View Full Version : My World Lokadia - WiP - Love to hear feedback!

2023-04-01, 04:05 PM

No one knows where they come from or why they did. It wasn't because the gods caused them to fall. Why would they? Three of their number were killed due to them. Older beings, primordials, elder gods; all just theories that never could be proven. But what was known is this: Every so often, no sooner than 50 years apart, a Stone fell from the heavens. And when it did, everything changed.

Momentous events, whole societies collapsing or emerging, even new races and gods. Omens and tidings preceded the fall but no one could ever predict where it would fall. Or what would become of it.

The Stones never did the same thing, though many outcomes seemed to be similar. Three times in recorded history the Stones were found by farmers. Each of them were, on the whole, humble and very good farmers and until the next Stonefall crops and fields were extremely plentiful, healthy, and easy to work. A healer found it once and disease and illness were almost non-existent. Once, it was even found by a child and those years were a time of joy and learning.

But the good Stonefalls were few compared to the rest. Wrathful armies were mustered and terrible magics unleashed. Alliances long held were broken over the mad scramble for the Stone. Kingdoms were torn apart as noble houses and royal families battled for the chance to find the Stone. Towns emptied as the villagers saw a chance to rise above their birth. And warlords stood tall as mercenaries took everything the could for the opportunity of a lifetime.

The Stones were pure potential. No limit to what they could achieve; fantasy given form. They were a wish; unlike any other kind of wish. Gods, demons, other powerful entities could grant wishes and miracles but those had strings; misinterpretations, limits in scope, necessary sacrifices. But the Stone could see exactly what the finder wanted deep in their hearts and grant it to its fullest degree. The farmers truly wanted to feed the world. The healer hated how sickness ravaged the weak and innocent. The child knew nothing but hope for the future. But the majority caused chaos.

Religious fanatics wiped out whole species in their quest for purity. Power hungry leaders crafted enormous empires over the ashes of their neighbors. The beastkin were created after an escaped wizard's experiment wanted to no be alone anymore. The god of war has changed thrice and Kartoc, God of Betrayal, vanished from the pantheon, replaced by Firak, the Avenging Angel.

And each time the Stone falls, everyone prays that it comes to them...

The Pantheon - The Prime Deities
Liranli - The Song Mother, Goddess of Life
Firak - The Avenging Angel, God of Law
Hazrog - The Gore-Toothed, God of War
Nusmus - The Judge, God of Death
Ionas - The Librarian, Goddess of Knowledge
Nilvectus - The Razor Prince, God of Chaos
Arklith- The Gatekeeper, God of Protection

- Divine Beings can't affect the Stone, either by direct magics or physical touch. Only applies to actual divine beings; mortal beings have no limitations.
-Divine Beings also have their sight limited; they can see specific beings and places but cannot see the Stone, nor where it fell. If scrying on a location with the Stone they would see the surrounding area but not the Stone itself.
-Stonefall happens every 50-150 years. It occurs randomly, falls in different locations, but the same omens and portents happen every time.
-Unless the wish is specifically for immortality of one sort or another then the Stone's wish's power ends at the next Stonefall; the benefits are no longer granted.
-The Stone gives you the best wish it can, no tricks or misinterpretations; it looks into your intentions not just your words.
-It can be given away to someone else; the Stone has to be claimed and the wish is granted by an active choice, not just when picked up.
-Wishing to be a god is possible but you have to prove yourself to the current ones. Becoming a lesser god doesn't require anything other than a wish. A Prime Deity can be replaced but you take on the powers and portfolio of said Deity.
-While the wishes are comprehensive it is still only one wish; no chaining 'and' statements.

Gods and Magic
All the gods grant their worshipers boons and spells. None of the Prime Deities are solely good or evil; they hold both within their portfolios. The Prime Deities are also incapable of manifesting on Lokadia but can create an avatar, known as Icons, or work through their worshippers.

Magic doesn't come from the gods only, and can be learned with enough study while some are born able to shape it.

There are some beings ranked below gods. Archangels and Archdevils are both extremely powerful and utterly committed to certain ideals. They can also manifest on Lokadia but rarely do so. They are vulnerable there which is why the Prime Deities can't manifest; they would be mortal and as gods they can't be mortal. Angels and Devils are the next step down; messengers and foot soldiers of the Prime and the others. They come in many shapes and forms, and while they are ageless they can also be killed.

Humans, Elves/Fae, Dwarves, Beastkin, Orcs, Goblins

There are 6 main races on Lokadia. Humans are among the most populous of the races, spreading across each continent. Hardy and adaptable, they can also be among the most intolerant. To the other races, elves are the only face the others see of the Fae. Diplomats and mages, the elves serve the Fae courts who lie hidden behind the Veil. The dwarves are the industrious and practical folk of Lokadia. Family and clan are paramount. Orcs are the strongest race, on the whole. Master sailors, fishermen, and occasionally pirates; while they are not warlike, they will fight for whats theirs. Goblins are the inventors and bankers of the world. Cunning, and a little crazy, their inventions have changed the world. Beastkin are the newest races, having only been around for 1500 years or so. They have the largest diversity, with anything from cat, dog, bear, bat, even some avian and aquatic breeds. While they are all compatible with each other, some breeds are more common and tend to show up more.

Society and Geography
Orcish society has grown up around the Tek'Pur Islands, making them experienced explorers, sailors, and merchants who has a large control over the sea trade. They are more a loose conglomerations of tribes than a monolithic nation but when their islands are threatened all band together to help protect their homes. THe main city of Kartak holds the Wind Throne where the elected leader Furna Tidecaller rules. It is mostly a diplomatic positions and Furna keeps the islands working together, smoothing over inter-island tensions while making sure outside influences are mitigated.

Goblins hold the Lhazar Plateau and the Sunscorch Desert. Trading caravans cross from oasis to oasis while searching for the many reagents and ingredients the Sunscorch has to offer. The Lhazar Plateau stretches for miles with the capital city of Edgelook located in the middle. Huge gantries and elevators lift cargo up and down the cliffs while High Master Grazzit keeps a careful eye on all the trade moving across the city. Due to its centralized place almost any cargo going north to south overland has to cross the Plateau and while the fees are small they make up for it in quantity.

The Highwilds are home to the beastkin. Vast wildernesses hold great natural resources though dangerous wildlife also roam there. The capital city of Denholm sits in the center of the Highwilds, nestled at the foot of the Leverak Mountains. The Wise Consul consists of a group of five Praetors, who are chosen through both politics and combat, and rule over the Highwilds. Beastkin are insular as a nation but love to wander as a people.

The Reylish Forests are home to the elves and Fae. Mostly isolationists, the outer edges of their lands have a number of cities that allow visitors and trade. While elves are the main inhabitants of these cities, with other races allowed only to rent, they aren't the rulers. The Fae Courts are located deep within the Forest and only through magic gates can one enter the capitals. Due to the nature of the Courts there are two cities that can be considered the capital; Isilchoi and Lalendil. When the Winter Court, led by Queen Mab, holds sway in Isilchoi the Fae and elves are much harder and more warlike. The Summer Court, led by Queen Titania in Lalendil, tend to show a gentler side, though you insult them at your peril.

The Dwarven Kingdoms of Barak Heim are the largest territories of all the other races, due more to their depth than their breadth. While the underground dwarf stereotype isn't too far off the mark in some cases, they do have many cities and holds amongst the hills and valleys. High King Thordin Bronzehammer reigns over the different dwarfholds across Lokadia in the city of Kragspeak.

Humans have spread across the continent, living among the other races, but have mostly settled in the plains and riverlands in the country of Chantia. The capital city is Royalport and is ruled by Emperor Penthus Varia II. The largest city in Locadia by population, it is located at the mouth of the longest river on the continent. Noble families and merchant lords vie for more money and power while Emperor Varia holds control of the armies, leading to a somewhat tense but stable balance. But there is still infighting, political or actual, and most humans know how to handle a weapon.

Major Exports
Dwarves - Metals, ores, manufactured goods
Elves - Magic, lumber, exotic goods and services
Orcs - Ships, fish, trade
Goblins - Trade, manufactured goods, technology
Humans - Foodstuffs, mercenaries, trade
Beastkin - Lumber, natural resources, exotic goods

You'd think the dwarves and goblins wourld be enemies; what with both being exporters of manufactured goods. But the goblins like the stability and trustworthiness of the dwarves, and the dwarves have a ready made outlet for raw materials. Both feel at home in each others cities due to the similarities in height.

Humans and orcs do well together; humans enjoy the exploring and trading opportunities the orcish ships give them and orcs get many foods they wouldn't otherwise. Both respect each others military prowess.

Beastkin and elves enjoy each other in two different ways. Both races are of the 'good fences make good neighbors' way of thinking; though they do trade with other races and travelling is permitted in their lands, each race is somewhat territorial and respect boundaries. Both also embrace nature and prefer to live among it rather than tearing it down for use.

- Serpentfolk were another underground race who fought with the dwarves for dominance. They were wiped out over 3000 years ago by a Stonefall wish. They had their own society and religion but all vanished without a trace. Their cities have mostly been looted and, in some cases, moved in to; but there are a few treaures hidden deep within their old territories.
- Airships are becoming more common; both magic and technological versions exist. Passenger trips are expensive, as is cargo space, but the cost is slowly coming down as more and more are built. Magic versions tend to be smaller but faster and more nimble while the technological versions are slower but more powerful, able to carry more farther.

2023-04-08, 05:41 PM
The Stonefall is interesting. I can see that shaking up a campaign. It also gives you the ability to flash forward 100 years between campaigns to shake things up.

The pantheon is a spreadsheet pantheon, which is a personal pet peeve for me. It's bland, but no more so than any other spreadsheet pantheon. It wouldn't inspire me to play a religious character. I can't blame you, because WotC and Paizo turned this into the standard.

And I love the alliances between the races. Mostly because their isn't an always evil race.

All in all, it's an interesting setting which I could enjoy as a player or DM.