View Full Version : Crown of the Kobold King and more

2023-04-02, 08:29 PM
I played through Crown of the Kobold King from Paizo as well as the module before it, Hollow's Last Hope.

It is one of the better modules out there. Like the Sunless Citadel, there is plenty of combat but you can circumvent certain areas and negotiate with some of the kobolds for safe passage. The titular baddie is quite a challenge but he's part of a boss rush along with his consort and Jekkjakk, the sorcerer performing a ritual sacrifice. Even with plenty of resources (wand of cure light wounds, potions, scrolls, etc), it was quite a boss rush. The forge spurned you fight on the first floor of the Kobold King's lair? He's no pushover either. His breath weapon hampered my party and he even sundered our dwarf paladin's +1 battleaxe!

What are your thoughts on the module?

How about Revenge of the Kobold King? We're calling it quits after this and not playing Revenge but how does that stack up?