View Full Version : Bahamut-themed magic items?

2023-04-09, 05:22 AM
So an ageing High Priest of Bahamut will be bequeathing his belongings to my group. I've been looking around what he might have and came up with the following:
Gauntlets of the Talon
Platinum Helm
Crown of the North Wind

Are there any more relics or magic items that are tied to Bahamut? (generic items with a strong "Bahamut" feels are good, too.)

2023-04-10, 04:23 AM
The cleric of bahamut in my group does enjoy the "platinum" edged valorous great sword that was crafted for him by a leonal as reward for a completed quest. It counts as silver for overcoming damage reduction but doesn't have the -1 damage penalty a weapon made of alchemical silver gets. Aside from the mechanics it also got the looks (dragon head hilt and engravings of a prayer to bahamut on the blade).

2023-04-10, 09:19 AM
Dragontooth of Lareth (Dragons of Faerūn)

Bahamut's Breath (Planar Handbook) alchemical item, splash weapon

Cloak of the Dragon (Complete Champion)

2023-04-10, 12:01 PM
Bahamut's favored weapon is a heavy pick, one of those might be appropriate.

His portfolio includes wind/air, so any items which use those would also make sense (eg Bracers of Wind, MIC p.82).

Maat Mons
2023-04-10, 12:15 PM
I feel like any dragon deity would take umbrage with one of their Clerics just giving away valuables.

2023-04-10, 08:26 PM
"Generic" items which could be used are those which are either have "Divine"/"Deity"/"God"/"Priest" in its name, or said to be made for followers of specific deity
Bastion of Righteous War (Complete Champion): The border of this chevron-shaped shield is emblazoned with symbols of warfare. When it is carried, the image of a deity's holy symbol forms in the center.
Belt of Holy Might (Shining South)
Belt of Priestly Might (Magic Item Compendium)
Belt of Priestly Might and Warding (Shining South)
Blade of Righteous War (Complete Champion): Set into the pommel is a blood-red ruby, and within its crimson depths floats a deity's holy symbol.
Ectoplasmic Feedback armor (Magic Item Compendium): Holy symbols of a good-aligned deity decorate the armor, and they glow with a soft white light when it is donned.
Engraved Pommel (Dragon #331): Engraving the pommel of her weapon with sacred iconography also infuses it with a small bit of divinity (+1 damage on Smite)
Figurine of the Ivory Champion (Dragon #356): The figurine is a miniature statuette of an armored knight adorned with symbols of good deities.
Greater Holy Symbol (Defenders of the Faith)
Helm of Righteous War (Complete Champion): When it is worn, the image of a deity’s holy symbol forms around the eye-slits.
Pendant of Redemption (Complete Champion): If you are a worshiper of any lawful neutral, lawful good, or neutral good deity, the pendant of redemption refashions itself into the shape of your holy symbol when you don it, and it functions as a divine focus for your spellcasting.
Phylactery of the Priesthood (Magic of Faerūn)
Redeemed Darkskull (Book of Exalted Deeds): When a darkskull is redeemed, tracings of silver forming holy symbols and words appear in its surface.
Reliquary Holy Symbol (Magic Item Compendium)
Sacred armor (Book of Exalted Deeds): Armor and shields with this ability are always specific to a deity and prominently feature the god's holy symbol.
Sanctified armor or shield (Dungeonscape): While most clerics adorn their equipment with images associated with their faith, sanctified armor is actually engraved with the holy or unholy symbol of a religion. This modification makes the armor a legitimate divine focus for divine spellcasters of that faith.
Staff of Incarnation (Complete Divine): This iron-shod staff, often decorated with the holy symbol of a specific deity...
Staff of Sacred Fire: (Arms and Equipment Guide) ... this staff usually incorporates a deity's holy symbol into its design...
Symbol of Transfiguration (Magic Item Compendium): Many good-aligned religions have some especially well-wrought holy symbols that are actually symbols of transfiguration.
Thurible of Consecration (Book of Exalted Deeds): Each of these golden censers is sacred to a particular deity whose symbol appears on it.
Torque of the Deity (Magic of Faerūn)
True Holy Symbol (Planar Handbook)
Undead Disrupting armor (Ghostwalk): Armor and shields with this ability usually display prominently the holy symbol of a good deity.
Vestments of Divinity (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
Vestments of Divinity (Magic Item Compendium)
Vestments of Power (Magic of Faerūn)