View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next College of Doors Bard Archetype

2023-04-02, 03:10 AM
Loosely inspired by Goblin Punch's "Door Wizard" class and by Caroline Polachek's song "Door".

Hound of Tindalos
When you join the College of Doors at 3rd level, you learn how to whistle for one of the Hounds of Tindalos. Summoning the Hound requires an action and causes it to appear out of a sharp corner (of no wider than 120 degrees) within 40 feet, taking one round to emerge. The Hound uses a modified version of the Beast of the Land stat block which substitutes 'bard level' for 'ranger level' and the ability to teleport up to its speed without provoking attacks of opportunity for the listed climbing speed. The Hound can bring any object it can carry along with it during this teleportation, but cannot bring along other creatures.

If left without orders at the end of your turn, the Hound will charge at the furthest hostile creature within 40 feet of it and attempt to maul them to death. If no hostile creatures are present within range, it will default to curling up in the nearest corner or doorway, snarling at anyone who approaches and biting anyone that comes within reach. Convincing the Hound to do anything else (including moving out of the way, attacking a different target or fetching an object) requires active supervision and a bonus action each turn from the bard. If slain, the Hound cannot be summoned again until you take a long rest, at which point it regains all lost hit points.

Inspiring Reach
Also at 3rd level, you learn to reach through strange spaces to aid your allies. Whenever a creature within 60 feet expends your bardic inspiration, you may choose to count as adjacent to them and vice versa until the end of their next turn. Either of you take the Help action to assist the other, pass the other an object or otherwise reach the other for the duration. Other creatures do not treat the two of you as adjacent and cannot benefit from this adjacency unless you permit them to do so.

The Lore of Doors
At 6th level, you learn the spells arcane lock, knock and misty step. These spells count as bard spells for you, but don't count against the number of bard spells you know. When casting misty step, you may choose to have the spell affect your Hound of Tindalos instead of yourself provided that both you and the hound are within range of the intended destination.

The Silver Key
At 14th level, you learn the innermost secrets of the Gem of All-Facing. You are always aware of the three nearest planar portals and the sigil sequences for the three nearest permanent teleportation circles. You cannot be injured or arrive off target as a consequence of teleportation or other forms of planar magic. Whenever someone or something is teleported, banished or summoned within 120 feet, you are instantly aware of this fact.

2023-04-02, 09:05 AM
You are always aware of the three nearest planar portals and the sigil sequences for the three nearest permanent teleportation circles

This seems problematic to me, just in the sense that it forces the DM to constantly be ready to answer questions along the lines of "what are the three nearest permanent teleportation circles" and to handle those areas. Teleport already introduces some of that, of course, but at least it's normally limited to areas the players have seen or heard of, whereas this means that at any given time the DM has to be ready to pull potentially entirely new areas out of a hat.