View Full Version : Empire 7: The Sealympic Games

2023-04-08, 10:49 AM
It's evening, and the Hall of the Ancestors is shining. All the writing, the history of the Hymenocera Expanse, 'written' with bioluminiscent algae, had been painstakingly restored so it gleamed. Extra glisterprisms brought in were used as spots and to split lights in all colours over the outside of the venue. Inside places are getting filled with all people from all nations, while in a special box the VIPs are being treated to all the creature comforts the Hymenocera had to offer. Soldiers in gala uniforms from all the regiments were standing at the entrances, the VIP box and at the entrance where the athletes would go. A larger force was standing by close to the Hall just in case.

A bit after the indicated time (as was usually the case with such big events), the spots suddenly went on a group of musicians next to the Ancestor's items. They launched a fanfare for the start of the Sealympics (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCqUESCoB1w). An applause went through the crowd in the Hall and as it died down, the music started again. A group of scribe-monks of the Uplift order came in the Hall, together with some priests and they started a short ceremony blessing the games. As the music moved to a reprise of the starting fanfare and then the head of the organizing committee came forward.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "your majesty, dear fellow Sealympians. We can only write this new chapter in sporting history, because of our gracious hosts – the Hymenocera people, whom we thank wholeheartedly for welcoming us all so warmly. Thank you, our Hymenocera friends!

A special thanks goes to all the volunteers. You make us feel at home from the very first moment we arrived. Your smiling eyes are warming our hearts. Thank you volunteers.

You have arrived here after overcoming so many challenges, living through great uncertainty. But now your moment has come: the moment you have been longing for – the moment we all have been longing for. Now – your Sealympic dream is coming true – in magnificent venues, supported by millions of sport fans.

You the Sealympic athletes – you will show how the world would look like, if we all respect the same rules and each other. Over the next weeks you will compete with each other for the highest prize. At the same time, you will live peacefully together under one roof in the Sealympic Village. There will be no discrimination for any reason whatsoever.

In our fragile world, where division, conflict and mistrust are on the rise, we show the world: yes, it is possible to be fierce rivals, while at the same time living peacefully and respectfully together. This is the mission of the Sealympic Games: bringing us together in peaceful competition. Always building bridges, never erecting walls. Uniting all peoples in all our diversity.

In this Sealympic spirit of peace, I appeal to all political authorities across the world: observe your commitment to this Sealympic Truce. Give peace a chance.

Dear athletes, we all are standing with you. We all are supporting you. We all are cheering you on.

May this encourage you to go faster, to aim higher, to become stronger – together. In this way you will inspire the world in this Sealympic Year."

An applause went through the Hall and when they were done, High King Deca V stood on the balcony and the spots went to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "Welcome in the Hymenocera Expanse for the first Sealympic games. We are very honoured to host the games here and we hope that you will enjoy your stay here. As a nation the Hymenocera Expanse have an abiding passion for sport, as well as a tradition of fair play and a good-natured sense of fun, which we hope we can share with you during your stay here.

In all our national Sealympic teams there is so much of which we can be proud: groups of young men and women dedicated to excellence and achievement across numerous sporting disciplines. And these teams are ably supported by thousands of organisers, volunteers, and supporters who will be following the action not just at the Sealympic venues here in the Hymenocera Expanse but throughout the world.

For all these reasons, I wish you and your countries a successful, enjoyable and memorable Games."

Another applause went up in the Hall. As it died down, another piece of music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3kNRyh_rj8) started and a group of Hymenocera children from all races living in the Expanse came out of the entrance where later the athletes would come out of. they marched around the Hall carrying the flags of all the participating nations. On the steps of a march they went around the Hall.

Then it was time for the athletes to come on the stage. As organising country, the Hymenocera expanse was to go first. Preceded by three soldiers in gala uniform, one carrying the flag of the nation, the athletes came into the Hall to a giant applause (the majority of the spectators were from the Expanse of course). Then three more soldiers, one carrying the flag of the next country. Besides the Expanse going first, it was decided that the countries would come up alphabetically as a way to avoid any favouritism. Slowly and to big applause they moved through the Hall, waving at the spectators. From the VIP tribunes the King and other dignitaries were looking on.

When all athletes had passed, High King Deca V came once more to the balcony.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "I declare the first Sealympic games Opened."

region: Hym (3)
-Venue write-ups:
*opening and closing ceremony: Both opening and closing ceremony will be held in The ancient's site. This large site with some old Ancient Artefact can house many spectators. A spectacle will be provided with the Ancient artefacts in the background as all delegations march past.
*Training Grounds: the old training grounds of the military will be remoddeled for training. Each delegation will receive sufficient accomodation near the training facility, to be remodeled according to their needs
*Main Stadium. A large facility for the main athletics events. It will still need to be build. Using the hard metals and the branch coral the Expanse has access to to set the sponges that will be the main part of the stadium, it will be an enormous building that can seat between 90 and 100 thousand spectators. The building will also be a work of art with grafts on the sponges made by the best Hymenocera artists. Bioluminous algea will be used to depict landscapes in the Expanse.
*equestrian events. Both a stadium and an outdoor path will be forseen for different equestrian events. The stadium will be on the location of an old cavalry exercise ground and the outdoor path (for the steeplechase-like race for instance) will have many interesting features
*Long distance race. This will take place over existing paths, so nothing much to do there. The race will start at the royal palace and end at the main stadium and run through the city of Cerapolis.

-Attraction write-ups: There are many interesting location in the Expanse that can be visited while you're in the Expanse. Here are a few of those.
*the Ancient's Site. The location of the opening and closing ceremony, it is also a very interesting location to visit beyond those two moments. See the remains of the ancient's artefacts and read the history of the Expanse written on the site of the sponges that surround the site.
*The Royal Palace. During the event, parts of the palace will be accessible for the public. Again, parts of the history of the Expense are written on the outside, but during the event, there will also be a tour inside the palace. This will be a guided tour and has to be pre-arranged as there are only so many tours available. Book early as this will be sold out quickly
*HISAR (Hymenocera Institute of Sponge and Algae Research). While this is a research institute, it also has a very large sponge garden that is well worth visiting. Here samples of all sponges and algea used in the Expanse are visible. There is also a new part where the more toxic environments of Belosa, Lupomata and Raninoida are presented. Not to worry, breathing apparatus are provided where needed, or the sponges are behind glass and visible that way.

-logistics: roads are very good in the Expanse and we will be upgrading them so they can handle the anticipated volumes of traffic. In the stadiums sky boxes will be forseen for distinguished guests, so you can use the opportunity to try and make some deals while you're at the games.
There will be allowences made for those people who have special needs. If you want to send a delegation and need a special food, or come from a region that has certain chemicals in the water which aren't present in Hym, the government of said region can contact our nearest ambassador and we will work with you to make sure that your athletes and specators are able to compete or watch the Games. While we do realise that not everything can be provided for as you are used to things at home, we will do our very best to make sure everybody can join or watch the games.

While the art on the main stadium will be done by Hymenocera artists, we want this to be a really global event and on the other buildings, art from around the world will be shown. Each country can nominate a small number of artists to decorate the various buildings with art of their homeland.

There will be plenty of food and drink as well. We have many things to offer. Between our delicious rockstars, spinecrab, tiny turtles and young Eye Weed shoots, there should be something for everyone. All this salted with some flowersalt or not, as the individual's taste goes. We will also see with our main trading partners on importing extra goods during the games and we will be sending teams into the contaminated region 33 to hunt for Abalone meat.
The medals will be made out of metal with a crystal inset, the colour of the crystal depending on place.

Communications will be provided through the Hymenocera Network, with extra towers build near the stadiums and other venues. Specific lines will be set aside for journalists.

-safety: next to the police forces, regiments of the army will also be used to make sure the games are secure. Our intelligence service will also work day and night to ensure that treats are identified before they become a problem. We will also use a group of volunteer stewards to guide people around in the stadiums and to try to offer solutions to small problems that will always arise when large crowds gather before the police or the military will have to be involved.

Poison will not be tolerated at the games, unless you can prove that you need it for your survival and then only in special locations. Most of these will be covered in the agreements with the various governments prior to the Games. Weapons will also not be allowed in the stadiums and other venues.

The Hymenocera army is quite large and will be ready to repel all invading forces. But while the Hymenocera are maybe not good friends with all other nations, they are certainly not the enemy of anybody. With some there is simply not much contact, something these Games can also change.

-funding: as a merchant nation, we have sufficient funding to make sure that everything can be build on time. We also expect a huge influx of capital during these games. We are thinking to join the Polar-Confederate International Bank so that members of this group can use their currency as they would at home.

2023-04-10, 11:25 AM
The World Garden

All are sisters in MRK...

That was the promise of the Apostolic era. All would bear the message of the Divine, and that message was one with MRK, who was one with them. One mind, one flesh, one soul. They would live on forever in glory, both in the flesh banks and the memory of The Chronicler. In time, through the Anamorphic Canon, more would become possible

Maria Una and Maria Tria were chosen to play, with Maria Dua (Levt (lungfish), Female, 9) in reserve. She was given the lesser honor of being the chosen vessel of MRK at the Sealympics. Her memories would be imbibed and studied at great length by diplomats for centuries, but she was denied the holy purpose for which she was made. The sacrifice was painful.

Samush (Remainder (fishing spider), Male, 9) was bred as a terror weapon, a revenant used to fight those living in what they imagined to be a stillborn history. But now there was peace. Samush was chosen from among his Clan, the cohort of clones from which he was made, to represent The World Garden in Moistchesswetboxing, and, as part of his duties, he attempted to reach out to Remainder civilians to see the benefits of integration into Sakura-Jin society. As a Drone, even a sterile as opposed to simply abstinent one, he was a natural leader to the patriarchal spider-folk who rarely survived the perils of procreation. The Sakura-Jin cloning methods would revolutionize their society. He, for one was thankful to the genitors for denying him the terrible choice of a wasteful death or an unfulfilled life. Instead, he got to play the sport he loved, and, even if he lost, he served as a living example of the grace and majesty of the World Garden.

Sealympic scores: (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25756352&postcount=1337)

Sea Curling 22

Supermarine Volleyball 23

Moistchesswetboxing 17
(Note this score was improperly calculated (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25756353&postcount=1338))

2023-04-10, 01:24 PM
Mechanical gears spin. The representatives sponsored by Eternal Spring arrive. Or perhaps they were always here. Though they can't be seen, the DMG is very clearly present, albeit unspeaking. Ready to Breach, and stretching out with a smile etched onto its helmet as if it were a face in and of itself.

The machine for Figure Skating, with a pilot unknown, is also here. Also unspeaking. Not two. Just one. Strange. Also, she hasn't gotten out yet. Deeatrice and Olgalava had a well known rivalry, and one couldn't tell which this was, let alone where the other was supposed to be. One would figure they'd all arrive together on the Mawbel Transport Railreeds.

What do talk are the Mercenaries GARGANTUAN. They talk a lot. They have inhibitors to prevent them from eating half the venue, Mawbel isn't stupid. But they try to headbutt the various things that look like ice. One of them is also chewing on the shoulder of the taller than life DMG, who uses her giant twelve foot staff thats even bigger than she is to bat the head off, shinning a brilliant light at the thing.

2023-04-11, 09:47 PM
The Syndicate arrived in the fullness of its pomp, a long train of gamelan players and richly appointed caravan crabs preceding the plush howdah of the Lambent Empress, itself floating atop a languid trained sandfish. Blood pearls and sealed spiral shells of siren extract rained down on the commons, while the red stars of the Syndicate's athletes floated in a shifting constellation above all. A river of shimmering wealth in their wake, the Syndicate's competitors eventually retired to the village, while the Empress and her entourage descended to the Hall of the Ancestors. Sweeping past the assembled courtiers with her Mistresses, Intan spread her arms wide before the High King. The golden patterns atop ivory scales were accentuated by bone and platinum ornaments, her mirror-black eyes framed by a towering headdress of blood pearls.

"High King Deca, my brother in arms. My congratulations on this sumptuous fete you have prepared to mark the occasion. Surely, no civilized kingdom will ever forget your glorious triumph."

The Syndicate's competitors! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25758591&postcount=1360)

2023-04-12, 11:08 AM
"Thank you for your kind words," the High King said to the ruler of the neighbouring empire, "we have already a space available to inscribe these games on the big stadium which we will keep. And I hope that your teams do well in the games. Unfortunately there's less time at the moment, but I'm sure we can find some time later to discuss matters of common interest."

Unfortunately there was no more time at the moment as other heads of state, ambassadors and other envoys were waiting to be introduced, but after the state banquet there would be time for a more private discussion.

2023-04-12, 11:29 AM
Maria Dua, after communing with MRK, feels the compulsion to ask a question, a dire question, one that the World Garden's history might hinge on.

After the introductions, she approaches the Lambent Syndicate delegation. They are a far-off people, one with a sinister reputation and little previous dealings with any Sakura-Jin. They are pompous, and she has her body paint and jewelry prepared to be extra fine and pristine before she goes to them.

"My name is Maria, I speak for MRK. Hear her words:"

I would know, honored delegation, if you, in your official capacity, wish to endorse or deny association with the actions of one Grand Matriarch Taman in regards to the Divine Nacre Holdfast in the region of Dashasham?

Maria sighs as the holy one's words leave her. She awaits an answer.

2023-04-14, 03:01 AM
Performance Results: (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25756335&postcount=1336)

Deeatrice does a magnificent job within the rink. Strangely, Olgalava never showed, and she shows off her majesty to all. The supernautics of her suit let her float around as if she were a Gravetender flying with the grace of a Herring. It seems like none will even challenge her outright.


DMG Dance Routine
Line 1: Subroutine: Dance
Line 2: Subroutine: Climb
Line 3: Subroutine: Dive
Line 4: Superoutine: Dance
Line 5: Superoutine: Shine
Line 6: Superoutine: Beam
Line 7: Superoutine: Dive
Line 8: Crank spd up by 4%
Line 9: If 1rptx(Higher than 40 and not a Prime Number), Slow spd by 12%
Line 10: If 1rptx(Higher than 10 and a Prime Number) Crank spd up 1rpt#%
Line 11: If 1rptx(Multiple of 5), induce variation. Automate 12d12 on table ff6633.
Line 12: If 1rptx(100 or more), skip line 11.
Line 13: Loop automation to beginning.
Line 14: Descend
Line 15: Smile for audience
Line 16: Pose for carvings at random intervals according to table 993333
Line 17: Shift gears to Prime Routine

2023-04-14, 02:42 PM
rolls (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25757780&postcount=1346)

team 1: Codsled races [Diplomacy+Faith] 30
Some of the younger people of the Expanse are always in for a thrill. The canions of the new region provide all the training grounds they need.

The Hymenocera team does quite well, steering their codsled with style and managing to get around the obstacles easily.

team 2: waste sailing [Diplomacy+Economics] 33
As the Expanse has a very large border near the wastes, they can train well for this event.

The Hymenocera team keeps up a very long time, going in the front at certain times, but in the end they have to let the Kar-Nath team go just before them.

team 3: seaquestrian [Economics+Faith] 24
There are many seahorses in the Expanse, providing a lot of potential for this event.

Unfortunately one of the seahorses refuses to perform, costing the team a lot of points and making a good result unlikely.

2023-04-16, 03:36 AM
The Syndicate and the World Garden

The siren that turns attentively to Maria Dua is dressed less ostentatiously than her fellows, insofar as the fortune dripping from her would be sufficient to purchase a caravan crab rather than a coral estate. Crimson scales flickered with amber patterns, their languid flow quickening in curiosity at the visitation taking place. In the back of her mind, the Radiant Mistress Lintang made note of the complimentary effort by the foreign savage to emulate the sirens' singular beauty with her nakedness and body paint, and that beneficence manifested in a welcoming smile of Lintang's needle teeth. The reflections in her ink-black eyes promised a host of pleasures entirely forbidden by Sakurado, and her voice slid through the water with intoxicating warmth.

"Ah, forgive me, I am not as well-versed as I ought to be in affairs beyond our waters. I presume you and your people are of temperate waters?"

She continued before Maria could respond.

"You need not concern yourself with little Taman's relationship with our Syndicate - the poor girl was rather abandoned by her mother and was positively manic in her attempts to court Intan's favor. Easier than courting Kirana's, I grant, but I understand it all spiraled rather quickly out of control. If she had her agents within Lux Glossia target your lands, it was likely due to that unpleasantness between the Nacres and Adiratna some time ago - yet another attempt to prove her loyalty of her own accord. Rest assured the Syndicate has no official stance on those events."