View Full Version : DM Help What would a for-profit boarding school on the material plane look like...

2023-03-26, 12:14 AM
What would a for-profit boarding school on the material plane look like...
...if the headmaster was secretly a Pit Fiend and in service to Mammon? Would the vigilante character class be sufficient to hide their fiendish nature? What would be subtle ways to hint this school was run by a pit fiend without ruining the mystery for players?

(this is Pathfinder and on Golorion)

Consider this a part 2 to my post:
What would Mammon (https://www.aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Mammon) require for the First Apotheosis (https://aonprd.com/OccultRituals.aspx?ItemName=First%20Apotheosis)?

2023-03-26, 01:10 PM
Well the mammon part sounds like bog standard boarding school. Those are usually for the kids of rich weirdos so the mammon thing might even be out in the open, at least to the parents

2023-03-26, 03:11 PM
Well the mammon part sounds like bog standard boarding school. Those are usually for the kids of rich weirdos so the mammon thing might even be out in the open, at least to the parents

I love when I try to come up with something weird, and it actually sounds believable...lol

2023-03-27, 01:36 PM
Consider this a part 2 to my post:
What would Mammon (https://www.aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Mammon) require for the First Apotheosis (https://aonprd.com/OccultRituals.aspx?ItemName=First%20Apotheosis)?

2023-03-27, 03:40 PM
The specifics would probably depend on why, exactly, the pit fiend is running the school, but regardless, I would expect that they would set up the school to reflect their Lawful Evil nature as much as possible. Think rules governing every aspect of the students lives, with harsh punishments for any disobedience and systems in place to reward students for reporting any rulebreakers. I'd also expect an elaborate system of granting limited authority to 'well-behaved' students, who would be quietly encouraged to abuse their authority at every opportunity.

2023-03-27, 05:19 PM
The specifics would probably depend on why, exactly, the pit fiend is running the school, but regardless, I would expect that they would set up the school to reflect their Lawful Evil nature as much as possible. Think rules governing every aspect of the students lives, with harsh punishments for any disobedience and systems in place to reward students for reporting any rulebreakers. I'd also expect an elaborate system of granting limited authority to 'well-behaved' students, who would be quietly encouraged to abuse their authority at every opportunity.So...a regular private boarding school, then.

2023-03-27, 06:47 PM
The specifics would probably depend on why, exactly, the pit fiend is running the school, but regardless, I would expect that they would set up the school to reflect their Lawful Evil nature as much as possible. Think rules governing every aspect of the students lives, with harsh punishments for any disobedience and systems in place to reward students for reporting any rulebreakers. I'd also expect an elaborate system of granting limited authority to 'well-behaved' students, who would be quietly encouraged to abuse their authority at every opportunity.

So like I said before, just a bog-standard boarding school for rich wierdos to send their children to to teach them not to be well-adjusted

2023-04-01, 02:46 PM
The sports/school spirit chants are all in dead languages (Infernal). The statues of the founders have discreet horns and hooves. The grounds are infested with extremely intelligent and aggressive cats or birds that steal food, valuables, and occasionally souls.

2023-04-01, 05:48 PM
Consider this a part 2 to my post:
What would Mammon (https://www.aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Mammon) require for the First Apotheosis (https://aonprd.com/OccultRituals.aspx?ItemName=First%20Apotheosis)?

I'm envisioning them needing to do the wasting part in some sort of proof-of-work esque system wherein deliberately wasting a valuable resource somehow creates wealth. Only instead of electricity, they're wasting something directly life-sustaining that many less fortunate people need, like food or medicine (or, failing that, possibly they're wasting something abstract, like their life, their potential, their talents, their opportunities, and so forth), and instead of creating wealth for the person doing the wasting, the resultant wealth goes to Mammon or into the coffers of Hell in general

The sports/school spirit chants are all in dead languages (Infernal). The statues of the founders have discreet horns and hooves. The grounds are infested with extremely intelligent and aggressive cats or birds that steal food, valuables, and occasionally souls.

and/or, they're infested with bulls and bears

2023-04-02, 08:07 AM
I'm envisioning them needing to do the wasting part in some sort of proof-of-work esque system wherein deliberately wasting a valuable resource somehow creates wealth. Only instead of electricity, they're wasting something directly life-sustaining that many less fortunate people need, like food or medicine (or, failing that, possibly they're wasting something abstract, like their life, their potential, their talents, their opportunities, and so forth), and instead of creating wealth for the person doing the wasting, the resultant wealth goes to Mammon or into the coffers of Hell in general

and/or, they're infested with bulls and bears
"Give the grasping palm his due" basically. I like it.

2023-04-02, 11:23 PM
Yes, but to be clear as I'm envisioning it they're not sacrificing these things to him directly, destroying them somehow creates money for him, analogous to how uselessly wasting electricity creates bitcoin.

2023-04-04, 03:06 PM
Yes, but to be clear as I'm envisioning it they're not sacrificing these things to him directly, destroying them somehow creates money for him, analogous to how uselessly wasting electricity creates bitcoin.

Interesting. Maybe there is an enchanted fire pit that creates a golden replica in Mammon's vault.