View Full Version : Need suggestions

2023-03-30, 03:16 PM
Hi. Would people be able to suggest another forum where active members discuss 5e content.

I like following and occasionally commenting on conversations but the mods on this particular forum have really rubbed me the wrong way. In particular I was following the posts about why this might not be as active anymore and was very disheartened to see that as soon as people started complaining about the mods the thread was shut down. The thread was breaking no rules as far as I could tell. That kind of blatant disregard for critique reminded of too strongly of a political position I'm not allowed to mention.

I don't know how long this thread will last before being shut down but my request is genuine so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

2023-03-30, 03:34 PM
The only other DnD forums I've frequented were ENWorld which I think is still active, and the old Wizards forums which I think were never raised from the dead, and if they were it was likely as undeads.

Inb4 lock

2023-03-30, 04:13 PM
Don't expect anywhere to be free of toxic conversations here or elsewhere.

Generally, once you're past page 3 in a forum thread, there's nothing of value to be found.

2023-03-30, 04:26 PM
I'm not looking for non toxic conversations. This is the internet lol , that's kinda a pipedream. I just want mods that play fair.

2023-03-30, 04:57 PM
Best place I've found for a little more honest discussion is Quora. They have whole groups dedicated to various D&D and other RPGs. It's not really a forum like here, with easily listed questions, but if you just search for a topic you're interested in, you'll probably find a ton of similar questions and answers.

2023-03-31, 07:32 PM
Reddit perhaps, but if you don't like the mods here, it's worse there. Imagine getting a ban from 4 d&d pages because you criticized one mod for using it to advertise his 3d printing business.

I get your issue with the critique threads, but those get toxic fast and can result in a lot of bans as people fight. Better to just stop them from starting.

Be glad Rich isn't active on his forums that much. Balder from Erfworld was, and it was a trainwreck as he responded to critiques and got into fights with newbies popping up to ask "hey, when's the next page coming out, I just binged everything and want more." That's before getting into the issues that made him take it private.