View Full Version : Multiple temples

2023-04-05, 04:24 PM
Our group has gotten together to build a stronghold on an island. There are four discrete deities worshiped by the party. Corellon, Eilistraee, Mystra, and Selūne. We have a lot of space below ground which is secure but can build separate spaces above.

I was originally proposing building all four shrines or temples below ground to be safe, but one of the other guys thought that several of the deities might be less comfortable with temples below ground. Any thoughts?

2023-04-05, 04:33 PM
What you need is a mall food court, but for temples. Just one big space with room for all four temples, all connected into one main thoroughfaire. Bonus, in addition to the temples you can put an orange julius , a charley's cheesesteaks, an annie's pretzels and some other food vendors for the hungry petitioners.

That or you could build it like a theatre stage. One temple, but you swap out the relics and statues and stuff in between services.

2023-04-05, 04:36 PM
Our group has gotten together to build a stronghold on an island. There are four discrete deities worshiped by the party. Corellon, Eilistraee, Mystra, and Selūne. We have a lot of space below ground which is secure but can build separate spaces above.

I was originally proposing building all four shrines or temples below ground to be safe, but one of the other guys thought that several of the deities might be less comfortable with temples below ground. Any thoughts?

My memory is that Ellistraee's priestesses worship outside, or at least in a place where they can dance under the moon.

Temples of the Dark Maiden are typically established in the
mouths of dark caverns and in dim forests on the surface world
from which her priests can venture forth at night to brave the
moonlight. It is rare for clergy of Eilistraee to found a temple
below the surface, even one so close to the world above as the
Promenade (see below). Eilistraee's places of worship are chosen
and developed in a manner similar to those of the surface
elves dedicated to the Seldarine. The Dark Maiden's clergy seek
out pristine, natural sites that need little modification. Temple
complexes typically include a glade in which to dance and from
which the view of the moon is unobstructed, a dark place
removed from the light of day, a thick tree canopy, a lively fresh
water stream that playfully dances and sings, a forge and
smithy for Grafting swords, an access tunnel to the Underdark,
and a vein of iron or some other metal suitable for the Crafting
of swords. However, the simplest shrine of the Dark Maiden
requires naught but a moonlit glade and a song (audible or
imagined) that draws one into a dance.

2023-04-05, 04:45 PM
Selune would also be peeved by not being revered under the moon.

You might get away with having vertical holes for the moonlight to reach underground.

Why isnt it safe to build overground?

2023-04-05, 05:43 PM
Basically, the stronghold is under direct threat by a high level mage so we are trying to be careful.

There is no perfect defense, but less accessible is more defensible I would think. One of the problems with D&D is defending against dragons and wizards, but you do what you can.

And Auntie Anne's sounds great! Going with Everful basin and larder for food. Not as tasty as Auntie Anne's but it'll do in a pinch