View Full Version : the 3rd one [IC]

2023-03-28, 04:58 PM
Another rodent scurried overhead, sending dust and grit down upon Mel as she sorted through the strange repository of ancient texts, manuscripts and the scribblings of a mad women. Well, if you could call a medusa that, most were mad with depression, not being able to touch, or otherwise look at other people, and well....they were monsters. No actual real studies of value have been performed on the psyche of medusai, so any baseline of comparison was hard to establish, perhaps a fully developed medusa, matured and deranged.....was normal for them?

The room had a strange eloquence to it, it started off like any normal....regular room as you would find in a dungeon, but then it seemed to melt into the natural cave towards the back, which is where you and your troop found the Medusa hiding, amongst her own creations, former adventures, rogues, and robbers alike, come to stay their claim of the witches treasure.

The others had left a while back, having taken their share of the spoils, leaving you to your own musings with the giant cache of reading material. The flames of your torch were beginning to flicker out, and you could begin to see starlight beginning to twinkle outside through the many small holes in the ceiling, this place wa ready to crumble, and perhaps was only waiting for you to leave to drop everything in it's dark and cold embrace.

2023-03-31, 06:34 PM
"Oh bother."

Mel's voice is somewhat deep but soft as she realizes, finally, that it might not be so damn smart to stay here any longer. She glances around, worry on her soft features even as she calmly and collectedly loads rolled up manuscripts and dogeared journals (all of which are in languages she can read or recognize) into a spare satchel the Queen's men were nice enough to leave her. Probably for the best to just leave the documents written in what she assumes is Abyssal for the rocks above her. Just how many languages did the dead monster even know??? And there were so many more books...

Ultimately she grabs two final books that aren't in an evil language: the biggest, thickest damn book she can grab, followed by the oldest looking. The oldest goes into the bag. The biggest goes under one arm; her other arm snatches up the monster of an axe she left leaning against the wall and she briskly trots for safety outside the cave.

"Oh bother, bother bother...Next time I'm buying a whole case of that timelessness unguent and coating the entire stash of books with it in case the place is about to come crashing down. Then I can just dig them back up at my leisure..." Mel, often alone with her thoughts, voices them frequently, which might confuse any stalkers. It always weirds out the highwaymen (either those smart enough to just let her pass, or the really dumb ones who try robbing her...)

It's then that she realizes she MIGHT need the torch still and with an exaggerated sigh she awkwardly holds both the axe and the book under one arm while her offhand is now free to hold the other, Mel looking like the dorkiest cave robber ever.

2023-04-07, 03:54 PM
You grab everything just in time, as if the cave was waiting for you, everything tumbles down just as you step out into the sunlight. Squinting from the sudden and bright sunlight, you notice everyone has gone. And there is a little package on the ground outside, a small stack of books all tied with a bow, and a small note tucked under.

The note reads:

"Tallrose, the garden grows as do the weeds, please make sure to properly protect the flowers."

With a small map that points to the small fishing village of Bakenridge, which is not too far as it turns out.

2023-04-09, 06:16 PM
Mel freezes up at the sight of book pile, at first wondering if the other members of the Queen's army left them for her, if she had somehow earned a boon from any sort of higher fae monarch or deity...or if it was her birthday finally. She actually wasn't sure of the date of her birth, being an orphan, but as a child she always told herself sooner or later the day ought to come. The older she got, however, the less she expected there to be a party on such a morning. Still, life is full of surprises, she told herself even after reading the note that's ultimately a discouragement of that hope...

Well, at least she's guaranteed she'll have plenty to read on her down time for the trip's duration, she tells herself, re-organizing the load she already has, ultimately managing the extra pack of books and begins walking with the axe under her arm, her free hand inspecting the newest books from the pile that was left to her.

I don't think there's a roll to read while walking but she will take her sweet time/a 20 studying what these new books are about and if they have anything to do with the new mission awaiting her.

2023-04-17, 04:13 PM
You reach out to the bundle of books, and suddenly you hear a whirling sound, a thrumming of energy, and then a whirlwind of forces, swiftly whisk you away, and you are standing inside a dingy longhall, hand with everyone looking at you.

Go here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?654947-The-first-one-IC&p=25759531#post25759531)