View Full Version : Optimization Runes, sorcerers, and 'able to prepare arcane spells'

2023-03-30, 04:45 AM
Does a sorcerer who takes levels in runesmith gain the ability to prepare her sorcerer spells, and thus qualify for various classes and feats that specify 'prepare' in their requirements?

The argument for is the first sentence:

Rune Magic (Ex): A runesmith learns to prepare his arcane spells as runes inscribed on solid objects (usually small tablets of stone, but other objects are possible).

Then again, the very next sentences say:

He prepares spells as normal, except that instead of readying the spells in his mind, he readies them in the form of runes. Preparing daily spells takes the same amount of time as normal preparation and requires the same amount of rest beforehand.

Which both clearly assume a pre-existing ability to prepare spells.

But then again, the class description more than once talks about sorcerers entering the class, which suggests that they get some benefit from the class features, and thus that the class features don't require a pre-existing ability to cast arcane spells.

Which is the correct interpretation?

2023-03-30, 05:15 AM
Sorcerers can "prepare spells as normal" by doing nothing. (They "ready" spells with 15 minutes of concentration.)

So, it looks legit. Echoing Spell for example would plausibly work.

Note though that it doesn't work for single class entry to ultimate magus since you don't prepare spells from a spellbook.

2023-03-30, 05:54 AM
It works. But remind you that this is a specific way to prepare spells. If something requires you to prepare spells in a spellslot this doesn't help you. For that case, have a look into "Arcane Preparation" feat.

It really depends on what you are trying to accomplish here. If you just wanna enter runesmith as sorcerer its fine. If you need "prepared spellslots" for something else, go for the feat instead.

2023-03-30, 03:37 PM
It really feels like they meant to write "Able to prepare and cast 1st-level arcane spells."

2023-03-30, 09:40 PM
A runesmith can still prepare and cast his spells in the regular fashion if he so desires, subject to the normal arcane spell failure chances for any armor worn.

Runesmith allows a sorcerer to prepare their spells if they so desire. This is a separate ability from normal and provides benefits for doing so.