View Full Version : Footsteps of the Divine Deity Question

2023-04-01, 10:56 AM
The spell Footsteps of the Divine, see below, offers abilities based on one's deity. My deity is Kelane and he is not listed on the stock deity spell list. Is there some where I can find what he offers or am I forced to take another deity but at a reduced amount of time? I am thinking of having a ring that can cast this spell.

Footsteps of the Divine
(Complete Champion, p. 120)

Level: Cleric 3,
Components: V, S, DF,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level, see text

Your body twists and reshapes itself, allowing you brief freedom from the confines of a wholly humanoid shape.
Upon casting this spell, you briefly acquire a new movement mode and speed, as given on the table below.
Unlike most deity-variable spells, footsteps of the divine does not limit you to the option offered by your own deity; you are free to choose any option presented on the table.

If you choose an option offered by a deity other than your own, however, the spell duration is halved.
You can choose only one option per casting.

Ultimately I will have the Dervish class but right now I am a ranger with with a dip in clositered cleric and Spirit Totem Lion Barbarian.

Thanks in advance.

2023-04-01, 11:05 AM
I think you would use whichever one is most similar to yours

2023-04-01, 11:23 AM
Or ask your DM to make up a new one. For example, as Kelanen is a hero-god of balance in addition to sword skills, he could grant +30 ft. land movement plus no penalties to Balance while moving acceleratedly.

2023-04-06, 12:19 PM
I think you would use whichever one is most similar to yours

Thanks. That is pretty much gonna be my ask. Kelane is travel and war domain. So I am gonna ask him to base it off other gods with war and travel.

Deity Movement Mode Speed Domain
Corellon Larethian — +40 ft. Chaos,Good,Protection,War
Erythnul — +40 ft. Chaos,Evil,Trickery,War
Fharlanghn — +50 ft. Luck,Protection,Travel
Gruumsh Burrow 20 ft. Chaos,Evil,Strength,War
Heironeous — +40 ft. Good,Law,War
Hextor — +40 ft. Destruction,Evil,Law,War