View Full Version : Then there...seven [IC]

2023-03-29, 03:27 PM
The market bustles with the sound of hundreds of merchants, boys and buskers peddling their trade to anyone who would listen, and plenty of those who don't. The sun was high overhead, the heat pulsed down upon you with an intensity that the shaded stalls provided much comfort from. The scent and aroma's were a strange concoction of sweet, and savory, often times a juxtaposed bouquet of intermingling fragrances that usually would never go together.

The street was already teaming with patrons, the dust of the desert beyond the town tramped into the streets, pounded into a fine sand that covered everything. Armor began to become uncomfortable, and those who wore it were usually inside at this time of day, thankfully the river that bordered the town on the west side provided much needed moisture, and was the lifeblood of the little town that was the entry into the kingdom of the Rose from the southern Golden desert in the east. Thankfully, a series of mountains separated this little desert with the more northern empire of the East sun.

Saharstead was small enough to hide in if you wished, but large enough to do business out of, and it's location allowed for many a sordid folk to do business, it was the hidden jewel that was ignored, because it provided a bigger benefit.

Which is why the three of you find yourself in it for whatever reason, and where you were activated, and now you share furtive glances across some cafe tables under the shade of a reputable street down from the market, here the smells were dominated by freshly baked bread, and kaff. You are not sure who else is here, but you know there are 2 others.

You see several others, to include 2 Janni talking in their native tongues at another table, as well as an assortment of others, several tables had single patrons, enjoying their beverages.

2023-03-29, 06:45 PM
The nearly feral looking warforged finishes carefully tearing the last piece of crust off the small bread sculpture he's made on the plate in front of him. As a final touch, he pours just enough wine on the bread to turn it red.

Satisfied, he slides the bread rose to the center of the table and pulls a single petal off, laying it directly in front of his plate with the torn away crusts. He slowly eats the remnants, dipping them in his glass of wine, watching the café around him for any reactions.

2023-04-01, 06:27 AM
Two figures sitting two tables from Cur stirred. A human-looking man resembling your typical travelling merchant was dressed in sand-colored garb suitable for desert climate. A couple of strands of dark auburn hair showed from under a sloppily wrapped turban.

He leaned closer to his companion or, more likely, a bodyguard, and whispered:
- And here's our contact, apparently. A rather overt way to make themselves known, I must say. Let's wait a bit and invite this one to sit with us, hmm? I'll message him in the vain hope we draw no additional attention.

Evindal is posing as a travelling merchant with the help of extended (via a metamagic rod) disguise self spell. He has extended greater mage armor cast on himself and endure elements cast on both of them. The weather is too hot for his taste.

2023-04-01, 01:58 PM
The mercenary woman who sat by the turbaned man's side merely nodded. Human, dressed in a breastplate and rather spartan in appearance, her coal-black hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail. By her feet lounged a lanky grey panther, seemingly unbothered by the goings-on around it.

She idly tapped the side of her kaffee cup, murmuring "Here's hoping he hasn't drawn only our attention then..."

2023-04-01, 05:43 PM
The man sighed audibly and scanned the room.
There's no telling whose interest we have attracted already or will attract in the future. We have to prepare for the most common threats to the mission and improvise if an uncommon one arises. Ugh. This heat is uncomfortable even with the spell.Sense Motive check to see if anybody around specifically watches the two of them or Cur: (rolled in the discord channel) 1d20+4=6.
- Now, how do you like kaff they brew here? , - asked Evindal in Draconic. - If I get the recipe and find out where to buy just the right beans en masse, selling it in the right cities would be a gold mine. And stop making this face at me, keeping up conversations is literally in your contract, - he added, gesturing towards his companion more expressively than the subject he seemingly intended to discuss warranted.
It was, naturally, a code that could be used, among other things, to cover casting of simple spells.Evindal casts message. Bluff check to see if he's able to squeeze innocuously a magic word into his phrase in Draconic and pointing a finger at Cur into his expressive gesturing: (rolled in the discord channel) 1d20+6=24. Tommasia can play along and maybe roll for aid another here?.. Upd: +2 on top as a result of her roll.
- Glad to see another petal on the loose. Why don't you join us? Two tables from you, I'm setting aside a small saucer of sweets. - Evindal addressed this message to the warforged, doing exactly what he said, namely, slowly moving his assortment of "desert delights" as the waiter called them to the edge of the table.

2023-04-01, 06:24 PM
"One merchant said the reason it's so bloody expensive is they harvest the beans from civet scat..." answered the sell-sword in Draconic with an exaggerated look of disgust. She shook her head, grimacing all the while.

Inwardly, Tommasia appreciated the art of pretense. Not all illusion needed to be magical, after all.

[roll0] (Bluff: Aid Another)

2023-04-01, 11:53 PM
The brown stone and black iron head looks up slowly as recessed eye cavities search the café. Cur stands up, a full 6 and a half feet of stone skin, iron bones, and wood joints. Tufts of iron and wood jut out like a girallon's fur, though in dark colors rather than the white of their natural coloring. A cloak appears incorporated into his chest and neck, yet another shade of brown and yet another fur analog.

He picks up his plates, the bread rose and the scraps of crust he was eating and walks over to take a seat at the table he was invited to. "I am Cur. May I sit with you? Those sweets look tasty."

2023-04-02, 12:49 PM
The man in sand-colored garb eyed Cur from head to foot and made an inviting gesture towards an unoccupied chair.

- Sure, you may, I'm in the mood to share. Try the rose-flavored ones, they seem to be the freshest. I am Adahn, a travelling spice merchant, - Evindal introduced himself (or, rather, his identity), tilting his head to the right. Up close this individual looked even less impressive: even loose clothing couldn't hide that he had a round belly of a person not used to a lot of physical activity, and there were grey hairs in the auburn strands sticking out from his turban.

This creature is truly one of a kind. Are those even able to consume ordinary food? Also, they must be extremely heavy. Whoever made these chairs deserves recognition.

2023-04-03, 09:39 AM
I think I avoid eating anything rose flavored, don't need to develop a taste for friendlies. Cur responds, bearing his iron teeth with something that must be a mirthful chuckle. We are all here for the same job? What do you two bring to the table?

2023-04-03, 10:05 AM
Somewhere, a druid must be crying... was the first thought that registered through Tommasia's mind when Cur approached their table.

"I'm a 'people person'," said the swordswoman without the hint of a smile. Things were still too open and undefended for her liking to get into specific details.

2023-04-04, 11:04 AM
- You could have guessed, - said Evindal, winking at Cur. I literally called them here using magic. Sadly, facepalming would constitute a breach of cover, whatever's left of it.

- Business opportunities, naturally. Times like these are ripe with them. For example, you look like one. I suggest we finish this meal and go somewhere more private to discuss what's next.

2023-04-07, 04:07 PM
As the three of you sit and being to converse, 3 tiny black feathered darts slam into the three of you.

Evindal - FF AC 22 to hit
Tommasia - FF AC 12 to hit
Cur - FF AC 22 to hit

Those hit take: 5 piercing damage, and then must attempt a Fort save DC 15 vs poison or become exhausted.
You become fatigued on a successful save

We are not in init.

As the darts thud into you, the other patrons freeze and then scatter.

2023-04-07, 05:20 PM
Fort save (from discord): 1d20+8=27.
Reactive spot check to find the source of the attack:[roll0].

- Rude, - said the man in an annoyed voice. The dart was sticking out of his shoulder, his eyes were scanning the surroundings, and his lips were moving - he was uttering something that sounded like gibberish to people unfamiliar with the arcane formula.

As Evindal finished the incantation, he placed both of his hands on his companions' shoulders. - Well, let's retreat first then, - he whispered to Cur knowing that Tommasia would expect a teleportation spell.

Dimension door on the three of them to some side alley not far from the cafe, but enough to throw the attacking party off their trail for the next half a minute or so. Max range is 760 ft, though I expect the alley in question to be closer. Up to the esteemed DM :smallsmile:

2023-04-07, 05:39 PM
Muscle-like bands of wood ripple with effort at restraint under slabs of iron. Ambush! he grunts in a low tone, Cowardly, but wise.

He plucks the dart from his shoulder and wipes away the poison. They failed to cause me more than a minor scratch. How are you two?

2023-04-07, 05:48 PM
"Never touched me." Another grunt from Tommasia as she drew out her greatsword. By her side, the shadowy panther rematerialized, lips curled into a silent snarl. Her head whipped back and forth, trying to get a bead on who, what and how many foes they needed to prepare for. "Should we leave at least one alive for questioning?"

[roll0] Spot attempt

Tommasia Martine (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2676051)
F N Human Hexblade, Level 9, Init 0, HP 92/92, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 20, Fort 15, Ref 10, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus 9/4
2 handed, Sudden Stunning, Lesser Lifedrinking Crystal Greatsword +1 +12/+7 (2d6+4, 19-20/x2)
MW Light Crossbow (60bolts) +10/+5 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Crystal of Lesser Screening Mithral Breastplate +2 (+7 Armor, +2 Deflect, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition Arcane Resistance (+4 to spells/Spell like effects saves)

Mettle (Ex): At 3rd level and higher, a hexblade can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping hexblade does not gain the benefit of mettle.

Endure Elements: 24/hr (from Evindal)

2023-04-07, 05:59 PM
If one can hide and two can fight, we should return there. Two draw attention while the hiding one watches for aberrant reactions.

Cur puffs up his chest. I volunteer to fight. he says as he begins to unwrap the barbed chain from his right arm.

2023-04-07, 06:13 PM
- It got through my protective conjuration, unfortunately. Likely, it had been dipped in some sort of nonlethal poison, - Evindal plucked the dart out with a grimace and hid it in the folds of his clothing. His hands were noticeably shaking.

- Your plan is sound, - the man nodded thoughtfully. - I can make all three of us imperceptible to ordinary vision, though. This way we can attack by surprise. And we should indeed leave one for questioning. We have to assume this ambush is connected to our mission until there's evidence to the contrary.

3 castings of invisibility (duration is 10 minutes) on everyone and one of see invisibility (duration is 100 minutes) on himself unless something interrupts him.
Also, when they're ready to go, Evindal will cast haste (targets the whole party, duration is 9 rounds) so they get there quickly. It's up to you, o esteemed DM, how much duration is left when they arrive.

2023-04-17, 04:18 PM
Having cast your protective dweomers upon yourself and allies, you come back to the café that is now absent of any patronage, similarly so too is the street. The only things you can see move, except yourselves, were a few rats that were emboldened by the absence of predators.

The darts are also absent from the scene that made you flee.

In the distance, you can hear the sounds of horns getting closer.

2023-04-17, 04:58 PM
"Everyone ran...interesting." murmured the sellsword. "I wonder if the inhabitants know and fear who came after us?"

Her grimace was as invisible as the rest of her.

"Those horns don't sound friendly. We should leave."

2023-04-17, 06:38 PM
Cur grumbles an agreement, Separate routes to the north-most shop closest to that edge of town? Harder to track us like that.

2023-04-17, 11:53 PM
- Agreed. As much as I fancy uncovering who's behind the attack, it looks like they're beyond our reach for now, - Evindal sounded slightly annoyed.

Shouldn't have teleported us out. This is likely going to bite us in our collective behind at the least convenient moment. And here I am, second-guessing myself. Hells, I hate field work.

2023-04-20, 04:33 PM
Cur turns his invisible form to leave and says quietly See you there. And with that, he's off. His route takes him to the east border of the town and north from there. When he reaches the north-most point, he turns south and settles himself next to the first shop he locates, though he's careful to stay out of direct view, so that when the spell wears off he doesn't startle anyone.

2023-04-21, 08:44 AM
"Let me take point -- just in case..." Tommasia whispered towards Evindal's general direction. While Cur's suggestion was a good one, she didn't want to leave the mage totally undefended in case their foes could somehow sense them OR whoever was blowing those horns were indeed less than friendly.

She started to move in a west-northwest direction, trying to stick to alleyways and less populated streets.

2023-04-22, 04:38 AM
- Wouldn't dream otherwise, - the whispered answer arrived several moments later with the slight breeze and another message cantrip. - Lead the way.

The invisible wizard listened briefly trying to determine if anyone was approaching, and if so, how close they were, then followed (visible to him) Tommasia keeping about 10 ft of distance.

Listen check: [roll0]

2023-05-02, 05:20 PM
With Evindal being able to see the others, and a plan agreed upon, Cur takes off and then Tommasia leaves, with Evindal in tow. It wasn't long until you passed a patrol of city guards with stern looks on their faces, but no one was able to see you as they passed. The guards were strong looking types who would relish a fight, or the chance to be a little more physical than is necessary, and by the looks of their gear, they find reasons to use it often. Feeling relieved at taking the better side of valor and 'tactically retreating' you move to the agreed meeting point where Evindal is easily able to find Cur. However, another group of guards are looking over the area, it seems more units have been called in, and....what's that? a battle mage is being requested, apparently some terrorists were spotted nearby!

The gate to leave the city remains open, but several more guards have been stationed there, with everyone being inspected. The walls themselves are large thick stone structures, not an easy climb, but not impossible with the correct tools, on top you can see several heads peeking down with their errant speartips above them.

2023-05-03, 09:35 AM
Tommasia resisted the urge to snort about the so-called "terrorists" the guards were on the look-out for. More and more, it looked like their attackers probably had the blessing of the town's authorities. Evindal had his disguise spell, so, in all likelihood somehow she or (more likely given the warforged's appearance and lack of overall subtlety with the rose bread) Cur had been made out.

If, on the other hand, even the mage's spell had been seen through, then their enemies had more resources on tap. Which made staying here all the more dangerous.

2023-05-03, 11:52 AM
The elf sighed. Coordination in these circumstances was, naturally, in his purview as the only one able to see everyone. Normally he would provide both himself and Tommasia with the means to see invisible creatures, but the additional team member stretched his spellcasting capabilities. He whispered to his invisible companions:
- This call for a battlemage sounds like a serious incentive to vacate for now this hornet's nest someone kindly kicked for us. With haste,- he gently tapped the shoulders of them both. - I can make one of us able to fly, and whoever else isn't averse to eating just one small spider will be able to climb the wall with ease. In the meantime, the last of us, presumably, myself, will sneak through the gate. Does anyone have alternative solutions in mind?

2023-05-03, 12:21 PM
I have a thought. Cur studies the guards and their positions. Let's use them for our defense. Both of you go purchase drinks of your taste. I will wait out in the open and you will come meet with me. We will discuss our business in plain view of the guards. I'm sure at least one will come to investigate. We can explain that we feel safer gathering in their presence now after being attacked in the city's café. He looks back to his new companions. We make the story show us as the victims we were. Give them reason to defend us from the predations of their city. And if they know nothing about the attacker, we convince them to protect us from the criminal in their home.

2023-05-03, 07:11 PM
"And when they ask us to accompany them to their jail for our own 'protection'...?" Tommasia asked dryly, not liking that idea in the slightest.

2023-05-03, 10:58 PM
He doesn't have much experience in covert operations in urban environment, does he?

- Then the situation deteriorates rapidly, I imagine, and I'd rather not allow it. These people give the impression they rough up potential suspects first and ask questions later. Being arrested isn't on my to-do list today, and neither is using lethal force against the guards. Even if the local authorities aren't in league with whoever ambushed us, we're colorful, - he chuckled, - enough to be plausible suspected "terrorists".
Well, Cur certainly is.

- So, to cut some unnecessary complexity from the escape plan... Cur, - the mage addressed the warforged. - will you be able to carry us both over the walls out of the town if I bestow the power to fly upon you?

2023-05-03, 11:54 PM
Fly? The timbre of his voice shows clear uncertainty. I haven't ever flown. If you tell me start it takes to carry you two, I can tell you if I can.

If it comes to it, I have arms enough to carry each under one while still having a pair to climb that wall...

2023-05-04, 08:14 AM
"Whatever the plan is, we best do it quickly before their battlemage comes in to start purging our spells and worse..." muttered Tommasia. Purging Invisibility while they were still on the ground? Annoying, but manageable.

Purging Fly, on the other hand...

2023-05-04, 11:30 AM
- Point taken. That would be inconvenient to say the least.
Well, if Cur doesn't see who he grabs, we're in for a very uncomfortable ride...
- Cur. You'll be able to see us in a moment, don't be surprised.

Evindal spoke a couple of arcane formulae hoping the general sound of commotion around would be enough to mask it.

See Invisibility on Cur, then Fly on Cur.

2023-05-06, 08:40 PM
I see you both. The steel of his arms is slightly cool to the touch when he pulls each of you close. Let us hope I do this right. He mutters quietly as he takes to the sky.

Cur takes a moment to orient himself once he manages to get about 100' into the air and then heads north out of the city. How long will this last? I'm aiming to get us a mile from the walls.

2023-05-07, 02:33 AM
- This should last a little under ten minutes, more than enough to cover a mile. Once we become visible for onlookers, we'll have a couple of minutes of flight left, give or take.
Taking flight had one distinct advantage apart from getting away from the angry hive of Saharstead. Even his protective spell didn't make temperature in the streets comfortable, only bearable, but the constant flow of air helped.

2023-05-18, 11:15 AM
Cur now able to see their companions, grabs each one, easily able to hold them with one limb a piece, and then takes off. A little fast at first until they figure out the feeling of the spell, and then it becomes more of a manageable 'falling', which is only made worse as you get over the wall at an easy 100 feet above everything.


The Master sighed as he sat back down into his chair, a cup of Mudberry caff steaming in his hand, he breathed in the sour smell of the drink as he parsed through several illusory screens that listed activities, reports, and incidents.

It had been a rough couple of nights, and the Mudberry caff was not his first, and would not be his last, his left hand began to tremble, a reminder he had been over doing it, and had too much caff. He would need to sleep it off, maybe the Master Apothecary had a tonic to calm his nerves, he wandered to himself as he idly watched the latest reports as he cupped the steaming beverage, taking small sips to avoid being burned.

It wasn't moments later that he cursed and placed the mug down to the side, barely avoiding spilling his afternoon drink. The curse echoed through the chamber, and his attendant came rushing in as silent as a ghost, evenstill, the Master noticed and nodded, "Initiate extrication protocol Lambda" he frowned as he continued to read and shook his head slowly, "these damned fools are going to expose us all".

The attendant nodded and ran away, silent as a ghost.


A small hole in reality popped opens above you where an entity probes through, invisibly, and ethereal as a ghost, it peers around, and retracts.

Moments later, all three of you receive a mental missive with the confirmation memory of the specific smell you chose to confirm your identity with the Rose Petals. Instantly, you realize things have gone awry for Central to have to intercede, you receive the indication you should submit.

A moment later, you all appear in the same location, but time has obviously been messed with it is suddenly nighttime.

From here, another effect starts to take hold, with another mental suggestion to allow it.

Moments later, you all stand near a large Oak tree about a mile out from a small village, it's still the middle of the night, the moon is waxing strong, and you can easily see some Great-Horned Goats sleeping upright in the nearby fields, across the way another seems like a living field of grain that bends and moves with the gentle breeze of the night.

You have 1 minute.

We will not pull you out like this again.

You get the impression these are not questions, and you do not need to answer.

You can attempt to resist if you want, but the mental missive is keyed to your personal memory-specific olfaction, so you know it is legit.

All spells are still up and running.

2023-05-19, 02:28 PM
- Shame. I was beginning to develop a taste for the local climate and being chased after by authorities, - said the wizard sarcastically. He concentrated briefly, muttering some arcane gibberish, and his silhouette became briefly blurred and indistinct before settling into a slender elven form, that promptly started looking around likely trying to assess the situation.

Well, that was unexpected. It wasn't like we didn't have it under control. Why would they waste that much arcane power on us? The only answer I can think of is the vitality and the urgency of this mission, as if I needed any confirmation. Still perplexing.

Evindal dismissed his disguise self spell.
Spot check (via discord) to notice that ethereal entity d20+3=16.
Spellcraft to identify the timehop power and the teleport spell: [roll0]

2023-05-19, 02:50 PM
For her part, Tommasia was pissed.

Her and Evindal, they had done everything correctly. Kept a low profile. It was only after they had met up with the warforged that they were attacked out of nowhere. And even STILL, they withdrew. Made themselves invisible to regroup instead of making a (therapeutically) violently public scene in response. Though part of her was tempted to blame the unsubtle Cur for drawing attention and breaking their collective cover, it did little to answer HOW they were burned so fast...



...unless there was a traitor among the Rose Petals themselves. Someone who might be in the pocket (or, worse, ideology) of the enemy.

Gods, let me be wrong...

[roll0] (Spot -- not even for the entity, just the general area)
[roll1] (Spellcraft)

2023-05-19, 02:55 PM
"I choose to think our handlers saw something we didn't. Some hazard that could have turned things against us." Cur adjusts his bag and takes in their surroundings. "Or they wanted an undisturbed place to meet us."

2023-05-30, 05:25 PM
Adventure continues on here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?656799-Altogether-IC)