Isles. Finally, once that is done, you need to find the source of the Nahyndrian crystals and cut the supply of them off completely."

She takes a deep breath, then says, "I am sure you have questions. Speak up now, because I cannot assist you a great deal once you pass into the Abyss."

2023-03-25, 08:50 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn bowed low when the Queen entered, a smile to the immortal Queen, ”Greetings again my Queen. I am pleased to see you once more. Especially here in Drezen under the protection of the Sword of Valour.” She steps to the side and listens carefully as the Queen speaks

At the end her eyes gleam with barely contained excitement. “point me to the fane your majesty. I shall see them destroyed and the crystals shattered. I shall give my life to the others here to keep them safe as they close these rifts.” She taps her sword as she speaks

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29, CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14, Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 13 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-03-26, 09:32 AM
My Queen I will endeavor to accomplish this task with my comrades here.

2023-03-26, 03:55 PM
Bill salutes the Queen as she enters the room, and listens attentively to the tasks at hand. "A trip to the Abyss. It's about time we really took the fight to the demons, we've been too long on the defensive. We will not fail you."

2023-03-26, 06:45 PM
At the queen's appearance, Hiigara inclines his head in a show of respect. Like his companions, he could feel a flame growing within him, eager to take the fight to the enemy. Each battle fought here caused significant collateral damage; even just changing the site of the fighting would do some good. Once her words fade, Hiigara takes a half-step forward.

"The Midnight Fane. What is known about this location, and any who guard the burial shrine?"

2023-03-27, 12:51 AM
Fouchland Richards noticeably bristles at the mention of the Nahydrian Crystals. The flaming halo surrounding his head shifts from a soft golden orange hue to a more harsh and vibrant pinkish red. The flames crackle and lick with greater intensity, almost as if they themselves felt indignant rage.

However, as quickly as it comes, the sour mood leaves. Fouchland Richard takes a deep inhale, and then exhales, reclaiming his composure before addressing his liege.

"My Queen, I will take personal responsibility to see to the destruction of this refinery, and will seal the rift there. I... we... will purify these lands of this demonic scourge, and bring the Dawn to the Midnight Isles!"

With that, he will accept the two rings given and begin analyzing them with the power of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic. He will decipher what he can, before passing them over to the party archmage.

2023-03-27, 06:31 AM
The Queen smiles warmly at the party members' enthusiasm for their task. "There are none I would choose to perform these deeds more than those here now. I sincerely hope that you do not lose your lives in pursuit of this mission, but if any are lost, you will be avenged, and you will be giving your life for the betterment of others, which is the most one can ask for," she says.

"The Midnight Fane is located under a low, now quite barren hill near what was once the headwaters of the Rolling River, approximately 240 miles west southwest of Drezen. It was once a small shrine to the Empyreal Lord Pulura, the Shimmering Maiden. But now over half the structure is gone, absorbed by the rift between the Material Plane and the Abyss. Unfortunately, to our great loss, my scholars and mages have learned that it is dangerous trying to travel to the Fane by magic, perhaps even impossible. You will have to make your way there by other means, or at least, you should avoid trying to teleport directly to the Fane itself."

The pages of the book, the circlets you have been given, seem to describe a ritual for closing rifts between planes, but also that the ritual is incomplete. The magic
infusing these two plates, combined with a significant source of magical power such as that now wielded by the party, should be enough to shut down a smaller rift.

2023-03-27, 07:16 AM
"There are other means of transport." Fouchland Richards says. He contemplates for a short while before he asks, "Could we perhaps fly there? Or rather, Walk the Winds, in order to get there?" It should take a relatively short time if we can teleport to Drezen at least..." Fouchland trails off.

2023-03-27, 07:16 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn looks to the others, "I am a simple soul. I fight the worldwound head on, and I do not have the magical techniques many of you gathered here do. Do any of you have the sorcerous means to transports us to near the Fane? Then we can make the last few miles on foot. After a few Crusades I am well used to a hard march." She adds the last with a smile, suspecting that none of the others likely served as a common infantry trooper in the Crusades.
"Your Majesty, would any of your mages have the means to magically send us to near the Fane if none of us gathered here have the means?"

At the discs she glances at them, she knows many languages and probably can pick out some of the words but is happy to leave that to the others. She knows her place is a shield and sword to the party to allow them to do whatever rituals are necessary.

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29, CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14, Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 13 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-03-27, 11:47 PM
Bill just nods "I can try to use teleportation to take us closer, though as stated I cannot take us directly there. I also cannot guarantee precise travel, so in summation we should be prepared to hike at least part of the way, or use more standard travel magic. Still, I should be able to save us over half the distance."

2023-03-28, 01:01 AM
Hiigara's eyes narrow slightly at the queen's mention of 'you will be giving your life for the betterment of others'. If the others survive and if the mission is a success. Otherwise we're just another body on the ground, to be flattened by the boots of our enemies, if not worse. With the enemy already claiming so much, this was not the time for martyrs. There simply wasn't time to inspire the populous through bardic songs of great deeds done. No. The time was now, and the duty was theirs. Do it once, and do it right.

"'To our great loss'.. Is that to mean a group already attempted travel by magic?"

2023-03-28, 06:31 AM
Well Bill if you can get us close without issues, walking or flying in from that point would be faster than walking or flying from here.

2023-03-29, 11:10 PM
"That seems like the best plan then. I will have to give it a little thought after we are done here to see what the best place to target is."

2023-03-30, 06:38 AM
The Queen's face darkens, as a look of sorrow passes across it. "Yes, we tried sending a small group of mages there by magic to close the portal. They were all lost, and magical means detected that they had all died. It is remotely possible that they were killed immediately upon a successful arrival. But my scholars think it more likely that the transit themselves killed them," she says quietly.

2023-03-30, 10:59 AM
Just how close were they attempting to get to the portal? was any divination given to the area before travel?

2023-03-31, 09:21 AM
"It does make some sense that teleportation near a rift is a bad idea. Teleportation is a form of dimensional travel after all, and who knows what huge holes in the planes will do to it."

2023-03-31, 07:34 PM
"There will be time to mourn, but that time is not now." Hiigara locks his gaze onto the queen. "The men and women who serve you knew what was being asked of them, but their lives were spent for little gain. Whatever tools they were given to close the portal we can hope were lost in the same magic that took their lives, or they may have fallen into our enemy's hands. At best, they are likely aware of our intention and may conclude a secondary group will attempt what the first could not. That puts us at greater risk, though it matters not. You have seen our eagerness to beat back the rising darkness." The Inquisitor reaches into a pocket and withdraws a number of coins, holding them out for the queen. "Give these to the families of the mages who were lost. Tell them their bravery will not go unnoticed, be it in this life or the next."

Hiigara's eyes continue to hold the queen's. "If there is anything within your power that may yet assist our group, I ask it be provided to us. Now is not the time for half measures."

Hiigara gives the queen an Obal bearing Erastil's holy symbol for each of the mages lost.


2023-04-03, 11:10 AM
Fouchland Richards immediately begins the casting of Commune, in order to ascertain a safe distance from which they can teleport to. His Legendary Shield will aid him in the casting, by allowing him to cast Blood Money, taking 2 STR damage in order to pay for Commune's 500 gp material component.

The questions he will ask are the following:

Is teleportation directly to the Midnight Fane possible without risk of death?
If we choose to teleport directly to the Midnight Fane, will there be enemies waiting for us there?

Is teleportation directly to Drezen possible without risk of death?
If we choose to teleport directly to Drezen, will there be enemies waiting for us there?

Is there a distance between Drezen and the Midnight Fane that would allow for direct teleportation without risk of death?

Is that distance </= 120 miles?
If we teleport 120 miles away from the Midnight Fane, will there be enemies waiting for us there?
Is that distance </= 60 miles?
If we teleport 60 miles away from the Midnight Fane, will there be enemies waiting for us there?
Is that distance </= 30 miles?
If we teleport 30 miles away from the Midnight Fane, will there be enemies waiting for us there?

2023-04-06, 03:36 AM
"I am not sure exactly how close the mages were attempting to get. I think they were trying to get directly to it, but as magic is uncertain, the distance they went towards it is unknown. They did perform divinations, which I believe worked, but didn't show much," the Queen says.

She takes the coins and nods gravely. "The families will be well compensated, but your gift I will take, as it would be an insult to refuse your largesse. There is little more that I can provide that may assist you, I fear."

The Commune spell has the following results, in order:
Yes. (You are in Citadel Drezen right now, but it will answer the questions as you ask them)

2023-04-06, 11:05 AM
The illustrious and overwhelming light from Fouchland Richard's communion with the Dawnflower begins to fade, the flame of his holy halo dims a bit before flaring back up to it's usual color and hue. Fouchland Richards is visibly weakened from the ordeal, and will stumble slightly when returning to his feet on wobbly knees. Richards steadies himself, before addressing the team.

"Indeed, through the light of Sarenrae's sun, I was able to catch glimpses of revalation as to the teleportation quandary. Teleportation directly into Midnight Fane is indeed impossible without risk of death. Furthermore, we can expect enemies to be waiting there."

Richards takes a breath before continuing. "However, teleportation between there and here is not impossible. Through a series of questions, I've ascertained that teleportation 30 miles away from the Midnight Fane should be more than possible without risk of death. Furthermore, we can teleport there without running into enemies, so long as this vision holds."

Having completed his summation of the reconnaissance commune, Fouchland Richards turns to the resident Archmage. "With that, Benjamin, I leave it to you. I will cast Wind Walk on all of us now, and we will teleport on your mark. "

2023-04-06, 06:01 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn had watched the communion with some envy. Although blessed (or cursed) with her long life she did not have the mastery over the mystical many of her comrades had. At mention of the wind walking she bowed her head, eager to repeat previous sallies as a cloud, a mode of transport she enjoyed, certainly one preferred to arcane hopping about.

She stands ready, soft light emanating from her eyes and face. ”I stand ready” is all she has to say.

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29, CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14, Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 13 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-04-10, 04:32 AM
The party teleports as agreed. You arrive at an area of rolling hills and light woods. You start to air walk in what you assess as the direction of the Fane.

The time passes swiftly, and soon enough you find yourself at the feature you take to be the Fane. It sits at the bottom of a craggy hill. It looks much like any other feature, except this one is guarded by an illusion spell. You manage to detect the magic fairly easily, and for those of such power as yourselves, it only serves as a beacon rather than a protection.

A flight of stone stairs leads down to a large octagonal chamber. A second flight of stairs ascends to the south to a large shrine dominated by a fifteen-foot-tall statue of a scythe-wielding insectile demon that looms over a black stone altar, its surface smeared with blood.

2023-04-10, 05:32 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

She had prayed as they teleported nearby and breathed a long sign of relief as they appeared in some gentle woodlands. The flight following in a strange gaseous state had been relaxing as she let herself drift in the winds. A sense of relaxation that had faded as they approached the fane. Landing she had slowly sembled back into her human (not cloudy) form and pulled out her blade. The battered and chipped weapon a comfort in her hands as she kissed the worn cross guard.

"Stay close and trust nothing" she added to the others, even though she was well aware they were as experienced as her in battling the forces of the Worldwound. Leading the way into the fane she moved delicately and gracefully, almost dancing into the fane with the sword outstretched, a cautious advance as she walks downstairs and then starts to head up towards the shrine. Her eyes dart nervously left and right, the smell of blood in the air lending a sense of impending danger as she whispers back to the others "Be wary..."

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge (planes) for ID the demon statue [roll1]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29, CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14, Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
[ACTIVE] Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 13 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-04-10, 06:05 AM
nodding in agreement to Rosalyn , Lei follows along slightly to the right and behind

Lei Korosuga (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2735262)
female TN Human see below, Level 12, Init 14, HP 124/124, Speed 30
AC 26, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, CMD 30, Fort 13, Ref 14, Will 10, CMB +13/+13, Base Attack Bonus 10/10
reliable +2 (+1 enh) Revolver (ammo 6 (200)) +19/+19 (1d8, x4)
Legendary, SLA Lightning Arc 1/day +1 Broken-back seax +19/+19 (1d10+4, 17-20x3)
Celestial armor (+9 Armor, +7 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 13
Condition None

2023-04-10, 10:24 AM
Fouchland Richards will say nothing, but will brandish his shield as he takes place to the left of Bill behind Rosalyn, staring intently at the statue.

I believe that we should be traveling in a "+" formation. Beefy Rosalyn as the Vanguard, Squishy Archmage Bill at the center. Ranged Inquisitor Hiigara at back, with Lei the Magus and Fouchland Richards the Cleric at the sides. Should help optimize team offense and defense.

Perception: [roll0]

Fouchland Richards, the Dawnbringer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765874)
Male NG Half-Elf Cleric (Evangelist) 8/ Battle Templar 4
Level 12, Init 15, HP 131/131, DR 0/-, Speed 30
AC 32, Touch 22, Flat-footed 22, (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +10 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Misc)
CMB +11, CMD 32, Base Attack Bonus 9(6+3)
+1 Steel Madu +22/+17 (1d3+1+3+2, 20/x2)
Sun's Gleam +20 vs Touch (1d6+7, 20/x2)
Fort 14, Ref 15, Will 16
Abilities Str 16(-2), Dex 30, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 25, Cha 16
Active Spells
Mythic Endure Elements (24 hours)
Death Ward (24 Hours)
Wind Walk (12 Hours)

Detect Magic (Permanency)
Read Magic (Permanency)
Comprehend Languages (Permanency)
Tounges (Permanency)
Aura Sight (Permanency)
Enchantment Sight (Permanency)
Speechreader's Sight (Permanency)
Toxic Blood (Permanency)

Symbol of Revelation (Permanency, ON SHIELD)
-2 STR DMG (Blood Money)

2023-04-11, 02:42 AM
Hiigara follows with his companions, eyes darting from side to side as he studies their surrounding. With practiced ease, he scans around them for signs of the enemy. The acrid bite of blood in the air forces a scowl across Hiigara's face as he tightens the grip on his longbow.

"With any luck, we'll get the drop on these foul bastards."

Activate Detect Evil, 60ft cone

2023-04-13, 05:47 AM
Rosalyn identifies the statue as that of Deskari, the demon lord of locusts.

Fouchland identifies the statue as being magical, but has not had enough time yet to identify the school of magic.

Hiigara manages to sneak into the room as a virtual shadow, unnoticed by all.

Suddenly, as most of the party are walking openly, the statue comes to animated life. It steps down and approaches the party. You identify it as likely being some sort of a golem, but you will need to take a closer look to be sure of what kind exactly.It speaks up, its voice dripping with evil intent. "Behold the glory of our Lord of the Locust Host," it pronounces. This is strange, you realise, because normally golems can;t talk. It approaches the party, then comes to a halt before you.

Initiatives please, should you choose to attack it. Otherwise, roll as you see fit according to your intentions.

2023-04-13, 11:20 AM
attempting to move steathy, hiding along the way as she moves, drawing her blade as she goes. taken slightly off guard when the statue speaks

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (1d20+11)[17]
Perception (1d20+21)[30]
Stealth (1d20+17)[27]
Acrobatics (1d20+15)[19]

2023-04-14, 09:14 AM
Bill moves at the back of the group as usual, not exactly being a frontliner, and eyes the golem with some suspicion, thinking that this seems like some sort of trapped guardian that they'd need to give a password or something of the like to if they wanted to pass without a fight, and inspects it to see if he can recognize anything more about it.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2023-04-15, 04:18 AM
You realise that it is a stone golem, though it seems somehow bigger than most of their kind, and the fact that they cannot normally speak suggests that it may have had a magic mouth type of spell cast on it. It doesn't seem outwardly hostile at this point, though much could depend on what you do next.

Then, suddenly, Rosalyn and Hiigara launch a sudden attack, bringing the matter to a head.

2023-04-15, 05:13 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn’s face drops into near a snarl as the statue of the Locust Lord speaks at her. “I saw your lords glory at Kenabres fall. You shall answer for that a thousand fold.” She ends the last with a shout as she rolls forward vaulting towards the golem into a savage strike with the massive blade she carries ina a quick flurry followed by a single savage chop.

Full: Move up to golem
Full attack:
[roll0] dam [roll1]
Edit: 43 to confirm and 65 more damage
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

** Mythic initiative Spend 1 MP for a standard action
Standard: Primal Fury [roll6] dam [roll7]
(Big game +1 hit/+2 dam, PA +12 dam)

** Free: Armiger’s mark (6 rounds): Golem has -8 penalty to hit people who aren’t Rosalyn

Immediate: If attacked Steel Shell [roll8] to block attack, if beat attack roll then blocked, if not then gain DR 20/- Vs attack

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
[ACTIVE] Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[U] Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
[U] Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 12 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-04-16, 12:51 AM
Bill sees that things are starting abruptly and won’t just stand around at that point, but instead raises his hand as he summons an orb of translucent force which he then throws at the golem, chosen specifically because of the immunity of golems to most magic.

Casting an empowered Snowball, conjuration version so that it bypasses magic immunity, which has its elemental damage type changed to Force with a class ability. I don’t know how cause the roller to multiply the output, so the damage I roll should be increased 50%.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] force (multiply this by 1.5)

2023-04-16, 12:56 AM
You realise that it is a stone golem, though it seems somehow bigger than most of their kind, and the fact that they cannot normally speak suggests that it may have had a magic mouth type of spell cast on it. It doesn't seem outwardly hostile at this point, though much could depend on what you do next.

Then, suddenly, Rosalyn and Hiigara launch a sudden attack, bringing the matter to a head.

Presuming lei is close enough for Melee without moving

Draws her Revolver

Phantom Wind Ray:
The target must make a Perception check opposed by the initiator’s next attack roll against the target; if the Perception check fails then he is caught flat-footed against the attack and the attack is resolved against his flat-footed armor class.

Swift Current:
Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target is considered flat-footed against this attack.

Dazzling Display: Intimidate: [roll0] Demoralize Opponent, cause an opponent to become shaken for a number of rounds.
Shatter Defenses: Any shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent hit by you this round is flat-footed to your attacks until the end of your next turn. An opponent you affect with Shatter Defenses is flat-footed to all attacks, not just yours.

Lei Initiative [roll1]

Full Attack:
Melee A1: [roll2] (P&S) 17-20x3 on crit (possibly resolve attack against flatfooted ac)
Confirm crit [roll3]

Ranged A2: [roll4] resolve attack against touch AC (B&P) x4 on crit (possibly resolve attack against flatfooted & touch ac)
Confirm crit [roll5]

Ranged Damage : [roll6]
Melee Damage : [roll7]


2023-04-16, 04:20 AM
Just before vanishing from sight, Hiigara's eyes widen slightly at Rosalyn's aggression. The same fury beat within his own chest, but he knew the value of knowledge. Any chance at gaining further insight into this damned landscape was likely lost as Rosalyn's blade cut through the air. Several arrows appear out of the shadows and hiss across the room to strike the Golem.

Swift Action to Study Target, Monster Lore to determine weaknesses and abilities.
Activate Greater Invisibility from Cloak of the Hunt, and Full Attack with standard ammunition, switching to blunt arrows if Monster Lore dictates.

2023-04-19, 02:43 AM
The golem crumbles at the barrage of attacks. The room descends into silence once more.

A door to the left opens, and four handsome winged males enter the room. You recognise them as incubi, the male equivalent of the succubus. They speak up in one voice. "The Mistress of the Midnight Fane has been expecting you. If you will accompany us, we wille scort you to an audience with her Magnificence at once," they say.

2023-04-21, 11:00 AM
At the arrival of the demonic incubi, Fouchland Richards will awaken from his daze and clasp his hands before addressing them.

Fouchland Richards uses Touch of Glory upon himself, granting him a +12 bonus on one Charisma based check performed in the next hour... which he will use immediately.

Also, sorry for skipping out last week.

"Thank you for the, eh... 'cordial welcome,' so to speak, but it is not in our nature to accept help from demons, nor go willingly where they tell us to go. I think we would much prefer if you would perhaps escort the Mistress of the Midnight Fane to our location, rather than the other way around. Afterall, it's only proper to greet one's guests in person, no?"

Diplomacy roll: [roll0]

2023-04-22, 12:22 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn looks at the incubi and takes a single step forward before stopping. Sword held low she raises it to gesture at them. “we trust nothing from you demon spawn.” She glances back to her comrades and nods at Fouchard. “Bring her her here, we will not walk blindly into your trap.”

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
[ACTIVE] Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[U] Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
[U] Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 12 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-04-22, 02:29 AM
Silent as a whisper, Hiigara takes a position next to the door the demons entered from and waits to see their response to his companion's words. His left hand tightens around his bow's grip as he anticipates their reply.


2023-04-22, 03:24 AM
The incubi do not change their tone of voice, but together say, "The Mistress does not attend her own door. She has servants for that. We invite you within to an audience with her." As best you can all tell, they do not seem to be deceitful. They appear, as well as you can expect, to be honest about their purpose.

2023-04-22, 03:33 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn looks at the others and changes stance as glowing light erupts from her and starts to float slightly above the floor. "Very well. I will follow you, but if you prove false you shall e the first to be destroyed.". She'll then go to follow them carefully, making sure none of them stand behind her.

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[U] Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
[U] Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 12 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-04-22, 08:30 AM
following along behind Rosalyn observing the incubi

2023-04-24, 02:12 AM
The incubi bow, then lead you through the doorway they just came through, to the left of the statue. A stone balcony - five feet wide at the north and west, ten feet wide at the south - winds around the bulk of this room, providing a view of a workroom with several stone benches below. Every table contains several empty iron chests. A set of double doors leads southeast from the balcony, with a smaller door providing a balcony exit to the northwest. On the ground level, three doors provide exits from the room - the doors to the west and south are set into short tunnels that run under the balcony.

There are another four incubi in the room. They had been working at some unknown task, but stop and stare at you as you enter the room.

2023-04-24, 04:57 PM

after entering the room area.
speaking in a firm but loud voice. Mistress of the Midnight Fane, We have come.

2023-04-24, 09:05 PM
Fouchland Richards will wait for their gracious host to make her grand appearance before bowing deeply, eyes closed, bringing his right arm to his left shoulder as his left arm (his shield arm) remains at his side.

"Oh Illustrious Mistress of the Midnight Fane, the Fairest and the Fallen, Greetings and Defiance!"

With salutations out of the way, Fouchland Richards will rise and address their host directly.

"Under the order of High Queen Galfrey, we wish to discuss with you a matter of grave importance. We seek the source of the Nahyndrian crystals, as well as location of their refinery. In return for your aid, we can offer you... Redemption. Absolution. Atonement. Salvation. A chance to live in the light."

"We do not ask you for much; you will not be asked to fight for us, or risk your life for us. All we require is that you tell us what we wish to know, and do not move against us."

"What say you, o Mistress of the Midnight Fane? Wouldn't it be better... to step into the Dawn?"

OOC: Assume that Fouchland Richard uses Touch of Glory at some point prior to this discussion.

2023-04-25, 12:04 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn looks unimpressed as the other incubi in the workshop look at the heroes. She narrows her eyes watching warily then nods at Fouchland’s words. ”Lead us on. The mistress will hear our words. Tye slaughter of Kenaberes will be avenged.”

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[U] Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
[U] Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 12 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-04-27, 04:31 AM
The Mistress is not in this room. The incubi, all eight of them now, escort you through the south-eastern door.

The high ceiling of this chamber stretches nearly fifty feet overhead. In the south-east, a three tiered dais covered with furs and cushions looks out across the room to an area that has been caged off with iron bars. A single locked iron gate provides access to the gate's interior.

Can I please have Perception checks off everyone.

2023-04-27, 05:51 AM
As the group moves warily into the next room, Hiigara infuses them with two teamwork feats.

Casting Shared Training to grant the feats Lookout and Target of Opportunity to the group.

2023-04-27, 09:01 AM
Lei moving looking around, noticing Hiigara moving quietly

Perception: (1d20+21)[39] - rolled in OOC
stealth: [roll0]

2023-04-27, 11:51 PM
Bill continues to trail along at the back of the group, trying to keep an eye out on what other demons might be doing besides the ones they’re supposed to be focused on.

Perception: [roll0]

2023-05-02, 02:09 AM
The entire party notices a secret door along the north-eastern wall. You notice that the cage is empty, and that the secret door appears to be the only way out of the room.

I assume you will want to go through the doorway. Let me know if you want to do anything before you enter the secret door.

You proceed through the secret door into a short passage that turns to the north, coming out into the southern side of another, larger, chamber.

The ceiling of this vast room rises to a height of sixty feet. An immense machine of some sort occupies the center of the room - a frightening looking contraption of grinding gears, crushing teeth, twisted belts of leather, and shrieking metal that looks almost organic in places. Yet even this strange machine is overshadowed by the spectacle to the east. Here, the room is sheared off by an immense, floor to ceiling curtain of churning crimson and black fire and electricity that fills the room with a disconcertingly soft whispering sound. A metallic tang lingers in the air, along with the scent of rotting flesh. There are doors to the north, northwest, and west of the room.

There are two ash giants in the room, tending to the machine, and a lamia matriarch stands to the north supervising them, whom you presume to be the Mistress of the Midnight Fane. She does not yet see you, nor apparently do the giants.

Can I please get a DC 15 Will save from everyone. Failure means you are sickened.

2023-05-02, 06:08 PM
Assume Fouchland Richards says everything written in his last post, after drawing her attention to the group's arrival. No sneaky tricks, since the Incubi were kind enough to lead us to her as promised.

2023-05-03, 01:56 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn looks around the room and at the strange contraption. Her eyes narrow as she spies the snakelike lamia and the giants and fingers tense on the sword hilt. She looks to her companions then speaks out. ”Demon, attend us. You will leave this place and it shall be destroyed and your sorceries ended. I will give you one chance to flee before I strike your head from your shoulders.”

With the loss of Evelyn still fresh it’s all she can do not to leap onto the attack..

Will save [roll0]
Not sure if evil, mind affecting, demonic etc… modifiers apply

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[U] Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
[U] Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 12 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute


2023-05-04, 02:18 AM

walking to where she can have a good view of her target, both weapons drawn.

2023-05-05, 03:46 AM
Hiigara stands back, waiting to see how the next few moments will play out. He feels his invisibility melt away and makes no move to restore it, wanting his opponents to see the futility in opposing their number, if it comes to that. An eagerness plays across his face, as he watches.

Identify the abilities and weaknesses of the Matriarch and make her a Studied Target.
[roll=Monster Lore: Nature]1d20+16

2023-05-06, 03:47 AM
The lamia matriarch looks up at the party with little surprise, as her incubi had warned her of your presence. She smiles at Fouchland Richards' statement, but that turns into a frown at Rosalyn's words. "I am no demon, fool. I am a lamia, a wholly material plane being. I do serve on who you might call a demon, however, and they are not as likely to be generous, should I accept your offer to walk in the light. My task is to produce the Crystals, and ship them out. I do not see why I should hand them and their manufacture over to ones such as you,: she says, her voice hissing and sibilant.

Roll initiatives if you plan to go straight into combat. If not, certainly continue talking.

2023-05-06, 05:41 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn listens to the snake like woman and rises the sword, tip pointing at the lamia. “I had hoped your would say that.” she says in a low voice. “We shall destroy this place and with it your taint here. Your death will be but a fraction of what you have taken from me.”

With that she leaps into the attack…

Initiative [roll0]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193/193, Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 12 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-05-06, 09:06 AM
two ash giants
lamia matriarch

already in Stance of Piercing Rays

Free Action: Boots of Speed: Haste 10 rounds

Swift action: Phantom Wind Ray:
target must make a Perception check opposed by the initiator’s next attack roll against the target, if the Perception check fails then he is caught flat-footed against the attack and the attack is resolved against his flat-footed armor class. This is a supernatural ability.

Mythic: Distant Barrage (Ex) Swift action: When making this attack, ignore the target’s cover and concealment other than total cover, and add your tier to the attack roll. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.

Roll initiative: [roll0]

Full Attack:

+2 (+1 enh) Revolver <<vs. lamia matriarch>>
range 100 ft (B&P)
resolve attacks against touch AC when the target is within the first five range increments
Haste attack [roll1]
attack [roll2]

+1 Broken-back seax : Lightning arc
Haste attack [roll3]
attack [roll4] < See ooc comentary as I think this may be incorrect >

Unstopable Strike: expend one use of legendary power
This weapon bypasses all armor. The wielder can expend one use of legendary power when attacking to make the attack against touch AC.

Lightning Arc
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) <CL 10>
Targets two creatures or objects which must be no more than 60 ft. apart and any creatures in a line connecting them. <<vs. two ash giants & lamia matriarch>>
Saving Throw Reflex half DC 19; Spell Resistance yes (see text) caster level check [roll5]

lamia matriarch
Revolver Damage : [roll6] Animus-Charged Bullets (Su), Trench Warfare (Ex)
Revolver Damage : [roll7] Animus-Charged Bullets (Su), Trench Warfare (Ex)
Distant Barrage (Ex) +5 to both if they hit
Stance of Piercing Rays: 8 FIRE ( see ooc because I failed to roll it here )

lamia matriarch & 2 ash giants
Broken-back seax:
Lightning Arc damage: [roll8] electricity
Lightning Arc damage: [roll9] electricity < See ooc comentary as I think this may be incorrect >


2023-05-10, 01:06 AM
The room's inhabitants scream with rage at the sudden attacks, and lumber forward, the ash giant thugs being more ungainly than the slippery lamia matriarch. As you rush to the attack, a figure appears from the portal. It is a massive nalfeshnee demon, and it appears extremely likely that this is the real ruler of the Midnight Fane.

As you study the demon, it is suddenly surrounded by a nimbus of pulsating coloured lights, even as it calls out incomprehensible words. Without warning, three hezrou appear as if summoned. After a moment's confusion, the nalfeshnee calls out in demonic to the hezrous, and they lumber to the attack.

The lamia casts a spell, and a cloud of gas appears at the location of the party, encompassing the whole group. The ash giants are slow, and can't quite get to the party, but will get to you in seconds.

[roll0] lamia initiative
[roll1] ash giant 1 initiative
[roll2] ash giant 2 initiative
[roll3] nalfeshnee initiative
[roll4] hezrou group initiative

The nalfeshnee cast a summons SLA.
The Ash giants are still moving to close the distance.
The lamia cast Cloudkill. Everyone please roll a Fortitude save versus DC 22. Failure deals 1d4 points of Con damage each round. Success deals half that.

2023-05-11, 03:24 AM
Hiigara follows quickly behind the shining form of Rosalyn, but stops abruptly. Drawing back his bow, he mouths a curse and sends a single arrow hurtling toward the Lamia Matriarch. Seizing the moment of her pain as it buries itself in her flesh, Hiigara brandishes his bow overhead and shouts a dire warning to those that oppose the group, mocking them in their own Abyssal tongue.

"Farewell you worthless creatures of fire and stone, your bloated and putrid forms will soon lie cold upon this ground. Do not fear the future and what it may bring, as these are your final moments. The only truth left to you is the knowledge that death has finally found you."

Standard Action: Cast Swaying Word (Dominate Creature) on Ash Giant 1, DC22 Will. If it succeeds, have it attack Ash Giant 2.
Free Action: Amazing Initiative
Move Action: 10ft forward so that Hiigara is within 30ft of all enemies
Free Action: Activate Stag's Helm (Insightful Shot)
Standard Action: Attack against flat-footed Lamia Matriarch [roll0][roll1][roll2]
Immediate Action: Dazzling Display if Sneak Attack damage was successful [roll3]
Ash Giant 2 (30 vs DC 25): Shaken for 3 rounds
Lamia Matriarch: Immune
Hezrou (36 vs DC22): Shaken for 4 rounds
Nalfeshnee (36 vs DC30): Shaken for 3 rounds

2023-05-11, 05:04 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn coughs up blood as the cloud of gas envelops her before bursting out the fog and flying at Giant #2, the blade humming in her hands as unleashes a flurry of blows at its head

Fly to ash giant 2 and full attack with power attack (can move and full attack from fleet warrior)
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

Spend MP amazing initiative for a standard action Furious primal wrath
[roll6] dam [roll7]

1/ If spell cast at me
Burnished shell [roll8] Vs Caster level check to negate spell

2/ if attacked Vs 1st attack Sudden block counter (1MP)
+5 to AC Vs attack. Enemy rolls twice and chooses worst
Counter attack [roll9] dam [roll10] + [roll11]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

-3 To Con

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-05-13, 02:46 AM
The ash giant is dominated, and immediately attacks its kin.

Hiigara's attack hits the lamia matriarch, sinking quite deeply into her flesh. His dazzling display is shocking to those enemies in the room, shaking all of them except the lamia matriarch.

Rosalyn slashes the second giant into near ribbons, slaying it easily.

The lamia matriarch neglects her scimitars, instead reaching out to touch Rosalyn, in spite of her countering ability.

The hezrou and nalfeshnee lash out all around, their strikes deadly accurate. The nalfeshnee also releases its blast of pure chaotic energy, in an attempt to daze the party members.

2023-05-14, 06:28 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

The Lamia's touch befuddles her mind, not helped by the chaotic blast that washes over her but she pushes on through. Spitting out blood still from her scroched lungs she spins the blade repeatedly seeking to cut the Lamia down to size and hopefully into very small chunks, a look at the Nalfenshee promising he is next as she continues to hover some 10ft off the floor glowing with golden light as her allies shoot a variety of arrows, missiles and spells past her.

Full attack the Lamia
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

If attacked then Steel shell
[roll6] to counter, if counter attacks is blocked, if miss then DR 20/- vs Attack
- use extended defense to apply to all attacks against me this round (Counter attack rolls to negate hits as needed)

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute


2023-05-16, 12:18 AM
"It's time to tip the scales!"

Fouchland Richards enters the battle in ernest!

First, using the power of Speedy Summons, he will cast Summon Monster VI as a standard action. Understanding the danger at present, he will choose to summon [roll0] Bralani Azata via the power of Mighty Summons and Superior Summoning.

"I call upon the Holy Winds, to shield us from Ashen Blight!"

Then, he will begin a Sermonic Performance, in order to Inspire Courage in all of his allies as a move action. This gives normal allies a +3 competence bonus to attacks and damage, as well as an equal morale bonus vs fear. The summons, however, will gain a further +2 bonus via Inspire Minions.

"By the light of Sarenrae, we shall bring the Dawn!"

Finally, as a swift action, he will enter into the Spoils of War Stance. Allies within close range will heal a total of 17 hp once per round, as long as they are able to hit an enemy at least once.

2023-05-16, 12:26 AM
Fouchland Richard's Fort Save vs Cloudkill: [roll0]

3/4 Bralani Azatas will focus on hitting multiple enemies with Lightning Bolt (120 ft line, DC 15 reflex for half). On top of being summoned within close range, they can also use their move actions for better coverage if needed.

Lightning Bolt 1: [roll1]
Lightning Bolt 2: [roll2]
Lightning Bolt 3: [roll3]

The last Bralani Azata will use it's at will Gust of Wind SLA in order to disperse the Cloudkill.

Each Azata has 80 Hit Points (due to Augment Summoning).

2023-05-16, 12:33 AM
Sorry, forgot about this.

2023-05-16, 03:02 PM
Even knowing his abilities would keep him safe, Hiigara couldn't help but stifle a gasp as the Nalfeshnee's teeth clamped down on his illusory double.

Ash Giant to attack the Lamia Matriarch, or one of the Hezrou if she is down.
Free Action: Amazing Initiative
Free Action: Activate Stag's Helm (Insightful Shot)
Standard Action: Activate Bow of Erastil [roll0][roll1][roll2]

My next actions will depend on how this goes, so I'll split up my post here.

2023-05-16, 03:17 PM
Hiigara is stunned to see the streak of golden arrows from his bow fade into nothingness before coming close to their targets. He curses the demons in Celestial and takes up his bow once more and lines up to sights on one of the Hezrou.

Full Attack on Hezrou, Sneak Attack damage applies to any attack after the first hit.

2023-05-19, 08:16 AM
On Lei's Turn

Lei turns her gun on the closest enemy and opens fire

Full Attack the closest enemy to herself (rolled in ooc)
+2 (+1 enh) Revolver: (1d20+19)[25] +3 competence bonus to attack and damage via Inspire Courage
Confirm crit
+2 (+1 enh) Revolver: (1d20+19)[22] +3 competence bonus to attack and damage via Inspire Courage
+2 (+1 enh) Revolver: (1d20+19)[39] +3 competence bonus to attack and damage via Inspire Courage
Confirm crit
+2 (+1 enh) Revolver: (1d20+19)[30] +3 competence bonus to attack and damage via Inspire Courage

(1d8)[4] + (1d6)[4] Fire +3 competence bonus to attack and damage via Inspire Courage
(1d8)[5] + (1d6)[3] Fire +3 competence bonus to attack and damage via Inspire Courage x4 if crit is confirmed

2023-05-19, 01:07 PM
Through an act of Divine Providence, the summons decide to belay their orders to cast Lightning Bolt, and instead move to flank the Nalfashnee, readying an attack with their Scimitars once all are in position.

(NOTE: their movement may provoke if they can't be summoned in the proper location)

Attack Roll = 13 (base) + 2 (Augment Summons) + 3 (Inspire Courage) + 2 (Inspire Minions) + 2 (flanking) = 22

Damage Roll = [5 (STR) + 2 (Augment Summons)] X 1.5 (2H) + 1 (Enh) + 3 (Inspire Courage) + 2 (Inspire Minions) = 16(.5)

Attack 1: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2], Damage: [roll3]
Attack 3: [roll4], Damage: [roll5]

As Chaotic Good Outsiders, they naturally bypass DR/good with their weapons.

Note that the 4th Azata is still using Gust of Wind to counteract clouds and fog effects.

2023-05-21, 06:24 AM
The remaining hezrou is slain by Hiigara's attacks, and the lamia matriarch goes down beneath Rosalyn's strikes.

The remaining ash giant turns against the nalfeshnee, but has trouble getting in close enough due to the number of azata's that are surrounding it. Having reach, however, the giant manages to reach past the azatas and launches an attack

The azatas fail to hit the nalfeshnee's unnaturally tough skin. The nalfeshnee then launches a spell, teleporting away from the overwhelming danger.

[roll0] attack by ash giant on nalfeshnee, [roll1] damage

The cloudkill spell is dispersed by the gust of wind.

Lei turns her weaponry against the nalfeshnee, the last of the active enemies. SHe manages to deal significant damage, but the nalfeshnee remains standing.

The azatas all miss with their scimitars, even with flanking.

The nalfeshnee casts Greater Teleport and disappears.

Only the ash giant remains, and it is dominated still.

2023-05-22, 01:54 PM
Well now that was slightly unexpected. guess we go hunt crystal ourselves.

2023-05-22, 04:46 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn spins, blade dripping the blood of the Llamia. Seeing demons falling and the vast pig faced Nalfenshee fleeing she assists the others in coldly butchering the dominated ash giant. With the enemies dead or fled she raises the blade, "For the Inheritor" she bellows happily, before rasping a cough as she reels slightly feeling heavy of chest and confused in her head from the toxic cloud and lamia's touch. "Does anyone have some mystical healing that could help restore me?" she asks quietly as she scans the doors of the chamber in case more demons pour though.

Full attack the Lamia
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

If attacked then Steel shell
[roll6] to counter, if counter attacks is blocked, if miss then DR 20/- vs Attack
- use extended defense to apply to all attacks against me this round (Counter attack rolls to negate hits as needed)

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-05-24, 05:23 PM
sorry Rosalyn no healing ability here.

2023-05-27, 01:24 AM
No more demons come charging through. You appear to have the chambers on this side of the portal entirely to yourselves, to be able to explore at will.

2023-05-27, 03:25 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Coughing Roslayn gestures to doorways. "Come we should search through this place to make sure there is nothing esle that may threaten us. Then we can see to the portal" she offers and points to one of the nearest doors and gestures to see if the others will follow.

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute


2023-05-30, 05:33 AM
The party ignores the grinding machine for now, and opens the door to the north. From what you can tell from your sense of location, the other doors lead back to areas you have already been through, though you haven't explored them properly yet.

The doors to the north open, revealing an otherwise empty room that is covered by a strange contraption. Two three-foot-diameter discs of glass float amid a
network of glowing metal rods extending from the walls, while between the discs sits a small table covered with glowing runes.

2023-06-04, 10:20 AM
otherwise empty room that is covered by a strange contraption. Two three-foot-diameter discs of glass float amid a
network of glowing metal rods extending from the walls, while between the discs sits a small table covered with glowing runes

Looking at the contraption, then paying attention to the grinding machine looking in it's direction, trying to determine what they might have to do with each other, and anything unusual about them

contraption Perception: [roll0]

grinding machine Perception: [roll1]

2023-06-05, 12:52 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Looking at the rooms she looks around and then returns to the machine. She looks to her colleagues “Is there a way to destroy this machine or know what it does?” she asks to the more magical ones in tye party.

Glancing over her shoulder she comments, “I am surprised there were so few guards there.”

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-06-05, 05:28 AM
The grinding machine itself is a magical creation built for the express purpose of grinding raw Nahyndrian crystals and reducing them to a fine powder. While the crystals are relatively small and are always fed into the machine one at a time, their hardness and the power required to grind the crystals so finely necessitates this unusually large and noisy device. The eastern end of the machine features a i5-foot-wide "mouth" of teeth that automatically begin chewing and grinding as soon as any object is placed within the opening-that this creates a significant hazard when a small opening for a single crystal would have sufficed is an indication of the mind-set of demonic design. Once an object is pulled inside, it passes through the machine and is pulverized, and is eventually delivered from vents on the west side into a trough for collection.

The contraption in the small room to the north is an immense magical generator of some description.

The possessions of the fallen are all from the lamia, and consist of three scrolls, a chain shirt, a scythe, and a cloak, as well as some valuable facial piercings. All of the items except the facial piercings are magical.

Please give me a Spellcraft check to determine the use of the magical generator. And try to identify the magical items if you like.

2023-06-05, 02:32 PM
Lei taking the time to examine the items closely before deciding what to do about the grinder or the odd magical device
(spellcraft in OOC)

2023-06-09, 03:16 AM
The three scrolls are Scrolls of Sending. The chain shirt is a +3 item, the scythe is a +3 Unholy Scythe, and there is a Cloak of Resistance +2.

The magical generator creates a long lasting Floating Disc effect. It seems that it is possible to move the disc anywhere within the fane. A closer look reveals what is powering it. A Ring of Force Shield is in the socket, and when removed the floating disc disappears, and reappers when replaced. It is otherwise a normal Ring of Force Shield.

2023-06-10, 02:49 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

If its mentioned Rosalyn would look at the scythe. "It should be destroyed. " she'll snort looking at the evil blade and then nodding to the strange machine. "Shall we destroy this creation?" she asks to the learned sages, "If I had my way I would destroy all of this. But could one of those scrolls be used to send a missive to the Queen?"

Looking at the massive crunching mining machine she looks at the others. "WHere would you suggest we start?"

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-06-10, 08:20 AM
Well Rosalyn while the blade may have some evil attached in form, it does still have value and could be sold.
Can any of you use or wear either the magical +3 chain shirt or the magical +2 cloak of resistance? I can make use of that ring inside of the machine but if it is removed then the floating disc is lost. and I agree that the scrolls should probably be used for sending important information back to the queen

2023-06-17, 12:23 AM
Lei walks over to the grinder after taking the Ring of Force Shield and putting it on, and attempts to disable the device
untrained check Disable Device (1d20+7)[21]

2023-06-17, 03:59 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn approaches Fousland and wearily stands in front of him. "High priest, please. I ask for healing, the poison cloud and her cursed touch did damage my body and soul" she asks formally, wincing and taping her still spinning head. If she is healed she'll heft her sword and approach the whirling machine, then after looking it will wrap thikc cloths around her hands and proffer for the scythe. "Shall we smash this thing, I can use their own weapon of evil, then if its broken o the machine there is still progress made in sweeping evil from the realm."

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-06-18, 05:10 AM
Between the party members, you manage to destroy the grinder by turning its mechanism just enough that it starts to eat itself. There is an awful, and very loud, grinding, crunching noise and then moments later the machine disintegrates, sending parts flying all over the room. Unfortunately, using the scythe damages the weapon beyond redemption as well.

2023-06-22, 07:51 AM
well with the machine destroyed, shall we proceed?

2023-06-23, 04:44 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn nods and smiles as the machine is shattered and then grins further as she checks her blade before sheathing it. "Yes, lets move on, there is nothing further here. Hopefully with the machines gone and demons banished the Queen and her entourage have access once more."

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-06-24, 02:51 AM
The machine now destroyed, Hiigara nods to the others and motions to the yet unexplored chambers.

"I can check things out and make sure there's not an unpleasant surprise waiting for us. It's always possible the final demon is laying in wait for one of us to get caught unawares, but they'll find my steps quieter than that of their own shadows."

Activate Mythic Power for Cloak of the Hunt's greater invisibility.


2023-06-30, 03:03 AM
You make your way backwards through the rooms to room A2. The air in this wide hall is stuffy and foul . The source of the rancid stink is readily apparent, for six circular platforms that line the walls are each heaped with filthy mounds of pus encrusted furs. An ash giant stands within, though it looks like there are usually six of them there. He is shaking his head, and when he looks over at you he just ignores you.

Can I please get a spellcraft check from everyone.

2023-06-30, 08:40 AM
looking towards the giant checking her revolver - reloading the spent rounds (1 swift action)

spellcraft check [roll0]
perception [roll1]

2023-06-30, 03:59 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn trots into the chamber leaping up into the air some 15ft above the ground with a cloak streaming around her. "Leave now or die vile brute" she offers to the giant gesturing to the exit with the long gleaming blade that seems to glitter with menace.

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-07-03, 05:38 AM
You realise that the giant must have been charmed, and the death of either the lamia or the nalfeshnee has released it. It looks at you in confusion briefly, then turns and runs out of the room towards the exit.

2023-07-05, 02:24 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

As the giant flees Roslayn watches it go with distaste. A vile and savage brute, but one that was a slave to the Llamia so not worthy of death just for being an ash giant she thought. As it fled she turned back to the central chamber with the now destroyed machine and looks at the door to the north of it (A9), "Shall we check here before we clear the living quarters that we saw briefly?" she suggests and moves to open the door.

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 169/169 (193)Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29: +3 dodge = 35
CMD 35, Fort 12 Ref 12, Will 11, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 13 (16), Int 21, Wis 11 (15), Cha 18

-3 To Con, -4 Wis drain

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 11 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-07-05, 07:40 PM
It seems like a good idea

2023-07-06, 08:25 AM
Room A9 is the one with the floating disk machine, so you have already searched it and all you found was the ring of force shield.

2023-07-12, 10:34 PM
A stone balcony-five feet wide to the north and west and ten feet wide to the south-winds a round the bulk of this room, providing a view of a workspace with several stone tables below. Each table contains several empty iron chests. A set of double doors leads southeast from the balcony, with a smaller door providing a balcony exit to the northwest. On the ground level, three doors provide exits from the room-the doors to the west and south are set under short tunnels below the balcony.

A dozen chests sit on the tables, each lined with lead and thickly padded inside with demon fur. Complex sifting machines sit on other tables, devices used to extract the most potent powder created by the grinder in area A8 for use in the lab to the south.

2023-07-20, 02:59 AM
The party makes its way through the Fane, searching carefully in every box and cupboard. You find, notably, a barracks which contains a + 1 black dragonhide electricity resistance breastplate and a Huge +1 heavy pick that must have belonged to an ash giant guard.

You also uncover an alchemy lab. Its storage cuboard contains 12,000gp worth of magical components and reagents, which you can collect and use for any spellcasting. The lab itself is where you assume Nahyndrian elixers are formed from Nahyndrian crystal powders. There is a machine int he middle of the room, containing eight different receptacles, or what look like collectors. It looks like a fairly fragile contraption, and the collectors are partly filled with crystal powders right now. A pair of demons stand in the room, tending to the machine.

2023-07-20, 04:54 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn spying the demons motions once before leaping forward on silvery crane wings, gleaming with holy power as she lands in the midst of them and chops down mightily on the nearest of the demons. The giant was a hapless victim, however for the demons there is no mercy offered or given!

Initiative: [roll0]
Move: Fly 120ft to the nearest demon
Full attack (due to fleet warrior) w/power attack
[roll1], dam [roll2] + [roll3]
[roll4], dam [roll5] + [roll6]
[roll7], dam [roll8] + [roll9]
:- If demons are Large+ then +1 hit, +2 dam

Spend 1 MP
Furious Primal Wrath [roll10], dam [roll11] + [roll12]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP [COLOR="#FF0000"]193 Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29
CMD 35, Fort 14 Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 10 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-07-20, 06:55 AM
spotting the demons, and noticing Rosalyn starting forward into the fray. Lei Launches into action going for the same target as Rosalyn

Initiative [roll0]

Move action: Move into melee

Attack Action:
Seax [roll1] vs touch
Confirm [roll2] 17-20x3

Revolver [roll3] vs touch
Confirm [roll4] x4

Seax [roll5]
Revolver [roll]1d8[roll] - see ooc (1d8)[3]

Lei Korosuga (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2735262)
female TN Human see below, Level 12, Init 14, HP 124/124, Speed 30
AC 26, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, CMD 30, Fort 13, Ref 14, Will 10, CMB +13/+13, Base Attack Bonus 10/10
reliable +2 (+1 enh) Revolver (ammo 6 (200)) +19/+19 (1d8, x4)
Legendary, SLA Lightning Arc 1/day +1 Broken-back seax +19/+19 (1d10+4, 17-20x3)
Celestial armor (+9 Armor, +7 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 13
Condition None

2023-07-23, 02:14 AM
The demons go down without even being aware that you were in the room.

It appears like the lead cambion you just took down might have been an alchemist, judging by its attire and location. The other demon just appears to be muscle.

The large demon carries a +1 Scorpion Whip. The cambion carries +3 chain shirt, mwk longsword, amulet of natural armor + 1, belt of mighty constitution +4, ring of
protection +2, and an alchemy kit.

You are left in a blood spattered room with a machine in the middle of the room, which has the eight collection containers surrounding it and attached to it.

2023-07-24, 03:16 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Roslayn wipes chunks of demon from her blade kicking the body away from her as she spies around the room. "What is all this stuff?" she asks quietly to the others as she looks about ignoring the dead chunks of alchemist at her feet. "I wonder if this is more to do with the crystals and that grinder."

As Lei assembles the collected trinkets in a pile Roslayn looks over them and spies the small amulet, although the belt is pretty she finds that quite an unusual piece.

Know (planes) [roll0]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP [COLOR="#FF0000"]193 Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29
CMD 35, Fort 14 Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 10 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-07-26, 03:34 AM
It appears likely that the machine is designed to turn Nyhandrian crystals into elixirs.

2023-07-29, 01:15 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Roslayn looks about at the others. “what do these strange machines and crystals actually do then?” She looks at some of the apparatus curiously and eyes the liquid crystalline suspension. ”What do they do with these things?”

Know (planes) [roll0]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP [COLOR="#FF0000"]193 Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29
CMD 35, Fort 14 Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 10 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-07-31, 11:29 PM
I do not exactly know the purpose short of making some sort of potion/elixir

2023-08-02, 12:41 AM
Rosalyn works out how the machine seems to work. It seems pretty unstable, but powerful to make the elixirs.

2023-08-04, 04:36 AM
With most of the complex explored Roslayn gestures towards the ear of the alchemy labs to the last couple of rooms in the SE corner of the complx, b"Shall we clear these last few rooms then we can see about addressing that rift?"

2023-08-05, 07:22 AM
we might as well who knows what we may encounter

I will use my spell to transport this stuff along for now
casts Floating Disk (CL8)

2023-08-09, 09:54 AM
As you enter room A6, you find this clean and spacious bed room features a fine writing desk, an antique armoire with rune-carved doors, and a large bed strewn with pillows and silks. Several ripped-out shelves lie stacked against the closed armoire. Where the shelves were, a husk lays within. This husk appears as a desiccated human woman; her face is frozen in anguish, her body is twisted in agony, and her flesh is hard and leathery.

A woman stands within, wearing plate armor and carrying a longsword. She introduces herself as Yaniel.

Please give me a Knowledge Local check to see if you recognise the name.

2023-08-09, 12:16 PM
As you enter room A6, you find this clean and spacious bed room features a fine writing desk, an antique armoire with rune-carved doors, and a large bed strewn with pillows and silks. Several ripped-out shelves lie stacked against the closed armoire. Where the shelves were, a husk lays within. This husk appears as a desiccated human woman; her face is frozen in anguish, her body is twisted in agony, and her flesh is hard and leathery.

A woman stands within, wearing plate armor and carrying a longsword. She introduces herself as Yaniel.

Looking around the room, then at the corpse, then at the woman that addresses herself as Yaniel.

in common) What is the meaning of this?

2023-08-13, 04:41 AM
"I have been inspecting the Worldwound. I have just come upon this room. I am a paladin of Iomedae, you may have heard of me," she says. Her name is vaguely familiar, but you don't know anything more than that about her.

2023-08-15, 10:14 PM
Hiigara stalks over to the corpse, keeping a wary eye on the woman as he bends low to inspect the body. "How did you come to be in this place?" Was she a part of the failed group sent before us?

Activate Discern Lies.
[roll0] Yaniel's identity
[roll1] If Yaniel is speaking the truth
[roll2] Investigate hat has happened to the body

2023-08-18, 04:38 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

As they see the woman Rosalyn offers a salute. "Always an honour to meet on of the Inheiritor's chosen. I am named Roslayn, we were sent here to vanqiush the demons." Looking around the room she nods at the husk, "How did you get her and do you know who the poor creature was?". She does watch Yaniel carefully, not sure how this woman got here at the same time as them.

Know (nobility) [roll0]
Sense motive [roll1]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP [COLOR="#FF0000"]193 Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29
CMD 35, Fort 14 Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
[S]Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 10 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-08-20, 11:48 PM
Hiigara notices that the paladin's words do not seem to ring true. There is great falsehood being spoken, and every word she says appears to be wrong.

2023-08-21, 12:16 AM
The Aasimar nods to his companions as he winks out of sight. "No, I think not. You have your next breath to tell us the truth, or you will find yourself yet another casualty of this cursed place. If you make any motions beyond speaking, or I don't like the words spilling over your forked tongue, I pray you're in good standing with your god. We'll be sending you to them."

Bow is drawn and nocked pending our new friend's answer.

2023-08-21, 06:50 AM
Lei Korosuga
Stance of Piercing Rays
Draw Weapons
this does not look right

noting the words of her companions, draws her bow to a readied status

2023-08-24, 05:30 AM
The paladin snarls and launches an attack with her sword, lashing out at Hiigara. She lashes out quickly, blade flashing.

You realise something, with your knowledge of the planes. The husk may be the true body of Yaniel, and the figure before you has taken her form. You realise that a break enchantment or remove curse spell by a powerful enough caster might be enough to revive her, if this is the case.

[roll0] attack roll against Hiigara. [roll1] damage if it hits.

2023-08-24, 11:49 AM
watching The paladin attack Hiigara

both Lei and Ashley react with ranged attacks against the creature

*rolled ooc*
ranged attack +2 (+1 enh) Revolver +19/+19 1d8 x4 ghost touch
confirm crit

(1d6)[1] fire
(1d6)[6] fire

Ranged Attack +3 Lightning Bow +3 brilliant energy arrows +21/+17 1d8+13 x3

confirm crit

2023-08-26, 01:32 AM
Hiigara easily side steps the swing, and curses to himself. "So be it."

5ft step back
Swift Action: Studied Target
Full Attack

2023-08-26, 02:25 AM
Lei hits with all attacks, the rounds striking flesh easily. Ashley hits with the first attack, doing tremendous damage with a pinpoint accurate strike.

Hiigara strikes with two attacks. The apparent paladin takes the attack stoically, still seeming to be fully functional.

The first attack by the paladin was a surprise attack. We are now into normal initiaitve, and the party can all go before her in standard init count.

2023-08-26, 09:45 AM
Lei and Ashley loose another ranged volley into the paladin

Round 2
ranged attack +2 (+1 enh) Revolver +19/+19 1d8 x4
confirm crit

(1d6)[1] Fire

(1d6)[6] Fire

Ranged Attack +3 Lightning Bow +3 brilliant energy arrows +21/+17 1d8+13 x3
confirm crit

2023-08-27, 09:02 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Rosalyn looks sad as Yaniel attacks Hilgara before vaulting forward on her Silver crane wings sword in hand. A brief apology of "I hope that Iomedae forgives you Yaniel" is all she says as she lands, descending in a flurry of chopping and swing blows.

Move: Flap to Yaniel
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

If Evil outsider then +2 to hit and extra [roll6] damage

Swift: Spend 1 MP for standard action
Argent strike [roll7] dam [roll8] + [roll9]
-- Heal Hilgara for 60 damage

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193 / 193 Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29
CMD 35, Fort 14 Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 9 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-08-28, 06:06 AM
Lei hits with both attacks, the touch type attacks striking with relative ease.
Ashley hits with the first attack, but fails to strike with the second.
Rosalyn misses with all attacks, the blows bouncing off the apparent paladin's armour.
The paladin launches a return attack on Lei, who has done the most damage to her.

Just to let you know, her AC is 32, so you are frequently coming in just below that.

[roll0] attack roll on Lei. [roll1] damage roll.

2023-08-28, 10:04 PM
Hiigara bites back a curse and lets fly at Yaniel in earnest.

Free - Amazing Initiative for an Extra Standard Action
Move - Studied Target
Swift - Greater Bane
Free - Activate Stag's Helm, first attack is resolved as if target was flat footed.
Full Attack
Immediate - [roll4] If the first attack hits and this is successful, Yaniel is Shaken and my other attacks are also resolved as flat footed.

2023-08-29, 06:04 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rMatFaxTwtEq3Wk28gZOOWujMEr6S _BdWn_eWRe8TEvoAEIE6olPZaR4rhNhDa707ok&usqp=CAU
Rosalyn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)

Missing with all her attacks Roslayn stifles a curse as Yaniel slips past her striking at Lei. Spinning she pursues, lashing out with the Falchion in powerful crushing swings.

[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

Lady Rosalyn "The Eternal Crusader" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2765683)
F LG Aasamir Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 12, Init 10, HP 193 / 193 Speed 60 // 40
AC 32, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29
CMD 35, Fort 14 Ref 12, Will 13, CMB +19/+19/+14,
Base Attack Bonus 12 / 12 / 7
Cold Iron Evil Outsider Bane Falchion +2 24/24/19 (24/21/18) (2d4+15 (26), 15 - 20 / x 3)
Full Plate +4 (+13 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 18

+2 Morale Vs Mind affecting
+2 sacred Vs Evil sourced Spells / SPA
+2 Will saves Vs Demons
+3 saves Vs Fear
+5 Mythic to Mind affecting
Cold/Electricity/Acid 5
+1 hit/+2 Damage vs L+ size enemies
Mythic Saves: Evasion/Mettle Vs Non Mythic Spells/SPA
Adamantine Mind: If pass Mind affecting save save Enemy make Will save vs Same DC or stunned 1 round

Deathward (24 hours) Fouchland
Endure Elements (24 hours) Fouchland

Path of War

[ACTIVE] Stance Crane Knight (DR10/evil, Fly 120ft (good), radiate light)
Silver Crane endurance (fast healing 5)
Stance Silver crane (Holy weapons, Protection from Evil)
Running hunter's stance (Scent, +10 ft speed)
Silver Crane Waltz (+5 Initiative, +3 dodge AC)

Maneuvers (Ready 8)
Argent King Scepter [Strk] +12d6 damage, heal 60 hps
Harry the Prey [Strk] If hit allies w/in 30ft gain 1 attack as well
Argent Knight [Strk] Charge +8d6 dam, Heal all 30ft 5d6
Furious Primal Wrath [Strk] -4 to hit for +20 / 35 damage
Steel shell [Ctr] Opposed Atk with shield to block or DR20/—
Quick snap [Ctr] counter attack doing double damage
Burnished shell [Ctr] Oppsed Atk Vs CL check to negate spell
Defend the Pride Allies 60ft gain +4 AC

[B]Mythic 9 / 13
Surge +1d8
Amazing initiative: Spend 1 MP for 1 Std Action
Recuperation: "Long rest", 1 hour + 1 MP = 1/2 HPs and class abilities
Sudden Block: 1 MP = Tier to AC, "disadvantage" on attack, make melee counter attack
Sudden Attack (Swa): Spend 1 MP for extra attack, roll twice, ignore DR
Impossible Speed : 1 MP + +50ft for overland 1 hour
Mythic Power attack: Spend 1 MP to ignore penalty to hit for 1 minute

2023-08-31, 11:19 PM
The supposed paladin takes the hits, avoiding some but being harmed by others. But she is still standing and seems to be quite healthy. Either her armour is exceptionally solid or else she is much hardier than you might have expected.

Attack by the paladin on Hiigara.
[roll0] attack roll
[roll1] damage

2023-09-01, 08:45 AM
after being attacked Lei turns her full wrath to the paladin.
* presume to still be in melee range, for a Full Attack with Lei

Round 3
Lei - Full Attack

Initiate Phantom Wind Ray: 1 swift action
The Target must make a Perception check opposed by the initiator’s next attack roll against the target; if the Perception check fails then he is caught flat-footed against the attack and the attack is resolved against his flat-footed armor class.

Dazzling Display: Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your display.
Shatter Defenses (Mythic): An opponent you affect with Shatter Defenses is flat-footed to all attacks, not just yours.

melee attack
+1 Broken-back seax +19/+19 1d10+4 17-20x3 P&S
Confirm crit

ranged attack +2 (+1 enh) Revolver +19/+19 1d8 x4 B&P
Confirm crit
1:[roll13] Fire
2:[roll14] Fire

Ranged Attack +3 Lightning Bow +3 brilliant energy arrows +21/+17 1d8+13 x3
confirm crit

2023-09-05, 02:29 AM
"Gah!" A sharp cry of pain erupts from Hiigara as the paladin's strike hits home. The wounded Aasimar bares his teeth at her before winking out of sight. The swift whistle of arrows soon follows.

Use a Mythic Point for 1 minute of Improved Invisibility (spells and effects under 3rd level cannot detect me).
Full Attack